WHEN BIG BUSINESS GETS TOGETHER Trade Association Building Goes Merrily Forward As a Little Brother to the Powerful National Trusts Louis F. Budenz Editor. Labor Age -TT-^fONG the famous...

...eds *amasat gaailng ad vhyM •sap Jg aa< a^wiy taaea** j^M arfS ¦¦walapi bp enjap 1 1 flg ft tl...
...tba Called state* a* a young rasa...
...He was a frequent contributor of article* to the party press, tea Can aad Ths New Leader, be never declined a r*qu**t to apeak anywhere, or to serve on aay committee rr convention and he was universally respected, admired aad loved for bis upright and manly character aad nig lovable human quail tie...
...He was too oM to participate la the struggle, but be never lest bis.intellectual balance...
...that fall, aa a result of redlstricttnr he was nominated la tba new 14th District also te Winiamsburg, and •secured a large majority over both his opponent...
...But subsequent event* demonstrated that It didn't mean anything...
...Although aba had been troubled adtb a muscular affection of tba heart for •everal years, it wan n*t thought serious, and bar death came as a shock to th* family...
...la the If IT aetata* Whitehera...
...AetlvlU** which fall in the third or clearly legal class are: commercial and industrial research, stimulation of demand through Joint advertising, ate...
...B. c. VTadeek...
...Corporations for Pillaging It is with some feeling of cynicism, therefore, that we pick up a volume recently issued by the National Industrial Conference Board, "Trade Association*: Their Economic Significance and Legal Status...
...Tba question Is, May this he dona...
...upBaa9**sP«a**>^*MB »er»f Mas...
...The Utter body was taId to quit attempting to spike the gun* ef ths former in Its efforts to cut parch*** cost* by Joint action...
...In l»l« Whltehora was nominated to run for Assembly ta the old Slat A P. in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn...
...Indeed, in oho case, the Pederal Trad* Commission has defended this sort of ¦sTreemeat on tbajtart of on* trade* **eooi*t1orw--oompo*»d of Oeorgla marebaats—against the attacks of another and mlgbtisr one, tba Southern Hard*, ware Jobbers* Association...
...Moss*, lib* bar husband, was a devoted Socialist and aoeer lest tataroat ta tea movement Joel is wMely known aU over tea State, and news af bis great teas win evpfee prpfsund •ympathy among \ his trianda...
...Cowan and "Bob* Band law...
...In the golden Cooltdgenn Age, merger, consolidation and combine go on at the rate, almost, of one •very minute...
...Early in Ufa...
...They woulds undoubtedly be astounded to know that there are about 1,000 of such associations in an active state of attaek upon the [ hapless consumer* in the U. 8. A. today...
...AS at tba** aaOvUies tilt !¦* * niiigtlmfJi* tr*ta radicals aad mmnajsm sVn*» taoy vary CnmUdga C&mw+d ¦ #V...
...Tka" Cowan was a native of Bngtand...
...Whltehern then served, through the Hit tana...
...Cemetery where the body was interred...
...Wif• of Joel Mo**** P***M* News com** from Rochester thai th* wife of Joel Mo***, one of the pjaaeota of the Socialist Party, died te that city on Jan...
...that no one needed 'reside in bis district, and the third charge, and other minor charges, war* thrown out...
...Jingoism and hate and upheld Internationalism aad the rights of human beings even in the hatefSled Jungle of th* assembly...
...It is unfortunate that, at sueb a time,'Rochdale Co-operation •** Producers C©-operative A esorlatton* have net developed sufficiently in America to take up the cudgels with' tba trade asportation...
...After all, radicals and laboring men have a penchant tor generalities...
...One of the most carefully prepared piece* of legislation ever put upon our statute books was thereupon written and adopted, under the guiding hand of the courageous Sofia Sherman...
...opponents of his position listen to faint...
...They rather flee from the specific The* have but little understanding...
...of its most capable speakers and parliamentarians...
...The trust successfully denes the law by sheer faro* of might...
...Alarmed by the rise of the Trust and Monopoly, its proponents hoped to Stay industrial development by cutting Big Business into bits...
...More than too Socialists and friends flocked to his boms to pay their respects to th* deceased Socialist leader...
...OS ward CoaUasn...
...In the second or twilight none tali:' the operation of business exchange*, the collection of statistics, the tatsechaoga of patent rights and caadtt mformattoa, the standardisatiaa of products, the joint negotiation of purchase* aad the development of buateee* standard* {a fh*s* case* the courts win wok into the -intent" with which the wginMnation has been farmed, or the agreement made...
...Tba trad* aaaactetloa however jam it may seem ta be tn tba eye* ef tba medium-siaed or leaser business man Is a sort Of abortive, growth ef th* competitive proflt-ntaxing ajatoni to It* effort to *r*galat*- aad not ta press** oompstmsn, tt falls afoul af an sorts *f difficulties, practical and lb...
...dsnly of cerebral hemorrhage...
...Cowan aad Baadlow werer iaUmats drama, then* affection for cash other being conspicuous to all who knew them...
...a*v*rth*ls*a, ft te a fact that -with th* pressure in varioara market* sssahist tba smaller oper-' atbay uaitaT through monopolistic oocabiaatSons gad chata stores, eta, the** sm*D*r units have felt compelled to\wo*k together for tba Joint purchase of materials aad stock...
...In isii Whltahorn red for Congress and palled, an excellent rot...
...Following a short address made by Samuel Pavleff at tba headquarters of the Socialist Party of the Stfa A. D...
...Osrwada oo'tts ad,*.,., bil gnftml...
...la 1)18 Whltehora was vice-chairman of th* Socialist group of ten, and he* continued ate work with real distinction...
...M. Feigenbaum IN the death of Joseph A. "Whitehorn the Socialist - . party loses one of its most loyal, devoted and able members and one...
...When anyone strike* at the Socialist party," he said in denouncing the Zi*ft Winger* In 1119, who were atfampttng to destroy the party, "be strikes at ma When anyone hurts tba party he hurts ma" That note was characteristic of hi* whol* Ufa There were no firework* about him...
...When the Socialist movement was broken up by the Communist erase beginning early in 11U, Cowan atood aside ana looked on...
...A- X. Shlplacoff aad Charles Solomon...
...He had a She practice, first tr*m hi* office Sn Broadway, Brooklyn and is recent years en Court Street...
...bean signed not in ink but with a rubber, stamp Another wae that be did not live in hi* district, aad th* accuracy of ths count . of rotes was still a third challenge...
...A trade association, according to the report, is "an organisation for mutual corns engaged in the same kind of Industry or trade,And dastg*hod primarflj to affect the conduct of t^hat business such la not engaged la the actual transaction of business for profit, not 'does it represent a merger or eensafldaUon of associated business Interests...
...The funeral was held st his lata home at 1.10 last Sunday...
...Labor Age -TT-^fONG the famous refer* ^\ races of Sam Weller is that most famous one to the man who cot his son's head off to cure him of the squints...
...Jofspb A. Whltahorn was a lt*U> manlan Jaw and was barn in H7t...
...He never compromised, be spake right out and he made the...
...The funeral of Comrade Whltahorn was held from his bom* te Brooklyn, tM Crown street, last Sunday...
...He was a debater who commanded everyone's profound respect sad whatever be bad to say was listened to attentively...
...In 1160, however, he left the 8. I* P. for the Socialist party and remained a loyal aad devoted member to th* day of his death...
...and his death was probably due to a burst blood vessel...
...Such associations may vary in the It activities and aims from price-Axing and curtailment of product to commercial and industrial research and interchange Of statistics...
...Until today...
...Never was the State shewn to be so weak In ths face of the underlying Economic Empire as in this case...
...One vat that he was not a dtlssn...
...Comrade Whltahorn la survived ' by a widow...
...tba Assembly voted unanimously, after a brilliant defense before the assembly committee of his right ta his seat by Morris HiUoutt...
...do ga aw vjg*r ovuly In the business weHdr*P*rticulsrty among frusta and Monopolies...
...Comrade Joseph A. Whltehern, active and devoted Socialist died Saturday morning at S o'clock In bed at his home, 46a CroVn Street, Brooklyn...
...What's ths Law Among Trusts...
...They know but Httle more of trade associations—those groupings " of corporation* for mutual foraying and pillaging' against the herd* of , disorganised ultimate consumers...
...H* bad never been in...
...cmM nawspaparaan the streets for five year*, wentjp-work at IS, aad in 189t, while wonfclng in the clothing shops preparedr himself for law school...
...In 1*01 he entered New York TJnlver*ity and in JtO* he graduated with high honors as a lawyer aad was promptly admitted to the bar...
...Hi* principal constructive contribution to legislation was to expose, fight against and defeat various city charters that contained property qualifleatioas for voting...
...f__ a^^ejm ai^swp...
...Or, at least, so it seems...
...Without pausing to investigate the efficacy of that method of treatment, .we may say without much contradiction that it was much in that way that the Sherman Anti-Trust -Act hoped to dispose of the squints of industry...
...They bravely spake aad voted against war, militarism...
...Tba TTsflsrsl Trad* rasnm stains baa «ad*avar*d hoaeatt* and tetaJMgently in the past to do •emetateg toward bringing a aomblbo** at falra**g and junttes Into- business relation*, But, ta tba words of Hon...
...the fuaara] pi occasion moved on to MtCarm...
...He served with distinction for two terms in the Assembly and was considered by the Socialist members the greatest parliamentarian in the' group of ten in the 1918 session...
...The trade association being a team of ~*e-operation among business men," the report looks bate the distinction which legal agonal** have set up between Joint lutiriasa or Slpwtai fan* real) asopetal IV* dosjss ana man parensse ta ***** where seBers beuegee buyers...
...Us la asm...
...Ike" Cowan, Pionoer, > Dies in Cleveland Another Socialist ef taa older gsner ¦ m-tion recently passed away in Cleveland ta the person of Isaac Cowaa...
...daalteg with trade associations, -where they ataa* before the law and what*plaea they have fas economic development The cynicism does set leanon as we go through ,fbe neatly and accurately done study...
...Joint celling miaasnnisula, from aba nusrwst and evrteliraewt of ysanation...
...An Interesting example of the mass* of .the competitive system la' seen in the discussion of the legal attitude toward Joint negotiation of purchase* by business concerns...
...In pares****)*, it ' may be said that white msel—asi sad business has suffered asms Court am these points, these practice*, navarthsla...
...He west to bed at 1 o'clock, in excellent health, and at 3 he peacefully passed away...
...The meat stupid lay mind eaa probably see the distteoUea tn the read* lasmiWitsbyt bat...
...toTth* United SUt...
...hi* devotion to- his cause aad tba party being smear*, real aad ' quiet...
...All ate Ufa wen given to the building of the trade unions aad the Socialist Party...
...traUon, aad th* mm apt aa^esaptoym*nt rafctbaaa...
...another veteran of the eama type, with probably the saospttan of Mas Bay**, contributed more to the organisation of trad* unions te Cteoa* land than aay rfther man...
...Soma taa year* ago Baadlow died and Cowan married hi* widow...
...bat canto ta...
...Moses died and...
...Not once did either of tb*m flinch for a single moment...
...A recount raiaafl bis plurality to 40...
...He regarded ths insurgexks as amateurs who had to have their expertane...
...Now "Dee" ha* passed on to Jo In "Bob...
...He he* •lnee run tor varlous^ofllces, always agreeing te aacriflce time, energy, health and strength for the party...
...and was confident that, while th* Socialist movement would be badly hurt, te th* end it would rebuild stronger than •nr...
...eaa tba lasisr exploiters do *ttT Tba general Ida* that, come* out ef apparently conflicting viawa gad decisions is that tba Httl* one* xaay do it if they do not b*oon*» too big tn tba process...
...At th* grave short addresses war* made by James On eel Barnett Peinberg, Lout* Weidman...
...H* was likewise a generous donor to aU party funds, aad be was active in th* (th A. X>, Kings County, in tba Kings County organisation aad te th* state organisation...
...gather with Comrade A. X. Shipiaeeff, tought against aU the Jingo bills thai a war-mad body of "patriots** w*n paaateg in th* excitement of the flrat days^f the war...
...at the age of It, be joined the Socialist Labor Party aflft was an active campaigner in the great De Leon campaigns in the old l«th A. p. and th* 9th Congressional District both en the Beat Bid* of Manhattan...
...lm jsesaf^sa J ¦raaad *un<lr * Bv)"° "^jj^ aad that She raauMa ef KUJ hum* -jaa are ef Isassrtan** b* aft whe^Sj lafristsd te "wbat wffl bapsji aostt," j SOCIALISTS MOURN WHITEHORN DEATH By Wm...
...Ta KM h* cam...
...Mora Fruit Of thm Croat War Aria Ins: after the Civil War—when Ae victory of the northern manufacturers gave capitalistic enterprises a great impetus—the trade association developed in a six-sag way through the years, harassed by the Sherman Act a bit and later by the Federal Trade Commission, but blossoming forth in full strength during the great war and thereafter holding on pretty welL Under the settled principles of trade and market law, the report finds, the trade association activities fall into three divisions: those that ore clearly illegal, those that •re presumptively legal, but may become illegal by their special terms or ether conditions, and these that are clearly legal...
...The power of Monopoly grew—and the act was hacked and thumb-screwed andcru rifled, until in the startling "rale of reason" 'decision It gasped Its last 1>r*ath...
...In the fleet canes are price wtenlnedetie...
...Cowan and Bandtow were Stoclaligts .and trad* unionists who understood the) philosophy of bath movements and nee at went astray Into by-patbe...
...After a remarkable campaign managed bp Harry Xrttaar h* wad declared elected by M votes Dpoa appearing to take hi* seat his election was challenged by the old parties on several grounds...
...on* af It* members, lately uttered tn' New Tors, it baa bean robbed oven of thl* htftnbl* rats by the Little Lord Fauntloroy te ta* Walt* House...
...Just as it ta unfortnaate m_ flw|BaakaB saafA 4fsaBwasssTauaaaW* smawaukaawawawl g*MM> faawlBafJ *ws*a* trWwxasurflSaTaal f*aVJ|gaaVI Os*s*W mm wartd...
...That is one of the interesting facts which the National Industrial Conference Board report gives ua The board Is a research and propaganda body tor the exploiting- interests, and this is the Brat of its "public relations" studies Prepared for business men...
...Agate aa* again aaj tarn BociaUata war* danouaead a* -traitors" and threatened with arrest and violence...
...on the other band, we 40 catch a growing admiration for the manner in which the work has been done—and on the whole think it woukt be a good book for radicals add laboring: men who have the time to read...
...Sarah Whltahorn, aad three sona, Victor, a student at Columbia, Jules, a student at the University of Pennsylvania and Nathaniel, a student in the Thomas Jeffersoa High Boboal...
...The labor movement of Cleveland has sustained a serious loan te tba death of "Iks" Cowan, aad ha will bo daeerely mourned by aU -who knew Mm...
...of the workings or significance of the modern business corporation, or of the painful and necessary steps to be taken in its democratization...
...bis naturalesatioa paper* bavins...

Vol. 3 • January 1926 • No. 3

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