The Notes of the Week What with th Coolidge Congreu saaeU *f aluminum an tke Decline • *Bd *** t*X Klin* in the presnt CmffMi, the Coolidge Administration la taking the course that...

...V .• . ' . . lata at ray poena tor you...
...find order in a • morgue...
...and what aprjaayiii^ and lews amjaa^ have merrfy appeared to • pBBiaa^aawy-iaversion of the end story .of . ^ Da^w*4 ©tea^rtare I am an mgiy ltttfe t^WllsV^Ms^t^ hurling a gsaht of sand 4»Maa-|ibft jsaaW lagdsdamantine brow of Kong timfc*&i*i'* i-> . t:;%Vf- > [m^ayb^eaa'fcr » •ta«^f h»miU*3' ^ XJPjjpJfABa artrj becaaae the acts yoa re.vBaWfi^^rae Dr...
...The Notes of the Week What with th Coolidge Congreu saaeU *f aluminum an tke Decline • *Bd *** t*X Klin* in the presnt CmffMi, the Coolidge Administration la taking the course that all Ksraabltosn and Democratic admintitrations have taken tor fifty Tain... aeonrd with prugpeas beyond eapitalisai...
...Tr^p-5 forecast kf ia accord with the progreaaiye development of capitaiiana, bat' wJao...
...In any event, the coal shortage Is acute, sad this attitude by the mine owners will not strengthen their position...
...the brTjheu-hearfed...
...With Thomas VmtnMSm w, T.aaoto, of HtidatlmSbm JSgL .f^Ss^s*gpttoff^fas*toto** "^****» tom^ssrOjf PwUcy...
...Moreover, his assertion is not true...
...Those who can tell th* difference between a Texas Democrat Uk« Blanton and aa Ohio Republican like Speaker Longworth can see a difference between Tweedle-D*e and Tweed leDum...
...f*'*55 iK ^36...
...He foresees marked changes by the evolution^ of the electrified farm...
...Be desired to reduce the many publications that are devoted-to the working class movement *to one...
...aa farotaabara iruaaanas: and Sanmina larbvaea ^guaaaua^ ay#^nab'tA>«fi' ^v*'*^,*1 *p4^*¥ •joasjaaapaaBTa Sjl l?kvmw«*ji Ja>-.-^*w ¦^ggtyvaida...
...Joaeph Whrfchorn, certainly inBBjikaj aaW...
...This suggests that they fear complete publicity for their side, sa indirect admission that theirs is th* weaker Das...
...a)igo(|ep use .rem aacraiox avanb^dy.Qrriatiure ennuua^auch men a|ft^: nHDanaw av^bw^at-oHM- BBaavew^s^*aMBT<<asaS^ t^^^T^?R'^^^^Caan5^'^Tv ^^^a^aA^af^^^dsSS*,^ isTirwTB^aTrYaTw^aa IBbK3bb njaWmBaaB7aaa»wX^aaaa*a' daswwTaTJkctQJnaAajLB...
...What he really mesne Is that th* mm* owners will not fast free to speak frankly If the sssalona are open to the pre...
...So does every man and . woman who has...
...It remains a fad for those who have higher in/c«£ne...
...Its a merry gam* of political swindle and is (tin played successfully...
...f , t: Kahn had the insufferable impudence to aay '* that Mussolini "holds his position and power by the overwhelmingly expressed will of the* people,** The floor should have yawned and...
...The mew who can gjrye their blessing to this foul think are, no better <han the thugs they embrace...
...i BUROLARS AT ALBANY S^m^Nm^M <3vt 'War' caa*'^ >aod*»omic-aisd-poiiajcat rewtf&jejho, -^Bbp'' .few oapltaJfam rjnpsted fa tJe^ncUa^ f the «etmba<an Party and «at aMoar^^co*- ' statefl-'Ot me saaaas avepeeaaaaa sasa toe aeaax "¦¦ natural reaoufcea of ta* West belong to the > camtaiiat chaa-., Legislation and court deci-> aroo* wereTpfaan^ funVeatneritar^^to plifhaiuphy...
...Ia am informing cable by Thomas T. Millard from i**1 to th* Times, we learn that Catholics have financed a number of anti-Soviet nigs as...
...The dead*"who ' are buried in Italy, murdered try Mussolini's bands...
...Vrrthout doubt Italian Faactam is :'• the most brutal governing thing spawned by • modem history...
...thai Ti«?^wri —-?*^*Sa^*itP^^*— ^i^Sv^^^^*^"' w^B*W^eBBBP"* _^"^r^^^"^W^> ?'^¦'U J ^^^^^^^^^^^^ CAMER FOR LIBERTY ^vf^r/*-^aara*it»i^'^a»w^a^ ^r:fvjyr^T6s| ^.t^.;*** *^»«»9MVSA f&mm(*&g-:ii :*ijrx—5j^»«i^% • .jpt-^i-av^*- ft^r»b» C^^asJU^'Vv'n .*..v' 'w—r^t.t...
...This issue is merely' a beginning of certain improvements which we contemplate tn making: The New s Leader the best Socialist weekly ever the...
...Wisennch a godlike place ^¦jji^'as^alkiu, ahrroat make me believe - ¦ Laarebtfyrfy wrong'iu tdy higb^pfoaak : ^iMap^^lawler aud man.'Skpaly yoA-asaat-," ^fRBf«epw«e|Ji...
...4 «ifi ¦¦ -.-^¦¦v».>\-:^ USURERS LOVE FASCISM ¦"¦TaRpFESSOR' WILUAlTV...
...Aad atsrefy, as one _ ^ ^ W*P: *? rajii legs' aaareigfa even aa faajoajucjl a person • ^Jjhv^rWfba'wpon tbe scale of tay own con%^ZM\m*% dear 44oetor...
...ii V11 r n 1 ajii IT >ga .' raw^^v^y-*^»*ajl aa...
...r ¦ It is true that the farmer's wife through the usfe of electric appliances in the household will be emancipated from much of*the dirt and dnJdgery, but this household equipment is today practically complete arid because of Ha cost it is available only for those with incomes more than, wage workers receive... wa see aaw r •' '.V - -'i '¦' Tbrbaab tbe blur of tears v/ . ^ la that roar asat la emptr...
...Joe— " AU I can aay aow—Comrade . . . . About Rabbi Wise My Dear Dr...
...the soatiaatiou of a Socialist ukiiu»ju wealth...
...And aince you are .beat fitted to bear w^taeaa «hat a soft answer turricth away wrath, allow ma ' 'aioab ufhiapetkigiy intocta year "that t ¦ aeitber Bed...
...J08^*1 »* fay, w^jawer ci| ti^anjsaaat fce^-and as JDeaeMD aTw»aa-fipvo§ra^!tts^ rejects the great sad- aajiissBj^alfWtiif 1 ihif| ere meant only to-boaaC the iaejajee saopTa the few hsg m^fdfthrp^^ •w *naDP3rrxp Txnjea »we*aajraawwiB aaia- asauag able.' "tfaf •aa>Hisnjy Taawva^^ at^«aa^*«ffilfs^^ ^^^^^SaStLiU^Bw^ (*iesa e»a*<aaboait jKosk|a^fna -¦I ¦nrt« r^B»iir sKjIi'mmbi *3aaM^-i - - ' ' ataTal CrJln*a*3a^waawawfc,aawflM Baa- OCMmmm lomMJmnm^mWkiSit the learlfrwlea 'xx«iha*4 * - ivnr ^BBM.rExat^r/r - nanIal>tn^anrJ!xa*isBBEa rsrnaal ^rfBa^¦^S¦^rtT^h2y-•"- avS ^^a^j^arni fB^aanaaW^PaBnt IsnanasaeiBsiflBas^-eaaBadaxa^es am 1 Mseaaw' saa Bass Baaaaa^n^wasBi anBa^anai...
...4tecentiy we received a letter from an inatructor in Sociology in a State university in the' West...
...lifwlsllsf Renr*eSa^s^m^Sa^^^BsS^aSaasT^^^^^^^ 5 Tatocto th* /sagmaaitaUirea mt th* a^sajJiS ptaaat i^ra^^ftsm ^rZ^imXm ¦all Bsiaiaa sa¥iQ>1 ta tba nbsaibir of Voanttoa: ar taa Dalvartdtr at Irwaaa oomo im par ooat...
...President Lewis accepted the plan aa a basis for negotiation and assumed that a letter of William W. Ingils for th* operators accepted H without one reservation...
...readers and friends... Mr...
...Am this is writ Mine Magnate* tan the mlaen Vein Lvnett Pirn mto* owner1 again meetinj la Philadelphia, and the deadlock li a till unbroken, but th* situation mas be changed by th* time this appear...
...Sfc« Wl&ehor** was of, T#ri*tarhur origia a*BV*ltbougb ha entered ^SS^^^Sl^^Sjfcji at an fc&ed avWa ta» temple of tbe new order... a^'%at^aeaabri»^l these large employers of cioahiag woriuitfj| have been aad are geadaaas aappOt tars of aES synagTJjgne...
...Th* foreign interests are divided Into two fart tons, one hsmwlng that they must make scan* concessions to Chinese demands and the other favoring a* compromise...
...The New Loader oarrled some I tn^ttrtaUl t- 40Clltl>«MI %at at IV W W*V*U» *%CO ihowtng that Coauaunist toflueoc* is really weak with th* Chinese work•ra, bat hnOard bellsvsa thto hafiasaui la crowing...
...As a tovex aad worker in thtg cause of labor, I have gratitude far whatevJSI pubheky he gave, and whabever aid he Am . fected far/ the cause...
...aVJtb ^ agents...
...JBut to my simple laiatffl a garnaent ntakar mb\o comes under the ttea^S iog of fatbeav ^There Itfcve been quite a fesuS garW^DtV WraS rabSond*,,lnf '""^ffeS ^^rsjrjl^ h«ewu^ce figating for a securer pjaee fa^^l sun agaittatnfae emnlopers ha taa aarmeat dastries...
...f'- : Tomorrow we win tnlas r«br aoeae , Of coaaaat and calsa . -TC""* ; When eater rends oar ranks... of dtrist...
...The whole history -of Fascism is written in the words, "armed : thttgs/* i .-^ .- ¦ :>:'-;T The defense of Fasciam try Bankers La* mept and Kahni recalls the toast which Gouverneur Morris proposed in which he thanked God for the return of the Boarboaa in France...
...Then the "Ins" ana -owls" exchange places, an* we are hack where we wore before...
...This ' » certain to be realized in the future, but it is by no means as certain that farming will be a*Vosy •» he pictures it...
...He knows better...
...Of course, the Democrats will accommodate them...
...and tbay rbfwitonod ta> tbroy ant...
...trinity ot mttaay Tafeaa^ Imtau-ity and consistency .ad aiHahbta^ . ^^D^WensIiiT^ wiiu apon my raeretrc avso, any wafnf^joo^ ¦ •; ruddled arid vulgar heiM, my nasty and most m^pertineat head, that bad dared to conjure up so sactiligious a bedtime fable over the ¦. sj< fsaw^ t pefaaaage oi year revered friend, - tfse abBttpr...
...Meantime, funds are coming to relieve the minora and their farnlltoa - The Chin ess pot The Chinese Pot continues to bubh Babbling }^_J**L*2*n seised Ivanoff...
...feeees"'' 'were' pi all i iiiaaa -bja* week to learn of the sudden *»fj H>ih...
...The conference began by considering the proposal of Editor Lynett of the Scran ton Times, which Includes a five-year contract, a possible change in wages after two Veers, but no provision for breaking another deadlock should it occur...
...Meantime, enough members of both parties cooperate to deliver any special present...
...This may be tfeto result of *e power-driven rurafj«6or mto the dtie* wittmcrease the nrfiggk ataoog ttw worker* for.joba and tend *° TS ****** ^ni* m. turn, however, ^^^^^^^^ agricultural devawasa^ <a> conflict rjetweea c*r*taIiH aiid wtirkA wlatlbf a featore of raiaj kidraniy and reeraKa far trade aaawi and the Soejaaaf 'imhi §aisiir: would be available m fava»aa> ItV...
...The brtetling Soviet note to curiously like kit American note to Mexico, with the addition of a' throat to send troops to recover the .railway if snmsssij Meantime - tiro conferences have been rein* oa in Shanghai, one vapreaentlag tending Tiiehaa* and oeaaer retire Chinese politicians: the ether by radicals in alliance with agents of Russian Communism...
...The result to that th* situation rove*** back to the status it assumed at the previous conference...
...He instances the migration -J*M^n«?«* *nd weaving industries to the South which elrawirupon the rural population far their Jus** jSfwer...
...The New Leader goes to its readers this week in a **new dress...
...IXaWB^i arffl^^HrlL/^^gfy^Jg^' ^In^thea "ytw^aa^jtfO^bia *^ « steel strike sernboedT These I iraaemaer weaul Very apiendy mdead af Dry Wise...
...Taip^i©*^^ farming itself withelec?tjic power which will furnish "enlarged opportunity for employment of the rural.population/' He believes that electric power on •f jgN*^ wiM r^djnce vthe time and labor ret»oo ot the farming population for labor in urban indwtriea...
...rvV^rts^rw^f^t.'•J*fw*tfS*t«f v...
...Tlx subjects of our corporate dynaetiea reat content for a time and then discontent rlaea It Isfuiaslll until the to tern oust it with whoops, of Jot...
...Tan-is tfte?sort ofapproval we seek to Wi b-fcetters...
...assassins saddled' upon s people...
...kgalast th* «satottodl onstosarkts of t>r...
...5bad?wW-SaaaaAWater Fowtv Cc^mhW ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^Q^^I^jj^^^^^^^^^^^^^X *^Jwf»»* *¦ f ¦ ^ apawa>»av^p way .^"^**w™ j ^{Jr^llia^^^^^'tSS 5laa...
...It k disgusting 'etldeaee of 4auw airt> riolur» can snibtKer every trace of huaian>fy* aad unfit the acCTrrnuhttor a - sycophantic apologist af' cjkaes that bdong to ji lea« Crrihxed stage M ' hiatory^ ¦ $'f--x...
...One of the two wings of flea political lasrhin* of capitalism goes into power with a whoop...
...Joat as the Republicans .do now...
...and eaek win carry away ¦ r... ' y • <. '•-.'¦-• ^- • •?j»<:;..-.^- • ' 1 f' ¦'¦* / THE CHATTER BOX Comrade Joseph Whitehorn X bavtuta aaam far fwa, Ms...
...very weB declaimed effarta, snd asBecklty effecth|H since there never has been a steel magnate JbHJ his aadieacca...
...the slightest acquaintance with the history of modern Italy, Not since i theMiddle Ages/have we had each a cruel each .-sadist gang...
...was stricken nm^^Sm^s*1 **** P^^tm^^^m»t% SSaf ^mWoxif tcr^fcredit xht sad tidings...
...jt- n...
...Meantime, the "outs" not their forces In order to aatber la th* discontented...
...Ia renewing, bis .subscription he wrote that Tbe New Leader fa the one weekly hi thiscountry mat is indispensable tohfm...
...aaanas '- angiBviaBpsBBBfasBCBps • jwaa ^MajaseV *m3sacaae^H - attajii Wpwfaiejfi jyjWMPaiwep athutfawT to tbeQ 1 wsaf^*i9"^IgVWrWdBPflr^VwaPaHHaawarwSEBwaU W*»»W* ,1V jaiaJiL...
...Lament must be told that he is begging the question when be says that there is "order** under Mussolini...
...from working class readers wUeh we have received are -af the .aajaȣBpe...
...We may be sure that, both Lamest and Kahn apeak for our leading usurers when they glorify Fascist thuggery aad ranTdcr...
...Th* big Job is to brlni enlightenment to those who are li s^arkness, so that the two-parts machine of capitalism may be eventually scrapped...,Omg^ legal-P . ]::pu%- aa ^judges, *thjs Jpi,^J^J*3r ^*u^*en "^^Pawtnt^v?*^^ ; rhe poHdcat amenta «f eapitaiiam hi recent...
...W^'aow ask~our earnest friends g» jBJne their 'paper the increased circulation ^a^seaarfe?!s«^^ More Utef...
...Wise,- and laa adventure tnraxurh . the l«Aing glass of tibe Kepr Testaoaaat...
...tht Boviet general manager of the Chinese Eastern kail way...
...Out in the open spaces thi masses find it difficult to get a clooeuj of what is going on...
...10r >***' eree...
...Holmes-.- * . }¦¦¦>* The Christian attitude yoa aaaaw»'taeaal<a> ' asd hi pone- letter, pu&ished here 'in another column, roakes me wish that some day aalght be vwaltlry enotfgh td sdeoaateiy, isa:>e\bf«f a sort df^pcjst^raduate miraaraity ttlae ;« wiSi devote 'Its entire currscuiam far the teach...
...rhere Is murmuring, which increases until it becomes a majority against those who are in...
...hmtaaaa^^a*^ arei ^Sl^lve^a^^ ¦^a^ew^ •i: ^bea...
...e-: ; -^f-^.f ^5 »,v...
...y«« aught have , isllmaaJ i» Mm steps, paaaad ar wtrtte until ft^rfrj| liliUig-J J armaea had cooled fato efcarer .Jatfgistiif, .Tfe hnmor<A tie sirtratioa might, ^baae Wiiatwi pereentfve to yon...
...r 'anrrawnaaae rbrma} ; ¦ qibafbaa no zaatar, i aavatbaaail boat o< brokoa baartS...
...9Bf*r*«r^p^*^ Onauades who gathered 9|r£%j*¥ arw^a^ jaawl ^paised en, **he THE POWER DRIVEN FARM IT IS an interesting forecast b£ agricultural development which General Tripp of the Westinghbuse Efectrje^and Manufacturt ing^ Company recently offered in an address «T Pittsburgh...
...ot ear m&i&mVmitoowaa^.he,-jaasee\ Oa...
...swallowed him up when he made the assertion...
...Once in, the former "outs" carry on ma their opponents did...
...tissiwnneant that oaf American uarfrera- pay this homage to Mussolini...
...It is understood that Ike mine owners Insist on a provision tor arbitration and on Tuesday they rejected the Lynett proposal sad brought out their pian which had been-rejected by th* miners In ta* New York eoofarena...
...They give us an index of tbeir own minds...
...dsswca**j»eluiai th* ooanIrtssVaashUs that has* i weakened Catoa...
...tHfflry^tfr^V'^a^tldlflad^ *w^' *' s^at • J^^^f' *r\M *^jgjg *»g^'*|aj1 a,' *?*,>1'" l <y**^^**?^**TR^*t^^^Wa\^^aw ^ ^v^AaMgfdiilffitwBtHrMa^ ,:.,(ai',£Xi^ .-«>•¦ , l4e -•*^p^3»f » <K*?r.^'avwisii.i % t •# ^.^*-^r«>*ff #lahf«aec» r1...
...We are confident that the new form, as well ascertain changes in display of material, will appeal |o our...
...who- are :* widowed and the childran who have been left istherless W the Itahaa thugs, should know that these fathead bankers embrace the au?fhor of their broken Irvea...
...ssaorlaUon to New Yerk...
...IXUOTr' • fof Harvard stated the literal tact when he *¦ moid before the foreign Policy Aaaacittion that Itahaa Fascism ia "an eaaaajtpal bod/ of armed thugs who win recnarn in control tsptil the jroblic rises...
...Tba last of 'tbe muMJtudlnone Homely tbiaan af wholesome sjaawaaaa That made the whole ef yoo...
...and upon protest by Moscow hs Was released...
...abr slandered, satce either aC^aese - **$t aarit^rjai <> and laas hardly evec, . aerioua over aOajeets er pexaoaa who aWatd ' ^ nwrttr be taken sertously...
...Some of them wir la elections, but they always lose sJ 'Washington...
...Not a week passes that we do not get a report of some new outrage perpetrated by Mussolini's yeggmen...
...If the wife of the working farmer and wage worker, is to be emancipated the • first requirement is much larger incomes than .they receive...
...a» ^rtiijaaar> ».*jr-**r 4, ^»a-w jauf ass*j^^-rJK^^ai-j^¦^yt'---aw j^'aaiiife..a as;^- -.-Tv&b.^A^avy <aansVr*r:>:, ^iawf^a»a>^!^**i^ tjWtSj aaaan,,, ^ *y «^5* vHwiw^htfa«r * h^»*'*tapa||a}hfc THE NEW LEADER IN partial frdnument of promises...
...Th* miners then mad* a fight'for publicity *f the proceedings la th* press, but this was opposed by th* mine owners, [nglis contended that no oa* would teel free to apeak frankly, but the met that th* miners desire this publicity shows this to be not true...
...that th* big corporations want from Congress...
...V On-tba next morrow we wBl rates " . Tour faU laaablbr...
...Afgarentfy .enjoying robust aeaa^^pshstade^ Whftehora...
...a*"^^JTi^,*i^,TP^^^^f^^^^^T^Ta?nB ^1t^5w?1"^w^5C...
...g**Pr£**«f h * portamtarforehewent Jtatetr^Jletaaa* tmive^l change will IH utr MyTwiipair *a{|] ftd< hipijuu... print...
...J, JOE WHITEHORN gp^l^USTS andtheir...
...Let us botjt fusget oar peewjfjn aad strutty postures fee a aaaaieat af bmatSfy^J IaStTT.fact that be fasa*£aeptrd hqfl *aaaav of tnoney, to be speat uaderjaa dirW3 rjoe far ^arior« Ztornatic and charrbbhie faja^ Ibe^lhat^farta^a, tecHi^1 -imdhecwaanaawBd t*eug>timea^^ *-«jEa*9aaaBBw> eBawXe^aawaaaEBaawl 4D * lsawDa^aan ^f(T^eaweVBawBBVVB>OQeB cfaifura^has:maopsieast> intsia^a^Wtaf ^fcjdfc^ neither yoanorX wittejvwrjsppavto atnti«n«b|i oa^m-^epiate g to aay^ partnrps .we come to a. ejapr t)aigrraafi My coaeapt of a religwue kader of mea ;ja* Christ's aaaae is a feves--^eanee aatraasJoredht* real lover of the malWhiwea', tart to halt mp self fromenasaeratiag the >i riiisid adiecthrSts af what these maltitudea noat are...
...The CooUdge crowd Is now on th* down grade, and It to likely that by IKS the roters wiD ask for a Democratic label oa the boot that kicks them...
...The former stoke to sad th* civil wars and establish a national authority, and th* latter to organise a party controlled by Communists...
...Or your kind, strorar bands...
...Th* Soviet program aa outlined by Millard demands a reconstituted Parliament, isjssgsnlsatluir of Provincial II ssstnl Has.' e*!*nfrrttow ' ~*f militarists not in sympathy with th* radicals, and SMsre effective organisation of Chinese workers wttk the view of arraagtog nationwide...
...One may...
...United States...
...and foreign interests are raising a large propaganda fund to offset Soviet influence...
...Banaa ataoVrnta baa* e» aa Aaatrtan wW and UilUuMaa at Itanan, arftr...
...WHUsaa T. SUott, lecturer en govSfassjaart as Jtei ssi<d University: with Vtotor 1*> Susw...

Vol. 3 • January 1926 • No. 3

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