
CAPITAL=OWNED CHURCHES BAR LABO; A. F. OF L. DELEGATES ARE AROUSED A. F. of L. Report Gives Philosophy Of New Unionism By LABORITE THtt moot important feature of tha •annual report of tha...

...durtag war CtoU "War...
...A meeting to devise ways aad means to make too pretest effective baa been caned far Friday night at seven o'clock at tba Intemattenal Auditorium, I Watt lath street Q b) expected that not only the Central Trades sad Labor Council, bat alee tha toaaj anions of the city will be represented at the gathering...
...The musical program win be headed by Sot Deutsch, violinist, who Is very weU known to radio audiences...
...Capital without labor la nothing," Green warned the* anti-union barons of tbe automobile Industry whose mouthpieces in the Detroit press had gone to extereme length* in making the Journalistic greeting of the .convention aa disgraceful an exhibition of manners aa has been encountered by the A. F. of L. In a convention city tor some .time...
...New York City...
...None of the workens want to their shops tba following morning...
...U. S. Smfw ¦W »l lattWjF»ato...
...In other words, the people of the State should be taxed to build generating plants, the public funds should be used to develop the water power of .the State, and then It should be turned over to private Individuals to enable them to profiteer upon the people of the State... unions are founded fjusaa"meaCaSr upon prlacipiee ot voluntary action...
...MS Backman street...
...While to that country aha wil toar New York State, speaking on behalf of tha candidacy ot Judge Jacob Panken for Qo earaai and the other Socialist asentneea...
...All members of the branch are urged to turn out for this reunion, as a very pleasant evening la In store for .all...
...Present Boot and Shoe ''bfjW n*y#*t editor Cleveland Cltlaen^ fb* **T- John 8.' Lowe, Boston: f the Jnme* M. Mullen, Philadel> Frank Morrison, secretary a»*ill)ifj Tederatlon of Labor...
...The citizens' military training camps are given a clean bill of health...
...And, of course, the non...
...Green to the Intrenched open shopper* of Detroit marked the opening of the convention... al pas to iha battatoBtf| ^^mt^l^mmM ft I might cut «i(w whenever wwwiry...
...A delegation of German union boot and shoe workers came next...
...Research work Is being carried on more extensively and Intensively than ever...
...Karial aaooaaa...
...Nsvertbetosa, for all th* noise of the oam paig-n...
...The Canton government to the joToramen* of the Kuo Mia...
...John Brophy, dukr %V6rk*r*' Educational Bureau;* nw/^Uajh M. Tippy...
...The Governor took pity upon them, and he wanted a hundred million dollar fund to be drawn upon by the real estate men at five percent interest...
...Refreshments will be served and the admission Is free...
...h^msuld.ha thacosswn^^b^gj^^^ Maaslsssilgsal ***^%p§P»Sr™^lW6 j^HNf|awisV4B9s tat |Mssrt*: "Produats off modem tedps&jr sm not tha work ot any eas todlvldual...
...The gnats Itopartmant by the aeaniaenaaas of the Chinee, wh, hwra bean tod weak to proteat dflad-1to-|r and by a .paiaaWy Ma-d g, wah as tor fh* aaha of dfea Wiin'jp psatototo 9*4...
...baa no anacattea power...
...Six hundred and fourteen delegates and seven fraternal delegates were seated by the Credential* Committee at the opening...
...u:i "la thla city there-is a tablet" h...
...The open letter, which aroused the tre of too delegates, printed on Sept21 tn The Detrolter, tbe publkeitlon of the' Board of Commerce, after listing «ie *xWksrs, Including man* promtrieni labor leadera, *ald: ""Tbe cltiaena of Detroit .>»/k*en tn their appreciation of the' fsasduui of ¦beech, but they realisa wbdttbla fundamental- principle of opr...
...It was my privilege to go before the Housing Commission...
...Thay would atoa^^ja aajf waBa watttec tor a paltoe anupsn^.aja^ itaane to aoant nssaBBBB^UaskeajtaaBBBBBBBT FEDERAL COUNCIL RAPS LOCAL CHURCHES IISBIiaSBBjasBaaff - J CrtMi^ieltio 1 jtitaii: Mon...
...There are thousands of buildings in the City of New Tork which are no longer fit for human occupancy, if they ever were, which should be condemned, torn down, and new buildings erected to replace them, fit for human habitation, £ told the Commission, 'If that Is unacceptable to you...
...Oscar AsnsThurar...
...Practically all these immigrant* held' union cards in...
...They have (on* at tHeir own risk for the sake of their own rph filial reward...
...buUdiag and loaa the raopoet of tbe American nsvpts," exclaimed T. A. MeCuHocah, mmiaaiillBg the OiMba\ Typographical Union...
...The wage policy based on productivity Is reiterated...
...It suggesta, it moulds opinion, but It cannot give orders...
...Sal , a ,«-j . f, . a — ~j _ ¦' /_,» m |H^Bas*s90Dsfts llsjainVQH Uu ,WUW m PBarh7 hid...
...If there la the peace and happiness they claim among tbe workers of Detroit, why did the people vote a trade unionist into office as mayor...
...Ladles' Garment Workers' Union is to maintain decent conditions in the New Tork cloak industry or to he compelled to see the workers slid* back into sweatshop horrors...
...but drinktea...
...5 " Psychology "eplsoec Eo*nemiea - 1. Thla tnlarpWIatloa aftose from too * patnt at viaw «m>ployed, it hi that ot Ua amative psychology aad apsrttaaC Zhlmssif f^ttleal...
...they believed It...
...he for toe ' bettor es for the worse but it must i be recorded as an historic fact which has been- generally overlooked...
...That tmmpaay unioaa aaa ehtosttoa able not becauee they are U the tons run bad eoonomicaUy bat baoaaaa tbey "can not supply tha initiative aad tha thought necessary to creative production aad oo-bperatton whlah n rises only through veluatary sginntes" The same absence of economic perception accounts for the persistency of the open shop movement with list explanation th«t "there are certain types at minds who seek benefits far ihamtilias by taking advantage at othara...
...f^^^^^^^^t%00 •aC ^ghQt^^gga power Jar good, aA of It Is th...
...whfcsh has ooase ta nsaal a ?eat-paohet plaything for Al Smfth...
...V"Th» Industrial leader* of' Detroit ¦Id not Initiate this movement to bring their labor fight into Detroit"* churches...
...tloa, hut said toey utod tbalr aatsfehf ' tton ta make tt taapsoalMe for4hatel eespioye* to unite,*' and naw thay ar» ataesapttoffto uap their power bVoeatV... tha younger workers la bath tha Britlahj Labor Party and the Independent Labor Party, baa twice stood far 9arUaeaeat and la a prospeotl'vo Labor candidate for Par"-m at tram Saath Portsmouth at tha next eleotlon...
...a*d-*«t ttxbt that nothln* that haptol» i wtojun Jfl that country...
...His program will include compositions of Tchaikovsky, Bach and Sarasate...
...John M'Dowell, M**"5)To*« City...
...TN TVJB hajht of tha platform* ot I both tha Democratic and Republican paatiea and tka pronounceaaaata ot their apokesmen, tt would aaam that the one problem before tba people of thla State this year ia Whether drinking shall be legalized or ahaU...
...The position I took before the Housing Commission la the position of the' Socialist Party...
...Tans 'Branded ay ten Tat flam...
...aehoois aad ¦ saBetoto oafr...
...Fry attacked tba advocates ai tba open ahop to thla etty as havteff ssmrabaa aad the T. M. a Jl to wttteT djaw tha invitations...
...The major paints of tha union's demands are as fellows: 1—The 44-hour week...
...Elba Sear lea...
...Tana, anal tea WbUe Rouse ^spokesman- la aahbfi whether federal torssrtoatfato w» be^made: . The questioners, .get one Ot those unpleasant shocks that have come more aad aaere toeaaaatry to preaa Intel riews at tha Whjta bouao in tha past three «PJR . ;>'••> 1 • •: vfhar a*e> tolaV ahhosr* easorlyj that tha sporssrnsn of Coolldga to assured b» least authority that that Federal SoasrhtossaT lias do eanstitntlonal right to saasstoto the- process ot mining...
...continue to be Ulaaal...
...aa doubt win cease...
...In the first day of toe aflrflto a a Basher of wankers on the picket Unas ware at rested...
...rskher than Bto atra»aa...
...rot aarry for the churches...
...K la cuneaattf aactod that stoat jb^mmnrt^^to^g^jShte ^^f^^S^ffSm^^ffjt .CtSfw^^ry off orti W Mp^tl 4^^Vss4bb^ tures for "College" classes tn history...
...Was Stephen wiH speak to Taxlous parts ot tha city during tba oommg weak...
...jSlltoalajUat iagtr...
...Browalls, who spoke for the delegation, repeated his plea that American metal'trade* unions affiliated with tbe almost (,000,000 organised workers in the International Metal Trades Federation...
...That Is in line with the Democratic position with reference to other problems...
...HI* principal point was that American unions would gain from the Joint efforts to curb the nonunion menace to themselves arising from the immigration of European metal worker...
...Under a Democratic city administration new buildings were exempted for a period of ten years from taxation, presumably in the interest of the people...
...Theory of Government," etc, by experts In these fields...
...The decision to strike was approved hp tba membership at a meeting which eras held several weeks ago...
...Major Georg* L. Berry...
...Unamlmous ipdarsement of the bitter strik* 'of 40,600 cloakmakara in New York city waa tbo high spot of tut ¦econ£ day of the convention...
...6-8 A. D. WILL HOLD GCT-TOGETHER TONIGHT A splendid program has been arranged for the pre-election gettogether at the 6th-2th A D. for this Saturday evening, October 9th, at the branch headquarters, 127 Avenue B, near 8th Street...
...Aa iatstodtote ha made...
...5—That no worker be discharged without Just cause, a—Five legal holidays with pay...
...Fine... made that the people shall organize cooperatives, that t£ey live in apartment houses cooperatively own?d, and that the money raised bn the hundred million dollar issue be loaned to bona fide cooperatives, bona fide*home dwellers, at five percent, so that the people of this City be given an opportunity to establish homes in which they might rear families decently...
...The mission, which has been studying American shoe factories, consisted of Joseph Siemann, Margarets Bchenck and Math las Lex...
...Bad a* think* took in China, there la some hope In the growinc power of the * Canton government in Central Chine... must be with capital, and that, af course, is Impossible...
...H. C. Heerlng...
...A warning is given to discriminate among labor banks and not to divert trade unionists from their more primary need of trade union organisation... U ss toe kttajjflfiri sen, and the peo1*m0t,gm apip^MB see through your faaaa Uasssstuitste tsaue X hetWaa f£aTwrary problem mast hb' attattfead at ,]to root K the majority of tha.ajajsrlnin people «r«^e»Uon amendassjtt >e deleted from tike Ponatttattoa, bat the paapto bars •hat thay wsja^;.' U they want to artoJkam aoahajajs^ tt is their prtrUege fc^saattoraf aa^stwto^ and adoesvtt ta ualaytaapth thai prohibition baa been saHto tha prthalpai toaaa baThare tTta ^^^^^^^ 8 lyafcahya ^anety ^h^T't^ tftttllav saaHsssf ^ssgsaaaT aVspssMsHsl toasHslstvyVVVaT laj aVOara aad oant*, tt* *k*% •£ U fe ^¦•W^^a* ¦s»sasT^a»a^taw^s-b ^J**"aas^sP> ^aajsajsajp...
...Otto 8. Beygr, ¦aiaafinlcai enginser...
...It would have meant an Interference with the source of profit of the rapacious landlords, and the cessation of it...
...rJajtoM tea atapaiU ot tha oatplejlna, _£ex Wan...
...Tha annual convention, in spite ot frequent asset Puns to that effect, is not a Pari lament of Labor, for It does not legislate...
...We want this because of the penetration of American capital Into Germany...
...Arthur' F. •Ubart'hi Hyatt, Waabinaton, S C...
...Bt tt*julL^ *wSsy aa', hatoa^asrehba^^ th« ef th* hrrtorftoa...
...ptbar dtoarsloaa hare basa added Si itohten the ¦¦dsSrate •whlah fasawast paVb StH^istei sgtef af ftfll of prosjPW atllaf fTMsVt tO^t^Ut (a OVl wOtaaapSfgaV j atam...
...This capital is needed for reconstruction, but it also brings serious dangers to our workers...
...The Governor In his message to the Legislature recommended the issue of one hundred million dollars of bonds to create fund to be used for the purpose of building homes in the City of New York for its people...
...An increase to wages, t—The estabUahment of a atttetenim wage scale...
...Thla map...
...It is, rather, a forum for tha expression of opinion...
...Alva "W...
...hpi the State and leoal campaign...
...wtfli hht ayea apon the PreaMastiat chair -far int...
...used Instead...
...TteaaHtatsty toe asarsat from KsanrrSto to Sockwaoai white a the Alabama .befn^ N. Y. BOX MAKERS ON STRIKE 3,000 Workers Answer Call of Union--Ask Cor Shorter Hours ABOUT three thousand workers employed in the paper box Industry |n Naw Tork have answered a strike call of their union...
...Woll pointed out that the fourteen weeks' strike la a, struggle to decide If the International...
...The Republican Party in its platform has nothing to say on the bousing problem...
...They do not need the beektea...
...Labor insurance, however, especially the Union Labor Life Insurance Company, Is praised...
...What shall It profit Detroit to r«in a % M. C.'JL...
...neither Republicans nor- Democrats win dash propose the proper renjsdsss far, tha' Injunction evil or th* dronar solution for ths problems of water power and housing, The** ar...
...and the Democratic party, true to its colors...
...bat of sooree of werhsis, each aontrlhuttoff Ttk* ataaaaaaf makes aa mention at hlaiiHl . almas Interest tt not always ta to Saptpva production...
...J < vr- How Churches War* Waiwad...
...The Detroit T. ht MI'A, ran trua to form ta refusing to jfaraUt that good Baptist* PraaWant Kawa ot a* a. r. « l, ti otkt B^Mr—m Ona moat eoagxatulate ^^Vaa Duaen on hte frankness...
...In fact, however, it ' was a gift to the realty speculators of the City of New Tork of at least a hundred millions of dollars...
...Backed by the earnest words of Chairman Matthew Woll of the resolution committee and by President William Green 'the resolution, which urges all affUihtod bodies to...
...Ma isfipftd t»* ^Tj^tngjtoat Qtm^imm avar oasna^ thtoTchi toBsatty Into Ftosu^ aa^'t...
...socis^^.philoaephy auattahahBBBBm3£H"alsa'*asaaaay^ liberals about five or six years ago...
...A—Mwy to been ka»dbyaeatopnt.attheoeal . aT^lafJaaaS "^fclPVIaSiBVayk twlsS| Uw aaLp CO •sersbuj to the UUblum- af ••aaa, Jtel»»^»lto..baraaa ANn-WJUNCnON lllITWCiAUID N. Y. Cloak Strikers Somaaon All Unions to Ait* Fight ACAM, to the entire trade union apaeeaappj of Oreatar New Tork aad vtdaity has been leaned by the General Strike Committee of to,apt striking cleahsnakers to help eoaabat the Injunction tesoad aauteat tha garment sjutstssa and artas aattod piossme to baar to atop tha wholesale arrests which have marked the 14 .weeks at strike...
...Let homes be built tor use, and not for profit...
...The many missions of European labor men that have visited your country in the past few years show bow keenly we are interested in the policy of your movement and how much we need your co-operation...
...The word "management" Is...
...Eliminate the selfish—end ennnofslo exploitation under rapttsllsm...
...jstotoatti sod tba faculty, who ooaduotod unusual saparlmeato ,1m tojHb>, toff Taung students thato" aab*tetay Which are usually nearest, toritmt...
...I proposed to that Commission that a one hundred million dollar bond issue be authorized, with provision for the money to be used by the City for the purpose of building homes for the people, to be rented to them at cost, the City to be empowered to condemn property, to take it by eminent domain...
...ha fact that the ass beta have sands <s»Sns>» sbiWtwg to tha are* few days ;|t the- strtoi, Ha to taUr confidant tout before, long tba ssnptsysrs wtM gsBae that they saast grant THE SB i ^aSaWsfcassTssw' * gyavafiiii...
...real partnership at afi...
...Jurisdictional disputes still consume most of the energy ot the,union officials, who, are, nevertheless, more committed than ever to craft union lam, Company unions are criticized, in addition to what has already been mentioned, for organizing workers, "regardless of trade or occupational consideration," when everybody knows that this Industrial rather than craft basis for the company unions Is their strongest point...
...Let housing facilities be supplied to the people aa they need them, and not aa the meana whereby a few may prey upon the people...
...Tha Democrats take a position more favorable to capital even than that of tha Republicans...
...The ftapubnoean atraddied tt A fot i» &ut on tha cry pUtform ta ^hsf bopa, t>atoj snmeleatiy ^dry to tool the dUjeTtjay baflermg that the Xapabneaa pa*(jgL§a prohibitionist...
...totf, •jmarktog^the end: at the tsodsx-' |^ ^to^aya ^hey ware: totet^j^r eouldjsot ha atopaa^a»xtoat tha tejaa-' awb« ta^andi nert p^*ffttaa the Utoatratton whsett haa eesae...
...Th* CaonerJjidSB iiiwltost M* 1 ¦ IB iMfMl'll lllfi USsltsI PAlEEN DENIES RUM IS BIG ISSUE Socialist Candidate (for Governor of N. Y. Str—iei Water*Power and Hooting ?y Judge Jacob Pankcn Socialist CanOdaUt far Governor of * Ma» Var...
...Jkfet 1\ Trey, president Ohio Federatfb* bf JUbor...
...At that tha* the awsWsst dslssjstlrn ta the fitaji f "I i,l|,-|H that tha matter be aubailllad to f> ratarendum...
...unwittingly perhaps...* tbtars wa aajtot hrtag hjpnto tn th* waajiiis...
...Morrla Novlck...
...editor Mine Workers' Journal: . Spencer Miller, Jr* director Workers' BducaUoa Bureau...
...AD Socialist Party Ixwale and -Branches, latbor orgaalaationa, Wartenen's Carets Branches and Forums, etc, dash-tec tha senloea of Jessie Stephen should gat In touch at once with Augnsf Class sens, secretory...
...sayisg-ifcat-according to Senator Coosebs-the 8.-8...
...While be U talking tba Federal Bureau of hftoea baa Its nspajrU at tha scene at tha disaster...
...treet can raptor, 'And it lax P^*17 *¦¦*-» taapaaihhtaa tits* Mjf** "* a oeuatry wl*ub & my gteetadldeto for tha atahonor 0* Sfca ought to cheek fne^mrwar awas—ijSM'?^^^ ~^anw a^assssea...
...ous financial aid, went through with a rush...
...With tha growth aad develop...
...Indeed, "capital" and : "capitalist" are eschewed...
...Socialist Party, 7 East ^Sth street...
...the Rev...
...H. Howard, Typographical - Union...
...ffhhfto attaaiaf, ttr-da esptoinod, by astoff Oh aaeat adranoed methods la nidasaif1...
...Tha Damoeratte paa% ot the Stfcta...
...The less skilled are to be organized, though how many will be able to be' fitted Into 'existing craft unions is not explained...
...Of sanboata, Indeed each harking la a denial of the religion they profess...
...Bri&h Woman Laborite Will Deliver Speechet an Socialist Campaign ^jj^SAXtSTS of thla «lty are plan^ /nlnr a reoeptiaa for Mass Jesses S*L^SsJ£3ke2»a£2S >J5Sa3S 2ai May flanJrtdatea isr...
...A. dlli«ea* aaa aatowtette iwalyst might find la thani what the chemists call a trace, but only to trace...
...It there hi fa be any...
...Felgenbaum and Chugarman In Sociology...
...revmet a* »elOb*^ The fact that the Federal CeaasB at Ctetrohaa torn repudtetad tba aaBaas* at toast attatsatrs and aktoaaVal a wmmj lnv|t»tloaV to President WUUasp Oreeff baa faaadtotaltey the anger t« tsswsa *—* »v.» >„ rmm Caajabtr af Otaiaaato bad sent ottj^raBBSImi to a Uat of b>bap hu^darl who were attopad to^^h^s^w> of aifled their Intention ef*aart— kabor gb»bs^^^^O*b^^^ jShg-* to wUhdpab- the tevUationa...
...Was Stophaa...
...give speedy and gener...
...Fray charged the ansslapsra of: sbte atty aaah-tohtoj advsatoge of BM Aatarioaa right ta Voluntary asseetew...
...They came to tha various haBs assigned' to them Instead, from which they proceeded in large groups to picket the various shops... not the eonteate but the philosophy behind them...
...our church** dsbafing ground* for such a subject However, w* an* eager - to answer labor* aaaartlona, no matter where they are made...
...The* baa Sates raseae weak sad ( toTesUsaOag the cause of the swytorlnn ffhatr ontcial report will in due time reach tha bureau...
...They ought to proteat agntoef the building of those **n'boato anywhere...
...Ce-eperatlng wMb aaaejssnaat it tola toade anlaajahiiignghp bast pa reiaUoa to aattoa...
...The credit of the State to be put at the service of the most conscienceless group In our body politic...
...Both parties and tha pubMe at targe have no uhisldna about prohibition...
...Ska waa tha first wosaan to oocnpy tha position ot vico-prealdent at tha Bermondsay Trades and Labor Chwatl and baa lectured aad written rztasaahrely en the position .of women to tod as try... tha totetaaater at theat ak* .touto...
...BtaClal: JL J. Muste, Brookwood Labor ***n*J"K tne tfy-r Jf...
...4—Time and mb half for overtime work...
...The committee requests that everybody please come not later than 8:20 P. M. TIMELY TOPICS /V By Norman Thomas* 3f* EiV> Bra* heeu, of the eplnlen U that at an altegadjy catrtatla* ia!¦* stttuUooa the city x. M. e. ava had tha Jowat Bar cant at Chatputty...
...Tha Republicans want private capital to develop ths water power, and private capital to* have the profit...
...The Democrats want the State to develop the possibility af our water power, but the'distribution of it, the control ot It, they propose to turn over to private capital...
...jDbbaTt T. Coy Is, Locomotive En gin - . berg* JJaWTnalf Hugh Freyae...* better for us...
...James Meyer...
...Bui Bhulman persists with tit* indomitable enthusiasm that carried the school successfully through ths lilt tons, . He requests that further registrations take place not later than next Sunday, oo that students may all receive a full year's Instruction and the piogi*bb of oIsbbsb need not be unduly retarded by lads comers...
...For tha Information of those desiring to attend or to register their children the school is conducted at the Brownsville Lrtsrlisviwiiii...
...Tha fissaasralB ssat JUpoblicans contrahe* tha T isjststass ejhssr tha allajiliasjgji totasa car sjaajajoaahsn...
...When all efforts of tha uaion to seech a satisfactory agreement with the employers faBed, tha wethoaa were'called to a meeting- at Cooper Union on Monday afternoon, where the workers authorteed the calling of tha strike for toe following morning...
...hnurn>, of 17-50 a weak to 1W1 employed In aome of lta stores...
...43» Detroit the ehurchee have Joteed dpi tha T. M. C. A- to ahow tbee...
...tba spirit Jwjto this honor frpta Mwbnottoi ^^BwaahtSa * *'*juwav5aV?*-*' BK^rio^^^rS ftbotocgraee AoVia^i'^^hham R«a likely to ha aesneUting...
...Panken will touch on the problems of schools, public distribution of coal, strikes and injunctions...
...Ernest Johnson, .jj** York Cityt Walter M. Short, editor Union Advocate...
...Instead of he<ping the people's expressed pious wishes,' it gave the people Hp service, but put Its hands in the people's pockets and recommended a hundred million dollar fund to be used by the real estate operators of the State to be put at the service profiteering on the people...
...Federalten at Xahor...
...itotopertonco may ha cood Cor tha ^^^^^Sa^^^a^S §*JL*ir «Jnt tTadd"5tat ana atthe ¦Bat oaUuordlnsry ahanomana hi tha at Institutional religion la tha j^anailK WtWada af tha studoht^T...
...James Wilson, prealdMIfgKtbani Maker*' League...»jtoat mlwkmnrW Faonynlse that toitlW do Mt want any atbar wotonjton than their own rood mm and their teellan- of friendliness for the people...
...Throughout the report of the Executive Council there is not a single worS > which Indicates that the writers rec' pgntoed any conflict between labor and fftpf*^l Inherent within our present industrial system...
...Wo hare utilised the iteqmthTalaBjjgsr» .xostfeat tMagff^m Ssto5E^^w5?@^ Sba Saht eAssttauresja' rsd^e^v^wttn jSettar toctupast.^ * y/^ drawing and modeling in oley to ffiaahrat* their current shMlea...
...and shoo Industry in this country...
...luHHtaal great aattotootton to...
...But there Is a fly in the ointment...
...We Join with them in doubting the wisdom of making...
...In the second article, which will appear m The New Leader next week...
...Procedure by tha Federal atpdl la each instance waits aa an tevltation tar help, sent either by tub company laralaad or by State mine taapssttoa asrthorlttss...
...paid-a, max...
...Smith's Sympsthy Won Poor real estate men...
...Tha report sets out to explain that "Amerigan...
...The company union, a favorite Detroit anti-union device, is bound to fail...
...who la ona...
...Republic ltnplle* through discussion of both efijM .of any .gjieetion, . „Jf the minister* of Detroit open their pulplU to men who are admittedly attaching our goverpment and our American plan of ^npfpyment...
...If you do not want the City to embark upon a building plan, if "Jyou cannot bring yourselves to put the City irn a position of competing with the unconscionable, rapacious landlord, let that fund of a hundred million be used in this wise: Let a propaganda...
...Speaking for them, Sasmann aaid in German: "We aeek closer relations with the American Federation of Labor and ths unions (in the boot...
...editor DUnoia Journal...
...That did not suit the Commission, That did not suit the Governor...
...Thit is the first of two articles in which Judge Panken discusses issues before the voters of New York State...
...lbi aiihifTiih finrii — and the Vebrtsaa -As...
...Andrew *»e**Ient International' Photo tanWki the Rev...
...haaWh to be aa we* as an old soak, fails to coma out hon-~ saUy anet'aaasasV far tha rap sal of...
...General ,45*gnn\k«*r American Federation ' of jioiii I...
...It 1« pertain that they Will submit to our request to furniah apeak - era on the following Sunday—Detroit rfaaherir who will bo happy to ahow that our cUV ha* outstripped all of her rival* atmpty because aha haa been _ <4pfettered by labor organisations...
...It will be added to tha lone Bat ot similar reports whlah liasstpasii made on all large mine Accidents '|tortnc a period at year at brat slnos the bureau seat oat Its flM OataVforca...
...The speakers will include all of our candidates in the district, Norman Thomas...
...Socialist Sunday School | Teaching Young td Think >> -sHUDBIN o( vary earfy a«es M - should, be taaabt simple eoonomics, antnropolegy Sad a true* filial pt station of hlatory,** aooordtor to Fred Snutmea, prte4pal at tha Browmrmie Socialist Sunday Saint which1 began Its aohotastlb year that week...
...partisan political policy la reaffirmed...
...h retoren<nm la h th*Ua gesture, a aoja...
...John **t ^htkatv president Illlnola Federajhekj* iMtbor...
...These "College" classes are also an Innovation at the school and are expected to meet with enthusiastic response...
...Twto to a national party with a eoaiewhat radical tat by no .means truly oeinmnlet nsggjgnaa It to the only party with 'ftmM tt ha* made a pretty rood Jo* -of the goreintnont at Canton and ft haa successfully defied Bill Ml hnIWflaltoiit Bran now lta chief eaeaetoa tn all China are not ao much natUii eUamm mm Brittoh and Japanese totereeta which eubaldtoa the rartooe ganeral* who keep China Is tmiaetL Certain unions have i anted the •d- F. of* I* to proteat against the building of two American gunboats in Oh tne at parts...
...attest t* nautranaa tha tovidleue : mmmmSmm at tba ao***.* tba bsjteoaab'af ooncerted efforts by hto...
...A spa^g...
...A denial of an the fnnaamoatsl and elementary rights which tha tow baa heretofore accorded ta eraaatosd saber hi its struggles for economic betterment," was the characterisation made bp toe Strike Committee, af BaaweataCburt Justice Ingrahamw abatotoa to continue the Injunction against ^striking cloakmakars picketing Indus trial Council shops...
...Wo aah yon, aa the supporter* of the** church**, tp welch tha matter carefully and fairly, and advise your liilhllHil** to whether or not you wlah to Sav* roar church deviate from the abesrrsssr tor which It la maintained " .*>*» t|ft of apoakara follow: '"ft'SK B*rT7, *>T—Uit',t Interna - TBiwan' sfibesmen'* Union...
...In its past the Sunday School at the Lsibor Lyceum ' has weathered- varied fortunes, registration varying from fifty to eight hundred students...
...J Mr...
...Mr rewloa Ja tha worship of oonvrotloaai...
...Sea page s tar dates and plana abate she will appear...
...sxpTaiaed that CD Faa Dusan«preattat of the B»^ of DlrectorPof tba had°vMtoa^to^j^d bad efltetaffir aaa^ Sat"<toT...
...They are glorified welfare Krauts for tba boaaaa...
...JaThatt to sgprsassd hi a> paltthrtan'a relief that' an aaa claim that no reapoaatbiltty (Ox mixing to an eanharasaslng tocldenjt to hh...
...the employers tbsmssltaa," Thaaa aharges of vkslonoe warp the basis far the Injunction etwar...
...Tha way deaths resulting...
...In any event...
...Tot a hypothesis that tats may happen can reduce trade unions to truckling allies ot oant*^%fhp» Features af Report O that alas tha report requires little mora comment than tt aaa already elicited...
...Wh*ar«afl-«vaa to radical **jtte elty T. M. a A.-s that tt a to tmagtae hew they etoy to...
...and our candidate for lieutenant governor...
...New York...
...Ho-also sins Jed out Mr Van Dusen...
...aaldian, and' Jaaab Balaern...
...The Federation, after all...
...President of the International Printing T»ri*srn*n'* and Assistants Union, Corner Vice 0 Inmaader of the Aawrtow lesion, declared that one of Uin>l eblsSj re•90/ *ble "for th/a' tfn-Amerfonn acIlonwu ftf chief ont*f*ndlng • lacker of *h*_nat*on, Bdmr Ford, whees Arm WaY'one of the chief contributors to tbe T. M. C. A. building program, donating $1.600.0^0...
...awaBowad tha academic, iatelleotuaMatlr approach towards trade 11 n 111nts— i that old Samuel Qompers need to disdain...
...Europe," Brownlte said, "and, with proper co-operation, we could see to it that they took out the card of -their craft when they come over here.- The effort* of our mission to promote American* affiliation have been quite promising.'' Hs urged American labor not to follow parochial tradition* in abstaining from international affiliation...
...Money, to the builders of the City of New Tork, costs at least six percent...
...tomrntm^mimm hdSdtftto tare** thoh^^ tn, can prove against each* athar...
...Tha I.kd kwh* what to «a with a, bulldtaff a deal battar than It known what fiffe with Mail* or prtnclplee...
...Theretotw tharppokeaman la aare> that the FstoBbj-frusOlitesiiii |a*::sa>s/ight to lhrearasae^^m^qj^disaater^- Those ejatoy aa to he*/ anotbareaoh hohmssjat ¦atS |S awtde...
...a Qto usshftat at Ska' Inlaraadtoaal Oatoa, togetoar with M strike ptehato hues bees, head at dto> faent a^toAaeJ ¦sst^OapJM miillis...
...The present administration at tha A. F. of X* has...
...A. F. OF L. DELEGATES ARE AROUSED A. F. of L. Report Gives Philosophy Of New Unionism By LABORITE THtt moot important feature of tha •annual report of tha Kxeeuttoe 4Jeunea of the American Fedsraaioa af Labor to the forty-sixth annual eosTention...
...Samuel Boardsley, Nathan Fine...
...When the aa^sjajsaaf wish at tha people could hae* effieet aattaW of tha old parttoa waa mftr to toaat.the people to ax* praaa thahr wtaW now...
...C. A la raising a laa.aillllnii dollar building fund aad east take a. chance...
...Fuw Americans realtoe that these gunboats are Intended to patrol Chinese waters...
...some can tt liquor...
...Kresgs Cosspsny.-of which he waa an ofBoer...
...Let them come to our sessions and see that we are not savages," Green aaid...
...InveetJaatton Oaing Oa Tartnoately far «te aaal istnas warkingte the sss^.dssnpsroae totaas, tba spokesman at, the Whabj.Basaw la wrong...
...tnaslaw at ,«ha saaalug election...
...ware gwaltp off foraOatr a parafa'and asausullsg tokflic...
...It had as mud and as Uttle right there ea each dcty m(jlnm gunboat sjiaH hare had on the jtlnllitob...
...AUGHTER NOT OULIDGE'S WORRY Pi uSm reek He Can't liajaAils — Federal i%mk Ptwe* He Is By Lanrence Todd WumHWtoK^** want y-nlne ooedaaiaecs are entosahed and i. * prestimeflTj dead ttom gas fumes to a mice disaster at Hackwood...
...from tba aaa at It prora its poisonous content...
...There are many in this country who reap where they did not sow, but the trade Union movement will set Its face to tbe task of making America an Meal place to live hi...
...Secretary" Frank Morrison of the federation then read a telegram cons veying the fraternal greetings of tha 'statid" tkaT*Je^Mexica!n ^efelejltes, t3£ eardo Trevino, Jose Gutferred and 8alustio Hernandez, would express in person the good wishes of Mexican labor for the American movement...
...proparty at tha people..., -faowerar, has the oo*aare to express) itself squarely aad haaistty an thh> e.aeeUoa...
...A. L Shiptacoff haa joined the lecturers, and courses will also be given these grades tn "The Waste of Capitalism...
...The union eharged that the ctetest at violence against the union, were founded on . "unjustifiable arrests, wantonly aad deliberately toaaa*.hp...
...ProMMtlon has come to stand for an illegal traffic in nnwholeaome, polsonems ^ereregea...
...Now, managing being a form of labor, cooperation therewith la imperative...
...FnaTfresldent^ the Ohio Ststo...
...The people were fooled...
...The Fir|t Day Ringing challenge-by President Wm...
...Tha strike wps called when the em: plovers refused to grant the demands presented by the union... of_attoek waa tha asaarllah ceS?tajaatt toJ^taa open latter, that Oa apwAem^satotoainy achpduha^to BO tba htoakT^hy*Mi...
...W«> csMd* It partV thavugh^eetlngs...
...Ha ' iM'lliil tha T. SC...
...Thaaa auhtooto aad » boat at othara are bathe -taught ohfidran upwards Of aswan years In an...
...The Bar...
...Ho csnduded by ss*ylng that the characterisation of "American plan" by the Detroit manufacturer* to the policy of tbe open ahop waa a "treat redaction Upon the word America by* thai gang 01 cutthroati, thee* profiteers and •lacker...
...August Claeadsns...
...Epstein in Music...
...pal tha disciples of tba Oaxpahter- ot> Nasareth to keep thaw- months BlossB taa aha ^torapteat ouestion ¦ wf ¦ tley* day...
...Her torn* win ha under.the auspice* of tba Socialist Party...
...J ' ment ot Aaserleaa todisaba ¦ III Ml | organtoation ot aver lacaar aattb af,« industrial enterprise to miQtall forms there Is tha impeaatlva need for a parallel form af otsaatontton ot the workers to thaaa todaatilsa so that tha emaloytnent aaajtaal may retain tha value aaa virtue at eqasJIty of asportuntty aad aaaurs all a fair assseuro of malaality anal anaraias af f roe will in tba maktog of empjeymefit agr sew sees...
...wsPaBBaw*'., ¦ s| g ^^^rt^ GaJ^aJfl^ l4aHIQB 4af ^bbu)«F^ ^sfcusss'w' HataaO1 Monsasp that esflate batwaito assay «* Ola uBuiXbto of htodjto^ttto esaa...
...Reported experiments have therefore met many skeptics in Brownsville labor circles...
...Green said, because it is tied to the boss, is not national and atandard, and does not cherish the interests of labor, but the-genuine trade union cannot be destroyed...
...should eontlana...
...Meet of tbo ssdglon was devoted to listening to labor htMrfdU from Euro pentose Introduced Included Robert Dlssmann of the' Germany metal trade* BrownUe of ths British mots* trades unions...
...It belongs to them, hat tt ta being bartered away to private capital, which often permits tt to remain dormant ta prevent' W>ll»P<MtlOBU - Tha Democratic Stand Tha Repubhean Party ta its platform boldly stands for private exploitation Ot thla publicly-owned wealth...
...That, howbver, «W a*t discourage the workers frasa oeottootea: their picketing aottw tttaa Fred ffaMa, aSBhg af tha bStoa... ¦Ww* iaa blxdud bitter tUncVoos^ ^agywith slavery...
...traiatac achoata Kr would-be Rotariaas...
...whlah convened at Detroit oa October i. 1IM...
...Morris Big-is...
...They go hnifarids of miles np the Yengtoe hirer, it was on this doty that the «onboat Pigeon was caught to erossflre between rtoal aratea...
...The Democrats pass over it again with a pious wish...
...but their prspaari w% itet down...

Vol. 3 • October 1926 • No. 39

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