Adler, Dr. Friedrich

FIRST WORKERS' WORLD MIGRATION CONGRESS SURVEYED BY ADLER Labor Doings Abroad By Dr. Friedrich. Adler (Secretary of tha Socialist and Labor International) FOR four daya workera-...

...Too present proposal Is te increase, the monthly - per capita tax- ts the International from seventy te eighty cents, tbe extra dime to goto the eonvention fund...
...I say unequivocally," said Thompson, "that the real reason why the Federal files covering the Sacco-Vanzettl case have not been produced for this hearing is that the opening of those files would bring disgrace and shame upon the Boston office of the U. S. Department of Justice, and because it would show the innocence of these defendants~bf the payroll murders at South Braintree, for which they were" convicted.** Replying to Thompson's argument, Ranney admitted that the state and Federal authorities worked together aecretly to convict Sacco and Vanzetti of murder, aa one way of disposing of radf«eia...
...Then an astounding thing happened...
...When Ranney finished the court asked for the full record of the case so he might go over It...
...Adler (Secretary of tha Socialist and Labor International) FOR four daya workera- representatives from Europe, America, Asia and Australia discussed: the problems of migration from the labor point of view...
...k -can defray sspanasa . by borrowing, transferring one fund ta another or levying aa assessment...
...Although the north coast^ljf Australia is uninhabitable for whitest on account of fevers due to the cllajpte, and although to...
...Thompson contended that' the original trial record and tbe Supreme Court's decision in this case had no bearing on this present motion, reiterating that the showing of new evidence just made is ample in itself tor the indictment of the Morelll gang for • the South Braintree crime...
...Workera Are Modes* iir Dcmattda ' It was Laaaale who declared war on the "damned modesty*' of the work- < era The impdrnsqep of this point of view has considerably receded in Western Europe...
...An attempt was made to express in them what is common to all delegates attending the Congress...
...However much the organized workers fear the danger presented by unorganized wage-cutters, they cannot be Indifferent to the appalling misery and suffering of fellow human beings who see no other remedy in this capitalist world than to accept even the worst terms, provided they offer food and lodging...
...Countries in which the surplus of births is definitely restricted can use that fact as an argument against immigration from countries in which birth Control is less, or non-existent...
...In another unton...
...It-was, of course, not to be expected-that a solution of the fundamental problems, could be found at this first attempt... to the extent of support allowed, and there is no doubt that the Australian workers are anxious to decrease the amount of support to the lowest possible level...
...The St...
...As a year ago, the representatives of Canada and Australia took an opposite point of view to that of .the representatives of India...
...The Australian and British governments have come to an agreement of their own...
...leader for laboer mills a hills regions the fild of labor ornfswflaaay trade unlaa ntaart be an accepted institution for asrtterorxOr worse...
...He dismissed the defense's arguments lightly and depended upon dramatic speech, harking back often to the trial, with evident effort bo impress Judge Webster Thayer...
...Ranney defended the action of his predecessor in office in placing the spy...
...class, there arises a certain Inequality, which will be of decisive importance, in the solution of the -problem...
...Both men live in Newark...
...Whether fjb* ¦acmhere will vote favorably on the pTropePHlon Is not predicted...
...It selected a new secretary by the name of Findley, who had been secretary to former Mayor Kiel for twelve years and had always been friendly to trade unionists...
...point Tne local Chamber of Commerce In U» declared * war to tbe finish against organised labor...
...But the formation of islands of social legislation does not help to solve the great problems of the world proletariat- Australia was quite early a model country' for standards' of life for the workers, but it is not a model country tor international solidarity...
...This means in quite a noteworthy manner class opposition with...
...There' are 1,690,600 words in the trial transcript and 500,000 since, and Judge: Thayer Indicated that it would be several weeks - before he could rule gpn the present motion...
...Findley appeared before the Central Trades aad Labor Union and asked fcfr' the official participation of labor, in the affair...
...Louis Trades Union Promotional League...
...The Association was dissolved-and Its members were elected to membership in the Associated', thus obtaining the favorable terms which the union had refused them...
...The workers are opposed to such "immigration" as represents only the import of wage-cutters and strikebreakers...
...Tbe ballots must be cast by September th ups...
...The unions of this old Socialist stronghold put up a staunch defense...
...France and Belgium are now faced with these problems In a practical manner . There is one remedy: The organisation of the immigrants...
...However, the task of this Congress was to establish connection with overseas labor organisations which are .not affiliated with either Amsterdam or Zurich, and in this way to be able to view the problems in their entirety...
...It remains to be aeen whether the open-shoppers have definitely retreated...
...When tbe agreepaent of July 21 was signed the union prepared to deal with the Independents and even with the Poeketbook Manufacturers' Association...
...Louie Chamber of Commerce came .to lta senses...
...which can hardly be understood in Europe, where there are only closely-related peoplesIn spite of the fact that the overwhelming majority of the Congress recognized the old principle of (the equality of races and nations, it waa again and again emphasized that, from the pout 'of view' of the working...
...19, 1926...
...Camden will be the scene of the federation's 192...
...How is the problem of the division of the earth's surface between different races and nations to be solved in such a way that the urge of self-preservation shall not result In wars of extermination, but may be met by peaceful co-operation...
...One of their alliea waa the St...
...With' a' branch In each of the twenty-eight wards of the city, meeting monthly, the league was able to agitate fa favor of trade unionism...
...8. 1 BARBERS' CONVENTION WAITS ON FUNDS The part that the practical matter of finance may play ta impeding the carrying out of the abstract principle of democracy tn a labor union ia well Illustrated in* the present referendum among the members of tbo Journeymen Barbers' International Union...
...moreover the highly Instructive South African problem, which could not be dealt with this time, was fully 'examined last year...
...It has been the practice te set aside five cents per capita tax for this purpose, but whereas originally delegates received five dollars per day, today the amount has been -increased to nine with three cents per mile additional for railway expenses to and from tbo convention...
...It is expected that the United Textile Workera will capture the* other mills in this section.—L...
...The convention fufid is penniless...
...It lasted nineteen weeks...
...With regard to that, no doubt can exist that it Is the representatives of the most soundly established , trade Union organizations who fear that the result of decades of work might be destroyed by an Inundation of unorganised workers...
...they want to employ colored labor in the South African mines in order to economise on white labor...
...Today, only Anglo-Saxon subjects are allowed to immigrate, and even these meet with the greatest difficulties, for the emigrating worker cannot himself afford to meet the expenses of a journey to Australia...
...Poland and India were the principal representatives at this Congress of countries with a great surplus population, in which the urge to go abroad to earn a living is most strongly prevalent...
...He attacked the veracity of Constantino Medelroa, the Portuguese, who has confessed that the Morelll gang committed that crime, and that he took part in the holdup...
...They restrict the surplus population in their own country, why should they then be obliged to provide for the surplus pppulatlon of other countries and thereby endanger their own standard of life...
...It is quite different with the -representatives of the Labor Party of New Zealand...
...The principle of differentiation between etnployera and tha code ot 'ethics In collective bargaining enunciated by the fattiest have been affirmed.' L. 8. mJUm^-m^imm that one imrawsvshs i^jj^^l...
...Mo., is % case to...
...The sixteenth convention of that organization is to take place in 192* and yet at this early date the officers have called attention te the fact that there Is not a cent act aside to finance that undertaking...
...regard to immigration...
...Answering Assistant District Attorney Dudley Ranney, Thompson said 'that no public officials were so exalted that their word could not be challenged...
...Majority for Free Migration The resolutions of the Congress were unanimous...
...He made overtures to the labor men...
...This point, if conceded by the court, would automatically give Sacco and Vanzetti a new trial...
...denied that any great resemblance existed...
...Tbe central body and its affiliated unions co-operated in the exposition, and Labor Day turned out to be a gala occasion for the trade unions...
...It would be an extremely dangerous selfdeceit if we were to Ignore the fact that there exist deep and conflicting differences among the workers' interests...
...The magnitude of the problems and the magnitude of the conflicting points of view were powerfully disclosed to those who took part In the Congress, but, tin spite of all that, they went home with the firm conviction that, with a few exceptions, the principle of Internationalism clearly prevailed...
...Thomas E. Ames, MlUvtlte, second vice-president... important victory in that Unnfliai has Just peon gained...
...Thus far the only complaint has come from tbe bartenders' and waiters' unions, but the central body has been slow In taking up their grievances...
...On several occasions thereafter spokesmen for the Associated appealed In vain to the union to deal with these organized contractors...
...Moreover, they worked for the members of the Associated and might help undermine union standards...
...the delegates of former Immigrant white workers, now become native, were in opposition to those of the colored races...
...Thus the solution, considered by the Australian workers as in Jthe interests of their class, is a monopoly for themselves, without consideration of the rest of the world...
...present, in negotiation with the .union...
...Louis Exposition, which ran from Sept...
...It boosted unoin-madc goods...
...It helped In organization campaigns...
...did much to create a public opinion favorable to labor unions...
...A collective agreement might have resulted In less control over their books...
...The United Mine Workers and the Wilkes-Barre Central Labor Union threw in their support- The four State mediators were kept busy trying ta secure a settlement...
...But it ia obvioua that there must exist a certain relationship between the rate of organization and the rate ot the immigration of unorganized labor, in order for it to be possible to maintain the labor position gained...
...Under the aeeretaryahip of Paul Buna It became a model for the open-shop movement...
...Bat' these eventaaBy hit the rank aad fit* anyway—tha last the hardest, sinceJt comes in one bulk sum and may load to the dlsfranchlaement of delinquent locals...
...Tbe Poeketbook Manufacturers...
...Tbe result embodied In the resolutions of the Congress is a .very modest one...
...The entire labor movement of the -Wyoming Valley was aroused...
...The June London Congress brought to light the multiplicity of the problems Involved and the enormous difficulties in the way of their solution...
...Certainly, much more in this direction could have been expressed in common had the Congress been restricted to representatives of the two Internationals, which had called it, apd a Congress of the Amsterdam International Federation of Trade Unions or the Socialist and Labor International could go much ffurther than did the London Congress...
...He Is dependent on support...
...The Labor Party, nevertheless, emphatically requires that immigrants shall not be allowed to lower the standard of life Won by the working class of the country, and on this point the statements of the New Zealand delegates are in line with the problems of the majority of countries of immigration...
...It yon please, j- St...
...E. J. Re id of Newark, firet vicepresident...
...a strike ensued...
...This international aspect of the problem of birth control leads up to the most difficult problem which will have to be solved in the future...
...The contrasts were :sharply outlined and no one attempted to conceal them, for the Congress had been called for the very reason that the difficulties were so great, and because the first step toward overcoming them must be a complete . understanding of them... indeed also the subordination, of the interests of workers of Individual countries or of individual groups of migrant workers to the common interests of the International working class...
...The union objected, it refused to submit the matter to too Impartial Chairman but agreed to have him preside At any- conferences...
...They do not want the racial factor i to play a decisive part,' but rather the economic factor...
...Its intsPnetlonal significance, however, is becoming more and more obvioua The workers of different countries differ from each other' in the degree of their modesty...
...A group of small- manufacturers' and contractors, bad formed a Poeketbook Manufacturers Association in March and had asked to deal with the union collectively.- .This the union could not consent i to . do, first because the major negotiations With the Associated had yet to be settled, and secondly these contracts were small fry, who were irresponsible... has meant the substitution of one and at the most two looms per operator for tbe usual six In nonunion establishments...
...Opposition to Hilfers grew from criticism by union men of his directing of a two-day strike of brewers ta Newark,last spring, it was reported...
...In tbe resolution this Is not mentioned, since a unanimous vote could not be obtained for it, in spite of the most careful choice of words...
...hundreds of "tfiousands of colored people a means-of livelihood could be offered there, tha Australian Labor Party insists on prohibiting ab-> nlutely the immigration* of colored workers...
...Cat bene, tn the cell next, to Sacco'*, saying this wae "an extreme but not unusual method of police Investigation...
...In New Zealand there are yellow-workers...
...They declare without any reservation: Australia must be a white'continent...
...In the face of a notable resemblance between photographs of Joe Morelll and Sacco, Ranney...
...In a certain-sense there was a repetition of the deep impression made in London last year by the British Commonwealth Labor Conference., Last year's Congress may perhaps rank as a more instructive one because then European problems did not have to be dealt with and" a whole week could be devoted to non-European problems...
...The fourteenth convention's fund was short * 22,000, the hurt $40,000...
...The example of tbe workers' movement in the United States of America gave many opportunities for observing how capitalist Interests again and again have understood how to use new troops of unorganized immigrant workers against the organization of the workera Hard to Oct to Australia We remember how often even three decades ago Australia was held up before, the eyes ot the workers in -Europe as an Ideal country for economic progress, a country- where, -the eight-beur day was in|r#ucefi ai^^ba^when it was stiS'-nregarded' *a ;^*rbplem In Europe...
...This was dona...
...The unionization of this important mill has proved the mettle of tbe women workers...
...The Polish miner is satisfied with food and1 lodging which the English miner would never put up with...
...For White Australia The most extreme point, of view in one direction is held by the representatives of the Labor Party «jf Australia...
...The colored worker is incomparably more modest than the white worker, and hand in hand with this goes the ultimate decisive difference between workers aa to the degree of their trade union education and as to th degree of their industrial solidarity... Parsons Borough, resulted in a est-' tlement favorable to the workera 'a short'while later, however, the-utataagement declared for an open shop aad discharged the members or a: ormuafttee representing the local branch of the United Textile Workers of i atari ca...
...J. J. Buckley, Jersey City, treasurer...
...Whom they could not legally deport...
...Ifte'Australian workers have understood how to improve their condition by persistently opposing immigration, and there is no doubt that opposition te *. towtlgraUooi .will ' increase still snore When the 'Australian workers gain full power in.their continent... has shown the solidarity .of labor In the Wyoming Valley...
...We are still vpry far from the time when this principle of internationalism will find interpretation at every step, but again at this Congress, of so complicated a composition, it has been seen that this la -the only -guiding star for our actions...
...But (the majority of Che commission expressed this point of view at the Congress, whilst the point of view of the minority was voiced by the representative of Australia...
...Ranney sought to sweep aside the evidence offered by the defense to show that the Joe Morelll gang of Providence perpetrated the South Braintree murders...
...SACCO SECRECY DENOUNCED Protveciition Admits Justice Department Conspired to Convict Radl * icals By Esther Lowell DSDHAM, Mass.—"When a government values its own secrets more than the Uvea of Its "eltisena it haa become a tyranny," declared William G. Thompson, defense attorney, in his closing argument for a new trial for Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti...
...What waa achieved was an agreement On practical measures to be taken...
...His body bad organised the Greater St...
...N. 3.—After IT years'' service as secretary of the New Jersey Stats Federation ot Labor,.Henry F. Hilfers was 'defeated here for...
...In Western European countries with good trade union organization they want to open wide the doors to unorganized labor from Slav countries...
...Other officers elected were Arthur A. Quinn of Sewaren, president... to hold o«t * jon^ waa beeanae the worn- te*.^ taat SMrjfliappppat hi the silk safe which were aprlngiag up fat pesaawx vaaJeu atany rate, this leaertlon caste Stleatfas to mow textile ceatera osg| word arising tn the State, aad Mas* to be expected that the strong* mtfjp, sentiment ia the coal regions wants make unionisation of the mifJa laaafi...
...The "bloodless" victory of the union had culminated in an - agreement with tbe Associated Leather Goods Manufacturers on July 21, 1926...
...reelection by Hugh Reilly...
...THE P0CKETB00K MAKERS SOLVE A QUEER ONE We remember one hot day fast summer when wc found Abraham Bhiplacoff, manager of the New Tork Joint Board of the International Poeketbook Workers* Union, in a very much perturbed state of mind...
...Stoppages had to be called against, tha offending **boaaea" aad la tbo and'the Impartial Chairman tor naimandefl that the newly., elected . mew sera resign...
...Capitalists favor the leas developed nations and races...
...He assured the delegates that only union labor would be utilised in the construction work and that union-made cigars would be sold exclusively...
...Louis' Union Label League even had a booth advertising union-made goods...
...In tha and the union waa recognised, striken ware reinstated, discrimination against Smloa members was banned and equal division of work in slack times.was introduced...
...t to Sept...
...Among the arguments against freedom of movement there is one which m touches problems of still another order...
...Last spring a Strike at the Leon Fern bach silk arjn...
...With the exception of the Australian delegate, no other delegate recognized the racial question as the decisive factor, although the pre-eminence of the question was emphasized In speeches made by delegates from those countiles in which tlw colci- question is not a mere theoretical matter, but an immediate pratetieai problem...
...It is all the more gratifying that the great majority of the commission voted in favor of the principle of freedom of movement...
...Capitalists are more "International" than workera...
...Association was revived and It is...
...The town or'city Involved must be unkm-aoehad...
...But an unusual circumstance waa marring the occasion...
...Ranney denied that he had any thirst for presecutlng the defendants...
...Recently the St...
...j*nA It Is estimated that the next win show a deficit at the present rate of $100AM- , The general executive board tn the absence of a referendum vote to the 'contrary moat Issue tha call for the convention...
...for example, the administration has used the faek |f funds aa a pretext not to call any convention at all...

Vol. 3 • September 1926 • No. 37

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