The New Leader Mail Bag The Liquor Question ^fjjer, The ««w lyeaaer: 'M^ar '— concern* tb* serialisation ^industry. It afjrmi that tha proand distribution of tha neoea'Sit* of Ufa should...
...municipal authorities, but st it ia really so, then it goes to shew that tbe aforesaid "monstrous failure" Is a failure by permission...
...It is a pretty safe bet [that not one of these leaflet* will bt [distributed by Local Manaanita...
...We ar* now eonWW by an enalagous situation...
...How happy we will be when out taxes are all eliminated by the profits on the sale oi whisky...
...First, ths "monstrous failure...
...Ye gods...
...It afjrmi that tha proand distribution of tha neoea'Sit* of Ufa should become a pabUe ^paction...
...Also, it is to tx iispensed under "strict safeguards and proper restrictions," which can onlj mean that there will be a lot of f ellowi who want the stuff and will not be allowed to buy It legally...
...Our I |at convention, dominated by the i Mtt," succeeded in putung a plank ; Is our platform favoring light wine . apt peer and the manufacture and sale *y the government ot alcoholic liquor, ! £al now "wets" and "drys" within tbe ! fifty can no longer work together In , Isrmony...
...tbe government will derive a revenue that will lighten tha tax burden...
...At this ISt* date we are not .beginning to circulate wet propaganda a Regardless of the merits or dsmeriti *f this liquor plank, whether In ltseli ; it Is right or wrong, good or bad, 11 gas no rightful place In our platform And I, for one, want it dropped...
...therefor*, peoel* of all fid** of religion* belief, or dlsbaUaf...
...Onlj * short time sgo I waa talking with t Ism who has been ticket taker at tb« gale of our annual Fresno County Fail tat seven years...
...Bust hist...
...This sounds to to* Itk* * slur upon th* integrity ot State aad...
...If the situdHsn Is as the World describes It, an •Mi-lynching law of th* Congress and <t* power of the national government Jna sorely needed in every community ska gooth Carolina, ..' tbe writer of this letter is forty-five £¦*** old and have Uved at least twoattrds ot all bis life In the heart of the Snath—and he ia not so sure, as is the sx£*_ Tork Worla» °* absolute inStapebleness of the better south for fas action of these "blood-thirsty ¦stea...
...The World rings th* changes on ths Idea that tbe authorities and the betv%*r people are altogether blameless of this mob murder, that the courts had done all they could do, and that there was "no mobbing of a colored man" by the authorities—and that aU the -trouble Is due to the mere little insignificant fact that "blood-thirsty brutes merely took matters in their •wn hands...
...How"¦"ever, if any wish to jadgs it upon iti merits, I will point out a few...
...Th* n*xt tsar paragraphs Of the plank contain what te, pirhage, a true staument of facts a* they exist, tM key to which la found fa tb* statement that say* "Stat** and municipalities prosecute offenders, not .to suppress th* traffic, bnt to augment their revenues... by the Federal Oovsrnment alone under strict safeguards and proper restrictions...
...The Ultimate Causes of Lynching Sjawii The Mew Leader: j' It seems that some of our dailies dnotably the New Tork World of Oct...
...He told me that th< ant year he counted one hundred drunken men who went through th< gates during Fair week, but during th< fallowing six years, under Prohibition M saw only three men go .in drunk Ten cannot make that man bellevi that Prohibition has been a "monstrous fafiure...
...What does Brat mean...
...white majority that ths Negro is little less tahn human, and the simpler minds are ao logical that they conclude that if a Negro should not have the same chance as a white man in a public park, on the public vehicles and in tb* voting booths, he also should not have th* same rights as a white person In a court of Justice...
...Tb* traffic IS not suppressed because ths authorities do not wish to suppress it...
...for example, has passed takes of laws discriminating against tabled citizens and "excluding" them wan equality in almost everything exjtK tb* equal right to pay taxes...
...discriminating law* give-the imraaaSklern to the leaser nfinds Of th...
...It proscribe* n*Ither religion g*T lrr*ll*ion...
...Arid if the State anil municipal authorities are as untrustworthy al ha* before been intimated, and they can not or will not suppress "the bootlag traffic now, they can not or wil] not suppress it then...
...Sfc ***rk together la hadnacay tar tjiH"— so Jong as tha platform con****** to remain neutral upon that MgSat Bui suppose some convention, '{•fcjiaated by Catholics, should ant a ejagg In the platform demanding legistsbaV for th* benefit of the Catholic j mSk **hat then...
...A lynching is tb* most logical conclusion ot a dirty Jim Crow car... are trying to minimise the awful significance of the fact that two colored boys and a girl were lynched in South Carolina after on* ot the boys bad been declared not guilty of murder and when it was reasonable-to expect that the other boy aad the girl would also be freed of tbo charge...
...The legislature ^of South Caroltna...
...Miss Sender to considered an important figure in tb* political life ot Europe...
...In substantiaton of which I submit the fact that bootlgging in Quebec is on the increase, complaints of Uquor law violation having almoat trebled between 1922 and 1926, and a Mayor of Winnipeg, where they bad prohibition and now have government sale, says: "While conditions under prohibition were bad, present conditions are a thousand time* worse...
...Java similar previous occasions I bare jean much interested in distributing "gar party literature,' but I cannot distribute this platform...
...therefore thej will buy it illegally from the bootlegget or the bribed official precisely as at present...
...Workers In Rochester, Friday, October 29, at tbe union headquarters, 474 Clinton avenue, north...
...83* Sapiflinsi far only on* ot many *u*h that could as etted...
...PICKENS, Field Secretary of the National Association for Advancement of Colored People...
...But Just THAT is the gravest phase sf tbe whole matter—ths society of the south has so conditioned thejlfe .of its Negro people that even tbe %swer of the state, th* authority of tat courts and all the goodness of its "tear-' people cannot protect an Instant Negro child from being lynched ay •blood-thirsty brutes...
...Thus neither tbe old-time saloon nor tbe bootlegger will flourish, Uquor dispensed win be par* and ot limited amount...
...The action of these "bloodthirsty brutes" ia terribly consistent with tbe action of those southern senators, who said on the floor of Congress that lynching was for rape and that they were opposed to a national law against lynching...
...Miss Tony Sender In Rochester, N. Y. Tb* 1926-1827 season 61 educational meetings will be inaugurated by the Amalgamated Clothing...
...prather, Cal...
...Walt a minute) How can there be so much revenui when the liquor dispensed is to be but a "limited amount...
...If the Socialist Party ahould rld« Into power on this wet plank it would make Just aa "monstrous* 'a failure 61 its liquor regulations as the present administration is doing... means that the south, UM better south, needs the co-opera - baa and help of the rest of th* re?nellc to save civilisation in the south.' [ Bat this Is the one necessary conana ion which, th* New Tork World and: some other apologetic sources stem reluctant to reach...
...And we are forced to acknowledge that in this conclusion, the lesser minds show themselves to be more logical than the legislature...
...New Tork City...
...I would b< ashamed to grlve one to any pereoi and tell him that that was the platfor ef my party...
...Watt, X fancy there wfi be several monkey -wrenchre ; |3*fl into th* maahlnery and hari Spas action could not be expected | WB/0M as the Cathollo plank remained > mS» platform...
...Sevf eral of us were residents of Ksnssi j When tbs Prohibition lsw was paasef Lin that State, and have been dry evet since...
...Acid now we coms to tbo recommendations: "Legislation to legalise domestic us* at light wis* and beer and manufacture ot alcoholic beverages for...
...Vivid In tbe presentation of her argument* from the working class point of view...
...Miss Tony Sender of Oermahy win speak in English on ""The Labor Movement In Germany...
...The platform has been put la leaflet aba for general distribution...
...If the political and social philosophy and practices of tb* "better south" have rnade it powerless before its "blood-thirsty,'* the south needs some outside help...
...Th* human mind is too simple a thing, especially tbe mind of tbe unsophisticated mob, to be able to comprehend that a Negro is at one and the same time like other human beings and different from an other human beings—and that Negro people, are to be treated with injustice, contempt aad terrorism everywhere else except in courts of law and In jails...
Vol. 3 • October 1926 • No. 41