The New Leader Mail Bag I Labor Booka hi Pubtlo Ubrnrjee HfJCttsr TB* New Leader: ''7t*bt tseue af September fj imrtsta* ¦'^ item retarding the difficulty of gapa*)* labor book* in pubil*...

...The New Leader Mail Bag I Labor Booka hi Pubtlo Ubrnrjee HfJCttsr TB* New Leader: ''7t*bt tseue af September fj imrtsta* ¦'^ item retarding the difficulty of gapa*)* labor book* in pubil* libra'^si throughout tb* country...
...including every item of expense...
...My chief difficulty has Baa ta get the Buffalo* radicala ta Hp)J themselves of the opportunity to Bjjg tha hooka I prevail upon the Dhcary to secure...
...Floyd, apttlsk 11 by the Arbitrator...
...thy ot these three practically taaaajjaaabl* books, Indispensable If weal a have access to the Uteet iW^njaatACeujjkte tofcJTnaUon on the ¦ovsifiente which are preparing now WS<U for a new age... chfld caring sgsnglss providing for children without natasal means of supPort, a stoop of sn si saves doing preventive, institutional and, attar . carp work with deHnquehta, six important Talmud Torahs, a vary namaroag body ot social and recreational agendas socta aa the Young Ken's and Young Women's Hebrew tsaarlatlnas...
...Instead of the "almost $10,000 per Inmate annually," which the Imagination of your contributor conjured up...
...The first Mf.'^aaentloned were placed in the iJaaMaaaa Boom aad the last is In genaaHjhiiiilllliiii Tat...
...and "Who's Who in tba IHk Movement," both published by fflp Band School, and "Social Prog'PaPA a Handbook ot the Liberal miauMUt...
...I regret to aay, oafy'tw* or three- people .have conatkag...
...Ware there any truth in the statements detailed by your columnists, it would seem that there would long since have ceased to be any demand for this service...
...In th* first place.' the writer speaks It the United Hebrew Charities...
...the Educational Aliienca, etc, two great technical schools, one for boys fund one for drier, a large borne for the aged and a number of -other activities, it would appear that even the - most embittered writer might find that in thla group spending about nine million .dollars per annum some good la being accomplished...
...They gave «evera] hundred, such hooks, aad i lluaj told that there was little doOgat for these books ia recent years...
...Since these agencies jasmpriae family welfare organisations, aaa at whlah spends over Masse* a. year ta the enroot rattet of the poor, ant large Boapftala caring tor every Mad at human ailment, a large group...
...te Buffalo...
...As » matter of...
...aa to why > of tb* more recant' books were secured, tha demand oh the part apt the reading public determined the supply of a sort ot book, t Frequently when I Had some really worthwhile book ta net In the Library % file a formal request for the same, Jptllch aay Library reader can do...
...The United Hospital Fund, an absolutely non-sectarian organisation, conducts an annual campaign for funds to supplement income of a vary large group ot representative New Tork City hospitals...
...I was the explanation...
...As to"- the Convaleeeent Homo for Hebrew Children at Rockaway Park, i may say that this agency has a history extending over a great many years, during all of which-It has been crowded to its full capacity...
...Not one cent- of the money Is spent in this way by tha federation...
...Kjjtaeeatly, for Instance, I had the ¦Mary secure three unusually ln[Ejfaative books—books which every Maker aad writer in the Socialist WLabor movements should have in Ewjik personal library...
...T. SJTbe Now Leader baa received a long ¦Star In answer to a criticism of JewBaa charitable organisations that appeared In the Chatterbox a tew weeks ago...
...It may also be of interest to you to know that this society pays absolutely nothing tor the services of the men and women who solicit the funds for it All this work Is done by volunteers either through, the trades or our women's auxiliary...
...t Ska Federation for the Support of | tin lab Philanthropic Society is the ^tkaxl agency for some ninety-one asA*clated Individual societies, each on«*ef whom Is Indirectly attacked by such jaa article as that in question, though ^apparently without aay real inveatihjatlon whatsoever as to the value of ttheir work or the number of persons {She benefit from them In great dense and who In many instances would fas helpless without the support of gases' societies...
...Tina gEpn* >W be generally correct, but Sdfal not apply to the Buffalo PubBe 1 find tt neceeoary to do ¦martdar ioffJa reading ot" books favoring the ESgghnhnuant of a now social order...
...To substitute facts for rhetoric may I say that during 1»2S this institution spent a total ot $93,507 and oared for 1,004 children, a dally census of lot at a per capita cost of |8SS...
...These books ugJt-The American Labor Tear Book itfOU...
...I am enclosing . herewith a treasurer's statement for IMS...
...It may interest your writer to know that the awards frpm this fund are made purely upon the basis of free service rendered...
...the latter a general hospital for all types of disease with the exception of contagion...
...Z have received every punas** *ourte«y and kindly co-operation gUus the staff of th* Buffalo Pubtte fit Juno I was Invited to be the I pal speaker at a church oonvenkeid to discnse the tabor probja This convention was held In Sjfkt, Pa...
...Xmpt te order to* keep pace with rapidly ahaaadng world conditiona tt Is Imgaritlv* that th* very latent books bo jpsseUed...
...The former Is a hospital for chronic Invalids...
...In addition to the crippled children, the Institution cares for shout 600 children who receive the benefits of a two weeks' vacation at the seashore and annually the Institution is In receipt of many more applications than It can grant...
...edited by Wm...
...Ton are probably aware ot the fact that In many cases of agencies with which you may be familiar sums ranging aa high aa 46 percent of the sums collected is paid In commissions to agents securing subscriptions...
...In the Mount Sinai Hospital, where he comments in naming the Institution upon th* "comparatively few public btda," may I aay that there la a larger percentage of absolutely free work performed than in any other general hospital in the city...
...For yeexa past tha two largest amounts awarded from this fund have gone annually to tha Montetiore and tha Mount Sinai hospitals, both Jewish ,}n»ti tuitions aad both members of this federation...
...fact this society, which ras formerly known as the United Sebrew Charities, but has for some eon tha past bean called by a changed jams, namely, the-Jewish Social Servtoe Association, conducts no campaigns Shatsoever since as a member of the' federation for the Support of Jewish Philanthropic Societies, .which organhatlon is no doubt meant by your auwor, it is prohibited from conducting apy separate appeal for funds on its *•* behalf...
...It la too long to appear here, but Rpe- essentials ot the letter are given palow: faitor The New Leader...
...You may bo Interested to know that so far as tha maintenance of the federation office itself Is concerned, in providing all tha paid workers for tha soliciting and raising ot funds, the proper accounting therefor In such fashion that aay interested member of tha public at large may examine Its records and assure himself of the proper care ot th* money entrusted to the organization, for thp work of preparing the details of the vast annual budget and the apportioning aad distributing funds, the entire cost la a fraction under four cents on the dollar, so that over ninety-six cents of every dollar collected goes directly to the work of the various agencies...
...Instead of the thirty beds mentioned In your article, the place baa accommodations for 150 children at one time, and It is always filled...
...If there 1s a demand for tha pooka I have them secure then my feature requesta are more certain to bo ftkruhased...
...Those In sbj 111) of tba Buffalo Library allowed tab* to spend a day among their hooka oViha request section dealing with tha SktsJtat and Labor question...
...Of these children do percent are cripples suffering from the after effects of infantile , paralysis, who by the medical skill of the physicians and surgeons attached to the hospital are In many Instances restored to complet use of their limbs and in ail cases show as great improvement as their condition permits...
...obese requests are given special ataenUon...
...During the summer months...
...It was necessary that my agk b« confined to statistics and facta 4ath*r than a general and possibly lnateurate propaganda talk...

Vol. 3 • October 1926 • No. 39

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