The United States Traveling the Road to the League Morris Hillquit Traces the Economic Forces Which Are Leading America to Revise its Position on Foreign Affairs ^BrMotrii Hfflquit fflo...

...In this morass of materialism...
...The Presidential election of jsao was generally considered In the nature ot a popular referendum on America's adherence to the League of Nations...
...It | entered Into the competitive race for the markets of tha world...
...Now let us see what this means...
...Th* opposition has com* frem the "wheat belts" arid "com belts" of th* Western and Middle Western States...
...Our institutions...
...They aa* to it an tostrum isji af war ratter than aeao...
...The United States government, they argue, has borrowed from the people Of th* country about $10,000,000,000 to lend out to it* allies...
...for getting a job and spotting a future wife...
...prayed a South Carolinian darkey...
...Of thla amount about three-quarters is invested in government securities, while only" SS per cent constitutes loans to private enterprise...
...One peg* of an arithmetic text atudled by my children is devoted to that sort of thing...
...But social institutions of tea change in character and functions, with the change of conditions and the shifting of economic forces...
...about five par east af the worMTs total...
...JIM Boston road...
...With the aetata* of tad pears *»e opposition bag steadily grown breeds* and more istwmmeS...
...and when, ad from th* silent places of the future, on* listen* for the humanising music of th* wider life from a thousand seats of learning, one hears, for th* most part, a sound most distressingly like a snore—or Is it only ths roaring of ths stadium T It is a common thing nowadays to hear of the cash valu* of 'an education.' Not* the use of th* article, 'as education," as though education wer* something detached from the proprietor—a pice* ct property...
...I am sure that We can say...
...It was this group of "radical" Republican Senators aided by their "liberal" Democratic colleagues that managed to hedge, in the' resolution of adherence to the World Court with so many and drastic reservations as to make it practically meaningless...
...But from whom i« this "new social persuasion" te corns...
...The war has advanced ths United States to the position of tha jrorid's leading manufacturer, merchant and banker, and the six or seven years that have followed ths conclusion of peace have vastly increased Its economic preponderance...
...radical and his American namesake...
...The so-called League of Nations 1* the capitalist Black International against the riae of the working classIt is the conscious alliance af the capitalists of all nations against ths workera of all nations...
...Except for the romantic cowboy ballads th* white worker has seldom lifted hi* barbaric yawlc over the housetops...
...achieved, there win be 1*W need to worry about the spirit of m*n...
...Nelhardt makes It etor, of course, that they hold in different fields, but every apologist for religion rules science out in the same fashion...
...Stteh class struggles 'as hgva hitherto been reflected in American practical politics have generally been those arising from the conflict* between the agricultural and industrial sections of th* country...
...In M4 the foreign invert, meats af the united State* ware estimated at •t.eee.eee.eee...
...Negro Workaday Brngr-.'* by Howard W. Odura and <3Uy n. .Ichnaon, University of North Carolina Press, fatj...
...American investment* in Europe are thus only in their Infancy...
...Probably were a substantially correct statement of the original aim* of the League of Nations and of the motives of its principal founders...
...He has nothing to compare with the lyrical wealth of Negro labor ballad...
...Under th* pressure of thd advancing movements of European Socialism and labor, and with the growing economic necessity for international peace, th* League *iin£7%tt tmV...
...waaafeSBaBBBSBBSBB^sVtsBBBh aha*) cSSBBBBBBsVst aJsassMabgai «hsBaw sssS ' WJWmmwwmNB^i w .wf-ejwepw...
...After the election of 1990 the now Republican administration shelved the whole subject The same administration, however, is now showing unmistakable signs of another reorientation in foreign policy, Cautiously but persistently the government of th - United States is feeling its way back to "entangling" European alliances...
...In tha industrially advanced countries of Europe th* political struggles are largely rooted in th* economic conflicts between capital and labor, and generally It is the attitude of the political parties toward the labor problem that determines their position as conservative, liberal or radical- A "radical" in the commonly accepted European sense of this term to almost | infallibly a Socialist of on* kind or another...
...great art x«ay conceivably be the result of a "greater awareness" of life along what later generations discover is a blind alley...
...Its surplus lnyestable capital increases from year to year...
...The United States Traveling the Road to the League Morris Hillquit Traces the Economic Forces Which Are Leading America to Revise its Position on Foreign Affairs ^BrMotrii Hfflquit fflo ntfMitnwuWHl superI iel«4 observation the foreign ..«¦• poller of the United States prewents a picture of puzzling inconsistency...
...It was an authentic echo from crar loud world . . . Th* .central fact In tha complexity of cireumstaness that served y> shift the social center of gravitation was economic The Shift waa from the promised rewards and punishments of a world to be reached only by dying, to a world in which one must live—a world whose punishments by freestns and starvation and human scorn might well make the climate ef a remote and increasingly problematical hell seem quite Callfernian, and whose possible reward* outdazsled with a compelling Immediacy th* taint, far glimmer of the gates ot pearl...
...Somebody will have to repay this enormous sum...
...But on the world as it is...
...Negro Folk Songs And Superstitions By Norman Studer THERE la a great deal of entertainment to this fat collection ef Negso conjurations, taboos, omens aad witches' brews...
...Sengs of the wanderer far from mother and home are moat common: / done walk till Lawd, I done tool* tai Feet jutt gone to roUin' Jet Id* a wheel...
...Songs of the Negro bed man are listed tore...
...Th* present "radical" group in Congress u in the mail) of the **rae type and origin, and presents all th* characteristics of agrarian radicalism as distinguished from industrial or working-class radicalism...
...Hew radically the situation sea been changed by the war la Indicated by th* fast that America has set oaly bought back the f utk ef It* seesrities held abroad, but has become a creditor to foreign countries Is the stupendous sum of w,ow.»*o,©W...
...So, when the colored man awakens, sweating, after having been ruthlessly ridden for miles in ths moonlight by a toothless old witch be merely repeat* the experiences of a good many pilgrim father* at Salem, And th* enlightened medical doctor* fighting malaria and hookworm in Negro area* must battle superstitions held by doctors as well as laymen in Europe *nd America a few centuries ago...
...Like a eolooMl status of Janus thla sjesrartnl repubrie towers above the •Western Hemisphere, turning a. resolute face of meddlesome imperialism ¦toward* tha South, while its ether face 'looks at the rest of the world with an expression of benign, pacifism aad hesitant Isolationism- For a fall century the United States hap pursued a consistent policy of as> arosslen in the two American continent...
...Her* are the many potent formulas for curing a> nosebleed and controlling the rainfall...
...His poetic theories we cannot properly consider to less space than his own volume, and then V* should merely have registered objection* 4o details of a genseal order we accept...
...American capital at this time needs a stable, pacified and moderately prosperous Europe...
...The value of poetry Is...
...bp Which alone it is possible to b* human, to identify oneeeit with the r4«r- »»* to be moved to throw oneself away in th* furthering ef a* much of th* greet process as one can percclvo...
...I1.7S) John Q. Nelhardt, with logic and accuracy surprising in a poet, assails th* basis of modern society...
...The government ot President Coelidg*, lraakly voicing the business interests of the country, seeks renewed co-operation with Europe...
...tstmtlon policy wMk equal brevity gad i^lnVfs^s<sai^saey aMltffin sdl sdTls wj*»waa¥sgf sxa^BjneBSB^ena> ¦B^ssaww w"sl W •* *sjr"vev"ivv* Snar susteeaav?*** th* ims...
...add la 1ISI...
...Also, it is pur* assumption to declare (consider the idiosyncracles of Working at th* highest rate in history, artists a* varied as Dante, the champion of God, and Baudelaire, the champion of the Devil...
...But the rapid and powerful development of the United States eventually broke down the self-imposed restraints...
...We know this to be true, because it is being done es * east seal*- with conspicuous suc0**»" Th* moat progressive scientist* are Marching beyond this blindness ef the mechanist point of view, but education is still completely under its' sway... which we once looked for leadership on the higher levels, now seem all but powerless to help, tor the great hypnosis grips them too...
...1, bo money for th* American capitalists la Europe** war* aad armaments...
...Nelhardt protests, who, getting what th*y wait from life as it la, see no reason for a fundamental revision of value...
...On the question of American war debt* the SeeiaBBt Party baa eaa> sistsntiy favored the eanerilatioa at all debts, as condition ef a nminis* of all in tar-allied debts sad a corresponding abatement of reparation claim...
...steadily as its commercial opportunities expand, while those of South America are being exhausted...
...University ef North Carolina Press, 99...
...Wednesday' evenings at 1:16 o'clock, beginning October *. Maxwell Bodenhelm, poet, will open the course, nest Wednesday on ^Present-Oay Poete-and Poetry.'* Other *»pe«ker* to this course of lectures wiQ...
...In this changing order of thing* of worldwide nature it to imperative that extreme motion and care be exercised to whatever decisions *re reached and wbtoh ire world-wide 'in their sense«ueno*S...
...Of this amount somewhat lass than half Is represented by government war loans, with accumulated interest, -while the balance consists ef private loan* aad Investments...
...Certainly not from the materialists against whose control Mr... he the anther: -• * To str**gth*n their gue*rf»s rata •d vteieae* asd reaction the triumphant representatives ef allied capitalism bar* created an executive committee, ef their government*, which they hare had the Insotone* to pared* -under tha counterfeit label of a League of Nations...
...The League was organised aad is maintained to perpetuate the rule of European imperialism, thsy claim, and In support of this vi*w they point to the composition and powers of the Council and to the inglorious record of commission and omission which the League has mads During the tew years of its activities...
...Tout Beliefs of the Southern Negro," by Newbell Nile* Puckctt...
...Let us assume that a college education of the best and moat widely advertised brand Is worth exactly $62,600 on the world market...
...Our former allies in continental Europe are criticized for a lack ot determined and sustained effort to rebuild their economic foundations, for a fatal reluctance to raise heavy taxes and for unproductive expenditures of vast sum* of money en armament...
...Ths ovsrwhelming victory of President Harding over his Democratic opponent was accordingly Interpreted as a rejection of the League...
...During and immediately after ths war it was the Wilson Ian "liberals" who furnished the ehlet American support of the League of Nations and advocated a most lenient treatment bt war debts...
...From this anthology of *up«r*tltlon one gather* that Negro magic 1* extremely eclectic...
...It has moved its boundary Uses wast and south by peaceful acquisition of neighboring territory and by wars ot conquest...
...In the following year, when the Covenant of the Leagqe had been fully formulated and adopted the Federation atfll halted It "a* an earnest effort to maintain the peace of th* world...
...the infallibility ot which JJar>Nelhardt sesm* to hold...
...we hike to the Upper Palteade*- This Is a Joist hike with our Junior Section, and all proletarians ire urged to send their children bestwean the agea of II aid It year...
...I do not remember the figure, and I think it doe* not make much difference...
...That war gave to the United States its first overseas possessions and Its first territory in the Eastern Hemisphere...
...Today tha American radicals reject tha &****• integrally and sages lee Br...
...Labor1* Position Th* adjustment of th* British debt, which wa* made on a substantial business basis, called forth but little dissent, but the French and Italian settlements, which were much more liberal, met with strenuous opposition, in the case of Prance the special grievance of th* radicals wa* th* lavish expenditures of th* country, not only for its own military purposes, but also for building up effective war machine* la foreign protegee countries, while its own economic structure wa* allowed to go to ruin...
...The Spanish-American War of 1199 signalizes the first step In the direction Of its new policy of unrestricted int...
...Chain gangs, in state aad federal prisons... John Howard JLawsoa, Kmc...
...Laved, Jet lak a teasel...
...It Is tn th* Interest ef American capital to tut pre v* the credit o{ Europe, to help it attain financial stability...
...that the artistic vtalon nap a validity beyond that ot the scientist...
...which now draws forth ho spirited a pretest a. ifg...
...A vary Intereatlag distinguishing feature between th* Ua*t*d Stat** Investment* in goajh America and those in Europe Is'that "while the termer are represented chiefly by direct ownership or by part ownership in th* form of share capital, the latter are largely confined to corporate bond*, which do net directly affect th* control of the enterprise...
...The mum.mllHonalr* Secretary of the United States Treasury, Mr...
...Nelhardt proceeds by showing that "truth" today means really th* Justification of a materialistic universe by physical acience, with its refusal to consider anything that cannot be measured...
...It is tatic, anti-militaristic and anti-imperialistic, but individualistic and at bottom thoroughly nationalistic...
...Th* task that confront* th* liberal European friend* ef the Leasue Is to sonsiliate th* liberal spinisn la the United State...
...Amartae had enough of Europe...
...po**d to the war to all fif it* phase* and to the dMsatoft price at ffUaht •f tht> &es*»s aa as erfaaie part af the isjlquitous Versa Diss treaty- Mew the League •speared to the Am*rto*a SswtoBsto it iljl k eteariy todUeatod bp the fotiowtog passage al a "ManU teste" which tirty fcgxaaljy adapted at a national convention is that pear and ef which thie water happen...
...Not many years age one Jack Dempsey knocked down ' one Carpeptier eight times, receiving for his toil a half million of the** standard units of universal value called dollars... increasing number* they turn to the doctrine of "out* la wry of~War," which would formally and by unlvwrsal International treaty abolish war to all forms *nd under all circumataaoos and rely for performance of international treaties, decisions or decree* oa "general acquiescence aad decant respect for the opinions of mankind...
...aarase *•*bvsred m/vd as «*»«¦* inieJia «****» by*tsTsMMM tet*fw.iTws5 are fast attain lag the sesltisn af ss* questioned h*g*m*ay to tha eeeejaefiJe Ufa of the United States...
...ejsjacyaw at Europe...
...Htnce ths traditional foreign policy of ths young republic was to concentrate on America and keep the European rivals out of It...
...What CspltSHsm Needs This peculiar situation may seam puzzling, particularly to the radical, and yet the explanation is not very difficult...
...Through their masters ths slaves came by a huge stock of Angle-Saxon lore that rival* their own In bulk...
...Fifteen hundred folk beliefs are listed by this indefatigable collector...
...There is "mere truth than poetry" to these remarks...
...Tourist Club Hike Sunday, Oct...
...Some, but by far not aO...
...Nf|i bardt'e...
...There is plenty »f room on the Palisades fir everybody...
...It is, of coura*, quite obvioua that the borrowing and paying capacity of Europe, and particularly the European governments,' would vastly enhance If the totter'* obligations to the United States war* cancelled or reduced to the fewest possible point...
...Like the medieval man tb* illiterate Negro dae* not look upon events as the eafeemb of predictable natural law...
...Odt of ths Jail* corns* a rich collection of lyric...
...Toward the end of the last century the country had attained a leading ecenomie position among the foremost aestoas...
...All I put to eat— Setter* J am at home...
...the enthusiasm of Its vigorons swath...
...Spend s pleasant day with us...
...Tha decision was deterred until th* anas convention, which will take plao* to ita...
...ballade reciting the prowess of John Hesry, the black Paul Bunyan> There are chapters ot blues, aad ot work-a-day religious songs...
...WHS the neastiat asd sapid growth ef surplus wealth the fssslsm ef faretgn lavaetmeau Is at eerie u* aad tm* mediate importoaee to AmerleiB eajM' tajtom...
...For every manly wallop he landed on the Frenchman ho received 963,900...
...Already it i* disappearing be* fore the advance of Industrialism sad medical science...
...Nelhardt warns the more thoughtful as well: "even our anti-Individualistic social reformer*, having conceived the social view, would usher in the millennium by shifting relations solely within the economic realm, ignoring thi larger man...
...That task win be accomplished in a measure as tha League free* Itealf frem th* cur** of imperialistic intrigue and give* proof ef a eineere and general determinetien to' seaemo ia fast what it ha* heretofore sea*) largely in theory—an instrument of International peaea and Justice...
...inaofdr as the capacity exists tn each, Jnto the realm of thoe* values we nave been conflicting...
...tissual the Cevenaat sanctions or at sasgt permit* war is certain cireumgaaeas^ asMMl*toUs* It reilsp on the , Th* -S*dls*i*'- Arguments The axpariaaoss of toe World War save shakea th* faith ef most Americas "radical*" to the efficacy of violence far ths eettlement of internattonal disputes...
...As against tola, Asaeiicaa socuritte...
...a The Soelaltot'o Position The evolution of the Sociajftt Party proceeded to a certain extent ' opposite direction- Cwsistm...
...American capitalism i* ready for it svsn now...
...Bat immediately after the cescjw* 'Hon of peace its attitude SJaMsfai S*eV deniy and completely...
...ef.aiymsht, Thtf...
...Tha United State* cannot long maintain the attitude af aloofness in the vital problems ef Cure...
...Fred Meter...
...row for its rapidly expanding industries, commerce and banking...
...The United States claims all ot America- It wants nothing but America,'* may be said to have bean the key to the foreign policy of ths country daring the earlier phases of Its history...
...Tot "It I* altogether possible to live the ethical life of Swipe while enjoying all of the vaunted blessings ot materialistic
...Under the greedy rutting of a materialistic system, war is inevitable, despite the fact that, like the king commanding the tide, "many ct us have hit upon the brilliant'idea ot arriving at a gentleman's agreement!to the end that hereafter th* painful effect shall not follow the cause-" Mere Mr...
...Hence Am OH n eApitct at this time sincerely desires the peace of Europe and th* reduction «f European armament, and views- with favor every potential ageficy operating in that direction, including the League of Nations and it* World Court...
...of it* economic Interest* If for no other reason...
...Collingwood's •Speculum Mentis" Is perhaps more Correct in pointing out the error implicit In art... that the United States wag dlettoetiy a debtor country...
...At th* same time the Importance of Europe as an investment market for the United States grows...
...During my most impressionable year* I was told that things equal to th* came thing are equal to each other, and I cannot forget the statcmegt...
...This la the true ss— of Oserge Wash tost*«'e famous warning to ate usuuUf sssti to avoid foreign «aateng1*m*«te," and tha obvious intent of tha Monroe JHetrtao...
...The League of Nations as Constituted, moreover, swats with special disf*vor oa the part of American radicals because It la pert of the Versailles Treaty...
...The Negro folk lore 1* merely that ot a backward, isolated social group...
...As to tha hags loans which It had dispensed during the war with lavish hands, Its attitude changed from one of a generous ally to that af a calculating creditorPublic Opinion Shifts But, if the change la the official foreign policy of the United States during the post-war period is striking, ths intra-political shift of American opinion on this policy Is almost paradoxical...
...Once as an editorial writer I ventured upon an oblique remark calculated to throw some slight shadow of doubt upon the Inevitable righteousness of Big Business, and bding called upon the carpet, I was informed in bellowing tones that 'Buslncss Is sacred!' The atatement was no mere expression of individual opinion...
...America's "Radical*" Different It the motive* of the "liberal" policy and "co-operating aplrit" ot our capitalist class** toward Europe are thu* quit* transparent, th* opposite attitude of...
...The idea ef plaoing th* burden on those who have been enriched by the war through a special levy on large i properties and incomes has not occurred cr doe* not appeal to our | "radicals...
...Ever *!nc* th* Civil War th* national government 9t th* United State* has been dominated by Industrial capitalism...
...without exaggeration, that virtually money has been deified in our tame...
...Th* United States produces manufactured commodities far beyond its Own needs...
...Th* song* runs* frem tha lugubrious "Prisoner's Song" to the Ironic humor of "Bettar'n X Has at Borne": * Coiea pone, fat eased...
...Hence alas the relative generosity of the American Government in tha settlement of too war debts...
...Such a scnem* of education would certainly result in the development *f a wider field 'of eonsotousn...
...By a presses of steady financial penetration It has secured a dominant economic and political position in most of tha Latin-American republics, and its Influence la fast spreading- to Canada, Its sols neighbor on ths north...
...This is a consideration the worker must net -lose sight of...
...Tha opposition of tha League and the "business attitude" toward the war debts earns mainly from the reactionary capitalist later•sts, largely represented in politics by the Republican party...
...but Mr...
...Jutto Bell-Ransk...
...and Mr...
...If th* European debtor* are relieved of th* obligation the burd«n will fall wholly on th* American taxpayer*, including American worker*-and farmers...
...Statisticians, by way of inducing th* young parson to get on* of these desirable Pieces of property for himself, have shown the exact cash value of a college education, which is mora expensive than th* grade school or high school brand...
...Whatever st(H remained of its traditional foreign policy seemed to be definitely shattered when ths country entered ths World War In 1S1T, for the first time sending American troopt across the ocean and taking an active and leading part tn the quarrels and ssttlo1 ments of Europe, The great republic of tha Woat threw rtosHT tote tSe aaste ef world polities whs afl fas taiga* sf Its tremendous wealth, with a...
...And those who are hot in power can effect changes in education only through the type ot 'persuasion" that will arte* them the power to get- When equity Qf economic distribution la...
...When th* Covenant of th* League wa* flast sUbmltt*d to the 8*n*t* tor ratification th* "radical group" opposed it mainly on the ground that the guarantee of territorial integrity a* against external aggression contained to 4rt*e*e X was as* to involve *s Lsegroe msmiiri -to the JBsmssaaat tlsBlflr...
...Andrew Mellon, he* explained the etmi...
...Th* Geneva Protocol end the Locarno "Pact for a time materially enhanced ths prestige of the League in the pubHe opinion ot America, but the disgraceful aftermath ot Locarno more than neutralised the favorable impression...
...Ths negative attitude of American radicals toward'the cancellation of the war debts springs from reasons not unrelated to those which underlie their opposition to the League...
...Sooner or later it will be ferejad into active participation In trans* Atlsntl* politico for th* pr*ts*s)*n...
...It is the same group that opposes most rigorously all schemes of total or partial cancellation of war debts...
...Lectures on Literature And Drama at the Bronx Free Fellowship Forum 4 rare opportunity to bear 41*tingulshed speaker* on vitally interesting subject* for en u»u*u*l price If afforded the puWlo id twelve lectures on "Literature, and ©ram*" at .th* Bronx Tree Fellowship...
...As for the warlocks, pixie* and brownies that still cavort South of the Mason Dixie lind, they are of good Anglo-Saxon parentage...
...principally railroad bonds, were held to (•reign eeuntriss to the amount ef IM««,M0,m...
...our "radical" statesman and th* elemsnto they represent spring* from condition* much more InvolvedThere la, to begin with, a marked distinction between the European...
...A similar policy of approach is indicated by ths administration's relenting attitude on the settlement of the war debts...
...Th* Italian war settlement was particularly odious to the whole radical and liberal opinion ot America because Its extraordinarily lenient terms seemed to favor and strengthen ths Fascist dictatorship...
...As the Megro rdbe with civilization be tearn* net to call •Xtewd" m te riraightetieuthtemufidan* affairs...
...Meeting place, Dyckman street terry...
...The cluster of folk superstitions about every human event are listed here, from birth through to burial...
...a closed adventure unrelated to the tea* erai fate and progress ef tha nation...
...By Joseph T. Shipley IN two most entertaining and stlm? ulating papers on the contribution poetry can make to th* world today (Poetic Value...
...Contrary to toe prevailing Nordic belief th* Afro-Am erica na lore is wholly an Inheritance from tom-tom beating grandfathers ori the Conge...
...whoa America'* entry late the League wa* formally add definitely rejected, it advocated the country** participation in th* P«rman*"t Court ot totoTnatlenel Jaetio...
...daniocratte vUsf mnm—li* They consider ft of vital zaporttan that tha United States ^ enter tha e^HS9v4avwka% ^^BVw^*s9^**rw*^Pwa' wJ"o^es%inw^J Under these e»mnrwts»c*s seme of the American Socialists hav* mediflsd their attitude .toward tha League to the direction of th* European program...
...The countries of Europe offer a new and fertile field fof the absorption of the American surplus- Europe's eeenenale recovery from the war ravages hag -proved' slower thsa was anticipated- In the painful proses* of Industrial reconstruction it needs and will for a long time continue needing American goods and capital- But Europe In Its present distraught position falls to offer sufficient assurances of payment and repayment...
...A staunch supporter of President Wilson's domestic and foreign policy, the Federation at Its national convention ef 191* wholeheartedly endorsed the League as aa institution "which mark* th* aearast approach to perfection that he* *v*r been reached In the International affair* ef mankind...
...Hi* world I* a eaprietena, unreasonable place where It is good to carry charms and amulet* to control happenings...
...By far the Sroeter part of the latter Is still in th* American continent Europe's private debt* to America do not exceed |J.We,OOo,o»o, or •bout tea per osat of Its total foreign claims and holdings... fact, these songs mirror th* whole •motional scale of Negro work-a-day life, from th* tragic to the comic aad from the- ironic to the plaintive...
...never became part- at the League ef Nations, of which It had been the principal sponsor during the war aad ths period . of formulating tha ***** treaty...
...These lines, largely Inspired by bitter resentment against the allied treachery and reaction around the "peace tab...
...With one determined stovsmest ths United States shook off the beads which bad temporarily tied it to Europe and ones mors withdraw tats Its shell of "traditional isolation...
...Nrihardt snake* pungent comment: "Who that Is observing has not sensed th* attitude •ˆ¦40110688 surrounding great wealth: noted the exaggerated deference with which the most commonplace representative of great wealth Is received, •v*n In circles otherwise distinguished by Intelligence...
...In th* United State* the workers have so far failed to claim a distinct place in the political lite of the country and the "labor question" ha* never acquired a determining political importance...
...Of th* making ot Negro folk songs there is pi end: The lyric quality et Negro ttf* is not a whit lessened, j»r, Urns, as Is shown by th* following anthology of sings current to certain parte of North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and George during SfM and Jt*f...
...And the cause does no* saam to them worthy of th* sacrifice...
...Th* reader will meet manp folk beljefa of European origin...
...This magic ts often a hash ef Negro vodooiam asd European superstition, seasoned with a liberal mixture of Christianity, It will care blister*, aid in a crap gam* and remove warts...
...Therefore a college education of the beat and most widely advertised brand IS exactly equivalent to a good stiff wallop on the Jaw, and Carpentier received the equivalent pf eight distinct college educations from Doctor Dempsey in exactly three minute* and forty-nine seconds...
...Tha opposition comes largely from the liberal and "radical" sections of the country, particularly from the "radical bloc" in the Senate...
...The recent Senate resolution of adherence to the World Court was such a "feeler," the general Impression prevailing that the action was' intended to pave the way into the League Itself...
...perhaps, as Is implied but not steted in the essays, that through it is achieved the essential synthesis that makes a unity of all the analyse* of science, that gives msn his final understanding af and attitude toward the world...
...asd then: /tines en my arm...
...Ths true aim of thla alliance of capitalist powers I* to safeguard their plunder, to bully and dominate th* weak nation*, to crush preletariaa governments and to thwart everywhere th* mevem*nt ot the working class...
...What 1* Mr.' Nelhardt'* remedy T Can th* b*ttern»ent coma, he ask*, otherwise than through a new social parsuasian determining a system of education designed to Introduce eliimea...
...Ot course there are cheaper brands, but this "is a quality article...
...Defers the War and Sjnee Tbo ruling" classes of the United Mates early recognised that the vast territory of the 'Western Hemisphere furnished tha most logical and promising field for their expansionist ambitions...
...Th* volume Includes songs from the construct!** - camp, from the railroads, thd terms, from Negro convicts in county jails...
...Bracelets on my /eel— Stronger 'n I has at hems...
...Th* resolution adapted at its i92t convention read* >n part: "Conditions affecting th* relations between tha nations of the world arc in a great *t*t* of flux...
...I* amusing to see how Christiaaity tn toe Negro mind bocomef a sort of higher vodooiam: "Mo Jed us help me fur'tool do man...
...for ffusd*p use only...
...The Negro workaday singers hav* celebrated every sort of a Job and every vicissitude of life...
...Uh put m* flaguh 'cdn da awn' eye, en' 'e.nbbuh hates si...
...The groat war to which it had missd the Wood of thensands of its young roan with the fed, stream of the combatants •**' all aktions became a thing af tha asst...
...9^mt^t wmn im» tasted to threw i» theftr who** acrsngth to a concerted effort to make it aBthrrsslT...
...Another great war would irretrievably bankrupt Europe and rata a qtest promising" market tor America, The maintenance ef cosily and uaprp...
...Wilson insisted oa unconditional ratification...
...It has net hesitated to sand armed expeditions to subjugate friendly but weak sister-republics in Central and South America, and it still maintains an effective saseraiaty over seme of them...
...The Negro workman brsdlpl tote a yodel when his white white follow, workers sweat to silence...
...Tim*, 10 a. m. Fare, 10c Walking time, 3 hours...
...ducUv* armed forces dissjalabee Europe...
...fp the recent national convention ef the Socialist Party of the United States, held to May af this year, the subject ef America'* adherence to th* League provoked a lively discussion, with tap sentiment about equally divided...
...But while the** •>'e»tiaes of superstltious folk theUght are gradually tedlag the N*gr* ttin look* at lite with the freak, chfld-Ukc eye ot an unspoiled primitive...
...When, President Wilson first submitted the covenant of the League for ratification by the Senate the Republican majority of-that body was ready to accept it with slight reservations...
...Aid «. "** men ketch me 'sen 'e house 'en '* hah "C resor '**n '* ban,' Gawd tangle* de ssasj' feet 'i help me fuh ait -way...
...However, tw* year* later w* find the r*4*r*ttoa mere cautious and doubtful en the subject...
...EU Siege!, Mririn P. Levy and Michael abid Coejrto ticket* 4r* sold it IM* Sing!* admistfta to if eeats...
...For an analogy to the type of mind which clings to its .budget of homely superstition* one must turn to she Middle Ages, when religion waa a teal for the work-a-d*y a* Well a* Sunday world...
...yet the obvious sprwer la that even such opportunities ** th* worker now ha* for developing' "*lf th* human values" h*ve been wrung by economic conflict with those who control th* money and therefor* th* power of th* world...
...The Western Hemisphere became tea par...
...Ntfri> religion Eventually become* a celeries* asd respeetobw Proteetontlsm...
...Th* tect that simultaneously with the debt settlement, which canceled almost SO per cent, of the principal, on the ground of Italy's Uncapacity" to pay more, a hug* private loan wa* mad* to th* Italian gov«rpm*nt by American bankers at 7 per cent, intereat, besides heavy commission* and discount*, made it appear that ths American people had been fleeced In the interest* of the American bankersThe organised workers of th* United States ss represented by th* American Federation of Labor have in th* course of the laat six year* undergone a noticeable change of heart in their attitude toward* the League of Nation...
...Wilt the Poet Save The World...

Vol. 3 • October 1926 • No. 38

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