Thomas HoMsSb^wFH 0TIW'la]BaM afl^cauipalgB far^sltataaaaBde^ to i'Jfc tha 14th District New Tack Kits, with as mock vtawr as bs frislkl : las ijsjnpahjns lor Governor aad Mayor gpsi indicated...

...He supported Bryan in that election aad always thereafter was'without a real political home, joining often In the sappart of Independent party moveHe waa the first Senator from South Dakota oa that State'* admission to tha Union in 1*89...
...AT.tsran ssmnslgwani\Mm baUsva fh-t Hamrsr gad Bcwer sjsatt* pessdhi* st-tb* n>ssaaat.^' "Z_±J* swJsvsSJJto^ union* *B over Permaytvastov OrsStf-^ lssd tohaa has good reason ta tsar thair th* stash fund aUngers ta thai Stale* intend to make tha aothais pay far fh*r mnnoa* that war* spent la tha prto* martos hsr* tost spring: Rumor had...
...Petti grew quickly sprang into political leadership...
...1 told ths oisrfjeii/ than it was catting aC its nose to spit* lta face" laSring sank an 'influential and respectsM...
...aathsn s4i "Proossjslonar an...
...EDDY WILL REPORT bar % at j^^^^ggfj^^jWfc aha Stadton* B-stoensSea to Stosaaa, tol sw# VasnVtatf MhsssBtssssssast'ssssssto Jassssstttssft-^esssssW wsJ wlrlaaasaTsB ^sb"^"** Vwaw«aaBBBBBBa> -aaBBBBj rasT^Ssw^H^aTssP* ssB*to*ad Itolsi"til lift •xaashwk...
...LAft aura to magna _ _ - * - day of rsglssaablsa la Now York ^^•^JFa v^ttfs^^fe w***w^ ^fWus) ww^©(wt 4^*nww^ ^lw WL%9 HVMAfewl Ihlt' Wlfjf lSOO»4wJ5>S» ftfwsB * !!*••*•¦>•**•** •Vw?*y...
...They own the jtosocratlc party, too...
...Coming Cb Sfsox Falls ta '111* when early settlers lived ta touts and tog cabins...
...His reply was: "Dealt gay Itondnrpli Shy an the .offlcers of tha Brotherhood...
...coet for the people...
...Thotnaa WW aaid...
...Bat later views were embodied la two books, • oaa entitled "Imperial Washington...
...Judge Ingrahant, la ^continuing the Injunction, spoko of BM apparent bad faith evidenced by Coke defendants' renunciation of a sanc| tinned plan accepted and acted anon,* The Judge, lfk* the rest of us, is AiTtitted to his own opinion sa to the jSrlsdom of tha'union's rejection of the SsnpnsSls of tha Governor's Cosnmtofskm oa the ground that thsy were not saoogb...
...If wo faU in thk»tssk* our campaign swsrglss and funds are iargsfy wasted* death claims pffflgrew WeU-Krown Western In•argent Die* in Sioux Falls at 78 Sy a Mew Lessor Correspondent gflOPX PAULA S. D.—R...
...ataa-of this, ¦sspiny aalon coanssrltteo his l I SISJP III thatr behalf wars always detottt...
...Since the plan began in 1110, 81 haa served on the local committee of Pennsylvania Railroad Terminal District in New Tork City...
...mat 1 "Wara tha ballets over Isunwfj vlth ta contaeny union etootiona*" j isksd TajiW...
...The one remedy la to give HB* city the right to provide housing jut...
...I cite this because it Is part of the Tammany record...
...Alone among the committeemen SI Taylor would speak up...
...j^^^^j^ asssahaasBBV it isiansil ¦*» JflsksakCi ss^5s*^^^h*sa^B**saaBaBS^^^^^^"^^^ ^^^^^^^^*s* ytar*?s^L«Tous^^ ta Pasmsr.lvssda, org^ntosr of "r ITBSj sratives, bsa .b*«a a vlus fa toln*ssjf^*g Be*fling th* 'Socialist vote has hestoC growing...
...lecture in th* oonrs* on THsrstUl* jBfcy Drama...
...Many times ha skated oa th* thin cage of discharge tor his action...
...Social lets and sympathiser* are rooponotblo for' the veto that ear tloket reeeiv— on Sleet ion Osy eHHer by rsghrtsrtng or not register ins...
...This g>* good enoagrb world (or tha tendinis and profit makers, who own tha JjjbnbUcan parts' tton with other \j£t* chattels...
...Mhps*r rVa atanHtag la this Stat* tosj tna1ihl: ban to pi*v*nt th* threatened aa**li' hacking of ths voters...
...The company anion committee meetings were controlled by Mitchell and associates," says Taylor...
...having previously ssrvsd aa a delegate to Congress from Dakota Territory...
...And this the Socialists advocate now aa they have Sfjvocated It in the past jP2 Water Power—The proposed Be\ publican steal haa already been akposed, not primarily by th* Derao..9a...
...Many times he saved the porters their Jobs...
...With regard to subway, sewage disposal, housing, parks, we are exactly where we were...
...Bat the DemoSnBftl P*rty makes rather mors sucouwful pretensions of loyalty to the mEff* interests...
...enthusiasm and Intsssst to ths> Tb ussn...
...stow JoJto...
...All ef our street and hall msetiags after October I depend upon their sffsctlvsnsss as to haw wall the Socialists have isgistsisJ...
...In other words, aba . most important week of our campaign is ths week ef October 4, the week of registration...
...and slsswlswa, - y «2 ot^*i^5mt"J^sSS...
...We are seeking to Croats a labor party which will be an effective Instrument in abolishing parasitism...
...This to th* sisgtogg...
...He waa laforgssd that "the oompany has *es***l gagatnatHW" aad told thai esansskoy saaoutfves eoold with1W T ^^^^^^Sgsvar^**y ;^*b*^^^^^*^»»w^» ^¦^^w sss^w bo« his peasioa of ahewt MS a messth...
...abowt tha charge that he had ptoyad otoss to da Philip Randolph, general gs> gas)laar for tha Broth*rhood...
...nan offlo* la Chicago, but Taylor taos) t there himself on Us nexx...
...vntn tit* ftMlaltnt ss*v as aasw rew*sw*> ***¦ w g va **vw wwimws _Tfct*V *sw*(*aAOQs*SBa4o SAwl fww^ttsMlOwlfl parti a* aaaafly defssrt as during Registration Week... jpSWfcsj to this veiled Ha sal ha wa* asked what aa had to ear...
...Thsa* lecture* an* gilisiitollBfj...
...for more.- wages...
...trV The injunction BvQ—Ones more ¦ V' the Democratic party offers the jB|MtI remedy bf a preliminary heer-& before the* granting of a temporary ~B#*netlon...
...Tears ago be Sad reached the conclusion that the two leading parties were kept by the ruling slsssis of the United States and that any attempt to use .them by farmers and works** would prove Illusory...
...Two years ago Governor •jgtth's friends hi labor circles made .fs* same claims for him...
...Every effort must be made to indues ovary So* ciaiist and sympsthixsr to rsgistsr...
...vy Housing—AC last wa have a ¦~*4r bousing law...
...On on* occasion the $12,000 a year head of the com-, pany*s Bureau of Industrial Relations called him into his office and rssaarkad threateningly: "Some of our old men have taraan damn fool and Joined the unton, '¦ li won't do them any good, pn wargj them...
...Bat the Democratic party . WHes its sincerity by its part In the ajjlMspfng Guy injunction against the t striking ploakmskers...
...MMfSeSJ toiled to sand the petition to the Pag...
...Always a • nonconformist in polities and religion, he became for a day a figure of national note when ho walked out of the Republican National Convention In 18*1 upon lta adoption of a platform ignoring his belief in free coinage of silver...
...X. J,—Nearly SOO - wars at the Hays-Hunt Corporation |\^*S oStosrn of Local U. Up...
...1st u gtv... always, bssaasb wa bstwre it la possible for tha workers .ssbuiM a bettor world'far thsmssHss gsd their children...
...Company daion committees neyar.thought of holding a session unikda'tieg local company boas waa ptsjsadMto open with prayer aad steer dsi.ldiiis far the company...
...Terathsal DIvti^^th^Hfl while <the ¦ 'k^asTtha box resides to tlaaV Q%^A*w ^^(^ft ^^^e^H^^^ wJ"dwaa*wl^ "^^"^^^ hard for thb^rtsrs...
...jSadaV that law nothing has- happened, apvernor Smith may, for political purBaied the housing- bank feature, but Bs, had the appointing of the permaSant commission and ho appointed Bams of the men moat active in the jS»rk of the old Bousing Commission...
...I know that Mayor Walker has a secret plan for the subwaya If ho can make that work he can solve the problem of perpetual motion In hie spare moments between dining and having his picture taken...
...mad the other "The Course at Bsnplro.' Tha latter waa an expansion of the first book and far* both works be draw uyKsp^hla.rsoaUections ot tbe United States Senatg aad far-' tber studies to emphasise kU conviction that tha Democratic and Republican parties are tools of tha classes She own the wealth of the country...
...Qsayway, nothing Is happening, and the Uesple of New Tork still must live in Stains which an English expert pronaasnced th* worst he had seen around Mb* world...
...There is law enough to deal alth...
...He knows Pullman company unionism inside out for he has served on company union committees longer1 than any other porter...
...One year ago Mayor -Tgsfiser assured many audiences that is and I stood ' for about tbe - same Wags, only ho could gat them and I sebldn't...
...js»rrirr and water power...
...Bat the union had never I atomised to accept this advisory re". tart Does AI Smith want the workaa K> believe that they reject his adslat at the risk of an Injunction T In vtsw of the plain facts,' tha Democratic party Is equally guilty with tha Re'gabllien in maintaining tbo tyranny *i government, by Judges under our asssent injunction procedure in labor .esses...
...v'-./jS L " *~ ^BM^MP^^^B^^j^n^gsssssssTwsJgsss^ wQH W toJIght eCorto ta atttols ih*> toStoJ| atatssaj ^jraaflT...
...awrrB are in this campaign...
...illegal acta without this power ta the hands of Judges...
...Thomas HoMsSb^wFH 0TIW'la]BaM afl^cauipalgB far^sltataaaaBde^ to i'Jfc tha 14th District New Tack Kits, with as mock vtawr as bs frislkl : las ijsjnpahjns lor Governor aad Mayor gpsi indicated in his tenth**1 aa**ofa SLyCeoper Union last Saturday adght gSsaa be arraigned both eld parties *jc their stand aa labor lalmmrhms...
...Avts Body Maksrs Strilo* ¦UZABKTH...
...eaU sgaSsBgBg -^••V» ^/f*r...
...He haa also served three year* on the higher or Zone General Committee...
...Oh, yes, I know that we have a big city planning committee on which labor la virtually unrepresented...
...Tha BopsliThaits ¦ ts a°t ev<m want a better world...
...There taken those, xuUn issues...
...J*T;t.r -7--- •. * *•• .— 'is»^j...
...Porter Risks Pension, Raps Company Union By Robert w. dunn —_ I TAXLOB^ horn a stove in "VTrdered to Grant, a porter for the Pullman Company for nearly 40 years, haa'just been retired from service...
...Lawson, PUywrfght,f-t At BronA Free FaOarwemV John Howard Lawson...
...List's see akat happened by looking, at certain ipdflo matters...
...XAnc aster was fired and a fast weeks later «hs PvUnnan Porters' Brotheghaod gat ander way...
...that "superintendents don* She- aatta talk, sspsctslly from eolosad part bis," aad hence tha company %kjuu waa a farce, Taylor foighi^ hard against th* dlsebarg ot Hby TahraSler when he was dropped Mm sagHea oa a frara*-up charge 'gsW IT years without a blot on his card...
...bitter poverty and war...
...Once when Taylor circulated a petition signed by soms'SOd port*** taking for aa' Increase, Mitchell tokp him: "Ton should hay* bean rathsW long ago, instead of coming erousfl »«nig...
...I might take, one by one, all Mayor Walker's promises In, the last campaign and show how, totally thsy have been disregarded...
...He Joined after be failed to secure Justice for Pullman porter* within the company's plan of "employe representation...
...It la a law which shajMf trtra to limit profits In housing...
...I SdrsX have taken other Issues, as, for •acjUsM, unemployment insurance to show how empty are Democratic aa wen ag Republican promises and* performance...
...The company didn't listen...
...Weft wa aevar j|s( »nvinsiag legal proof, hat wd^hJH hat tsi'dne election ashsya »*}>¦¦ aster (than company union ca«a||H so secretary, now Br 0 Oh whoa > *Wm ary-traasurer) was liiigilin nrifjB .*t* bearing his name were asaaHl Aha nam* of his opponent a oosjfl saan—written ta aad ooagdssMWB atoe know that after, baBots *aal| tn Perm...
...Power, of which I am a member, ¦ban although Tammany roe* talk ijpkut Stats development of Water Jfcrer...
...White-haired, but vigorous, SI Taylor tells ot his experiences with the Pullman plan aa interpreted and administered by Superintendent Jlmmie Mitchell, whom the porters call the "Mussolini ot the Pullman Co... reseat years Psttigrew took much interest la tha various movements .to organise a Labor or Parmer-Isibor Party...
...If ha didn't like tha conduct of a porter he would hammer on the table with his fist and tan the cringing committeemen the man couldn't .work for htm any longer...
...But we also have vision of a world where peace and happiness will come by the abolition of all special privilege and the co-operative effort of intelligent workers... that th* sJAnutactursrs* Aaac UtolajB waata tha Workmen's OssaS luitlliiis* Act ah-aada on* of tha worst in th** country, smhnded la tts favsr...
...It is fear of popular wrath, not love for a docile electorate, that moves old party nolle tlksans...
...Ha Is one of the oldest and most militant members of the Brotherhood of Bleeping Car Porters...
...He ones remarked that his ambition in Ufa waa "to keep the porters under his thumb...
...but by the Committee on Coal fid...
...tha aid party for the future...
...F. Pettl^•h grew, farmer V. & Senator, died **** hsr* on Tuesday at the age of 78...
...Whaiv.wi Taylor was retired this month Jjtofore bis tail 40 years' service were ta> he toll tha company officials be exnectsd ft Tve bean, hare M year*,* manths aad} S wasks II years without a mark, an say service card...
...Bat being a veteran porter and popular with the men tha company hesitated to fire him... the Penn Terminal District" Mitchell, according to a Brotherhood pamphlet has long been known to "buUdbse, intimidate and punish unoffending and defenseless porters and maids...
...Any one who Ihnows the first thing about New Tork koUtlcs known, that that injunction -would not have been granted or continued if It had been displeasing to gTammany Hall...
...Taylor quickly log now...
...Some one win say, 'But tbe alternative la the Republicans.' It is not Ths Immediate alternative is to run BP such a big Socialist vote that whichever party is elected it will be, afraid contemptuously to ignore the interest of the'workers...
...that will not solvethe probState development without Stale 'Attribution will mean .a Christmas Ssssul to the> big distributing eom' stnbn rather than ta ths oonsumers...
...flMWfctsw* wISbw - VH*s*ws!Jf sMwav wVwfy A#^BvsfllfVtsstWawS wa*H# In In all...
...Bo we want to continue Tammany in power...
...wlB, speak at th* Bronx Pre* Pafls ssSsta, Uol Boston road^Wednesday ijikhifc Oaaahar liK at Ctt o-clook aa "T*»Modern Drama...
...We have practical immediate issues...
...Meyer London's great Bast Side campaign, the local successes of 'ths Socialists in legislative battles and the continued agitation of our party—these things were the solo causes for such liberality as either of the old parties displayed...

Vol. 3 • October 1926 • No. 39

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