Huge Food Trusts Are Formal I Under Guidance of Coolidge WARD MERRGER IS SHIELDED BY PRESIDENT Well Street PutS Thru Gigantic Combine of Reteail Food Trade By Laurence Todd...

...It is the sole producer of virgin aluminum- ingots- in the United States and since March, 1923,- has produced over 96 percent of the virgin sheet aluminum manufactured in the United States...
...They have snpSPiaiid tar two year...
...NEW ITALIAN SOCIALIST PARTY TAKES THE PLACE OF ONE BANNED IsjMjjeJgt wseB/eV w& -^—r-- J" mTEWS about the Italian Labor [yi movement is, in view of the ^ ' present state of affairs there—and especially in consequence of the tightening of the censorship—incomplete and often muddled...
...Our present chancellor of the exchequer, Mr...
...XI and 46...
...third year, ia steadily hv creaaing #a circulation, widening the field of its activity, and achieving a_ standing of which its staff may well feel proud in tbe socialist movement...
...Such were responsible for Its coming into being in Italy and also In England... of Socialist Party of the Italian Workera—T this is the historic name of the first Socialist organization founded in Italy...
...Weak and vacillating governments make Fascismo a political and social necessity...
...The trust owns, altogether 100 percent of the stock of $4 corporations, mere than 60 percent of the stock of nine corporations, and less than 50 percent of the stock of 17 corporations...
...Re points out that four years .sen* William B. Ward waa the unkwsk head of two small baidng...
...Within the last year the Mellon brothers have reduced the par value of the common stock from $100 to $6...
...The JtaMgarnated Clothing Warksr^Rf Union ' has already takes «^Nb and If the rest of the Ami.rJLJsTjf labor .movement follows tWlaead of' the generous needle _ ewtes organizations themillioal.' dollar " war chest the stnkejw'caji Cor can tie filled...
...debate on the League of Nations...
...labor unrest and Increased cost OT production...
...Norrla asked... Australia, the Australian Labor Party has secured a letter said to be written by A. Kirby Hewlett,, organizing secretary of the British Fascisti, to Captain J. O. Hatcher, organizing secretary of the Australian Fascisti, indicating the connection between the Fascisti and the anti-Labor 'government of both countries...
...stock mromorttons...
...That opposition is not based on a realistic cumins.tion of the League and the •ray" in which it works, but arises inevitably from his curious mixture of pessimism and, philosophical anarchy...
...The chief use of aluminum, according to the Wall Streets Journal, la In purifying sffeel...
...Despite its bad origin and its present weaknesses it baa made fairly steady progress in 'the right direction...
...aasd launched' the 110,000,909 United asak* eriea Corporation...
...A was somewhat-amusing to watch from the platform the applause which greeted some of his Jibes at the League by people who havefitheir own reasons for disliking the League, which reasons are not at all those which Inspire Mr...
...For each original $100 share they Issued 7 preferred shares of $100 par paying S percent «;--» t of the new common shares whK t have been changed to no par...
...for new measures against the party...
...Even now«| as* tar ah—d of Governor Smith *¦ dH mandrng that distribution as wefij production ef - hydro-slectrie P»>j| aiaat be a matter of public oeaOM Oebmwej* tt may bs th* big dtsuapPJ tote eaeapaate* ths* win get «U 200 P.C...
...FrssmB Ireland...
...It is one of the greatest owners of hydroelectric property ¦ in the world, controlling ?,500,000 horsepower with increasing expansion...
...pH One thing te sure: it is nori»eas*if« suppose that w» can be Isolated frSSPl European quarrels while American SR5I vestments m Europe increase by kPS^a dred* of million* yearly...
...As j? »e common shares now have a markets...
...strona anU-eocialiat tend en das, started an attack en the new food tract as sow aa the senate met on the Viwidnf feSfe lowing Ward's announcement of fbev deal...
...If necessary, steps should be taken to precipitate open hostilities with the militant unions...
...People's I>*tslativs Sssvgjfa...
...The Johnson bin was introduced ta» the 98th Congress, but hot acted upon...
...The Fascisti Issued notices threatening to wreck the Labor Dally newspaper office and the Labor broadcasting station at Sydney...} took over the General Baking Oorsnaa jj Uon and reincorporated H in Maryland* with a nominal capital of $l,ata,*tf',MeV Finally haa come the two-biUlon-deUa* Ward Food Product* Corporation—all within four years...
...It is slso essential In the airplane Industry, and Is becoming an essential in the automobile and railroad Industry...
...Bornchowltz, Hochman, Hyman...
...JtsHjat be continued...* afloat ta Bntwrfai i mass ajftt *Ogft baking Industry that tbe sax** |»JwaV' ful financial and political inztnasaoes that prevented proasceUanr jmf the Aluminum Trust are backing War* la bis Bread Troat and .Food ^rapx projects...
...His delightful humor, his salient personality, his readiness to put his brilliant services as a lawyer at the disposal of the under dog, partly account for his popularity...
...The Johnson bin (H...
...However, tt must be aaaiaCthat simultaneously with the resignation of Nennl, leaders of the Maximalists had .unanimously taken up an attitude against his proposal, and therefore expressly refused any idea of union at the present moment...
...The nrobJem before us is not the problem «C 1919 and 1920...
...Clarence Darrow's hold on the affection and admiration of large groups of Americans is a phenomenon worth studying...
...The ptaftue without us was left by the pat powers more or less to itfelfRwas not asked to enforce all the •wislons of the Treaty of Versailles...
...From the very beginning the Leader has* been edited with signal ability and its columns have been filled with vital matter upoa all current issues, and we heartily congratulate oar socialist contemporary Upon the high degree of excellence it has achieved and wish it increasing power and success in the great educational service it is rendering the socialist and labor niovcf&tttta9* —PROM THE AMERICAN APPEAL...
...The fonasr official organ of the party, Glustizia, is not appearing...
...Sta S^r^^o^n*^^^ TIMELY TOPICS By Norman Thomas FWAS good to see Garnegie Hall jammed with people to hear the Hillquit-Darrow...
...Profit Aluminum Trust Toil Last Year By Leland Olds A1925 profit of more than...
...The miners are "appealing for aid to the outside world—they are calling for aid to their fellow workers In Labor's army, to the men and women who know from their own bitter experience what it means to fight a long and soul trying conflict against a cynlcaj and relentless enemy whose resources are Inexhaustible...
...Be now* asked that thm flanata ladise ta usaflial Co moil as Inner Bast for TeappetaaaesaV since Hunt, with VanJPleet sad Bans*: phrey...
...launched at a time and under circumstances anything but favorable for a radical publication, "for^fc-war hysteria had not -yet subsided and the intirnida* tion of the people, including radicals A well as...
...Some of my Communists and Irish nationalist friends, for instance, Save far more to fear from the growtog effect of Harrow's pessimism than ,trom the League of Nations itself.' ¦ To go back to the debate...
...I found Morris Hlllqult's general line of argument persuasive... its out-of-town locals taj^rnake up the difference...
...of America, manufacture* approximately 90 per cent of the world's production of aluminum aad owns vast ore deposits...
...Socialist Propaguda Group Grows in Bombay Reports from Bombay tell of plans being ^nade by persons Interested In the Indian labor movement for the organisation of a Fabian Society on the model of the society that has done such good Socialist propaganda work In Great Britain...
...Sue of over $<0, the owners off le original shares .have securities tL -h over $1,080 for each $100 invested...
...He also commented 'that tt...
...or such limits as the) President may decide...
...The company's' present capacity to manufacture 900.000,000 pounds of aluminum a year 4 being rapidly increased...
...This 'trust, according to the federal trade commission complaint, owns or controls extensive foreign ore deposits...
...I am as sure as I a»h be of any hypothetical event that * we.had Joined the'League In 1919 * 1* both the League and our own fllBntry would have been a worse off...
...Today it is less of a menace to revolutionary* activity than are jingoistic nationalism send financial itaperiallsm...
...Labor politically...
...CURIOUS similarity * in, tha way the Coolidge adramkrtration has treated>dcmand» tOti investigation and curbing...
...I This year's profit after payment of preferred dividends will mean at least $10 a ahare for the $5 par common stock or $*• on the « shares held for* each ortatasi|lta'dgg*^ f ^^ela^SmoaSpo^ftY the country's aluminum business is under attack by the federal trade commission...
...of America is what Secretary of the Treasury Mellon gets out of the government, protected monopota^with which he milks households' to the tune of over $10,000,000 ^ear, and he appears to have the assurance that a brother cabinet member will not hasten to persecute the country's richest lawbreaker...
...Secretary of War Davis (then'assistant secretary) said 'la an interview reported In "iron Ace...
...t»*M§£ Beatl m. Manly, director at tkdf...
...appeal deals with the suffering of the miners and the need for Immediate aid on a substantial scale:' , "And it Is to these martyrs of American industry," the appeal conti trues, "who even in the better paid portions *f the coal industry average less than thirty-five, dollars a week per year, our fabulobsly geh industrial America refuses a raise In wages that would add a'.ray of sunlight to their existence...
...But the Leader under the oditorship of 'Jim' Ones!, 'Ed* Levinson, and the inspiration of its* brilliant staff, including Norman Thomas, Sam DeWitt, Joseph Shipley, McAlister Coleman, Harry, Laidler and others, struck out boldly and compelled recognition by producing a paper bristling' with the militant spirit and at the same time treating with the highest ability the great variety of questions relating to • ' socialist movement...
...IrawlBaBjg whether tans bad overlooked She fast that Ward was chiefly interested ha administering charity, and that fhsi making of profits was the - faithesk thing (rota kdrwdnd...
...So the rapidly increasing profit of ' the Secretary of the Treasury and his brother, derived from Xhelr complete aluminum monopoly under the protection of a Republican tariff...
...The) President would also have power "to determine, and proclaim the material resources, industrial organizations, and services over which f/overniaent control is necessary," to create anencies for such control, aad to take the necessary steps "to stabilize prices of ¦srvtees and of all commodities dsrlsVed to be essential...
...The emmnm* tion Is how best can the radical faSSKa keep guard on these ftsanclsl tmpsftSg 1 tets, by *dv*catlng America's *^H9 into the Leagu* now by urging "J&J dltions which first should be ME filled...
...At the present time Australia appears to...
...Th* Sarteapts were for State aj tool of water power as they irere jBj rent Isgrlslatloii at a time when DtejiJ crate Jeteed with Republicans in tbfSej tog out their btUs—end their revresBJ falls— pith a whoop...
...The starting point and center of this hew body is the group of Deputies belonging...
...The letter, on the official letterhead of the British Fascisti, reads: •Tour very interesting letter tS hand regarding the progress of Fascismo in Australia...
...Olngold, Oedes, Kreindler and Greenberg...
...At another time be, said that the questions considered fce these* bUU -famdve vast NEEEE UNIONS TOJVE MINERS • JG FUND Ladies Garment Workers to Raise $100,000 A. C. W. Will Give $50,000, By Art Shields rS^ HE ^ International Ladies' I C-arrae»tf Workers' Wnion vifttjjtffjr assures a hundred thousand ^dollars for the anthracite striker* by a compulsory hour'sJj9#*33essm*:nt from each of its TOtjtXT New York members and snsjMpe...
...Next As drove the) rival branch of the Ward family oat of the business, and the United Bakeries was outdone by the **00,(X>0,»0# CaaWi nental Baking Corporation, Ftaafty...
...Friedman, Portnoy, Dublnsky...
...The only legal trade union representative bodies recognized as such are the Fascist cosporations, to which actujUfrJaa^y j^fe per cent, of the workers be*wlip*]sVsfp remaining workers are not' organised ta the Fascist unions, but none the less they have to pay the subscription, which is deducted and cdgWcted In the Industries^ .The position is practically that' the free trade unions do continue to exist, especially centrally...
...The ladles garment workers gave a hundred thousand dollars to the great 1922 general strike of soft and hard coal miners and generously assisted the steel strike.- The appeal is sighed by President Morris Slgman, Secretary-Treasurer Abraham Baroff and Vice-Presidents Nlfo, Halperln... economic dictator^ King declared that "undoubtedly we> are tending toward -Caesarissn to thief country whan lb* federal adnilataetn V tion can leak with tadiff erenea need that growth at a private sastispay eC this kind...
...His sebuttal speeches were especially brilliant...
...The paceta la entitled to know wJtat...
...In this we have the definite assurance that the present federal government would .co-operate and will secretly Instruct its officers to work in conjunction with our forces...
...Open rioting would give us an opportunity to smash the unions and cripple...
...The exposure of the letter in the Australian Labor press caused a great sensation...
...It is pleasing to learn that your federal government has been assisting In Initial organisational work...
...The great approval with which audiences greet his good natural but profound pessimism Is disquieting...
...These two companies produce 95 percent of the total output of cooking utensils In the United States...
...The Aluminum Co...
...f • Manly-s recalled ;sfeo past that twp yeers«go he laid W*W ST Ward's prop as at bread trust baser e Congress, and that tap Sonata the* adopted Senator peBstbrw.astalsjr tion ordering aa torestlgatknvby tail Federal Trade Caenw,'salon...
...M Smith Behind «jl The Socialist Part> &k to baokina...
...We* note with, special* interest that the New Leader of New York, now entering upon its...
...If these whlaperafi nyarti are true, that the PMspe-MsUon z«Bnone have financed and protected Walt in his spectacular career, the yhUe<d entitled to knew it...
...haa Mined Ward by uaaaU **M action by.tsat saneramenf aaetasT SSjS> bread true...
...Poland, Italy, Russia, **B tnan te our own affairs...
...hi rasa* cidina the pretension of liatuSanes written into the articles of hump—a a tion of this...
...manifestly gets "out of Ufa are Qeuble Is that many people absorb his Vtaamism who do not emulate his zeal tjjtbehalf of the oppressed...
...Oovernor Smith'* Sjl oa the water power graft, Soclaag don't waat to target or lei their frt**aj forget that Smith Is really bsdsh*B us...
...It was made by Pietro STenni, the former chief editor of the Maximalist Party's official paper, Avaati, which is now reappearing... the dissolved party, the only body capable of action left to the Socialists...
...In the trade union sphere the position is as follows: Mussolini haa not dared, on account of the- Impression abroad, to dissolve the free trade union and the trade'union federation...
...Remember, the Coolidge «E»*h"stratlon and the forces behind (Ss«re thoroughly Imperialist- The *tlnd of internationalism they \ Bft aonsciously help is such a detJ« «ad kind of IntemstlooaUsm as BPt" flnanclai intereeU would approve...
...Th* New Leader was...
...These organizations therefore continue to exist, but under the new laws they are not legally recognised...
...March 9. 1934, that ft* purpose was to prevent a'rise In prices la wasstima...
...King asked ~tnal his own i snolaliun caning far taq.utry> lawa be eeaC»s«as Judjktary rtnwiltlaa for action...
...the rest, limited to ha narrow bounds the demand for a socialist publication...
...line artel power* are allied with Ward ta hi* | enormous mergers and...
...If A>t JS-worda, the Treaty of Versailles-and 09 Covenant of the League has begun...
...Will it fte best yjSHtaned by our getting In or by our out until further progress has ^j»}saaMa...
...he resigned his position on the management of the paper, so as not to involve his party in the "consequences of an individual action, aa It was to be° expected from the whole state of affairs that the Fascisti would use It as a pretext... urgently in need of resourceful fascist groups In all centers with a resourceful Inner councH in command...
...The French bOl (H R. 197) is still more drastic shade It provides for similar conscription of Individuals and resortrces "ta the event of national, emergency -declared by tfcje lb would fix the age Omits for drafting "all citizens" as between...
...of America conceals the axhorbltant profits...
...The appeal to the members that the Joint meeting adopted breathes .the warm language of working-class solidarity...
...It is **»*« llkelys*bat the Coolidge AdmmadSMl tion wbuld accept tbs*e re*si rallsljB I am not now attempting to arga* mWm thes* matters one way or th« e*VsM but simply to indicate soms of SJ| things which I think should be sM carefully discusasfj before the SoeJaBjW Party rn this country definitely o**r« met* itself...
...But I suspect there is another reason for It—« reason which...
...Is hitting the consumer's pocket from a wid» variety of angles...
...From within the other Socialist Party, the Maximalists, a, single attempt has been made to achieve the unity of aU Italian Socialists...
...R 4800) would, provide for drafting into service all persons between the sges of 21 and JO (or such limits as the President may fix) in case of war "without exemption on account of industrial occupation...
...In.its place a new party haa been called Into being, which has assumed the...
...URGED British Fascist Urges Attempt to Demolish Labor Rule by Force SY!>» EY^Rrt^ng the formation of branches of the Fascist...
...The Labor Dally newspaper office was raided but the police prevented any damage...
...Of course, what SB happening la a stupendous UustlSee) tion and stock-watering- protean, willed) lays a tax on every person la thw UnitetT states who buys bread or etas* liar food a. Senator Km* of Utah, r irsaaust su...
...Ideally I should like to see the U*"*^™ State* Join on the basis of telsMfl minimum reservations or ch»ng*»B3 th* Covenant of th* League, sad SBJ ta* European situation...
...The question is sslsssl —are the Mellon-Phipps interest* really back.of the Ward Dfojoc^ as has been rumored...
...Darrow's Tea) concern for Individual liberty and the fun be...
...According to reliable information which the Secretariat of the Socialist and Labor International has received, the present situation is as follows: The Unitarian Socialist Party remains forbidden...
...The supreme council notes that the movement haa been launched in six states of the commonwealth...
...owns 36 percent of the stock of the Aluminum Goods Manufacturing Co., the largest manufacturer of aluminum cooking utensils In .the United States, and 100 percent of the stock of the V. 8. Aluminum Co., the second largest manufacturer' of aluminum cooking utensils...
...On th* other hand, MS not' sure whether ear Joining SMJ strengthen tbe genuinely intern*t*Pj| alist forces la the United States ¦ merely bring more actively to *Bj| front la onr politics group* which efM seem to bp mors interested te '?j quarrate of th* British Empire...
...200 per cent, on his common Mock in the Aluminum Co...
...oQjftffij Ion's -31101110001 trust, and* the* way it has ignored protests^ against formation of the $2,000^ 000,000 .Ward bread and fcra-y Visions trust, is causing talk 4* the capital...
...they are false, the troth should be known...
...Brothers and sisters, members of tbe L L G. W. TJ., we surely know what it means to suffer hunger and privation in time of struggle...
...but that their activities among local groups, with the exception of a few large towns, are, fettered by the pressure of the Fascist power—inspections by the authorities, the dut> ..of submitting s copy of the list of members, tbe seizure of funds, anS the threat of loss of citizenship tor those who take part in International meetings abroad...
...The Indian Fabian Society ta to try to get the various Indian labor groups together upon a single Socialist platform said' work for the organisation of a real Indian Labor Two Bills in Congress Propose Conscription TWO bins providing for conscription have been introduced Into the present Congress...
...Recent JtfggUng ot^the capitalization oaf the Aluminum Co...
...The 275 men and women assembled agreed with the language of the general executive board's appeal that "it was our sacred duty, as part of the organised working class of America, to come to the aid of the t fighting coaldlggers in this hour of their need...
...Same Strange Bedfellows "Bis opposition to the League of Nations illustrates the point...
...It is this conviction that human nature is hopeless, that what was will be, that wars are as inevitable as earthquakes, which today paralyzes effective and aggressive action by the workers...
...W**r necessity compelled Europe to Ijjfcln to put its own house in orefcr?' OT» process of revising in fact...
...I confess, troubles me...
...Had the MacDonald government remained in office here we would have been required to forcibly drive It from office...
...Pta effect of our entry Tnto the League jpeuld have been to underwrite the al3*** imperialism which wrote the lupous Treaty of Versailles...
...of Canada, the only other maker of virgin aluminum Ingots in North America...
...The A.^W^fana^tojraise SSO.OQfX^ five boards ef the 31 New York locals and the various Joint boards met together with the International officers to consider the Issue...
...The Saguonay plant in Canada will have 10 turbines generating about 800,000 horsepower...
...After touching., on the endurance and devotion the coal minora and the hundred percent organisation In the hand*coal fields that allows no scabs and makes It useless for the operators to "think of opening the mines for strikebreakers the...
...Included Is the Northern Aluminum Co...
...The debaters at Carnegie Hail gnre concerned with other aspects of ta»-problem and shed, little light on fljjjsje questions...
...Huge Food Trusts Are Formal I Under Guidance of Coolidge WARD MERRGER IS SHIELDED BY PRESIDENT Well Street PutS Thru Gigantic Combine of Reteail Food Trade By Laurence Todd Washington...
...That the Italian workers and their leaders, in spite of these fearful .conditions, are persevering and not forsaking their posts, gives,, a proof of their courage and power of resistance which will always be a glorious pegs in the history of the international labor movement...
...The League today is a ^going concern, an expression of htternaUonaliem, or at any rate, a 'Piece of machinery that can be used by Internationalists...
...Puaaling Questions To Consider What bothers me is a double queskWlll it help the League to .progress I the right direction for our Imperlal|United States-to Join 4tt Will it' be Ktfer m the United States to make ¦pie headway against our own -im»Hillsm if we Join the League at this Bps...
...I sometimes think that jK European labor aad Socialist lead...
...Anton+ni, Amdur...
...Austin 'ChamberIain, said: "Were Labor returned with a Working majority it would be necessary In the interests of the nation to suspend constitutional government and forcibly prevent It from assuming office...
...would be necessary to have machinery at the outbreak of another war to adjust labor disputes ,wlth "power toj write real decisions** and also arrangements far the proper distribution of labor front non-essential to essential industries...
...coaapenlasi that he then secured financial betpv from an undisclosed...
...Senator Norrla Joined Kins...
...When Nenni's manifesto fell into the hands of the Fascisti...
...knew more about the United^ HuttW1 they would not from tbeir own SWMgB point be la such a hurry to hare ao£ country join...

Vol. 3 • February 1926 • No. 4

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