Waldman, Louis

HUGE POWER GRAB THREATENS N. Y. $120,000,000 Outright Gift, Panken Warns; Socialist Stand Given G. O. P. Gift Attacked, Democratic "Regulation" Found Wanting —Public Ownership By Louis...

...We Socialists are used to being called Utopians, but beside most of these capitalist saviors of society we look like plodding realists...
...Wall* ta* contract la for three yearn, there wtS be- * week added to ta* pre**** 82-5* raise when two ef the three years are ever- Th* new scale is i nnspll cated but It bring* minimum »**)** well into the class of 88* Or aaere • week...
...Tbe Socialist Party Insists that public ownership and-operation of the St...
...In which former Republican Speaker Edmund Machold la a dominating Influence, will obtain franchises to the St...
...It is now constructing tbe largest hydro-electric power development in the world—the Queens townChippewa plant on the Niagara River...
...The miner gets $2 a week, with 50 cants tor his wife and 15 easts for each child...
...This prevision practically prohibits the most customary and most effective manifestation of the defendants' strlks activities and goes a long way in the direction of enjoining the strike as such and determining the economic issue between 40,009 workers and 2,000 employes by a writ ot tbe court without trial-and in the nature of a preliminary remedy...
...classes of people would be forever* precluded...
...Entire districts, such as West Virginia, Kentucky, Maryland...
...My freedom of travel has consequently been curtailed and grave stigma has rested upon my name...
...No company must be allowed to operate on a union basis In one field while breaking its contract in another, aa the Peabody Coal Co...
...saved from strike...
...And now chmi a radial Circuit Court to declare Sinclair** Teapot Doato loaaa fraudulent...
...Here in Shawnee, where the miners' union was first started, we have too many eldtimers who remember that one cut only means another...
...Three hundred children were present, at the...
...American plan, has spent its force," the Executive Council will report to the forty-sixth annual convention, American Federation of Labor on Oct...
...there is not a scintilla ef proof that the plaintiff corporation as such has sustained or is in danger of sustaining any damages to property or property right...
...The foregoing article by Mr...
...r»vO«p|lonary hymp, "Bandera Rassa...
...It ta this: Let the workers be given increased wage* for Increased efficiency...
...What la intended] seems te be legal permission to enter on price-axing and output-regulatiaS agreement* to safeguard 'jointly the profit ef the employer and the we*)* of the employ...
...The Socialist party has met the challenge of two purely political nomiv nation* for Senator by - making . the only nomination.based upon merit and high principle...
...f-8 o'etoek...
...The trade unions ot America are declared a helpful aad constructive fare* in maintaining aad perpetuating Americanism aad its tree aad democratic Institutions...
...T. E. Mitthn, author of the famoua Mitten Plan in Philadelphia, ban com* forward with a widely quoted scheme of ealvation by which capitalism ia to be saved from radicalism, and all ef us are to be...
...This so-called plan, advocated %y Governor Smith, is unsound economically and unwise politically...
...ut this winter labor in Cleveland...
...In co-operation with the cities, the province operates and controls plants and transmission lines valued at more than $250,000,000...
...Of Barnard College and a Ph.D...
...The loss la more than accounted for by the suspension of the railway clerks, with their membership of well' over 80,000, but some unions, notably the coal miners, report the same membership aa last year, despite large known losses...
...The total dues-paying membership Is reported as 2,813,910...
...Much valuable time has been lost because these instructions have not been followed...
...Already Pittsburgh Coal, successful at Pomeroy,' is opening, on* of its Hocking mines...
...snjomed from peaceful picketing it it strikes T What has Al Smith to say about this...
...Hlllquit finally contends that tbe Industrial Council cannot sue in a court of equity to -enjoin the union since no contract exists between tbe manufacturers and tbe workers...
...In addition to the total coot, the Republican Water Power Commission has inserted- a gift to tho private company of 15 per cent, which tha state is to pay...
...But It's just about a* practicable a* a pipe dream...
...Wo not only give away our greatest state resource at a loss ot Irom $80,000,000 to $120,000,000 that could bo saved by state financing, but we add to this a drunken sailor's tip of $80,000,000 to the company for any Inconvenience it may have had in making money at our expense...
...but no housing...
...And the plan ftseH does scarcely better than the BspnbBcan version of it which finally Passed the Legislature...
...In such things ths initiative rests with management- Public development and distribution would fix rates and plan Its lines and manage the enterprise in the Interest of the public at large...
...Brophy also announces candidates .who are to contest the other national offices on the platform he enunciates...
...Ttoday Ontario, through its public agencies, distributes over 700,000 horse-power a year to more than 350 cities and towns...
...among their employe* » Company unions are criticised both because they are boas-controUsd and because they obliterate all craft distinction^, th* worker* being- "organised regardless of trad* or uuumpa' tional consideration aad' stttffaat and unskilled workers are *j*s*«d at to on* general, group...
...1 ¦ • Democratic PIsn Denounced, Toe Four million horse-power of electricity is equivalent to 40,000,000 manpower, for it is estimated that one horse-power has the energy of ten average men...
...There is real danger of the establishment of a private' monopoly of the most valuable power resources of the State...
...For instance, are low rates to be charged to manufacturers and high rates to farmers and householders!, or the other way around...
...Is doing it now...
...That is tho Socialist plan...
...teacher of English In the public High schools of New York, and stands very high In hfr profession...
...This is quite insufficient to cure ?Sps injunction 'evil, but not even for ads little boon, so often promised beSgK*, has Governor Smith exerted his Vjpreat strength...
...At Mast they have come out in the open » their devotion to letting private iSjront makers have the last of our pubSac resources, our water power, to exffioit to the advantage of their own tjscketbooka...
...Agriculture would be bOmnia ted by the supply or power to farms to operate, water pumps, cream separators, churns, milking machines, sawmills, threshing machines and other machinery usually worked by men...
...Once sftre the Democrats declare, for a pre.jMslnary hearing before a temporary fljjfcrnctlon can be granted in a labor Hia...
...will give hope to the rank and file, who see no hope any longer in private ownership and management' of the industry...
...He stated thai h tha* St...
...These are William Stevenson, of Bay City, Michigan, who la Bropby's candidate for International Vice-President, and William J. Brennan, of Scranton, Pst, .who will run for International Secretary-Treasurer...
...Let me come back to polities for * minute...
...We 'co-operated.' Then they forced us to 'co-operate* some more until we were working for 25 cents a day...
...That issue merits the attention of every citizen...
...The court however, permitted picketing in limited numbers...
...Somerset Miners Ignored Old methods of organising, which have failed, must give place to new...
...It cannot bo too often emphasized that Socialism ia not an abstract system, but a thing in movement...
...BaC there ar* plenty mora oasos which keep me from singing i—ay bymaa of gladness la praise of "law, mother of poace and love...
...counsel who ware denied knowledge of my whereabouts, rushed to Hackenaaok, and brought before Justice of the Peace Hargreaves, a. local real estate and insurance man...
...The Democratic platform les the Housing Commission's But Gov...
...Which shall It be...
...His platform cautiously enrMB>jB the World Court with faint I •ssiibv...
...Plans for a Gem per* memorial fag Washington . are proposed, the radie problem is touched on, education aad legislation are discussed aad a pie* fer greater political co-operation between, labor and the farmer ia made...
...Nor can they move their families -to the big city, for the men are penniless...
...Plncbot had declined the nomination of that party, which he won in the April primary, and that E. E. Bekllemah had surrendered the nomination for governor...
...Lawrence River...
...If they- leave for the industrial cities, "they must support themselves and send money home to their families...
...There is water Bower...
...State development and private distribution means handing over to private interests tbe people's valuable resources, improved with tho people's money...
...Thousands have left tor Akron, Cleveland, Toledo and Detroit But a general exodus is impossible...
...ssMsfc4few1e*'lSf tojsen aa is asassassT* <*2 The bait held oat to too peopto *> ss the llesews too of TLtoS^Sgf appear...
...the Democratic party, public development but private distribution:' the Republican party, private development and private distribution...
...On the question of the legality of the present picketing, Hlllquit asserts: "As an inseparable incident of every strike, workers have the right to picket and to induce would-be strike-breakers to join the cause, so long as such activities are conducted in peaceful orderly manner and without resort to threats, intlmidaion or violence...
...With every good wish, I am, fraternally your, JOHN BROPHY...
...10,0004100 Scab Tons Yearly In Maryland and Pennsylvania strikes for Union recognition continued, but were of no use...
...Labor Inaaranoe Is, however, a normal labor activity, tt id added...
...Shall lines be so arranged as to encourage decentralisation of population or shall they follow the already Overpopulated centers in our- large cities, where, profits would naturally be larg-i er...
...Ohio Collieries, the biggest operator, rotates work By running one mine a month out of six...
...opinion on the fight to picket...
...and a wet to get a drink fe'P*OBt breaking the law...
...16 that Gov...
...Thla I said earnestly aad often...
...But, suppose by some miracle the worker* did generally acquire control...
...order of business wJU...
...In fact it has been so successful that the agents of the private utility corporations are still kept busy with illfounded attacks...
...Al's ? sgsldentlal ideas remain bla^personSto, the right of a Cathollor-tO be : jjjUdent...
...This phut has the evils of syndicalism without its virtues...
...The larger unions reporting substantial gains are the barbers, ironworkers, lathers, letter carriers, painters, plasterers, plumbers, postoffloe clerks, stage employes, teamsters and printers...
...Louis Hyman, the train ot the General Strike committee.-end Joseph Fish...
...Its present owners would not let it go in great quantity...
...Lawrence and Niagara rivers...
...The policy of rate-fixing affects the life of the community in vital ways...
...ways at which the Republican plan to" tease the mi Lawrence wtthip too next thirty days sobs tha psbKe: * - ^ < "1 Tha state saa...
...A special...
...It was not in violation of any existing agreement, and since Its objects are to effect the economic betterment of the workers...
...Ten, million tons a year without a union contract...
...A vote for tho Republican and Democratic parties is a vote for the waterpower grab, for waste and incompetence...
...Nor, is this the end to the scandal and the possibilities of scandal...
...There Is practically nothing to report oa the 40-week organisation campaign, because, it Is claimed, "both organising activities snd the solidarity of, the trade union movement bevO been handicapped by groups which advocate Communist principles aad the* . rlea...
...The Socialist Party demands that those resources remain the property of the public, to be scientifically utilized in the Interest of the public...
...Taft Misinterpreted The attorney for the defendants takes occasion to criticise the use of a quotation from Supreme Court Justice Taft's...
...The Pea body Coal Co...
...What Will be done there has already been done in every city in the state...
...It is not wedded te any stereotyped set ef formulas, whether of Msrx or sny ether, but must be rooted in rsslity, and, while moulding facts, it must adapt itself to them...
...The situation In Pennsylvania, Katz declares, "la highly favorable to the prospects of a successful campaign by the forces lined up against Mellon, Fisher...
...the platform is silent...
...Green aad th* executive council, calls for greater effort during the coming year...
...But one can only reflect fer a moment on how much more terrible would be the lot of the woikote, materially aad spiritually, if It war* not for the labor union movement, to take fresh courage and to give oneself with new hope to the strengthening ot that movement...
...Fanken and Claeaaens were nominated at the party's usofllctar convention- in July, as suggestion* tro the official convention, and Mhu'-Htythen'was'itamed in place of Mrs...
...Socialist Pariu Names Miss Hughan For Senate High School Teacher Will Carry Figh...
...Picketing Defeats Scabs Big operators, union by compulsion, but non-union at the first opportunity, have picked Hocking Valley as the second sub-district where unionism will fall...
...The plan tiff is not an employer, but an association whose business or good-will cannot bo injured by defendants...
...Finally the Maryland and Somerset strikes were lost...
...Tho public can get as good engineers ss private companies, and better...
...Aside from the cruelty of family separation, they find that it la impossible to make enough to exist this way...
...can do...
...Under the capitalist system, with the profit motive still dominant, how much would life be bettered...
...Tbe second element looms up large, but is really quite simple...
...Above all, ws must remember thst it claims to represent the Aspirations aftsr a better life of the toiling and suffering millions of the human race.—Kirkup...
...Adding these two items together, the Republican Water Power Commission win be giving away -between $90,000,000 and $160,000,000 over the period of 50 years...
...And it cannot be done by a futile policy of local strikes only...
...her party, work,' Miss Hughan is active .In the League toT Industrial Democracy, .the ' Teachers' Union and in many anti-war 'organizations...
...Thereby b* gave'meaning to American notion* of civil liberty...
...the camp epok..and other members of'.'the Pioneer Yojuth . Staff mingled with tha singing...
...more than they would need ¦to if the stats owned and operated the plant...
...Latrranee is leased' to a private company the laat boa* far, really cheap power and light in thmt stats Is over, for there at no pabSa protection aad regulation...
...W aidman will be published shortly in pamphlet form by...
...belonged to Pioneer Youth clubs in New York City, had a chance to make each other's acquaintance...
...Saturday, September 25, with.tbe annual reunion,-at which the children whp were at the New York State Camp of Pioneer Tenth, and the children who...
...thaf gwagto .aS ItowJtoriyStoto ar...
...Manhattan, with seven more, is running two small pits...
...With Niagara Falls and the St...
...would Invest the stock ta exalt therotcvci at the cost ot the investing rank and file...
...the and...
...The office Of an injunction, he continues, is to protect property rights...
...OhJ^peorf aod the stirring Russian...
...the "White Hesse...
...Not a bit of good...
...There is: Public development and distribution of hydro-electric power and its sale to tbe people at cost...
...The Republicans declare for W enforcement without saying just fwhat they'mean by It...
...Last winter they conspired with hunger to drive the union out of Pomeroy Bend, and this winter they plan to conquer this field...
...Hlllquit also asserts in hi* brief that there is an abaenoe of proof that the union or officers Jn the present strike have authorised or ratified the alleged unlawful acts complained of...
...About twenty years ago the people of Ontario began their experiment They bought hydro-electric energy from private companies at wholesale prices and sold it to the consumers at cost They began in 190S with tbe sale of 1,000 horse-power to a few neighboring municipalities...
...This-means that every year the workers and consumers of New York pay between $1,200,000 and •$1,400,000...
...The company filled orders with West Virginia coal and used its West Virginia profits to ship strike-breakers and gunmen into Maryland and Pennsylvania...
...snd even with consent or invitation of employers' or fellow workers...
...Even if honestly enforced it is a clumsy afterthought...
...Socialist Stand Given G. O. P. Gift Attacked, Democratic "Regulation" Found Wanting —Public Ownership By Louis Waldman ACLEAR issue has arisen between those who want public conservation, development and distribution of hydroelectric power in the State of New York and those who want private exploitation of our vast water resources... ths>, first ease ssnslawg, to this soesaad i case doubling the total auatonm nV osnss tea aaaad by too Power Com- : hfenaa tea expected...
...The company Is now a hundred percent scab...
...The Deroofefats endorsed the state referendum J- without pledging their Congressmen to .take all possible steps to give legal j eftcacy to the result...
...the Sheriff's cdwnswt and an ¦—Islsnt lp the Prosecutor's office, after soma tsas hours' labor jnanaged to draw a farcically amusing complaint alleging that I bad violated a Rtet Act which bjfsj never been read in my hear lag...
...Lawrence were leased to vate companies all: possibilities for", cheaper light and power for afl...
...And then Consolidation broke with the union in West Virginia and used Maryland and Somerset county coal to crush the strike that resulted...
...It is a gross and absurd injustice that in this manner I should have been held for more...
...Anyway, if they exist, the plotters are hereby offered my thank* for what they have done Ml me and the party la this camps tys...
...I^P&Snds outside New York who have I***'looking to this Democratic siat*P« for light On Al Smith's national |j Program won't get it...
...Lawrence, development and the transmission lines carrying that power throughput the state Is absolutely necessary If the people of the state are ever to gain any advantage from the resources this state has always possessed...
...Passaic Terror T^T^RMAN Thomas, on receipt oi r\j the news that the case against blm under the so-called Riot Law in Bergen County, New Jersey, had been «ss»jssjll ^/t^0mml of the Grand Jury tor Indict...
...Hlllquit any*, by the fact that tho action Is brought Oh behalf of unnamed members...
...Bdt our cause has been Injured by the support that certain leaders have given to reactionary anti-labor politicians, such as Calvin Coolidge...
...Whenever the St...
...The Fixing ef Rates The fourth element is of tremendous importance and should be entirely in the hands of the public...
...The larger unions reporting considerable losses are the boijermakers, railway carmen, cigarmalters, federal employes, maintenance of way men, seamen and railroad telegraphers...
...when-Socialists and pacifists were, being discharged from the public schools right and;left, and when there was yie most passionate hysteria against all radicals, she never compromisedf on...
...1, Pennsylvania, ¦'* john SROPHY PRESIDENT DISTRICT NO...
...The Governor and all the "me, too,* boys at the convention declared fkjtitt* development of IV Once more w*-j*peat that state development of Mtar without state distribution will Jsia Christmas present not to consum9. but to the big distributors of elecS2?B* I'm not writing a campaign pljP'SPh...
...4, the opening day of the sessions in Graystone Hall, Detroit The report of1 fifty-five closely printed pages will cover's list of subjects indicating the wide ramifications of the dominant organized labor movement of the Western Hemisphere...
...Bine* whan Is a union obliged to accept the report of an Advisory Commission at peril of betas...
...Other Csndidatss Named We must get the closes* co-operation between the anthracite and bituminous miners, as...
...too iIIITii sssn * o« * per cent is —,—S...
...Hi** other boo*>, Include "The Fact* J of Socialism," "A Study ot
...With coat coming from 40 mines in West Virginia, the Consolidation did not care how long the other states struck...
...Isn't it...
...What must we do to save the union...
...Hardly at aJtf There would still be the earn* lack ef planned co-ordination, th* same wild scramble'for profit, and all the wastes which Stuart Chase ha* pointed out...
...On tbe basis of the affidavits in my case Vice-chancellor Bentley enjoined Sheriff Nlmmo from acting under the tyrannically distorted conception of tho Riot Law under which I was arrested...
...Lawrence a Power K«g What Is more, Niagara Falls and the St...
...ity, and his isolated, circumscribed horizon brbsd.ened by...
...It has saved tbe people of Ontario about $100,000,000 in rdeuced lighting bills, and has succeeded In transmitting electricity to remote farms as well as to cities and towns...
...Mr.- JpT*nryv M- Buacb.' edueptional adWsor," who hks Just returned-from abroad, will give a short talk on the possibilities'ahead and tell ot impfeaslons of the .youth movement s^u-oadU After a*, very success Alt' camp season ' Pioneer Youth opened it* winter activities...
...It has' stimulated industry and trade...
...tin beclnninc f feel a little tat* Mr »bo«t Judicial Handiue...
...Neither particularizes on the sietbod to be adopted...
...Jh^'progTam, which had ,be«n arranged ^y the club m*mbens,- Included gamos»^fi>ik 0*ACin*^.rofr«*>m^it...
...At the same time a plea for removal, of the legislative hiddranoes te combinations between employer associations and the union* tn what la now judicially construed -as restraint ot trad* ta demanded...
...Lawrence devTekjpment, declar- • ing that if the plan were- adopted it would be nothing kss than a "scandal" and a "hage waterway robbery...
...Pomeroy.has 200 working out of several thousand...
...Tho appeal reviews tho present strike situation, declaring that tho Industry is again threatened with the return of the sweatshop system...
...William Green, president ot the American Federation of Labor, ban also boon appealed to to use hi* Influence 'in getting a speedy response to the can...
...There ara' taWa...
...All this in a case so weak- that when finally, after vigorous protest on my part" against delay, it was put before the Grand Jury of Bergen County, that body dismissed It in open court...
...To the Officers and Members of Local Unions, United Mine Workers of America...
...She is proud of' the, fact, that during the war...
...First of all, we have to gat the tacts jrteaight...
...Never forget that it jptits a Tammany judge who issued the Rkmous injunction against the cloak .^Strikers...
...Secondly, we must work for nationalisation of the...
...Th* report, signed by President Was...
...These companies were permitted to,sign up in other fields while continuing to evict -families,'use gunmen and import scabs in the coke fields and Somerset...
...Michigan, and William J. Brennan, of Scranton, Pa., candidates respectively, for international vice-president and secretary-treasurer, are in full accord with the above program for saving the union, and when elected will co-operate to the fullest extent with me...
...TIMELY TOPICS j$p Norman Thomas fSE open season for suckers is on...
...mean* of festivals of poetry, music, sat, thought, and humanity Until it oo...
...These fields embrace the Hocking Valley and Cambridge sub-districts of District 6. In probably no field was suffering more Intense last winter, as cold and misery swept' down on Icy winds from the north, than In the valleys of the Hocking sub-district...
...They cannot be held responsible, he declares, for all acta at each of the 40,000 members on strike, whether the acta are authorised or not...
...The opinion had been handed down tn the ease of American Steel Foundries vs...
...Toledo, Cincinnati and other Ohio pities wiff have to pour money' and clothing into these : districts If they are to bo eaves' •hi "j^ttl^zsj^** * "** eno wwp or no roeevpsoe...
...primary tmk sHsM, "When, the St Lawrence Is givas away oar .last hope for cheaper Ugh* and powir rats* from this source fa gone...
...fourth, . the fixing of rates to the .various classes of consumers and general management The first and most Important element is now tbe property of the people and should so remain...
...It is, in my judgment, bad business for on* mart always to appear at or near the head of a Socialist ticket...
...Tha.general public ara nuBe waawesw-ef- whet-ts-nstitssj' Ih what is involved...
...I will make this point clear by the case of the Consolidation Coal Co., which Is typical of others...
...At the end eg tha H-year ihasnse period thto w£t assoust ta a sum latwasn *M.saMSS and fiSMgajMa, fa aehoi a tads, at tha and at fit raasa...
...I expect, as a matter of civic duty, to bring suit for false arrest, and am consenting with my lawyer to that end...
...The Republicans and Democrats have gone through the anassl performance of baiting their >seks with promises meant to catch gfl sorts of voters...
...yet careful examination of its books would show, I am sure, between $25,000,000 and $59,000,000' of inflated values which have no place In a public utility...
...This larger program is of great importance to the union...
...Her courage and her high character were so Impressive that the warcrazed officials were unable to muster up courage to start proceedings against her, even though every day they were proceeding against other teachers...
...At the Cleveland conferences some of us insisted that these men be protected, and that no contract be signed with any of these companies for any of their mines unless ail their mines' were included... every case she polled, ah excellent' vote...
...Hughan was asmtnrtad at the official state convention eg the)"-Saw delist party on Saturday edgfit ad the People's House, 7 East lath street, at which Jeep* Panken and '¦ Augnst and Lleutenant-Qqvernor, respectively...
...I was separated tross my friends and...
...t Jtedaed, jky the acid test of past per|0brx*aoce a lot of Democratto promDHU are proved hypocritical...
...No Damage Proven "A most unusual and- objectionable provision...
...acteiJ play*, iiv«n at carajevtbls susbi&\~?jtr&fe.jx an Inn-r* Recapture Would Cost People $30,(XMM»p More, Republican Plan Presides ^ jfjDGE JACOB PANKEN, J; Socialist candidate for Governor, has severely crrddacd the plan ;proposed "by the Stats Water Power Comrmsskm for the St...
...a a What they can do to the now ' power plant Itself they can also do to the great transmission ilnes which will be built from Ogd she burg to New York City...
...For example, while I have ho desire whatever in any way to shield man guilty of bomb outrages, I ask the public to remember that the authorities in Passaic and Bergen Counties who sirs now working up this bomb case against certain strikers are the ssati authorities who have been guilty of repeated acts of brutality and oppression ef which tbe Oread Jury by its action has proved that my arrest was one illustration...
...If anybody but myself plotted thla, I don't know it...
...The West Virginia men went back to work under tha policy of the National Union...
...aC the state, toct as sartoteto aa ff thay worst paying taxaa...
...That bas been regulated...
...The problem calls for national planning and national action...
...The Socialist Party advocates public development, distribution and sale of hydro-electric power to the people at coat...
...It is to those for gEg°M the A. F. of L. speaks that we itS?1 look for the steady march of inf jtfs^nt organization in the great nonareas of America...
...It generalities about the tariff...
...Lawranee River in the hands of private exploiters such a comprehensive system would be impossible...
...but as has been well established, regulation bas virtually broken down where it has been tried...
...Neither party Is honest about prohibition...
...Organization Drive Demanded The policy we must adopt, I need hardly say, do not include wage reductions...
...Local and District strikes, which were successful fifteen or twenty years ago, when we were fighting small coal operators, are frequently failures today, when we are opposed by gigantic corporations having scores of mines scattered in various Districts...
...I wrote that last paragraph baton I Knew that Justice Intra ham had eoatlnuod the injunction against tha cloak makers...
...Judge In»raham condemned tha union far rejecting the in iimiien datlons of Governor Smith's Commia¦lon...
...Fifteen per cent ' of tho original cost will be $11,
...The Chief Justice objected to the term "picket" and urged use of .the word "mission - ¦ary" instead...
...the- anti-war movement In this country...
...It cannot be done by politics...
...The late Charles P. Stelnmets, the world's greatest electrical engineer and candidate for State Engineer on the Socialist Party ticket in 1022, estimated the potential hydro-electric energy from waterfalls in this State to be between three to four million horsepower annually...
...There are four mam elements in this enterprise: First the waterfalls...
...vwlln aj»lop««C^?ool* and JfturagaCto,n song*, s b*4rls*e,u^ of a RufSlan ph»y and a perfojsraance of OUe" of the-most popahtt> anjd'.liigt...
...Most of these newly organised men were striking against big companies, bavins...
...Is there an alternative...
...Cheaper light rates mean that the peopia can have more money IstV to spend • education, better food aa*V clothing...
...I give these facts not In a spirit of destructive criticism, but because we must recognize past mistakes if we wish to have a* constructive policy In the future...
...Per the first tint* ih> twelve week* of strike leaner* of 4*,ooo cloaksnairar* issued an appeal' to international unions affiliated with, the American federation of Labor and other sympathetic bodies to aid financially in "« finish fight in which employers pin their whole bop* on their ability to starv* the workers into submission...
...Miss BUtch-•found it Impossible to stand'"for -f...
...The Socialist Party advocates the establishment of a system of public development and distribution of hydroeleotric power, to be sold to municipalities and- private consumers at cost...
...Smith's new housing lselon contains none of the men who made that plan...
...After citing thb whol4sale arrests of pickets and th« use of notorious gAngsters by employers against striker*, the appeal refers to the injunction obtslnoq against the union, "so sweeping in scope, drastic in effect and i scales* is lt« provisions ha to mike it unique tn tho history of tabor Jurisprudenc...
...treasurer. Already the An^lgyMtnd Clothing Workers has r*epond*d wi$b * •ouetien ot $25,000...
...On* may at time* be discouraged by th* alow progrees of labor's cause and the failure of its professed ohamploa* to aae the vision Of the world they might build...
...It declares for further reduchaa.e* taxes—a very dubious policy | * lbs light of the decline of pros•sritjr and the necessity of paying off ^.f* own war debt On tha all tmpor- *¦** subject of a shift of the burden ijt taxes from the backs of the poor { *J"e *lch...
...On this subJest Al Smith failed as completely to do what a Governor might have done In the anthracite strike as did his Republican opponent, Ogden Hills, in Congress or Coolidge in...
...The desire of complete domination either by employers, by workers or through the instrumentality of the state" is denounced in the opening paragraphs of the report proper aa "undesirable and harmful te the general community, as well a* industry...
...The third element is for hire...
...4-This injunction issue has been Stended to us by the Democrats on a $ flatter...
...The second point, the qodetl** of retaining minimum, four-piece orchestras la some, of the smaller bouse*, goes to arbitration...
...There he, a judicial officer, with the help of the OssiUT...
...of Qojurabia In economics, ber thesis having - been published as a textbook on Socialism tinder the title, "American .Socialism.\of .the Present Day...
...York (1920) and...
...Most of the men" own their homes, utterly valueless because there is no one to hoy them in these isolated oneIndustry towns...
...Thomas' statement follows: . "For more than five months I have been held under the exorbitant sum of f10,000 ball in Bergen County, New Jersey...
...I'm merely ' reminding you wmw hiuch material we have not only ; -Tp -public speeches, but for private |vJSpr«rsation with our friends...
...Hlllquit insists ths language is so vague and indefinite that it does not apprise the defendants of exact acts prohibited...
...Twenty-five scabs were sneaked into the pit but the picketing of the union men and women down the county road, along which the scabs had to march, proved too much and operation ceased—for the time., ^ A second effort was made a week later, but with no more success...
...reunion, at which cheers for "Josh," the founder of ,the organisation...
...Bethlehem Mines Corporation, Hillman Coal & Coke and other big concerns were allowed to split the workers and destroy the union in the same way...
...and conventions have instructed that efforts be made - to reach it...
...This can be done...
...Of course, the .workers ought to havq a voice In running coal mines, but they ought to have a voice as workers, not as stockholders...
...We are paying the price for that now...
...The next day the Justice hold me in the sum of $10,000 bail on the charge which he had helped to frame...
...ineidee with the- her'rbn of the entire human race, thus Issuing Jilm • on to nobler stand arde of,.devehipment end sotting "before him -the , grand ideal of a p*rf**V»d human1- . ity^-*4ax Nereksh:/' PIONEER YOUTH TO HQiD MEMBERSHIP MEETING THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7 -a" 'COMPLETE report of the 'past Z» ' temp season as well as a statement of plans, for the Immediate future will t>e made at a membership meeting 'of the Pioneer Tenth of -AmericaTon Thursday, October 7.<Tf|e meeting wUl be held tn the, auditotiu^j Of tha International Lsdi**' Garment Wot*ern*-;Unions S West" Mtfc Street...
...The present administration has shown no way of averting the disastrous losses the organisation is sustaining...
...Never trust an operator...
...Regulation will not accomplish those things...
...A private monopoly of power would b«j a public menace... 1S22, when they fought together...
...than five months in a case wbioh attracted attention in .Europe as well aa America without, oyer having had * hearing before any legal authority, except a local Babbitt as obviously ignorant of the taw as ho was hostile to the strike...
...Nationalisation and Labor Party Nationalization, that is public ownership with union share in management, is the official goal of the United Mine Workers...
...Of these a mere fraction work five or six days a week...
...Miss Hughan, has' been candidate for Secretary of State'(it IS) and.Lieutenant-Governor of No*y...
...Grundy and Vara... is a vote in favor of tbe public utility corporations...
...I believe that by persistently and courageously fighting for the above program the union can be saved...
...k *°re Important, in the long run, s aa the political conventions of .the B | parties is the convention «*C the m fMrtean Federation of Labor soba to Wi^eld in Detroit It Is to those for JB*UIU> the A. f. of I*, speaks that we i'w** look for a new deal^whlch Will jgf"g sincerity and reality to the old of politics...
...It'* e pity te destroy the plot of this scenario en the Decline and Fall of the OM 8. P. But the plain facts are theee: For private reason* I could not possibly for the third consecutive year spend the time and energy rightly required of * State candidate...
...MOVIE MUSICIANS WIN CHICAGO STRKE CHICAGO.—Winning one of tbesr two Principal demand* aad seeding the ether to arbitration, the 8.78* aicmasf* ef the Chicago Federation of Musician* playing in motion picture house* went back to their orchestra pits Sept...
...dMtoiaBssi is tflat thay wffi W taV' , »^ or »aar csssT^Tmssm^mmjl SUte Treasury, the workers and eons tuners of Hew York win bo tha ones to pay It in...
...In doing so I- am' glad to say that William Stevenson, of Bay City...
...These were the miners in Somerset county, Pfnna., and the big coke fields and other regions that saved the national fight by joining forces with the Union...
...Province of Ontario, tried public development and distribution of hydro-electric energy, and has been highly successful...
...Our conventions have expressed sympathy with this aim...
...What Ontario Is Doing Our neighbor, the...
...These rivers have, waterfalls capable of developing about 2,000,000 horse-power of electrical energy...
...last subject he has not come out E??*ly tor the repeal of the_Elghteenth amendment...
...Tee Cleakmakerr Union retains* tha various tabor organisation* that it hay SJway* keaa among the first to hood the call for help from other unions...
...Ths Socialists' Plan What Ontario can do New York can...
...of Gilbert and ' Sullivan ; operettas, theiOrnaunizaUpn song,""Pioneer...
...Our best wishes go to the Detroit convention of the A. F. of Ik, and our hearty congratulations for what it has ;accomplished...
...There is no warrant in law," he contends, "for such an unprecedented extension of injunction in (labor disputes...
...It will be remembered that I was arrested while addressing a peaceful meeting of strikers on...
...f££eaper power rates miaST thai the .industries of New York east manufacture goods easnpsr and con eequently pay their workers better than now...
...A chock tor $5*0- baa been received from the UsUt*4 Aasoctati^n^^Jiunhgra...
...The best that you • etn say about the Republican platform jt that it is a little more honestly conservative than two years ago...
...Why, back in 'It they induced us to take a cut...
...This arts paid bp tha cwnpaar, but by the peost...
...Mow Tork* Shato floats its bonds at fnaca • to i i par coat Tha dlSarssjea of 1 per sent la floating IU,a*s,»s« jg SLaSt*- - •S* to annual interest...
...and others are doing...
...A hundred thousand new members were tn the Union at the end of the national strike of 1122...
...A. F. L. v Membership Takes 63,387 Drop, Executive Report Says DETROIT.—"The campaign in opposition to trade unionism, expressed in the form of the Open shop or...
...First, organize the unorganized...
...Tennessee, Alabama and Colorado have been destroyed by the attacks of the operators, and tn certain bituminous fields,* as western and central Pennsylvania and parts of Ohio, the Union is slowly crumbling...
...Of the 107 affiliated international and national unions 26 report a loss, SS a gain, and 48 no-change...
...Clsarfisld, Pa, September 24, 1926...
...It can be done by active field workers who will give their entire energies to the job...
...Besides all UU.aimagtne the practical difficulties of Mitten's sort of worker-ownership...
...Within a few years the total cost will reach over, and 'tho II per cent gift will then amount to $20,000,000...
...An illustration of the Ineffectiveness of regulation is afforded by the plant of the Niagara Falls Power" Company, the biggest in the world today...
...Work it picking up now, due to tho British situation and the opening of fail domestic demand, but the end of the overseas coal lockout will radically cbsnge the valleys situation for the WorstFive hundred thousand dollars has boon sent Into tho Cambridge district in two years for union relief...
...In his brief Hlllquit maintains that the strike is lawful, since, when called...
...Counsel especially objects to clauses In the preliminary injunction restraining pickets from in any manner "hampering, impeding, obstructing" nonunion workers from rendering service to employers...
...It acquired two of the three great plants at Niagara Falls formerly owned by private companies, and is planning further big developments on tho St...
...Jessie Wallace' .Hughan is a teacher, economist, author and lecturer and one of the leaders of...
...According to press accounts...
...In the last few...
...Tnn> Bergen County inad Jury showsd mm* la refusing to tablet m ani others t^Mtid under tke ee-caUsl Riot Lew...
...Lawreoos power...
...I ask the newspapers, which baye been very fair in tbeir treatment of\my case, as a matter of Justice to me and of public education in the operation ot taw, to give a* wide publicity to my vindication by tbe Gran* Jury as they did to my confinement in Jail...
...The' workers as consumer* outside of a given Industry would be about as badly off as they are now...
...Given the necessity of a cetraln total return, how shall rates be apportioned among the various classes of consumers... reasons of health...
...Wage reductions offer no solution, but lead only to further misery and degradation...
...William Klein, attorney for the manufacturers, had used the quotation laat week in argument before Justice...
...He Is still runr"'Wag for the Presidency on a secret F'jMsgtam...
...That power is now going to waste, thanks to the politicians of both old parties and to the gas and electrio trust of the State of New York, which does not want to see the State develop its water power...
...It is to the interest of s»1f dtisen, worker and mannfactnrer, tit this state,- to see that the plan w gtrt away Kew Tork State's greatest mat* oral resoures within the next thirty days is blocked, and that power Is d«*" veloped and transmitted aa cheaply as possible...
...Cambridge, with 9,000 union miners, reports but 2,500 working, while mocking Valley, with 11.000 member?, reports the same number...
...third, the engineering skill...
...She ls.a...
...We have a htw...
...Though in all these month* I have been held without proper hearing, indirectly I was long ago vindicated by hi^h judicial authority...
...Evan on &Jw...
...a nottiioaf *ng-Ooenmittee, .whoso work it rnriU :be tosreei ominen'd-rVonrinees for the ;offlcera and executive - cbntmlttee for !the coming y*er...
...It is for this reason that I have accepted the many requests I have received from local unions and individual members of our organization to be a candidate for international president...
...And.above all, employment possibilities is the North are 11m* 1. Those, who get jobs in the tiro 'and ' auto Industries find the closely bossed, monotonous work so galling that they give It up in despair or revolt and return to the mining fields to eke out a livelihood in some manner...
...Next, Alex Howat and others who are being unjustly discriminated against must be restored to full privileges in the union...
...The*announcement of the decay of the open-shop drive is qualified by Secretary Frank Morrison's tabulation showing a loss of (3,387 members from affiliated unions since 1926...
...For twenty years water-power has been a football of politics...
...Regulation Called Failure "There is nobody la the Whole statp except the power companies and their bankers who can profit by am R»pab» Bean leases ot the St...
...If not checked by decisive popular action at the polls, the Aluminum interests, controlled by Secretary Mellon, and a private power combine...
...To economise, the union opens commissaries in the winter to provide cheap, good food...
...The appeal is- Signed by Morris Sltman...
...These withdrawals had been anticipated, Katz said, and the party would proceed to select' new candidates to appear on the ballot In the November election...
...Whether privately or publicly owned, the industry will have to pay the cost of financing, except that the State can raise money more cheaply, tor its credit Is better than that of any private company...
...Greetings : In accepting the nomination • given me by various local unions as st candidate for International President of the United Mine Workers of America, I am doing so for the following reasons: It is no secret that today the existence of our Union is in peril...
...Sunday Crook is the only bright spot with several big mines going...
...I was confined as a criminal in the county Jail...
...Let them Invest this increase in wagee en bloc In the corporations for which they work...
...ths Socialist Psrty ot New York State...
...her -principles and never made a. secret of her opinions...
...Hlllquit cites, "is that which prohibits picketing any member of the plaintiff organisation without any qualification whatsoever...
...Government" and 'The Socialism of Today" tcoauthor...
...Union relief failed to save miners' families from want This winter, with relief funds so low that even the pitifully small (3 a week payments may be discontinued, no part of America will present a more abject picture of destitution than the valley where the United Mine Workers of America was born and cradled...
...My case assumes a public Importance because it is evidence of a perversion of Justice during times ot Industrial struggle all too cbmmon la the United States...
...Harriot Stanton Blatch, wbo declined ¦ the nomination offered her by-;the party's convention last summer...
...In any event, whatever may be proved in then* betab cases, every careful atudent ot the) Passaic strike is agreed that a continuance of so-called Riot Law, against which I mad* the protest which resulted in my arrest, would hav* made it infinitely harder to hold ttaek hot beads from act* of violence...
...And ^f Governor Smith Mpesn't like it, no one knows it...
...Justice Taft did not declare picketing unlawful per se, Hlllquit points out though he did condemn systematic intimidation...
...I »m convine*d that tho day will - come whan oven- tho hum Wast man . will find his individual life merged into the fuller life of the common...
...The control of electrical power means, to a large degree, the, control of the industrial life qf the people...
...There have been enough wage reductions—for the men I spoke of—ufjder the old policy...
...Abraham B*roff, socre\ary-tree*urer of the to tarnations...
...HILLQUIT FIGHTS INJUNCTION Order Against the N. Y. Cloak Strikers Denounced as illegal in Brief MORRIS HILLQTJIT, attorney for the International Ladles' Garment Workers' Union, has filed his brief with Supreme Court Justice Phoenix Ingraham in opposition to the motion by counsel for the New York Industrial Council of cloak manufacturers to have made permanent the preliminary injunction restraining union officials and 40,000 striking cloakrnakers from peaceful picketing...
...There is tig...
...This Is the re-instatement of Alexander Howat Kansas union leader, and "others who are being unjustly discriminated against'* in the union...
...MINERS IDLE IN CENTRAL OHIO Jobless in Southern Part of State Swell Total to 20,000 in Two Districts By Harvey O'Connor CODUMBUS, Ohio.—In central and southern Ohio 25,000 workers claim coal mining as their occupation, but only 6.000 are actually working in the mines... fh* 1 project at a saving of fnasV Initial ewt^ths davstopnvwsi* tW, Mght -ana power i isjssjasia...
...Against Wasbwortt and Wagner R. JBSSelg WALLACE HTJQHAN United States Senate m the It* campaign, she is not- only the only woman, but from every standpoint is by far the ablest candidate on any ticket for that high, office...
...In accordance with the platform of the Socialist Party, he favored and advocated public development and distribution of hydry-electrlc energy from these natural water resources...
...Greatest Grab" of a Generation We are approaching a most serious crisis...
...Worse still Is the Democratic plan...
...Our great losses have been In the last four years...
...raises and we must organise a labor party...
...Hlllquit contends the case Taft dealt with concerned a single employer and a single work place;.the present, cloak strike Involves 2,000 employers and 2,000 work places...
...2 Provision is made for the li•5 cons* fee locaptato bp the state whenever it finds that the private company is too costly a luxury...
...It would imperil democracy...
...Both old parties prefer to perpetuate It as an issue rather than to adopt a sound economic policy in the interest of all the people...
...others In Maryland and seven or eight in Somerset county, besides additional mines in Kentucky...
...A vote for the Socialist Party is a vote in favor ot the conservation of the water powers of the State as well as the other natural resources, the establishment of a scientific and comprehensive system for tho development of our waterfalls, the distribution and sale of electrical energy at cost to the people of the State of New York...
...A labor party Is necessary to get Justice for the union in the courts and legislatures...
...private property duly leased for the purpose...
...It Is the greatest grab of this generation, and is about to be perpetrated by a Republican commisson...
...The Republican plan of handing over these resources to the private power combine is a reckless disregard of the public interest, and la scandalous...
...Moat of the stock offered to workers carries with it no voting right* The minute organised workers went after the controlling stock of the railroads or th* anthracite mines, that stock would jump out of sight...
...The policy that lost these many members to the union was a "backward step" of the most disastrous nature...
...In addition to...
...Boon they will become the controlling dwners of the industry and they will never strike against their own control and their own dividend a Thus, in ten yeargathe railroads could be controlled by the employe*, and so could anthracite mines...
...What w&f workers have done is our ground of hop* for the future...
...Nothing can take the place of working-class solidarity...
...Instead ot the public utilities being regulated, the public is regulated in the Interest of the public utilities...
...Ingraham to convey the impression that all picketing had.been forbidden...
...It appears that for my sins I have not been allowed this year any place of leadership on the Socialist ticket, but have been plunged into the obscurity ot nomination for the State Senate...
...In this sense a corporation is distinct from its member...
...The men abandoned to the open shop were forced to accept wage reductions, and this meant cheap scab coal coming into the northern markets, which meant wholesale unemployment in the northern fields...
...Likewise as to the management...
...THOMAS TO SUE JERSEY POLICE grind wry $mm$ I*5 Indict Socialist Who Defied...
...wife nng4Wtrtor$ SAVE THE UNION, IS BROPHY'S PLEA Candidate for Presidency Charges Desertion of Somerset Strikers— Champions Howat (By a New Leader Correspondent) CLEARFIELD, Pa, "Save the Union," is the plea made by John Brophy, candidate for President of the United Mine Workers, in s letter .despatched to every member of the union outlining the issues upon which he is making - his fight against John L. Lewis, the present incumbent After reiterating, bis main points— nationalisation, a Labor Party and the organizing of the unorganized coal fields, Brophy, who is the President of District 2 of the union, adds a fourth demand...
...IS with smiles ot victory The union, which is Local tt...
...i "Everything that keeps the peont*: from getting their own' power aa...
...The Consolidation In 1922 had approximately 40 mines In northern West Virginia...
...Imagine how.badly I feel...
...Employe-stock ownership schemes are revealed as attempts te tie the worker to hie job aad persuade his* that he Is a capitalist, in most at them "the voting power of th* worts* ers ia ao email as te be practicetty nil," the executive council declare...
...The company agreed to sign up for West Virginia only, and the National Union accepted this proposal over the protests of the Pennsylvania union miners...
...Both Republicans and Democrats talk about protecting the < public . .against suffering due to another coal strike...
...The iijss pantos have learned how to i ssilhUS regulations...
...Throughout the report opportunity is taken to drive home the doctrine of voluntary co-operation —b e t w e e h unionists, between unions, between master and man, between labor and other movements, between the American and other labor bodies, culminating in the statement: "World-wide organisation of markets and Industries must be paralleled by world-wide co-operation between labor organizations...
...And it must be recognized that the anthracite -districts cannot maintain wage standards if the union ia crushed ia the bituminous fields...
...Relief Will Bo Needed Nevertheless, these union miners don't intend to take a cut...
...This I do because I believe what happened to me sheds light on many other cases and on the general administration of Justice...
...second, ths finances to build reservoirs, dams, plants, transmission lines and distributing facilities...
...Linked to them the inland waterfalls could be utilised in the establishment of a gigantic system of generating plants and transmission lines to provide electrical energy sufficient to light and heat every home In the State, drive every wheel of Industry and transportation...
...Cambridge Collieries, with half a dosen mines normally employing 1,509, are completely shut down...
...His statement follows: «The Republtean e*ei» to fjMsj ^0 e^tm eV ttStt i^^eit eMB^sssswVsMisB ttitfi^ dais it rsssisa^n^swy stoto, H'wH...
...years about two hundred thousand members have been lost to the Union...
...Tri-Clty Central Trades Council, Hlllquit says...
...Undew legislative suggestions earn** * slgnWcant proposal to withhold corporate powei* aad privileges from %ggt*ga41oaa of capital that do not permit voluntary union organiser...
...And the ownership of the mines should rest with the people in general...
...Leiles- Garment Workers' Union...
...She is an honor graduate...
...We are conducting the campaign on the basis of the larger program rather than on personal Issues and take this opportunity to place our policy before the rank and file of our organisation...
...The United Mine Workers Must Be Saved...
...Lawrence River are pivotal points...
...Nor ia the defect in injunction curea...
...I should have liked to run tor nothing tale year*, but consented to run fer the Stat* Senate (with the understanding that th* time I could give would b* limited> to order to do what I could in ta* tremendous educational task before us...
...i Tbe waterfalls of the State are the last , great public resources not yet handed over to tho private' corporations...
...cheaply aa Is hirmanhr shoes): waterway robbery...
...Brennan was formerly president.of District...
...With the rapid advance of electric service It will not be very long before we will be absolutely dependent upon electrjcity for all our light, 1 eat and power, whether In the city or on the farm, tn our homes, /business or in the public streets and Institutions, in industry or transportation... the a->)»oJnlmejn of...
...Worker* are warned that while seen* so-called labor bank* are good enough, other* are quite bad, aad that tat general they should be ea their guard "against the increasing tendency to divert the attention of the trade unionist front' the more primary need of trad* union organization aad 'tend* union functioning...
...One of the delightful theoreticians of the Workers' Party has discovered a great plot in the Socialist Party, of which I, all unknown to myself, am the victim...
...Unlike their brothers around Bellaire on the- Ohio River, where the steel mills take up thousands ot jobless miners, the Hocking Valley men have only the brick and clay plants which dot this section on which to rely tor outside employment Many have thus been absorbed, while road work has taken others...
...LABOR PARTY WILL HAVE CANDIDATES HARRISURG.—Charles KutS, chairman of the Labor Party of Pennsylvania, announced on Sept...
...Issued a statement reviewing the case and announcing his expectation of bringing suit for false arrest...
...boQV workers aad mannractut «rs» * was have to pay the diffsrocea Mstanssat * tha rate at whfeh the state aad-thw private companies cam ill i i snstsl During July and August SS pahtto utility companies marketed St Issiissi of bonds and debentures to ylsaf • aa average of S nay.cant...
...hav* Saht al...
...gunvshoers who sit around wasting time while the work of organizing remains tp be done...
...mines in older organised districts aa well...
...At least 4.000 regard themselves fortunate to get one to four days a week...
...But this policy was rejected...
...lean Federation of'Musician*, bad aald that it would not sign a contract far more than one year unless wage Increases were included la addition to the** agreed upon kef ere the strike began to 4*0 movie boo*** Sept, 8The union won It* point...
...Additionally objectionable ape the provisions enJoining defendants from entering the place* of business or homes of their fellow workers even for peaceful argument and persuaslbn...
...Think of the temptation y> the trustees, who, according to Mr...
...Tammany policemen's clubs ' ifcls year ought to have softened even tte hardest labor" heads Into a state of receptivity cf Socialist arguments, lot the injunction evil is by no means : **r only immediate issue...
...Proceedings were strung out so.Jala that it was impossible to get bail...
...Moreover, there will bo no financial manipulation, no dividends snd no private fortunes to pay...
...4 U. M. W. of A. CLEARFIELD, PENNA...
...asserts Harry Bishop Jones, who led the Hooking Valley miners in Knights of Labor strikes long before tho U. M. W. A. had been thought ot...

Vol. 3 • October 1926 • No. 38

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