"Socialism Now", Slogan Of British Movement British Socialists Draw Up New Program for. the Realization of Workers' Ideals V in the Near Future T^Administrative Council of the Independent...

...In: Parliament...
...In their trades unions, in every branch of public life, and in the day-to-day task of propaganda and organization, to the fulfilment of this policy of transition from capitalism to socialism...
...The General says he has become aSoclalist through study and not merely out of dissatisfaction with the hard lot of the State pensioners...
...Oh Sunday, Dec...
...Assembly, broken off by the Socialists in the middle of December,- but the majority supported the motion allowing the party leaders to use their discretion, according to circumstances...
...raw materials) the key* to reorganization and efficiency in industry...
...the Realization of Workers' Ideals V in the Near Future T^Administrative Council of the Independent Labor Party met on the eve of Christmas, and adpptel a policy which knits together new departures In Socialist policy...
...Colobmbia Radical ftareets Eugene V. Debs I Through The Leader si **• New Leader has Just received •e following open letter to Eugene V. Vena, "The Prisoner of Atlanta...
...8. Vagy was also accused by the authorities of trying to revive the illegal...
...Socialist Press Defeats Enemies In describing the progress of the Socialist press...
...Italian Chamber of Labour Calls Convention Tork Cfty, haw sent an faVltalpn* *> an Wf aetata 'and' &se{ bed*, is...
...There was quite a strong faction in tfie convention which advocated laying down hard and fast rules for the action of...
...Roads, to s Socialism Since higher money wages would be worthless without the power to control prices, the demand for a living wage necessitates (a) tbe establishment of a national banking system, with the control of currency and credit for national purposes, and (b) the nnakinalIzation of tbe Importation -of food and raw materials...
...Emmerich Szabo told how during the last year Nepszava had been made the victim of 148 accusations by the police because of it* criticism of the terrorist regime...
...In this country when we resa in Tlie Nsw Lesdsr your letter to . Conors...
...8 that the National Assembly was convened on Jan...
...He fit abar spaa a lag ^1 State and <wM then go as far as Can...
...There was, also some criticism of the famous "peace' pact"' of December, 1921, with Premier Bethlen,—under which the Socialists had agreed to limit their propaganda somewhat in exchange for . amnesty to a number ef emigres and the saving of the co-operatives, but after listening to a defense of the party management by Deputies Propper and Payer, the delegates voted to take- notice that the pact had been made and subsequently abrogated by the party leaders and that there was no need of paying further attention to it...
...Immediate ,— - Action The Independent Labor Party suggests that the whole labor movement should at once set up a commission of its own to Tlx a living wage, representing the minimum standard of civilized existence which should be tolerated...
...The jail sentences had amounted to many years and four editors were still In prison...
...The fact that It had only a minority behind it should not deter a labor government from this purpose, tad responsibility should be placed upon labor's opponents of rejecting the Socialist measures proposed...
...It would curtail the luxuries of the rich, in order ta*^*ln for the children of the poor* an equal chance of life.* This series of measures 'would lay the foundation of the new Socialist State...
...from *a>inrsde Jacinto Albarracln Castillo, dtp* of the active labor leaders of tbe Xspubllc of Colombia:, '¦ Via Colombia, a country suffering tbe fawn file tion of having two ropes around rEa* nook, called Conservative and Liberal, that have bound it so tirhtly that tt cannot move without theiroermlasftfn...
...here every time a social group ]* organized to nght capitalism your fervent admirers send you greetings for your stoicism In' the long •USIS of captivity...
...L. P. urges that labor should stand behind every group of underpaid workers who struggle to attain the standard of civilization demanded as a national minimum...
...advocates, in addition to tbe living wage, the payment out of direct taxation of supplements to working-class incomes, varying with the number of persons in each household...
...Among the present activates of the Chamber, which were planned at'the last meeting of its Executive Board, an -organisation campaign luvolvuag ^sWei^e^^el0^^Sm1^S^0e^tmT saarae^aama ^II^^T^ - amm*^ Meefjaani ffss thwae *l*ev*»*m are tMt*8| The ataassxare Bbavd Of the Italian^ the conntry...
...The Hungarian Socialists will not be satisfied with any perfunctory Investigation of the counterfeiting plot which has'involved so many powerful friends of Admiral Horthy and also some of the supporters of the various Hapsburg pretenders to the throne, including some persons pretty close to the Premier himself...
...Insatiable monster ' balled capitalism...
...There were convictions In Si cases last year and the fines levied totaled about 150.000,000 crowns (at 70.000 to $1) during the last quarter of the period...
...New Jerk -enr: ae* -vicinity a*B$f them to send' a delegate to rts a a mil eooventioo to be held dbrtag tfesj a spec|al invitation was heat te sfi aniens and tabor organisations havthg ItaBan members Car a dileajata ta the Central Council of the Kalian Chamber of Labor, which meet* every first Monday evening of each month at the above address...
...In the view of the I. L. P. the labor party In Parliament should not be eaC ised with opposing the actions of the government, but should seek any and every opportunity of asserting .the demand for a living wage and of advocating the broad Socialist program through which alone tt can be realized...
...The nail en t features of the manifesto follow: • "The Independent Labor ?arty sets before itself the object of winning Socialism for this generation...
...With credit and raw materials under public control, production can be directed and reorganized for the supply of the workers' needs...
...P. Annual Conference aa a separate re»olatlo...
...Tbe I. L. P, therefore, renews its determination to work for Socialism...
...But the Hungarian worker* had raised twice the amount of the fines and had kept Nepszava going, despite the reaction...
...The adoption of a living wage would create such a demand for better housing that the national organization of the building industry and of the production of building materials would be essential...
...General-Secretary Buechler was able to report substantial progress in organization work during the past year, notwithstanding, the split caused last spring by the extreme demands of a small faction headed by ^Stephen Vagy, whfl was subsequently arrested on a charge of having made an Incendiary speech, but acquitted on Nov...
...it Is a fighting policy, based on the resolve to make a frontal attack on poverty with the weapon of a Living Wage, and to use It as the driving force to win Socialism in our generaucn...
...The L L. P. urges that the whole labor movement should therefore bend all 'lbs oaaiglt* to the achievement of a national Bring wage, which would ensure for tbe workers adequate food, clothing, and housing and the essentials of civilization...
...Now Torfc City...
...A National Living Wag* The I. L. P. believes that the Socialist policy should be concentrated upon a direct attack on poverty...
...By this means the issue of the poverty of the people and the proposals of constructive Socialism would be thrust Into the forefront of nractieal nolIMr« The Need for Rapid Change - ¦ Side by side with the advocacy of this Parliamentary policy the...
...Our task is to intensify the challenging spirit within tbe labor movement, and to educate the public to understand the need for rapid and fundamental change...
...The I. L. P. considers that the labor party should make It clear that it will Introduce this program whenever the opportunity to take office recurs...
...25, 26 and 27 in Budapest, the Parliamentary Group, the National Committee and the Executive Committee are issuing manifestos warning the masses of the Hungarian people against being fooled by Count Bethlen's sudden, enthusiasm for liberalism and his talk about purging the State of reactionary crooks 1* high places It was mainly due to a Socialist manifesto Issued on Jan...
...The scourge of unemployment, the failure of capitalist industry to r^prcanize itself after the shock of the Great War, our daily experience of the Intensified struggle between the possaastngylaase* and the workers are proof- that the old order is breaking down...
...The tanks Of the International, which already had •ee.eee member* in eight, eounjrlea, ware swelled by the admission at the TiOipslg congress of the Freethinkers' League of North America, the Labor' Freethinkers'"League of Denmark, the Scisntlflc Society of Moscow and the Proletarian Froethlnklng Tooth of Germany...
...you are named with \g?ieration by those with free consciences, those Who are persecuted and hated...
...7 In this country, ruled by the united Conservatives and Liberals, like foxes at liberty In a hen-roost, and where the Conservative party dominates ¦Without a press and the Liberals with «Jfc preae, but no party.1 there are many -rebels in behalf of the proletariat who Wish eternal personal happiness tot you, ^the- victim of that...
...Convention Hears Of Progress At the national convention, which was attended by 435 delegates and several representatives of the Socialist parties of ^the neighboring countries...
...The I. L. P. sees tat the living wage a first demand for justice, which haa the power, if we follow its logic with courage, to carry us rapidly towards the realization of a Socialist State...
...Labour Freethinkere International Gains...
...transition from tbe .old to tbe new civilization...
...wishing ta have Giovannitti's lectures «n Fail Iota,or other tapios are requeet/ ad to tlwimiauliid with the Italian...
...This step towards social equality would begin tbe necessary retribution of the national income according to needs...
...In this connection it is noted that General UJfalussy, the "retired Hungarian army officer, whose declaration* at a recent meeting of State pensioners that the pensioners ought to Join the Social Democratic Party,In their own Interests, created such a sensation, in official circles', prophesies an enormous gain for the Socialists at the nezt election, despite the handicaps Imposed by the present limitations oty the suffrage...
...Reject unity Plan - ^^^^^ wJ?» had spring, was report** in The New Lender at Bag these,'head Its drat con^assJJtV BgfVxsBr aaanBjS ftflj a working union.with the beaugspta Freethinkers' freethinkers awe' carrying on their fight on the bases of the class struggle, and the tw* bodies would have a bard time | getting ailing ta harmony...
...Further, in order to remove the burden of poverty from the homes of the workers, the LLP...
...37, the delegates from abroad visited the gravesjof Comrades Somogyi and Bacsd.the Nepsava editors murdered, presumably, by Horthy's thugs, aad laid a wreath there bearing the Inscription: "To tbe dead martyr*—the foreign Socialists" The German-speaking Hungarian', Socialists held a convention over the Christmas holidays, at- which progress was reported...
...Immediate steps should be taken to prepare measures for the necessary economic reorganization, so that labor may be ready to Introduce them without delay...
...19 ami'd scenes .¦ t great excitement...
...The living wage involves the reorganization and development of agriculture, and the public ownership of the land...
...If .dopt-l., arui be Uiwrparaud la tss mats nuotuUooL Socialists Forcing Bethlen to Break With Horthy Rule CABLED reports indicating that the-two dozen Socialist members of the National Assembly of Hungary form the backbone of the opposition that is forcing Premier Bethlen to try his best to disassociate himself from the bloody regime of Regent Horthy and to use the sensational counterfeiting, plot as a means to this end are confirmed vby accounts of the doing of the Socialists found in late Austrian and Hungarian newspapers...
...They demand a general house-cleaning and then a referendum on the question of a republic ears, a monarchy, followed by a general election, with suffrage secret and universal...
...If wages are to be raised and prices kept steady at a low level, cheap transport and mechanical power are (with credit and...
...The policy of the living wage involves, therefore, the nationalization as co-ordinated services of railways, mines and electrical generation...
...Ill Bast Four teach artreet...
...The I. L. P. calls upon Its members to devote themselves unsparingly...
...It is more than a program...
...In a spirit at once militant aad constructive, in every sphere in which the necessary changes In society must' take place...
...Chamber of Labos...
...Onions - and- .tabar organlxatiaaat...
...Making good use of the free hand given them by the'national cauivention of the Social Democratic Party, held Dec...
...Communist Party in Hungary and is still being held for trial on that (marge...
...Our privilege it Is by devoted service, the fighting spirit, and constructive capacity to convert socialism Into a practical reality.* . * This paragraph will be KabmKted to the II 1...
...The I. L. P. expects its members to belong to their appropriate trades unions and participate whole-heartedly in -the industrial side of the labor movement, with a view to strengthening the organization of the workers -and developing trade union organization to secure working, class solidarity, to assisting all efforts to secure the standard of civilization demanded, and to cooperating in the perfection of trade union organisation for the socialist function of the administration of industry when the necessary economic reorganization takes place...
...the Parliamentary group and the national officials in the matter of possibly renewing the working agreement with-the other anti-reactionary parties in the...
...6«re In Colombia, where for forty years the Conservatives have been trying to break the people's character by mean* of terrorism, supported by aa enervating, tricky Catholicism: Where the people are deceived ¦ by a so-called liberalism of capitalism which absorbs the popular enthusiasm and bees It in the Interest of the Conservative Governments (which defend •rested rights...
...Plutsroo Eliss Cellos, the great President of Mexico, in which , you raised your protest against the shadow of Yankee imperialism, ws •had to break into applause...
...This situation demands a conscious and resolute Socialist policy, planned deliberately to carry us rapidly through the period of...
...It should then make the demand for this standard the key of Its policy, both politically and Industrially...
...It asserts that the workers have the arst claim •pea the wealth -ef the Wian, and denies tbe claim of thee* who Bv* by owning instead of working: The Sesaistarvatlon wages new paid are set only an intolerable evil hi Ihsuiaajut they are the Immediate cause of the extensive unemployment The machines stand Idta because the masses lack the meana to buy...
...The Socialist convention went on record a* demanding fpll Vmnesty for all political prisoners and denouncing the partial amnesties thus far declared by the Horthy Government as almost exclusively in the interest of the Awakening . Magyars ¦ and other terrorists whose crimes had been so brazen that the authorities bad been compelled to make tbe bluff of arresting some of them and even sentencing a few to jaiL The appearance at the convention of Deputy Johann Vanczak, the editor of Nepszava, the party's official dally, whose jail sentence of six months had been Interrupted by an order granting him a three months' Intermission, aroused great enthusiasm and helped allay the Indignation caused by the arbitrary breaking up by the police of the convention of Socialist women being held simultaneously with the main convention because the women, led by Deputy Anna Kethly, had denounced militarism and called for the abolition of war...

Vol. 3 • February 1926 • No. 4

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