Witt, S. A. De

Leaders and Led By S. A. de Witt TWYk hare been returned victorious WW and nnoppoeed ta the recent -™ w primary election aa tba Socialist candidate for Assembly, Seventh A. D., Bronx...

...Hence there has not grown ap that dense population -aˆ email band cultivators aad craftsmen which te such a feature of Southern China, In "Wed" Canton -oq^rVte^ 18.004,000, u to estimated that It could support a population of sa.-ooo.OvO, aad every year colonists from tha mat at China are pouring in to start farming, as was the case ta Siberia betas* the war...
...Edward the First, decreed, "all but smiths to eschew the obnoxious material and return to the fuel thay burned of old...
...In this case primitive spade aad boa cultivation ta river bad oases, small hand-workers aad craftsmen, a merchant class and restless nomad shepherd tribe* to tha steppes bordertag the Qobi desert...
...Two hundred thousand young men sprang to tha colors, voluntarily, at the outbreak-of tha war...
...TbJr-alaug&tar of Innocents jg proven table, tar as Boarnap^eltl^ the workers, the Infant mortality ta reduced to to deaths id every thousand births...
...Or Abe Cuban, whose intellect once threatened to lead us all into the Mew Day...
...j win atari to dev*W these arats aj sad aa farm aa audtjt tar tba tow tea r tog aarptaa popuiaton ot tha gsmng blllllwH...
...legionnaire ta the legion of eassmnc humanity...
...Where has vanished the dynamic Demosthenes of *. Hlllqult, who stirred the abyss Into' coherent power with his language, and into a vital and intelligent army with his unassailable logic...
...The price the miner* pay for ooal annually ta accounted tar In the following statistics: 1.212 killed annually/ • , 1*7.111 seriously Injured annually...
...It also allows coal to be transferred cheaply to those very heavy industries which theae magnates also own and control in conjunction with the collerlea...
...conscious proletariat One's mind swat back naturally to Russia during tha Revolution, but there waa at las at a vary clase-oonscione wage earning etosnent with a ooupte Of auaukatthma* traditions behind it fa tba Moscow, Patrogred aad Upper Vatoa area, It does not seem that there te much at thla human material in South China today, bat without tt a papular moveflBtttwSp^ mW W^0f%r QnmW^F ta^ gtg^a\a^a> ^RajtfSaTaastB'g) a^tV*' formation en thte subject te, however, ao tearee that tt Is vary difficult to form aa opinion...
...It Is the aow moss-covered bucket tun of "prosperity running away with tha workers," "general apathy on the part of the liberal and rebel elements In political life," and "the loss of the virile left wing into a separate Communist movement...
...We have all been too humanly weak tor a movement, whose ultimate and certain advent will give immortality to its ultimata Isadora...
...If tt were possible Ho subject to this process the bunt at the one hundred and forty-seven million tons ot coal aow consumed in tha raw state, the greater part at least ot pur prosant requirements at on could be suppiled . from home sources Instead of being Imported from abroad...
...Tha Rival Bswersts Into these two types the warring Chinese generate are roughly divided...
...Aa a matter of fact, many writers assert that coal waa won and used as fuel by the Romans 'in England...
...Smoke Retarded Use of Coal in 13th Century . Consumption of coal for domestic purposes was retarded by objections to smoke...
...Jus* aa soon aa we begl*es us a measare of rest and eeeurity tar material comfort, we cannot and wa ought not to batons to the Borteltet Party...
...Not one cent ot tha difference in prices created here goes back to increase the miners' wages...
...Early exports were made in...
...It is not yet quite dear which of the groups of European capital he is supporting.' He te probably working for a compromise between the foreign Interests of Shanghai and the native Chinese merchants and capitalists of Nanking...
...Chang Too Lin Is probably the...
...Bate Bnfhwed Ferry...
...Nationalist Party, or taking to the mountains aad ateeflateg bandit*, u seems that tha r-rmto ehnn te tha aaty body which stead* between South China aad tha sasigej created by the rapid breakdown at tb* ancient order ot society by tb*-r*i at uaplteltoBi...
...b*| whiob with IrrlgaTteS atteM mttwjorta%reat papntetten...
...It was tha Europeans themselves and the Japanese, building railways, setting up factor las, running river steamers, constructing harbors, who began to break down this aaetaat social order...
...There are atiU plenty of good helpers aad sailors and stokers who will buckle down to their bard under tasks if only the captains and mates stop their posing in old uniforms In the fo'caatlc Or If the Job of spirit rejuvenation be too difficult, old-timers, none of ua, willing and able to carry on win hold It against you It yon retire on a pension of old glories...
...Value of Coat Portrayed "Every million tons of coal carbonised by suitable methods," saya the report, "will produce fiftJSat million gallons, or possibly moraV.ef liquid fuels...
...His average weekly wage waa 911 par week...
...There are othara, whose bones are mouldering on the plains of Flanders and .other fronts, and the ooal operators mm attempting to foist lower wagea and longer boars upon tha fathers and mothers of...
...Tha new tudastftel jin.....s are aaty StvalipH kwally...
...Thla ia a long-belated call to an our old leaders to take their hands off a nsslsss beta and get to* work cleaning and rigging up pur own ship ot state...
...hot strong enough in soul to acquire that Pebsian humbleness that Is In itself the reSplendent badge of greatness...
...Valuable ell fuels are seat by present methods ot using coal...
...Under theae circumstances the breakup ot China Into smaller political areas must Inevitably follow the change ta tba method ot g>'istettlia, Tba oat — -X...
...Ida Slang, the fourth of our war bud...
...area*, at..Urn Tangtoy.aad aTntagti*, ' ¦* .i : Of oae thtaaj hoarrer, we «aa b* bTtha ot^patW gyggy*^ ytad* aoriva...
...The laborer la worthy of-his hire," aad Toed my lambs...
...istol tat I* ruined by-the teduatrial laeotetteu, Kuominchun attempts to a sate a national policy for China, aa* which win secure tha fruits of Industry far the native producer aad laborer, aad to curb the unbridled activities of toreapn aad native capital...
...There la Wu Pal Fu...
...Good God...
...European aad Japanese capitalism tbBtatl Iftr n-trMnn*Tjfl UBilliliijil...
...No ona has a right to be anything more than a commo...
...But tt waa early on In Chinees history flooded by nomad tribes who did not settle down to cultivation till more recent times...
...It boon began to regulate and fix prices ot opal to its own benefit...
...It may be that we are all slowly wilting under tha sun of bourgeois contentment and save for - our past, are hardly at' one with American working class sentiment...
...Some ot us have grown a bit weary and cynical—and so mora than useless to a militant movement that can only march on the victuals of hope and optimism...
...these brave men...
...tow Wage at Miners v Fabulous fortunes are made oa thla alda ot tha Industry and not a cent of ttTb wealth created here goes bask to boost the wage of the miner who risks '.«ektejnto»djtjgSjB . , ' ~. " • - V" ' a/ " ' **' as...
...In the 14th century coal was more generally used for domestic purposes...
...who baa, tin recently, controlled tba reaches at tha middle Yangtse round the neW Industrial center of'Hankow...
...tha Manchurfan war lord, who controls all China north ot the Great Well...
...In 1482, the Bishop of Durham appointed a man to thus office at Banksmanship...
...In ISO...
...The Naw Order Cornea But what I did not see on that Journey waa the germ of a naw serial order pervading the oM society from the Pacific coast westwards...
...So fast was It growing that between 1(4* and 1U1 its restriction waa being considered by Parliament...
...The date of signing of the...
...I eaw, aa everyone who ebecrvee carefully must see, .the economy ot a country determining Its society aad Its political institutions...
...And affect the work of over a million men, for three days In the year la devoted .tb providing the soot which pollutes eur aitmoephere...
...We owe to the labor movement...
...The old spirit of self - i sacrifice must be their only badge of service...
...It te teat Baa tt was to gtegtead during tba Scat half at the nineteenth ooatary.^whanjthoro was aa teste the energies af tboaa...
...Indeed, in the middle ot the century, tha price od ooal rose from lit* to 22.21 par Chaldron...
...Thte Primitive society ta tha vast territory west of tha Croat Wan was aa paying tribute ta take* aad la kind to .a theoeratio Emperor with hi* official bureaucracy, SO long aa Chine** society waa ot thte simple type, its unification under th* regime ot the "Son ot Heaven" wa* nd difficult mattar...
...And, purposely, they keep the selling price of coal low at the pit bank...
...Book of 1086, the moot reliable record of anything ot economic value, makes'no mention of K. They apparently preferred buldlng castles and fortresses...
...Bring « warm bteakat...
...There to Wu on tha Tang tea...
...Tha teak cannot be easy, bacaae* tba balk ot these followers are not a nit as...
...crude carbolic acid, naphthalene, refined tar, bonnet paints, bleaching powder, soda crystals, bath salts and tablets and perfumea such par MM da Cologne Wallflower, Rosa, Verbena and Violet, can aB ha extracted from cool...
...There te Feng ta Mongolia, aa uncertain quantity and wavering between Canton aad North Chinees attlonal tern...
...testly, there te tha Cantos restate based aa tba ratosd iliaithto at ancient society In South CShte m^^lJ^^m^s\mmYSoM^ls tor theb- followers...
...Not only so, but upon those gallant man who fought te tha great war...
...Than there te Chang Tso Lin...
...U should be used aa wen to lift what la being unduly bemoaned as a dead entity Into vibrant and useful Ufa...
...In the peat tha nomads bad been the'chief trouble, but tor sent* decade* past thay had been "contained" ta the outer marches and nothing seemed to threaten th* stability ot thte territory with a population of 400,000,000...
...Whatever we all are today, whatever we all have gained In honor and position...
...It may interest Illinois and Michigan Republican*, that we did not spend ¦sss Confederate rouble In oouuilng our oTorwhatmlnc victory...
...The 12fh chapter ot this Charter granted to subjects greater security of tenure of their lands, i.e., the liberty to erect a mill, warren, pond or pit on his own land...
...Nicholas Klein...
...Tha bishops of steefrand are aa forcibly stricken with tha sterling honesty of tha miner's ease that they are no longer preaching to tba workers...
...green oil...
...aad* toil Ibis ta th* other...
...Every now and than V sad and disillusioned honest sympathiser emerges tram tha Jungle of "Now Is the Time for All Good Men" rumor and batueaeratfe maalfeajoa and reveals In biiilbrahen accosts ridden and bow Tanunany Malt might learn a law tricks of how ta hold its power through favor and Job ta a favored few...
...Eviction* are pending, aad wa are a phis flag to you on behalf of two mUUoU children, who are alai nam bt this great struggle...
...I saw ataaa^weatdtrtha Oabt whfte advaaaa of taAssert ahads huaddato of years ago...
...Thla to the price from which the miner gets his wages...
...4 Fattened, Profiteers of Britain Ask New Sacrifices of Miners By Paul McKenna MINERS, as well as the public often forget that Britain is the oldest coal-producing country In tha world...
...To rebuke, or analyse, or offer plausttjle reasons for their apparent pacification aa rebels as Individuals would he nastily unfair...
...tbteC appears te be tha fare* behind that' Canton government wbteh la tha fifth military force ta the,Chinese drama today...
...Bantu of tba chiefs are partly dependant an financial support treat gin up* aad Japan, and Partly on/the acaankntetione of native capital which te following bard la tba pake cT tba foreign era, Other* seem to be inlying oa -the awakening consciousness of tb* mult ens of Chtoaaa peasants and handicraftsmen who are loelrtg their occupation through th* tBaBhi at tba new economic system...
...Ago certainly SM pot cool tba Are af rebellion Inside of Oboe as he entered and canto out at Atlanta...
...Supreme Sacrificed Made The press of Britain te asking the miners to make more sacrifices...
...Every ten minutes live are taaltwttfi During thla lookout the acinars ar* driven te such eajtremttae -that thay are parting with their dhlldaaa...
...we aaa so mush dead wood-la tba path of fteeteltsm, Just as aeon a* we become soft-spokan * parliamentarians, ?ben we ought to be trumpeting Jerelahs, our place la with tha ether slap V tha industrial conflict...
...Wo need a new cargo of faith, aad hope...
...First expert revenues...
...Export Trade Built...
...MBJr • far feeding babies, ta stopped at tba dlnies...
...It adds...
...None of us have a right to act as leaders unless we are right In the lead, trudging and working with the yeoman and T*'gg<n*"Mf, who would be only too happy to renew their old-time labors if an active leadership were on the qui vfvc In our movement no one has a right to ornamental pedestals...
...It would be borasome to admit and enlarge upon these now enshrined axioms...
...This coal was sea coal, and in 1257, Queen Eleanor left Nottingham Castle, where she was staying, on account of the objectionable steoke from the burning of coal—(a rather convenient way of dispensing with unwelcome guests...
...methods of transport are too costly and do not secure the beat financial results for the collerlea and therefore for the miners employed ta them...
...The wharves are loaded with such merchandise...
...the BUssaphS Christian general, wbf has been aparattog northwest ot fat Great Wan la conservative agrartef Quite different are neadllhius teBj| South, Tba "it*.uses" ot Canto*, a probably caused not only by the rapw proletarteation at sections ot tba fJBV Hons under which they have to wsdt bat quite aa much, if net more, hp ate fact that tha foreign and even Caiaaa textile factories have thrown thnnsanJh of former handsplnners and wsaveaj...
...It contains fertile aufl with taatperats climate and moderate rain fall...
...pocket Baabllgbt poncho, aad wear htgh abaatg hieettag pteaa...
...tt Chhtul byeeirviag su\ treaty port" areas tor tba atontlng* ot factories and works aad by connecting them up by railways...
...from the base to tha summit, but they declare that during that period oa reduction in wages or no terrenes In hours should take place Thay have aim put forward a scheme at electrification and carbonisation, which baa been rejected by tha owners...
...In tha Kth century monks of Tynomouth were probably the first who mined coal in the north of England...
...Thla te ana ot tba meat beautiful aaattetst ta tba atata, being wild and romantic SaftiMat, Ptoht wo sleep to tb* Beaufort Mb Tower, and ta the morning we hike te Tarreee ahaa" r*tPAto tad sraatbr gmnst th* day...
...In tba Kth century we began to build up our export trade with France...
...Issues in China =t...
...Theae naw economic areas have become Independent of tha root of China and the Treaty Powers have seised tha customs, thereby taking away from tha Central Chinese government th* chief means of revenue...
...The combination between thla sturdy aad Independent farming stock wttk Satrap And no tt eamea about that Bed ataa* rte te aapaiafti cram Bad Canton tat large etrtpe ef.territory where a aaa...
...Where, oh, where, la the tumultuous eloquence of the inspired Fauken that whipped the Bast Side, into aa allcotttfuering army of labor...
...It waa not Western Ideas nor Christian influences nor Chinese students educated at Oxford aad Cambridge that ware sowing the seeds...
...Then there Is Bun Chuan Fang, who ia centered on tha British treaty port of Shanghai and controls the provinces surrounding...
...The cost of ltetag la TO per cent higher than It waa In 1114, which makes the purchasings power ot five dollars leas than three dollars...
...And yet' so many of ua clutch the crotch -V that excuse to bobble out Into dull retirement...
...Thla sentence Is always used as a test of typewriter efficiency...
...KfiBS3HRa^SaSS of April was 12.25 par day...
...Hundreds are sleeping beneath the waters of the North Sea...
...He represent* th* Interests at the Japanese concessionaires, railway and mining interests ta North China., the interests of the wealthy Chinese merchant* of Mukden and' Harbin, and of the prosperous M&nohurtea farming community which extends right up te tha Siberian frontier...
...The issue is up to you for quick and decisive action...
...aaiestlie lewa* mala terming alsar with a eeaaMarabte area of tint.....setoff toad around fit to to eoatroL Thte ato| probably exptetaa the oeDapee of papa...
...we, hike to Newfoundland...
...Just as soon as we have tost our power to become outraged and wrath fully articulate over the aver* increasing injustice Under this system...
...Magna Charta by...
...Nov is tha time far aB good men to come to tha aid ot too party...
...The Royal Coal Commission laid stroma upon the need for changes in methods of utilization of ooal and declared that amalgamation of many of the present small units of production are both desirable and practicable It states that selling organisations and...
...Manchuria, Is the' richest and moat .undeveloped of the colonial areas of Cbtoa...
...Strange to confess, however, Is our complete lack, of soul-stlrrinx station over tba aeaampllshmsnt...
...He- is a Britlab agent and Is the strong arm ot the European bondholder^ ta th* great Pokta-Hankow trunk railway...
...m' Ohio Labor Party Formed By Labor and Radicals fBu g. Mgaaat...
...Other workers, employed In teres* Britain, are adopting them unti\ thu strlk* I* over...
...As there are each vast^^NM^ot aadaraluBad toad to reatt^fnina^ei the'^l^tJon^wfn^sasJ tba shtnatleu athatot) by tba rapid Bp 1 slnptneut of rsjplfslfaaa to South China aad the Pacific coast...
...And this state of otter normalcy ta which we find cm self gives, the opportunity to dilate on moot questions concerning the party we have the honor to represent this year St tha Bronx poll...
...We are oven growing afraid of our own faith...
...It to Interesting to note that...
...raised and sold as an article ot commerce since about A.D...
...taken place on »a large scale In the steel Industry and the people who own and control it are Iron and steel magnates, shipbuilders and ship owners, great engineering firms, railways, gas and electric companies...
...Sulphite at ammonia, muriate of .ammonia, pitch, creosote oil...
...Th*) ICu OIB in*a4latft, Thte...
...atom**** «f thte aaetaat race.used to area* up their soldiers te terrifying garb te order te frighten their enemies att tha totftoSahl Today China** armies are mueh nearer to th* standard at Warnpiau atvtflsattoa t?) than they tuteu ever bats before, bat I have act yat heats a* them uateg poison Sbat a oarteta gaathtitM sttU perWsdto thetr warfare...
...Indeed, public feeling became so strong that it became the subject, of a royal proclamation...
...purchased at 52 cents, waa aotd in France at rti-t...
...Up In the lath century a small tax was Imposed upon coal...
...meet powerful and best entrenched of an tha Chinese war lords, for he 1* controlling a territory which is least affected by the Intrusion, of foreign capital...
...Out ot every thousand births in the mining districts, 140 babies never live to aaa tha anniversary of their first year, due, primarily, to tba bad housing conditions...
...Almost daily wa nudge Into the passing shape of aa old Comrade, who Immediately arrests bis own...
...out of work, These are aow taaastag tha countryside and either Jeteteg tb* Kuominchun or...
...There are always trade winds ot opportunity and Inspiration...
...Wa need naw sails of energy...
...A few of ua, gloried and successful ones, have - grown a trifle too self-centered ana hopelessly vain, Just because we have reached high places and were...
...tha wage rates ware « to t oeats t*T day, ^FhdBji aaa* ware up dear that baa ^Thte'pailj^l *a% ** •*•* °* Whilm in tke United State* as a number of the delegation representing the Britten Miners* Federation, Paul McKenna broadcast an address on tJts history ot British mining over WCFL, the station owned by the Chicago Federation of Labor...
...The address is a remarkable presentation of historical of hew thoroughly informed leading men in the BrUish Labor movement are on the problems that concern the working doss...
...Men and women who In the past framed our policies, directed our tactics, and led ua through soul-wracking struggles, are today a group of timid parliamentarians...
...Every working day mora than Ave miners are kUledV Every five hour*, a life la lost Bvery working day ltd meat are injured...
...Whatever there la left ot American youth still seeking an organised medium for Idealistic adventure, waits depresscdly at the forked road, unwilling to dare the treacherous paths that lead to unreasoned revolt, and Communism, and hardly attracted by the flatlsnd visas that are entered by the, present day Colorless lane ot American Socialism...
...The domestic consumer Is fleeced into paying high prices for his coal through the activities of the eoal operators selling to their own agents who in turn secure high prices from the domestic consumers...
...Few, if any, of ail Idealists are sufficiently endowed with resistance against corrosive circumstance...
...King John and by the granting ot the Forest Charter by Henry the third, was two years later (1117...
...S have aJwpj* gatamwhi myself aa fat t aaa It la ha»tag ja>ent tha greater tart af a year to Chin* outside Jhe ah ap* • Walt namely, te Eastern TarksetoA during tba vary teat days at tba aid MAnchu dynasty...
...suave diplomats and gerjtW raconteurs ot oM Tteiuiaa...
...Obey your masters," but Instead, are openly and define tip preaching...
...aB to a greater ar toss extent ta the service of foreign capital...
...We, have long loot pace with whatever youth tried to accompany ua on our way...
...fS& What Is Behind the Bitteer Wars in the Orient ^Sswba^JlJlJ wP^ste^a^Bj* txa^py* w2^g?Qwt)t2)t2e w^J^ w^aawie...
...There Is Snob a perfect unanimity of reason why and wherefore, that by this...
...nobody has made more sacrifices for their country than' the miners have done...
...We are become too soft for battle- and top wise for work...
...The original Chinese aad Tartar stock of Manchuria are therefore conservative, like the Siberian -and Bast Russian peasantry...
...These' ware known as tha Society of Free Hosts...
...Second National Bank Bunding, Cincinnati, town ehoeaa as acting state secretary,' No ticket wffl be placed, In tha field for this etaattoh...
...n*^^^^Tas^^^^^^p^/f^^7^suaT^^^^wsLT^^M Ft^^^^ '¦ r^tsssT...
...The miners are ta favor ot the eoal industry being reorganised...
...Do you res Has what ^ these figures mean...
...Tha Brat authentio reference to coal mtetag to, praasrsad tu iha#ecoa*a>iat> Holyrood and New-Battle Abbeys, about the year 1100, aa having taken place on the south shore of the Firth of Forth at a place called Corriden and also at Linlithgow...
...aad aa ar* ¦rata liar up China teto .eyeae eontrolled by tatBtory chiefs...
...Four-fifths of the coal consumed In Great Britain (says the report) la burned In a raw state...
...Tba commission points out that experts estimate that three million tons ot soot, every year, are discharged Into the atmosphere...
...We have evidence ot the shipment ot coal by them from that port...
...WORKERS' SPORTS r»-- i Sunday...
...Confession Is a spiritual shower hath...
...Oil and valuable by-products are wasted and the atmosphere la polluted...
...Something had occurred somewhere, within or without, that Is slowly stealing from ua tha* old exalting faculty of resentment and protest...
...Bssufiirt Mbuatotmv Torrase Fund and Hewitt, to aatthara Mow Jereey...
...The miners, their wives and famlMea are housed worse than horses and dogs...
...reconstruction probtamsBomathing must be done by the few that are left In our own Socialist movembnt to atari the old engine of hue and cry and inspiration agoing...
...None of us has a right to bask in the decadent glow of past deede when the day and tomorrow cries for "renewed energies and endeavors...
...Wa must admit for our awn part a alight retrogression of the rebel In us...
...Hlecsyslaw Mutts'* plane reeftel will be given Friday evening, October 22, at Carnegie Hall...
...The coal trade proper, that Is to say, coal, was won...
...Its existence te tba boat guarantee against T.uddttotsm aa foreign capitalists on tha athor...
...And strange ap ihl* eelf-admiesion may appear, stranger still it is that we find that same faculty almost gone In our old torch-enflamed captains...
...progress toward a new life insurance prospect ar a real estate client, and banters a tew sagacious fissures with us en the historic decline and fall of the American Socialist movement...
...Something must b* done to gat our old leaders back Into honest harness as good and willing steeds ahead of our wagon ot accomplishment...
...time, wa listen only as a matter of social politeness, repeating Quite unconsciously to ourseif the entire harangue of our old comrade and sometimes In our anxiety to get away we run a whole paragraph In advance, only to bait and hear him repeat our overrun of verbiage and allow him to catch up...
...I saw China, g* fast/ aa aa* adver anw It •van te thoa*-days ok th* Pacific Coast atfl*t where the Influence of the Europtss aanttgligm was beginning to peraateto, f aaw China aa the test great rails of ancient society...
...And many of us are direty In Bead of Its Invigorating virtue...
...It would be appropriate to say they could not see the value of the coal tor the smoke...
...It might be a trifle more amusing to speculate' on matters nearer to our own Intimate selves as tha remaining rear guard of a vanished hrnryv A great deal has happened to us emotionally and In spirit that anight also account for our Intellectual Isolation, for our becoming a part}' of leaders, with ever so few to follow...
...sLaSaBsatesteBt- gV^As2aa^asbsss^saab^ssftaBBsV aww m vww usagaawspups te^ww/v'waggonwjwwenupwwq, Columbus, Ohio.—Labor aad radical leaders of Ohio have mat hard and formed what Is ta tended te bo the beginning ot the Ohio Labor Party...
...Yet the Domesday...
...leaving lata tn th* afternoon...
...Leaders and Led By S. A. de Witt TWYk hare been returned victorious WW and nnoppoeed ta the recent -™ w primary election aa tba Socialist candidate for Assembly, Seventh A. D., Bronx County, New York...
...There is a glorious bivouac on past laurels, all along the Una...
...at thla time a chaldron of coal (It Cwts...
...They can certainly afford to give a great deal more today In an things necessary for the propagation of our belief In this tend than they gave in their Impoverished youth...
...Thla combination procured, the monopoly of Tyne ooal trade...
...It waa used ta monasteries and castles ' In which moveable Iron chimneys were employed to convey smoke from the centre at tha room to tba open air...
...Xvan In Soviet Russia, that tend ot splendidly advertised ideate, men and women are softening under the affluence of their positions, and are quite unconsciously using their power tor self-aggrandisement and material comfort...
...And many at their oldtime leaders are already commencing to* lean upon past wreaths aad memories, and are beootnjng a source of serious hindrance to Russia's...
...Many ot them never returned...
...The fault is within ourselves, brethren...
...the year 1219...
...mm it * - - - - ¦ 4 rti - - - » IswtwiJOTt narwthssff wagVtS ssUnTawjgMest ma%oW9m\y** ¦palate...
...In tha tetter halt ot the ltth century la noted a big development hi the Tyne eoal grade due to the grand lease formerly hoM by tba Earl of Leicester and later by Queen Elisabeth, falling into tba beads af a group of merchants to Newcastle...
...Bun te Shanghai aad Chang tp Manchuria...

Vol. 3 • October 1926 • No. 39

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