DEMOCRACY'S VALUE SOCIALIST and Coranutnist appeared oa tht tame platform to discuss the relative merits of democracy and dictatorship before a meeting called by the New York Chapter of...

...The boas was one of those kind-hearted souls who had a kind of...
...Painful as It would have been to* have known mat yea were going.* we could have suffered it aU tt we could only have told you again how much we regarded and ad* mired you and what a Joy and aa inspiration tt was to have known you personally an* to have been privileged to be associated with you hi our groat cause...
...Lecture on and Services for Thomas Paine...
...DsWitt's aharge...
...i Community forum, 14th street and Park avenue, S p. m. "The Social Revotuuon In ladle...
...Rot oa your life...
...Kormtn Thomas, for democracy, and Bertram Di Wolfe, for dictatorship, were the speakers.4 Thomas obenea his eapoaeml of dcasseraoy wtta criticisms of it Tbs first was metaphystael...
...Fear not, these structures will net blase into creasy torches...
...Anna Traum...
...e f e * , MOODS "Man master of his own destinyT" Llke heu he Is...
...en Fifth a value, the greatest J*wish - pulpit to km erica... winhjada he » aadly m seed of...
...hug down tho conditions ef ha acceptance of their can...
...There is no oblivion tor men of your character...
...Dictatorship, Thomss said, gives an excellent path for tttn who lor* power tor its own sake to advance their lust...
...Dsaseoreey aaanet he used hy tho warhead to stem the thto et hnneriaUsm that hr riatag hero, ha said...
...His life-long- devotion to the interests, not of humanity but of his so-called race, la well known, and a tiling of Which be Is very proud...
...Tour spirit and example and sublime faith win never die...
...but It never will seek ether than justice tor ewry 'braneft ef the population.—J.- H. Thomss...
...p. m. /TVade Unionism TTnder the Now lntustrial Order...
...WOse put by a supreme temptation to Same, Influence and ambition for the sagat of being true to himself...
...On the day of our triumph, dear Joe, we shall shout across the great space and give you the glad tidings that the cause gnu devoted your life to has come to success, and the contribution you mads is Incorporated In the civilisation youvisloned and so heroically worked to hasten Into being...
...They may slip OS me raits, bump, huehlo-up, topple over or crash, bat the danger Is negligible compared to what usually happens ta a smashup or the teleseoptns of wooden oars...
...Progressive workers of, Boro Park are urged to demand and • popularise the Co-operative bread in their community as'It already is tn others...
...AtJOUST CXABSSSNS, East S^de Socialist Center...
...August Cleeaaens a printer...
...Mary H. Bead...
...ueaenujununi . PortbvAinboy, N. J„ inn...
...BahU Wlael influence, boned oa-htongpsal to rnetJ ooanctousaens, may be, and ta an asnej to Tammany Rail, hag- to not watotoal to tho stoatoBot asovemont...
...yet I have gone through both...
...SBSSICA ShirrK, at Soelahst Rarty Branch 1, 4Slt Third Avoatie, tho Bronx...
...Cede*.'* he sal...
...I have- differed profoundly with Dr...
...Billot White, Xedar Kath Das Guppa, Mrs...
...a heart that bent his ribs on even/ beat...
...D*mgerous, rotten and inflammable wood...
...Hanging on to the heck of a materialist see I have never seen, nor do I believe in heaven or hell...
...The greatest ertUeism against organised government, Thomas believed to he the statemeat -often made by radicals that "government is the executive committee tor the ruling tuvmr Admitting his sentimental attachment to the anarchist is eel ef ae government, he yet tnahitalned sueh a state of Affairs is hot fteatbto...
...Samuel DeWltt Is Justified to his attack on the clamorous Rabbi Wise, Mr...
...The dictatorship cannot bo repeated )n the Western World, Thomas held...
...Though you are now gone from our corporeal midsts, you belong to history...
...Another dancer of democracy as tt is today, Thomas ssht la the invitation R gives to compromising through polities] maneuvers...
...Socialists would be traitors to their principles it they stifled their just criticism...
...he said, the danger of the ides at aimhochod sow nMgnty...
...In tho second place, t remind pee of Dr...
...HUlmaa limped painfully back to tho* shop and related to too boos what had happened- "My God...
...At the .^^konx Free Fellowship, -1)01 Boston Read, the Bronx, 8.15 p. m. Monday, February 1 John bbopht and a. j. mu3te, I^eeeuo tor Industrial Democracy, People's House, T Bast 15th strset...
...eF^^wa ^^a^ffs^^ ¦i Ijlilit * • . • ^ / - etoadtsg: that » wee 'neessoagy'' or wiad to make saeh ae attoek usea Da Bat tor tJhVresasea stated, tt weuM at toast he flttiag tesi yen boAo.oeat aa attach upon the faces, t happfs to know^what Dr...
...But you can never succeed by assuming that a most who disagrees with you must be insincere, dishonest, hypocritical and an...
...Comrade Jacob HUlmaa told us thto one: Many years ago he worked for TO Comrade Joseph A. .White*' horn...
...faeeday, February I MORRIS HILJCjCjUIT AMD CLARXKCS DARROW, debate at Carnegle Ban...
...A sensible and sansltlso egoism of an ea lightened sort la absolutely todlepanaahla te aodal progress...
...supremely charaatertstiS ot the man and thus perfect refutation of Mr...
...I add: "In hen the devil is a great authohity...
...Labor's Dividents hey of aha to .is, itlw IsnulfaaSwto : •JV'-W -emspsaeamna e...
...WILLIAM H. K3LPATRICX and HARRIOT STANTON BLATCH, The League for Industrial DemoO.-¦ racy...
...Puhtto indignation 1 Hot loot Tho real trouble * weed allied with weed...
...Look at tho Pullman chariots ef the elite...
...The bakery now possesses one Of the largest and most modern plants la Brooklyn where its products are made finder the strictest sanitary conditions...
...his wagon and freight la complete distress...
...Speakers, Rabbi Jtudolph Orossmaa, Rev...
...Imaglae the concessions which would have to M mads hers," ho suggested...
...Wise on mere than ohm question...
...9 • see In his Judgment ot other people, a man depicts his own soul, or the lack of It...
...Given this appetite, a social revolution is inevitable, • • e' "The evolution of the human body and brain Is at an end...
...Labor policy will benefit the community...
...I should have fett nothing but supreme contempt tor myself, however, had I allowed such difference of opinion, even on matters ao vital, to shake my confidence la a man whoso lite Is an open book and whose service la In the true tradition of the prophets of Israel...
...ia foolish for tdelallsts to wish to sos the failure of the Russian experiment...
...One dancer m democracy, he said, lies In the settles up Of competing deities, resulting in a loss of an international frame of mind which should be held by every Socialist...
...Was Ua lack of Internationalism at critical periods...
...And now, on Its own terms I must sign a Poses treaty with the Vary conditio as whose omnipotence I have so emphatically denied...
...ib** •-- Metoy ioetofi ejU ejgjggisi arej wwB* w^dj) ^flFuBw) flftoV9*'wowvw|r' ^^•eT^^^r^^ds^ ue^enuW*^ 'fewwNAretoww' kwll WMtw) %w^eTww$B© §5* wHaw ; f>l0»it wfftfe-i If ¦« imp* Bmm Ooi fswMy Inst NwWfnWL -. V- < eawaeaavame ~ T^w^eP flteVwa we*w)l*w^"awMpwl«a 6tt oJenu^Jauwe*J* t when e las tank ouplodsd tn the foundry nf VL...
...In reply, Thomas declared the "certainty of salvation through * dictatorship is pure romance...
...However, we had no choice ta the matter} death waits for no convenience...
...Wooden heeds, lasHfsfoat atassm, Stupid Dsswcrst eotinf esssa see There at stfll another ties in...
...BOyailaa regard Rabbi Wise as "oner ef the greatest intellectual and spiritual leaders In this country today...
...We are bafsdelmg the werttiagetass whea we Wolfe shoe turned hie attention to the United States, where, he said...
...It Is now planned by the management to expand Its routes to other sections of Brooklyn, the first of which is Boro Park...
...exclaimed the solicitous employer, "Is the wagon all right...
...Teo'saaay flsOM appraise baa so shea sty, ask tor sr UtUf and are so damnably meek and bumble m she tees et abject wrotohodaoas that they ere satisflad to pet eat with moot any eendiUon just short ef dire suSerlac or death...
...E, LOPfX SB) Bash 14th Street, . Hmm Vark OHy...
...Farewell, dear commas and friend...
...Thursday, February 4 BAMUBX, ORR win lecture oa "Current Bvents" at the 4th and.leth A, D» South Third street, et (:t< p. a. Tuesdsy, February 9 PROF...
...Assury Berk, N. A, Jen, loVMn* vestigation by Superintendent M. W. Aastouseen of the Fifth Coast Guard District fwvesled today that at toast eight lives were toot off tbs Jersey coast storing tho otorm Friday night and SAteretoy...
...Blther one ia inexcusable, and for both I have Supreme, sejateoapL But why...
...Something win be done...
...NegaUVO, Dafrow...
...Oh, the mockery of tt sill see vStY KEEPERS They say "Ton are too ethereal...
...Pwtcreon Plank Menu aad Franklin street, Jersey OHy...
...But in order to experiment toward an Meal government, no other method presents itself but that of democracy, the experimental method is the best, and experiments cannot thriyf except In the freest democratic atmosphere...
...The atamhe of Mating Chose aaosttoaa ahatraetty a* illustrated by tho pestuee of Roger ttaldwuv raver, lag poUueal freedom to the abstract, he flads hhntslf nftsifttog Soviet Rea> eie hoaanss et tta pattey is thai matter, avert to not tho eta of the tree Socialist to abolish the dees .lines, Rather he should ilaeSo sharpen them...
...I am writing thto totter et pretest not on behalf of Dsv Vtea, tor ha dear not need my defense, hut, on eons IT «* your paper, to which X haveja stoonte mtorost...
...1*7 Avenue B, 8.15 p. m. Subject: "Whay^s Industrial Demejoraoy7,* J<Um RATMBS BOMBS, at th* Com',]• munity Church, ssth street sad Bark ft avenue, 11 a. as...
...And this in our age of steel, concrete, brick and fireproofjiog...
...Very sincerely yours, JOHN HAYNES HOLMES...
...Jeet of bunding a great syneaegue building wad abandoned...
...The Community Church, New York City...
...He Krafurmd tn treat ik* nitaation Son...
...a • a Bernard Shaw eatd: "In heaven am angel la no one in particular...
...great extent he added, the present system now obtaining In Russia Is a natural, result of the economic and nautical conditions that existed In Russia at its inception...
...S:1B p. m. "Tho Russian Asrieultural RevolutlOBT...
...DcWut assails or gnoaw ttons Dr...
...17th street and •ovenah avenue, a p. as...
...Sd they arranged for me a kitchen, there to revolve la tho .Celestial vapor... the BaSt Side Forum...
...Not under capitalist Rulel For over thirty years rve been battling with all sorts of conditions and reverses, only to oonfees say own defeat f DMbeltovtasT to Sate, inwardly revetting against and at every opportunity openly denouncing every act et injustice and destructive authority, and trying to mold my "own destiny," I have sacrificed many of life's Joys on the altar of oenvtotton... is that the wltt to live pajttouUrty the desire to live safety, eeenfortably and decently—to wofuay sacking to the1 great anuses...
...Communist tactics in the labor unions today, he declared, is the greatest obstruction to democracy, through which] avenue alone could real progress he obtained...
...their own system...
...Wolfe declares it unwise to consider the quaa^oa OI democracy and dlcteto5aiup la aa aba tract fashion...
...In this respect he criticised Ramsay MaoBohald's "florid perils So entertain,'' referring particularly to the British Socialist's Stuck On tho mags actios by which the British miners wrung coasossioas from tho government last year...
...Tho workers must be prepared themselves for such sa emergency, ho held...
...26e Bast Broadway, •OS p. m. "ProsUtution: Its Causes and Ito Abolition...
...That which was disposed of toot Sunday was the -•least of your precious nature...
...Some twenty years ago, when Dr...
...Thomas turned his attention to dictatorship, the system Russia •Sere today...
...Furtberetofe, ho autettUaod, the dictatorship IS not necessarily to be considered a, good model for other Countries to follow...
...Boyajian to the contrary...
...Eagle Pass, Ten-, Dee...
...T. W."PetrIek, Ph...
...This was aa honor sock as lad never eome before to...
...t^—Captain William Ovfwy of the schooner R. P., ween was killed .today when ^a fell from a spar to t*e»g>Ak...
...Wlas said ta 111 now husoes ChrttUaes sermon oa Josha'sad I fail to Sad to thto Ctose Letter any evidence of knowtodge as to What mis sermon ooetoiao&i or tf there wore knowledge in Mr...
...At the same > time...
...It must further be remembered that the Soviets earns to power after paying the price of very skillful concessions to, the peasant class...
...Wise for sues a season T Mr...
...People's House, t Bast 15th street, 8 p. m. "Incentive* and tho : New Social Order...
...If democracy means a loose social organisation and greater freedom of the individual, it ia doomed...
...tries coot bte syeneogue, but I do know that it to generally ^aderstood that so much money walked out of his congregatlob that tee are...
...Sparks and Flashes ANOTHER smashup on the £1.1 OlcTrotten wooden cars 1 A hundred victims 1 Hardly1 a week ^poises without another ttnement house fire, a number of lives lost, another sacrifice to the .'-modern Moloch—the reeking;, dark and creaking firetraps of the poor...
...Societlist eUKa C^fslltttiwt Crom&em in Difcussion kin' Go*****Xevertholess, Thomas said, the dictatorship Is net without He danger to Russian well-being ttsetf...
...Many of the grocers and delicatessen stores already - display tho Co-operative bread, and a number of restaurants serve it...
...It la aa everlasting part of us, enshrined within us, and which wa must 'pass on to the denotations to eome...
...InvestigationsT Bah...
...The meat fiwnafint erttiehras enmmst the Socialism movement, he said...
...hut not so social evolution, and the direction which it must take Is that of increased group Specialisation and co-operation...
...for Rabbi Wise Is one of the most rabid nationalists—or racialists, if I am permitted to use the term...
...r I wonder what makes ,Mr...
...ea ono*Bwtoss asV g|p^t|utiamjB tae atohbtjs sea^W 5aa*yg5^ etyh) to up doubt wen nutted totojasl via, sett to the snaknrs Sfhto^Paah «|1 lather ropsiotve, to nay the hhhvL M tor...
...While Industrial parliaments' contain mush that is at great value, domination ^by sueh parnamehts absolute might work "unfair advantages to the weaker industries at the expense of, the Sees* important ones.** Some organisation of the consumers is neeeisary as a cheek to our tea u« trial ride, . * After dfsousstng the miHU and drswb4Sks of "oonsSreerism" and guild SJSMllsm...
...With all credit to the effort* of the Russian Communist Party," ThonteJ declared,- * it has not ^yet solved the dangerous problems latent to...
...D. • • .-• "We Still hear the tiresome cant: 1 don't believe in any ism.' If you reply: "Don't you even believe In heroism, idealism, altruism or patriotism V— you'll never again hear ihjs cant from the same source...
...make such aa attack epos such a man as Dr...
...CXBMBNT WOOtA People's 5*0rum, 167 Tompkins Avenue, Brooklyn, ISO p. m. "Kegro Poetry and Music" BBORGB W.'j KIRCHWAY, Central rorum, Labor Temple, ilJO a. m. "Bon* Shall We Treat Our Crlmfaalsr ¦ ¦TMPOSIUM on "Peace and Brotherhood...
...In ooaduslon, Thomas admitted that tho unquestioned worship of democracy was beginning to fail" him...
...J6hh Si Moment said yesterday, Quoting from Pascal: The whole duty of man is to think aright.'" —Ada G. Marsh, see IS THE WAGON ALU RIGHT...
...If it means specialisation sad co-operation, it'la the reed to social welfare...
...a rabbi of his years.' Dr...
...Boro Park to Have Co-operative Broad THB Co-operaUve Bakery of Brownsville and East N*w- fork which has served its community for about eight years, Is showing further signs of progress by expanding its trade to other sections of the city...
...Without this no further progress tor tho human race is possible...
...Wise's oareer...
...A leader of whom...
...X. L. The Lecture Calender Friday, January .29 ATJOUST CLARBSRN8, at Browns-1 vine lAbor I<yceum, 229 Sacktnsn .- -Street, Brooklyn...
...I want to* see the Me* Loader sueceed and become e>enaimfluenee, for heaven knows we ate hp, need of a great radtoal paper these days...
...At least, deaf' Comrade, ft would have been lam cruel to so att If wo could have grasped your hand~aad looked fast once more into your kindly face and have bid you a comradely good-bye And yet that would have been, perhaps, a greater ordeal...
...The Sevleta, he said, consider dictatorship eSly a transitory htoasura while htusaotisi is for a eaatinuous aatoaraey...
...i ¦Forty - two bodies have 'been brought sue) of a Mexican Notional Railway eoaf mine at Psion, state of Ceo* bulla, where an ex plosion occurred Saturday...
...and then, when those nap* dltions wore not compiled wtth, declined tho call upon tho Instant...
...RABBI WISE'S RECORD ^^^t^Jt&^h ^J^^^^^^^^^^^ ^a^mesew...
...eppsaerJth/ for all time...
...DEMOCRACY'S VALUE SOCIALIST and Coranutnist appeared oa tht tame platform to discuss the relative merits of democracy and dictatorship before a meeting called by the New York Chapter of the League for Industrial Democracy hi the People's House last week...
...Wis* cams to Mew Tork...
...Should the Caitsd States enter the League of .Natton**" AfarmaUve, HlDqult...
...Dear Joa: . Ton left us so suddenly, so unexpectedly (and we dare say so unwillingly) that for the life of us wo cannot believe that you are gone...
...The bakery was organised by active trade unionists, and has made rapid progress as it has received the support and, patronage of the masses Of workers tn its territory...
...prisoners in Russia and the slmnarity with which > the Bustle* Soviets and the American government had mistreated Mollis Stelmer, the yoflnt anaWbtoL This indicates •there is something wrong with Russia as With the United States...
...Jta tJBkteg et ssvoronteato we< shaut sea tbs duottlen: *rvee spas ah, far wwiest we smat Seflno geeyeasse* e» severs* mont ever see ehuRrwrendSJuu^atovorameat win disappear with the ehtea lines...
...Now Leader* I think that If Socialists are Justified in exposing those whoee actlvlttos are detrimental to the growth Of Internationalism and human brotherhood...
...Bayajlsn ends kto eftloto wM mm llnj...
...O. Keeps eV Brae...
...Chaotic conditions which may mvtto a dictatorship here, Wolfe affirmed, may eemo about with another World War...
...It Is e mistake, he said, ts tea etooaly Msnttfy ii> Bouhertk theory with the Fascist idea...
...mors If he eohtooraey, sea, rather, dictatorial domteattoa by ere.vte, fianked by aa ¦wotoWatio sad shileus mUUary machine...
...the ntoatol lata do not'want htoa...
...Such a state of affairs as the Communists hops tor, ho said, could produce e Mussolini as easily as it eouid produce a Lenin...
...The job of labor and So/faUsm Is to make demeevasy ms&a something, Thomas said... she t^M tot movement be aught -Barn Ufl there tout any apssisl people with eS special 'irf'ir'T'" to fnMB-ee thto, eerfl but that tt ta our oommon mtosaM to footer the htotherheod of asanV** ¦ a aw lain genutao telsllsiguel sum spiritual leader has iprisntlf oaia\ , to tike Sootohat ssovontsnj aeogfa] Rabat Wise, faf Me, htoyajtoa saesato.gjl Rabbi's influence- asanas his peoal and his oratorical ehuttx...
...all-round crook...
...that "Bahad Wtoa aenas }H aSrSBBeU^ Babbt Wise needs the SoLlallat nmet*| meat there is no dewbt...
...Wise's totogrlty as administer ot religion, but let me remind yea of two eplsodee In Dr...
...Rabbi Wins, does hot pretend to lead anybody outside of his own people, and since bis people make up but a very small portion ot the population of thto country, oho Rabbi certainly cannot bo classfftil ae m^etjm^ aheetotoaf as is...
...Make ao mistake about It, there is little bono tor a speedy advenes toward Socialism or any more humane typo of civilisation until a clean majority of people wfll demand nothing toss than the maximum share of every necessity, comfort add convenience that the resources and technique ef the ago can reasonably provide for each and an...
...Wo cannot expect to have duplicated the same economic and agricultural crisis that brought the Soviets to power...
...We were at opposite poles during tho war, tor example...
...Look at the miles of stately apartment houses, monsters of steel, brick, stone and tile along Park avenue...
...e It Is easy to be an Idealist, when, like myself...
...Thomas pointed to the existence Si polities...
...As the" Rev...
...Goodhearted Comrade, noble and courageous soul, wo refuse to believe that you are gone- from us, and our movement...
...Labor Ipneree vested Interestsi h) prohibit* a few privileged people battening on the work ef the masses...
...X don't know how meek money this act of Dr... lack material Oa earth to caper...
...Wise's espousal ot tho canoe ef the stool workers tn .the great strike of Wit...
...interviewed the representatives of thto richest Jewish synagogue to America, if not In the wori4...
...DeWttfa mind, any desire'or wflttognegs tnaenopt and present tho facto, Tho totter to writton either tat Ignoraaos or in tho spirit at deliberate miatoproosntatlon...
...I have never known ot a braver est ta tho history of tho rolhrieus ministry, nor one more consistent with the highest Ideals of manhood...
...Sunday^ January 31 SfQRMAN THQMAS...
...If you hdve hi your own history the record of a sacrifice of thto kind I should like to know what tt to...
...S:li p. m. "Raee Prejudices, Cause and Cure...
...Our poor world and our sorry solves were enriched by your existence...
...Miss VIUs, Faulkner Page...
...It Is our heritage...
...This danger arises, he declared, through the Idea that pollHas' IS an end la itself...
...Wise was in the early years ot youth ind ambition, he waa called to the puljit of Temple Smanu-El...
...hy lantern slides...
...A more praotical theory, yet with its shortcomings, Thomas said...
...HUlmaa was but a kid* toon and his Job was to deliver bundles tn a small wagon—a pushcart, one day as bo waa bumping the cart over too cobblestones, dodging all kinds of traffic In a crowded street, a heavy truck smashed into him and left him...
...Mfe seaead ertttoiam was tad tendency toward the partioularisauoa inherent in democracy...
...Is that of syndicalism...

Vol. 3 • January 1926 • No. 3

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