Shields, Art

Penna. Miners in Fight Against Contract Smashers Fate of Keystone State's Workers Linked Up With Fortunes of Oppressed Goal Diggers in West Virginia »'77/£ magnificent batde Am ¥-' Ifl-iwi i...

...A Pivot Field What the Somerset-WestmorelandPay ette-Qreen County miners did in 1(22 must be repeated if the United Mine Workers are to win the nasi, national strike...
...And now word comes from the outskirts ot Vienna that one of the principal figures In the...
...Gay layers of dancing and anas, at recitation aad band music from the volunteer entertainers that Puller haa mobilised from all over tha district sandwich tha speeches that toll tha disaster of non-unionism...
...In toe offspring of ths mice who were thus trained, the sssoctation between cheese' and bell bepame ad marked that in -the second Feneration a hundred, and in the third only fifty lessons were necessary...
...The eaormlty •t th* aeeompushment ocourrVd t* you whoa -you ihimght of those mud huts on the Asiatic steppes sad the primitive small-wheat - peasant wagons ftragxtog through the mud...
...It we would only avail ourselves of th* pssafsQl ties that offer themselves, which earn, laid bar* to our tintrlosmsm...
...Somerset County, tunSjmHll by tha Berwind-White Coal rosspsny, that, bunkers ships and soppaes wojk!to atilitles from its Wlndbor pfta, aa* hy the Consolidation Coal Company, a Bockef eller enterprise, oa* of th* three or four largest coat companies In the nation...
...There-are brisk local strikes against the Peabody Coal Co...
...corporations and other Investors have large outside holding...
...On the plains beyond Samara in the wheat region th* Americana stead, 3pen-monthed surveying /*, country where, the peasants drove -camels ant from the mud-hut villages and plowed with oka* and ^nevsr saw a ptece of furniture to all their lives...
...Locsi~ strikes called by tha United Mtee Workers did not of course deal vent non-unkm eoal from moping to from ta* outside, hat they gseatiy stowed ap local production aad...
...Professor Eugene Steinaeh, was an* ef the leading representatives...
...As he viewed it, without the possibility of passing on from father to son the characteristics acquired so laboriously by the father, there was no possibility of progress, no...
...Duraaty, tha correspondent of the "New Tork Ths is," teld th* at* aWm^e^e*wmMa, u^m**^ artietoi at me hams-at "Ttoy New TT i T nl ~ vriawh to a ms^mtaa to* o*Bs*te x**s it* credity...
...hope to education, no health to culture...
...a* aad ligBity aa human beings, ta ear sstontlfle insight...
...Next April when the Jaekmmwtte agreement expire*, die atported [national strike map ehing back the non-union field* am which the industry phots...
...aad where we battle with victory *UH ancertain, they, tot us hope, win «mqu«r.~ rimmsjp found safty * saw at toe mor*^nr**y*nsiis M<»lte ethto tines to aB»Sp ahav' *Wj^^^'"'^^^uira^^^'t^ *** f£jlna»^ vMshnnk^kTiran...
...after having gone to all these troubles, having deprived himself hot only of the luxuries bht of the very necessities of life In order to keep on experimenting-, runs up against the cheap but nevertheless gulltbly swallowed criticisms of an audience only partly informed—criticisms which -are the more easy to expound the less the critic knows about the subject in question...
...T81 then all labor mutt help the miner* to carry on... went to work on the seasquirt to prove that Wetamaa's theory ot the continuity of germ plasm was CaBactous...
...district tf) are spotted with tests local strikes...
...Kammerer was quick to defend his beloved theory...
...As Jong as any operator kept the agreement a oempkHe tieup of the toduatij would net ha at...
...The local unionists that are left carry bravely xon, But they know that their salvation lies in a national movement that will swing tha gnat ¦West Virginia fields back Into aha fold...
...Now comes tha British coal demand...
...The cable dispatches say that-Str...
...they wttl had...
...But Pittsburgh Coal haa flnancial affiliations that help it gut by...
...Imported strikebreakers and all tha paraphernalia ot tha openshop plan...
...hi tha newly av> aaatosd lagersoO Pocum wHJ ha h*hf tomday miatom OxdAhm 17...
...Burns iTsloi'iltias...
...But a desperate winter of fighting and waiting is near...
...Scrap of Psper to Operators ' The Jacksonville agreement was, In the language of war-time diplomacy, a scrap of paper aar far as soma large operators ware uancB'sjafl...
...tor them 11 *** ¦* NiPPP nnsiiwsjslln...
...SWThe body of Or, Paul Kemmerer, a noted biologist, who to recent yeses twice made lecture tour* of America, was found today en tha...
...Another article pictures the Ideal professor who 'dispenses with the ordinary regulations and restrictions of the classroom...
...At last the bituminous 'Balds were almost 100 percent union, except the broad belt of the open shop lpnds in Somerset, Westmoreland, Fayette and Greene counties In the South„srh part of the state...
...Open shop sine* tha Knights ot Labor pat—a ta the early nineties, they were counted to -the tonnage estimates ot th* enemy...
...To their honor few accepted...
...He stated that he had used th* body ot the sea-squirt to the part ot the organic mediator passing on change* of the body to the germ plasm...
...ketd '-au« J?S*t...
...The new members were left to continue th* struggle hy themselves except tar th* financial amtslsaro which District S mnHawed to Somerset to th* end aad tha uattoaal union gave th* coke Said workers of Payette County for a more limited pstta'd...
...Ally Is Fn""d Convinced himself of the value of the salamander experiments, Kanv merer...
...It will be is alar for them to execute what am tossccewd "utter hard trajnlng^toey win survive eaafly ta took** toy...
...Thedu hardly is such a thing as BIS Industry tn...
...Standing by the, Pennsylvania men ta this terrible crisis are their union traditions, The Pennsylvania, fields are old fields and unionism has a' militant record thfre of, over half a century... to_ the world «ra snaflfr Mas th* w*r wm ths enal aitoara* ante* to the nasles n PannafUism J-Plti*h*w«* district No...
...Bat stilt'***astai jt* a going concern, ante in fa* 'faijuui ChmMU- exptoehai ^^ggj^^j^ te*m*r*^ta5f than*P**~ **bT*» oatsfat* tt^an^^jimsstittv* Jhdtena aad Mtaeea that aewdtty receives first s***ta*r*B*a Ja tad national poHcy af the oigantaatioa...
...Ha saw in It tar more than aa interesting laboratory conundrum...
...An* ft ties dlnsoUy north af West Virginia...
...It la believed he suffered mofftoi depression dtie to the feet that he waa not henored In 'his beloved home city of Vienna and was forced to sain *, livelihood elsewhere...
...This experiment was repeated at short Intervals until af tar 20* times, one generation became excited at the sound of the ben...
...And there la another, most seriouw -of- s»—<the cheap scab eoal front West Virginia and no*-anion aside, of southwestern PennsyWanla...
...One by on* the hto operators haver been violating the pact until now only th* Wow Tork Central tatereats and' a, string of tedependent* are paying tha union scale and checking off dues sad pledge...
...Tto^Jrh^oa hroth*rs of Pittsburgh Caafand Schwab and Grace of Bathlahaai Mtoss are baoktog tha policy *t tontraet violations hy thafr ^Sns# »*r«a»«a«-flrtva to smash IHttlai fa this key uutsosl dtotrlet ot tha ^tyalactoJietitiTS Said...
...who killed himself recently, was suffering from mental depression, due to the fact that he was not honored to his own olty ot Vienna, Scientists who have followed with keen to tercet the heated attacks on gammerer*s contention that acquired characteristics can be inherited, and Kamraerer"8 equally heated defense ot his position, see in the biologist's suicide the self-destruction of a man so Immersed to one Ids* as to become abnormally sensitive over criticism...
...Sowers aad white rata, water flea* aad moths...
...By McAlister Coleman IS it possible for children to Inherit characteristics that have been acquired by their parents T ' Must every child start all over again...
...Una toe tracks-otton a* akeletons...
...An Enthusiastic Socisl ist Kammerer believed with all his heart and soul that ha had proved his case for the heredity of acquired characteristics...
...editors ot TThe New Student...
...Pavlov had given what Kammerer believed to be irrefutable proof of the inheritance of aosaJred characteristics by , experimenting wtth six generation* of white mice who were trained to leave their eages at the sound of an electric bell to receive 'a little piece of cheese, which wss beyond their smelling range...
...Ha enter** fSto saaaiiA aa a visitor to IMS, -. -r ¦ « w...
...I apeak only of poosthOittos, not of Utopian certainty, it I vote* the opinion that our children and ewr chlldren's children wflj sens*, stere speedily attain what mm its dfilisnilj acquire...
...Two national' unions flourished and faded before the United Mine Worker* gained a foothold In the nineties...
...that operates for the Brie, against tha Buffalo * Busguehaana Coal Co., closely related ta Rockefeller's Davis Coal St Coke ot Maryland aad West Virginia aad •jehaif's^^ an^^'^sato o\£r****%m *£»**• TBSlilfi ihistiau^M Thsy w^ henThtio gnT iiWifiahjiif u*asr*te**>af af mutes laadaatos aad a Jovial thre* days fa * weak at ran that created a *p*tt*m:wBh*t4b* aperatoss had not riehnas...
...The orthodox solentHie circles did not accept his theories, frowned oh his socislism, opposed hi* sim of popularising scientific knowledge, and for these reasons pi evented fulfillment ef hie dream of becoming a professor in Vienna...
...But with the U. M. W. A. came more permanent organisation, rising from the meager membership Of the poverty-stricken nineties to the W.oeo men of the war and early postwar years... Sagamore, Puller became supply preacher at the Presbyterian church and got th* church choir *8 winter kmt nut on the picket line, singing somrV to tha scabs, after a Judge enjoined conventional picketing...
...Nevertheless, sack ' a battle has been raging behind ths seemingly serene walls of laboratories and college classrooms...
...Indiana and Illinois were observing the agreement the union was...
...For him it meant the salvation of the race...
...Formerly Pennsylvania had the major portion, but last year West Virginia, •4th its -more than 10 percent wage differential, nosed it out...
...Ope* shop ruled aaato...
...While they may engage his Interest ss a purely speculative subject, at all events dne cannot imagine that they should split scientists into blttsrly opposing camps and cause ta academic circles a furore equal In its Intensity to the pre-fight discussions, of the comparative merits of jack Dempaey aad Gene Tunney...
...and exhausting local strikes teres fronts...
...Th* Mellon* era heavy stockholders la more than a score af his...
...After months en the meager relief that district organisations could furnish, men were offered scab work at tha 1*17 scale, a M percent cut...
...Till then it most densest on local strikes...
...The union cannot stand SBfSj^*^Sat2*a^^a£ *Wn**f^saa^*v*yy Sat o^^w^^^a^tt'^L beam . V^^PaimaV Shaaa Phphr hftoa, Vet aO tha PRtohurgh caaanhnhB are . oaafrant breakers...
...It Is a ntty-dttty assd...
...Miners in Fight Against Contract Smashers Fate of Keystone State's Workers Linked Up With Fortunes of Oppressed Goal Diggers in West Virginia »'77/£ magnificent batde Am ¥-' Ifl-iwi i atom* «/ Pew...
...Brooded Over Lack of Honor* at Home VIENNA, Sept...
...and absurdities, is described in "Tlmmy's Third School," by Sterling North...
...Local strikes " are a Sail protection in an over-da - ' aufouod Industry that can easily supply th* market with only half the 'shunts fat operation...
...The seam of Vienna new psys warm tribute to Dr...
...But with the rent of the state still unionized the United Mine Workers were still a highly formidable institution...
...The huge pride of the Sotohevfka to tbeil beat festsrtes at mat a justified, hut not hp West era staaAarde...
...Having thus laid/ the groundwork tor what he wholeheartedly believed to be the basis of a. scientific philosophy ot progress...
...The best known work of...
...ion*ggfls najon leaders drumming, up scab* tor"operators, take dual unions, steel wire fencing...
...Has ths science of Biology anything to do with the question ot progress...
...He was no optimist about th* Cuter* ot Europe, holding with Oswald Spongier, author of The Decline of Western Civilisation,'' that there was Immediate postobUKy of all Bungs buckltog under an Oriental lursskHi 'Vat," waa his anal word, "tbor* still appears to he on* chance...
...Maryland aad Ksnfeed Its thaws*** with, west Virginia eok* K its asm** ssaf issa of Paystts County alone ara aad emp-':** "t i ' Bat whoa *B tha a^aers shmnt teBtther not gfj 1ha< gtotmah Bt thewhvsaaal at Th*m*a>Jtm1toisrkius tnsrs A Casualty of Europe's Post-War Poverty .- (FROM THS NKW YORK TIMES) Kaniiix«Hw Kills Self with Gun Near Vienna Noted Biologist, Who Twico Lmctared fferm...
...They err*ad it to avoid n national strike 2T24, knowing that tha ugsinmr who broke the contract would ha faced- only with local strikes...
...Sohneebern, . near Vienna, where he killed himself with a revolver...
...ssarchllghu, ccenpany-owned slier IBs and courts air* among the weapon...
...For 20 years he experimented with the salamander only to have his results derided by the orthodox scientists...
...4i Ste despersts month* must pass bs"#*re the three-year Jacksonville agreemeat expiree and the union la free to a egotists another, national pact or two .ths weapon of a national strike to resorer Its losses...
...Ha left his rich library to the University of Moscow snrf his body to the Vienna Anatomical Softool...
...Unfortunately, had fasting waa left in the four-county ronton by the results of th* Clevelaad conference of i»22, which ignored th* men who had saved the rest ot th* union...
...At the end at two years warfare it had not put one-third ot its SI district mines into operation...
...Kammerer went on> to reflect on the possibilities which th* inheritance ot acquired characteristics opened up...
...barred Erom using the national strike weapon, w£^0jmjm^tf^gfgif^^gm^^f^ and eaaly.'iyBI ih sj, laups* taafrsatssj ^^W*SaV?B fa 4b* slVfhto that fe4towed Pittsburgh Corn *awd * C KxTaM^toja, eaasaksmsaa«a*wV*%aamsBaahss •ahn*a\msB^aa7SaLawnarai ajSaasaaan lBspf|aW AniaMT *PiW*BaB»lWuaaa fJUM tiva strikshieahsra Also A gsiuaa fndependant anion, the federated atiasrs* union, was created By th* ectoaatty with the saMatihee of BtH Barrts, termer nreaiitoat at tha Wast Vtrstoto Poaerattoh at lahsa .Bat uhls paaet organisation Maw up to a few nsoaths...
...Paul Katnmerer...
...V» ftonjtral aa aaesntJs*} Still tha anion stand* as hy a miracle after 3» years at ruthless attach that began with tha lockouts that tallowed the JacksonvflTs aays stolnt...
...This summer it seemed that things were cracking...
...Westmoreland County, with its 17>M,M0 ton* a year, is at major Imports nee...
...stool ttople'next spring will ha dumping eoal onto MenWW it ha aadaa coal* Tha answer pirababty depends «a th* geasral serength the organtoatioa to showtog nsxt ey*«^ fjHsJIoaait Pour oM ana union counties *t *otthhws*torn Phnaaylvaato can htoSahT make or break the national strifes to ths bituminous eoal fields that awy fonew the ending *f tha thrss yam Jacksonville wag* agmwsai asat Pour hay coal ouaiiUm Phfalls gas^ Greene, to tha grip «f tit* steal lnssrests, that feed their htoat furintoto to Pittsburgh aad nearby metal town* with cake...
...The breaking of the union's hefd in the herder state has let loose a flood of cheep J' scab coal Into the northern markets on which the...
...If oat ot tha remaining Wkm mines are situated along or near tha ¦tola line at tha Pennsylvania ta tha stretch that connects .Altoon* and' Johnstown...
...Thw flrar issetiss...
...It colored his entire viewpoint towards life, made ot him an enthusiastic Socialist, aad, Incidentally, exposed htm to the fun batteries of the orthodox biologists...
...bones and wagon* scattered to eraay aJfiaB hsBrt th* motor "Freight ears...
...In • tha Buffalo- B Susquehanna strikes...
...These latter maintained that Kaxrimerer was unscientific insomuch as he started with a theory and then sallied out from his laboratory to Had the facto that could prove It...
...North are the large mountain fields running toward the New Tork state Una and hare most af the contract-breaking took place...
...tha aim Sua part removed tor f**i pur poses...
...And them local strikes were inevitably broken hy th* weal which the struck, mines hr other districts...
...sniffed about and watered at their mouths...
...the Pittsburgh Coal Company, Bethlehem Vines Corp., Buffalo, Rochester * Pittsburgh' railroad group aad others...
...who** Baaan c*tto*ashtp and property have been taken away hy MnssnHni, Vacirca tog* rsesntiy notified that hto appeal to Wasblagton far th* right of political retonre 1st thai f*o*Btry had been granted tor a short time, in view ot th* fast that he ***ld not return fa Italy...
...Th* ameH was net of gasoline but at th* cowdang fuel...
...To prove his case Kammerer pounced upon the spotted salamander, and after a sextos of the most elaborate experiments announced that he had aucceded to showing that" a- tendency for a change to color to succeeding generations of salamanders was distinctly a matter of heredity, and that this tendency wss to...
...a massage ot salvation—a cm me go which, like the old Oriental teachings ef Barm* and the ethics of Carlisle, believes ' that no deed can ever be undone...
...PSnt W. Puller, director at awaW *flitonftaa far the district, Aeok ohargev ' ?' S lata draary mining villas**, h*M dead from'unemployment, where the operators .were about #J» start tha ntiass to violation of tha contract, »Visr want with hte 'sneakers aad" an> tortotoera...
...The men of the four counties were left out of the settlement In 1422...
...He found a valuable any la I. p.' Pavlov, who had made experiments on white mice which Kammerer regarded as revolutionary...
...The natiawt naton cannot wte without th* noauatea hews, and the mod from there onnnot recover thetr wage eats aad potato efatt righto ta their mmpaay towns without tha industrial .mlhtorwy Sf^ths rest ef The miners ot th* nation...
...They said, furthermore, that hi* experiments to' bolster his case ware Inconclusive sad Incomplete, and that the whole question of the inheritance of acquired characteristics had been settled by Welsman and others long ago...
...Then came the Jacksonville agreement, going into effect April 1. 1924, and promising to give these older' •aids security for the next three years... followed bjf the entire Amcr"iemn ¦working date...
...In one of his last books called "The Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics," published to 1024, Xammerer mld: "The understanding of the berdity of acquired characteristics brings us...
...Half Its members are gone of the 42,0*0 of early 1022...
...Under the paper—their appearance ot Communism," th* Interview says, "With its dogmatic tenets, its furiously rigorous logic and Its here* hopes, half-shim bars a country thoroughly Asiatic half-barbarian and unable to Imagine American or th* true complexities of Industrialism to- anything but th* tens* ot A fabulous fairy tale...
...Kemmerer, is men ting -that Vienna's mhetsrs ere nW longer able- to gsin • livelihood here...
...These four counties, producing si together mm* M.Ooo.MO tons a year, aar* prised the world hy Joining th* great national coal strike ot 1*22 and saving the United Mine Workers...
...The 1022 strike, •weeping these fields also In its wake, made the state for a few glorious months almost solidly union...
...He constantly preached the doctrine that the heredity of acquired characteristics to a means, the application of which Is left to every man to use for regenerative or degenerative ends...
...In the path of the- non-union sh Ipsa aits tram tha tost field...
...The fbor-couhty wattdwt abut off nearby souse*** ot suaabtt, aad the railroad shopmen's strike ear* tailed shipments, from mora remote fioida...
...ot the supposed peace treaty at Jacksonville really marked th* start ot a more intense war./ Tha Ink'on th* contracts had hardly 4*1*6, April, 1924, when tha above named operators uid others begin making: preparations to pull put...
...Strikes were fought fiercely against gunmen...
...The Allegheny mountains that hide the eoal of central Pennsylvania—District 2. U. M. W, A,—and the broad steer valleys that iOverUe the seams of tha vvwrtem Pennsylvania, or PittsEnTgh...
...that the greatest American labor By Art Shields Mare than half Its former members •WMWO beam swept out of the miners' 'union ha the great soft coal fields oi T**l*jli nils by the open shop tide ol She hurt rears...
...Impassioned dispute over the possibility of Inheriting acquired characteristics has, in a fit of depression, shot himself through the heart with a revolver...
...subjected tha companies to great ewpease...
...Writing about thorn long days of patient observation, Kammerer mid: "It ought to bo easy enough to imagine 'how a researching scientist feels, who...
...VACIRCA STAY EXTENDED ONLY THREE MONTHS WaehlngtsjK—Three months to the additional period ot temporary residence to the United States that has bean-granted by the U. 8.«Bureau of Immigration to Vtacsnxo - Vaetrea, former Socialist member of the Italian perils msnf...
...Is brighteragain...
...and 1 string at gstollsr snacsnaa, Veto* Na> 4, aa* at tha fouf' Vesta operating ntiaea, aaa 3,4*a ' mlness warkinS stosftlb...
...Tet—such Is .the Irony of events—the •great losses nave taken place since this Peace treaty waa signed...
...The, tour was managed by Bllaabeth K. Van Alstyae, a Junior at Barnard College...
...3SgjmB 1£5*\r_?& WsstBk fae two-year strike *t 1ML Tha IgniHisl ansa discovered ft to their af Ceooolidatton vmlnee to West Vlr-' ¦Baa, old Virginia...
...Th* bad fas ana which waa toft behind has eased soumw hat with th* passing of tour years eoal She hep* at another Joins w*ih*u> next April L at th* union issnoa ah* call...
...Knowing that while tat-' low operators in Pennsylvania...
...In the tost generation which Pavlov reported only Ave signals were nsedsd to start th* mice on their quest for cheese* which was at one* out ol range ot amen or sight...
...The avion has a alight breathing spell...
...Bat tha Vest* company <to lm7£Z^,u*»^ nB^Btoaaafa...
...Pennsylvania men depended...
...aad erftic to^ta he lecture* aad dtoastar ot the -f*l am, 5to ihues y*4rrjw**oww% teem the ^ImiM ttotos^**** to ewmh...
...Schwab, Rockefeller, the Metier* end the bbj railroad combine* ha+e repadlated ihctr tworn agreement!' with the United Mine Worker*, end still the union carries on, though with reduced force...
...To the m&n to the subway these questions must seem a bit academic...
...H* was aa hi* way to Mams* when he want ap a mountain pes* outoide at tha Atattriaa dantul and wrete.dtote to a* J^«J*>« *** a American Students' Impressions of Russia THAT/ the Russian, life Is unbelievably primitive was the 'major impression the Sight American college students brought home from their trip to tha Soviet Republic tost summer, according to an Interview to the October magaslne of Th* Now Student...
...He ret...
...where we Muidjnak* onto a begtontog...
...the beginning acquired in the laboratory...
...H* was generally Interested in the study' of th* working* of chance and the> mechanism of evolution... 1*24 groat shutdowns began Me* ware being starved by the prospeettrs contract breakers...
...Kemmerer belonged to the unorthodox oohool of science, ef which his friend...
...biology in , MosceW University...
...He announced that he had, with his experiments on the sea-squirt, reversed the Weinman theory that tha germ plasm may generate the body but that th* body could never generate the germ steam... tha faithlessness of operators' promises aad of the union hope of nationalisation and high wages...
...He experimented aa birds and frogs...
...Norman Studer, an occasional contributor to the- "New Leader," is one ot the...
...Kemmerer is The Law ef Series," in which h* sought to- sxpisin why one disaster, such ss'a wreck, is usually followed by • series...
...Linked With West Virginia The fate of the Pennsylvania miners Id inseparably wrapped with that ot their West Virginia brothers...
...a, United ld^ Worker* at America...
...t<aish* o'clock- . Ctemaat Wood, aha west kaowa mtB.ii...
...The unioa *tf» had *sxweamato with Veeto Cesl Do, a aultsldlaxy "-of tha Joaes $ raejsjiilto steel ntflhv ami wtth Fttfs| harsh Terminal Coal Corp...
...Tn* two states together produce about half the total bituminous production of the nation...
...Soon after the union membership fell to Its lei mei- proportions...
...But th* calculations at Secretary ot Commerce Herbert Hoover and ether experts that the non-union fields would take car* at th* market were ^i*"*** awry...
...The problem to Co bold till the exV? •'-' ft miit Shfnanh Mstlssi t Snuan '••'¦•.SJjhVi riaheat...
...In im Pittsburgh Coal passed dindeads oh common stock and its securities generally fell many points...
...The miners need all the" rest of the fatbor movement ana give them to maintain what la left of their union till next April, when the chance may come of recovering tha rest Th* miners' union la the 14 hill counties of central Pennsylvania that form Disk 2. United Mine Workers, Is standing up under a terrifio hammering from openshop operators...
...Some mines have reopened on the union scale...
...K am merer last year accepted a poettien as prefeeser of...
...turned -to purehsee pquipmsnt in Vienna and killed himself when the time came to return to Moscow...

Vol. 3 • October 1926 • No. 40

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