A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES The High Cost of Hiccoughs IAM wailing, I am wailing in knag and piercing wail*. They took my beer ami wine. I -suffered ia silence. They took my free lunch and...

...covers for supper dance , for two, $3 (self and lady...
...dinner, $2.25...
...In a democratic society, and in a state which acknowledges the duty of carrying legislation, tbnre was no need Of a revolution in order to create a new political mechanism, for It was in existence and needed but to the used...
...Ho merely stated in bis preface, "for the ideas and much of tbe matter contained in chapters two and three I am indebted to the work of a great thinker and original writer," whose works he hoped would soon be accessible' to tbe majority of" Englishmen...
...Tbe program he formulated waa largely one for greater political rights...
...TJesy haven1...
...Wafted bees ta^kfaf sajraj union matters, the latest news of aba aabafl...
...Knowing, however, the prejudice of Englishmen against foreigners, he 'did not mention Marx in the volume...
...tips/ $1.50...
...In his later works he did much to bring the teachings of Marx, Ens els, La tew He and other Socialist writers to the atteaUon of the English-speaking world, but tbe origlna.1 slight waa never altogether forgiven my Marx'e friends...
...The Social Democratic Federation Hyndman had r disc csscB with Marx the advisability of resuscitating tbe Chartist movement...
...Now here indeed was a miracic, sscfBtaj by all of us-casually enough, as-indeed *a«J moderns accept all miracles, Bat a mfraclav nevertheless...
...dinner, $250...
...Total, $19.40...
...They haven't tbe herd iniraactq They plow lonely furrows...
...1 quart of Scotch whiskey, $11...
...The mission of tbe Socialist was, therefore, to acquire knowledge by means of specialized research into the various manifestations of economic and social life, to acquaint themselves* with tbe machinery of legislation and administration, and to put their knowledge and experience at the disposal of airpolltlcal sBanelee...
...Opgeikj,, Fabians and Social Democrats THE HISTORY OF SOCIALIST THOUGHT By HARRY W. LAIDLER, Ph...
...Boca groups caught up by tbe thrill af tba pea* " formanee, both dreaming dreams antf ¦eairia...
...supper for two (the entertainment for lady), $7.20...
...looked forward to the socialisation of Industry by the peaceful economic and political agencies already at band...
...They took my free lunch and freedom...
...Not trying to make buys...
...room, $5...
...Four tired coal-diggers, a baacher aal fl newspaperman sitting ia a woodea boobba , amid the pale corn aad stark tritmres at aa Illinois coal field, soothed and lifted aad takes out of our little selves by tbe playing of as orchestra in the ballroom of a Mew Totb hotel., The miners leaned back, shut their eyas, Vletting their great frames (go limp tor a trttjaj T^H^^iiadnt^ morrow's certain dangers, OHtxjBe itdktsh snowing aad through tap elimmeo^BjrWnows » tbe lights of tbe town a mile or so away sparkled softly...
...tips, $1.10...
...0 Workers in leather Jackets, shirts Bp en at oa great chests, hands already beat with strenuous toil...
...When in the course oi human evaqtsTa^overnmeat spends my hard earned hale for liaisons,, booze, banquets and roadhouse parties, It's, time to issue ultimatums...
...room, $5...
...V A Out here in the mid-West, always exceptiaf...
...clothes, white-handed, soft-handed,' stttbtf* decorously back as the music swells...
...Webb (representing the Fabians] Investigates tba particular evils of society, points out tbe remedy for each of them in accordance with the general principles of Socialism, and endeavors to persuade tbe nation that these remedies are practicable and suitable for legislation...
...For them1 a ram t mittee meeting is as rare as an honest pott* tician...
...room, $5—$37.75...
...LouisNand Chicago,, liberals and tbe fib* flock apart...
...sapSer, $330...
...celery^ olives, radishes, salmon im-ptriale cold, breast of chicken, Florentine, with Julienne potatoes, asparagus Ho'Ufldaise, heart of palm salad...
...Jtishtly understood, the pre-democratic Socialist* of tba Chartist or SraStBs^ 9f* ^¦^gE-^^ff.ffi* reorganisation of society...
...The rise of the working classes could no longer be denied...
...D. IT was in an England subject to these developments that Fabian Socialism was born, as a loose* school of Socialist thought...
...Total, $229.00...
...If as a relief to he able, just once in awhile, toady what you really think about things wifhtbtf having to look under the foeh table stkXpnw down the shades,, And tba "free souls" sbat I bump-into here seem to be always debar that...
...however, want ahead end worked for tbe organisation of the Federation...
...June 2. Breakfast, $130...
...tips, 85 cents...
...tips, 75 cents...
...Total, $13.95...
...covers for supper dance'for two, $2...
...Its members also did much propaganda work Ui behalf of the aociallxation of the-emd...
...waiting -for party to come off first...
...Suddenly Tom got up aad walked...
...yet recovered from the way they ware' treated during the war sad sesne of tbemaaa as shy end irucorssable as wonnded aiiiiifaaov When I left New York'only a few sfsart weeks back, I waa soletnaty awtaiiug to arcpW self -that never, never, never would I aapjaa' expose myself to the reading of the niiiiabts of the the hut meeting- or tbe rJiahnmatb "It is with great pleasuas^tbst I aatrodaaa...
...supper, $3.45...
...i y But on tbe other band there is a blaseaoas in the tie that binds kindred spirits...
...Tbe realisation of Socialism bad begun from the moment when the State became accessible to social reform ideas, and mo employers of labor admitted collective bargaining aad submitted to State and % trade union intervention...
...ft ' Next comes Prohibition Agent O. Birkfeld •who is employed by the government of -this free and independent nation to catch hot«lT keepers selling hootch to, their guests...
...Total, $19.05...
...soft drinks for self and lady, $2.50...
...Inside there was oafy tbe sound of soft breathing and) the gtoftoee melodies that tbe little Russian bad toajuiad years ago...
...Breakfast, $175...
...herO was no reason: for Socialist* to wait for tbe social revolution...
...cigars and cigarettes and bonne fraises au sdule...
...supper, $2.90...
...with class struggle aa the, dynamic force.- The Socialism of Webb Id based oa tbe extension of the theory of rent end on tbe growth of tbe social conscience of the nation.'* Marxism in England - tn ths Early Eighties Marx's daatrlaee, up untn lSSO, bad and one, against the Marxian theories, tn June, 18*1...
...telephone, 10 cents...
...meant very little to exploited Thibet, '• Pea* -haps, after all, we have too many tseetbsBd, One sees so few new faces at most of tbefltl that it is usually best to ask just whoja^eaJajj liberating or defending today...
...TX—at my expense...
...written in 1679, was.then being/read throughouUEngland...
...In afternoon returned...
...They have so few outlets for their reel thoughts that they becoaae embittered ead saapicious...
...The real question, therefore, was, How was this state to be us *d in order to got systematic social reform T "The_ Owenltes went outside the State for the purpose of building up 'a co-operative commonwealth, and they elaborated -its general outline, and even its detail, by pen and pencil...
...June 11...
...So Agent (not*a gent) Birkfeld pats oa Mae goggles and false whiskers in imitation of a mmionaire steel man from Pittsburgh and registers at the Hotel Mayflower, Washington, D. C as sack...
...cold essence of tomato...
...Ernest Jones .aad George J, Harney...
...during day had drink with Venice, old Smuggler whiskey...
...Lincoln C Andrews is oa tba carpet^ Reading for soma thirty Bunion* of ottr hard...
...soft drinks, $1.50...
...Henry Hyndman, a patrician by instinct, who bad "become imbued with tbe Socialist philosophy, published "Bnglaad for All...
...tips, fl.35...
...auto hire for party of four to and from Commonwealth,, farm, Maryland, $12...
...Special assignmentf^engifg around hotel and getting acquainted with J$»n4**of tile management of the Mayflower hotel preparatory to obtaining evidence...
...Then how about that efficiency and economy Cal is talking so much about...
...Breakfast out...
...Breakfast, $1.85...
...V For forty days and forty nights brother Birkfeld lounged about the Mayflower hotel, eccopying expensive rooms, wining and dining lady friends, scattering tips right aad left, giving costly roadhouse parties to the hotel manager and others—at my expense...
...visions with far, far more than half % eeest nent forever dividing them...
...It Therefore differed in a number of relpects from Marxian Socialism, formulated during the revolutionary period of the late forties...
...corona perfectos, coffee, six bottles of "Old Smuggler" whiskey, two rounds of cocktail, cardials, and one iottieof ScotcWfor evidence...
...They leave that sort of staff to tba) Rotarians, the Kiwantans and the million aatf one other booster breeds...
...t-And* then: ¦ "Dinner for four (party arranged by Venice, who was a member of the party, and two ladies, friends of Venice), $9...
...tip to chauffeur, $1— And again: . * "Dinner (party of four to procure evidence, etc...
...M. Marconi, Apologize stories, s*fd*e*seslob B^wtoanTJ^||f^3 \ nana Week...
...This embodied Marx's matn principles on capital and-labor...
...Its most radical industrial plank advocated the nationalisation of lend...
...Had drinks with Venice and otherwise marking time for ;the present...
...June 10...
...A eeeaocrktic state v/hlcbPwae prepared to take upon ttseif social rtfera duties, £ working'' elase with economic lnflnenca and power, a nation with a growing social, conscience, could not be treated from the standpoint of revolution and class struggle...
...are* constantly sssab* moned to attend, sit^on or listen to...
...Ia June, 1881, Hyndman and others organised the Democratic Federation, afterward tbe Social Democratlo Federation, with the aim of creating * working class movement to carry ox the "great work of 8pence aad Owen, Stephens and Oaatlsr, O'Connor and O'Brien...
...It's when you get away from big cities aasj your mail' ia forwarded to you, that yon beghs to wonder how on earth yon ever found tinea) to attend* hil the meetings* sit oa all tbe cess* mittees, listen to all the lectures that aa <l . rank-and-file Socialist or liberal or progrefsive, for that -matter,vflg...
...The philosophy which served XarX tn bis analysis of capitalist society and in tbe mobilisation of tn* working class for Socialism, consists af tab labor Ureery...
...suppers, $2.95 ; room, $5...
...Men asd women in awgsina...
...Adapting itself to these changed conditions, Fabian Socialism regarded the transition from capitalism to Socialism as a gradual process...
...Total, $14.61...
...the social conscience of the community in favor' of the Socialist (deal...
...This lone wolf business has, of course^ fMf blessings and drawbacks...
...They bad obtained tne franchise And tba legalisation of trade unionism, tba British CensUtutien was -turned tat* a deaapcraey...
...Where was efficiency and ccqnomy when this government spent $1,125 of our sweat stained shekels to coax a bottle of booze from an American hotel manager, when nil it had to,do ha that hotel, ia any hotel of this great land, was to give th* clerk The, niuii Lew Jii...
...Tne fundamental Socialist concepts required a now basis aad new methods more in harmony with new conditions...
...saw in the middle class a group that could be utilized .in developiag the teebn'c of administration in behalf of the dew social order, aad felt that an important Step in the attainment of Socialism was the arousing of...
...dinner, $2.30...
...In tn> autumn of 1882 it came out with.a full-fledged Socialist platform...
...They go home St nights and read and re-read InaersoQ aaff George and the two Sinclairs, Upton assa Lewis and Mencken and, perhaps, Altgebf Sf Darrow...
...tbeir influence en legislation aad the wage-contract was visibly on the Increase...
...In behalf of that country it held a number of remarkable demonstration"- Vnder the stimulating influence of Henry George, whose*"Progress and Poverty...
...yon a married ataa with a fanjiily aad a church member, arranging for a liaison between the Anti-Saloon League apd the W, C J...
...Proclaim it to the nations of the earth...
...room, $5...
...This- failure on bis part to give public credit to Marx caused an estrangement between Marx and Hyndman that was never healed...
...tips to waiters, $1...
...He is explaining what he did with the twenty million bucks he got out of us for making us miserable Isst year...
...I wept alone, Bnt now I watt in loud and piercing tonea, for they have taken my money too...
...Whea I opea % letter here and am informed that a nmttSssny of the Committee for the Liberatioa mi tbaThibetans will be.held last Thursday at } o'clock at the- Civic Club, I am rally ewatfe that my presence or absence would bawa...
...SpaWfafla.ee tba "Red Mesniefr by MaJor-GeaeraJ Peas* P«*^ tfaaa* *b1 , dignities are enough tosaake aay nil ftajpitl ing ether wave sic* over with disguatv JIM last Sunday eight I ba* aa eyperlosfca Baas makes me take oaf aty sett to Maa*oaa*^JDft] Forrest aad tba featr .* * V** *.3 Four niinois eoal-dsga£ra who habf aatai working at the face sB week, Tom Tippets, faStl educational director erf Scbb-Distrkt I af aari Illinois miners* rmioa, and atyseff ware aibi tins...
...world, some question that bad been taraajiM up in a class ia ecoaoasics that Tippeti -aajrf conducting, aad which the four voanar e^bXsrtoi were attending...
...Andrews gave them Haynes kr-at our expense, - Andrews, you odgbt to be ashamed of yourself...
...Hyndman's pamphlet, "Socialism Made Plain" (1888), which demanded tbe socialisation of tbe sources of life, made a deep impression...
...Pray glue your optics on the swindle sheet of this galoot when next yon eat your humble ham and eggs in the^bosem of your loved ones and may every hair on your, bald spots rise and cry in thousands tongues: "It shall not happen again.'' "June 1, Washington...
...Oh, government, how''could your Making ate pay for the party and not a smell Of the evidence for me...
...Shout it to the winds of heaven...
...Total, $17.00...
...earned money to make as miserable- during fiie coming year...
...He twistod-a dial aad farto Ae tab tic lamp-lit room there poured tba swaaaaaai and grandeur of a Tschsikowsy 8j WJihaajL When it was through we learned that tba aah ble aoonds were coming to as from tbe wJatf instruments and brasses af tbe Hew Yodt Symphony playing is .Xh* Waldorr^Aaaarai under the direction of Welter DassrfMcb...
...All morning stayed around hotel-* talking with Venice and his help...
...Seven thousand five hundred went to Roy X. Haynes, former prohibition commissioner, for acting as liaison between the Anti-Saloon League and the W. C T. U. The'latter or-, ionizations are not government departments, bnt needing a confidential errand bey ia their carrying on, Gen...
...dinner, $2-90...
...In morning played golf and in afternoon took a lady to tea in hotel to keep Bp appearances...
...tysmg tsj the radio...
...room, $5...
...total ia soy cure at all aod^^at tfaea^^^M aaaa...
...So open your ears kind friends and listen to my tale of woe...
...ia Tippetfs boasa ia the taidale af « Mid-West prairie...
...Then comes the grand finale, a banquet for fifteen guests .in the private dining room of the Hotel Mayflower, "beginning with supreme of cantaloupe au porte...
...The MarxiBt scorned all sketches and all questionings for the details of the future- state, but urged upon the working class to fight against the existing order, to obtain political Power,, to seize tbe state for the purpose of the abolition of the capitalist system which obstructed the birth of tbe new order . . . ; this constituted the reel mission of the Socialists...
...DWerence Between Marxists and Fabians M. Beer, the British Socialist historian, thus clearly describes the differences between the tactics prescribed by the early Marxian and the early Fabiaa school*—a difference which Sis, Sotrever, act whoUy'ctoutiausd: "Between the years }8ft and iStl Brest Britain had entered en a period ef change...
...sup- ^ per, $3.35...
...telephone, 0 cents ; total, $14.20...
...At first the Federation spent much of its energy in acre protests'against the coercive policy ef tbe Gladstone cabinet, then tn power, toward Ireland...
...They begin to led that they are solitary keepers ia a'world of Iffsatics uaiaV that if they once say aayasasji aensibie, mm inmates will_turn_ and jgrnd Jtlsom...
...June 4. In morning played golf on Rock - Creek links (this to live up to my role as big ateeV man...
...The k«y to Owen lax* is the doctrine of circumstances In relation to the formation of human character...
...June 5. Entertained lady at hotel for appearances...
...Noble Romans, sovereign citizens, bleeding taxpayers...
...Marx was interested in the idea, but doubted its feasibility...
...I'm through...

Vol. 3 • January 1926 • No. 3

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