Pistiner, Dr. Jacob
WHERE MARIE REIGNS By Dr.- Jacob Pistincr NOT only m th* holding of all meeting*, with the exception of e, few town*, made teieoeetble far the Oppeettioe parttos, eaueul the Caststs. hat...
...The Socialists were' very successful la Bukovlna, where ta tbe Zennovlt* district the*- received 28 par eeat—in the town alone 28 par cent— and In tbe Storosynet* d Is tele t. It par cent of the total vote...
...We must conclude that thoae who atay on at OoUegeo and universities regard their Jobs -pfth more favor than they record pbodeaatonal right As a compensatory reflex they espouse, and preach, and whea they can afford it practice tha hedonistic doctrine of a*ashless and light...
...Some men look at constitutions with sanctimonious reverence," he wrote, "aad deem them like the ark ot the covenant too sacred to be touched.1 They ascribe to men of the preceding age a wisdom more than human, and suppose what they did to be beyond amendment...
...H every trade unionist ta America could read Ed man's book and got al ft* ISrpllna ttona, he would devote three night* a week to the —as* of trade union education...
...Socialism, pacifism aad humanitarlanlsm ¦tarve for want ot followers the armies of the cross, despit* the attacks of science, go marching In blind and bigoted faith that their* Is the true spirit...
...and sheep...
...conclusion, was: "O, *M«ioaate Beloisa, , /, teo, have lived ender tae ba» With stven hundred proftstort And not * staple sum...
...ptsdnaod by the eravtaapc* their etfnasshs drive* them mm* rtoto...
...in which 7,000 metal workers were Involved for seven weeks, ended without success, and In part "with lockouts of the minora Tn this great Industrial district the Socialists got only 8,000 vptea...
...tie* of the peace, a constable and a captain of militia" who would maaags "all -concerns, car for roada tbe poor.'* etc, aad always be on tba start against despotic rfovemmcnt With tbe powers of government thus spilt ap and deposited ta thousand* ef smalt governing commune* Jefferson believed that this power so distributaf would always serve as a check upon the designs of any particular class to obtain supremacy and enforce Its tatercets as law for all...
...There must be a counteremotion of overpowering proportions before the follower* of Paul, Sacanarola, Bryan and Moses yield to the crafty logic of a strong mind, for this la an emotional not a logical world...
...Out of them and the Nationalists, modern middle-class parties, adapted to the special circumstances of Romania, will develop...
...Still It remains a charming work of English, Is tbe parts separated from the prodigious proereetlve propensities of the patriarchs...
...A great deal of emphasis ia laid on what the boy hero shall get and very little on what he shall perform, quite characteristic of the prevalent philosophy of th* colleges...
...Another Important gain established which, ssearfWng to the manager of tha union, A. I Shlptoooff, la ef utmost significance, is the minimum scale of wage* for helpers, which I* 8* dotmr* a week...
...Richard Kane Looks at Late" to a book that cries out to the Simlanj minded for a new kind of edocatloa, a ssooiai education...
...And althvnjgh the ranks of Jehovah are only a thin red line, Major Wheless ig mowed down because the Lord answers ta brief to .all his attacks on tbe Inspired word: "What of ttr* Now...
...He bad seen enough of this In Europe, where ruling classes bad "divided their nations into two classes, wolves...
...In this not only days but health also was lest...
...In this ponderous volume Major Wheless sets out to destroy that much-abused fellow, the God of Israel aad bis only begotten Son, Christ, Our Lord...
...Almost any other of th* heroes aet forth In these "biographical sketches ta social progress' can look his fellow shades In tbe eye with better grace than Woodrow can...
...mills to make themselves authorities on education and surrender without striking a single blow that vaunted authority to ofttimes Illiterate "men of affaire" who aot only conduct the college, but determine the content of the couraee...
...to tola Just pique, malice...
...Wherever possible, candidate* were hindered from giving notice of their candidature until the expiry of the period allowed tor notification...
...Her* she sees beauty, ugliness, love, hate...
...Jefferson ran a shad this union and took the leadership ta destroying entails and primogeniture...
...His view of the social order was Just as Interesting...
...Hs eras abreast with it bat could not ao* beyond It...
...Eves the settings add to the melodrama...
...In egaar ta hjare A » was In many cases necessary fa hare personal permits—even permits grantee by the Prim* hllnlster were wot asaililirtn If the prefect gave permission, the military eommstiiirr refueed to Indorse, it...
...Tbe Zeranlats art a movement still Ip the making...
...Moreover, he did not worship the Constitution...
...Life seems less warm since the daya when, as a sub-foreman, I went to my father's and passlonatoly told bis employee that they were wage slaves...
...Tour, reviewer has kept close to the field of higher education since he uncermoniously left college teaching eight year* ago, and at no time has any case been brought to his attention ot college professors banding together to defend the tight of a colleague to advance views out of harmony with the business-man government of thoae schools- Voltaire's noble doctrine—"I disagree with what you say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say lt"-rslmply has no meaning for the "milch cows of culture" on our university faculties...
...SoctaBsta and Communist*, are without Mats, because although both together -received 8 per obnt of aft votee recorded, neither one ef them alone bad-- tba ncoceeary g per east The Socialist* had over 46.000 vote*,- th* Communist* over 21,000...
...The Communists systematically destroy tha trade union*, and tha Socialists restrict themselves to collecting and publishing everything which tell* against the Communists...
...Before his depth agriculture declined end brought him financial distress...
...and they have done ao by numbering Wood row Wilson among th* "Maker* of Freedom" (Daren...
...He shows that the one God of Israel is either Elohe, El, Bel, Baal, Tahveh or what have you—a collection of deities sprung from all the race* through which the Children of Israel roamed on their long trek, and which they worshiped with equal gusto...
...But one alao must admit th* power ef the thing...
...Its' predecessors is the Government, the Liberals, will have fifteen seats Instead of their previous 880...
...This was the case with the Socialists In some of the Transylvania constituencies...
...The story of their love fa a beautiful thing, heightened by the Intense opposition ot tbe shrewd and puritanical Parthenla...
...But while th* old antl-Semltlam waa openly anti-capitalistic, so that riots of the peasants always led to destruction of landed properties...
...He hated crowded cities and manufacturing which, herded workers Into urban centers...
...But first of all...
...a* they officially cell themselves, the "League for Defense of the Tfatlon and Christendom,** are Fascist Hakenkreusler* (Swaetlkista...
...The two workera* phrtle...
...WHERE MARIE REIGNS By Dr.- Jacob Pistincr NOT only m th* holding of all meeting*, with the exception of e, few town*, made teieoeetble far the Oppeettioe parttos, eaueul the Caststs...
...Hardness and Fire Vs...
...it is a* wnaad is bp sweep ab "Growth ef the m" saep* Bgdflgli even than tba*- spaiiau* beak to tts faithful portrayal of UtsurB—lgddf t«fh Bring among a aomad tribe *t peer white farmer* who ¦>¦» ebws t*aae—aa, Florid* sad tbo Garettea...
...Which recalls George Cram Cook's remark about edlege professors—"the third Aqserioan sex...
...The only flag one seems to carry after one settles down la the white flag of truce...
...Where such logical creeds as libertarianiam...
...He shows that It 1* the moat inconsistent volume written sine* Wells gave hi* hero two name...
...He quote* a* verse and then shows by-a verse that the former verse is Just so much bunk...
...Strong men do not rollnguisb control without thing a gun...
...All propagandists will be arrested and immediately brought before the gendarme division...
...He passes off much problems aa poverty, and social Justice as problems too distasteful for the brain Of a' tod wbo>*as had the advents gee ot a Richard Kane...
...Once the previous Prime Minister, lonel Bratianu, Prince Nikolai, former Minister Anghelescu were {taken to the gendarme station aad reprimanded oa account of their car...
...And there appear* to be no weakening la the ranks of the Lord, at least ta these United States, where every day the Church, whether Papist or Protestant, gaina more followers and more power...
...That suffices for them, for the Government Party aa a whole la Fascist...
...A rousing* good story Indeed, a melodramatic one...
...The method fa good, if only more discrimination had been shown ta choice of characters...
...What Jefferson wrote of hidebound religious' creeds Is excellent reading in these daya of Xu Xluxiem and K. of C. demands for intervention ta Mexico...
...Th* establishment of th* raiai[aasa wag* scale win HlrBlPrti Chi...
...Than he prepare* a careful barrage and gas attack, behind which the troops of reason and anaylsht advance unflinchingly...
...He was a voracious reader aad no man mors fully subscribed to the complete freedom of uttenpee than he did...
...ewar the aall ef the country over beyonS, rooting op wives, babies, hrjiuoa aad ao on...
...Village Atheist with endless ammunition for hla ceaseless warfare against th* cohorts ef the Lord in his latest offering, "Is It God's Word...
...I wish I could now have as great passion for anything as at sixteen I had for saving the world," Ed man makes Kane say, after Kane is supposed to have had early explorations into social tana...
...Or tf on* had this permit Is order, than the awndamto'wor* Charged to appear ignorant of this aad ta conduct the candidates as far as the neat gendarmerie station, and so on...
...pocket beet mtken' gms etfcbfew a hewtr, About i.aeo members ef the Pocket Book Workers' International Onion ta Mow.Tork and vtoteity have lecelved sa addition of tea per cost ta tbetr pay envelopes whoa, th* sow agiaaisasl that th* union signed with the employer* recently went tnto effect beginning wifdt toe 18th of September...
...where every day it intrudes Itself more and more into the Uvea of decent citisena with Its nonsense aad swamp logic The good...
...Jealousy, pettiness, aelf-aacriflce, life, fundamental and unrepressed...
...hat candidates were prevented from eetttan in touch with their agents...
...Both workers' parties are themselves in part to blame for their failure...
...He did not despise the industrial workers...
...He would divide "very comatry Into hundreds" with schools, "a Jag...
...Major Wheleas goea about hla hopeless task In a truly military fashion...
...y stato regie BiTWsa, besb eecuuitattog she abcek Ijssps of tbo party feemded by joffor•on aad snearlap bp bis name, we have aa agsmpja ot poUttoal DHtaraey rare it would be toO-epueb to ask them to undertake this task, bat two recent books oa Jefferson and bis view* ("The Boat Letters Of Thomas Jefferson,** selected and edited by J. G. dc Boalhao Bamilton, Boston: Houghtoa Mifflin Co...
...but ao for the two-faced deity of misguided AmoTiean liberals, bis presence gives a bad taste to tbo whole book...
...In brief, he shows Ta Blblla, the little books of the Greeks, todbc an utterly preposterous volume...
...md m earn* mf he epaee |p ftp Qmwem'rceeamQ and its deknj...
...It la devoted to a decadent tradition of sweetness and light and it knows nothing of fire and hardness...
...Barriers were put up in all the village street* to hold up all motor traffic Only th* ear* of the Government Party and of th* Cuzlgt* were allowed to proceed...
...And in this way tba organisations go to ruin and tha worker* are turning away from both of thorn...
...ovasty and ignoraaee, and to take from thesa, as bees, so much of tbetr earning*" .leaving them "a scanty aad aiiaaraah) Ufa" •An Bnomy e» «hs Family" '^5 If ho would scatter Mad ownership In small holdings all over the country bo would also distribute govcrntag power among tbe masses just ** widely...
...But the heart of the volume, which stands despite its flagrant contradiction*, th* on* god of Israel, th* Jesus of tbe Christiana, fa* fails to destroy...
...Jefferson repreeenta tbe finest flower of a vanished age...
...Oa* moot alao admit that the umpired word" 1* very defective ta Its attention to detail...
...served by servile labor aad ruling through a union of church and stats...
...recall the case o2 McDowell and Woodbury and Catell at Columbia...
...This waa especially aimed at the aToeUlfet...
...In tbe old kingdom tha Socialists bad 4.000, the Communists 2,280 vote...
...He shows the good clerks of the church perverting the Hebrew for their own purposes in rendering the King James version...
...The love*, marriage aad motherhood ef BOon Chesser...
...Tba est order was...
...An. otbor stumbling-block was the fact that in very many constituencies the division of election expense* was only made among Individual partiea after the election, and up to' then the whole amount had to be deposited by each party...
...It waa called Helolae and figured the medieval nun listening to a modern scholar relate the story of hla f ortunea to as American university...
...Tour reviewer thinks not Spingarn and Cook may have tipped their censure with a double barb, but they have been with the unmereenary vision of artists the peculiar fault of American college education...
...It la a routing good story...
...Gaylord Ravenal, twenty-four, handsome, charming, arrive* on th* boat when she is eighteen, to play Juvenile lead opposite her as Ingenue of the troupe...
...of Levine at Montana...
...What sapPstlsm be had tapl warn despotic, a system that kept tbo" workers "down by hard labor...
...tbo statutory right to vet* by thoae who have newer dared-to think connserlor or revol by jean ^^aj^^ and wrttJapa of oaarbaaj sweaiaattoa ta Mostse asal tbo latter onftorertag science...
...One must admit that the scum ot Roman civilisation first took up tbe words of, the Naaarene aad carried them to glory...
...According to a verbal command of the Prefect, all gendarme divisions are Informed that any kind of -propaganda, the circulation of pamphlet*, •to., I* forbidden In th* municipalities to an •parties except the Government Party and the League tor Dtfeno* of th* Nation and Christendom...
...Boatea: Houghton...
...Tha die* iat root of tha evil* end Iniquities which fill tha Industrisl world is tba subjection of Label* to Capital, aad the ewarmaue share which tha ppmisaar* ef the instrument* of production are able ms" -^^j*""?*1...
...Thus In Ared aad DoU the Socialists candidatures ware ineffective, aa tbe mosey could net be deposited at the right moment...
...Chicago, before it went civic—-loud, vulgar...
...Capitalism bad obtained a firm foothold ta New England aad tha system he hated had by tha twentieth century reduced the yeomanry be loved to a position of cnsasml* dependence upon tbo owners of industrial aad financial capital...
...any civilised soul must'admit the truth ot Major Wheless' theme, which Is that the Bible, new and old testament, jjs nothing but a collection of Jewish 'falry.-*i*>*s...
...Review the history of thought in America in the last 20 years...
...And the pity Is that the foregoing Instances et the medieval suppression and coercion represent those cases which have merely caught the public interest Wrung Into the news...
...Richard had ae desire to become one of those solemn social reformers, whose lives are one long lugubrious with Injustice aad despair...
...The great strike In Reschttsa...
...If the two religions which atem from Father Abraham were based on reason instead of sub-abdominal emotion, Mahar Wheless' method undoubtedly would succeed, hut where faith Is supreme, what are a few contradictions...
...The Cusists may have seven or eight seats...
...And the majority ot college teachers continued their unenlightened an ti-professional march into Individualism, with the tightening of tbe gripe of business awn's control...
...taanatixsftj ^J**** by Ml j in ighasj aoa*» snotta^^ portion by shooting them wbMsvor tap ¦¦spwsttpu...
...The American college la yellow...
...Fascism ta Rumania has begun its careen but it tack* th* foothold for development and must perish from Its own disease...
...Edna Ferber la not only 'a "boat •cllcr...
...The cyclone which swept up out of Palestihe, destroying the glory that was Greece and the grandeur that was Rome, and which persisted in the Ghettoes of all tbe world after the Israelites were scattered from their desert atrip, surely cannot be destroyed by logic...
...When It became evident that be waa elected President ip 110° the pious aristocrats of New England were sure that Satan bad triumphed, that tha family would be .destroyed,- the churches would bo closed and that "free love" would he proclaimed...
...daughter ef a nested farmer, later wife to one, eaouplao tbe book, rich ta tribal background...
...Its stinging...
...Their program recalls sometimes that of' Narodnlki...
...porter* of big business, pat op awoaada of tradition their adherent* are drawn from large me—a* of the pea sen re ta Transylvania...
...of Ay res at Reed, and Witter Bynner at California —and what have thee* courageous defender* of th* professional spirit of teaching got for their pains, but proof that the college la freedom-proof...
...irmf ihpAmmkmn pabtic will be mebmed by the ¦)**»¦¦ tr< mf...
...What is amaatag afoot him is that all this cam* from oae who lived la a society of aristocrats...
...Nook has written a unique biography...
...each 82.50), admirably summarise tbo life and philosophy ef tbo third President It the Knights of Columbus, after reading those two books, can reconcile Jefferson with their respective view* aad avoid apoplexy thay win come through a perilous ordeal...
...she Is also an artist h, m. Nothing la mere disgusting than the cawwing about libory by sIbvos, aa moot mem ere, pad th* flippant mistaking far freedom ef seme paper prcaeiihle...
...sidcrable group* fat the .eel empire...
...They are more a move-1 ment opposed to the existing order j than a party with definite tendencies...
...He believed that urban workers In industry were the "panders of vice and the Instruments by which the liberties of the country are generally overturned...
...The lovely, the ugly, the turbid, the velvety-quiet Mississippi, the towns'along the river With their population of small traders, pioneers, miners...
...Ons by one he comes ta contact with ancient and modern philosophies, never generating enough mental heat to fuse them into a livable personal world view that will make him play a social-role la the life of his generation...
...Circular No...
...of Thomas at Chicago...
...Of course he succeeds, aa must anyone who has taken the care to study the very ambiguous history of a squabbling, nomadic tribe...
...However, should they loaofi their Jobs asd try to pet another they weald bo offered considerably less than they had already received «ps former Jobs...
...On* can gather from tbe materials assembled a fair idea of the economic and social condition* surrounding th* man depicted, aad of their contribution to a solution...
...Tct Jefferson alao had the limitation* of bis age...
...fh?Nnfu*i<r oftn ac* erffets mmiUmfm m&tte Written h fa m* &», — m mm SedaBtt metnber mf dm Rmmmim cw bar of Dtputkf.it efen an jnter**ttn$aspect ef...
...Hero we may ubswr* tbnamwdd of Rotarlasa, Babbitts, Coo Kooa...
...Sweetness and Light By M. H. Hedges PROFESSOR SFINGARN contributed a poem to the Old Masses...
...Mifflin) to * perfect expression of tbo AxaoM tradition...
...The Rumanian Parliament, la which previously there waa one Socialist voice, will now be without oven that...
...Hs rather pitied, them- He woojd aovo the** dtasa wplollaltos by...
...like a deelsratlea of...
...pirn today wore to road what he wrote they would order the sheriff to burp hla writings and punish say pcracaa who concealed tha prohibited liters tars...
...Under these condition* It was a wonder to find that the Government Party, supported by the Hungarian gentry, the bourgeois Germans, the Zionists, and united with the Hakeakreuslera, bad only collected 61 per cent of all vote...
...aa It waa known that after tbe great strike in Beschitxa they did not at the mnmerrf have fund* at their disposal...
...J "Captain Sfetescu...
...Th* asass of the people lived by fanning and Jefferson believed that agriculture was tbo basts of the best civilisation, ,8a long as wo remained an agricultural people with hundreds of thousands of small farmers tilling tbe sou, hs believed that wealth would be widely distributed and Independence would be the ruletfer all...
...Both districts are within the territory covered by emergency ' regulations...
...jjrwin Bdmaa's pleasant little book ("Richard Kane Looks at Life...
...This decree I* to be made known to all municipal authorities, notaries and government officials...
...ws2 I "^y^^ mix no-vet or smawpasv iiueeeew% *-^** ¦boulder, ""hare* "yon - yeesl^Mnmuestb Madox Roberts' mm Time otjsaat " sup baok <V*m free* p*a«> 1P*» authentic pissaiitij races*, hpt* ta It* ¦oop...
...Patrick Henry became a cocsorvatlvo and svsn Samuel Adams was frightened into reaction by Shay's Rebellion...
...In tha mining district of Hunledoare, the Socialists only won 2,860 Votes, because out of 12,000 miners only 1,800 to 1,400 were Included is the lists of electors...
...A River Romance EDNA FERBER'S latest book (Show-Boat, by Edna Ferber, Garden City, Doubleday and Page, $2-00), la-a splendidly living picture of middle-western life between the year* 1870-00...
...His social Ideal waa an agricultural paradise of small farmers...
...Magnolia Raven*!, daughter of Parthenla and Andy Hawks, spend* her early years on a Mississippi show-beat...
...It is dear that we can't afford to trust the leadership of men whose pacifism la of such late vintage...
...tbe case of Nearing at Pennsylvania...
...They call themselves a class party, without, however, demanding tbe removal of claa*e...
...Irrespective of the owner...
...He ahowa that the "one god** Idea did sot develop until Just before Jesus came Into this world under rather dubious circumstances...
...The mrticle tapplvnatU report* of the last farcical election 9hich appeared in The New Leader ant etsemher* and •hem* kow General Averuca mam hit big mafertig m the present Chamher and the Senate...
...One doesn't seas* tbo omnipotent author, who, by tbo divine right ef authors, knows all...
...XZ of C.'a and 100 percenters fainting to company with Coolidge...
...The proletariat may through this receive a shock, and be mindful of Itself aad its mission...
...The style is axrellarnt ta Its uaobtruslvsnes...
...There the two are, two of the greatest powers in the world, aad though their -ieet are seen to be day, no man baa sent them crashing to the ground...
...Cuslam I* now openly antilabor, jingoistic and monarchist, General Avereeeu give* this movement a military turn...
...The reason Use in the fact that they had more funds at their disposal,- and so put forward candidates ta many districts...
...Is religion he'was a Deist and ta politics a fundamental democrat No mas ta...
...Indeed, a* traditions age, they too* vigor, aad what began with Matthew Arnold em a fighting doctrine find* emasculate expression tn Bdman...
...Likewise he find* such Important philosophy as socialism—the 'distinctive contribution of...
...He shows that Jesus to be another Inconsistent fellow, an opportunist...
...But the leader is the Minlater of tbe Interior, Goga, who would himself like to play th* role of a Rumanian Mussolini...
...Are Spingarn and Cook Just chortling critics piling captious Insult on Insult upon a necessary and noble institution...
...No country should be ao Map without one...
...l2s*nana$ e^w^q^a^*dw%d(f oansnwrff^"****^ jtjm^ flttbasf wl^^6*cw**Paa*p jpw4...
...Moabi its*, Philistines, Canaanltes, et al...
...One must admit that Constantino, a cagey fellow, first used tbe religion of Jesus to enslave his world and that the successors of Constantino do Just that even until this day...
...As Nock points out "certain pious women ta New England buried their Bibles ta their gardens tor fear that bo would aend out Janlaarlee to confiscate them " Saw Old Order Changs Jefljaraoa aad Paine practically stand alone for their period...
...Jovial—open prostitution, open - gambling, open graft—New Tork today emaciated ta contrast to tbe rest schooled actresses, smart-Alao critics, highbrow theatrical producers...
...tt£&t£ *» A*w^ aria...
...How many thousand nobody knows...
...v The Price of Liberty WHEN two sentimental pacifists, auch as Sherwood Eddy and KIrby Page, put ta prist their encyclopaedia of saints, It I* to bo expected that they will give themselves away...
...if those who claim to tepragasf...
...The Opposition Block, which Is composed of Nationalist* and Zaranlata, will, with 80 per cent, have about sixty-five seats...
...this age to human thought—aa something to ha cast off flippantly...
...One meet admit that Christianity la stemmed from hundred* of .different eult* in the hot .Made of...
...resigned, wise, superstitious folk...
...They wast a still more radical agricultural reform, and are for farreaching protection of labor, for the expansion of capitalism by attracting foreign capital, and also for the dyne*ty and fit* army...
...wage strife between themselves...
...Ho wrote Madison from Parts: "CatouMts that onarebellion ta thirteen states ta tha course of eleven years is bat on* for each stato ta a century east a half...
...aad second...
...Jefferson would have President ef tfm United Simsts met feaartfbp kssvrs fa 9m*t mdm tedky ' •aefa psaesotaen ***s Intipgnggnt et tbo oa* gruiaing pa that was of ail.which *nahallien Held Me T___lx The ssMaBoa of tha ma mm ta Mao¦PatauMsBai following the- AmeHeam Revotuttoa did not alarm him...
...They an* In the service of the Government Party, which la, through them, prop*ring the ground for a Fascist dictatorship, and allow* them to say aad do everything Which the Government cannot say, partly on account of foreign optnlon and partly on account of the leagued national minorities Tbe following secret order issued by a district Commandant of Gendarme* gives -an idea of what the Opposition had to contend with: "Do not register this, but keep it by you...
...For years their whole activity baa only been to...
...One knows the secrets of their capillaries...
...Asia Minor Where th* Christ' walked, and that as * advaa^d^through Rome and Europe i marched on to a conquest ef the dark land* north of th* Imperial City...
...Hamilton has performed a meritorious ssi vice for those who have no time to consult tbe voluminous writings of Jefferson left to posterity, and Mr...
...public Ufa was more maliciously assailed by the proas...
...The New England •how-beat mistress, the delicate and frail Magnolia, Gaylprd Ravenal, tbo troupers—all that travel through her page* do ao with the breath of life itself...
...Outt* untoof real historical and social significance, for Richard Kane Is the typical American college boy...
...He cxprcaeca surprise that manufactures had made considerable headway at Pittsburgh, hot believed that household tadustry would remain the chief source of supply for manufactured goods...
...On* must admit that the Jewish religion was no whit different tin til...
...Undoubtedly, today they have the majority of the people behind them...
...They are undoubtedly oc.n stalely gap...
...T., Knopf...
...One meets a variety of tendencies within th* movement, which extend from, a sympathy with Bolshevism to a Left Uberallam, embracing conservative and peasant *Iwr* tnents also...
...but only th secret could some propaganda be eargJed on...
...or vice versa...
...has supplied the...
...He ahowa the early church to be ruled by a group ef stupid fisher folk...
...When a pair of would-be advanced idealists have no more sense ef proportions than to bestow such a title on the man who waa responsible, above all others, for conscription, espionage, terrorism and slaughter as they harried the American people during weary years,-the discerning student \of affair a 1* confirmed ta his mistrust of bourgeois liberals...
...The Fascism of the followers of Avereeeu 1* a blend of th* Spanish military dictatorship, of the Italian "law and 'order,** and a special Rumanian anti-Semitism...
...Only In PI oat of tbe U constituencies wore the Socialist* able to nominate...
...Is this book, toe, as fit her others, Edna Ferber shows her air for picking out the Intense, the highly alive people Is her midst aad transferring them to her pages...
...arthur w. calhoun...
...Major, however, performs r a service fbr thoae of ua who have read -and continue to read the Bible merely aa a rather well written bit .of literature, and neglect to study it...
...of Sehaper at Minnesota...
...This latter la linked with old traditions, which come from the time when the village Jew waa the landlord and th* usurer...
...It is the iiinagosi argument imaginable for workers' education worker-controlled...
...Iwdapss'dasaa, or...
...well after the Babylonian captivity than that ot its enthusiastically polytheistic neighbora, the Mldlanitec, Jebusltes...
...But . ta Transylvania and the Banat th* Communists had nearly 28,000 vote* against too Socialists* 12.000...
...ef Laakl at Harvard...
...of Mellklejotn at Amherst...
...So it goes...
...If Eddy aad Page had done their bit for peace at the time when, by the grace of hi* mummied majesty, Debs was Immured in Atlanta and score* of youth were being tortured In prison for their devotion to humanity and freedom, they would have a different slant oa the matter...
...How many thousands of lesser Instances qf the triumph ot the bludgeon over reason have gone unrecorded...
...There may he some misgiving about Buther and Wee ley, and we may not he overcome with enthusiasm for Booker Washington, St Francis or Susan Anthony, yat we need not feel outraged at their Inclusion In the honorable comjiany of William Lloyd Garrison and Kelr ' Bardie...
...Still, tbe book Is sot uielaea...
...Jefferson," by Albert Jay Nook, New Tork: Haxcourt, Brae* A Co...
...They slave in Ph.D...
...He "looks" at life...
...He first sends out his scouts and learns the weaknesses of that erratic enemy, the army of th* Load...
...There Is the latest axample et Klrkpatrick at Olivet...
...Wekme* nvaf peter...
...For be It knows our Institutions of higher education do sot exist to train captains ot industry, but to supply industry with managers and petty executive...
...The party which In the previous chamber had only five seats will now have 280...
...In the course of this father boring diatribe, Major Wheless picks the Inspired word to pieces, verse by verse, chapter by chapter, so that no doubt the Church and the Synagogue should now come crashing to the ground...
...But hla analysis of th* holy word la a cold affair...
...Sometimes they stand fori the furtherance of capitalist develop-1 meat...
...Prior to this arrangement helpers who would start a* learners would start foe small asp as aad weald remain tn one shop for many month* and aa they wsald leant ssoro of the trade their wage* would Increase...
...To all Sections...
...K muat corrode with cynicism the aspiring competing philosophies of labor that the career ot exploitation amy ge on unchecked...
...They unit* murderous anti-Semitism with Jingoistic Fascism...
...The Clay-footed Giant Who Rules Millions B^-Be/rTMacDohald Joseph ¦ -WHELKS8, . late Judge Advocate of the United States army and author of divers* compendium* ef law...
...Or the yellow Sag of hedonism...
...He dees nothing about it...
...His agriruiUrai Utopia waa never realised and eaiuld not be...
...they act tie for a m—th...
...And tbe cojjege must do two things—it must reconcile the Richard Kanee to their role of passive exploiter*, by giving them an otherworldly view of life...
...Even worse happened to the agents, who were an day oa toot and often under blows from the bett of a rifle, driven from poet, to post until released by the higher command Manifestos, even explanation* Of the w«ry complicated election procedure, could not bo circulated...
...These hindrances did not hold good Cor the Government Party or for the 1 Cusists- The Cuatsts, or...
...Bather Is the reader, by asm* miraclei inducted Into tbe blood stream of those primitive...
...aaaaan* ar gprssgl the press of poverty...
...The Nationalists are the eld Rumanian National Party of Hungary, strengthened by very eon*e^*j d* wflwnal...
...constitutional procedure in (be lead of Queen...
Vol. 3 • September 1926 • No. 37