Stalin "Denial" Dodges New Leader's Query I Mr.' C <"» jhmMimm ai-%' Workavs* (C«snd^fh«r farty what pnrporta to ho as oahlo' from Moacow by #telln in which ths latter "repudtetssT the apesok...
...New Tork city...
...Speakers: Etheired Brown...
...Speakers: I. Geo...
...Speakers: August Olses Bens...
...BID ASBIMBLY DISTRICT Friday, Oct ».—Corner Bristol and Pitkin, Speakers: Wm...
...Hyman Nemser...
...Wa* that the action...
...It—Corner lttd an* Simpson streets, corner lttd street and Prospect avenue...
...Karlln, Isidore Philips, Isidore Polsteln,- David Kasson...
...DobaMasaftSta Mwtv P**Tt I**" uWlVoUseMJ^ S> sfikns^VsaV MoaSay...
...It fs In these very States that tha taws far tha W*" tsctloa of kaW...
...of Oieat Jiritaln, August Clsessnn*i Jis»l*iW»Mjce Hushsn...
...Oct •-—Corner Grand and RoebUng...
...Leon R. Land...
...corner Sutter and Hinsdale, corner Powell and Newport Speakers: Wm...
...1st aad tbo Republican party, sad therefore dussrv* suppurL "When you 90k* last spring at tha banquet In your honor given by th* Proaresslvo Club of Boston ypu sstf: that Congress was made up of a good ' many Reactionaries, a few nag...
...Speakers: Frank Cfusswaith...
...Saturday, Oct If.—Corner Hopkinson and Pitkin...
...15.—Corner McKinley Square and Bathgate and Tremont avenues Speakers: Wm...
...David Kasson...
...Karlln, Morris Paris and others, Wednesday, Oct IS.—Corner Hsrsl and Pitkin...
...Saturday, Oct...
...Stalin "Denial" Dodges New Leader's Query I Mr.' C <"» jhmMimm ai-%' Workavs* (C«snd^fh«r farty what pnrporta to ho as oahlo' from Moacow by #telln in which ths latter "repudtetssT the apesok ajkhaat sin-" ovWv attributed , to Stalin by' Tha N*w Lsador...
...Karlln, August Clause wis, Wm...
...DISTRICT Sunday, Oct...
...Speakers: L Geo...
...W« have reason to think oo.because they are pledged to lying^ and deception In their relations with other people and other movement*., We at least know thit the Stalin "cable" to Ruthsnberg falsely quotes The New- Loader...
...Speakers: Judge Jacob Panken, Hyman Nemser, Many Schachner, Joseph Tuvlm, Emil Broasberg...
...Patrick J. Murphy, Ethelred Brown, Dr...
...Benjamin Stolberg . wrote in the Century Magazine for July, 1925...
...Speakers: David Kasson, Etheired Brown...
...But whether Statin sent it or Ruthenberg manufactured it it misquotes the cable of The New Leader to Stalin and prs-teC -A fear years ago U*r asdnted a. translation of s pamphlet by Lenta entitled "Should Communists Partiolt*r* la RsaotioAsry fftada-gnssndf" That pamphlet contains Instructions •t£ how* they are to participate...
...Rutbsnbsrg quotes Stalin te this alisgsd eaM* aa declaring our story "a-mast oofigrtoto and ignorant forgery...
...Speakers: Wm...
...Oct, 4v4tt -*c J>- Tth street and Avenue B, M atSWt and Avenue C; Ith A. 8L ft4 BtMht and Second avenue...
...inquiry at alt Did Stalin really send Ruthenberg1 such a cable...
...Morris Farts and others...
...Speakers:' Morris Parit...
...Oct 12.—Corner Herkbnas and Ralph... would speak ta favor of lta ratification tn...
...Dobsevage, B Schub, Hyman Mareal, Dr.' Leon R. Land...
...8th A. M.—Jth mtmrntmH iS.avsnu...
...Leon B, Land, Isidore Potstatn, Samuel Orr, Samuel Do Witt BROOKLYN " «2D ASSEMBLY DISTRICT Friday, Oct 11.—comer Sheffield and Sutter avenue...
...Its references to American" labor leaders, to the Socialists and to every one else not in complete accord with it, are not merely malignant, but sometimes elaborately lascivious...
...Karlln, AuSst Claessens, Trnak Brodaky, L M. htcuff...
...Thursday, Oct 14.—Corner Stone aad Pitkin, Speakers: Esther TTjsrtnsan...
...Speakers: Etheired Brown, Dr...
...1L—Omasa lissb street Tuesday, Oct...
...Hymen Mareal...
...IS.—Corner 105th street and Third avenue, corner lMth street and Madison avenue, corner 112th street and Madison avenue...
...Booonj) Mr sup Avenue X, ¦ Speakers: gh An^E Fins, Weinberg, B**J-dsl*y,, V^liufC Thursday...
...It did nothing ta step tha alarming -ooaeantratioa of wsslfh ta tads sounuy...
...speech ss in tha ramps ign so far tb*4 you feel both you yourself aad this Democratic party, to which you b*asj*]t' are mars pi missal** than Senator Set...
...Morris Paris and others...
...Speaker*: Jesgls SfPhen of Great Britain, Morris Hla^tttt...
...Joseph Tuvlm...
...Testimony b stoat the Industrial Relation Commission la 1111 showed that ta tha previous year 1 percent of the people owned M percent at tha was 1th A recent report of the Federal Trade Crmimhartoa...
...14TH CONSRSSSIONAL DISTRICT ' Tuesday Evening, Get...
...Morris Paris and others...
...the particular criticism aaid te have been made in the Central Committee of ths Communist Party of Russia.- The Alleged I Stalin "cable" does not answer our...
...Tuesday, Oct...
...M. Flegenbaum, Jos.' Stela and Frank Rossnfsxb...
...y} Did Stalin or Ruthsnherg or both ¦pverlook or ooncesl the trwUj'.'their alleged answer tb The Mow Loader...
...Tuesday, Oct 12.—Corner Osjtara and Pitkin...
...Most of us thought that...^wttf A. TX, tth street Bast Avenaa Br tth A. D, JU street and Avenue A. ~u ItllllSj S9TM OOtrORSSaiONAL Satarday...
...Oct 11.—Corner Sutter and Hinsdale...
...for tirr plutocrats of America, lawyer for some of the largest corporations in tha United States...
...Speakers: Wm...
...Friday, Oct...
...N. Y. Socialists to Hold Scores of Campaign Rallies Hall Meetings SO ASSEMBLY DISTRICT Friday Evening...
...14, Olsasaor* smd Watktna...
...W* do not know...
...Ho waa a director of ths National Bank of Commerce, the United States Rubber Company aad tha Santa Fe Railroad, aad a lawyer for J. P. Morgan J* Co, tha Standard Oil Company, tha Guarantee Trust Company aad the fesBSS^ttassvatft ot "fir p?* tire country... fact, It proved ta be the spare tiro of the pliiluusbls of America...
...W* did nbt ask Stalin to "affirm all July criticism of Zinovlsv.'* We asked hint to affirm or deny...
...Oct ».—Corner Douglas and Pitkin...
...Kartte, CliiltllilU, Sfgnuel KanOpen-Air MEETINGS 14TH CONOlJKMIOMAL OISTRICT, MsMMATTANt, MfoAy.okTl tth A. D^Bh street and Avenue C Speaker*: Jessie SwBhli mt Ordat Britain...
...1*.—Corner 109 th street and Lexington avenue, corner 114th street and Lexington avenue, corner 104th street and Lexington avenue, corner 111th street and Madison avenue...
...A —Corner Bathgate and Tremont avenues...
...Loon R. Land, Andrew RegaldV . I BRONX Friday, Oct...
...New Tork city...
...Fiaa and TnSJia*j tth A. IX—#th strssdyusl Avenue B. Speakers: .Wtobsrs^Jswaijlsssy...
...Tuesday, Oat, 1A—Corner ll«th street and *s^oa-sA^nsis» Sutshusa: pt...
...Walsh, whether your endorsement of Davis, while accepting the egdorsS' msnt of LaFoUette, was ths aotloa of a true progressive or a trimmest "The Democrat!0 party, to wlitnh ynw belong, was not a party of napgrses while tn office...
...Did Ruthenberg manufacture the cable T Wo do not knew...
...Ws may conclude by observing that , in the very act of trying- to answer ' The New Leader either Ruthenberg or I Stalin or both are placed tn the pillory.' There we leave these exponents of "truth" and "virtwe" to weep over the sin bf Socialists and trade' unionists who refuse to accept their company...
...19TH A. D, MANHATTAN . Saturday, Oct...
...Ilrl Walsh, of a true progressive, or a trimmer...
...Rufhen'berg and his eollsaguaa publuih the Daily Worker in Chicago, a-journal that has reached lower depths in this matter of truthful reporting than any other publication in American history...
...It.—Corner 180th street and Daly avenue...
...Couchad tn " cbs^aatertaSo Communistic v*rbtag...
...Columbia Hall ^B^in^t>^S^i^>nM...
...3D A. 9, s^tOOKLYN Friday Evening...
...Saturday, Oct it.—Corner HI nodal* and Sutter, corner Dumont' ana" Thatford, corner New -Lota- and William a, corner Powell and Newport Speakers: Wm...
...In l»*4 you were glad to acospt tha endorsement of Senator Robert M. LaFoIlstte, than running for President, hut you yourself did not and ore* LaFbUette...
...san^-chfMJabor Bws, vESk* whfF 5w^ttt5«5wS"Jir" Ummt Itiasthtfil by the KM JD-r hwaav Taw *V a Wisi ital arv maun atbsg ysanwaVwtth fUgHisasti* fad TM,*U—m from tha South, tha dsaF tail Of tha eountry where Dssneesata are strong, snough ta show thatr tms ossors without fear of tptiislflsa » ¦sMBSsspj yon, Mr...
...MoTrla PWnbauat?*Mrs...
...lfO, Wmam rataoot and Sutter avenue: PstiStlyn.' Speakers: Jessie Stephen...
...It—Mannington Hall, lit BastSeeoad street...
...Wednesday, Oct...
...Norman Thomas, Louts WaMman, L Geo...
...t.—Corner 125th street and Fifth avenue...
...Speakers: Samuel Orr, Isidore Polsteln, Geo...
...Morris Paris and others...
...Lewis read the following ossnv...
...Sputh Second and Keap streets, Brooklyn...
...if ns^ossaaryf to pmetise...
...Monday, Oct 11/—Corner Tha tabid and Pitkin...
...I chslkeng* you te stats, Mr...
...Ths "minitante" can take their choice of either conclusion...
...Harry BHiajliner, Emil Bromberg... wars strangely attant Just when tha tolling and exploited children of this 'country needed an Influential friend yon faked them...
...t^-Wsi sSaast Ss«C Pankeau L Geo...
...Either Stalin did not cable Ruthenberg and the latter manufactured the cable, or Statin did cable and deliberately falsiSaid what ws cabled him...
...Dobsevage, B. Schub, L Silverman...
...Davis was aa at-, torney...
...Speaker*: L Gob...
...gmsttoilssj into the trsds unions, te stay there and .- by every and all mssns-earry on the work at Csmmunlsm...
...8.—Corner Aldus street^ and Southern Boulevard...
...ves and a good many weak-kneed progressives who were really tfhiium* on moot Issues...
...Harry Schachner...
...that it "is an incredibly inaccurate, mlainterpretative, and scurrllbusf sheet...
...Dobsevage, H. Maroal Chairman, Isidore Silverman...
...Joa S^to*s«(J^^c Rossj^u^^*4*" 20TH eONQMSSWN/U...
...4TH AND 14TH A. D. Friday, Oct 8v—Corner Ttesonnjsi and South Fourth...
...Speakers: Jessie Stephen | of Great Britain...
...M.—Public School No...
...Speaker a: Jessie Stephen of Great Britain, August Claessens, Dr...
...Jessie Stephen of Great Britain, Nolls...
...August eis ¦ seen* and Morris Paris...
...proceedings of the Russian Communist I Party Central'Committee...
...Walsh, to show haw any true .progrossiv* saa bo a saamkir af sudh a party as th* Dssas..,*, 1- —, 1, - Alsramsr Koshets sad hk* Ukiaaata SSTcwtoher-ITth, aACas^e^B...
...letter which he kad.writmn to Senator^ Walahd - • •- - - -7 "David T Walsh...
...Speakers: Samuel Do Witt...
...Tou favored endorsing John W. Daria...
...Thomas, Louis Waldman, Abraham Beckerman, Molly Welngart 4TH A. a, BROOKLYN Friday Evening...
...Oct, II.—Public School No...
...QsJDOKlYN Friday ¦ Bvssta% fOot...
...Dobsevagev Hyman Mareal, Otto West...
...M. Flegenbaum, Etheired Brown.Jacob Axeh-od, Frank Roeenfarb, Joseph Tuvlm...
...Speakers: ' Judge Jacob Panken...
...Wednesday, Oat It-—Corner Dumont «4 ¦thsjuord, jfa>*aW*4 ,Wm...
...Ton favored submitting ths Federal Anti-Child Labor Amsndinsnt to tat States for ratification, and while it waa thought that the amend moat would ha...
...Wo ¦not* from page IS: ,.<¦* Cemmimlsto mast "he ready far a ny and ovary ensdSoav mid sven...
...It: "Stalin, Moacow: Please affirm or deny authenticity of severe criticism of Zlnoviev attributed to you in American press reports of the...
...Esq.: - "Dear Sir—X gather from ysss...
...Stella la further reported tn this "cable" aa saying that • a month after printing these falsified 'louuuluj Tha Now Lander sent ma a telegram In which it asked me to affirm "all-July sever* criticism of Zinovlsv attributed to you in American papers report .promiifiig* central committee Russian Communist party.' " Before common tine on this alleged "sable" from Stalin, we call the at-tention of our readers to our oabje to Stalin which appeared on nag* t of our Issue of Sept...
...Friedman, Friday...
...Saturday, Oct It.—Corner Long-wood and Prospect avenues...
...Sneakers: Jessl* Stephen of Great Britain, August Claessens, Harny LaMHr, Jacob Axelrod, Hyman Nsaumr...
...Morris HQlqult, Chaa...
...Speakers: Henry Fruchter...
...August CSi*ss*ia...
...Oct t. — Corner Dumont and Thatford...
...Wewgait, Mjiiuwju Wednesday...
...Dobsevage, B Schub, H. Mareal...
...Friday, Oct 15.—Corner Olensaore and Watklna, tn PuWfc Seagal No...
...Joseph Tuvlm, L M Chatcuft Tuesday...
...Thursday, Oct 14.—Corner 108th street and Madison avenue, corner 102d street and Madison avenue, corner 116th street and Madison avenue...
...But when it develop id that the amendment was not as popular as it had baum thought at first that' it would be, whan tha amendment waa' attacked by Influential reaottonariss throughout tha State...
...Frank Roasnfarb...
...15.—Corner 102d street and Second avenue...
...Friday, Oct...
...Speakers: Bather Friedman, Jessie Stephen of Great Britain, Samuel DeWitt...
...tri*4****y, to ssnnloy snnnhsg, and t* resert t# iw#thowlSs ft# *9#4wstttlvi*M ovoHswk or so noes I tn* troth, ail for, tbe siaho I of...
...Speakers: Frank Bo—B farb, Mrs...
...Moreover, this assumption of virtue and indignation on 'the.part'of .these worthies is positively humorous, Mr...
...a popular one, you were to favor of Its...
...Speakers: Morris Paris and others...
...Morris Paris...
...Platoff, Joseph Tuvlm...
...Speakers: Etheired Brows, Esther Friedman, Samuel Kan tor...
...It, — Corner 102d street and Madison avenue, corner 10(th street and Madison avenue, corner 114th street and Madison avenue...
...Leqal B. Land, Jacob Bernstein, Eli Cohen...
...te, 1 P. M.—Harlem Socialist Educational Center, U East lMtb street...
...Speakers: A. L BkljilasiiS...
...baaad SS lilt tigarss, showed that 1 Ctant «f tha people now own It gar* :of tha wealth...
...Yet earring ojght of Oissa^baa intervening yeara the aad fob wara ta the Bsaaf* tar awet of thsrt^bwa^ Wars you- sliipli*g wMJs mSsM m^mJfStSSmmm^ IS tha Suufhara States...
...Possible Alternatives By comparing - what Ru then berg ' sends out aa Stalin's caibls to him and what are actually cabled to Stalin one of two conclusions Is evident...
...Wednesday, Oct...
...II.—Public School No...
...Wo think so, but ws cannot pro-vs It...
...gffV*" h tU> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ SatuSBir, Oat...
...tD ASSEMBLY DISTRICT Friday, Oct I.—Columbia HaH, earner Stone and Bisks streets...
...SetasatVOsT in' Massaw ^^¦ss^^ew^*^*^*^^^**^**"**^ ^e.^essav^BV ^w w ^¦^¦SBvesr^snBsw^ fj , cfaisvettB Deiiiet Dem* ' ocrat Is Proffressirth ^ " IV a Mow Li star flBmapswdsiit fiOSTON.—T*e Socialist ——sjj* "for United States Senator, Ahhufjl . ^ Baksr Lewis, In a SoeUOst rsSy tn Boston referred to David L Walsh, bis Democratic rival,'as g, trimmer, asd^ tbaUonged htar"to answsr questions oaMr...
...Tot Mr...
...E2D svTfc...
...Speakers: Esther Friedman, L Geo...
...Speakers: I. Geo...
Vol. 3 • October 1926 • No. 39