OLD PARTIES HIT FOR USE OF INJUNCTION Socialist Candidate for on SdmwU mnd Coal By Judge Jacob Panken ****** CT*** f«C*Hnm*1L Pf*+ York f¥V*X Cmmtmmm of the State proI vide* that the...
...speakers*>SB Brown, Dr...
...They felled...
...it le not ao easy to accomplish It...
...the Judge's injunction...
...VPm -Congressional Diswiet, Manhattan . Friday...
...Joseph Tuvim and Samuel Pavldw...
...If tbe principle ia established,thst a vtoistibn of an injunction Is a nutter for the Police Department to handle, it means that the very foundation upon whieh wo claim our libertties has been destroyed...
...What ¦natters that the child Is weakly...
...evening—Public ftehool No...
...corner ¦ Tenth street- and Second avenue, corner Fifth street snd Second,- avenue...
...They compel then* to tree the lives of serf...
...They are aa much feudal lords OS those of the middle ages: and when •ft ooal miner dares to resent tbe opSHkaton of the baron by strike, be is 'St* by the policeman's club, and, what sfworse...
...Jacob Panken is a'Socialist Judge, ejected in 1»17 from the East Side that knows him so well...
...holdups are' a matter of dsily Occurrence...
...It Is Jusfaa noossssry to recognise this ss it Is to recognise the evils mentioned above...
...Police Judges take It upon themselves to sarfbree th* cratlc, these Tammany Judges...
...22—Corner Norfolk and Rtvlngton streets, corner Grand and Norfolk streets and East Broadway and Rutgers streets...
...Coal should become the property of the nation...
...Coal ia a primes necessity...
...22—Corner Varet and Qrahatm...
...This strike has lasted now for a period of thirteen weeks...
...80—Public •School Ko...
...He could easily have slipped into a Judicial attitude and have assumed that once on tha beach he Is in a vacuum with no iontact with life...
...21—14th street end Broadway...
...More injunctions against the coal miners, more force against the coal miners/ more protection to the coal barons...
...The nation is filled with spies...
...19—Corner Stockholm and Knickerbocker...
...1 do not mean ia any sense that If is...
...Ceatempt of court is not a matter for yon te pass upon...
...BhBterce tha law...
...The Board of Education of the City of New York report* that St burned to children la school, numbering 110,000, permits to leave school snd go to work, with their education uncompleted...
...Th* only thing certain is uncertainty...
...t*e messes . should sweep them ujdde,' -tens' votefor tbs *T>srdsJte4peo...
...13th and 19th Assembly District, Brooklyn Tuesday...
...Thursday, Oct 21—Corner Roebllng and ' South Third street...
...I remember as if it were yesterday the eloquence of that splendid Irishman, the late beloved Will Mailly, the bellowing-, booming voice of Billy Karlin, add the inspiring- oratory of Jack Panken...
...Other Triumphs Recalled...
...If—Corner Isgrf" street and Prospect avenue andeor*ner 103 rd and Simpson'Streets...
...What does that ..mean...
...21—Center Columbia and Riviogton street*, corner Pitt and Grand streets snd comer East Broadway and Clinton street...
...Oct 22—Corner Tremont and...
...we are asked...
...Jacob Axel rod and Frank Rosenfarb...
...Hyman Nemeer, Harry Schachner and E. Bromberg...
...Must we forever be tossed between these two UternstiVeS or is there a third one "thst IS sensible, bene and effective...
...What matters that tha child Is deprived of Its education 7 What matters It the parent becomes the recipient of his child's earnings...
...23, 2 p. m.—Rutgeri Squire: speakers: Jessie Stephen ol Great Britain, I. Corn...
...A. Zucker, S. SaCUtt and Louis Waldman...
...ItOa, things were stirring oa the East Side Of Mow York...
...Our isaue Is...
...A ¦aueiaihili -hgn* iniHhnee sb*r,vofj* to destroy the great combinations of capital...
...destroyed''by lew...
...Hymen Nameer and Harry tVhachner, s Bird Assembly District, Brook'yn Jmday...
...if it falls to his lot to fill public office, ho...
...ssns and Jessie Stephen of Greal Britain...
...Make life In New...
...Tuesday, Oct...
...tursadT'SflmXi apeb the save^tharh the SikstB^ef s good, hasty bear the rest of the spsecb...
...If violated, is a matter for the Judge whose injunction has been violated to pass upon...
...eoatp, eaoUgh- f recall, that at osts satir^orowd...
...Wedneeday, Oct...
...Oupjed with aa toteBlgeat handtteg of',th« llauor question the messes must b...
...speakers: August Claessens...
...Mapea avenues, comer 101st itrMftsH Prospect avenue and USth street'aad' Brook avenue...
...Hojd tbe government distributers responsible for «xoes* drinking...
...easily have risen ¦nuch, higher to the Judicial seals...
...Fifth avenue: speakers: William Karlin and Jessie W. Hughan...
...6th Assembly 'District, Brooklyn Monday, Oct...
...Norman Thomas...
...OLD PARTIES HIT FOR USE OF INJUNCTION Socialist Candidate for on SdmwU mnd Coal By Judge Jacob Panken ****** CT*** f«C*Hnm*1L Pf*+ York f¥V*X Cmmtmmm of the State proI vide* that the Legislature ehall **"" provide for the maintenance aad Asppoet of a system of free common Mbools wherein all tha children of the [state may be educated...
...Ethel, rod Brown, .Friday^ Oct...
...appear, fbere ia' Justice in, his court, and »veryone, * especially Working people, tenants, the underdogs- ot this...
...What matters an.that aa Ions as the sacrednees of profit is continued inviolate...
...f • ii .. a- Stats Senate .» Jdtlv r*tetrtet —Norman Thomas JH .sadjanamM -aad pprsmrrad osna* bis *s*^IwfteBSSV ajy...
...f&sJl tha cspttsiiet, who contributes little tranythtnc to file production of wealth, srrbaats to himself sB than labor preduees...
...18—Corner Green and Stuyvesant...
...bet.' 1«—Corner 2W street and Madison avatrbe and «)¦ 10*O> street aad Madison SJM aad Lexlnajton tvtuiH, etmi'llMl SU est and I^xlnnoa aseanse ata^sW Dobsevaa;*, Otto Wast end Krafts* ^Tuwiday, Oct...
...I. Orrn and M. GsldoWsky...
...world, know that they can get Justice before fudge Panken...
...traam ^bmbIbbmmbbbb* efm * flawwwzgwas sowtsssa-** ' T^m\' ^2wZJsVSJlwi^ Pankey Brings Old Fire To N. Y. Socialist Campaign...
...Monday, Oct 18—Corner Union _an* Booth Second streets...
...A Third Alternative y , Clearly, the old...
...A Democratic Governor tried to Impose his will uademecratically upon the people and a Democratic Judge has •tees issued an Injunction whieh . la most eweeping- in Its nature...
...Jacob Panken and other candidates for office under the emblem of the Arm snd Torch...
...fire protection ts another instance...
...It Is notorious that many dry officials ars bribed...
...ISth CtiWBee—jenal District, Manhattar . Mondsy, Oct 18—East Broadway am ftntgers street: speakers: Ethelre< Brown, H. Bassln, Edeletein...
...I. Philips, Sasauel DJ^H and P. J. Murphy...
...speakers: H. Rogoff," L. Corn,-"Ooidowsky and*- It Bassln...
...The bartender has been replaced by the bootlegger...
...The Crowd Captured "What a meeting that weald make I" said one of tho Socialists la tho room enviously...
...BRONX Friday, Oct...
...epjessjssst sf p*wbjMd*s*v . wMeklssWsAedbelew...
...Oct 18—Corner Thstfbrd aad Pitkin avenue...
...Saturday, Oct...
...Nathan Fine and August C la assart...
...f.% is a strange fact that the Socialist party baa often been charged with wanting the state to regulate everything, yet those who oppose us favor this tendency while we are engaged in fighting it The program* ef the Socialist party la tbe intelligent way...
...J. Heller, Mrs...
...C*#lee ***• . be ebtakesS frseoMwaauHsew party > ..'htsMrtiifn...
...It has nothing to do with the Pohee Department...
...Ulan off...
...This eliminates the private Incentive to debauch pontics...
...Oct: 20—Sam* as above Thursday, Oct...
...Coal should be owned by us collectively...
...speakers: Norman Tboma s, Nathan Fine and othars...
...M—Public SJcboot-yftfe^Wr^Swatb- Third- sOrset .and Briggs...
...A Madften ¦*¦¦¦¦¦ at.¦*!¦ ¦ - •"w ¦^•assarasassfw* _eaa|*srw w^sew^**raa . . I recall another, occsudoa at Madhum Square Garden.-, The bulkUng was Jammed with people who bad come to celebrate Meyer Ixmdon's stsotiea to Congress in 1»1«- There bad boon too many speak at s and the vast sydlenee began to droop- Then Psnken was introduced, sad in three minutes bs had galvanised jt into Ufa,.into a rhoorlng...
...speakers: Norman Thomas, Nathan Floe sad Esther- Friedman...
...21—Hopklnsen Mansion, Hopklneon and East New Pork avenues: speakers: Judge Jacob Panken...
...If hs weren't, don't you supTOae he might very...
...84, Glenmore sod Wat kin...
...Sweden learned by ox-1 psrtenee...
...The rhfht to strike means nothing unless there Is the right to picket...
...ft debauched politics, ruined families and made the private saloon a boosing den of the lowest type, The staff sold was often adulr terated and waa ruinous to health...
...An«< rust Claeesena, Isidore Polsteln...
...they are "dry...
...M. Feigenbaum ONEnhjht tttOetoher...
...The raids, the spies, the bootleggers, the bribery sad the poisonlng in this "dry** era should be wiped out, A Suggestion Bat how...
...Oct 16—Corner Htqsisja) ai d 8utter, comer Dumont and That-" ford, corner New lints, and WUSrsna and comer Powell and Newport?1' speakers: William M. FlegenbauouJBi: Brown...
...He' is 'a good lodge, a first else* Judge, a Judge boCore whom lawyers are glad to...
...wet" era Of private production and sale is undesirable...
...H Bassln, Bdelsteta...
...Oct 22—Corner Lens^MdS* and Prospect avenues...
...Bassln, Bdelsteto...
...Hyman Nemser, Harry SchachaeY aM E. Bromiwrt...
...NothT tog ia settled...
...Square, Bathgate and Trtmoot tnt nuns...
...Word of the high doings st t^rsiad aas^Oswkewd saread aS Tma n*r agate ft we...
...I. George Dobsevags, H,'MM cal and Bil Cohen...
...Oar answer lav public ownership snd control...
...22—Corner Marry and Floyd...
...Hots ekellSed by educs^ tton aad tsatotog ¦ •;..--< * .' / Skassr'Os|as>ty , ' ' 7th District—Ssmuei A. Be Witt (Soc...
...when the gun ts wielded by tho thug In the most crowded thoroughfares, the Police Department of the .City of New York arrogates to itself the power, of Judges, fall* In the performance of the duties for which It is organised sad paid- •?...-:' May...
...Bat there ars public necessities which are still privately controlled...
...That- Juggling wfll »bttow* in tho bands of tbs profoe>ieasU-poilUc*aas...
...Jacob 'Panken Is running for Governor of New Task' this year, sat he Is rolling up bis - eleevee . for his usual rigorous eempelgp...
...Oct.' 15...
...It hi supported by experience, the experience of pnsptes abased and our own sad experience st hems...
...speakers: August Claessens...
...Be became a "repeater...
...Oct 18—Corner Longwoot and Prospect avenues...
...it—Public School No...
...speakers: J. Weil, Jessie Stephen of Great Britain, and Joseph Tuvim...
...To Outlaw the strike, to make even mors abject serfs of the coal miners...
...That waa a long- time ago...
...Tha Republicans hev* nothing te say upon the question of too injunction In labor dispute...
...He waa unable to think...
...I. Sackih, A I. Shlplacoff, A. Halpern aad Morris Pari* 4th aad 14th Assembly Metrlet, Brooklyn _ Tfrlday oveatog, • Oct...
...Crowd Away . By Wm...
...We propose, and I pledge myself that no stone atH remain unturned, if 1 am elected . tkwernor of this State.' until every toSd does not only have a place In the 'ifSftllo schools of our communities, but is provided with tbe opportunity to remain In school during its school life...
...i^tf-l ' PrOfSbMSA ' sSM ' asa*aaa^*i ' Oh* ee*w^0b*s avm**aabg*bgbf^^0 wwe—sp SHtsHes «d tsany ^tsrs In New ^ Yerk Stats, t* V&mtfifi&.mr* ea the...
...A«li oseoiT to the officers of the union.' it intends to "and does In law deprive W.ose mod of their right to strike snd ia picket...
...Booth Second and Keep streets: speakers: Jessie Stephen of Great Britain,,August Claeaeena, Jacob Axelrod...
...Jacob Bernstein, U Philips and Samuel Orr...
...ballot box or...
...62, Heater and Elsaex streets...
...He Is honored snd fetbeeted by his associates...
...speaker*-' Judge Jacob Panken...
...He is prepared- to do the pioneer work...
...And what a meeting it did make I Before you could turn around Socialist campaigners had leaped upon the flrer ewcarpes -three etorte* ahoW that turbulent crowd and commenced to address it...
...speakers: William Kariitj, TJ Philips, I. Poleteln and David irlsssafi Saturday...
...The ooal barons grind the faces of the coal miners into the dust...
...Coal la a public need in this- climate...
...In this, the- richest city in the world, of the richest country in the world—we beast 2,«00 millions ire* in Now York—110,000 . children must ho taken oat of tha schools and sen t lata .the factories, while hundred* of thessands ef adults aos unable to obtain employment...
...old party strength aad somethlns had to he done ts bolster it up...
...Tha streets aroaad tho tntsrseclton of Oread snd Orahard were btnek with people oB excited...
...the liquor traffic It has merely been driven underground...
...speakers: Judge Jacob Panken, William Karlin...
...20—Rlvington and LaAtow...
...water, for Instance: police protection .la another instance...
...as willing...
...Meantime prpbiblflon has been horribly- bungled by the professional politicians...
...16—Corner Sheffield and Sutter avenues: speakers: Esther Friedman, Ethelred Brown and Samuel Kan tor...
...Coal Is a natural resource, and when Saute arrogate the coal for private- exploitation.* they are like the robber barons of the middle ages...
...Jacob Axokod, Bam Frtodraan and Morris Paris...
...i not say...
...While I am discussing strikes, may I.not advert for a moment to the strike that is going on In the city of New York—a strike in which 80,000 of our cltlsens are involved, which mean* probably a quarter of a million or more souls, aa most of the strikers are married men and they have children, fbr the poor are always blessed with many children...
...a The Republicans promise protection to the public in the event of future strikes In the coal Industry...
...H.'Majoal'and Eli Cohen...
...Yerk safe Protect the pvupeetj of ear cltlsens...
...BROOKLYN ., » i^B 2»d Aass*h& OjatnVt,^ Saturday...
...literally teas of thousands of people were following a procession'of automobiles thst were escorting Charles E. Hughes, Governor of the State sad candidate for reelection, aad Jam** S. Sherman, candidate for -Vice-President .of the United State...
...Politic* Was . brewing, sad tho East stdp -Was oothteg if not political...
...Pur* beverages Instead 'of adulterations will be manufactured, thus conserving health...
...IK S a fact...
...Weiagart and Mrs...
...Raid* are frequent...
...incentive to increase sales...
...They hare.no convictions, tt sentiment Is "wet" in a State, their are "wet...
...speakers: 8am uel H. Friedman, Joseph Tuvim and Samuel Pavlow...
...Nathan Fine, A. N. Weinberg, and Molly Weingartenr - Saturday, Oct, 16—Corner 7th street and Avenue B and 2nd street end Avenue A; speaker*: Samuel E. Beardsley, Jaeob Bernstein...
...Behind the banners was socialist campaign headquarters, and sitting'-at tables were scores Of enthusiaat* addressing envelopes, licking ' stamps, folding...
...What does that mean...
...many years.-' ' The royal procession of Hugh** aad Sherman went on, but In solitary splendor...
...But profit is the ruling factor, and children work cheaper than adults...
...I. Silverman, Dr...
...Yet' the police, snd particularly at'this time, when the city is overrun with gunmen...
...evening—Public School No...
...lndorssdl An alert, tetolllgeat sandldat* who merits indorsement for this office...
...i*nosa»nmnda Hons sf the Cltlsens <slc*H;*, non-partisan reform organsto«*atW- fpllow...
...Tha utelsouuti sf tha Uf*v*h* nentee* tion of the health of the child, the action of the child culturally for life...
...Friday, Oct...
...Molly Weingartea...
...19—Rlvington and Co'Itftnhla streets...
...spentM** Esther Friedman...
...22d Assembly District, Brooklyn...
...speakers: Markshtos...
...Sard Assembly District, Brooklyn Saturday, Oct is—Corner Hopklnson and Pitkin avenue...
...B. C. Vladeck...
...East year tha number of part-time scholars waa But tha efficient Democratic party, the prof eased friend* sf the people, haa so well managed the etty that tha numbat haa been increased from B4,seo to T6,sm thousand b When the Constitution says that- all *e children fn tha State should have pducetional opportunity, doc* that fcean that the children should also have aa opportunity to go to school 1 One hundred aadj baa thousand children sf school age attending school wore Issued permits to so to work during the test year...
...His opponents are h* muItl^miOnalre Ostien'mnis and U Smith, th* window di *sslng for ram many Hall...
...10«th street and ManV ison avenue and 114th street and SmU son avenue...
...Hs IS enthusiastic, he ts eloquent, he Is utterly devoted snd he 'works like a dog for his Idee Is' snd hs Is a. man of firstrate abfBty, Inflaming his ablHty with tha fire of his enthusiasm and ao...
...speakers: Je**i* Stephen of Great Britain, August Claessens, Jessie Wallace Hughaa...
...Tuesday, Oct 19—Corner Eton* and Pitkin aVensea and Herkimer and Ralph...
...Land, Samuel Orr, L JftsW, stein and Isidore Philips...
...speakers: William Karlin, Morris Paris and others...
...Nathan Fine and Jacob Bernstein...
...speakers: August Ctoe...
...Friday, Oct...
...As Injunction denying the right" to picket...
...speakers: Joseph Tuvim...
...Congressionel District, Manhattan Friday...
...speakers: niniiiiil f)siu Dr...
...He stuffed the...
...But is in a Soctailit, and hi* Idea, of So:lailam Is, not the elevation of Socialists, but tha growth of Social lam— which is somethtog entirely different...
...I. Silverman, B. Schub aad...
...Smith as Oovsrnor of tha Stats has done nothing- te initiate a1 bar to tho mjunetkme fft labor disputes.* WS stand for the propin labor disputes.- m any event...
...in^Y^th^ngr^naT'rn.^^ ¦peakers: Norman Tfaosaa...
...booing the capitalist party candidates, and mast of them Just yelling...
...Nina E. Hfllesnv Ekrtsl MikeU Samuel A. Ds Witt...
...We think so...
...The Governor attempted to eoerce the sirfkyis to accept a settlement distasteful aad unacceptable to them...
...It win take the private gates oat of the traffic, Tho private saloon as a pohtteal force cannot return...
...Raids,' sple*^ prosweutsoas, bootleggers, bribery' aad poisoning wSl be reduced to a' mintmmxy The governwent win obtain th* rovhau* aad thus lighten increaalnsry heavy tax burlens...
...That is year bwelaess That is your duty...
...J Wednesday Oct...
...Nathan Pine...
...when the property of the people of our elty is unprotected...
...guehfied, -- A- eandidat* quanshd by tdacation and tratotog...
...A greater staff ot official* is employed to destroy the traffic than haa been employed for any other purpose, but the traffic continues...
...to Commlsiofcer McLaughlin: "Clear the city of thus...
...Our vary lives depend upon the continuous Sow Of fuel...
...ft fat not • theory...
...Our Issue, upon which we go to tha etttoeas of the State te...
...What .an Indictment against our present system of society...
...16—Corner McJCApls...
...i Impossible, yon say...
...becoming one df the greatest Socialist campaigners thla country has over ieen...
...There was a roar from the street, and those in the room went to look out of the window...
...speaksre:, William Karlin, l. c*rn and J. Green, Wednesday, . October 20, noon-day meeting—Corner Pitt and Rlvington streets: speakers: William M. Feigenbaum...
...The entourage had reached the corner of Orchard aad Grand...
...tf "dry...
...Leon Land, Isidore Polsteln, Isidore, Philips and David Kasson...
...Jessie Stephen of Great BritSin...
...Bu^Judge Panken never torgets for.one saoment that he Is.a SoclaBft...
...Strd -Assembly District, Brooklyn Thursday evening, Oct...
...A system which takes the child out of school and puts It Into tbe factory, while It drives the father oat of the factory, is unworthy to continue, is unworthy to exist...
...Ssd DtsUtot iDavid . Mtbsi <Bec...
...Let us begin with a few facts that every candid, man tad woman must admit- ¦ PrrsSSs production and sale of alcoholic beverages proved unsatisfactory to most ef us...
...This * s drift tewsxd t^ait^^Mmmm ayi sarchy rise to *wsn*w us, and with oar...
...20—Corner IMOss street and Lexington trsWr'^aSfl 114th street and Lexington aVenaa, corner ^104th atreet^and Madtfcafjajo» son avenue...
...will do it loyally and welt If it is his fate merely to prepare the wgy' for others, he will be Just...
...Morris Pari* and Pinto...
...Wednesday, Oct 20—Comer ffttlt street and Tin ton avenue: speakers: Samuel Orr...
...22nd Assembly District, Brooklyn Friday, Oct...
...evening—Comes Rlvington aad Pitt streets, corner Rlvington and IiuSlow streets, corner Rutgers -sad Bast Broadway aad Grand and Norfolk, street...
...August Claestsen...
...William KarUn and Samuel Kantor as chairman...
...Tbe debauchery,- drunkenness, poisoning snd political corruption of the "wet" -era Should be cheeked as much ss possible...
...speakers: Norma* Thomas...
...Apprehend the gunmen...
...We appesl to intelligent meh anf women of all .views...
...speakers: Esther s*Jjst...
...W* have not destroyed...
...or Shalt be receive oat, whet he contributes...
...circulars and doing all the countless things that are done for election, day...
...Sam uel Orr...
...A candldkto ef si*Btty and ixatotag...
...Tha present tend¦ury to regalat* appetites Is perilous>rgen*tst tbsB are even now seekingsgiststsen t* ootkur th* us* of to¦aeco...
...speaker*: Ethelred Brown and J. Well...
...He held), that crowd, he caught It la the hollow of his hand, hs held its attention, and he turned it Into a wildly cheering Socialist raBy that was the talk of Socialist circles for many...
...Why can't w*T ¦ . Th* Intelligent Wsy - To reoo*-nlse facta, evident;* apdjbisery ia" te • apply Intetngenca te our srohlssns, and this to what w*.try t* to In this appeal...
...speakers*^ Jessie Stephen of Great Britain...
...Oct 17...
...Tha Reaction It is not surprising, therefore, that' many people declared that the liquor trafitc most be...
...Oct.-it—Rlvington and Pitt ¦tresis aad Rlvington -and Ludlo* etreeU: Speakers: J. Green...
...Spth Songressieaal District, Manhattan Sunday...
...Yet we have the spectacle: of the nation bamg at the mercy of the coal barons...
...speaker*: Samuel E. Beardsley...
...i_¥, -?r^ - < -£r.%?^ ;-y«v.-*4lw -j'\^P"S»stB <r.n "*«h mm*, We^rhnsr tins, CBeoi, saaiiftod...
...Goldowaky and Mrs Oct...
...22—Various earner* to the 14th Congressional District...
...Th* (vile...
...in the coal Industry...
...speakers: J. Weil and Ethelred Brown...
...speakers;: BtSHssS Brown...
...speakers: William Karlin, Joseph TnjWas, Morris Paste sad J. snd^t>^W>Tiiiunes- *rj^mt Hanl Friedman, Henry Fruehter and Morris Thursday...
...29th Csn'greesleeihl Dltriet, Maahatt** ^SaSrSay...
...QtXAL& Ora -vets wee) or vote dry...
...Leon R. Land and SsmnstDe Witt Tuesday, Oct...
...A- T- Shlpkicoff, Char|e* Solomon, August Chteesehs and Morris Parts...
...28—Corner Graham and DSbevolae...
...soasjfcst era: August Claessens, Esther ^riseV...
...Saturday, Oct- . 28—Cotner Havemeyer*and South Fourth street: speakers: Jessie -Stephen of Great Britain...
...tt—126th street an...
...Thursday, Oct...
...The sectsttsts had bean making inroad* into the...
...It Is easy to say that we will destroy something rooted deep in our social life...
...H. Rogoff...
...Tho big moguls sf the G. O. P., eager to make an Impressive showing that year, had sunt two of Its biggest guns Into that turbulent, territory, sad...
...speakers: I. George DobewOngewB. Schub...
...Darwin J. Meserole, Hymen Nemser, - H. Blumenreick aad H. Schachser...
...man, William Karlin...
...J '.> A>lasl Appeal' ' *jfke Obi partis* have hot the courage to "fees resiittes-' The candidatoe . ot ** Sootenat party are pledged to this rswgrsm tWtajrhjp tbs liquor quosttea $mm mmmi ****** hypocrisy »*> tussjflorwjtb ths qneetionend mad* a mrrfbl* failure...
...Is moss Important to man today and to man' of the future than all of the profits that may be obtained by the exploitation of the child life...
...served .as bully to Intimidate sober, voters...
...Oct 22—Comer 110th stressand Fifth avenue...
...With tbe coal miaf* employed by the nation, the possibility of a strum In thst industry is reduced to a minimum...
...Liquor la secretly made and sold or else imported...
...We still have drUnkennees...
...William Karlin rSJaftSamuel Orr...
...Friday evening, Oct- S.2—Public School No- 149..Wyona street and Sutter avenue...
...Tuesday, Oct- J S—Pitt and Grand streets: speakers:: Jacob Bernstein...
...Monday, Oct- it—Various corners in ths 14th Congressional District...
...Too often werkfagmen acquired the kablt of swilling the poison, to excessrhe habitual drunk' became a useless sitlsen...
...For hie .one' Meal, - the one subject of his life, is service to -the cause of Socialism...
...speakers: Jacob Bernstein, H. Ban-in...
...Oct 22—102nd street ant Madison avenue...
...Ben HanfOrd, Joshua Wanhope, Morris HliWjuit, William Mailly...
...M*^* tb<lt T°(* Citizens Union Endorses Thomas Over frowning, Tammany Senate Leader De Witt Endor~d for Assembly in Bronx— 2 Women Given Approval ^^^ks^^^h* Tjfcdriet?' is fbd ^^^^Tteanae hT^aktorao^aad =- Other p>W*H*t candtdatee praised bp *h* Clttoems Union are Evelyn-West atsibbS...
...that ia the theory, upon which so many old-party men jecome Judges aad serve the exploiters M faithfully...
...houttag, jubilating mass sf lS.OOO men sad woman who know they were happy at Meyer London's election snd who were nt bust given an opportunity to vast their Joy...
...10—Sam* ss above...
...S p. to.—Harlem SbctsBat Center, df east 106th street...
...speakers: I. Com, Goldowaky, • Baasta asd Edeletein...
...They eaw the evils and their reaction was to destroy the thing 'out ot which the evils Issued...
...J' •th Dtsirtet—Nlna & HlBqust (Son...
...The most vicious Phase of bis injunction Ues ia the fact that the Police Department of the City of'New fork' aad...
...H. W. Laldler...
...Thai gives a hint of the kind of man' that Jacob Panken is...
...II—Comer ksstli street and Madison avenue, MBSST 102nd street and Madison, avenue, andcomer 115th street and Madison «*•* nue...
...Ws stand far the pro position thst the mines be forthwith nationalised, that tha coaj miners become the employee of the nation...
...He sank tower and lower and often besom* a tool, of mercenary politicians...
...4. Rlvington and Pitt streets...
...tl—Various corner* in tho 14th Cosgmssluinl District...
...Friday, Oct...
...N. Y. Socialists to Hold Many Campaign Rallies Hall Meetings 1 4th Assembly District, Brooklyn PrMsy evening, Oct...
...Samuel H. Friedman...
...M. Goldowaky, Chanatav H. Bassln and -Bdelsteto...
...Just as Important-* fact as he failure of both "wet" and "dry" gas is a f Act...
...It waa Panken who was the hero of the occasion...
...W* ask th* voter* to think through the max* ef disappointment.* contradictions, absurdities and the hypocrite* of the politicians...
...But this was iccomplished to Sweden under a- Bo:1alist Premtar...
...ner 112th street and Madtadn a^BE speakers: Jessie Otuptiss) et «H Britain...
...That 1» a command- Yet in thla f State, under a Democratic admlnietre; tpm a so-carted administration of the people's friends—seventy-odd thousand children have entered school this veer and are permitted only part education...
...taught tho- touwrtaace of tempersnk*,- of the nodt of alert minds, and or a qutvasuing social cuasvieuue to ssdJUs our problems...
...Prom a third-story window there . depended Socialist banners with the names and pictures of such men ss Eugene V. Deb...
...speakers: Ethelred Brown, Samuel H. Friedman and Joseph Tuvim...
...31—Oebora and PitDe Witt, Jessie Stephen...
...Never mind tha enforcement of injunction*, which are punishable aa contempt of court...
...Hyman Siemser, E. Brombesg and H. Schachner...
...say they will prevent the recurrence of strikes...
...1»—Norfolk "and Gran« SttOdtot speakers: Jacob Bernstein, H Bsaedh, B4el»tfto, Goktowsky and Mrs Psrpwer...
...by Mgkdstloe...
...rmyv Saturday...
...I mean that It is a Taimhanylaad Police Department—has taken upon itself to become the Judge as to whether injunction* are violated or not violated by th* striking rfoakmaker...
...Norman Thrsnsea, Samuel DeWitt...
...speakers: Jessie Stephen of Great Britain...
...16—Corner Seventh street and Avenue C. corner Colombia aad Houston street...
...The Democrats promise also...
...Peak en's campaign Issue la Just Socialism., and he Is making it hie business to let every nan and woman and child in the state >f New York know that'it rosily loesn't matter so very much whether ope or another supporter of the present system hi Governor, eo long as a largo and growing number of voters support the ideals-he is giving his life to...
...by the way, a Democratic Police Department...
...foBewW by O^ow people, a**e.cse ataa aigaif*et**a...
...1»—Corner liOUs street and Lmn tnnw, corner'Jff-H street and Third avenue, corner IWth street and Madison avenue...
...Sjnha state* to tha: South srs otlsWing soieaoa...
...That ia a msnfdate...
...20—Corner Tompkins and Stockton...
...21—Corner tl hjajT and Southern Boulevard...
...that ao Injunction bs issued without notice, and osry after a hearing is had, a trial by a Jury rather than by a Jadgs...
...Clearly, the "dry" experiment of destroying the evil hi a failure...
...The mere prosecutions there are the more there are to be prosecuted...
...and Mrs...
...speakers: I. QfOgM Dobeevag...
...when the lives of our eitisene are m constant-Jeopardy...
...L George Do DM race...
...EdeUtein, Geldowsky...
...E. Brown, f. George Dobsevage, B. Schub and H. MarcaU...
...Wednesday, Oct 20—Corner Iloussg and South Third street: speakers: Hyman Nemeer, Harry Schachner and E. Bromberg...
...i • Thursday, Oct...
...Reason gives way to prejudice and the politicians get what they want—office...
...LeonXaa* and Jessie Wallace Hughan...
...This -issue- hs* absorbed th* ' attention of millions of voters Decent housffig for human beings, tbs ever prehsnt men are of a ooal fambr* In winter,' an to* famine la summer, ths private grabbing ot great power sites, the problems of International peace, mors equity te distributing wealth—all ths more grave problem* of American life are set aalde for thai Issue...
...speakers: William Karlin, Hyman Nenser, ¦ HarrF Schaeaner and E. Bromiters, * a:'T Tuesday, Oct 1»—Csrner Bortdaaf and South Third st*sk>t...
...There Is no longer any argument that there are certain necessities which are public in character and most be publicly supplied...
...A. L Shidlaesff aad Msrrto Paris^'S,1^' < »»-5«^*^ Bristol and Pltkto- avenue*: speaker...
...They saw' the shouting mob—soma of them cheer tag, a lot hissing snd...
...speakers: Norman Thomas, H. Rogoff, B. C. Vladeck...
...Placed on a salary, they will have no...
...William Karlin and George Dobsevage, Itth Censreeeienal District, Menhattsn '-Wednesday evening...
...Not only do they crests the wealth of the world, bat they supply the man-power which la to continue the crefctlon of wealth...
...msrr 14th and 4th Assembly Distrisf...
...but the memory ot that night ia still fresh ia my memory...
...Shan labor, that produces- the wealth of tha nation, receive n etnaS share of what tt produces or shaH tabor be estttOsd to aB that it create...
...MANHATTAN Thursday, Oct...
Vol. 3 • October 1926 • No. 40