AMUSEMENT D R A M A 7%e Drama of America By Joseph T. Shipley vii—the plays of today HAVTNG described the .play* -Of yesterday as those that, mentally and morally, reflect the attitudes... like* his villains black...
...And what Peter Grimm seeks, upon bis return after death, is to remove the imposition his living will had set upon the heroine...
...A spirited contest is expected among several candidates for the executive .board and delegates to the Central Trade and Labor Council...
...fresh from' the English stags, brings a laugh every...
...Maturity has' no time for dreams, -being too busy with life...
...The prices range from 80 cento to 81.80... manages so that coincidence, suggestion, guilty conscience, may be substituted for the aplrit by those who refuse to credit the return, and are worried about such things in the theatre—for that, save for its contribution to the play's success...* child hasn't begun to think* about the world, and the adult hi* given up...
...What is material here is the fact that the adolescent urge to reform is sustained even after death...
...Tafuro, Lulli...
...The child is even more easily reached, with propaganda of hatred...
...For [ his appeal is directly to the fundamental horse-play sense that still lurks in the man roost we.^hted with sobriety, and part of our pleasure came from watching the dignified critic across the aisle finding It Impossible to control hto laughter at some of Lupino's antics...
...he enjoy* hissing aa much aa he does cheering...
...Yet "Keeping Up with the Joneses" or the adventures of that family which now frolics (in the Sundsy color supplement) through jobs in the movies are oa a par with the activities of these directors and employee of the French telephone company...
...But ' Stanley Lupino...
...which Arthur Rorcrblow, Jr., be* adapted from Edouard Baerdet's "La Prlscmnter*" ,and which the Frohman company wffl present at the Empire Theatr* zsias Wednesday night, wfll Include Helen Menken...
...Wallace waller...
...The bpening play will be Benavente's "Saturday Night," and will be followed the night night—October 26—by Tchekov's "Three Sisters...
...ln short in every, department of American thought, reeling) and action...
...The child sees no grays...
...Onuki and Schalker...
...the new George F. KaufmanHerman J. Mankiewic* comedy to Now -york October i. Jack Hansard wttl play a leading part...
...Money," .a romantic drama by James Rosenberg...
...Crook'a Sew Tork recital win he given Thursday evening, October 21, at Carnegie Hall 4 • • -1 . The annual Worcester music festival will take, place October a to », Albert Blqaeitf directing a chorus of MO to!c4s #Od the New Tork Sym!;jjd ami "«' Aqahestr* of 58 musiciana Jptdr* "Requiem" will be sung on the mbslng night to commemorate the jm| anniversary of the composer's (jpB>- Monteverde's "Sonata Sopra sftt* Maria" will be given its flrst ¦ptorican performance...
...Including A. J. Herbert, A. 8. Byron, Norma Millay, Karen Paterson, Edna May Spooner, Ruth Gatee, Klrah Markham, Ashley Cooper, DunVan Fenwarden and Eugene Larue...
...Leonard Bright was renominated for president as was Ernest Bohm, the veteran labor man, for corresponding and financial secretary...
...But to this is added the rental - .values of the Neighborhood Playhouse in New York, the Goodman Memorial Theatre in.Chicago, and the new Community Theatres ln Pasadena and Santa Barbara...
...Ralph Whitehead, Madeline Cameron, Herbert Belmore, Gladys Baxter, Ethel Mulholland and Mary BothwelL "Not Herbert" at the Bronx Opera House "Not Herbert," which played at the Klaw Theatr* last season, is the next attraction at the Bronx Opera House, beginning Monday evening...
...Saturday matinee, "Martha," with Mmea...
...Morgan Farley...
...It is the adolescent mind that demands and tries to impose on others a heaven and hell ot rewards and punishments, such as closes Sutton Vane's "Outward Bound...
...he seeks without qualms to destroy...
...Gladys Hanson, Jessie Crommette...
...Burlesque show tactics, perhaps...
...AID GIVEN BRITISH MINERS Nomination for officers, executive board members and delegates for the ensuing year, were made at the monthly meeting of the Bookkeepers', Stendgprahers' and Accountants' Union, No...
...Although I remember that his father served a term in the Senate...
...Whatever th*r child or the adult find* in hi* way...
...Its first work-was in aid of the local experimental groups, the Actors' Theatre, the Stagers and the Provlncejtown Players...
...Th* youth wants to better the...
...It Is the adolescent mind that puts faith in' corporal punishment for bothersome children, in prisons for individuals who bother society and in war for bothersome nations...
...Escobar and Schalker...
...There will be a cast of over two hundred...
...Friday: "Madame Butterfly" . with Mmea...
...the comedy by the Sari of Leihom, which the Messrs...
...Geneva M- Marsh and Cella Silver are nominees for vice-president aad treasurer, respectively...
...Tommaainl, Cqnatl and Interrante...
...David Belasco's "The Return of Peter Grimm" hae its typical villain, its ruined woman off stage, its almost betrayed heroine, and its simple, virtuous hero... was deservedly successful In 1806 with Mrs...
...Another series of plays, to be.announced later, will be offered during the second ten weeks, beginning December 2T...
...Ismaele Voltollni...
...Hods* appeared ln th* ptey out of town for SS week* teat sea sen...
...Jacobo and Glads...
...The New York Idea," carries along the concern for sex...
...They point out that Within Ave years the Independent theatre movement, from being concerned with a few scattered "little theatres," has progressed to the point where perhaps a thousand individual producing groups are concerned, ranging from amateur clubs to the true type of institutional playhouse, and spending millions of dollars ln staging plays above the "business stage" average in artistic values... makes a fool of himself, but so wholeheartedly that we fall for hto foolery...
...Andrea <eanl*r" end "Martha.' ,jjaa com Ins week alao wilK.lntroSaoa.e new dramatic tenor impbrta2s, sot yet heard in this country, zauhte Voltollni, who will sins the facial Thursday matinee of "Aids," Zft avo/the role ot "Canlo" in the "JatBraay night performance Of "Pagll¦peU" Tho repartoiro and artiste for th* week follow: - . Monday...
...Jacobo and...
...with almost the entire Broadway cast...
...The Clearing House officials estimate that probably five million dollars is being spent yearly to promote the various forms of Independent stage* in America, and they want to ascertain, and to let the public know, how wisely' this great sum Is being expended...
...The British miners are engaged in a hitter" struggle, and the measure of America's sense of international aoUdarity will be measured by the financial support give* to tbe strike...
...The Mayor of Zalamee," translated by Edward Fitzgerald...
...The important element Is the fun...
...teel, on the edge of the tragic...
...Mitel herself has added no new features to that charm -for which we still prise her, though when the novelty of her petite appeal ha* worn -with the year* we find it somewhat unsubstantiated by depth' of personality...
...Rehearsals began tbJS weak...
...And all the play to equally—though less often Gllbertlan—comic strip in its fun...
...As pantomimlst...
...Th* optimist to therefore mentally forever young— save that senescence recaptures for ether purposes th* old Illusions of youth...
...Meaara Onofrei, Interrante and Cervi, Saturday evening, "Cavalleria Rustieana," with Mmes...
...The revolving stage at the Century will be employed, a* well aa the new and elaborate counterweight system The medieval form of myaterysdrama Is used aa the basis of "The Fearl of Great Price...
...Among the new buildlpgs to be occupied by Independent groups during the coming season, the Clearing House reports the Dallas Little Theatre, now being erected at a cost of 845,000, and the Cleveland Playhouse group containing two complete theatres...
...cyril Raymond...
...The candidates having the support of the adminstration, however, ere expected to win...
...Bat this state ot affairs'does not disturb the child...
...Jacobe and Selori...
...Ann Harding...
...Election will take place the third Monday in October...
...di Lammerfft...
...When slapped on the back, he falls ln a full turn off the chair...
...The rV.ter production* will be chosen from Calderon's...
...mature man, on the other hand, has discovered that there are np such things a* pure-light and absolute darkness...
...Happy Go Lucky" has a book by Helena Phillips built around the tired business man, and music by Luclen Denni...
...Princess Turandot," a version of which waa recently staged by Max ' Relhhardt at Salzburg...
...moment of .his appearance, aad proves . that, 'our "cousins across the water... him everything is black or white...
...hi Abraham's Bosom...
...The first of these...
...Belaaco, however, has not matured so fully as his creature, i...
...When some one remarks "Adieu...
...e comedy by Mark Reed...
...Offer the ¦child a sugar-stick, or tell him some one wants to take It away...
...Mengelberi will conduct all Philharmonic concerts from the opening of the season until January i, inclusive, after which ArtuTo TOacantel will appear aa guest conductor...
...He feela the urge of the reformer, he would make all blacks white, he would have his villains repentant—and forgiven...
...Is beside' the point...
...Never hit anyone in cold blood," says Bernard Shaw, knowing that maturity, always keeps cool...
...Youth spread* its dreams into a structure that shall shelter the world...
...that- the stage still seems to/prefer the appearance of high life...
...he counters "No, a Protestant...
...has grown up...
...In addition to "Celebrities," a comedy by Lawrence Langner, and "Tha 8tarGazer," a drama by Howard Irvine...
...Shubert, in association with A. H. Woods...
...Campbell Cullen, Max Ward and Cicely Oat...
...The British strike is by no moans ever, aad if every local union In Near Tork City wouK do as much in proportion 8250,660 would bo New Tork labors contribution...
...Th* company incrudes Iris Hoey...
...The third week, ': ajtar—r Monday ^ ght, will be fat¦\ s-by three op.sited durtni seaseat aeaaotu •eps...
...A member of an old, respectable family, one of the "four hundred," re...
...or finds pious phrases to justify the destruction—in the name of liberty, or god, or kink, or country...
...Goldoni's "La Locandlere" will have its first performance on November 15, and "Twelfth Night" will be produced on December 18, with Miss Le Galllenne as Viola...
...followed by "I Pagliaccl," with Mma Saroyo...
...desirous of repairing the damage they have wrought...
...12646, last Monday evening...
...These.six productions will be played ln varying sequence during the first ten weeks of the season...
...The Province town adaptation will be the work of Henry G. Alsberg...
...Owofrei, CenaM and Mnntslll - - Tueadar, "Lucia 41 Lammermoor...
...Willem Mengelberg will sail next ••••k to begin rehearsals for the Philjgbsnenic Orchestra concerts which IhSjln in Carnegie Hall on ThursdaV *r*nins...
...Survey to Be Made Of "Art Theatre" Groups THE Independent Theatre* Clearing House announce* that it has initiated a survey ot the experimental aad "art" theatres throughout the country...
...The comedy is from the pen of Howard Irving Young, and will be presented here- by the Playshop, Inc...
...who translated "The Dybbuk," and Isaac Don Levins...
...It also has helped ln the -plans tor the International Theatre Arts Institute, which will establish Its school of the theatre and Its acting company in Brooklyn ln the autumn...
...take advantage of the sincere and ingenuous youth to Shown by the recent—or probably any—war...
...In response to the appeal, of the A. F. of L. for aid to the striking British miners the union voted 120frem its treasury, and decided to appeal to its membership for contribution...
...Leading players ln - the big cast are Robert Eromett Keane, Joseph Cawthorn, Lina AbarbaneH, Nydia D'Arnell, John Kane, Edith Shayne, Walter Craig...
...Onofrei, Patton, Mongelll...
...The Stages will jbold to ft* policy of a permanent' acting company, the members of which test season Included Rita Romllly, Josephine Hutchinson, Margaret Bougies...
...The principal officers are uncontested...
...with death he...
...last Thursday night at Great N«ek> Long bland...
...Youth ia the period of ideals, maturity the age of disillusion...
...On November 1 Miss Le Gallienne will revive Ibsen's "The Master Builder," and on Nov...
...taking some cake from' a passinsr waiter, and told "Those are not good manners...
...In passing, the play makes a most piercing stab at our political pretense...
...Sbubart will present to this country, arrived «a the Franconia teat Sunday...
...These Independent companies are said to reach a larger public.Shan either the etock companies^ Or the first-class road companies sent out by Broadway producers...
...In* literature, in music...
...Blays of today, when well constructed, are often, commercial successes, though rarely with the long runs ef -the plays of yesterday...
...m!iui tt*xm* msbsst - jvuiamv dock 'baa llwfwt Strauss Mutkal Play Lup'tno Premies Moments of Humor in "-Naughty Riquette" at the Cosmopolitan THE new OSear' Btrau* musical play at th* Cosmopolitan -Theatre...
...The survey has been started under the supervision ol Sheldon Cheney, Director of the Clearlng House...
...The cjrtid the happy ending, the youth desires it, the adult amy not mind it- But the child'aad the adult ar* both impaUent of the moral...
...II Trwvatore...
...Mohtrpae J. Moses, who carries us thtfpug*, 3ihe- dramas of today, presenter-twe .interesting example* of this ' phase of our theatre...
...Civic Theatre's Repertory Ai the 14th St...
...marks of another,: "A very respectable family...
...replies, "But they're good cakes...
...with Dorothy Mackaa»Bj| Jack MulhalL * , . The Amphiea Theatre In Bfo*aB* to amisHia Bteurteo"Star*arte ish Art Theatre Ptopgan -w Music \L^ia;,4Cheniertf 'Martha,* WFirst Time At Centum kmn nan Carlo «°*** o**aoa at ta* rl,\ Century Theatre wUl aa WlauiHd i id include a fourth weak, a«S-stliO to the announcement made By g|tu>i Gallo, lmpreaarlo, Who state* et due to aa IgMsedented deEflk* *¦ h*°**r ¦3* preeent •OsgS dtoto per> jjsvr---- during 1 ta44U.K>nal week...
...Thirty-one dollars was collected at the mdetlng, and the union expects to collect at least $ttO...
...Clarke Binford...
...Our army average, you remember, was under it years mental development...
...Information Is being sought particularly regarding the extent of the subsidies at the disposal of independent producing companies...
...Playhouse EVA LE GALLIENNE announced yesterday the production schedule for the first ten weeks of the forthcoming season of the Civic Repertory Theatre in Fourteenth ! street...
...Arthur toss, Jean Worth and Jerry Lynch...
...though In its unreality It matches the dally comics, it differ* from Jnem in...
...With considerable skill the p.laywright succeeds, ln making us accept this return...
...Miacha Levltzki, the pianist, will* honor the centenary of Beethoven's death with all-Beethoven recitals in New York, Chicago and Boston next January...
...Flske snd with Grace George in 1911, and its dialog Attn sparkles and entertains- The author, Langdon Mitchell*, declares "What I wanted to satirise waa a certain extreme frivolity in the American spirit and in pur American life—frivolity in tha deep sense—not just a girl's frivolity but that profound, sterile, amazing frivolity which one observes and jr?eets in our churches, in political life...
...Thursday, "Andrea Chenier," with Mmea...
...s This will be followed by a play by Eugene O'Neil—either an original Work or aa adaptation, of tho Book of Revelation...
...Revival of "Orpheua," "The .Emperor - Jones" and "Fashion" are i*too ateeas taA poaathOlttos...
...Goodman, there 1* a contemplated prcdudtlon of a play in conjunction -with the Chicago Play Producing Company, which to'to be directed by Marlon Gertng of the Meyerbold Theatre of Moscow...
...aa a downer he is a triple somersault...
...Faedevttto program next week at » B. Me**** Broadway will hav* "Tr**nS...
...Pilgrim, pursues her life, at timea an < allegorical character, at others, one of flesh...
...When "Gentlemen Prefer BTh*d*** opens at, jbt.Tin*** Square Theatre Tuesday, night- g. P. HuattMy wffl he...
...Charles Frohman...
...AMUSEMENT D R A M A 7%e Drama of America By Joseph T. Shipley vii—the plays of today HAVTNG described the .play* -Of yesterday as those that, mentally and morally, reflect the attitudes of childhood, we may characterise the plays of today that we see in the theatre around us, as adolescent, those of tomorrow hs mature...
...N. J., on the ltth, and as it with the Detroit Symphony her 21 and 22...
...The Woman Disputed" The play has been presented mBrooklyn and...
...J. C. Huffman haa been engaged to stage the play...
...Between October 25 and December 18 Miss Le Galllenne will make six productions, Including four plays In which she has not previously been seen...
...Tafuro, Conati, Mongelll...
...But Belasco keeps all these elements carefully subordinate to another interest: the return- of Peter Grimm after his death, to rectify the last great error of his lifetime...
...But nonsense that at times Is of the Gllbertlan order...
...Its central character...
...Leslie Howard play* jbs leading materote...
...Tramp, Tramp...
...unnamed by Dana Burnet, a comedy, •too to date without a name by Dsn Tothereh, author ot "Wild Birds," and i "The Dynamo...
...Plainly, the...
...Hodge Returns, Monday, In "The Judges Husband" "The Judge's Husband...
...8 she will give "John Gabriel Borkman...
...Tafuro and Lulli...
...a drama spectacle by Robert McLaughlin, will be staged at the Century Theatre late In October under the management of the Messrs...
...I repeat, the reference is ot course of the age of the intellect and the will— the mental and moral age—regardless ef physical years...
...deGaviria, Interrante, Moagelli...
...Other lajlala include Erie, Pa, October SI...
...Announced For the Centum Theatre "The Pearl of Great Price...
...he would not understand and would detest a 'half-hearted criminal...
...The actual cash subsidy enjoyed by non-commercial theatres probably amounts to less than half a million dollars annually, according to the estimates...
...which was produced at the Prevtncetown tost season...
...8. C, on October 1, and at rson...
...Stanley Lupino usee everyone as foils for the swift parries ot his humor...
...Thursday matinee: "Atda" with Mmea...
...a comedy, with William Hods* ai star and author, win be presented by Le* Shubert at the 49th Street Theatre on Monday night...
...Naughty Rtouette...
...Bettle Gallagher...
...i ' Carlo Peront will conduct all operas...
...Margaret Love, Olga Brent, Mertenne Francka...
...Tke child fights because he hate*, this adult because, he desires,, the youth to make the world safe for democracy...
...with Mmea Escobar and Beauner: Messrs...
...For the sign of youth is not merely that it accepts a social and moral creed, but that it seeks to "reform," to Impose that creed upon others...
...Dorothy Walters, Masie Haynee... American play by Paul Green, and an opera In the style ot "Orpheus...
...with Mmea...
...age draws it* dreams into a hut that shall shelter Itself...
...The extent to which the shrewd and tricky among th* adults can...
...In all this...
...which to well worth seeing...*ii ¦i.,Jti.'ji rt'-'-JSte: set seen to the part of Sir Francis Bookman, which he created when the ptoy had its premiere ia Chicago last spring...
...x - » ,. The cut of "The Captive...
...Newark^under tha title pt "Th* Prisoner...
...are little different from our unbent s*W*f...
...toe* aad A. H. Woods presented Lauretta Taylor and "Her Cardboard Lover.* Thto wee the first performance in »*p Hah ef M. Jacques Deval's Parish* comedy...
...In their mingling is material for a good melodrama, a wellwrought play of yesterday...
...Arthur and btertoS Havel Revue, Bert Gordon A Co, ty and Gunther and BaaO Lewfe a"\9Th* photpplay feature will be *^S*j way Fedle...
...faerie Sundeliue before the opening «f the Metropolitan opera season will appear as soloist with the Syracuse amrphony October i and give recitals la Mercershurg Academy on October o and-11} In Louisville, Ky., on Noaanber 9, with Hans Kindler...
...Tet the divorced husband and wife turn out in this instance to be really sincere persons, capable of deep love, which they do teel for one another after all, as they discover—and reunite—at the end...
...The second play of today in the collection is one of the rare sort that goes out of the beaten part for themes...
...P~~ nonce Easton will fulfill concert gemente at Winthrop College, : Hill...
...Charles F. McCarthy and Rteberd Gordon are among the play era Broadway Briefs Crosby G.gige will present "The Good Fellow...
...It is the adolescent, the youth (of whatever physical age) that leads all revolutions...
...Crowds may gape at the president on parade, but how many not directly concerned in pulling plums give serious thought to political office...
...Is particularly interesting because of th* comparison it forces home, of oar staga today with our new pictorial paper policy for the reading public...
...The author of the play* .of today 'may either sincerely follow a code ln which he believes, or deliberately employ that which his audience acknowledges...
...Youth Slther tries to win it ovsr...
...Young, which have already been announced, the list include* "The Whiphand," a melodrama by Marjorie Cheee Surdez...
...Saroya an A Schalker...
...In the theatre, beyond- the plays that appeal to the childhood of our intellect, there to a great body ot dramas, from O. Henry's "Alias Jimmy Valentine" to Eugene O'Neill's "Anna Christie," that .play upon the Impulses and powers of youth...
...In it* way the piece U a,satire on divorce...
...Butler Davenport, director of the Bramhall Playhouse, in a letter te the "New Leader," suggests that, that prospective subscribers take advantage ef the above, and subscribe at one...
...The child obeys this injunction, but tho adolescent, even though he may sincerely say "This hurts me more than it does you," believes in punishment for the offender's good...
...Ta Bahama," with Mm** Saroya and Pant...
...In one sense this play is a transition toward the plays of tomorrow...
...A special part of the survey work will deal also with the college and university theatre...
...a drama a* yet...
...It is hoped to have preliminary returns in and checked oviet for announcement at the Independent Theatres Dinner, which to to be hele at the Hotel Astor here on the evening of October 8 under the auspices of th« Actors' Theatre, the Neighborhood Playhouse, the Stagers, the Provincetown Players and the Internationa Theatre Arts Institute...
...giiuu** Kingston...
...It will take a census of the Independent producing groups of all sorts, including those generally termed "amateur" and "semi-professional," and also such fully professional organisation* as the Theatre Guild and the Actors' Theatre...
...sense of the heedlessness, of the' absence of Eorious purpose in life,'of trie shallowness that replaces love In the choice of a mate, is exceedingly well pictured in the play...
...That such words, spoken by such a person, could be relied on to win immediate laughter, shows what a sorry opinion the average man has of the 1 government...
...It will be directed by Leo Bulgakov, formerly of the Moscow Art Theatre...
...everything is .one or another depth of gray...
...Louis Calhern and Crens Wilbur are, th* featured players ta the large company...
...h Rochester, N. T., on November 17, fed with the Duiutb Symphony at 3feluth on the 14th...
...The adolescent sees the world as black and white, but Is greatly troubled by this state ot affairs...
...give the youth a pietlstic slogan...
...Our frivolity n*,"1...
...there te enough of it to' carry the action along...* appearances as t Moist with the New Tack Friends of Music Society Octo* hit H and November 7. Mr...
...The music is also simple enough for common consumption, and tuneful enough for common enjoyment...
...The dead return, hovering almost helplessly about us...
...and the dances, especially of the toe ballet and of Sylvan Lee and Jane Moore, are difficult and clever...
...Uchard Crooks will give a recital StKewburgb, N. T. October 11...
...The survey is being undertaken by the Independent - Theatres Clearing House as a step In it* plans to help stabilise the creative Independent theatres in America, and to stimulate a wide-spread Interest in their development and support... dealer in language and smart repartee he is what we might call a wow...
...In the rapid movement of his husband, lover and police officer shift, he Is a scream...
...Prpvincetoum Playhouse to Open Season with "Turandot" The season's plans for the Provincetown Playhouse Include a possible balf dosen productions) the first ot wbieh, opening in November, will be Gosci'a comedy...
...W. L. "Happy-Go-Luck})" Opens at Liberty on Thursday Night "Happy Go Lucky," A. L. Erlanger's new musical comedy production, will open at the Liberty Theatre Thursday evening...
...Basil Rath bone and Norman Treror...
...Jeanne Eagle* returns to the Bronx in "Rain" the week of October 4. The Stagers Plan Ail-American Seas oh EDWARD GOODMAN, director ef Th* Stagers, announces that organization has planned an AllAmerican season at the Princess Theatre, beginning early in the autumn...
...The Pearl of Great Price" Spectacle Drama...
...The original London company of "Wet Paint...
...And that part of us that looks at the picture papers has a good time...
...October 14...
...The plot of the play doe* not matter...
...Lowell Sherman Stars in ' "A Woman disputed" At tha Forreat Theatre next Tuesday evening A. H. Woods will present Lowell Sherman in ' a new romantic drama by Dentoon CUft, entitled...
...Wh.itHoejhoa, Edwin A. Brown...
...In addition to these plays, directed by Mr...

Vol. 3 • September 1926 • No. 37

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