CONN. S. P. STATE COMMITTEE TO MEET Pai^ Locals TlWighout State Report Activities—Bridgeport Raising Coal Issue PJ1HE regular monthly meeting TM- of the State Executive ComiyTrj...
...4, win hear, S lecture' by Samuel Orr, former OJodaast »tsoopiWfmas,, :[**.jvmmmi Beats'Ot the Day, LOCAL NEW YORK TO MEET FEB...
...T (Pemurftvasjia) miners, says: The two cases' ef clothes have been received...
...He will advocate government ownership of the mines...
...Requests for blanks have come...
...Active officers will, keep s branch alive, but wh>6 they are careless the branch <fVes- Every-member should attend iliia meeting, Wednesday, February's, 8.30 p. m. Comrades should not forget the th eat $J party on Friday, February 12 (Lincoln's Birthday), and on Sunday...
...Orr to Address 4th and 14th A. D., Brooklyn The 4th and 14th Assembly Districts...
...Branches which have ' riot elected: their representatives to the' Executive Committee are requested to d> so at once, so that it may have direct connection with each branch...
...The life of the branch depends on the officers...
...The Central Committee has decided that tho time has come to.get our... 402 of the People's House, 7 East 15th Streets Leonard C. Kayo will speak on "The League 'of NaUons and the Locarno Treaties...
...Tho proceeds go to Local New Tork, and the Local needs the money m order to get the branches on a working basis...
...8 p. in.: and in Boston every Saturday Feb...
...As this meeting takes place only a few days before the city convention, matters relating to the contention will most likely come up for action...
...20 inaugurated a onipaign for government ownership of the coal mines...
...will take place Saturday, March 13... the attention of the committee are requested to write or appear in person before tbe committee... . 605, 7 East •Fifteenth street...
...East Harlem Branch The East Harlem Branch (17, If, 19 and 20 A. D.) wiU meet on Thursday evening...
...Local Kings County, and sent to the county office, 167 Tompkins Avenue...
...lngerman Lectures To Bronx Senior Yipsels The Tipsel Circle of the Bronx had the pleasure ot listening to a lecture by Dr...
...Everybody welcome...
...The State Committee still has a number of the Debs Ia Action calenders on hsnd...
...Another letter, sent after the receipt of more clothing says: "This will acknowledge receipt ot the fifteen cases of -clothing which you shipped to this office for the.benefit of the striking miners/in this vicinity, I wish to extend to jyou our sincere thanks On behalf of the men...
...Meanwhile, campaign meetings held by the Independent Labor- Party bf every corner of the island draw huge crowds...
...The American Government has no ground In International law to protest against the actions of the duly elected representatives of the Mexican people...
...In spite of the fact that this branch had to give up its headquarters (the house being sold...
...Tickets are on sale at the office of Local New York, room 605, 7 East Fifteenth street...
...membership' together: so, they have arranged for a get-together dinner, which...
...The Socialist party...
...women and children in the locked out camps for this clothing and assure you that every bit of it can be utilised to alleviate the suffering of some of our people...
...Meetings Next Week ^ Tho following meetings will be held next week: * • Upper West Side Branch, 'Wednesday, at 360 West 125th street...
...Get your tickets at the office of Local New Tork...
...from Missouri, Minnesota, and even from California...
...and expressing sympathy with Chinese labor In Its attempts to raise its standards of living, and free itself, of European,»Japanese and American imperialism...
...Last Friday bo .spoke before the machinists of Bridgeport...
...Lady Mosoloy said, they spoke TrSt»t Junior Orcla . In Borough IPajrif A mmm6mf of- boys and awi, hctwecn 14 and 17 years eC ace, for the- perpom/of starting a Junior Tipsel circle, will he head at the Borough Bask Lyceum, 42nd Street aad 14th Avenue...
...The District Office Is planning to engage'speakers of national reputation...
...Members have a chance to see a good play acted by the best cast lp the city and at the same time help the Local financially...
...3, 10, 17, 24 at 1756 Westminster street at 8 p. m.: in Lynn every Thursday, Feb...
...8, in...
...T Bast 15th street...
...recently, at the S. p. headquarters, 1167 Boston Road...
...This branch will attend the theatre party on Friday and Sunday, February 12 and 14, at tbe Provincetown Playhouse...
...Checks should be made out to the Socialist Party...
...Circle 7, N. Y., Meets On Saturday Night Circle '7 of Manhattan will meet Saturday evening, Jan...
...The question Is: "Resolved, That the Russian Revolution Impeded the Progress of International Socialism... the Labor Temple, 247 East .Eighty-fourth street A good speaker will be present to lea.d the discussion on some timely topic...
...Comrades who have matters- to bring...
...Ed Levin son, assistant "editor of The Nov/ Leader, will speak at this meeting...
...The meeting *1 ho held Sunday, February Tat 3 u. Place of meeting will be an•ced next week...
...A letter from John Brophy, president of District...
...1 A letter received by A. I. Shipktooff of the City Committee from Will C. Thompson, secretary-treasurer of the West Virginia miners says "every bit of clothing' which we can gat can he utilised at this time for our people, many, of whom are yet in dire need...
...The State Constitution of the Socialist Party requires that the membership of the State shall be apporUoned into districts by counties for the purpose of electing delegates to a National Convention...
...17, at the People's House, 7 East 15th Street, Members should keep this date, free, as the monthly meetings aire of special importance now...
...The terms of the Italian settlement," says another, "amount to a'gift of a billion and a half dollars in the interest of the Mussolini gang...
...James Oneal, edltoh, ot the New Leader, will speak on "A Cultural Basis for the Socialist Movement of the United States...
...In view of the coming HlUqutt-Darrow debate on this same question, comrades from other -branches that are interested are also Invited i to attend...
...In the meantlu e Locals whose by-laws require the nomination of the Local to be made by referendum of branches are authorised to proceed In the selection of nominees pending the receipt of the official call for locaj nominations...
...Comrade | PankeaHwill lead the discussion on the League of Nations and the position of the Socialist Party towards it, Theatre Party There are still some tickets for the theatre party of Local New York on Friday...
...Very Important report of the Arrangements Committee will be rendered by JuliSs Green, about the affair which is to be held In Webster Hall on April 10...
...Xuuuhv (pear 138th ,streor.e»ut*wf tbe L, L RiB...
...We want to meet all the other comrades on this occasion...
...New Haven The regular meeting of Local New Haven will be held at SO Congress avenue Wednesday evening,'February A. Settlement for, the Debs calendars Can be made at this meeting- .The monthly forum meeting of the •Tew Haven Trades Council-last Thursday addressed by Harry Dana of (Boston, was attended by one of the largest audiences ot the season...
...S. 12, 18, 28 at Bay State House Building, corner of Main and Exchange streets at...
...This week he will speak et the machinists' meeting in New Haven...
...30, at 8.30 p. m. Our oSganizer, Comrade Tlnkeltaub, will map out his program for the next six months...
...Questions of the day are discussed at every meeting, and as the members of this branch believe that sociability is a necessary part of a good working organization, it has its S. P. club, which gets together every Saturday evening, and...
...Active members have been invited t* this meeting to assist In arranging/for future activities...
...Jamaica, L. I., Branch Will Meet Friday ¦ Socialists and aympatblseni llvias In the vicinity <of Jamaica are Invito...
...It Is planned to have a committee of three members co-operate with a like comattttee ot the various trade unions ot the'city and other organizations who are favorable to the proposition, it Is'hoped that the Idea will spread to ether cities in the state, and in that ¦fay sain great force...
...V , Hartford ¦ - An open mass meeting has been arBanged by the Local with the following speakers: Jasper McLevy of BridgePort,-State Executive Committeeman Marl C. Jinsek of Greenwich and State Secretary Martin T. Plunkett The subject will be "Government OwnerHip of the Coal Mines...
...Tet no sooner was this agreement reached than the Italian Government .agreed to pay no less than seven percent to the Wall Street bankers for a loan...
...6, at the home of Bornet WoRS, 57 Dribfbrt avenue...
...7 at 10.30 a. m. at the Party Headquarters...
...Yorkville Branch Torkville Branch ot the 14th, 15th and 16th A. D. will meet on Thursday evening, FebrudYy 11...
...JdnUM §^*£&*%jtiig T^8i»a^t ^tfere^^^-T**?^ 7x a'naljsoffl Che mmatoaVt sttsBanm ee between 'B.aiMji- - ma ^mafsi...
...Admission 25 cents...
...Executive Committee The Executive Committee of New York meets every Saturday afternoon at 2 at the office of the Local, room 505, 7 East Fifteenth street...
...8, 13, 30, 37 at 31 Essex street, 3rd floor at 8 p. m. The next meeting of the General District Committee will be held on Feb...
...Visitors are invited to our meetings, every second and fourth Tuesday, at room 6 ot the Labor Temple, and on Saturday evening at the bowling alley...
...This of course means strikes with their attendant sufferings due to lack 'of •money...
...Finally, the party "pledged Itself anew to serve the Interests of organised labor'" and to oppose all wage reductions to the bitter end and criticised Senator LaFollette' aa "a weak 'kneed progressive" for accepting committee appointment aa a Republican... attend a special discussion meeUafi ot Branch Jamaica of the Sociaikt Party next Friday evening.' Feb...
...4, 11, 18, 25 at Lester's Hall, 34 Andrews street at 8 p. m...
...Brooklyn, at the next meeting at Its headquarters, 335 South Third Street, off Thursday evening, Feb...
...We are sun holding out against wage reductions which many operators are attempting to put over...
...The Interest Italy agrees to pay works out at one ' quarter' of one percent... the Brownsville Labor Lyceumi All members are urged to secure their tickets for the dinner at once...
...Sixth and Twelfth A. D. The branch will hold a special meeting Friday, February 6, at the headquarters, 187 Avenue B. Judge Fanken win speak at this meeting...
...We - have secured some well-known entertainers for our dances,, which are being held regularly, every Friday evening...
...since wc are located at the' bowling alley of the Labor Temple, the members have now added a bowling, team to the S. P. team...
...Local Schenectady has .challenged Local Albany to debate the effect of the Russian Revolution on the Socialist movement of tho world, such debate to be held in Albany on February 10...
...New England Out To Raise Assessment The Socialists of the New England District are putting in every effort to raise the one dollar asses suit nt levied upon every party member In the diatriet...
...Baa recovej-SYl from his recent illness and U btclt oh his lob at the State Office...
...a^gsShaMasaSBh mm mmtMmmammmmmlk^mat^mmmflmm^mnmuWmmmm^^mm^ y!?-^lL!T7| aJLesauaAaut - ^^^BwS^^SS^ *- waamaeme^ o^«^thaeatl^w.sae.'*i-««triai eofffei ense m WoshinaW osat osM PrioldlUt Cashews ehat shear...
...There were also resolutions favoring the reduction of European debts in proportion as European naUons reduce their armaments...
...Sana delivered a highly Interesting lecture on "Labor and the D.-ama...
...Anything you can do to help alleviate their need win be greatly appreciated and will aid materially in carrying on this fight...
...3-5-10th A. D. Branch, N. Y., to Meet Monday The Branch will meet Monday evening, Feb...
...Branch meeUngs are well attended...
...August Claessens tickets are selling fairly well snd we urge readers In the district to remember that he will apeak In- Providence every Wednesday, Feb...
...Clothing Fills Great Need of Miners THE slothing which the Socialist Party city casamirtee far New York is collecting end sending to needy members of the , United Mine Workers of America is filling a very urgent need, tetters from the miners' union show...
...The play is Strindberg's "The Dream Play...
...Directors are again necessary, as the others have.left their circles, B'klyn Socialists Plan A Get-Together Dinner It ia\ some time since ' Brooklyn members got together for sny social occasion...
...ssht Btuudmg ay BrlUah muftciera'wetjd tore* wages stin lower or waosnphnT asset hhrhor^hdg country la the was* aura, no Tory jroTecameat cpuid staaA against the rssentmsut of the working SwetaUssB...
...Jasper McLevy of Bridgeport expects to speak before the various labor todies of the state on the coal situation...
...Members should not fall to attend...
...A lively discussion, in which the members took part, ensued...
...S. P. STATE COMMITTEE TO MEET Pai^ Locals TlWighout State Report Activities—Bridgeport Raising Coal Issue PJ1HE regular monthly meeting TM- of the State Executive ComiyTrj mittee will be held at Machinists' Hall, 99 Temple Street, New Haven, Sunday, January 31, at 2 p- in...
...February 14, at the Provincetown Playhouse...
...N. Y. to Elect Three National Delegates State Secretary Merrill announces that the State of New York will be entitled to send three delegates—the State Secretary and two others—to the 1928 National Convention of the Socialist Party, to open In Pittsburgh on May 1. The official call for the nomination of delegates and alternates will go out to locals as soon as the apportionment of the counties of the State into two election districts has been approved by the State ExecuUve Committee...
...It is also planning an active campaign for subscriptions to the American Appeal...
...February 4, at 62* Bas^lOtth Street...
...The petition for the nationalisation of the coal-mining industry ia creating considerable interest in many parts of the country...
...February 12 (Lincoln's birthday), and on Sunday, February 14...
...Bridgeport |jgioS*»i-Brldger*>fTAt-^^ fended mooting Held Jan...
...Junior Yipaels Organize Borough Park Circle The new year began auspiciously for the Junior Tipsels.,-A' new circle has been organised 'in, the Borough Park Labor Lraatnt£ The other circles are having- excellent educational programs... tho Provincetown Playhouse...
...80, at a pyaa...
...17 Branch Meelfctf)*Was* Week—Otlher Activities of Manhattan So• -> ciaUsts-— THE next meeting of Local New York of the Socialist Party will be held Wednesday, Feb...
...If you stUl want one sen<t 10 casts and a two-cent stamp to W. B. Davis, 48 Belmont street, Whttaoyville...
...He pointed out the relation .that cerdatt drama* bear to the labor question p&l the great benefit that labor may derive from the presentation of plays that authoritatively set forth labor's point of view...
...We affirm," says one, "that the Mexican people have a right* to control their own natural, resources in the way they see fit...
...Tickets are $2.50 per person...
...Branch officers must be elected...
...Local Schenectady Debate...
...Is ready to call tor any clothing you may have,' and send It on Immediately to Pennsylvania and West Virginia where the bitter cold is causing Intense suffering among the miners...
...Martin F. Plunkett, state secretary...
...In Worcester every Friday, Feb...
...Cash or check must accompany all orders...
...Due to many months nf wioness, there is rec neeerof dothes...
...The teams are getting ready to meet all comers from any branch In the greater city...
...A. lngerman on "Socialism After the War...
...It is creating all klnda of activities...
...Beaton Socialists Hit U. S. Mexican Policy Resolutions denouncing "continued attempt to bully Mexico" and the Italian debt settlement were passed at the annual meeting on party poj^cy of the Central Branch of the Socialist Party held in the party's headquarters, 21 Essex street, Boston...
...Oa* afternoon in Glasgow recently...
...The new meeting place is in the same building where Branch 5 used to' meet Members, should get busy and make this branch what Branch 5 was, the largest andrflnost active in the Local.' The branch will elect new officers...
...The Executive Committee will submit its report of the work done during the month...
Vol. 3 • January 1926 • No. 3