Silverstein, Louis Stanley

THE ELECTRICAL WORKERS STORY By LOUIS STANLEY SILVERSTEIN I.-National Beginnings (1876-1893) ELECTRICITY oSMSrpfS* • stnstogH position te *o* htoustrisJ oreW. It is tight aad bant and...

...Only a union ss widely organised as tho employers odold eontend with them and win...
...the four-week probationary period...
...Jewelry was a luxury . pad could absorb any wage Increases, ' movlded that tho cut-throa* competition oeased...
...Special numbers and enlarged editions drew attention to the aims and tasks of the trade unions in general, and defined the parts played re-» spectlveiy by the woman workers, the young worker, the civil servant, the non-manual worker, co-operative societies, etc...
...The time seemed ripe for a national organisation...
...Huge mass meetings wer* addressed by th* most prominent leaders of the Dutch Socialist snd labor movement Notic* waa served upon the Government that the meases of Dutch workers would not stead' for sny Increase to naval or army expenditure...
...On the first day of hostilities J. Henry Stump, president of the 'Federated Trades Council, and seven pickets were arrested...
...Sundays and holidays...
...The "bosses" had -sproralaed them, orally—there had never •h**n written agreements, even in the Sweat ot days—that they would receive BjRto torty-f our hour week and time and I* half for overtime, but that the open 2 Shop'- would prevail...
...L. 8, READING, PA...
...In Hungary, too...
...j ;*\*>V ** • "*¦ ¦>-*-• Th* up-to-date enreotss* Of th* fah...
...Tho union actually fell- into debt...
...because of practical reason *. DUTCH LABOR WAGES WAR AGAINST WAR The moot imposing anti-war demonstration ever seen in Holland took place on Sunday, September II.'in The Hague at a Special antl-milH*rl*t congress called by the Nether land Federation of Trade Unions and the Social Democratic Labor Party of Holland...
...The response to /the Fspeerhes by William Karlin, August tClaeasena and Organize...
...It would take pages to attempt to reproduce the program of Berlin albne, and Hamburg and other towns had equally extensive ones...
...3oy* at twelve to twenty dol- Jars a week were brought in to per•ferni the work made possible by dlvl, si cm of...
...In Franca tba festivities wars markedly international, Paris being the center tt tha time of two taternsttonal la Tkgrmaik tb* teed* unkms, except ht Mow crafts,.already have so many BUmhSSS that a further iacrsas* te ¦oeieety to bojHf** M ¦ C opm~ which Were sStsndsd by th* executive* of the Cfcpeaaagea trad* anion*, ths National Center and th* Social Dempofbtto party...
...Tstede, Chicago...
...Cdhvai'sa tlon Often turned to . ots*nt«*tion...
...It won the attachement of several local unions in the West, but era...
...Tbe unionisation of electrical workers Is almost coincident with th* emergence of electricity as a commodity commercially significant...
...The ;tian1ini*lilii...
...i wage* far worker* on platinum of Sgxam ll.SO to f3.Se an hour and for fefhase oa sold of from 11 to $1-75...
...electrical workers to th* country whose names snd address ss ho could secure...
...eventful consolidation of the CBfinboefessk" and German Boctalist trad* Batons ia Czechoslovakia was mad* on Beet...
...It .was decided - that unions refusing to comply with this iian would not be expelled, but that the matter be put up to the next congress...
...Hours were Indefinite during the...
...Showing but mettle once more, he set out on the road again, working hie way from one city ter another, bringing-the message of unionism...
...closing books to apprentices nam the present number of youngsters are absorbed, sad finally aa advance...
...equal distribution of work dur; tog the slack season...
...aad apS^£mS&$£VSli *b*hr> Se sfaawaaaMA4 wsnaawSaawS...
...Samuel TTPssrililnr was a rush of now memjTbsie The workers have stiffened in <r thetr resistance to the "bosses," 5 The Jewelry Union has been, up to &rnc*atly...
...The Women's Trade Union League will be called In to give aid...
...Fight for the International Eigbt-Hour Day...
...Tbe workers were thoroughly vanquished...
...determined to attract vasMora hp op abundance ot1 ei*cdric*l Atjp|rf-^ ft**, triolans front all ever the country sped to dtt...
...It is only since last summer that tho apathy haa shown signs of wearing off...
...upon and dsflned...
...With tho help ef a special committee Miller circularised all the...
...they became "sojourners" in those that already existed...
...Hence, .- toe response to the present organization drive...
...For six months, from \ Bbptember to April, the men fought ^stubbornly against the newly organised Jewelry Crafts AasocisUon, rep^tssenlliis the employers...
...The economic life of Venezuela is fundamentally sound, and the condition of the country ia excellent," Cake and hallelujah...
...IB *»splf Local new showed it* liberality by offering te lend mooey to th...
...Hs cosifbpM*ssat to' thressnea w^kt *ji aiifeljeg*| wMfc i^^UtmmX- tttftM^Tlt CdMt...
...If formal raaflop^ion, follow* wlB mean that mjk* tbaa bait a million,organized worker* wfO have bona brought Into co-operivMpa...
...Furthermore, the unions have been able to cheek the move toward big wage cuts during the recent years of trade slumps.and unemployment, and in 1922 the actual, purchasing power of the* organised, workers' pay was 22 per cent higher than In 1912...
...Many of tba men had had tried* anion experience before In various, parts of the country...
...Great preparations have been made almost everywhere to celebrate the anniversary...
...tbsd,^ spexsedy-pspahitod Northern land.- Tmstaad of sflpStod back from tbd hsgh toarfe reached to the immediate neet-weu- period, Bf has been the ease to nearly every other country, .the Swedish unions have continued to rally, iths - wovbors td their standard and In Jon* tost their membership totalled Stt^U...
...Around 1880 they had increased sufficiently to number to warrant the formation of assemblies composed only, of telegraph linesmen and in the winter of 1881-1882, according to the practice of the Knights of Labor, even organised s District Council...
...A good Seal of hoeae-tehouse canvasajng wad dona during tho •seek, literature was distributed, trad* union works sold, ate...
...Five cities wore Induced to organise unions hut the results In, general did not plea** this restless spirit...
...More than 86,000 workers came from all parts of the country to march in tbe 'great parade...
...Nsv*n¦*©"•"• SeaTrvtJ Ff•iti •fttA*t...
...A victory of the union would mean r1^"-"forty-four hour week again en.^Ssfood by double time for overtime...
...At theVame tame the fi«Bt inkling, of th* Internal dhisehaioa that waa to rend the Brotherhood of Electrical Workers In two within a few year* waa noticed, but that Is a story tor dur next install¦nent...* professors, under obligation to work ten hours a day, were to be paid four munificent dollars a week, and.the porter, that illiterate bearer of burdens, was to make merry on, well, on two whole dollars a week...
...At that time they -.enjoyed many advantages—the forty - [dour boar week...
...6Cut-throat competition . among the -manufacturers became the order of the <day...
...The generosity of a Gomes knows no bounds...
...Latvia ii'iseufgaf a trade union ars** exhibition, whtob was opened by A Oudegeest...
...The Lorraine Company certainly stirred up a hornet"s nest...
...The director 'of...
...A znyanSssd >anre proof of sh slusssfh of tba *rSsnlsod tabor sSqvs moat to...
...In 1884 the United Order of Linemen was founded at Denver, Colorado...
...On the 22nd a groat demonstration made in Vienna...
...St HI President Miller did not throw up bis hands to despair...
...f In Great Britain, where tba anxieties of the times prevented, say special demonstrations, attention was drawn to th* significance «f tho day at all trade union meetings apg| labor gatherings...
...AUSTRALIA POSTPONES PAN PACIFIC MEETING Tps Australian amber "Pertyvhae postponed from November...
...They suffered such miserable conditions that the organisers had to exert the strongest efforts to induce the exploited girls not to strike until their union waa established more firmly...
...The homei Work evil became more ohronlc than before, since the assembling could -Tvery well be done outside after hours...
...Over 2,000 kilometers of good roads are under construction linking the most remote Inhabited areas of the Republic with the seaport* and the capital...
...A proposal prohibiting the collective affll tat td n of local unions with the Social- Democratic Party was rejected...
...When, therefore, Wlremen's snd Linemen's Union No...
...It win be even more Important In tbs future...
...Scabf. btag is particularly easy in this line, 1 stace'<-m> to*» can take home In his Saetnais tooto and material upon which "Ao work without being suspected, v After six months of struggle the men or "what waa left of them—'voted to ~ jftlli II to work...
...Within a few year* central generating stations began to appear on every hand...
...Louis had one grave defect, .which continued to hamper the growth at tho anion until it was corrected to UtjS...
...will not keep the Central Union Trust Company from continuing to Its ' neat, summary, hopeful way...
...At this Juncture Charles CasseL ad organiser of the A. F. o( L, cam* upon th* scene...
...Of was smashed...
...District Council No...
...REFUSES TO BE A PASSAIC The attempt of some cloak "bosses" In Beading, Pa., bids well to turn out to be a boomerang not only for the particular Individuals Involved but also for tbe employers of that city to general...
...tlTjbe absence of union conditions destroyed tho uniformity that had preLralled previously...
...Drives for more members were features of the celebration in several countries, notably Germany, where the trade union press introduced the Propaganda Week by arranging for a thorough discussion of important questions...
...The Age of Electricity may really be said to have begun then...
...It was admitted that the thne had been too short, to view of the "difference* ot opinion among union leaders, but H was reported that progress waa being made and the'congress approved the Executive Committee's plan as the basis the organisation of Industrial unions -and urged the various affiliated bodies to hasten the transfer of local branches and member* into th* new unions...
...Whan, th* agreement ia ravfdfles, H will probably, not bo tong befor* s Joint meeting of tba two esntersa to held...
...EIGHT SIT IN SENATE MEXICO CITY.—The fact that Mexico br leveling her budget In accordance with the country's income and expenses had complied with her foreign debt obligations, thereby recovering her credit abroad, was dwelt upon aa were also the establishment of the Bank of Mexico, the road building program, the huge irrigation projects now being worked out...
...the harbor works, the founding of agrarian bank* aad the progress made toward solving ths agrarian problem, the opening of rural schools for tbe educa'tlos of ths Indian and farmer, the reorganisation ot th* army and the 'fact that' peace and harmony In general bad been established throughout the republic, to President Cstles' recent adSrsss to ths thirty-second congress...
...Orieanai Pittsburgh, Cincinnati aad Dutath...
...U., there haa been an excellent response in Some countries, even a. brilliant one, to the appeal to signalize the 26th anniversary of the International Trade Union Movement by extensive propaganda under the slogan, "Back to tho Unions...
...which want* to bs asaarred 'of aa astotorrupted supply;- to tba government, which protons** an Interest to preserving stability...
...sasSast 204,617 on Dec...
...During the last two weeks, for example, several thousand workers were organised...
...f\ A aew attuation arose at tha..end of •<h* strike...
...This policy wss held,to be narrow and against the ,true Interests of the messes of .the working- people...
...Among tbs "important resolutions adopted by tbs...
...Loot* sad organ^*w"^- 0% ^k^n *. flfis^^^f^^ bej j9Ag*e90iw)e*lky Indien^SL...
...4BBaaaaBaawk wsaawfe ^sff Baaaawi Swedish Unions Gain Members and Strength...
...Brotherhood to dsfrsy the expense* of tbs convention, to sot up a nsUonel office in snd to finance Presadsnt Miller's, hurried .trip to the A. F. of L. convention at Birmingham, STahsssS There a charter was obtained to .November, IMS, granting the National Brotherhood of' Electrical Workexs- Jurisdiction over all electrical workers to tho United states...
...Not be tag numerous enough to form exclusive local assemblies of their own...
...The verbal promises .made to - the returning men fell into -tbe discard...
...His rate * of pay fell to a dollar and less an hour...
...the telegraph was invented tar lfj*4 and by the time of the Civil War a network of wire* made communication possible from one corner of tbe country to another...
...To make matters *njniaot machinery for dyeing and |Brod4jjd' was lntrpdupeoj, particularly to the gold shops...
...The constitution adopted at St...
...21, 1925, and X&SlI on Doc...
...He understood that ho progress could be made with a local organization...
...At his own expense hs...
...There were also meetings and street demonstrations...
...192*4 to Jtfly, 1927...
...In "tha provincial towns tbs mtahrntlnws took the form st roasting* sad fssUrWss...
...after all this revelry, what remains T Why, Just this: On the 24th of' July General Juan Vicente Gomes (who in 1909 became and still .continue* to be tbe administration) decided to celebrate his birthday, and to the limit...
...Soon electricity invaded or created new fields of endeavor...* sub-director, fourteen or fifteen dollars...
...A low per capita tax ef ten cento per month for each member was required by every local, while at the same time a death benefit for both husband and wife was established...
...of tbe resolution -for reorganization of the unions along Industrial lines by 1926 adopted by the lt*22 congress...
...UNITY MOTE ADVANCES IN CZECHOSLOVAKIA ' Another step toward tbe...
...bench spaoe in another person's shop and did a petty ^business of their own, flourished...
...42X1 was chartered by th* American Federation of Labor aad the seed ot tbe present International Brotherhood'of Electrical Workers was planted, i .It was fortunate that tho first president of th* now union, elected in January, lstl, had th* vision snd tbs pertinency of Henry Miller...
...tutsd tha Brst nrtplly ctrote... organised labor, which needs the aaetotaacs of erssry man snd woman in th* basic Industrie* In case of a great eobuomlo and political struggle...
...The next mass meeting win take'place at the end of...
...Ventured forth alone...
...EvansvUle, Louisville, Indianapolis, Chicago and Milwaukee were graced by his presence and in each -lie' left behind him a local union aa a token of his activity...
...The aim wae commendable, but' the means were „ suicidal...
...There is every reason to hope and expect that these organised efforts will bring many new recruits into the trade unions ef all countries and thus accelerate tho forward march of the trade union movement which bas already begun...
...Aa a. result of the defeat of "tt» demoralisation set In...
...At'this meeting the chief, weak**** of the organization was further .aggravated by doubling the death benefits without changing the per capita tax...
...of tbe InternaWssssl Jewelry Workers' Union, Local KMe, 1, held st Brysnt Hall, Thursday f srsntni- October 7. Tbs place Bnres pkckSB... Reading that labor, organized and unorganized, has been aroused...
...Thus ths negofteyon* have, so tar, peon rmooraafnl, alrVongh Ussprisylptos laid down kav* ana to ^approved by r««o4u^iqns ok th* exessUsa confareace* of both nwflra As «h«te have-bssn earlier sgraeawtito seelifsg wirb patasnptes, tt is almost Wrtato that bosk-parties wm ratify the prissat agreement...
...s anion membership st this point i dropped, to abaost nothing...
...II to Karlsbad when a Joint mooting ef representative* of both group was held, with Jan Oudsgseat, s secretary of . th* Zatotbs/dessal ~F*s****Uon of Trad* Unions, preatdlisg...
...In Austria it bad been found -necessary tq postpone the propaganda drive until October 2. It will continue for the whole month...
...LABOR ANNIVERSARY FITTINGLY OBSERVED Reports received by the Amsterdam Bureau ot the -International Federation of Trade Unions from many European countries show that the celebration during the week beginning September 19 of the twenty-fifth anniversary ot the founding ot the international trade union movement was widespread and productive of much benefit to organised labor...
...The other former MbwdKlons, would, of course, go by tbe jtppard...
...after the villainous rabble of bootlickers, whether in the" pose of profound statesmanship or sanctimonious blackguardism, haa had its multiple tongue in tho honey...
...However, it wad not until 1876 that the electrical Industry took on' Its present stride...
...Fifty-one Labor* Party candidates, among them RIcardo Tree too...
...busy .seasons preceding ^Christmas and Easter and straight thne was paid...
...Union conditions, everybody realized, was needed by the trade...
...Old members died snd to death made demands upon the union treasury, While recruits could not be won easily heoa'uS* the funds required for organisation Work w^re consumed by the deceased...
...f ibotttion of piece work and homework...
...the college waa to receive some twenty odd dollar* a week aa salary...
...L. S. Trade Union Propaganda Week Being Planned Judging by information received from almost all the national centres affiliated with tho L F. T...
...Nov SB, to which, only they could belong...
...Phlladetpb*a, kfliwsukee sad Dttfuth const...
...Press articles, meetings and public demonstrations, recruiting in factories and workshops, house-tohouse 'canvassing, tbe distribution of leaflets, etc., are ail means which -vre being used to approach, the unorganised to the last man add woman, and to win them over to Join the ranks of the "free", trade unions...
...The Initiation fee of $26 tea*, therefore, eliminated for toe time "betes, but it is about to be restored •grata...
...This, of course...
...221 Issued a call i Werner*, ospt at St...
...Then, with tbe close of hostilities- the first transatlantic cable was laid...
...The workers had no alterna- tire hot to accept what was offered...
...that jj Is, Jewelers who hired...
...Tho sole v-.ieridence that remained that there was i»> union at all waa the union treasury, 1 Which fend survived because It had yjml Been the Practice to pay strike benefit...
...Workers in Big Response To Organization Drive of N. Y. Jewelry Union The Field of Labor EFYBwb whole Jewelry trade haa been |T I set OB Odds by tbs bis...
...equalisation of work...
...A aohem* for the re - organization of the Federation so a* to give more power to the national executive was debated at length and finally laid aside for "unbiased examination...
...Tbarsdorev tba status of the worker to*this todustry to of tbs greatost cotooern—to .oapttai...
...seneral j?"*" mass meeting...
...Principles war*, arid dowp, for tba Joint work ef th* union* and tha duties to be discharged Mr to* Joint Trad* Union Commit tee* were a*-r-eed...
...Bo tor ao good, but the young organisation through lack of caution and excess of seal risked a general strike of telegraph, workers in 1888...
...The chamber ia to hold its convention the first week to November...
...a ratio of one "¦apprentice te every ten Journeymen...
...The old rule ot "prices are subject to change without notice," which •meant hp-ward, of course, had to be "taken off billheads...
...SUU tho efforts at organisation did not cease...
...The result was characteristic of the decentralised control of the Knights...
...It is expected that the scattered locals to this trade win eventually bo federated into an international union affiliated with the A, P. of t, The macaroni and spaghetti workers have also responded to tho appeal of organisation...
...A sample of practical co-operation between the Osi men snd Caeoboslovak anions was recently shown when a Joint deputation visited Premier Ceray and submitted a number «f practical' ¦sgg*jrtbins tor tbs ondfins down of un- , employment and the revival of tadnst«y...
...Th* consensus of opinion was that electrical workers could only be united: effectively, if other branches beside* linemen - wars included in one-body, ft wax argued that a beginning could b* mad* with the wtremen snd linemen on the exposition grounds...
...passing away cf the "boarder" i-.vfi "cockroach" shops, since the men lia make more at the bench than A;^-^Pinjr n picayune business of thelr own aad since aa employer would be forced to,make his "boarders1* vacate...
...This aettoa fullesssd the complaint of -1st...
...Within the last three months She membership has about doubled, although still below the 1910 level...
...I* 8. THE ITALIAN CHAMBER OF LABOR AT WORK The Italian Chamber of Labor ts performing a unique service In New York City...
...It was their vperied, ef boom...
...The -; "cookroaoh" shop, consisting of a num*b*r of partners who work themselves ass death to get all the business they ^ can-from the next fellow, became a . Ohronic evil...
...C. 8. Alexander, a >Tlgi SB* at Stephen—a, Va,, who was lefties* BQantteanss to the state free camp sb* at Frederick, Md...
...He was able to report at the second-annual.convention to Chicago, 1881, that tha membership had Increased to -sixteen hundred and the number.of local unions to forty-five...
...Increased to fifteen cents...
...Ia that year there was held at Philadelphia the Centennial Exposition, a great success in coptrast to its ancestor fifty years later...
...GflMfjpe Negroes will not bo permitted to Use th* state usuiptog sites atoag the National Pike between BaTtlmore and tbs Pennsylvania state line, si spidliig to Director of Public Works John N. MackaH...
...Since the present administration went into power in 1009 the government has been showing an important surplus In its budget, reflected to a healthy reserve of gold accumulated In th* vaults of the Banco do Venezuela, the government depository...
...The men were pbsnfideat snd demanded a thirty-nine Jtour week without a chance in wages> r,**f**e strike proved disastrous...
...By royal decree he created a new Co!leg*, the "Colegjo Moneenor Janreguf...
...TAb old skill of .the Jeweler became useless...
...We know that at the time ef the Philadelphia Exposition telegraph linemen were already affiliated with the Knights of Labor, the predecessor of the America* Federation of Labor...
...Leeds to bet tba oppeitstotbr of setting up the magic lights...
...fa* postponement was decided on for A* purpose of giving the Industrial wganlzatlons which have been tovtbd sufficient time to consider .tatty...
...It is tight aad bant and power...
...Let us quote some of it: "Under the slogan 'Work and Save' and aided by the recent development of the oil fields of the country and the unusually high price* for coffee (Venezuela'* chief export), tbe country Is now passing through a boom never before attained In its history...
...It organises the unorganized in trades where Italians are predominant and then gets them Into the American Federation of Labor...
...Anniversary Celebrated Labor Doings Abroad ««**« Assy, S *. Sept...
...The trade fell Into
...Basquiei 8*Icedo and Frederic* neons are among the eight Labor Forty mSmbete Who won seats la the notions...
...Under his direction Wlremen's and Linemen's Union No...
...Reading will not become a second Passaic is the determination of labor men and their liberal sympathizers...
...The firm also obtained a temporary injunction against the strikers, but this was dismissed by Judge John D. Stevens In the Berks Countir I Cquft.''' The - American Civ 11 Liberties Union assisted in the case...
...There were exhibited at that occasion two epoch-making electrical device*—the telephone and the arc-light...
...double time for oyer4 thro... that time waa about ¦f thirty-five hundred...
...Smaller demonstration* will take plaoe in all the industrial towns...
...The International Ladle*- Garment Workerst Union organised a strike against the Lorraine Company...
...congress, the first, held to four years, was one condemning tho tendency of some unions, notably to ths building trades, to try to effect monopoly of their work by refusing to admit new members...
...a four , weeks' probationary period for new s; aten...
...Today it entails an investment of more than twenty-five billion dollars...
...The Wheel of Progress in Venezuela f ¦'HE Central Union Trust ComI pany of New York City, by way of conclusion to its' report of June, 1826, upon financial and economic conditions in the Republic of Venezuela, is, blesa its Rotarian heart, so sweet, summary, and hopeful...
...All this has created such a sensation...
...The general organiser la Leonardo Frislna...
...Unions wore also estabUawsd At -.Tj^edO, New...
...of wages alt along tbe line...
...practically to a state of colPjljss since the great general strike KfcV 1919-1920...
...The most hotly discussed problem waa th* carrying out...
...At the third cosveation the number of locals inereaseed to sixty-five although the membership remained about stationary, in view of tbe industrial depression that hit the sountry in 1898 thla was not discouraging at *a To offset, tsts dsaln on the tresdarjr made Ty the dreath benefit system' the per capita tax was toadeluately...
...The artificial flower and feather workers are a case in point...
...Over a group of them ; was placed a finisher or inspector, who .received a dollar an hour...
...The time seems opportune for waging a drive among the women workers, who are numerous and to whose competition is due the low level of wages that prevails...
...ssers{tary of the Mexican Federation of T^abofY SMuardo Moneda, V. Lombardo Toiedano, Joaquin de la Peas, and* sahsstto Hernando* wer* seated to tbs tower house of tbe new ssssji ess...
...Last August the International Jewairy Workers-decided that the time :was ripe for a big drive...
...the Pan Pacific Conference, which it Is to hold at Honolulu...
...After the administration (which, mind you, has been in power since 1909, and Intends, dear me, never to say tbe word "die"), ha* had its hog's share...
...In the Instance of this hat block and die makers, the newly organised union has already presented demands to the employers for Increases in wages of from five to twenty-five per cent and for the forty-four hour week, The seven unions brought into existence by tho Italian Chamber of Labor within the last few months are a splendid example of what intelligent and determined effort can be done to bring the unorganized into the ranks of organised labor...
...Its methods and accomplishments ought to be studied...
...81, 1922...
...Ths labor press did Its best, and tfoe official trade union Journal leaned, d WnB edited enlarged specie...
...Alas, all« this economic sweetness somehow seems to stick only to tbe upper layer of the social crust...
...Belgium held ' meetings . and ar> ranged demonstrations with wireless speeches, festal gatherings, ate...
...In the" second place, he recognised that th* telegraph and telephone businesses war* to tho hands sf enormous corporations operating on a nar tlonal basis...
...This propaganda work Was followed by meetings and demonstrations all oyer the country...
...No doubt that had some attractions for sow members...
...propaganda meet - ins* ware held, and to Bulgaria the free trade unions organised a special demonstration at Sofia...
...October.-.tho time sad place to be announced later...
...fb> questions to be discussed...
...In ths first plaoe, when, the exposition ended the members returned to' their respective homes...
...Th* actual date of th* launching of th* International • trad* wnton movement wss August, 2U IMS, but the celebration was fixed fur Sept...

Vol. 3 • October 1926 • No. 40

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