A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES Pity the Poor Prophets EJ|R u tt* trouble* of gay ccriea***, Arm— HcPnerf*-^ son. It ihw to an* th* pew «tH ten* treated Bu«t exactly right. IV* «Mnt en*ugb to...

...He was lonely...
...a*p pB feverish hnsfte to about id totuitoad that a' sjsjlw th* agent's Is about to deliver * speech ew <%aa*r*pjm Bed Menace aad How to Stamp Tt Out* 'aOhuSJPVJtt Amsricaa Ismotofisn at PaUlmJs bi nhwa* sbsfimt and that every word ot this immortal effort wjem) client rears to hte teat and connxtsBce* Wtth tap dajl about the two Irishmen...
...hasp caused hate group mnahteiahj* nml burnt by hte isa posar* at their distortion at fact* aad Parurss, haa* already tokf this conference seme of the ways to ****% they make ta* wnm* appear tha better aaaauy bsbb tha prestige that' cm*** tram such sdverttata* aagajem diture* as that made by th* Oeasral aPsatahh -jaaa Association's propaauiids 1* sssnrsd* at a h ssYlf eolation newspaper in th* .......j I hi I all to'Saal appears, on the finanetel ***** slriisjstde ttehaSsafJjMW ments of teve*tmsnt houses ooTertos utSlty atefss PaP sate, but, when any pprttoniarty hraaaa steal et puhahh the Aasoctetlon to* wett featured" The AaaaahaBSB made by uttttty apobssaMa the ***anp Sjaayuj^H en a few mneata...
...Not a thing...
...lap cannot coon forget the very masterly aad subtle SsaflV net- la which th* Oevernment control of railways u'a* sabots gad by the pi am agents ef special privilege *B*jjl the people were aataaliy sold th* myth that Ossmta* ment control waa a failure...
...A worlsingman enrolling ta a syndicat is not entering a party, not subscribing to a platform, nor accepting a creed...
...whereas before the war the bum of th* nrajsh...
...the deep-toned tragic music ot Hampden's voice lingered to his ears...
...Dah noted that bis father waa >paying strict attention to his appearance, aad Bobley later told aim that...
...No sir...
...setting sail oa an unknown ass...
...Suddenly he wanted to get ay, and go out into the night The echo of the song he had Just heard was still to his ears, and ha remembered his' youth...
...A cricket began to chirp above his band...
...aa ****** ta**m4sj^Ptator*s^ •scocenlc needs...
...He arose, found his clothes, dressed and went quietly downstairs, let himself out into the garden, thence into the street...
...He went alone...
...telling the old lady ha was going to Jerusalem or some other •wee-port" oa Important business...
...Between these two els asm constant struggle is being waged...
...AH because he wished to please his wife...
...Tha finanetel strength of the worker* white on strike should he regarded mm unimportant Money, ot course, to necessary...
...rm so giad...
...The day win come when I shall be proved right...
...She could have told how, paddling over the briny deep, she waa kidnapped by [k playful whale who kept her to his stomach for tan . "Days aad ten nights' as a kind of Interior decoration, and discharged her to tha- same miraculous fashion when the style changed...
...But, ftowever that may be, the lack of literary Inventiveness to no criminal offense, so why treat poor Aimee like She wae a beer runner...
...his father was calling on a widow...
...But - the Joke'* not oa me...
...For my part, I am ready to forgive and forget...
...nothing extenuate Nor set down aught in m* as I am . . . . 1. Ot oaa whose hand Like the base Indian tljrew a.peart away Richer than: all hte tribe...
...Tha main tenets at this philosophy have already been indicated, The fundamental Idea, of revolutionary syndicalism, aa of Merxtea aonlaltom...
...ag*nt bag**) th* dsattal of newspaper reporting to tab IcUrtevfl f| has sunk today...
...e * e Ahnee MoPbarsoa might have followed the precedent of her Illustrious predecessor by explaining her absence through the Judicious revamping- of the Jonah-andthe-whale story...
...The syndicate should prefer industoat^'tbs aepntotthntat «^rV»?g***n tot* tmSta te^tojavatoy M taata wtao**^ mt^ery!mM^ Furthermore, through tha syndicat tha worhorg can eater into a- "direct" struggle with their soapier era,, " Direct action' is th* only mesne, claims the syndicalist, of odanaftog th* worker and of preparing them tar their final struggle for freedom...
...Is laying tor them...
...And the women, they worship only' material success...
...Daa liked to go In and out of the old home, and planned usually to find Tom there after work to tha evening...
...He began to walk slowly toward his mother's house...
...wm*ut*v orally regarded hp the newspapers a* a elhakhny pambtfe to be aeorned aad dunned by aTi Ood-fosrtaK,'t*]i*i tor...
...Now -thetall af the nice- Senate gentlemen who kept cool wtthtoe-oUdpe wtt**- the tsnnfr* wanted help bav*^ tett the caM prong* of the farmers' pitchforks in tha vicinity usually reserved far * swivel chair's caresses, th* poUtldtot am «t' Washington era getting wrought up over the plight of the horny-handed agriculturists...
...Jonah left horn* one day...
...There (were no biologists, anatomists and soologtste to pester 'him with impertinent questions...
...Direct action" is action by the wtn-kingman themselves without tha help of Intermediaries...
...devotee its aoUvtttes to^Bddfji, . ^ aa*ia*blaaxpt wat ftaabbar^abb% pomsat^'^^s^'^nsv^bflh ja^aubb...
...They seemed to Daa th* meat tragic ever uttered...
...And he would answer, "no, no, nothing...
...But I'm hot hungry...
...however, depends *a tha way ta which th* Strike 1* ngjuhaateS, "If th* workingmen rety estty on their treasury,' th* all Sal Segsiisraim tat* a mere pontes* batmmu two money begs the* of th* employer and that of th* syndicat dad tern* mash of tt* value...
...Suppose she did sneak away with that radio man and bide in a cottage by the sea, as the newspaper* say...
...But mousy should, be moured for th* conduct af th* strike, whenever possible, from other trades and InduaSflis Thus given it helps to develop class solidarity...
...Ha had not been there since the funeral, was that possible 7 He sat down on th* warm, moist earth...
...A stria* clears up, as it by a flash of lightning, the deep antagonism which exists between the** who employ and those who work for employer...
...Whoa one Is to the book "business aa I am, Mr...
...Let me alone, dear...
...Weeks passed...
...It la the manifestation ot the consciousness add of th* win at the external agent...
...to bear apaa vital aujfcr tors dlruetiy touehing tha welfare of *H af aa...
...There was no manifestation of pain or bitterness in the test words, only intellectual pride, tinged with romantic sadness...
...Something r he said to th* supposed oJnftosbB ** "Mr...
...The Syndicat ths Germ of Social Organisation 'The-task of the syndicalists is to organise the more or lorn class-feeling ot the war kinsman and to raise It to a clear consciousness of class interests and of class Ideals...
...I guess Aimee realized how times had changed, so she concocted theawful tale of being- kidnapped by bandits and held for ransom In a lonely shack so far from civilisation that even Pathe's news-reelera, "who sse all...
...Than some smart Alec of * chemist tpuld bav* shown that,the gastric Juices on the inside f the whale would have dissolved Aimee before she *>uld have said "Jdck Ormlston...
...Press agents such a* the notorious Ivy La* 'fsaav merly known aa Poison Ivy Lee) are ~re*e*eteS'*hfl| feared by working newspaper hum...
...I suppos* to...
...ha thte totto Mwsnjth...
...Morrssoa mid that h* liked -Othelior too, hat that ef all hast JB was etapandeea...
...It tha so-o*il*d son* aad hair* at Tate Jefferson kick' Cal ta som* more more snots in November, our statesmen will be ta trie position of th* Cloak and suit manufacturer at the banquet...
...He looked about him wtth a sense ot Joy . . . The night was soft, starry...
...What do folks 4a with themselves nowadays...
...astohty and bra* ao trim," Morrssoa bookshop listening to Hector Morreson expostulate on books...
...Tour son -in-law," Ban •explained...
...Hi* strength cam* back, He breathed to deep draughts of th* cool air, and fait regenerated...
...He made elaborate ¦ plana, son "IBS to Italy for the stone, sad employing * well-known sculptor to cat tt...
...If they'd only read good books.'" Hs went on with asperity...
...Beginning with Indifference, Dan suddenly 'felt the tragic story grip and hold him...
...T^dftteatpsriis*: fr^opa af timfawe, creed f th* syndicalists eUafln...
...He was curious...
...Again the Unfolding curtains upon the magic ot another world—the toner world ot titanic souls...
...Aimee showed these poor things a short cut to Heaven, or rather the only right road to Heaven...
...It satisfied hi* sense of Justice to have the narrow, stfattensd life ot BmBy Seat irk Mtotara marked by a choice marble from th* Italian wivw...
...He paused and looked at it pityingly...
...He laughed weakly, wagging hie bald head over his plight...
...Walter Hampden came to Minneapolis, and Dan and Agatha went to eee "Othello...
...Suppose Ahnee did go on a little toot to relieve th* terrible moral overstrain from which all prophets suffer occasionally...
...nraaT«r*Bg hto hand' The little man looked confused...
...He felt happy...
...I'm tired...
...The** conditions make the syndicat peculiarly fit to serve the interests ot the workingmen...
...After a while...
...as th^rh a braattj*sa^mh> city I^^^^^^^S^^^^^^jM ^xtkI**rpilf^^Lf^ppe4 for action...
...Lots at folks ace net at all well off...
...snsseilasS sbsf", would hay* been absolutely tmpnmfhh) a B*P jsaa* hack- It is ssHmsfd that there are Over aa* eteamuaV working press agents who spend all their tha* ewgam Job ta tote country today, aad there are away WW sand mere who take on press-agenttog aa a ante %da Wealthy seekers fox fame gad th* ear at to* pshfhh whether they go to for bathtub parttea or natliaif pontics...
...Mintum," Hector said on occasion...
...At first, he thought his distaste for living was due to weakness...
...and still...
...He la simply entering into a relation which is forced upon him by his very position to society, aad hi grouping himself with his fellowines to such a way as to derive move strength for himself ta his struggle for ovist anno, contributing at "the same time to the strength ot hte fellowmen...
...It was a banquet given to eelebrat* aa uuupuaHy prosperous year ' to the industry...
...Philosophy of Syndicalism THE HISTORY OF SOCIALIST THOUGHT By HARRY W. LAIDLER (Continued From Last WeshA THS various ritnlafiiamij farm* centering u» th* OeasralCoatedoration of...
...Labor soon began to formulate * distinct pnrioeophy known aa syndicalism...
...Let the millions of yet uncaught generously refrain from heaving rocks at one that was only nearly caught...
...Tra resting," he told Agatha when she came to cheer him...
...He opened the door sad went In, not without trepidation...
...S Tsar after year-them mffbj Irtermm hath to paraaaw nal aad outost A gv*oration saw the pram *abaav employed almost excwtslfely by theatre folk...
...Ha traversed block after block without weariness...
...A little baldheaded man with glasses pushed up high upon a: wrinkled forehead came dimdently toward hhn...
...The syndicat is an association of workinsmen ot the earn* or of similar trades, aad is held together by bonds ot common interests...
...The next morning he was hauntad by Shakespearean, decadences...
...Mnti osaa was never real...
...The raw material was right below her nose...
...No better example of the manner to whtoh pmjtf ganda to batag used dirsctry agatost tha lntmteM eg the people Umnssstvm to ottered th an tha estumtei *P the Nattoaai Blsytrts Light Aaaautettea, Bear hp...
...My only regret ta that Aimee didn't get up a better yarn explaining her absence...
...He found deep satisfaction to watching each minute development ta thte proteat Ha said daily vtetta to th* stone-cutter's shop...
...Th old-fashioned, Toull ftod that out, Mr...
...Tbsy teofcad'at each other amicably...
...AJhur tha work was finished he had the tot at the cemetery landscaped, a* Uked to stand by the grave sad...
...The next evening he ashed Agatha to go again to the theatre with him...
...There'* the movies—frivolous waste,, of time...
...Tom waa grayer, but no older...
...Prophets have a hard 111* at the best...
...Everybody, outside of their immediate disciples...
...If Dan mad* reference to her the little man avoided comment But aa Dan grew uaed to his way*—subtle, almost feminine- he came to understand that amidst all the comment about books, som* at it rich and asm* at n mo much chaff, there waa a Thread of bitter allusion to Agatha...
...She ain't til* first prophet that disappeared mysteriously and cam* back with a cock-and-bull story for an alibi...
...S^slz"* ntsaal-^nat / fjatttt'^ 111 m" ^^aS*8B^S-SH-*^^Mg P*^*f» PT« ajt n*^,f t^id WchBm.M^fiB*SJj ataaj*' til mil igiutlwsluUulla-V 0m^Sm\% tha fate** fMtwraMBirH buntf su sate WmL•**" *yt *• *ww"*>r*r'™s ap*""**"*" •"w» -anaauswr w-av **ww*^**sbj recant call ecu fTaoraBtaa amder tbje fbttlavmm' one or two neayiaaper vctefafm art rbs&M abottt is a atjtoe tk pop-ajed rxHttWTfL ajfe...
...Soft you: a word or two before you go I have done the state some service, aad they hnoWt No more of that J pray you U "* your witr* When yea shall these unlucky deads relate Speak of me a* I am...
...it 1* too awful...
...Ot these types of action, the moot Important is th* strike...
...They want a man, that'*: got money, that can load them with fur* and silks and dtamonda...
...Sam* of them are even poor...
...wj^pt** ' ^^^^^Bj -ao!!* ¦*•- ha^thmor state...
...To Be Continued Next Week) GOVERNOR MINTURN A Labor Novel of the Northwest Br M. H. HEDGES (Continued from Last Week) chapter xvi...
...He wondered if old Tom was living there alone...
...Th* syndicat is a sphere of influence which by the volume of its suggestion sad th* constancy and Intensity of its action shape* the feelings and Ideas ot th* workingmen after * certain pattern...
...think about his mother...
...v: . ' .* j1 • After th*' monument ate* hi plaoe, bhwuvtrv ana Tha teat *BtSb span tha fftavtav pteltftd* ls*> *|msb4 tl*#j) ptopsmct *jaf* smlwlutm *amv m*t tet*afmt-> , wlxatet...
...He seemed to look upon it from an Immense distance with a great and cold Indifference...
...They would come and stand before him and say, t "Is there^ anything' you want...
...Sad a pram agent aa siiuamry aa a teabt...
...Hold That Plow...
...s'^ala*ta* amsf finhfj to dvfltoattea ta Awartrr, Bvery psar wa laitjti cry that "pead me* wtfl not g* tot* pe»tte...
...No gimlet-eyed i reporter from th* tribe ot' Mia-sou-rf, the sons of Youvegottoehewme, Could not back htm in a corner and cork-screw damaging admissions out ot his soul...
...wouldn't register her plight It wan a poor tale, and totally unworthy of a prophetess...
...80 excited and busy was Agatha With the details of moving that she coaid not "bother wtth a s husband...
...But to smear * prophet all orer th* front pages lilts she was * com- ' ¦job bathtng beauty or morlag picture actress in the .act of divorcing her ninth hunhand, to going * little too far...
...r. • • The next day'he went to hi* office for th* first time...
...On another day the thought ot old Morre son again Intruded, and again he considered tha -possibility of calling...
...This struggle Is sot a fact to be deplored, hut a creative force leading to th* •mancipation of the working chum It hi' ths clam struggle that to unifying the workers to their fight to end exploitation, that Is making them rely on their own ability, that is developing their self-consciousness, their Intellectual and moral nature and that la creating forma of organisation proper to them...
...tou cam* to as* me...
...From railways to* **bsj|3 ganda aprstot to eoal mines, weter-power aad *te*> trioai *aiium...
...Today, despite the fact that be la at -fha-saaab old game of gutting some thing for hoftnajf'bavff aooeptod everywhere and leeXed upon as a prof**a1*Ta|s maa...
...Occasionally an automobile passed* by...
...M in turn, oaa can- fast th* pulse ot tha generation...
...Take this man Jonah, for instance...
...Ta* Dan Mtotara," Oaa announced...
...Jonah had nothing like that to contend wtth...
...Of'course, Aimee wouldn't have gotten away with that sort of yam as far as the general public Is con.- . censd...
...Political bodies, tar instance, am amd* up ot nana ot various interests grouped duly by community of 1dm* Only to groupings ot real and fundamental interests, such aa th* syndicate, ark man ot th* same conditions brought together for purposes Inextricably bound up wtth Ufa...
...But as hto strength came hack and be began to sit up to a chair at the window and to make pretense at reading- books and newspapers, he found that he had no desire to go out The thought of the crowded downtown streets filled him with fear...
...Why, I read to the paper the", other day where * young- fellow In a bank took feaMt) and confessed...
...He felt meanings in the play' be could not- fathom...
...like the base indian 1. ALL through th* long Illness which followed Ben waa harnessed by the notion that he -would not sat wan...
...At first Daa was Inclined to rseeat what seemed to him such early disloyalty to his mother, hut whan he saw eld Tom's revived interest to life, be relented, and forgave him...
...With the advent ot the press...
...Not a person's been in today to hay...
...Their conversation taSsH, They found that they hit it off mat when they tafked about books...
...He could not go back to sleep after that and he toy musing...
...Let a prophet make the least utu* misstep hy doing any one of th* numerous things which make sinners so interesting, and th* whole human pack pounces on him and tears him to totters...
...Looky, he pointed to the dusty volumes piled to the celling—all the ancient aad modern classics going to waste...
...They were soon like old cronies, smoking and bewailing the departed peat It smussi Dsn...
...Ons summer night he was wakened by a passing- machine thai trailed snatches ot song, laughter and young voices attar it, as it flashed by...
...It waa like everything else the** day*—a dream...
...He purchased a box of cigars, got tha two old men together, and watched them get acquainted, tn the back and of the book shop...
...Another would have demonstrated by anatomical charts that the throats of these whales were so narrow that nothing bigger than a sardine could pass tiro ugh them...
...They never talked of Agatha...
...aooount . *,' svjjy>9 More and mere rapsrtse* sr* ttodias st o**ter fjf can up- th* prom agent aad take hte mtoieoayaphshl verslen of a new* event than to cover tha story's*'' person...
...apjn from lta N*w Tork sdrtem bnmm a veritahte ahaaap at propaganda la faver of th* prtvata ssonopoey af **baa> utnitlea...
...When one ha* had pneumonia one must eat to get back his strength...
...Th* only prophet I know of who got * square deal from Providence was Bllsha...
...Beside*, Jonah showed them th* sea aad th* beach a* incontestable proof that it waa all so, and that settled it...
...Phsve all, let us not deprive the tired and retired farmers of the corn belt who moved to Los Angeles /to die, of their prophetess...
...Finally one afternoon ho gave up to the Impulse, and walked over to the old house on Hawthorn* PlaceThrough th* cob-webbed windows he saw stacks of book* on dusty oases...
...So let us rejoice with Heaven that Aimee Is back, Let us not swallow Bollywood and gag on Aimee...
...They will come to a> bad end...
...ha short, tt waa used so sahwtuvBy.hia bolster- up th*' argusneats tor private exaViUattan, *b public rimnram that it wfll require a vast aiangpl sb argument to parauad* th* people that they *ba^njea their own bualqssswj...
...1 can't, Dan," she said, thinking ot Desdemona...
...Later, I'll have something...
...At length he came to the broad.sweep ot the cemetery, where the trees made a canopy ot black totartangled branches...
...He get his meals at Hash's and Alice's, hut stent in "his own cottage...
...They are all dressed up and rarin' to go, but where will they go it Aims* fails them on the very eve of ascension day...
...It's oa them that,' trail after falsa gods, Mr...
...Maa can't live by bread alone...
...fragments ot the action came hack to haunt him...
...e e ,e Raw...
...When the kin* poked fun at Ellsha...
...I'll be vindicated, Mr...
...aal**i.a^saasnb *nmss*km*s ^aassdv aaoum sksa ^ fmO) s*a anas * nnnnn^ pnonrnf/, ftTMTnna...
...Wp sbonM think of them...
...He never got to Jerusalem or wherever he said ho was going, and when he returned and the old woman accused him ot having been out with th* hoys, or maybe with the girls, which was-' even more like him...
...by saving, "(Jo 'way hack and set down, you old bald head," the Lord sent hears which devoured th* sniffling scoffers, and so th* joke was on . them.' But where, oh, where, are the bears to avenge poor Ahnee on th* newspaper hoys, snapshot shooters, and district attorneys who are making lit* so miserable far her...
...Some professor would have up and proved tha' there are no -whales in California's corner of the oceln...
...The principal forms ot such action, however, are- the strike, the boycott, the label and sabotage...
...h|i the *ro**aanda Praneli...
...Dan conceived the Idea ot bringing his father to see Hector Morreson...
...The little house was dark aad stav with a took ot unwonted emptiness...
...They repeated then- admonitions...
...In wielding the boycott, wnridngmon mobilise their power both aa consumers and producers...
...He waa haunted with a' sense of recognition ot a reality he could not grasp...
...Sympathetic strikes are often a moans ot winning a victory tor th* workers...
...Ha toy abed- ta the guest room of the Gay lord bouse, whom' hto- eye could -travel th* wide, unfrequented street while Agatha and the nurse fluttered In and out bringing him - books* he did not want to read, food he did not care to eat, and flowers whose odor Sickened him...
...They wHl crumble like chaff...
...The experience was never real...
...Th* third degree was still sleeping In the womb of civilisation and...
...is the idea of the class struggle...
...It's not on me...
...I often say...
...But not every one In this [iiaalijt to a* prosperous aa we are...
...it consists of pressure exerted directly for the sake of obtaining th* ends of view...
...Those last lines rang like a tolling hen I He kept his word aad want to so* his father...
...Ta thte end tbpy haua-sf^sbcs a band-booh for spsshnr...
...There was th* sea, the beach, and Aimee ta a one-piece bathing suit...
...IV* «Mnt en*ugb to mom prophet*, 'em stroll through raartar furnae**, fee* 'em to end that sort of thtox because that's the naj-uler for prophet* to go tin mgjli...
...I have been toft behind to the procession...
...show window...
...The label, on the other hand, help* ta show labor its power as consumer...
...It's' areat sport Just to lie back and do nothing...
...Canned In LSI inuatf canned report* of toe doings of tha S.spsi' bhblhb canned staterseaU of their views pa every oapnpjVhBaB topic from immortality to Immorality aru.net snly aaw cepted but dished up to readers aalegrttemte a*w*v A' few weak* age a pram agaat advertised hte aaJrUahnB in th* column* of the New Tork Tha...
...We are all radio fane We all enjoy bedtime stories, and where would ' the bedtime stories be If tt wasn't for broadcasters T -see testdee, the good book says there Is more rejoicing ' la .Heaven over one returning sinner than over ninetyasfl-nine saints who stay hitched...
...which aoa eofy gtjpa epaf principal argwmeato tor* private exptottatftoaarnr^hlal oentaJas a general treatise oa th* art of Jul lfi vts*g| crowd, the correot poetnre for a speaker, etc, th-r*abb| ssateaal talks," vim ugh th* papers, thraugh amahpjh and, of course, through paid oavarttetos as wafk ds Association has dea* yeoman'* work ta *jSte*bs* lto.OM.M* Amertosns tote the belief that th* ubtpsm companies see to bwstoem for si rim with pnaPASJE an lasHralQaant Side hoe...
...r«**intoto*o^^ *^g^^^^58BB ^anftvac u4*ma*^ua...
...Ton came...
...He watched with dreadful fascination the sly ensnarementa of Othello** souL tha poor Moor's struggles, and the dreadful consequence* ot human- frailty...
...he tells that celebrated fish story at how, for thre* days and tare* nights he bad been Joy-riding to toe belly Of a whale, and how finally th* whale, running ont of gas or something, had deposited htm on th* beach, with car*, and right side up...
...With difficulty, ho found his mother's grave...
...who, by th* way...
...Why, I've known) daughter* to forsake tHelr own father* tor luxury...
...a Oaa night he dreamed agate th* aid dream of crowds ha ataange, htaarre ctttos...
...t cost oa mtaexnaiff} driven typewriter*, cal una...
...Ha dusted aft aa old chair, aad asked Daa to be seated...
...Th* street itself with its rows of pretentious houses Interested him not at all...
...Any cub reporter could have/ manufactured a better yarn out of undiluted moonshine...
...All the speakers bad dilated on how touch money they had pH*6> Up and how pretty they Were sitting, until finally on* man rose ta Pro tost - "Brother nuwufarturuis,- ha uahl, "tt to true, aa ' Pou have remarked, that we have, an don* mighty wan...
...He went on down the street walking more rapidly' now—with a purpose of Which he waa scarcely aware...
...He must sse his* father tomorrow...
...Sabotage, a weapon given much prominence In the syndicalist philosophy, consist* "Ih obstructing to all possible ways the regular process of production to the dismay and disadvantage of th* employer...
...Mlnturn decided to tost a marble abaft to1 the memory at ate mother...
...caaeihattea aad arbitration should also b* avoid IA Strikers should sadesvor to arte their battle* through "Sturm una Drang," through quick aad energetto nnssmi •a the employers...
...They have no ¦tore privacy than wan dummies -to...
...Society is divided Into two classes the workers, who own nothing but their tabor power, aad who tt** by selling ft, and th* employers, who own th* Instruments of production...
...It further fteapeas the chasm, between them, haa*gmas uiomtiaany toSnsnts, Tha extent of that auBaapas...
...While tom talked, he often sat in hte mother's chair...
...The strike brings .the worklngman face to face with the employers to a clash of interests...
...He concluded that that episode intruded Itself now, partially because ot his own renewed Interest In bis father and partially because the M In turns were Just completing their new hem* on the Manhattan [toad...
...Dan ventured to talk about hte interest tor "OtbeUo...
...district attorney* had not yet sunk so tow that they had to put others In a hole to tourer ahova them...
...Father and son got along well together, but Dan soon found that Tom did not need him...
...srewd* at which be waa intimately apart Whea he awoke he ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Poisoning The Day's News ~-abtfsaflpjwar*m **U*mtan*f *^**c-*f3» 3*g^auf**?is.u -'si *jfe^r jgv.^.VtyS "^^^sup^^^p...
...The Educative Power of Strike* Direct action may be of various kinds...
...It leaves the Impression that us prophets ain't what we used to be...
...This aim can be attained only hy organising the workIngmen Into syndicate...
...He watched again, fascinated, seeking tor the sign.' At last, the words be sought came back to aim upon the king* of Hampden's vote...
...Be ordered to carved with * ruB-itagsil shi...
...v z£M The American T*tepa*as aad Tetegraah 0**ap*bjj| who** paha*h> atethsds are worth stsnbriap...
...Dan'* mind reverted to th* afternoon long ago when Agatha had told him- about her break with her father...
...The air waa fragrmrt with lilac, and the young foliage of th* tree* was frothy against the brilliant sky...
...It was a whopper ot a yarn, but tt went over big because people to those time* were not a* Inquisitive as they are nowadays...
...are s**o nations which cannot bath* weak and transient, hi view of then- heterogeneous compssltlen and of the aoeidental character of their bond ot union...
...for iiiiiia*ii|i 111 \tljl generally^behavins...
...tt' is not necessarily violent action, although it nmy assume violent forma...
...Mlnturn, as sure aa you're alive...
...In, hi* office one day...
...gaad* asat to the pram by agents jnutjijUgKm oped by bureaux of totormattea and the Bh* aurtapaMf war to end war were bio nth...

Vol. 3 • October 1926 • No. 40

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