A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FETURES In the Good Old Times JTB"jHE unions arc honaycoaibsd with graft, . I reeking with corruption, and full of rotten polities; and the leaders a hunch of fakirs,...

...The stats is...
...The strong survive...
...fnl strike,' every effective boycott, every manifestation of the workmgfnen's win and power is a blew directed against the existing order...
...The roles they would Impose would follow from a knowledge ol the conditions of their social function* and would be, oo to speak, a 'natural' discipline mads inevitable by ths eon* dittoes themselves...
...so long as...
...Wall go tomorrow, tonight, anytime...
...I didn't moan anything, honey Don't be foolish...
...Where they still seek to picture their future society, they tend to give to the national labor organisations greater power...
...Tea don't went children...
...The Rope factory in Rhode Island ran oa this plan...
...Ton a HtHs louder so that they aaa bear you in Minneapolis," he replied coldly.' "Oh, you're horrid...
...Ths objects of ths organisation were outlined to a lettei written to F. EL Carry, president ot thi | Pullman company, on September...
...Wtth ths Ohmorel ConfedsretfeB rshttloas win he indirect aaa sat mi r by InsrtlstltTti of the Bourse fit Travail...
...Although the punrnan irsepasy recuses to ackaowledge our existence, tbt union has already forded Important concessions in the hope, no doubt, ol averting a strong organisation...
...Take me away from hero, please, tar away from everything...
...Pm not going to quarrel with yon If you want to sleep alone, say so, and ru go to tho other room, but keep your sneers to yourself...
...She hated him...
...They wounded him...
...In fact, thousands of these early emancipators were Jailed, hundreds suffered violent 'dsdHa and innumerable ones led the Uvea of black'batsnNtoaats, '¦ hi the jonrse ot time '"respectability" overtook even 'the labor movement...
...t'mm rsapsstlvt trades wttl be tsehslenvlad spseltl...
...But then Jutt about the time whoa, these white " slaves fought for .the abolition of black alavery and ' the preservation of the only good union that over was, ' the bad unions with their grafting leaders came along and ¦polled it an...
...AQ others are dead letters and tend to deceive the workers...
...Mow Tork, declared that the Palhnan company had granted Some of the I crass Hi of the nun already, although it dees not recognise the eaten...
...The •Bed leader Is horned oft the pasture by the strong »«ng bull, who, in the course of time, also finds his . -A brutal sordid struggle Tea, brutal afid sordid as the struggle for existence in All animal life...
...In return for their pains, the lowly champions of 'tat lowly wore dubbed Jacobins, Abolitionists, TreeBoilers and Free Lovers, Just as later on they were "decorated with the titles of anarchists, socialists...
...A dollar fine for conspiring to raise wagaa also could he lived down, but those hours of labor were surely something fierce...
...If you want to bo a baby, it's no concern of mine," Be tried to hold his voice to a conciliatory, matter-of-fact tone, and ho rolled over into bod, as if the argument ware closed...
...0 e o At thai time Imprisonment tor debt was ths usual thing la America...
...Her voice was filled with cold mockery...
...Stop, step...
...Bet there was lots ef basrttng...
...The doctrine of class harmony blinds ths worker "to the real facts ot inequality and ot class - distinctions which are the very foundations of existing society...
...My Ood...
...Tea, it's turned out fine for me, til ten the world...
...You broke with your Sather...
...They started to work, at firs O'clock ' la the morning dad worked until seven o'clock la ths .evening with-a half hour oft for breakfast and 41 minutes oft at noon for dinner...
...It you don't tak* those words back...
...There was no mistaking her intention bow...
...It's get te stop...
...They should agitate in the press, through public meetings, pars dsn and other forms of demonstrations...
...The gates would open at eight oTIack at night to let the workers go back ' to sapper, play, amusement, recreation, education, strong drink, sleep or whatever they chose—until the ringing ot the bell next morning at the break of day...
...Tst hs lover her...
...And, thsu Jaa4 when X ems about te gfiU my loin* "3te the greet beck-track to the millennium that eras...
...The bfll prorldss that the two parties to a railway labor dispute shan meet each other before the hoard K cither eeestes for,a conference, tt the two parties fan to agree, adjustment, mediation aad arbitration boards may be set up te settle ths representative ef the men, supplsntkij the employe representation phut oi ths company...
...eM all Women beautiful...
...Ye*, ajtetress...
...ITl—Tn tent you...
...MrAllsNt TnlsBtaB Sone of Unity They have tted tho world m a tether...
...Ho felt her arms clasping his knees...
...It will destroy the centralised political system of the present state and will counterbalance the centralising tendencies of todUMry.*' '* The General Confederation will take charge only of such national services sa railways...
...Jtthi tree that there win be local aad aatioaal WgajiltsiMBg which might bi ossigTitUl states...
...Ton—you gutter snipe," aha added wHhertngly, following up her...
...Anyhow he ts conducting a very sSucstioaal onsspsign had unless there ta a total iglismls imarg the morons he wfll undo uh tod ly be stastsd, • * • Our stack eat fsahsi is Bkewtas affected wtth Bra* found lBeattorseoe to this ——p-«g-i aThc went dewn to the eserfcr the other sight to hear a BsmihWof apell-bteacr...
...To ho continued next week) GOVERNOR MINTORN A labor tfootlof tkm Northwest By M. H. HEDGES Chapter XVII A Road to Understanding: 1 ^Tr TO0 touch mo again, ru I scream.1* Agatha had slipped from th< bed, and stood trembling in the middle of the floor, her pretty feet bathed in a flood of summer-moonlight...
...I don't know what yon mean...
...But what is astro to he done about it* It would, perhaps, he preferable to have a labor movement directed by vasts, dreamers, philosophers, saints and scientists...
...L e o * . I So the field was loft to the doughty warriors wnoee pees seasiuvs souls could withstand the eternal hnm! roaring from within and without...
...WdrkeettJgcs cannot succeed unless they liaUro the power of the state, The tftteSfiwf'sW, the overthrew of the stats atest be carried on directly by the sorbet» themselves...
...Hi aw the inefifilaFht oh her auburn hair Pity fitted him...
...In a letter addressed to tho Railway Mediation Board, A. Philip Randolph, general organiser of tho Brotherhood, has requested ths services of the board tn securing a conference on wages aad hours with the Pullman company, declaring that more than S.000 porters, or the II per cent, required by law...
...BngUah lecturers trod so welter can he set sown ta just ens short litHe word aad that nerd is e-4-e-h...
...They wore found gpllty and hood |tt...
...aeu djd...
...There was a sob to' her voice, and self-pity...
...Who's fault la ttt" •Toe admit it/ then...
...In ittl, whan Lincoln was About to go late ths £ ptaotloe ot 'law, the textile factories wore etanmencf lag to operate In the OastjL At that time there wore no factory laws, there was £ so public inspection or Inspectors which, are so hated by our conservative politicians...
...Furthermore, many of the functioni of the existing state would be found unnecessary under a Co-operative system...
...hs the ¦usiShni yon have «mr permission to go ahead aad treed the hook...
...V . * • * Far be it from mo to say that there was not some " educator, cleric college professor or loader in thought la general, in those days who did not raise his -voice in behalf of cruelly oppressed labor...
...Structure of Syndicalist Society Following the syndics) revolution, what...
...X might have known how it would turn out...
...ths stored-up petty annoyances of a long relationship...
...She says that she wants te see IfUgera Falls sad Pittsburgh and Mayor Walker and ether ad our scenic wonders...
...She said something he could not nsr Serstand from beneath the heavy mass ot hair that cascaded) down across her taoe aad breast...
...X was crapy to 'the Brat place when I contracted to be your Tnistrsss...
...you kicked him out tor these hinge...
...Do you hoar...
...ever (he Ssnosas get bored during the vest nosy nssd to corns over end septal t three ar tour drrisfone of tho Roumanian army...
...Tbey ere net Just confining Utautsiliss to hot-air apeeohaa but are starting a real odooattenal movemeut that wffl have Its e*ects ta raising the sfsndstds ot Oo negro worker svsnrwhsfa, Hsts off to the Brotneikood, beys and girls, may tbey got ettayetss oT thsar dsmaeds and then some...
...There was no retreat for either after that- All the vials of wrath were uncovered...
...Tn ereey...
...JThO qneen has been writing ptoses tor the Mow York World tatting why she wants te seme te this country...
...They spent fourteen . hours a day at the factory...
...In its capacity as local center tt will collect all ths statistical data necessary for theVegular flow of economic life...
...Anli-Patrlotio In attacking the state, ths syndicalist attacks the Idea ot patriotism...
...thsrstore arbitrary aad oppressive to its vers aaters...
...every gain to wages, •very shortening of hours of work, every Improvement la the general conditions of employment la one mora position of importance occupied on tho march to the decisive battle, the general strike, which will be the final act of emancipation...
...She was trying to stay their love...
...So let's go back :; 3h> the good old times when there were neither *t*bor uatma nor labor leaders and all men ySere noble...
...She cams back end reports* teas she wouldn't gtvs a stogie whisker tor sR that she hoard...
...It Id ssfs to say that until the rise of Samuel Gomp"Ora there was no prominent labor unionist in this country who was not looked open by "res pec table Society" as a person who was better dead or in Jail - than stive and free...
...There eras no mini* %¦ mum wage, no child labor act, "no health standard or \ roles ot other radical legislation "unfriendly to busli ness...
...Adam Cenldlgger...
...The esadtdate after much gesstiuMsg finally broke eevm and admitted that be was tor ths "common people...
...tt seemed snnooossary...
...For 'em SB the way up;to November i next, la what neresTly - mesni^i Ms said toet he had done taooh work stssng the naortms of his district...
...There were no barriers between them...
...Her Unwonted emotion tore masks from his eyes and ho suddenly saw how she hated him...
...He had sprung from tho bed, and had thrown his arms protectlngly about her...
...That picture would bars scared over so many Utile boys, tt they had hang tt ta a nice dark niche to a corner of the Chamber ef Horrors...
...He was deadly cool now...
...Union politics Is no whit worse than polities in esncral...
...father," bo answered...
...imprisonment for debt wasnt so bad...
...soltol aad his triak lion if the tafiy te ton* ot OAS he or she could always get an eyeful of alps without riding en, a boat...
...Salt yourself...
...be said...
...F There were few, labor unions...
...Throw that Up to me...
...Tkep havq hpngbt over Oed wtth a toe* Whfls Itaes mum **H tssnsher * *%%0r htngytasto ere less by fihrsa, Ws have esBo wtth the Usees that ettag...
...no, Maris, wo thsr took ee simple aa'aaythlag but by this time wo have lisrest that the compelling motive for visits from, rojfittr...
...not move...
...stromshts of class rule...
...Sd Intermediary between the locality and ths rest of the country, it wlQ facilitate the exchange of products between locality and locality and will provide for the Introduction of raw material from the outside...
...tsnt he did not Dove...
...his mind slowly adjusting itself to a fact that seemed incredible...
...Tou can say that, after all I have dons for you*** ahe demanded...
...Tbere'a Men...
...It wfii keep itself Informed on tho necessities of the locality and on its resources, and will provide for the proper distribution oi products...
...He lifter her into bed, tucked her in, and left her like a tired child, her bead pillowed on her ontetrotcher arm...
...Shortly after tho Brotherhood became active end its orxanbtera hsd bam ilkeilisiisil from nosarinT ssrvtot because at their onion settvtttes, the comasny granted a wage tesrssss ef t per cent-, ea inoroass which the employe representstloa plan had been trying to secure without suuntss before the* organisation of the Brotherhood: This increase te directly treosabhi te the demands ef the Brotherhood...
...Although railway legislation makes it the duty of employers to meet their employes to a reprssenlstlvo union when requested to do so...
...It will thus In a word combine the organisation of local ana industrial autonomy...
...y • * * a. Think of It, from five a. to, to seven t...
...The suppressed class prejudice and hates, of years...
...The latest picture ef the candidate bad Just arrives...
...m.—with SfcVenty-five minutes for breakfast end: forty-five Wntentae fiat •ttmoaooA*' Wimiiyeb^nr»p>jiilutlo plutea of the Cradle ot Americattt^Linorty, ae Massachusetts is called, didn't feed their slaves through rubber tubes while standing at their machines and make them slumber on the tread mills so if one oi - them walked in his sleep ho would make a fsw extra nickels for his boss, thus turning bad dreams Into good dividends...
...Tn the Eagle Mill at Griswnld, Conn., the workday lasted IS hours and 10 minutes...
...The essentfiU character af thi stats is te impose Be rale from without...
...Now look here, Agatha...
...He stooped and lifted her Into his arms, bold her, aad •oothed her like a child...
...she Cried, struggling against tears...
...Ia other towns, bens rang at thp break of day, ths workers tumbled out of sleep, crept into their clothes and reported at the factory gates In fifteen minutes \ when the gates were closed...
...No sir, be waa putting issues above psrsutisllllss aad he would carry the banner the...
...Oh Dan, yon are Idling me...
...The Werkingman'a country is whore he works, R# has no fatherland in the real sense of that term...
...ths Pullman company bee refused even to acknowledge the letters of tho Brotherhood requesting a conference, BOOOreaTe** to Brotherhood officials...
...I've sold myself, body end eouL I turned myself tote i political rsnsfitds...
...Now, it would have boon very nice if this highly desirable result had been brought about by "good sad virtuous people...
...But with the rise in the social seals and the e-ff"*1*11 status of the unions another -struggle developed within the unions which was 'almost as fierce as the struggle against employers 'had been la the early days...
...The legislative sssssshflss of thi uisesat state decide upon qsisrlsni Which are entirely foreign to them, wlU which they have no" rear onaesttlsat la life, end watch they do not eiilsistaeS Ths rales they prescribe, tho disciptfc< they impose, corns, as an axtorasJ agency to intervene with tho gist set si of social-life...
...To keep our hand in, we want over te the headquarters of a Democratic candvtste toe Congress and had a chat with the hoys: There were praotloelly no signs of either milk or Water any where around the plane...
...The Brotherhood ot Sleeping Cat Porters was organised a year ago ant...
...Opposition te Democracy Tbo workers, therefore, claim ths syndicalists, if not hostile to working class political parties, should remain Indifferent to them...
...a Hold everything- Bosee day we are going to bseek out wtth that review of the two decker novel of M. O. Wells that We aresntesd long ago...
...Every time they have a meeting tou come away wtth tho bgojggeotap, that here tt pee tahor gross* test knows what tt waato and won't be happy untfi tt gets ft...
...Why, you dirty slut, you did those things for me...
...Ten sea ho aero you won't he s sal lag peer thus...
...You're tired, dear," he told her, arising, and sitting on the side ot the bed...
...He felt cleansed, exalted—all that poison was out oi him at last, • Slowly ho got to his fast...
...Bynjlssllsfi eathmai warfare, R#f^r,tfesj ^w'i,io*#4wJwt sfcy Bsw^Vvsrt Astf^i ft might be said "that diseet aettati te take tho edge sst ss^Jas revessehtsv try spirit of the worfcsrs...
...Tho Railway Mediation Board, to which too Brotherhood hoe applied tor eld, waa created by tho WatsonParker MB of Teat session ot Ceh> arias, sad racotvod the support no only of the transportation brotherhoods bet of tho Railway Rx cent...
...Bycry snoosss...
...Ths workers In Lincoln's day had no credit and every time a budding business Babbit wont to the debtors* prison it decreased competition by Just that much...
...Syndicalists, hewever, maintain tnata state prasappoooi en srsanlssil in in which a delegate* ihissBj eentrsihask sn ltp own baadi the sewer ef legiaietloh over: all sis*, tern...
...Only reforms gained and uphold through force are real...
...Anyhow, I prefer winning with sinners to...
...Shortly after this congress ol tho Confederation to 1M1, a questionnaire was sent to tho locals of the syndics ts throufihoat the country, asking '^^ the oJLrtX Cimfe ¦I'WJsV'' ***** the qetteesi federation...
...Its function will consist chiefly fat furnishing general Information aad la exerting a controlling in****** * win ahte ecrW a- s* h*en* as we keew'it wfit disappear...
...those people, however, can net survive In the "labor Same...
...They are, according to the letter, to "develop and employ initiative, intelligence aad responsibility to tho end of creating halpfu: and constructive co-operation tor the building up and- mslntensnoe of a high standard of service as well ae merit the approval ot yourself ss the chlel executive ot our principal employer tn the Industry, the great public end those officials charged with the regulation of the transportation indue try In State and Nation, ss Won as amicably efficiently and satisfactorily to adjust grievances that may arise from time to time between the Pullman company and the members ot tho Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters.* Roy Lancaster, ssnrstsry-lrsssnrsr of the union, which has Its headquarters at »11 Seventh avenue...
...Well, Areat yea as sensual as a shore...
...Every word seemed to surge from some nafnainisr depth of her...
...Too won't neve children...
...Ths itch for power la strong among unionists as it is with other classes and anything is fair in ?ar, love—and politics...
...getting - ¦****•« with saints...
...Later twenty-five pilnutes' were allowed for breakfast end twenty-five minutes at noon for dinner...
...has cnUsted mors than half tho porten of the Pullman care-la Its ranks...
...I guess...
...Of course, X will...
...I wish I oould bo as good and as wise ea you ore...
...But the sad truth Is that all the "good aad virtuous people" were on the other side of the union fence...
...Sandburg points out that there were 1.000 persons In Jail for debt la Massachusetts, J. 000 la Maryland, 7.000 in Pennsylvania, and 10,000 is New Tork...
...Too many reforms granted by legislators are devised to weaken the revolutionary movement by developing class harmony...
...But It there woe tench a white crow he has escaped the eagle eye -of lalstory...
...ha demanded...
...M re...
...What should he da] Ho felt exhausted...
...for yon...
...shrill attack...
...Row tt yon oould have some such issue as tH| stJlsssseilm ef collie dogs, ens ef which boa binemi dnltoenaovtatr of tats, Isabel SAd all her kittens would gtadly speed a little while on election day marking up a bailsC o o . e We are pew on our way to a meeting of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters of whldh esgngdea...
...and the leaders a hunch of fakirs, crooks mud traitors...
...She wai quite hysterical...
...Who started it...
...ths nnratJonsilsed resentments of an outwardly smooth friendship flared up to galvanise them into haters-—killers...
...Aad too enuteror1 ItatasrTkh^ And Faith w) a ksrspar of swtae.' g...
...Tou never do But X know and it's got to stop...
...And this struggle de' ssaaded the same tough fiber on the part of the leaders as was required la the Struggle between labor and capital...
...And what have [ done...
...It looked to us as though be bad them-alt on his campaign committee...
...J^m!j^muT«st Osta.SB^^jpS^rBne 9htmr htaestau •s'hBJ W^SS...
...ho told her...
...Be waa not quite dear about tatone> ttons but said that If ho found any among IBs constituents be vroeld do whet ho oould te stamp thess out...
...She flung herself down upon he floor, her head poiowed open bar irm...
...Relations with the latter wil...
...Comparing the condition or American tabor with -ths conditions prevailing when Lincoln entered public hn, oven their most severe critics most admit that there is a tremendous improvement and who will «eay that the labor leader, good, had or Indifferent ¦as ho might have been, wee largely responsible for reset Improvement...
...vet, Council, of which tho Peflatan company Ie a member...
...T Be Continued Next Week) RAD...
...then he turned sway...
...Hs said that ho would not roafnist a backbiting retppslse ansh eg that low-down, shisttsgr skunk ef ae oppoesnt ot Us waa doing...
...Ho same ant and took a San stand as bstag definitely ssaessd to manslaughter...
...tion ws are prood to ho aa honorary mitotan, We always get a big kick out of...
...Ties ot tradition, ot a common intellectual and moral heritage do not exist for hint.'* The only real use are economic Interests which bind, him to the workers of the world, and, by the same token, separate Mat from the BfcsBB$Sr**Pw»$^ san***w> ofesMssssnsWsf7 The eagstahe* state s^net rot,-** sweat reason setae In Ms task «*•**, tag the ocrttr.to their peace...
...At least, I'm not ashamed of my...
...Since than the hours of labor have steadily gone down sd that by bow most of as can eat breakfast ' and supper oa the gams day...
...ten Uo...
...Now what should he Say—do...
...j The Boavoo du Travail The Bourse dn Travail, or the city trade union council, "win eonesntratt all local interests sad serve as a connecting link between the locality aad the rest of tho world...
...Nor of anything else Tou oaa't know shame...
...He losBsS wtth dismay at the Utes ed Stilr amyi Isgc In this stood, he had no illusions aa to what thest words had meant They were through, No lovo oould survive that storms...
...Overseers to some textile mills cracked cowhide whips over women and children...
...Come back to bod," XMn plead...
...Their hearts and souls wars bars, fiercely confronting each olier, antagonists, ready to destroy...
...BOARD HAS PORTERS' CASE Randblph Asks Intervention to Secure the Demands of Pullman Workers INVOKING the aid of tho Railway Mediation Board, the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters has begun an intensive campaign to force recognition from tho Pullman company, which baa' ignored the repeated requests of tho Brotherhood for a wage conference...
...So there yen are...
...He began to dress...
...Yd ho did...
...belong to the organisation...
...Adtoetmente of pay tor 'douaBag Out' wore aim reads/ Roumanian Runners And Others r'tJ^r^^asateC of^lsoerne^na end' Irs^bjre^te s*^»J te*blve te \L*Z sTSsT eS*STtSr sbooidart hs?sseehrof*oWvn»^ nsWlSsF adviser, who was bead of aa otehid sqaad ta Washington daring the hue war dad wad jm^^JjOtifat osst^PO^ateeiiesnstee array is set as hot, - So sBys that tt Is only cosrtsey to odB » oeteeottegerB-r...
...10 Iby Philip A. Randolph, organiser, and made public by him...
...He said that he favored prosperity provided tt didat become a monopoly ef the Bspeh Jtoaa petty...
...At Paters©n, N. J., women and children began ths days work at 4:10 la the morning...
...Dan Miaturn...
...Bach word struck Dan with amazement...
...Til send Easterly over tomorrow to make arrangements—" he told her...
...AU you ears about Ie fine ilothss, rich food, fine nausea, net Lhia, fine that...
...e. e • "Farmers' daughters filled the cotton mills In i Lowell...
...I. W. J W...
...WJD t|Mr m *• ***** •* * tsthsr...
...Hs say, that they know so Uttte sAoeA sTaussteg ftta* there is po ooarsaaad tor •'aattf*-to 'fine Bisejisfiie The5 appropriation tor rrnentog abeto tee ttte aw one of thelsr*teet ttesns sc ths natiaatl tcfisnt Whnti...
...The syndicate, the delegates of the syndicate to the Bourse du Travail, and so on...
...fsd thf W^M fh*^"es*»aattest...
...This, howaver, is set the sees, soonrfirsg to ths syhdicslists, as such reforms do not fundamentally attar conditions, but da fortify the workers to thsir preparation for the final struggle...
...Tve begged you to have children.**"Do yon think children would change your attitude toward me r* "My attitude...
...Is that of preparing tho workers for the change...
...R made no lament ths passing of the Been Muses...
...1 took yon, made yon, gave you wealth, ¦tatiea, fame, everything...
...The main need, they msintsln...
...There was a moment of indecision when each seemed te wait imploringly upon the other...
...Syndicalism on State and Politics THE HISTORY OF SOCIALIST THOUGHT By HARRY W.LADLER **™* T<jp*ftbI1e>ri ^Tbsv i •¦?bU A stt eJeMMissV ae many Marxians regard tfa*M*,aettY...
...They should teres the state to yield to the wffl of the Workers through external pressure on public authorities...
...Ho turned helplessly...
...What was tt all about, anyway...
...Try as ho oould to battle against it, he began to grow hurt and angry too...
...aad tho role of ths Bartons 1 trade union will not he a great one...
...He laughed boistrously—crnefly...
...Ho did not go on...
...You'll see things differently tomorrow...
...That's what X aaa...
...There, there...
...Often rising late, prominence during great Wx>r disturbances, they soon vanish trom the scene .because they are too fins-strung for the work-day ¦ hfo ot the unions...
...aad deprive ths local bourses ot some ot the functions formerly allotted te them...
...be of permanent importance, as th< Bourse dn Travail win be tho center* of economic activity...
...The . necessary local functions oould be carried on by the Bourse du Travail...
...i eea Ths more wo read about this so-called poltttoal campaign, the tags wo understand tt, which eeeme te put us in ths big majority...
...Tour way, I suppose...
...This exclude* tee parts**, potion of syndicates la politico...
...Tou have worked yourself sick getting the house to order...
...she murmured...
...yea dirty little devil, i killed my mother tor •ou...
...loved her most when shs was fighting him like s primitive woman, a feline thing...
...An analysis ot democratic reforms, the syndicalists assort, will show that those of value have boon wrested by force...
...only oat property deal with then* reepeotrr* problems...
...The* Oeneral Strike ; Tho general strike, the syndicalists declare, is ths weapon that can be depended upon to abolish classes and bring about the now order., It will, not come from the clouds, but win bo tho logical outcome of the syndicalist movement gradually Prepared tor by tho dally struggles of the workers, tt might faU today, hut todays failure Is a preparation for tomorrow's success...
...jLaappeoed to pack up the "Life ot Lincoln" by my ;*2n trtendJBsri Sandburg, anft there I found the toiJowina- jor%n...
...AB yoo seated vnth ate, I suits, waa sense one a sleep with...
...these is ss tings The men aad ¦ route Btsmbsrs of tho union (we cant ten you Just how many there are bsotoss the TslhntB company would gtvs a couple of steeping cars te, find out) have a real fighting spirit...
...The parliamentary system cannot be toasted to emancipate labor from the Was* system...
...One candidate for governor of New Tork State says that the bwrnlng Bane te mine, and ths ether one says Its water, but wo suspect that its ths' same old Issue, namely applesauce...
...tho male Is sattafiBfi, everything's all right," she answered...
...Oodl How hi loved her, loved her as shs waa lying there to the cold light...
...A ooafsrenoe before thi board win compel that recognition...
...Me wonder, rima/ks Isabel, that people are oold over this basiasss ef vettag...
...what's ths matter with your* BBs laughed...
...ssbhing Mttsrty...
...wee flung te the truss by Alexander JtBsrson or wee tt Thomas Van Rursa...
...Then they would ge mm' with thsir breakfast...
...Our country," they maintain, has no meaning tor the workers...
...It Is particularly sotted., tor manipulation by the bourgeoisie and has even a corrupting Inflntaes oa ths represent stives of labor parties, oases policy "degenerates into bargain lag, compromising and collaboration Vrtth ths bourgeois political parties," thai weakening the ohssS struggle...
...At that, they did [hot do half bad...
...not to not th tdrntasoe jfiasot fas eeSt srs to ease ef striken, aadterscaeof* beer arms to tone of eea...
...Til bo damned if I wurHer voice ahook with rage and bitterness...
...1 Just can't let you go, Danny...
...So that'a it, is ft...
...Her voice was shrill...
...If yon had any pride about yon, you wouldn't have married me for my money...
...Strikars In New Tor* .suts were Indicted for "conspiracy to rais* wages...
...thus avoiding the nscesany ot getting Up before going to bod...
...However, moot modern syndicalist*, have given little attention to the problem of the'future state, maintaining that the necessary forma can he worked out by labor when aooeostty arises...
...We.don't want te seem rede te Queens but to oer opinion Us pars bolognay fie Say that the lady is ever aero to took at isilera Thsr have still get a Tat ef uit in Xaropa...
...If you don't let me go, I'll leave thli house this minute, if I have to go si I am," she said fiercely, flinging hit arms away from her...
...The syndicalists, on tho other hand, msintsln that the diseiplino they exact is that from within, decided upon bj those whose duty it hi to carry on th« processes...
...1 suppose you don't...
...So it was loft to the "rough-necks" and disreputables" to pull the working slaves ont of the ,ft»dustrisi mire into which a ruthless exploitation gad dragged thorn...
...It waa growing harder each moment to speak calmly...
...She says that tt they went to get her to the Betta they will have to hold ont soensthtng more gHsastlrs than boo Hog...
...Iti membership is nation wide, inctadtnj porters from every railway center Is the United States...

Vol. 3 • October 1926 • No. 41

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