The News of the Week S^S)^SM^tsWS^SMt\v "j^^^^^^^hi^^ staOps^sheq, Jsbsjs> hSs*siVv^ds^fc$0*^ss*B^^^*l^p**^ lifte-Ttsster,, pi—Id—t «C tin. Board of Trail*, estimate ths cost of ths eosl strike...

...No —at high— than T» easts, la*las Jng mejsh rusdsd refreshments...
...Welt, Judge Gary, toll yourMlf and your Una tone that all money ha* aver don* for you is Ju*t t* take th* prop* from under your last frayed canopy of oivilired pretense...
...If you are familiar with those adopted last year or any year before that, you know what they are...
...Next to th* Russian revolution, ws know of nothing so soul-stirring snd stupendous in its inspirational import as th* scrap that brought in two million dollars from 130,000 100 per sent...
...but It followed the logic of an expanding empire controlling peoples oversea...
...Flew at me, pelting my burning fees...
...HERE they are, candidates, keynote speeches, platforms and all the accessories that go with a gathering of the party brokers preparing to gather in the gullible...
...He fears that the British flag may be hauled down' in this part of the world, "hinting at' the possible absorption of Canada by the United States...
...Lebon* .and McDoujalls^Naod need definite, constructive analyst* tbat ia spirited With social meaning as well aa pregnant With¦ stisattfto substance...
...Regret, hewsvsr, that we cannot find thus to writ* a book oa ths subject bstwsn...
...Tbe Government has not budged and the Church officials reassert their position...
...In New -Tbrk City Judge Talley has been muzzled for the past week...
...Over th*r* you'll find Square-Jaw Moriarty and Vermicelli Baeigalupo, th* head booze paddlar* of th* U. S. A. On your riflht is Judge Gsry and his fifteen vice-presidents of th* Steel Trust, flanked by every railroad prssidsnt of note between here and the Rio Grande,—America's finest, I'll say, ladies and gentlemen,—while to your left is Squinty McGuinness, who sold more dope than any man of his wsight th* world over, and Goophsr Gadsink, who run* mors fence* for bandit loot than Philadelphia has sxcusss for h*r exposition...
...Ill Clin toe street...
...A ladles' auxiliary wBT£ bw organised within a short tans...
...wis* a showman as Richard...
...Loria contended that no ruling class could hope to maintain its supremacy unless its greed was restrained by its intellectual police and that the politician in office who did not recognize this served his employers to no good purpose...
...AH af ths ar...
...The convention is for them a sort of stock exchange,, where they sell and buy political influence, payable in places or money, or, at all events, get to know each other, and form connections, which they will turn'to account later on...
...It la not that these conclusions ar* new or startling to these who havs thought tn radical channels...
...TP OUR "LEFTS" OUR unternned "lefts" have recently devoted much space in their Chicago org*an to that section of New York voters in many of the needle trade unions that have in past elections voted for Socialist candidates, but "scratched" in favor of Smith for Governor...
...vrjted for Tammany candidates for tbe Aasembfy aiid other offices...
...Having qualified to vote, go to the polls on Election Day and "drop a piece of paper in the box...
...Real estate bad its representation...
...Duranf* Story *f Philosophy will surely not b* ths beet non-fiction eelter this winter and next spring...
...This ¦rare our imperial masters the advantage in the race for world dominion...
...Its action on the status of the Islands'was a painful one...
...on* bquoa doUar...
...W* sen almost pity th* dombell* wsas assist a sasd part sf thsb- weekly income an « gratulata the showmen and the aetor* on their consummate success in legally fU*Whg auch a stupendoa* •am from such a stupendous in...
...Lin* forms on this side, ladies and Bentismen, and don't crush—call out your pries, from five to fifty— thi* way for the big show . Wall, we are weeping no tears and spitting no venom...
...Tbte^soessr U^ssd snej^dhwcWto~ mads rha^ev^!egUan>ns(s—sry'awd pessuecsediwg.a bournesi* rsvsiutiaa...
...Th* productive forces of every economic ay stoat have contained within themselves elemente making for development, for expansion and for change...
...T. Social Science Publishers, 50c), comes as a singularly arresting and valuable contribution in that it endeavors to discover and disentangle these social laws...
...Among his ethsf genuine talents, ws may count on him as sn expert mathematician...
...That this is possible is of course true, but international relations are so complex that one cannot make any predictions with assurance...
...Then* background la derived from an examination of realities and net myths...
...contribution to the topic that is of such pro* sound Importance to the radical move-, stents of ths world...
...He is much concerned with the tendency of modern legislation and considers what he would do if he were dictator...
...Y*st*rday When Helen's lips touched mine I said: "These lips begin to sate...
...Meantime, three leading representatives of the Mexican Labor movement are on their way to attend the Detroit convention of the American Federation of Labor...
...owned by Mexicans and that 80 par cent, of this in the hands of Church officials or religious oraanisatleaa...
...The tomes* Colony Club Orchestra will furnish ths) At this abuses ths club win start ttf drive for I.*** members, and also Shf steowmhoca...
...Not onlythis, but there have been voters who have supported the few Communists nominated for office and tjjen...
...Our gness la that prominent politician* have assured him that every time he has called for a march into Mexico Governor Smith has lost votes...
...A special section of the...
...Dotaiitory RegretThe mood is of tha hour...
...Two political corporations whose majority stock is owned by our ruling classes have met in convention...
...Sinclair won one round and the Government has won the other...
...Even the busted boom in Florida of yastarycar had not succeeded in killing outfall th* simon-pars suckers in the States...
...Beneath all of these phenomena run certain definite social laws...
...9, the last day, the hours are from 7 a. m. to 10:30 p. m. . Keep these days in mind...
...These figures and reports of Socialist watchers in elections in recent years show Communist voters also voting for Smith...
...Thst heresy is past...
...What .the oatooroe will be remains-to ba sawn...
...which inaugurated ths...
...With dark, alert old themes, ere blown Swsy By the medley of flute-notes in my har„ And vclvst drum-beats that thrum on my ears...
...But this will not necessarily be a general good for all...
...v. Last Monday night we attended ths first uniting of th* Grub Street Club season, right after we had finished th* first part of our weekly stint, With viaione of Tex Rickard** perpetration stilt disturbing our usual balanc...
...ins: or sienal...
...Not the slightest in the world...
...We have had enough, of tbe mathematical mysticism of the Korsybakis, enough of the parlor-piracies of knoanedffs that satisfy th* mutinous professor, enough of theVxries of the...
...every *qu**l*r and strikebreaking detectiv...
...James F. Norris predicted "an unparalleled utilization of chemical knowledge for the physical, esthetic and economic welfare of man...
...That piece of paper we place in the ballot box determines the kind of other pieces of paper that' will be issued till the next election...
...Well, whatever may be ths pro snd eon af sash sn argument, we can visual iza alt B*stop an—king behind drawn blinds of brownston* bpuas* to peek through the accusing chapter* of Wood's analysis, smirking to themselves, and whispering to sash ether at imSmato gatherings—snd incidentally stirring up tray tornadoes of delicious ***r*sl...
...Tha struggle Mexican leeum tor separation ei la SukmeUnm Church add Stats •*mrm*,nm in Mexico continues, bftt without tha dramatic interest it had a few weeks age...
...Social revolution* srs n*'rther made nor gr*v*nt*d by individuals or by groups...
...V at Clinton Hall...
...But before we can vote it is also necessary to register, which is also another case of dropping a piece of paper in a box...
...We might multiply the illustrations, but no more is necessary...
...Norris visions...
...Banks had their proxies...
...This new *iass was ths bourgeoisie In ths Prsnsb Revolution of 17*s...
...Norris came a cable from Berlin announcing the invention -of .a new silent rifle which carries 25 shots without reloading and by compressed air sends a bullet 2,000 meters through steel...
...The abalrtton of axplortaUan is th* revel*tiooary objective of the proletariat...
...Tex Rickard had apparently kept strict count on how many were left, for he built just that number of extra seats to totsl with his statistics...
...Calverton Social Revolution OUR age Is rife with revolutionary doctrine and proclamation...
...come in and seethe Terrible Manas** Mauler, Champion Rib Crusher and Teeth Smasher knock the living lights out of the Man-Eating Marin* who dares to dispute th* title...
...England may take- a -hack seat while our masters rule the world, but they in turn will have to take the- count Meantime, let us hope "that the Issues raised by Inge will be settled by the rise) of Republics of Labor and thus avoid the drift to another-world war...
...A* captain* of commerce, thia illustrious trio makes JudS* Gary and Charli* Schwab look like th* stub of a SSJO seat three day* after the fight...
...After examine Hon of th* social revolutions that have overtaken the w*d)L ths conclusions of ths authors are si*r rdflcant: ; .31 Fundamental to all successful a—1st revolution ia a basic change in the economic structure of society...
...Has it ever made any difference...
...His ideal is a free hand for the great oligarchies of capital and finance and when the masses get a little restless and object to the skinning business the government should order the police out to "maintain order...
...Shortly after this address by Dr...
...Parliament la called in special sisslsn to eaten* the emergency regulations due to the strike and Premier Baldwin presented a defense of his policy la relation to the strike...
...Feliuluaeu ha* bacons* an laipiatojij article in the race for'world donthlfon and governments ¦as uansai ling their supplies for their, navies...
...Thi* economic change cannot'be prevented by the volition of ruling Privileged classes never rniinqufsh their prerogatives voluntarily...
...Americans and almost saved the SeeauiCantanniat Celebration of American Freedom from utter neglect and oblivion: A* a simple patriotic mov* en th* part of T*x MjfkarsV ErUII* Taylor** husband and "Gen*," the M-*wwln*» w* ohallsng* any Rotary Ku Klux, or Chamber of Commerce between here and Hawaii to equal...
...But we hav* nothing higher than healthy contempt far the bhf-blood* and th* famed industrial generaliaaimi whs lent their prestige of presence to a scene of cheap decadence...
...French Revolutions of 1TN and 1MC the Japanese Revolution of 1817...
...Coal has also been Imported into England from countries whose workers have contributed to the strike fund, which simply emphasizes the need of better International solidarity if the workers of each country are not to unwittingly serve as strike-breakers...
...We have also paid some attention to this and last week we pointed out that these mistaken voters are being repaid by the raids on and arrests of strike pickets by Tammany officials...* atteshsja 'Mi JC Coo...
...4\{ ; While we 'are/atr it we may observe hr pasting tbat a number of those who curadU*>iii» the "left** squad in the ladies* garment unions are those who set up...
...Former Labor Premier Ramsay MacDonald vigorously .criticised Baldwin's policy, declaring that the Government "had lined up ah the aide of' the mine owners against the strikers.'* Meantime, If report* are reliable, the miners are being starved into submission and quite a large namber are returning to the mines...
...There has been no sooisl revolution in which the exploited els— have net forcibly expropriated ths ruling class...
...This program is easily understood, It means business in government but no interference by government in business unless the police are needed...
...The desthly silences thst fill the brain...
...No property interest was denied its share in the deliberations and now what...
...Not that our contempt will in any way affect in the least the even tenor of their way...
...Super-power and public utilities were represented at Doth conventions...
...In fact, *v*ry on* and *v*ry parson who** nam* or occupation is part and parcel of th* fabric that ha* woven this nation in it* present grand and glorious position throughout th* civilized world...
...It is necessary to control and manage it for the welfare of all or a few will hog it for themselves...
...Hodeea, —rt*l*rjr'ac fa* Bttoaraf Iatornallimsl...
...Besides these, in th* lower-priced and far removed stanchions, you will have the opportunity of viewing some six score thousand of the world's rarest, the plain sucker Ameriesaa, who ar* paying from S2S to ISO, plus war tax, far th* opportunity of squinting at a squared circle somewhere on th* horison...
...It ha* taken all our Sunday School manner* from svsn using on* red-blooded owss word over tha whole affair...
...Registration begins on Monday, October 4, and continues the rest of the week: Hours of registration are from 5 p. m. to 10:30 p. Yn.- On Saturday, Oct...
...He sees in France a menade, while the United States is represented as a Shy lock who may reach for world power and invite a world coalition against us...
...In these parlous days of economic- change and political upheaval, no study could be more excit...
...However, it is not -likely that tbey-Pan-American Federation of Labor-will bo disrupted by "an issue that is foreign to' the working class of this country...
...But at least wa have the eased cense of having spat at them, heartily, •nd without th* least mannerly reserve...
...A third round may be fought .before the Supreme Court...
...And now I sit Listless at my books...
...Add this death weapon to the poison gases and other means of mass murder now being prepared for the "next war" and it is just possible that we will succeed in commiting suicide before Ave can take advantage of the blessings Dr...
...Considering that for several gnasiataiaa hath the Rape oilcan and TbhnocriUs parties bay* followed the course of laalalstlng natural resource* into th* hand* at capitalists and that this legislation has often been accompanied by Jztst as much corruption as that Involved in T—pot Dome, It would appear that government policy is changing so fa/ as resources that enhance imperialist dominion abroad is concerned...
...With some people this appeared to be profound...
...Dean Inge of Inge Fears for St...
...Unless you register you cannot vote in November...
...Nasi Tork City...
...We were told that it is utter folly to think of accomplishing anything by "dropping pieces of paper in a box...
...The loss of votes and offices by our clerical-capitalist politicians Is a serious matter for them...
...Paul's, LonBritieh Future '*»• *ets on first page this week with a gloomy forecast of the future of England, said forecast being an excerpt from a forthcoming book...
...Modern wars grow out of the struggle for mastery of trade, markets, investments and general economic exploitation...
...In comparison, with the compromising- fastiiHonsnsss" and evasive hesitancy of a Soroktn, this' volume stands out in strong and...
...A considerable proportion of each convention," he wrote, "consists of office seekers or office holders, and, in general, of mercenary politicians...
...Time after time_^he'most-elementary rights oX^publicjaA^Cfriblage have .been stricken ""lown, rrfen and women have been dispersed by the use of clubs, arid even private premises have been raided to prevent the strikers from discussing problems affecting their welfare These official Babbitts by their actions have declared that to oppose the will of tex> tfle owners is illegal and have thus carried us back to the days when to oppose the personal ^'ill of the lord tot the manor was a serious . offense...
...represent the organized workers of Mexico...
...As a result of th* changed mode sf s—we mis production, there springs pp inevitably a new culture and a new Psychology...
...They recur whenever and wherever the proper objtath?* oemfiSuoi*ssfslv ****Bi rsiisljusWsj' Mkst into power a now aecra letoas^h it herto exploited...
...we chanced into the saiddl* of Chun Wood's lecture on Amy Lewoll via the*Freudian Raert... and SrSS P. M. Monday night, at Che* Lucran Bast stab SB— L New York City...
...sturdy contrast...
...ft* own productive system is legalised, favored by legislation sad pre tec tod., (to Miami— are si tones*)** punish soV Counter - revolution ary fate' denotes ar* ruthlessly crushed oeft **y ths foros af th* law...
...Thar* must have been at least 130,000 more .of them left—and they all went, and saw, and got soaked...
...Judges and Governors ire coming from the length and breadth, billionaires snd petty millionsiras, th* Fancy Four Hundred, th* blu*-blood«d nobility, yaa, all th* Who's Who and How's How* and th* Wateh-y*-May-Call'*m, srs all coming...
...The boycott no longer appears 1ft tha news, and it has apparently ceased to be a factor In the controversy...
...American finance .-^and capital came out of the yjtar^stronger than they went in,,, while the other nations came out of it prostrated...
...Which also reminds us that next Monday n>ght we have been collar-yanked by th* thsu—nd *td*d Chairman of th* Grub Street Club, Henry Harrises, to apssk on "Francois Villon a* s Peee Among Vittadsj Poets...
...What difference does it make whether Albany hangs out the Tammany flag or the Republican flag next year...
...It is a "piece of paper" that consigns prominent men in the labor, movement to prison as the result of a frameup...
...Another round Teapot Dome It has been fought Hit by Court between th° p°veminent and Harry F. Sinclair, the purse being Teapot Dome...
...But the argument ignored other "little pieces of paper" on which is written the injunction intended to serve the employing class in a strike...
...LABOR SPORTS PrSgis—1 was to Givs Dance The Progressive Sport Club wfit celebrate its existence with an all-star entertainment and dance on Oct...
...Register as a voter or you will be disfranchised next November...
...their sis;-, niflcance II— tn their having been, drawn not from speculative theoretics, but from social circumstances...
...They have acted on the assumption that striking men and women have no civil righta<and that a strike itself is beyond the paje^ofiaw...* proletariat ?n the Russian Revolution sf 1M7...
...With its soft hands the wind caresses m* And glides its chamois fingers over my eyes Liko s loving woman whoso least touch thrills...
...Senator Reed also contributes to "Nation's Bftisirfess," an influential organ of the class vested with the economic power to rule the republic... business, who failed, and then'returned to the union...
...Not so" many years ago there was a "radical" argument made afgainst voting... eyes Rove to the walls or seek the skies Outside the window...
...W* can forgive bootleggers, pa*d*r*rs, prestitutss, gunman and the shady ilk of th* lower strata for basting in on this show, since mast of them gsmbled en it as th*y gamhie on doped horses, fixed die* and tapped wires...
...Thi* haw sisgains control «f ah* m**hinery of ths state vanish- it sets to work in Its own iirtorvata...
...A few government commissions will not hurt because they can be controlled by the ruling classes...
...The . chaos of central Europe, the rise of Mussolini, the advance of the Britlah1 labor movement and the social revolution in Rum la, nave prepared us for sudden and catastrophic chances in the complex geometry of our economic world...
...The wind hss the passion of a lever...
...The Wind I never shall be lonely since th* wind Still comee to play for me a •ting* tune...
...It M this fact which makes The Law o% Social Revolution'* a striking...
...Each has been in and each has been out...
...Whether the new philosophy of capitalist Imperialism has also reached the Supreme Court will be determined when the case reaches that body...
...Board of Trail*, estimate ths cost of ths eosl strike at...
...These services entitled him to promotion to the Senate, where he is able to continue his work...
...The press has given liberal space to an article written by President Calles for the current number of "Foreign Affairs," in which he points put' that less than one-third of the total wealth of Mexico is...
...They have met before and will meet again...
...Nearly twenty years ago Ostrogorski, the recognized authority on the American party system, described the party conventions...
...I've read Too easily their secret, I would play Some other game that dees not quickly cloy, I long sgain for my study's quiet joy...
...THE USE OF POWER IN A recent address before the American Chemical Society Dr...
...We may bf>surf/tintf fyfs will be repeated, next November...
...establishment of the .first proletaries government In the world...
...And, ladies and gentleman, inside i* th* greatest •how of th* century...
...That'* their asms...
...But in doing so be sure that your ballot is intended to obtain power for you, your fellows, and your class, rather than for those who live upon^ workless incomes which represent your unpaid labor...
...Joseph Resniek...
...Clem, it appears, is having a book publishsd sn tha lady and why ah* was, and what she did, with* all her wish unfulffHraenta, mad repressi*net, and inhibitions thrown in...
...The following day William Phillips, manager-of the industrial department of the Canadian National Railways, reported large in Canadian enterprises as though to confirm the gloomy Dean's fears...
...It is a "piece of paper" that sets in motion the machinery that evicts the worker from a tenement...
...Strike after strike in that state have shown these petty officials making law the private property of the owners of these mills...
...There is about these dissections of theory, as there ia about the earlier chapters, 'a cleanness and clear-'' nosh of approach which are at one* critical and' cogent...
...We pass these items on for the information of our "lefts," although we do hot expect them to pass them on to the faithful...
...It is a poor policy even for the ruling classes...
...A nation that can smile with Cat far it* Prssidsnt should certainly feel highly honored at being gumfooxled by so...
...If you can make a world whisper, you're on your way to ¦¦flwsw**, at least, aay we to Clement Wood...
...If Smith goes out and Mills goes in what, difference will it make...
...The social order that gives rise to this' struggle must he abolished if we are not again sacrificed to the greed of our Imperial Caesars...
...He would wipe out all regulatory commissions, investigations, red tape and other governmental routine surrounding our great empires of capital...
...If these little Babbitts are made to pay for their brutal sport perhaps they will be a little cautious in the future., ; REED I§, WRONG SENATOR REED of Pennsylvania, spokesman of Secretary Mellon in the Senate, has also been legal advisor of the United States Steel Corporation and the Pennsylvania Railroad...
...The Law of Social Revolution," a Co-operative Study by the Labor Research Group, of which Scott Nearing was the leader (N...
...i ..Ths soccer division is open -tm atoms...
...As our "left" wiseacres think it of considerable importance and ascribe it to Socialist voters alone, it is just as well to give the complete record verified^ by figures of the Communist vote in this city...
...All those Interested ehosjft wmnnunicats ¦ with Manager Han* Grossman, i«t £ast Third street...
...Mew York City...
...Senator Reed should learn from Loria...
...As*a matter of fact, in many sections of New JerseV tne laws are not executed...
...He declared that the Government's proposal to create a national arbitration tribunal' remains open, while Uoyd George urged forcible opening of the mines and compelling the mine owners to accept compulsory arbitration...
...They are ^suspended while those who are sworn to obserag them run amuck and smash the best,,^rarn«pns in our history...
...He strongly subscribes to the slogan of the party in power: "More business in government and less government in business...
...In brief, it aims to reduce "revolutionary pae> nomena to a body of social law," te reduce social revolution to its lowest denominator...
...Traditional outlooks are in large part eventually results...
...We shall not attempt to analyze the platforms...
...If we permit the new power to be the property of a possessing class as we now do coal and power sites all that we can see is that chemists are working to further enrich our corporate kings...
...Norris should remember that something more than the discovery of a new power is- essential to make mankind happy...
...Scattered through on every sids you'll find every race track tout, every speakeasy owner, every madams and mister of sporting houses worthy the note, every light-fingered gent, every safscracker, every cork-seVewsd l*wy*r and ward hsaler, and pug, and bouncer...
...The Church has succeeded in getting many thousands of signatures to petitions to Congress for a modification of tha law* affecting the Church, but that body, refuses to consider them...
...Critical Cruising By V.F...
...This is all that happened in .Syracuse and • New York City...
...and 1* carried through tbe Russian revo- - lotion of 1917...
...Like Hashimura Togo, we like to knowj REGISTER ONCE each year.we have.the opportunity to vote...'m THE CHATTER BOX p BE GRATEFUL, f.lla^ Americans, for having Kve*> to **• a worW war, a **ri«* of great national revolution*, in *th*r countries, and the D*mp**y-Tunney fight...
...He went on^ to say that when, "through the efforts of the' chemists, the world has more of good health, and everyone more leisure to enjoy the best in life, the day will come when the world will be a better place in which to live and international good feeling will prevail...
...Of course, we got our usual mad up in order to start a discussion, in which ws took what Gloria Ooddard —fled the "spongy romantic viewpoint,*' We objected to any post's life being dissected like a c*d«v*r, especially at a meeting of pests whs ar* supposed to b* above scientific gsssip and court-yard scandal...
...The Federal Circuit Court of Appeals has reversed the decision' of a lower court, which had upheld the Teapot Dome oil lease obtained by Sinclair from former Secretary of the Interior Albert B. Fall...
...New social standards are —t up and new forms of conduct are dovolopedand almoet unconsciously accepted...
...The public officials within the areas of New Jersey miQ towns have for generations acted like servile squires did before British nobles ~a hundred y«ars ago...
...Much is*said of "Jersey justice," the implication being\tha% laws are executed swiftly and impartially...
...Professor Loria pointed out many years ago that one of the functions of the intellectual retainers of a class system is to restrain the ruling classes from going too far...
...wet-ataxy of the Miners' jrederatlon of Great Britain, on the soars of ths totter-s leadership, but the criticism does not appear to us to be justified by anythinr don* by Cook...
...In the same category of delegates are often found persons who are,simply agents for big private concerns, for railroad corrrssuiias, and other corporations which want to introduce their garrisons into the political fortresses...
...Baffled in their hOHT\for profits, dometimes because of union, conditions and sometimes because of inability .to compete with more experienced exploiters, they returned to the onions to war on the union itself in the name of "militancy...
...JERSEY JUSTICE" WE HOPE tha, the announcement by Norman Thomas of intention to bring suit of false arrest against certain official popinjays in New Jersey will culminate in the assessment of heavy damages against the guilty persons...
...with tha slave and peasant revolts of early ages, ajialyatoa" th* revolutionary movements of the bear geolaie, the study includes treatment of the revolutionary development* hi Mexico, China and India, lb* course Of the English Revolution of IMS, th* . American Revolution at 177«, th...
...It is a pleasing prospect and we can imagine a new type of energy evolving out of chemical experiments sufficient to supply the motive power for all industries...
...The same warding adapted to the year 1926, and there you are...
...The lower court is also instructed to demand of the Mammoth Company an accounting of the oil taken from the Teapot Naval reserve and to oast the and « Is probable that the Sinclair iai*rsste wftt carrr tt to the 8upr*rae Court... ls> devoted ¦ to exposition and analysis' of/ revolutionary theory — the atarxiaa theory of Social Revolution, the Social' Democratic Theory and the Communist Theory...
...America's new and proud fnatt* i* now "Millions for a prizefight, but not a cent for daeSncy . . ." What a cheap bunch ear millionaires are after atll Some ens, we think our good friend Bill Ourant, ia saying somewhere in asms paper that wealth develops art and love for, beauty, and eur equally aa good fri*nd Bud Shiphry take* th* Doctor to task Tn loot week"* hum* *f Th* New Leader...
...Shaw's or Moii*rc*s wit Fall* flat end dull—I long for Helen's Hps, Ths memory of thsir sweetness sting* like whips.' —m,p...
...Somebody should takV> Reed in charge and instruct him in the fine art of how to rule without the ruled knowing what is going on...
...If this Is true no sadder men live in England than these miners...
...The Federation bars religious questions, and yet the Mexican question may come up at Detroit in one form or another, and it Is important that Mexican labor men should be present to...
...It certainly changed after the Spanish-American War when the Supreme Court passed on the issues that arose out of possession of the Philippines...
...and, strains* a* tit* suhj**t matter may appear, if Ms book J* anything like th* lecture than Dr...
...rsss^ysa farm—U ¦ used against* new oMfhald in K* *wn interests...
...In short, Inge is apprehensive that England will cease to be a world power and that the United States will likely take her place...
...And I have felt its fury on my lips As its excited kissss, swift and cold...
...1 At the last amestina- Meyer JsiasPsBJ ths Mast Bid*-basket ball eJssdjBWW «*a* slrvtad captain sf the D-**",*jS toans.^ With kUdccUon the ctebP...
...They have made one of the most gallant fights In the long story of the class struggle and it is a bitter thing for them to be compelled by adverse circumstances to return to work under the old conditions...
...The petitions are to be supplemented by parades and demonstrations, and prominent Catholics are reported aa saying that they may resort to other measures...

Vol. 3 • October 1926 • No. 38

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