Oneal, James

From Serfs to Service The Economic and Social Seeds From Which Bolshevism Sprang By Jan-es Oneal Lw0T since, the French Revop| lotion has any great social ?^:change provoked so much SLgl...

...It ts Intended aa a text book of Russian history and as a reference book K Is serviceable...
...entertainments, hikes, contests and other activities...
...Neither the army of criminals nor the army that carries on the futile farce ofetrj*lng to control crime by punishment creates a dollar of wealth, or add anything to the richness ot life, and all are supported by labor...
...This social wreckage drifts in and out of our Jails, courts and, prisons, punished again and again, bi\t not fcured, and leaving a trail of* vice, crime, suffering, degredation, expense and social waste in Its wake...
...New York: EP...
...There waa no other way and centuries of Russian experience' enforced this necessity...
...Informing as the first volume is the second one is of even more, Interest, especially to Socialists...
...Moreover, it was forced to resort to physical force, armed insurrection...
...There is a mighty army of criminals In our penal institutions...
...With the overthrow of the autocracy the Communists save this view a universal application and the very words quoted above regarding armed Insurrection in 1905 are frequently found in tne manifestoes of the Third International...
...more in human suffering and human life...
...But a government without force to- express its will is absurd, hence arose the idea of armed workmen...
...It is aa much so as tropical vegetation is - peculiar to the equatorial belt...
...Given the institutional evolution of Russia, it was certain to shape some revolutionary group like that of the Bolsheviks...
...The analogy continues fact that both the French and ffgansJans attempted to shape the L3af the world on the model of their anQftn] regimes — the French by Bp forcesand the Russian by propEggs...
...Expounding the importance of the .economic interpretation of history, they are the prisoners of their own history...
...Intimate glimpses are also given of the more conspicuous personalities involved In each movement in the biographical notes that are found on many pages...
...Often ignored, rarely adjusted, the peasants are often flogged or exiled...
...The great state factories for which peasants were seised as cattle in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries constitute a. peculiar...
...New York City, or to thd national office at 22 Townsend street, Fitchburg, Massachusetts...
...It is aa though our own bourgeois class, impressed by Its struggle against the" British ruling class, should at the end of the American revolution formulate its experience into a philosophy for universal application, urging the same class in Europe *to throw off the survivals of feudalism by organising committees of correspondence and through ist taste"ss^ XbeU one may seu»H^^ra!c* Bssi'gs'sfsfoiisl ef the Bobmovflr view of the world end the one straight and" narrqwVoaSjfoat mads to universal emanelpatlftSM This view Is really a peculiar type Of pattonsl arrogance disguised aa totartisllnhsHsUi The work itself hi an exceptional contribution to economic Watery...
...the other was still waiting in 1769...
...Trade Union* Emerge The modern trade union' did not appear in Russia till the first decade ot the twentieth century...
...The present generation are going tobe the rulers and voters of tomorrow, and as practically all the public centers of education teach their students that* Socialist theories are fallacious It can be seep that Socialist progress will be greatly hindered unless we can organize the youth, ami teach them the real meaning of Socialism...
...In the big strike of 1903 the manifestoes citing industrial demands were also accompanied by "manifestoes of a political character demanding the convocation of an all-Russia National Assembly, liberty of striking, of the formation of trade unions, and qf public meetings, liberty of speech and of the press, liberty ot conscience,* and Inviolability of the person...
...well aa with political" history...
...It Is a apodal product of Russian history...
...Prpfeaanr Platonov's work (A History of Riissls' Bp S. y: PUtonov...
...more in retardation of social progress and social waste than even war...
...the arms sometimes being obtained by pillage of armories...
...I. The-Rise sat Fall of <%ondage Right...
...One of them died in 17551 after waiting eleven years...
...The two massive vol(An Economic History of RusSS.*By James Mavor...
...Stpolitics of England and the United antes to the period of the French Rev¦Kg also presents some striking endsfies with the politics of the two jaBtrles following the Russian RevojgSjn...
...Moreover, we had hn»n* accustomed to the expectation J)st the Russian . autocracy would nasroally atone for its crimes against ssaanlty...
...In 1114 Prof...
...In'the first haJStof the book one frequently comes across the words, "in the reign of," which leads the reader into- a review of the achievements or lack of achievements of this or that Czar...
...The unit of activity in the T. P. S. L. Is the "circle," many of which are located in New York city and other industrial cities...
...It was not a matter of choice but one of necessity...
...The survival of feudalism well -into the nineteenth century and^tie continuance ot a medieval < and corrupt autocracy served as barriers to the development of capitalist industry and the few great industries were generally owned by fereign capitalists...
...Cost of Prison-Made Garments By Kate R. O'Harc CRIME is the most expensive single item in all of our • complicated machinery ofj government...
...I 'am not rash enough to point to any single factor in our social life and say: "Here is the germ of crime...
...All lite is run Into a mold shaped by superstitions rulers and their sycophants, and they in turn were Shaped by their traditions...
...15) now appear ska a new introduction, certain alfMtions in the text and a concluding aipter...
...Labor in-the las"t analysis bears all of the burdens of taxation, and has»the deepest and most fundamental interest in the efficiency oj our machinery of administerifig law...
...twenty-five years after he had arrived with the petition...
...To police and arrest, keep and try...
...The Sawsiou includes so many 'subjects SsVk so exhaustive that it baffles any sssspt to Indicate its range and va*h»t stands out in this discussion of •gas sad early evolution Is the rise dp bureaucratic state partly taking %'psttsrns...
...When a strike drew in masses of workers of various trades, when it tended to become general, the movement also tended' to assume the form of m. government- Out ef the general strike in Moscow is IMS issued the "Council of Working Men's Deputies...
...Meanwhfle the patient petitioners waited in St...
...There was the case of certain peasants whose wages, were reduced in 1717...
...Bat with the advance of modern edusKssi.and the rich heritage we have faaV me social science.- there is less prjlli litnn for the demonology that |s* been invoked because of the Ruses* Revolution...
...They appealed to certain State officials and again petitioned in 1744...
...Russian snuw pad prepared us for this...
...S4.50) a, of a more modest character and Is smaller in scope... a welter of blood...
...Those who would like to join, or would like to have their friends jofij, may obtain further' information as to where and when the different circles meet, by writing either to the Young Peoples Socialist League, 1 East 15th street...
...The necessity for armed struggle grew out ef the grim reality of Russian history and tt became fixed in the minds of increasing numbers of workers...
...There are some ¦jjfced similarities between the S events...
...Not only is rural and urban economic .history outlined by one who has mastered its intricacy of detail, but it is also related to, the various revolutionary movements, the economic, social and bureaucratic backgrounds out of which each revolutionary movement has issued...
...Russian trade unionism, unlike European trade unionism,'assumed a physical force character although it also had its aims of economic amelioration...
...Every demand «*or better conditions brought it into conflict with the autocracy... was not reissued till near ri of 1925...
...The affair passed into the pigeon-boles of the Manufactures Chancellery, there to remain for years...
...Tbejatter naif, of the work better fulfills the promise in that the social and economic perspective becomes more apparent...
...The average expenditure in this single country devoted to the attempted prevention ¦ of' crime and the prosecution of ' law-breakers would twice rebuild alt the fleets of the world, and pay the current expenses of any three governments...
...the expenses of crime, or crime itself, until we have given asmuch intelligent study and research work to criminology as we have to physical oTseases...
...Joyce's figures may be, butthere is little reasons to question them...
...Both provoked atLnpts' at intervention by reac2ry powers with the result out of collapse and chaos ¦£ frsnc* and Russia built up great Sat forces...
...Complete Outline f Serfdom The first volume considers the origin id evolution of |J>e...
...guard and enslave this army of destruction is a larger and more expensive army of police officers, court attaches, . Judges, criminal lawyers, psison guards and wardens...
...One cannot read this second volume without understanding Use Communist view of the world...
...Tbos^ who possess this reSarkable work will regret to learn of g» death of the author last October...
...Membership in the league Is' open to all between the ages of 14 and 25, those between 14 and IS, are in the junior section, while those from 17 to 26 are In the senior section...
...This volume includes a study i dike evolution of the governing sysaa, the military, fiscal, commercial m educational policy of Peter the Sad, peasant revolts, the reflection of mpsMarit question in Russian litem - Pa, the Slavophil glorification of the Sr, the state enterprises and possesssstl factories, household industry and hue,innings of a factory system...
...Vol li, HJartry and Revolution...
...SOCIAUST YOUTH By Irving Newman WHILE many of the readers of The...
...When writing please state your age so that we can iirect you to the proper circle...
...However, it does not live up to the promise of the publisher's Jacket in dealing with "social and economic history aa...
...curious as well as fearful of European thought and institutional development...
...They cannot snake it off...
...N. T. Tbe'MacMUlaa Co...
...As the producers begin to awaken to the cost in cash and human life of crime they ask: "Whence comee the criminal, and why...
...of Asiatic lite and Just kgssQBgh from West European influences to be...
...Even as this strike came to an end the Council announced that "it waa necessary for taw working class to arm itself for the final struggle.'* Certainly...
...I do not for a moment claim that I can answer these questions...
...The same in- true of the possesslonal factories, a system by which Russian Czars ascribed peasants to noble factory owners or permitted merchants to acquire them...
...B. Joyce, president of the National Surety Co...
...Still another analogy is that BGbs** .became synonymous with ¦paihevlk...
...Including Sualted States, and served their rul-' m. classes as a bogey against eoo¦ajje, social and political changes...
...rise of the Communists to-power, the impression left upon the reader being that the author has entered a dangerous field and Interpretation had better be left to outsiders...
...James Mavor of the Universal of Toronto completed the most sAsbrly work that had been written If Say Westerner, and which brought I smith at information regarding: the SRfeJ, seonomic, cultural and political ienleotnent . of Russia to students...
...All of these political concessions were essentia] for the normal development of the trade unions...
...Two peasants • carried the petition to St...
...And that ft is far more than a mere legal formality of shutting bad people behind prison bars...
...And because the dollar mark comes so .very nearly being the standard of measure for everything in American life, the wealth producers are beginning to feel cold chills creep down their spines when brought face to face with the costs of our penal system...
...The Grievance* of...
...I am very modest about what I do know about it, and well aware that there is much that I do not know, But I am very sure we shall make no headway in reducing...
...I do not know, of course, how accurate Mr...
...It costs more in dollars and .cents...
...peculiar phase of die...
...Dutton & Co...
...variation in economic history...
...Russia continued to be a nation of small peasant producers...
...sixth decade of the nineteenth Btnry, the narrative beginning with e eighth century, and relating other "pirns nfTii"~i'in life and institutions • this seonomic form of human subkJtkra...
...The Petaeant* A bint at the stupidity that has always been characteristic of the Russian ruling classes is aptly portrayed in the reception accorded to petitions of peasants for |he redress of grievances...
...These conscripted workers came to be known as Possesslonal peasants, and this economic arrangement played an important role in Russian history...
...Even the most superficial study of the money cost of crime an/r criminal correction has a tendendy to shock the taxpayer into a realization of the, fact that our methods of dealing wjtu the criminal concerns him individually...
...The reason for this, of course, is obvious...
...From Serfs to Service The Economic and Social Seeds From Which Bolshevism Sprang By Jan-es Oneal Lw0T since, the French Revop| lotion has any great social ?^:change provoked so much SLgl controversy as the RusLwRevolution...
...New Leader ire already' acquainted with trie Socialist Youth organization in the United States, the Young Peoples' Socialist League, there are no doubt many others who do not know of its existence, and it is especially for these that this article, giving the aim and purpose of the league, is intended...
...What there was ot trade unions as well as their policies were shaped .by the special conditions of Russian history...
...and .both terms came into •a* politics of other nations...
...They think in terms of that history, they see the rest of the world through it, and everything else assumes the character, dimensions, coloring and importance of an experience that is Russian...
...of New York,' in speaking of the money cost of crime is reported to have said: "It is worth repeating that the great bulk of monies collected rby means of taxation is not devoted, as' popularly supposed, to the maintainance of armies and navies...
...This is the chief purpose of the Young Peoples League, but its members, the "Tipsels" not only engage in educaUonal work In9 the nature of discussions, lectures and debates on Socialism and other social problems, but also engage In social and athletic work, by having dances...
...f ' The High Cost of Crime Another Item That Goes Into the Tremendous...
...Then analogies recall the 'old SSbxa that the only lesson we learn San history Us that .we never learn tanhistorj...
...It concludes with a colorless and •objective narrative of the...
...I do not know whether or not crime is a social disease, and I certainly have no cure-all to offer...
...Russian economic and bureaucratic history weighs like a. mountain tuxrn the minds ot the Russian* Communists...
...Peter the Great appeared a monster to the parasitic cliques when he attempted to introduce some contributions of European civilization by way of modernising Russia and yet In some respects be was also more despotic than others who preceded or who came after him...
...Steed by the leading economic rets**, the edition was soon exhausted Kbecause of the striking changes Sssia...

Vol. 3 • February 1926 • No. 4

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