A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES The Lame Sparrpiy sphven in the diary backyard, with ht I: |4 soot-begrimed walls aad ka litter of ^jf** packing esse* and dirty etxsw, the freehl|a* of the...

...Moreover, there Is no other way of social transformation thaa through tb* capture of th* state...
...Steves Of thex sum master...
...we hav* aa dosbt Bat Sttte ' grasp at the faiiiaiessisls...
...ajfre or dead, saw that wh*a he sits Sewn and writes s> ssek, Bks tbabsby ta the advertisement, we west bo haaay^ until w* gat It tt was said of wrnteaa Jamas Obtt . pons I-lag ma ta that aaottoa of our head devtosd by Provtdene* to contain our bratoa and th* nsteer explosions that result are enough te seed ss cheesing down new sad fasyrnaflng highway*, tt stfv be bee*** w* get our first mistily utoatoa **ae*g40*a of Socialism from W*U* tons, kmg *ator*«h* Waat tt may be bsssess ba la a master journalist dosttfir with controversial question* of the tsssnsit to a straightforward craftamanlike manner...
...Tha window ledg* was empty...
...It was to cast a vote for or against the power bill...
...kb docewt ttJEffcindkstiosi sf extreme euperfcislfty...
...areata tha rsvatatton, bat ass* tha revolution was created, as s result ef national aad international crises, tha Socialists would be hi a position to direct tt .Tha party adopted a strongly centralized plan of organisaUon aad became In thaa tb* most active Socialist party to France, ft waa eepOclolly strong is tha north among the textile workers...
...of the years to come...
...At once there was a general decline ot the •amor and a few of tb* more timid boys edged £ a»ay...
...H* saw the bin for what it waa, a makeshift, but makeshift or not like so many piece* of legislation, it had become a symbol an effigy, round which all the battling elements of the state revolved...
...ahe hurled It violently at th* grinning cat...
...The congress resulted ln th* formation of a National Federation of Syndicate...
...The School of Business at Qsssnahto has Btot conducted a Beaoarab Magnificent whtoh prove* conclusively that nam sa as or* "a lain a *hii|a*tos thaa women...
...of the years behind...
...What had happened to the 113th district during that final, crucial week had been as good as several hours of confidential conversations as a promoter ot understandings...
...The conquest of political power appeared to them to be a rather peaceful and gradual process ot infiltration lata municipal, departmental and national legislative bodies...
...She felt a sudden pass of Irresolution, of regret...
...no douht > we sirs ssSli senliastoite...
...Neither were Invited to caucus with th* right and left wings ef the senate organization...
...He's naads an th* trouble tor Oaylard this year by sending the farmers up bare...
...active uatealste...
...In the Congress ot St Etienne ln lftt the Socialist forces split one portion of the delegates following Quoad*, and taking th* name, Parti Ouvrler Franeals, and another, group pledging allegiance to Paul'Brouase, and designating themselves by the name...
...Upon the table of Mlntum's twelfth story room were piled hooks, legislature pamphlets, bills, a half-flUed cigar box, a decanter And three glllsea...
...Look* harmless enough...
...But when yer down and out ev'rybody take* advantage ot yer, not a soul gives a "elpias 'aad to lift yer up...
...it hopped nervously toward them aa if begging 4* be allowed to Join the throng, but as soon as it •ante near they drove it away again with sudden feious pecks and buffetings...
...He and Goodnlte, ironically enough, were being paired in a number of transactions...
...pledge ma up before the Mil's brought tot'' Tea ought to know m# hatter thaa that" Ooodnite looked sheepish Thep straBsd on...
...The Bourses or Labor Exchangee A rival to the federation soon appeared ln the Federation of tabor Exchanges of Franco (Federation das Bourses du Travail de France...
...ater hope* of aradtt p^B...
...Senator Daniel Mlnturn held vigil one April night late ln the legislative session...
...Th* state, as an instrument of class rule, will disappear as eoon aa Socialism la established, but during tho transition period it must b* used by th* Socialists, representing the working class, for the purpose of effecting the change...
...He cursed th* fat* that mad* him a decisive factor in the impending decision...
...they bo long** assets, ed tb* secret tactic* advocated by their farmer leader, bet formed another total political party...
...And em* suswor to that to, **Waag afltr " I .'-vv^j--j^r^"' " asm really Sa prefer blonde*, why more tj topis est jeet...
...f-abIsahed^hjr Dees...
...We have...
...The party of Oueade emphasized its revolutionary and Marxian character...
...Tha Allemanists obtained the control of most of them...
...AU the** birds think now that they are going to bring tb* milienium of they can get a tew oa the statute books enabling the state to own water-power site*, and build power plants, and drain swamps...
...but war* they...
...Th* Party ouvrler waa act alow in gaining control of the federation and during the next few years both the federation aad the Ouoadists met at the same time and place, welcomed, to a large extent 'the same delegate*, and passed similar resolutions...
...Foster shook her baud...
...We've just bad a tons talk with J***» Leo Batmatt who came to Mew York ta leak after the toituasa of a new magneto* that be to starting failed **Tb* Modern World...
...All the money given by the ehureh, by charity organisation*, by societies, or out of tb* rates, and all th* value *f gratuitous work dene bp country eontl*m*n, philanthropists, and others, is a mere drop in tha oosan compared with tha auma wWoh th*** same ¦•asm and their ralativs* abstract from the poor under tha vartou* teaaJ pftoato* *f Inter***, 4Mdonas, laat, and proflts^-Edward SYNBIOMJSM THE HISTORY OF SOCIALIST THC^CalT By HARRY w. laidler (Centfnuad fr*en U«t Weak) Dafaaau ef PaUtleal Action - TUB Soeiahsts...
...it gPffin...
...h*r ayes still searchtog...
...True, be was out a term, but slid In this year by a slick margin...
...Foster cjred little for birds -or animals...
...The problems of labor hav* always tha power of uniting tha workingmen...
...fitter, coming out or the scullery with s 3|lket of washing, stood for s moment with & head up before she hung out the aprons i-asa ftockings on the wire line that stretched* fjesiwalltows.il...
...win not be . SE™"* if it is refused...
...ah* did not ernlle Rtntteh as much aa an eyebrow, fast, stood, there Sfnaulasa with on* gnarled Hand]•gripping the eoun¦pf There was not *v*n contempt la bar gaze...
...each refused to entangle the other in political discussion, but it was natural that they understood each other better than they pretended...
...To his surprise, •Biddies ignored the overture, and brushed by without a sign of recognition...
...You thieving raaoaL you...
...Finally, however, a pklllcose cock-sparrow chased it from the straw altogether, so that it seemed to give up hope and dropped Brioraly on the outer edge...
...Small, insignificant...
...with greying hair and a face that time and A hard Hie were moulding into a rigid grey mask— ' * « eaten intolerant of fal-lals whether of dress, or toed, or sentiment...
...The atmosphere of...
...The first such Bourse was opened In Parte in 1187, others sprang up all over the country...
...Orators always like audiences," he declared...
...The, great buildings shouldering up through the glow and mist of the April night bespoke power in every lineament and line...
...Its owner*, who are the people, should go to some private capitalists aad say: Take thto- power, turn tt tots electric ^current dtotrlbttt* It where yea can moat profitably, make all the money yea eaa eat ef it...
...The^Brousaists, however, failed to remain intact A considerable section of th* membership eoon became disaffected from the leadership on the ground that It was too absorbed la politics, and too,, litUe interested to the building up of the party and In Socialist propaganda...
...tonttiuingiy, m the midst of Plenty, bar sett ¦frtwaad to aa...
...they a—istsd...
...Crowds thronged galleries and committee room a There was much oratory of the good, oldfashioned American type, much shouting about rights and interests, while the real business of the sessions was generally transacted over the coffee cups at the Nlobe or ln Oaylard'* room at the Pioneer Hotel...
...E:The sound of a more than usually noisy scrimmage ~ttitslde sent her to the yard door to drive the boys "fjray...
...Foster listened in silence...
...In ltM this group, under the leadership of J. Allemane, separated from the main body and formed a Socialist party of their own: They took with them a number'of tha moat effective leaders la the larger syndicate...
...Hto Readers- Advisory...
...bat to diffuse from Tulsa, Oklahoma, to Banger...
...Oae ray during the earlier weeks of th* eventful session—a session that waa fast taking on the air of dramasDan had pointed out to him a tan, Uth* young man, with a hawk-like face, standing at a corridor door surveying tha senate...
...Most week w* hep* to give you mor* of an Id** aS te what "The World ot William CUSsold" to sB...
...0£t won't hurt you» you little fool," ah* muttered, i jrimly...
...the great power aad drainage act 1 AT the Golden Valley Hotel, overlooking the capitol...
...8*> from th* entry where a hawker had passed and spilled his refuse...
...ta paying its way aad taking car* of the fature.* We ar* all far the scientific Sjipiseiib...
...Isolated unions wer* unable to resist th* demands of th* employing ola...
...da outburst of angry cheeping s. a noisy flutter.*sf of wings and feather* roused her attention...
...It denied the efficacy of* Immediate reforms under the capitalist system, and insisted that it was necessary to Seize the political power of the state ln a revolutionary fashion...
...WeO, why shouldn't they come...
...They* gone nuts in the country, I guess, and some of the fool woman, who have nothing better to do, are trying to turn poliUcs into a Sunday school...
...He te mor* interested In getting folks Interested in Giant Power, the new techniques of Industry and what Bertrand Russell cans th* prospect* for an industrial civilization, than he is to...
...plugging Jesse Lee Bennett The San Francisco Bulletin recently let out a blat to th* effect that Canada's Ontario hydro-alocutc project waa a venture of "murstaipal Socialists...
...Innocent at legislative methods, but highly conversant with economies, and animated by a disdainful hostility toward tha established order...
...She drove th* boys . **ky and picked up th* bird...
...The crowd crawling inchoately up the canyonlike thoroughfares shrank into insignificance—a file of purposeless animals —beneath the scrutiny of the watcher...
...An hour later he spoke to Ooodnite about the incident—casually...
...Ooodnite asserted...
...She made . ajjh*ney attempt to stroke it Into calmness, but her •Jtomeat* only frightened it the more...
...and the SU]1, smoky city...
...Do not ask tor oredit, than you...
...Thto an gee* under the bead ef **raseeswh,*' . aad to ahighly rarestahte undartatrtns...
...It was so ejtonv she put out * protecting hand toward anyjgat that to be misunderstood annoyed her...
...The country districts, restless and potent, had sent te a new type of legislator, the dirt farmer...
...It waa UeattS tt* **** aad thaa rubbing tts lean chop* -with them furtively, net, indeed, with any ehano* of making itself really clean which would hav* been impossible— but rather to express aa toward satisfaction...
...It'* funny that the farmer* would go bolshevik...
...ISiiUtoad the tabby cat sitting on the wall...
...Gaylard had arrived on the first day of the session with a full office fore*, and was at work night and day...
...For tha next lew dsys .we' -intend to lead th* rirs of s re^sS r-stil w« have read every SU* page...
...Aad we give pes that advto* "unslght unseen...
...That's Qirard," ha waa told...
...Walters had said . . .? "When yer down aad out eVrybedy take* advantage ot yer...
...jojboji -sjk tremo* ,"^Well...
...ass, leffi at fact the few real reassreS aaea ta the sosuUy wto* - are worth tbetr sett, are fast ink ma Hmnik 111 |j vaaton of^their float ot * herde at His SSsSS est I et...
...but as her hand reached out it raised Its wings with what seemed like,a desperate effort and flew to th* SaB, out of her Immediate reach...
...They Ottered and hated her...
...All of these political groups coveted the control of the syndicate...
...JRJWod to the husk of s, U...
...Just finished reed tog ao artteto bp ana eg those new-fangled business economiste, Isfiiiatkaj t group ef supposedly fseninatod bustags* men abeut the magic that will be wrought tar them hp tha employment at "researchers...
...Sparrows cheeped lustily, and two pigeons jSt neighboring housetop rare a pleasant suggestion gf^paeeeful summer woodlands with their soft Seaotonous crooning...
...He fell to pondering chance, decision, and the emanation of destiny from those choices that individuals seem te make...
...If anyone ever mad* choices...
...Its feathers puffed out, St Injured leg hanging down limply...
...the air...
...Just behind W-J'poter'a head, between cards at corn ate* tor* flshby, comforters, waa a flyblown, notice printed "^Btok capital*, standing out boldly oven to the 'sttob ot * m'**d and highV congested stock...
...Each fists It fluttered painfully away as they advanced Span it, then, when the group had aettled down again aeonrst the Straw and ware absorbed in their seerehJBgs...
...She iflM frowning, but before ahe could decide what to ">jr*ith it there came the tiny tinkle of the shop jf- She put the sparrow on tho scullery window •h) and wont to attend to bar customer, •at*** dlm ln th* "hop after the sunlight in the • so that for a second or two oh* could not quit* Tghgulsh the face ot a woman ln a shawl who . ¦ jw* at the counter...
...What waa it that Mrs...
...The Toronto Olobe, hardly a tadtcajesheet answers afore-' said htat by the following: ».'The San Francisco Bulletin might Interview the officials of every municipal partner ln the hydro-electric enterprise without finding one who consider* It anything but a safe and desirable business protect "Here ln Ontario to a God-given source of tremendous power, part of tha public Domain, worth minions of dollars a ysar to th* Province if developed...
...A* the batOe progressed members of the facUons grew so bitter that they refused to speak to each other off the floor...
...Looks bis part doesn't be...
...ol Agatha, of hia lit* with her, so selffllling...
...how do they get that way" Dan found himself wishing to defend Biddies, but ha remained silent Ha and Ooodnite had their attention attracted by the crowd that was Jamming tha rotunda, tho broad steps, and the lobby to the Senate chamber—determined, business-like group*, that moved into th* Senate galleries with aa air of ownership...
...Oooteite exclaimed, "if they come like thto now, what will It bo later...
...Other Political ttreop* Two smaller group* active during that period were the Bkvnquiata and the Independent Socialists...
...tt seep be because we are excited ever the thing* that ha to ' excited about—however, it aaap be Watte to ana at ear heroes end it win take a tot more then the young intellectual* (who are now sniffing at htm) have shown so tor to topple him aft his throne...
...She leaked about h*r thinking that it might have 'flutter** to the ground, but it bad disappeared...
...vtatr tha sariy* morning traffic was abroad, so that tjaaams passlns tha front ot bar shop mads a clear rWkmical ratUe as they bumped the points, then 3 behind them what was, for that district, aim cat a dpBee...
...He turned and saw the glowing dome ot the capitol, a dream of beauty In the soft light What should he do...
...But It's natural to waat to aee the wheels go round...
...Facta are stubborn things, ot soars*, and th* lack ef them to sometime* deplorabi*, bat see*, the most prolonged aad exhaustive rnnnitios gad* the accumulation of enough facts which if told end to sad wouM reach from here to Saturn, wfil sat substitute tor ordinary inteUgeace...
...Footer's yard, even >uith its boxes and straw so tempting to boys, was ?|iriolate...
...2**h words of the woman could roach, where all BP* °t another's - sufferings war* duOed by s WP9 consciousness of her own lnslisnablo rights...
...T waa thinking of transacting our business...
...She showed no raabntmant at the faint vicious muttering* that same to her ears as tho door abut...
...The entrance of the Socialists into politics to not therefore, to carve out seats ot councillors or deputies, but because the political campaign gives to the Socialists a remarkable opportunity fbr reaching th* masses with the party's educational propaganda...
...She looked across tha shop to tha counter one* mora, hop* not quite battered down, before she opened th* door...
...Maine, some Idea of what things are really about Bennett la one of those rare souls who weald rather talk about hto work thaa himself...
...of his succaasul law sraotlos...
...A brisk, hard-faced woman Ski was...
...A .mechanic to the shops of the great railroad which brought the former's gram to the mills, waa explaining the Mil to his family...
...They permitted greater differences of opinion within their rank* and a larger amount of local autonomy than did their rivals...
...I'm glad of it" v The fat face of Ooodnite broke into a grin...
...Th* working****, believM, they declared, la ntlllztng his right to vote, aad if h* la not giv*a aa opportunity to support working slass candidates, he wiU vote for tha hourseototo...
...Tha workers osaaafsrsi tlus as a move en th* part ef th* tgovernment sad the snisJeyore to sins...
...What was it at the back ot her mind...
...The gSurfias were pecking and driving away a lame batraggled bird which tried to feed with them...
...she gaia, leaning over the counter with jhat waa for her, an affable manner, until she jSJJBstaed h*r customer...
...it waa tb* favorite saytos ef James , MeCoaaughy...
...Foster appeared the cat ' its tall and stalked off...
...Appesi to Trade Union Unity Economic condition*,* however, were forcing the unions to come together...
...Thi* society was Organized tor th* purpose of formulating legislative projects of a general Socialist character, which war* published in a monthly, 1a Re-rue Socialist...
...For aU right* granted to the workers to the capitalist regime will always remain a dead letter...
...From the beginning it was apparent that the huge majority one* held by the old-line leader* bad been wiped out and that tho new minority was threatening to seise the reins of power at every sitting...
...He had achieved...
...Dan saw very little ot him—save when they met at home...
...The industries of Franc* had been growing apace during theso years and th* employer* were presenting a united front against the workers...
...How can legislator* get anything don*"—he waa winking knewtngtjr—"if they are pulled this way and that by persons who don't know1 anything about what'a good for them anyway...
...He dreaded tomorrow...
...It wss an open slight not without Its effect upon Mlnturn...
...Mint urn insisted...
...She made a sudden lunge with the basket That sent the cheeping flock scattering to tha scullery jijoef, then went towards the lam* bird with the inmention of examining Its injury: It had either inflared its wings or had become too weak to fly, for It fluttered and squawked in wild terror aa she apsmashed, battering ft* tiny body' upon the stones...
...t This session of the legislature proved to be the most stubbornly and fiercely'' controversial In the history of tho generation...
...The same old ranter...
...of his potential Importance aa * dominant political force...
...Parti Ouvrler Socialist* Bevolutlonaire Franeals...
...How, hatat It Mlnturn...
...Tour* a hard woman, Mrs...
...as tha other band, maintained that to ignore pomtoal' actton was neither batoful nor possible...
...But Mlnturn bad been given Important committee chairmanships and waa listened to with attention whenever he chose to speak...
...Ho "could look any man In the eye and tell him to go to hell...
...You know my rule, Mrs...
...The capitol was divided into armed camps...
...Picking up a pteea at broken wood at bar feet, with- a muttered "Scat...
...He had not been home for a week— scarcely out of his clothes...
...Meeting each other in the Senate corridor one morning, during the opening days of the session, Dan prepared to greet his old acquaintance warmly...
...Servies, at It East Eager Street, Baltimore, Is doing a grand...
...bat we rto» to rasaarfc that H. O. Wart* baa1 a way at srdrrtas SS essaSawE' aad *uv>ttenany as hav* taw other arltee...
...Ban suggested...
...To Be Continued Next Week) GOVERNOR MINTURN A Labor Novel of the Northwest Br M. H. HEDGES chapter xv...
...Facing her...
...aasry arbiaa...
...not* even a .emlto, could do...
...It Is Bennett's altogether correct id** that instead of all hands sitting about bewailing th* fact that what to caned "tb* new knowtoeffeton't percolating among the mows, someone Set busy and start percing...
...The Federation of Bourses du Travail foUowed to 1811...
...The main object of the Parti Ouvritr Is to b* "a kind of recruiting and Instructing sergeant preparing tha stato which is the citadel of ssadtpBat •octety," -Oasp a rsvslisH...
...You've never heard ye'r little 'una crying ant for food, or yer wouldn't ba so stonyhearted as ' tfi refuse me...
...Quesdtst'e Revolutionary Program While an Socialists emphasised tha need . tor political action, they were divided on the kind of political action that waa moat desirable aad on the effectiveness of the immediate measures of social reform...
...They had a considerable following among th* workers ot Parte and among the lower section of the middle class...
...Edith Brill...
...became strangely sUll and hostile...
...In multiplying reforms," writes Ouesde, ln Lo Socialism© au Jour do Jour, "one only multiplies shams...
...Others might ¦apgiplaln of windows broken by footballs, and back %»f battered down, of stolen pigeons and watchJOts pelted with stones, but Mrs...
...The inJP8a, twisting libs of the woman in the shawl 'sis meaningless, heneyes took on a hopeless star*, -Yftub of warm, cajoling words she had been about ¦gapeak dried up Into Jerky, hesitating phrases, gated by the refusal conveyed ln every line ot "g-shopkeeper's attitude...
...she waged continual war against tho boys ot Ms neighborhood, and they In their turn waged war ¦pen her, but ah* was more often the victor...
...At time* the control of a syndicate by on* section of th* movement led to the organization of rival syndicates ln the same trade and locality...
...her carefully preparad tale of the mousy Bf< expecting at weak-•sa.yrhith?had sauMaft »#«««ihle when aha said it over to herdelt outside...
...So more credit till you've paid for the last," aha said, stonily...
...But la tha meanUme, our ad vie* to yea...
...th*n those deeply bitten .¦•OS round her mouth hardened- and became fixed ^¦fjl^blevltable...
...And It's human nature to like to heave hardware atto the machinery...
...They urged their members to Join syndicates where they existed, to help in the creation of trade unions, and...
...anything else :m accentuate them...
...bass and girls, to to save your pennies and spend Sua sapst* on these two volumes...
...A few minutes later ah* remembered th* sparrow aad want to look at it...
...What you trying to do, Ooodnite," Dan replied good naturediy...
...So that's be...
...A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES The Lame Sparrpiy sphven in the diary backyard, with ht I: |4 soot-begrimed walls aad ka litter of ^jf** packing esse* and dirty etxsw, the freehl|a* of the morning made itself felt...
...Walters' hungry children war* bar own affair...
...Once an ailing mother, unable control a wild lad, had asked her to take him in '.hand, and she had done it so thoroughly that the boys [Bf th* neighborhood still tell the story...
...the lltUe Jig...
...Th* law ot 1814 tossWatos ^syndicates nnsnSaPli tha, ureases of their oanSStS to gnverpmantal officials...
...A lean tabby cat on the - uaD.-wlth only one ear and a coat of dusty fur bald . & fetch**, wktched it sardonically through silts of | .999* *7»»- but when Mrs...
...I can't as* how ha fools the** birds In the 137th an the time...
...Mew that yau'v* got it what are you going to de with ttr* Is the question that may wen be asked of the rmsajea of most reonsrsh...
...it seemed aa If no possible movement Hps...
...gg.bOpale*snes* of her quest asized the Woman in VWui...
...There ha* been no dipping tote tb* pebtto trass ary to malt* up deficits and there ha* a*en a* harden on th* taxpayer...
...Like the Ouesdtots, their final aim was collectivism and they were committed to the class struggle...
...The power and drainage act over which the bitter fight ln the 118th had been precipitated had deadlocked the session for weeks There had been no other serious issue...
...Suraly ft could not hav* rucoT«r>d (Mi fawn away la such a Short ttotat Thaa...
...later this group dropped the word, „ revolutionnaire, from, the title...
...How galling to be associated with Ooodnite ss one of tho few member* of the center bloc...
...And his own wife, Agatha, was ne doubt lying awake now pondering th* term* of that billSenator Mlnturn strolled back te th* table, picked up Senate file 11,187, scrutinized it Every word . was familiar, every word detestable to him He thought of other things...
...Mo party could, *g aousaa...
...He was independent now...
...tha Oreat^ Oiaaatosr east hto "0 ^mM^°ltotm**2& * ,. ^n^^fc,*ymm^nimw **> o. Walls* aBMWhafsJSta) «**W saP-st...
...their functions enlarged and they were conceived aa center* where all syndicates of a locality could "have their headquarters, arrang* meetings, give out information, serve a* bureaus of employment organise educational courses, have their libraries end bring the workingmen of aU trades into contact with each other...
...He has dene a noasHarsito bit of this himself...
...He's tha meat dangeroua tares to Minnesota " Though Baa did not see Olfard agAto...
...would permit tha warBtos ate** to setae tha political power and saeesBsa industry...
...Impenetrable, a* If She bad ^¦***awn tar into herself, where no pleading...
...Tonight aa h* stood quietly at his hotel window, a farm boy oa a pioneer farm to a northern country waa holding vlgtl also over that bin...
...M* PJwi JOaen OA.noi...
...Aad tha birdshould ah* hav* left ft helpless and exposed...
...The result waa that many of the syndicates were torn asunder by political dissension, and the differences between the various Socialist political groups found their expression on the floor of the convention...
...is Parte to tb* Prefect of police...
...She classed them »11 as thieves, but this dejected heap of sooty Bf there, so evidently wanting the comfort of its kind tad so evidently not getting it, roused her to a mild ajrmpathy...
...From the first rap of the speaker's gavel until this moment every skirmish, every bin, every move, every piece of strategy, svery eventuality had turned upon the power and drainage act Now the law makers were facing a showdown...
...Fist fights occasionally impended...
...It's absurd...
...As senator, Dan found himself playing quit* a different rote from that of minority leader ln the house...
...than whom ne bettor sew****** eaaa aaer shaved a toad pencil, that there wer* saough " facte to the reports of .tb* United States Ceaau* Bureau to start a revolution any rainy Friday aft...
...Labor exchangea had b**n ln existence for many years in French cities a* canter* where workers and employers could* meet each other and arrange for jobs...
...She opened the door and put .out her head Into the •try...
...suffering Cram tha same arils, having tb* same aspirations, tb* same needs aad the same rights," jspartod tb* Committee on Organisation, "w* hav* decided to sat aside our political aad other profotoucoo, to march hand to hand, and to combto* oar fare** against th* common enemy...
...It's all right to talk about- th* dear people before election, but afterward* we ought to say 'get the heU out of here, and let us do some work...
...W)ea she went into the yard later on in the mornbar to take in her washing the freshness had gone j/aSd...
...n&t- Foster huas out her washing, than stood Idly jiilrliliir a group of little birds feeding amongst th* ^.90...
...According to the Saa Franatoee paper...
...How he hated those' word...
...Tomorrow when he passed through that door out upon the street Into that capitol...
...Following the passage of the law of im...
...He selected a cigar, gnawed the end meditatively, forgot to light it, and strolled to the window...
...The municipalities wore to assist in their creation aad subsidise them...
...Their aba was tha eaptur* of political power and they approved aU means that would bring abmrt that desired sad...
...He was somebody...
...Oa the ether band, sewer sad light bills hav* been out to two aad tb* baabtoes...
...Gaining adherents among the Republicans and Radicals, it finally entered into politics, put forth measures for the gradual socialization of Industry, for the democratization of the communes, for th* protection of labor, etc., and became an influential factor to the political life of France...
...good luck.' "As a matter of fact that te what the paeans ef Ontario did at first and found that .the interests ef the Fro vine* ware not receiving proper rnnslaoistlss So a group ef municipalities posted tbetr i OS* mo IS, obtained th* Indorsement ot th* Proviso...
...Incidentally, to draw the syndicate* into politics...
...The shop blind waa still undrawn, aad in the peahen tha kettle waa boiling tor breakfast: yet still linger sd, only half-conscious, perhaps, that aba at, for ordinarily aba bad no patience with dayft**m» and daydreamer...
...He must go on...
...Its heart beat so viobanj"Utgi shs feared It would jump out of her hand: *a» wild thump its beak opened and shut, but aSaaaad came, its eyes stared plteously...
...A general eengr*ss of syndicates was carted tor Xyaa* to October, JUS...
...She wrapped the shawl closer round her head and across her lean bosom as though she wrapped her misery about her also, and turned to the door, her skirts dragging at the back, where a aafety-pln held them la an untidy bunch, because ahe trailed bar feet despondently...
...Tbsse deluded tent ar* tod to belter* that if they win hire a greup at young m*nN-with spectacles, Adam's eg pi a* sad brief bags to hurry about collecting data that ess be earned < thto nice pto-charts, graphs ant tons MOtbStSSi tables, they will be able to extract tb* few i amain Us pennies to Which the public to etffl desperately, clinging...
...He smiled bitterly...
...There was a tacit true* between them...
...Vlvtenl aad other* of great prominenoe in later years both to Santo SSt aad non-Socialist rank*, were th* outgrowth of the Society for Social Economy, founded in 1sss by Melon, a former member of tha International...
...By Senate leaders they were classed together aa Independents...
...Th* Blanquista, also known aa tha Comite Revolutionnaire Central, war* held totjsejy im4 t*^ms% bsuslh^sv in tas) oraimuttas, ratnralng as Fraaaa wbaa amnesty waa granted la lsSO...
...his growing political prominenoe...
...She might not have hears thorn...
...Job functioning aa a mail order beak buatoassi Msggesting for a small toe, books best suited ta th* individual's needs, sending bate ef worth-white books and selling good books by man at publishers' prloio, H* has started somathtng ln this idea ef nates the mails not to multiply the Babbitts a la Seraaton...
...Though regard - bat tbamsslrss aa 0m inheritors of Bhtnaat...
...His mind ran back over the events of the present session...
...Then she roust have remembered herself arid the boiling kettle and the shop door still shut against •afly morning customers, for shs Went with her stiff s«j)ek walk into the house as If amazed at herself for ¦dedrriiig precious moments...
...Yea, didn't you know that...
...2 It was Biddies, L W. W. and cynic, who first brought Dan to a sharp realisation of his changed status in the legislature...
...Tha long grind of the legislative mill was approaching an end...
...Th* Independent Socialists, th* group that produced Jean Jauras...
...A small boy had seen it on | M a«ll and caught it, then a bigger boy had tried -'Wake It from him, others had Joined in, and in the ajfunmaxe the bird had escaped and waa fluttering muUy round and round as it tried la vain to lift its ' wjpgk and fly to safety...
...Is Biddies back*" Dan asked...
...the esapV neering attitude, th* fact-finding mind, aad that eort of thing, but we are beStoalas to gat s bit tired abeut the way ta which the word "rssserok" I* being usee...
...Apross the intervening blocks, where the Pioneer Hotel reared its symmetrical bulk, Mlnturn sought to fix with his glance the suite of rooms where he knew Matt Gayland and his fore* ol lobbyists were at work—busy, determined, and a little haggard...
...she saw that th* tumult centered on the un• tenjitte lame sparrow...
...Evolutionary Program of Brouoolete Th* Brousstots war* called "poaslbilisu" and "opportunists" by the Oueedista, because they believed that social reform* war* desirable aad that It we*, necessary "to split up Our program until wo make it finally possible...
...eeenSreS th* power interests, developed them further and said the current to themselves at prices sufficient te eaves operating cost end provide * sinking faafi...
...There was.a strong smell of motor afiffic from the road, and Of dust, children, and cookjfSg from the row of open back doors, and ot decaying...

Vol. 3 • September 1926 • No. 37

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