...Apparent!] 'the...
...Under any P>clai order "we must...
...A Atai...
...Whan thp...
...FUNERAL TO BE IN INDIANA Public Service...
...He psid the price gladly...
...t .. Debs<had all those...
...Debs ^sorrow...
...He will be greatly missed by his party and the whole "Taber movement...
...He does live to produce...
...Their description of what has happened in a Europe split into Jingoistic little nations and their suggestions for a cure by lowering the economic barriers between competing nations are sound as far as they go...
...To the Socialist movement everyvhere his memory vill remain an '¦temal inspiration...
...He Was misunderstood, misrepresnted and railed at by the mug defenders of the esiabUshd order and the beneficiaries oj existing social injustice...
...Pennsylvania, Maryland... push party policies, why should American Communists be so Insistent on tbe right to form Communist Cells within the unions responsible, not to the unions, but to an outside political party...
...SssTsrlng hurt him...
...Panken could continue his speech no longer, and was forced to conclude... he made ready to tell the audience that their great champion was no longer alive...
...Nevertheless, the logic of this appeal applies to world trade and must include the United States If it to to be valid...
...In some ;'**¦*" ^e increase In the houriy rate .•of output is so great as to make the Jetai output as much or more than it _J» in > the longer working week...
...It will help them —if it helps them at all, which is more than doubtful—at the most of our own Industrial workers...
...Had be been willing to barter his gifts of eloquence and leadership) hsd he been willing to oh boss the easy place and power, there ie no office within the gift of the American people that he...
...What we feel far fctti, -what our sense of loss win be, I ShaS > Sot now attempt to put in '"wardA |Whatever befalls, whether urn n[& .leader lives or dies, let us remember that the highest tribute we can 'mfr him, a tribute he would most desist, Is not the tribute of our tears.or...
...Fourteen | different unions are represented In the i class by forty-two trade union mem* bers...
...those who feared£him are ths masters of American life...
...Death was expected any moment beginning Saturday...
...Some of tbe American financiers wfco signed] it certainly recognised that fact...
...He hsd it because no leader «o sincerely loved mankind...
...That struggle is likely to, have important political consequences...
...v*riMi4lfuneral wiU^s^.place either Frtday or Saturday, probabjy on the latter day..' Word has.- been, received from...
...Queen Marie got a pretty cool reception from New York crowds, who know something about Rumania, Anyway, they prefer Gertrude Ederle...
...Citizens of that state must vote Republican or Democrat or be disfranchised...
...whether a genuine flve-day 40-hour week can ever be maintained, save in exceptional industries like Ford's own, until it can be generally enforced .in industry...
...u pottetmoimt^oiU the tame high degree tflofiyideatitm and he was Bring up to it so cofuiaienilu and ancompfohtuingly...
...Our Good-Bye to Comrade 'Gene Debs -:SHOCKED, bereaved beyond-any wards to express thsir emotions, millions of men and women, in this and other countries, mourn the passing ef Eugene V. Debs...
...Several weeks ago kidney disease developed as ato added complication...
...Ha died, to our shame, stf^l deprived of the citizenship of the country he loved and served...
...He was loved by those who understood his ideals of an emancipated world, and was .feared by ethers for the same reason...
...Stalin's policy, with regard to the peasants, seems to mo better for Russia than Trotaky'a, but Trotsky did stand—by virtue of necessity rather than conviction—tor a little more democracy within the Communist party...
...Socialists Have Tickets In at Least 21 States The Socialist .Party to the middle of October has nominated more or leas complete tickets in the following states: Massachusetts, Connecticut...
...arms of th* protectionists and subsidy seeker* whose policies retard international prosperity,;make for an increase ot Jingo lam...
...SoeteUet -.ami labor movement of the.en tire world has lest the most laved and .most f earless ehavapieh to vasrid ^^^^^^^^^^^ "Wa bow wirteteiatw* modi' tstte en his great life, of service to the cause ef justice...
...Dobs was oil sympathy...
...His fjiisie bclitg »as Jni<j*c( ink Kfp.^ ^Tkrottghdl the pern...
...Montana, Utah, California, New Mexico, Colorado and Oklahoma...
...It can only be justified as a bid to catch farmers' votes...
...H. O. Wiseman said Mr...
...all our might we shall strive to bring about the complete emancipation of the working class for which our beloved comrade has given every ounce of of...
...meetings are filled, our .street 'meetings suffer, not from lack of audi: I ences, but of enough) speakers...
...He was thp most lovable human being...
...S "J LCOBWrwasea wanapBsspwas...
...Tony Sender In Haekensack The Socialists of (Bergen County are looking forward to a good turn-out next Thursday evening, October 27, when Tony Sender is scheduled to speak in the State Street School, Haekensack, N. J., on "Socialism and Labor Legislation in Germany...
...Victor Bergqr, a fellow Socialist, eulogised hint as *e greet American...
...tabor t^bose I of you who haven^ajone apy* tygjac or given anything- iu ^fiis chnv 'INK* are.missing-a real opp^uait^ fTume evidence of1'this 'aacouragihgj Estate of affairs 'is found in the rapdn f of the Rand School...
...Debs lived H. Needless to say this groat end nobis seel went to e« American prison...
...It is more likely to promote International ill-will than a solidarity of farmers and peasants...
...But that they signed it emphasizes the struggle that is already quietly on In the United States between old fashioned protectionists like Coolidge and industrialists who atiU depend on a big tariff subsidy and those bankers and industrialists who are primarily concerned with foreign export markets...
...ins to aim- family almost as soon as the news of the lender's death was, flashed over the country...
...But a few months previous, the citizens of the same community, had turned out to the number of 600,000 to bow their heads at the passing cortege of Meyer London, another great Socialist leader...
...oSr praise, but of our deeds...
...Men and woman.are brcfceri-hearted today ie the knowledge that Eugene y.' Dobs hoe gone to sleep...
...Tears were In the eyes of all, men ¦¦omen and children...
...r am'pBjettctnarly I'pleased that the workers'/ training' i course, especially intended.'for trade I Unionists is going so well...
...We are tenoosmc Vet its ill ---»»¦ i line ¦ sei fcgi yajlrga aoss tssOaassUssJ------ -----*-JWW^s* ¦¦lit eawwargjrmwa ffsajp-r HPaVjfnniVfl vBoBv WfEa l»T tka...
...Not even Queens and their publicity agents can fool all the people all the time...
...It will confirm the capitalistic and nationalistic phychology of the farmers...
...He also exposes the fallacies f*jt the older Taylor system type of FPPtiency and argues for a far more r*divlduallstic and psychologically ¦s»nnd approach to the problem of injjj**8'"* the efflciency and easing the H? °f the workers...
...Trade" union leaders ought te be familiar with a short book, "In*lstrial Psychology," by Charles S. :akyers, a British expert...
...k "No* only has the Socialist » Party ef this nation lest Ha meet Sieved comrade, but the...
...For itve^days the shattered body of .America's greatest Socialist;, leader fought a losing fight for life...
...The vorld vithoat Ceng- Debt is i poorer and drearier place to live in...
...profoundly sincere, intensely devoted to what he believed to be the truth...
...the leadl te^^o^a^foa^wng death h^m Sad pencil, tft wavering, hljtruag lines he traced the' letters oi Hen* ky's -fcnrictns," which he bad...
...pre the workers...
...War that, reason he is unique, a rare soul among ths sordid pygmies who have attained fame without meriting H. Eugene V. Debs was ths most devoted and powerful crusader against sncient wrongs since the passing of...
...he uttered his last...
...West Virginia, Kentucy, Ohio...
...The fair visions, the ssytftlsss voeurage, the' lefty ideals, iWe ufixcenqusrabie devotion of thek*Tallfmn leader have been a stes<X fcif. spiraWott far half a eantsry te hosts ef men And'women whs tail ' In all the lands...
...eesivsd..the news cf the .passing of itagtpo'y...
...Men might say that he was wrong.- They might say that he .woe- visionary...
...Millions mourn thsir ineemaar...
...Hie affections knew no barriers of race, creed, color or nationality...
...Theodore, and two slaters, Mrs...
...ers cites examples of cases where I*, brief rest period at frequent inter|**ls during the .working day Increases -•WPut...
...his last days...
...In spfle •/ sss advanctJ age and »S hsaifh he 9d*t»1&e last die impersonation vf radiani youth in hit mental akriJ acss and nc*er~fl*gg'mg enthunatm... is for us to dedi- cat* Ourselves to the great cause of human emancipation,- to which he halt given the last full 'measure of devtfc* Usa...
...In a coma ail of those trying days, durtng" which Comrades the world over anxiously watted news which thfy knew must be of a sorrowfstl '«atare1 Debs could not speak...
...Now his citizenship is in the republic of the immortals...
...At' hla bedside during...
...e fit is also going to be necessary to L f*ove that with proper management ! •/ five-day week is perfectly consistent '.with necessary standards of produc*. Hob...
...and render all talk of genuine internationalism an empty form of sentiment...
...Here they get surprising help from fite most up-to-date industrial psy¦fcoleglsts...
...following the services, the body wHi be taken to Indianapolis tor cremation...
...Speaking of tariffs and subsidies, it is amusing to observe that our friends the Communists in their New York platform have endorsed the McNsryHaugen bill, or something like it...
...The doctors marveled at his wilt to live...
...The country hat lost one of its loblest tons...
...When Debs passed on- there passed the most loved and the meat feared man in the United States...
...This appeal for lower tariff barriers in Europe which has been made by an imposing group of bankers and industrialists of 16 nations, including America, is significant...
...It is very (' doubtful, however...
...No unfortunate loft hie presence unrelieved...
...But Fttuik that every trade unionist will CTW reason to feel grateful for what gjk- Meyers end experts lflte him are ff^S to humanize Industry...
...L. "In the death ef Eugene Victor Debs the Socialist Party of the United States has lost its most...
...Thjee who loved htm...
...DEBS IS A CITIZEN WITH THE IMMORTALS, NORMAN THOMAS SAYS Norman Thomas psid tribute to Debs, saying: "No Isader in our generation had so deep and true a hold ef the affection of millions of -men and womsn as Qene Debs...
...the - jobless, the hungry, the wrstshsd, fewssj in Debs e great comforter...
...mV ttruggl»ani wftrhng hit jttA hoi±%*s wMnf *Hh flaming vilaHly...
...The wastrel, the outcast...
...Millions are In tears of ' gratitude for a Ufa timer of nereis deeense ef the lowly...
...Iw-one of his;,few lucid momenta...
...Judge Jacob Panken, the caiMldat* for Governor, an associate of twoscore years with Dabs • in the Socialist movement, was speaking when the news was received...
...Bocialbits asidi^-Sooiallste^AUke...
...could not have attained...
...Kansas, Texas...
...In the State of Washington the two capitalist parties bass enacted legislation which makes It practically Impossible for an opposition party to hie a list of candidates...
...Take the new ' slogan of a flve-day week, for instance...
...of sacrifice, of principle, of noWe Integrity...
...In Russia Stalin has triumphed over Trotsky...
...the standard that has fallen from his handepand carrying K forward till the Judgment of the neat few decodes Will have carried it to victory...
...Oasis Blebs, win have joined the repuMte at Has immortals...
...New York...
...Now the McNary-Haugen bill is nothing in the world but a proposal for a subsidy to the farmers...
...Nothing can be more Important than this sort of practical study on the part of labor union men...
...Hit moot ardent fighting oprang from hit deep and warm love for all that heart human countenance...
...Debs was the most unique man of our time...
...Because at his advanced years and heart disease, which had persisted virtually throughout his life, he offered only slight physical resistance when a turn for the worse occurred...
...But our suspicion of them must not let us fall into th...
...r A grreat campaign rally of the.-Stt clalist party was to progress tn Public School <2, Manhattan...
...the captain of my souL" . ¦ Ac he wrote the liut words hla pencil dropped tnm bia Angers...
...Long ^bpurs for farmers and unskilled work'jp, and for all workers in such basic ^Jsjustrles as steel, textiles, etc., la. BBably threaten short hours in other 'fees...
...offeA told friends inspired him, through las whole life...
...The ste"Ustics he has amassed show that in ;. »ai>rr-industrles "the greatest hourly *;-tt£s-of output generally occurs t during f*'4S-hour working week...
...But million* of people beue*ed m him and all vhc came vithin the magic sphere of his Personal contact loved Mm...
...The long term imprisonment of this fende apostle of peace and brotherhood vhich hat undoubtedly/ hastened fat tnd vill forever remain an indelible blot vn American justice and an abhorrent yminder of the var-crazed aberration if the American public's mind...
...While his body has ceased to perform, his work wHI go on and will shine with increasing brightness with tjte passing of the years...
...Phillips and Garrison...
...deep-sealed love he bad won' Qirough his crusajHhg life m 7lJ99n;wiped away...
...It might:, hearten Gene Debs com -he know that .feeling of the turning' dl ;i1he tide which, has come upon tnauj tat us in this New York campaign...
...It is somewhat amusing to observe that certain of the American signers want it understood that this philosophy applies only to Europe and not the United States...
...Wiseman said death waa doe to chronic myocarditis, a heart affliction with which he bad suffered tor twenty...
...By the way...
...His death had been expected at any minute for the last tares days...
...teed byp, 'Qene...
...It did aftcome until Wednesday...
...TJB) \ ypung folks are doing' some fine wnrf af a Jimmy Biggins order...
...Hew shell wo live to be worthy of this Friend, Cosaraep and Ubsrstort gkf^sossine...
...No ether man prominent, in our public life has had them these past twenty years...
...1 fort and evsn his life...
...21—William a Henry,' national secretary of tin Socialist Fhrtr, who was In conscant attendance the bedside oi Debs for sevs^a* /Bays, issued the foliSwing statenent today op the death Bf the Socialist leader: "Eugene V, Debs is dead...
...EUGENE V. DEBS PASSES AWAY SOCIALIST LEADER BRAVE TO THE END LOSES FIGHT TO LIVE FOR SOCIALIST Family and Comrade Attend at" BedSide of World-Revered SpokeMoan of the Laber Movement CHICAGO.—Surrounded by his Socialist comrades and Mr immediate family, his last uttered thought a prayer of thanks, fat the pact he was permitted to play in the Socialist movement...
...Solid treasons for ^ it have been given by that great open [shop employer, Henry Ford...
...Debt"wot a rare "c8#>t otter in tfie public life of Amertcai There not another than...
...i(nwc«( of condolence began com...
...With the Socialist leader at the end were hla wife, Katharine...
...It is an international event...
...From that angle his surrended to unfortunate...
...Henry For* himself has given some of the reasons why a 40-hour week will help...
...This a what Debs wrote: "It matters not hew straight the gats...
...his last moments also were Socialist party leaders, Including William H. Henry, the national executive secretary...
...But .Dobs woo more than this...
...myth ej 1j Tammany Hall friendship., for...
...It is a good slogan...
...adWeaaft cAesarr...
...Louise H. Niblack, who had attended Mr...
...Debs almost continuously since Saturday, told physicians the patient apparently suffered no paJsi whatever during...
...If Trotsky may not or-l ganize his own group within tha party...
...Obviously this flve-day week r tjrogram must be used as an incentive h> organization, for onyl by far more extensive organisation of'the workers .."than now exists can it be generally ^jsaintained...
...Forensic art for which this country was once noted perished after the reconstruction ported...
...But no man who ever, hoard him' ever said that he was not earnest...
...litP^ery has come to stay...
...How can ¦ we use ma¦ tinery and -get efflciency without ¦ ¦kiag men into Robots...
...torn* bstag rushed...
...No matter how much one ought to sympathize with the plight of many farmers, no matter how essential it is for Socialists and industrial workers generally to consider some form of relief to the farmers, the endorsement of the McNary-Haugen, bill ia contrary to every principle that Socialism stands for...
...have efflciency 3 1 Production...
...The book is . Mulshed by W. W. Norton & Co., -* Fifth avenue...
...S> Dobs knew thof-,the Canton speech meant the end of Mo, personal freedom...
...FujaerasI a^rangapiente...
...Eugene Victor Debs had greatability and much eloquence, yethe was greatest of all as a man...
...New York...
...There is not one man in the boWgeois portico today of whom this con be - said...
...No European nation, except Russia, baa within its own borders any such free trade area as has the United 8tates...
...Ws shall never- fsrSjstyesu Sacaothipg of ua atespe v#h you...
...Ave years...
...Debs died peacefully, his strength gradually ebbing away...
...hds> dreds of men and" women who ware comrades with Debs m the Socialist and labor movement of their Intention to be present...
...How Charged with punishment the scroti, t am the nsacter of my fate...
...A pare tgpeaf early Christian at hit best, he vat strangely misplaced in our cold age of selfishness and greed... uniongj* w»l realize how much work still ;**«"»ains to be done in this fleM...
...Of course the Situation in Europe is infinitely worse than in the United States...
...u* to lift high the torches which w» have kindled from his...
...The great orators are Inspired by profound convictions...
...It id tor...
...t am...
...TIMELY TOPICS BEFORE these words see the light Ml of nay it is all too probable the* mF"^' that great lover of manshift, sgjf, our friend, our leader...
...It is the purpose of the class i to get down to brass tacks on trade • anion ideals and methods...
...And any industry .¦Jay easily pay too high a price for - Wg production...
...his brother...
...Will Be Held in DeW Home Town Friday or Saturday r»l«l«H»,jiAVTji Ipdv-^All ajaases I. v'of < Teles : BAu*»'a ct&ns...
...Noble'speech doss not eases of moinoertty or lack of ideas, f H is the greet girt of soresstpws, atooarity, slwwsjoVJpvo ef.e edess... loss...
...Tet our Communist friends who left us because we were too opportunistic and not autficlently revolutionary are now trying to catch farmers with this opportunistic, capitalistic bait...
...He'did not so choose...
...It is significant that the once great art of oratory has withered and died in-the last twenty-five years...
...Now Panken waa to tell them that Debs, the Inspirator of London and others of the group of their local Socialist leaders, was also goae...
...Above SJR, te be in deadly sows set, to give oil that we hevje, that the ideate of Eugene V. Debe may bo Mofloisfat all the institutions of society...
...masses of the workers are beginJ ping- once-more to suspect the...
...N. Y. AUDIENCE IN TEARS Judge Panken Preaks News to Socialist Meeting — Is Overcome by Emotion WITHIN an hour after ths'greal great heart of BtD^sW- y. Debs had beat its bast i«n,> Chicago suburban sanitarium, use s<flMan news spread to every worklht class section of the -nation...
...He lived a life of service te his feHews./Others might talk of a noble ethical standard...
...Michigan, Indiana, Iilllnois, Wisconsin, Mis* souri...
...The announcement took the audience of 3,000 as though a bomb had been thrown in its midst...
...There were open, unashamed sobs, while even the strongest could not remain with unaffected mien...
...It was evident - that jAnge Panken was laboring under great stress...
...C. O. Mallloux of.New York... arrived of John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry WendoU Phillips spoke in Henry Word Bcochor> church in Brooklyn.' He appealed "te the American paeplo fifty .-years hence, when the .light of civilisation has had Store time to ponotrsto, when serfinterest has been rebuked by the world rising and giving its verdict on these great' questions, when ft is net e small bend of Ahditienlets, but the civilization of the twentieth cesjtury," That judflineftt hps been given and John Brawn . lives in the affections'ef these who are sMIhasd...
...Why : notf What spMM- has official America of o man of oonvictioos, ef sishsrjty...
...He joas a autader and a fighter, but there vat no hale in him...
...PARTY MOURNS LOSS Statement of Secretary Henry on Death of Eugene V. Debs (Special Despatch to The New Leader) CHICAGO, Oct...
...Man produces to live...
...Oui shall...
...Funeral services will be public, relatives of Debs have Indicated in Chicago...
...Nevertheless, workers ' tor the flve-day week cannot utterly ; Ignore the questions of production and efflciency...
...Dobs wop also unique in that no We, earnest, speech survived .tn him...
...John Heinl of Terre Haute, Ind., and Mrs... or woman could hate - Debs...
...Aa' good . . Internationalists we Socialists wIU have occasion to point out the dangers of the class internationalism of the bankers and industrialists...
...Eugene V. Debs passed- away in the Lntdfahr Sanitarium WedaftSday evening.3...
...loved leadsr and comrade...

Vol. 3 • October 1926 • No. 41

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