LEWIS CHALLENGE "PROSPERITY" AS FRAUD i vip Tobr Cur comaa>meei*(e.d StaVft LriC&ter wO Oimmi-SoWsflwV "ptwevotRg* to th>TtshiuVs4 a fraud under which ^CyeacbbsSAto working rasa and 'm!JuW...

...4 p. m., Setufeayi fare, $1.70...
...This, Mr...
...Tbe following Friday...
...it must decline to take any responsibility whatever for it" The conference in Mexico City Is expected to be attended by many representative labor chiefs, including President Green of the A F. of L, snd is generally regarded as preliminary 'to formal affiliation by the Mexican Federation of Labor with the I. F. T. U. The Executive Committee announced that it had found it impossible to approve the establishment of an Independent Workers' Education International, but that it had decided to set up an International Educational Committee as a part of the I. F. T. U. The provisional agenda for the fourth congress of the I. F. T. U...
...October 17...
...ber?' then asks: "tut then why r'r Til' IIl SI tative Of another emie*H flkeveSksp i day, tell tbs sfeekmakeee that It was the duty of the *aielgsiaietsd to call its see pi* oat oa a etWke to help eleskmskoreT**1 - The SdHori "Me prehabh/ had hie resesws for saying so...
...Non- members are welcome...
...Last Monday evening ehe addressed three large mass meetings oa the Bast Side sad was received with enthusiasm...
...But in Maeeaohusetts...
...walking time, a hours: leader, Hugo Koch...
...than in 1*25, and were 6 per cent larger in 1S25 again than in l»24...
...Workers Training Cburse, popular courses foj workers* to jUeratura^s^ j«s>enc4 ari also |iven...
...This lecture will deal In more detail with the nature of the European . economic situation since 19K and with Wassermann'e work as an expression of It: Wassermann'e novels, "The World's Illusion," "Gold...
...Pailmga ho triad to save Ms own feee, who eaa toll...
...we hike to our camp at Midvale, N. J., with the Followers of the Trail...
...Harding as President, and I challenge you to show that any of the figures I have quoted are wrong...
...Crsmpton win give, his listeners the fundaments IS ef a Si Ma tide approach to oar serial tvohlsen...
...TWe myng was made to tha oase ef otto Bauer of Austria, who Was thus barred from s^*reseintr "1» stdtottag or the Sortoh tseal of the "fcstohst Farty during toe^ugnstjsa|l|>» ed toaEs...
...Butler, took place while the...
...Great qiisaalles of leaflets are being printed and distributed...
...20 and 21...
...Dividend and interest payments he, vh been tnore thai six- per coat larger so far this yea...
...The most recent report of the Federal^Trade Commission shows that only 1 "per cent of the people now own 89 per cent of the wealth...
...Certainly no one can forbid the Communists to harness all their energies to the service df their colonial policy...
...But the mask of this League is bound to excite the same resistance as the other masks, under which they carry on their work...
...And In 1926 Massaehusette wagee averaged ten per cent leee than in 1924...
...It is true Germany haa no colonies, but for M/insenberg it le the usual soil for starting operations...
...This oTeitiiwSj »t 4 p. m. the class will be favored by tad presssee of Seaevfeve Tsggsrd...
...The stronger and more thriv...
...ts%, waft fee tvmalgemetien -to stop his own people from detos the eonUiiiOn thtog...
...Forty per cent of the shoe workers of our State ere out of work...
...Such masking organisations can, naturally, only for a certain length of time fulfil their purpose of exploiting non-Communists m the service of Moscow...
...Mj tattery of, eesae M Judge Aoob wtSSSk^im 9m'asststanee of Jessie tRathan of Vroflt Bsttnto...
...Bach week he has a **SaffleSat poet redd before the class...
...Y. detot Beass'flSj FnrH**** union, who a tow n iihshssr declared It to se the duty of the AahoV9 gSmated to"c^l out ito toombers jg S, eymgathy stttfo with thoh^hWcdisUs^worfcesa, who are now euU a Cwaassotot...
...is hut the Brat outward refnreao* ttf' a, matter whieh has been the rubiee* of much discussion below the (urtace...
...It has bees decided to close registration* for...
...was baased to • veto of si to to aad a risoiutlon by Robert Grimm giving, tha Executive CommitUe's reasons, tor-its hotlon won adopted by St-to 14 rotes...
...the German novelist...
...strike, aad even now, member* of hts union have bee* finishing eeah-s*afs . ladies' garsseaks With- far HI......Ina* The Advance's teaieihs oa the sjfatra...
...Berenberg'e class in composition snd literary criticism, which meets on Mondays at 7 o'clock...
...a. very close friend of the President's, ft cannot be denied that Massachusetts has tremendous influence In the' National Government...
...Gold PERMITTING WORK ON SCAB DRESSED l#^w>-' .M fMHE . editor...
...r*:m>r- a* sswewh^gf^lf-M teas** •¦ ~-^*sg^Qi|j^fcM*M *n*fsSa!5 mS^p^SSSil^SKSi ^^^^^^^^^^ 2ND RAND CLASS PLANNED Popular Response of Unionists Ctottit Registration for First Section npaHE Threo-NiBht-e-Week WestiI ere* Training Course given by the Band School of Social Science this year has awakened keen interest among trade union tbesaaera as evidenced by the fast that'out ai the fifty-three students enrolled fertytwo are trade unionists, and seers wa* plications ore pouring- to...
...wages of the workers in Massachusetts, where you are one of the largest employers of labor in the State, were, going down*The concentration, of wealth and power in the hands of tbe Amerlcaii plutocrats is Increasing...
...The workers of Massachusetts have not forgotten the epidemic of wage cuts in the textile industry which followed the election of Mr...
...and "Faber," win be emphasised...
...On the other hand, the gains of the plutocrats, and capitalists, the beaker* and great employers of labor, such as you are, have been enormous...
...tto did aet...
...are' c%rertor a TMOgW Of iiieOftofl* every ddy...
...Nearly twenty per cent of .the workers In the woollen mills are unemployed...
...F. Calvertea it giving on "Contemporary Writers and Social Thought" has awakened unusual'interest, as evidenced by the fad that the number of students and listeners is increasing by leaps and bound* at each meeting...
...The motion . fats affUltatkm...
...American Federation of Labor organiser James Roach, speaking- at the saute meeting, attacked the open shop operation of Conote textile mills...
...gJ&f *« j - .-^a^SMaeisaj ¥-*v>tir7«*»-^t.serT-^*v...
...In addition to the regular...
...This reeototton hetots out -thst,.wt*U* too Soolollet sod Labor International la aot yet up to the Swiss Ideal Of as eU-embracing International, it Is oa the way snd that the Swiss Socialists can do better work on toe toeide by Bid Mag atoei...
...We have arranged an artistic program for Saturday evening consisting: of Instrumental solos...
...e* tallies*" •WB^iwJwM^g - IStl^ sk^AVwrf i : - wKMP I__-*__gush J ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ **V_— - - - **--ti-ii- - si ¦** TO|weW4 wJs)pi*r^sgj In 9«swc*if Mow yeric gogiro «e the efleet that aha audoe Robert Was nor...
...HMae Cehn states alls tea* never consulted en the matter...
...to the consersatteB eefaean the "unknown member" and Ure editor of the AOvaoee, the termer jassejgos eh.eeAtSS tosssblHty of a gaaeral atrtks ia the...
...Coolidge in 1924...
...Almost daily -the Stock- Exchange records new., high Is vols far the price of securities...
...tton and the light against war snd militarism, the world economic situation, the international light for the eight-hour day and the position of non-manual workers, civil service employees snd professional workers in the trade union movement...
...Unions must state their cagey to the commission to get any .^adTot action on the compensation to]rand other measures backed by labor...
...Yeu charge that man with having actually attempted to cover up this doatordfy...
...Lewis wrote: "I gather from your speeches to date |nat you are seeking- re-election'to the Senate as the candidate of the Republican Party, on your record aad that of your party watts to- office...
...tog Party of the South Is to contribute a subsidy towards helping the sister organisation which...
...In other words, there Is evidence of a distinct revival of Socialism and Socialist organisation...
...INTERNATIONAL AWAITS THE SWISS SOCIALISTS The pesetas' of- a rssotottea by the Executive Committee of "the SochU Democratic Party of Swltseriand, ea Sept...
...University .will lecture en the] "Evolution of Life" this Saturday...
...sssuto his reference sag ¦ eernlag- the daatlgassstod sad a gra^ imthstte strike . siM"llkeSssill)ifl that toot that atooe-the declaration ef the...
...Yet you ars a greet cotton msnufstourer, one ef the largest in the Stete...
...Provisionally, such a League has been founded In Germany...
...ALFRED BAKER LEWIS, "Socialist candidate for United' States Senator...
...He win discuss the evidence upon which the evototiea theory is founded and, abovs an, the importance of the evolutionary methedV Every student of history...
...Why, then, do yeu do ee little for the worker* sf Massachusetts...
...Meeting place, Erie R. R. Ferry, Chamber* Bv- and Hudson River...
...N. Y. Socialist Campaign Welcomed by Sympathizers With Crowed Meetings •wJs^twt?********- tesskessj ejgh -tesHMl S»y?Ti m i m vtm* 47i mm sMe HMgwflfit...
...DUES INCREASED BY POTTERY WORKERS :¦¦ ^r-- V- s-*»—e** *ww*-" ^ss*j*t •jH^I^S/^^Jr^^J^^i • > .-- ia...
...the present class and to organ*** a second class, which will begin its work about November 1- Trade union members who wish to be considered for scholarship to this course should apply without .delay...
...In its comparative isolation amid the difficult environment ta Ulster, has, of tbe two, the harder problems to tackle...
...Over twenty-five per cent sf the operatives in our cotton mille are unemployed...
...What are you and your party doing to stop this alarming tendency...
...He spefce fee amslflsiastton, sat seemed to fall to do the vary thing without .whieh smslgoasatlsa...
...where you and Governor Fuller are both employer* ef labor, wages declined...
...This time it is to be an International League against Colonial Atrocities and Oppression...
...AMSTERDAM DEFINES MEXICAN CONFERENCE That the Informal conference of labor leaders from all over the world, to be held In Mexico City the latter part of this month on the Initiative of the Mexican Federation of Labor has aroused much interest In European trade union circles and also caused a little confusion Is indicated by a discussion of the matter at a meeting of the executive committee of the International Federation of Trade Unions tistd In Amsterdam, Sept...
...Across the frontier dividing the two States, the small Northern Party will affiliate with the Irish Labor Party, while ^retaining local autonomy In all affair* pertaining to the Northern territory...
...With President Coolidge a Massachusetts man, and aa you ars...
...whose Work has appeared to every important BOktry magnetos to.the country...
...October id, at 3 o'clock...
...for Mayor...
...He will deal with Wassermenn's mysticism and interpretation of tbe post-bellum world in which we have been ensnared...
...And it is common knowledge that the profits earned have Increased more than -the dividends declared...
...White, national organiser for United Textile Workers, to a mass meeting of Cohoes unionists...
...e or^askm of leader of tka~N...
...is an - emwty-sesiad...
...Readers-of the N«W Leader who are to touch' with such elements will render, a service by letting- them know of this opportunity to begin mastering- the language...
...The SdHer* rOen't get eseltod...
...Democrat, ' fie the U. S. Senate...
...And so now...
...The first hour classes in English A B and C ars sow fllled almost to capacity, but there ia room-for...
...As soon as the maneuver is exposed, the organisation loses, its power of attraction...
...Average wagee among the workers (n our cotton mills ere less than til per week* Bven f*r men—heeds ef families—the average wage In the.cotton mlMs Is only $20 s week...
...October 22...
...as given out at the Amsterdam meeting, includes international aid to esseiTof wage conflicts, the disarmament quea...
...Sunday morning there will be a hike te Wolfs' Den...
...For, If stories thst we hear are really true, organised war hers of a re Is ted Industry ars working, on trimming sf olaaha manufactured to eeab shssa...
...While financial resources arehardty aseaesenenrale with our desires sad numerous activities...
...needle trades to aid the ass isewt work, era...
...FRESH CAMOUFLAGE FOR COMMUNIST HOVE In connection with the calling of a conference in Brussels In November for the discussion of colonial Imperialism, to which delegates are to he sent by various organisations in Ibero America, the Zurich -Bureau of the Socialist and Labor International has Issued the following statement: "Another one Is to he added to the vast number of committees and organizations set up by the Communists...
...Throughout the whole country - dividends and profits have gone up...
...At tod sscn* meettofl of the shrecsetoe- ffemmlttoe' a- resolution was ddepted' and sent to the National Govornmeat protesting against the hlgl handed action of too Swum Feder* Law Department in ruling that mesabare of the BxeeuUve "Committee sf Socialist and Labor International st» toadmg meetings of that body to Swittoelsnd are niot allowed to deliver es*»chee eseept,at sank meetings...
...Thee* works will be con-, sldered in relationship to tfie type of capitalistic chaos prevailing today...
...LEWIS CHALLENGE "PROSPERITY" AS FRAUD i vip Tobr Cur comaa>meei*(e.d StaVft LriC&ter wO Oimmi-SoWsflwV "ptwevotRg* to th>TtshiuVs4 a fraud under which ^CyeacbbsSAto working rasa and 'm!JuW en Hdlas to miserable circumstances, to a letter seat te Senator William M. Butler, Republican eendMate for re-election, by Alfred Baker Lewis, his Socialist opponent...
...But I challenge you to show thst you or your party have done a -thing for the working class of Massachusetts since the election of Mr...
...A*vsn*A..to *»< WWhem'^toi^s...
...In fact, oar epexaaT;canTipeiati leaflets are being used almost as fast as they come from the press...
...WORKERS' SPORTS Tourist Club Htk* " Sunday...
...Vernoa Logfltoe has been conducting hut course to atsdJua poetry to A most interesting sad btunan Wfly...
...The German^Leasee has a provisional committee, .which is busying Itself .specially with a. conference In Brussetls in November...
...This Friday night, October II, at S:!0 p. in-, he will discuss Woseermsnn...
...The "usntoOWO Steas...
...Testimony before the Industrial Relations Commission in 1913 shoVed that 2 per cent of the people then owned «0 per cent of the wealth...
...Union representatives must appear at the hearings of the state industrial commission appointed to investigate the many laws proposed for and against labor In the last legislatures...
...the chief Communist organiser, Willi -Munsenberg, is turning his attention to a new enterprise of the same character...
...A proposal by R. Stenhuis of Holland te place on tbe agenda the question of a boycott of Italian goods was not accepted in this form, but the General Council Is to be informed of it St the beginning of its next meeting, so that it may decide whether or not it Will discuss ft as a special Item...
...You and the Republican Party no Joubt are good and faithful representatives of the capitalist class, the plutocrats snd bankers, who pay the campaign funds of the Republicans...
...This is despite the fact that wagee for the rest of the country gained slightly during this time...
...The editor donsts the value ef a general etrlk...
...However, the ntaln Idea was that of leading up to the intemationaltsation of the League, using Germany'' as a point of leverage...
...ASSOCIATION INDUSTRIES SLUSH FUND CHARGED CO HOES, N. T.—New York Stett employers organised in the Associated Industries, Inc., have collected a huge •lush fund to defeat legislative measures favorable to labor, declared Joseph ft...
...12, advising the delegates to thO national convention to be held in Nfuenburg...
...thingf Why, ho spoke tor amalgatien...
...She adds ' that ehe' has rheveV" endorsed eny candidate for pelftresl office, *jev- ¦' Ins devetod her Sweeps In the ^ahor .etovesaane, ts * odvootf snnf work only...
...recitations and folk dancing...
...This time Upton Sinclair's novel*, '"The Jungle" and "100," as well as his sociological works, such as "The Brass Check" snd "The) Goose Step," will be featured, and Barbusse's war novels will be dealt With in detail...
...Calverten will lecture on Barbusse and Upton Sinclair...
...ut yea know this is jest the thing to do when yeu wish to get sway with murder...
...The elty office of the Socialist Party declares that Interest to Party organisation Is rapidly growing-, and during the last three or four weeks applications for membership have been com — ing to at the rate of about Is per week...
...Aversgs wagee in Maeeaohusetts were leee this year than in 1928...
...A new course to English for beginners will be launched about November 1. This is Intended especially tor person* who have lived In this country only a short time and are very deficient in English...
...Socialists are making a campaign the like of which, has net hoes seen la New York City since the beetle days of ltl7, when Morris HIBquit Was running...
...to be held in Paris, August 1-6, 1927...
...Just be quick-witted enough te eheuti 'Murder!'" Unknown Member...
...SOCIALIST UNITY NEARER IN IRELAND According to a report sent out by the Zurich Bureau of the Socialist snd Labor International, the recent arrangement between the Labor Party of the Irish Free State and that of Northern Ireland le more than a formality, and has a considerable' measure of political Importance...
...The course that "v...
...Henry K. Cramptod of Columbia...
...politics, economics and .sociology ought to have Bji hi* basis an understanding of the genetic or evolutionary method, ton word...
...Hew would you like to -bring up a family on $20 a week...
...There will be held an annual conference of- the two bodies, and each win he represented on ahwBSreeuUve of the other...
...Jessie Stephen, who has arrived for a tour of the United States and Canada, is engaged by the New York Socialists for the balance.of the campaign...
...Thst union he poena to enjoy a vary radical leadership, too...
...t aad 7, to vote for aJUUtion with tbs Socialist and Labor International, ha* been welcomed with greet satisfaction by.the Sarich Bp-, reau of the international and it Is aypeeted that before tan* too ^owerfui Swiss pertr wfll he fornvaHy lined up With its brother parties...
...Some railroads today are earning- at the rate of 20 per cant sod even 2& pes;, eent...
...a .few more students in other classes- that meet at 8:80 p. m., as also In Mr...
...It was brought out thst tbs confusion was due to the fact that the Mexican Federation of Labor had invited a number of labor organisations not affiliated with the I. F. T. U. While approving the idea of European labor men getting' first hand information on the Mexican situation, the executive committee thought it advisable to define it* stand by passing the following resolution: ' • "The Executive, In view of the konHitioaa unded which tb* delegatlok ia ko si to Mexico, decide* that, off V* own behalf and oa that of the I. F. T. XJ...
...According to its Constitution, the League sets itself the task of enlightening the 'widest elements of the population, as to the true character of colonial policy and Its Action on the enslaved colonised nations, end colonial peoples...
...Such was the course of the International Workers' Relief...

Vol. 3 • October 1926 • No. 40

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