O'Connor, Harvey

OHIO MINERS HOLDING FORT FOR NATIONAL UNION; OPERATORS AIM BLOW AT ALL SOFT COAL DISTRICTS prosse inffort tolower stadard By Harvey <yCondor , /COLUMBUS, O^AU*du&^ by the <ml dmtga...

...His experience wse that existing organisations must not be broken up...
...Council to put someone else up...
...the appeal, which took the form of aa emergency resolution, was rising to .'his feet when "Poln| of order, Mr...
...That is West Virginia...
...29, at .U...
...la Philadelphia the out of town committee, Jacob Halpsrin la charge, succeeded in stopping tho shop* of th* gtraussK...
...voter* In Mew York City begin* Monday, Oct, A -The polls are open-from I p. a to TOO * aJM aad will...
...Voweautnet veaji aa.lea* yen rag I at sr...
...Only a minority of the employers belong to the association...
...It has decided to make April 1, 1927, the beginning of the new regime in order to give employers time to make adjustments...
...B**»«fad me that I was wrong and that an<1 the Democrats w<AUd give Jy*1 Whet labor wanted on lnjuncOf*- In Mew York City many of our ¦JWnally , Socialist laborites gave us J3** woree than no support at all, because,Jt» sorce of theta were honest enough to tell me, they had to be for Smith and Tammany_ HalL In 192S they had to jfee for Walker and Tammany Hall, -Now look what they got...
...i<t Largely iSwfttf is w*et vu-njsahh the AmerMfa) Federation of Taher BaaX the United Mine Workera ware faamdot la Colum&ds, and Dlat...
...Ernest Bavin,' robust to expression, showed other facets of labor's great problems...
...on the night of the affair...
...Sigman Among Hundreds of Strikers Held Under Injunc- tkm JUDGE JACOB PANKEN, candidate for Governor on the Socialist ticket, haa sent a' latter to Police Commissioner McLaughlin In regard to the wholesale arrests of picketing New Tork garment workers...
...If these ¦ reports are true, it Is evident that tha New Tork police are being used by the cloak manufacturers to break this strike...
...McGurk and A. Parkinson, M. P- want as a deputation to the Council and explained their position...
...I went ^Wya4 the state pointing out how abHjtetely the Democratic party In its Laf** record and even In ^ts platform Hpjed to deal with tha terrible injuncevil- In one Important city (not JP*, Tork), a prominent labor man...
...made hi* speech la seconding the resolution, v During the day tan General Council circulated a telegram from the Russian Trad* Union Council, together with the General Council's reply...
...after the minis...
...Frank B. Kellogg, "Secretary of State, "Washington, D. C. "The newspapers report that American destroyers Ore steaming to Hankow, t04 miles up the Tangtse River in the interior of China, despite instructions by the Chine** local...
...Fellowprinting craftsmen are surprised to hear that the lithographers are still to make the fight...
...They claim the union haa just obtained wage increases and should be satisfied...
...In short, their answer, he said, waa "We've had some...
...Yet there was no debate on .the subject, and no one to date has had aa equal opportunity to answer the Vice-President...
...Pushing forward toward McGurk with gray tousled hair...
...tha, aulet, decisive ¦^^^p^|^|^^a»^-jp^ -eapsaatji^li^^sm through, aad hew...
...ins mass raaettSg railed by the gO.aao str»lng^^kmak«rs la protest While individual pickets are disregarding sen lis of these Injunction m th* picket line In tha garment net gg an abrogation of their constitutions...
...The General Council meet emphatically assarts It eaaaot permit the position of a fraternal dslegate to ha degraded into a tirade against representatives of the British movement and the fraternal delegates of other countries, nor of countenancing an intolerable interference fa British trade union affairs...
...i Thursday...
...T Mast 1Mb street, en Wedneaday...
...Arising out of this conference a report will be prepared fat presentation to nest year** Congress...
...In May of this year the In-, ternational Council considered the re -, suits of this investigation...
...In company with the menSbera of the General Council, mounted the platform for the opening' of the Congress, there was a great outburst of applause...
...The right to strike la ' no longer questioned In America, As to the right to packet...
...them in writing and in speech more times than I can count...
...Asa* and, lasua* of .the rynpalia wUl be considered...
...The next delegate, as he rose to take the floor, was met by a great/burst of cheering...
...The paper deecribee Merger's opponent, Stafford, jagr*» SoeubHcan standpatter and ffargor aa having a geed reeard in Coiiayeea...
...1 1 1 ' tat ha reflect' that the corruption of...
...Band we do not need* Injunctions...
...Whether the General Council should be given greater powers was discussed at the second day's session...
...a PWf*rter of LaFollette and Al Smith...
...He is now talked of for the independent nomination against Zimmerman tor governor...
...aa injunction to stop their activity...
...tba apart ire wfil be JuSge Panken...
...They had made their protest, they said, and would no longer obstruct the business of Congress...
...They were too loyal to capital and too disloyal to tb* working class...
...In 1918 the unions in the Allied Printing Trades Council, the typographers, pressmen, photoengravers and bookbinders, had secured a promiae from the employers to have, the forty-four hour week established on Hay 1, 1921...
...Arthur Hayday gave Illustrations of its practical application...
...They did not...
...25 Judge Jacob Panken, Socialist candidate for Governor...
...Individual localities would make their own drives, but arrangements would be made so that ottles which would be likely to compete with one another would be tied up at the same time...
...st**** a Suesfate above th*T din...
...Mingled cheers and hoots greeted him and many miners and other delegates made to leave the hall...
...If it ¦k sustained It will become one more Kpracedent adverse td every labor ^ organization throughout New Tork I aWa...
...Me now lost to the - an torn...
...Why' Should a miner work in the damp dark of a deep mine, surrounded by the dangere of rock falls and explosions, for leas than $T.S0 a day, the Jacksonville scaler* they ask...
...Economic conditions have since justified .the position taken by the union...
...We have been humiliated, we have made our protest," he said...
...New Ttttiburgh Coal Co., leader of the bitter * forces among the operators...
...If the basic trade union principle that an Injury to one is the concern of all is to have any Industrial significance—and a trade union is under an obligation to utilise Its entire resources...
...What was...
...Newspapers report thai the greatest radio hook-up in history made a recent speech by Vice-President Dawes available to mors listeners than ever before could hear one speech...
...only be regarded as a most regrettable abuse of the ordinary courteaief expected of fraternal delegates Th* genera* council has no intention of replying to this ill-Instructed and presumptious criticism...
...At any rate, it / hA was correctly Quoted in the press, 5' twe -daya after he had signed tbfe j jajltailiiai | Injunction hla mind was Shayy...
...The atmosphere in the hall waa still tense when the chairman entered again with the Council and took hla place in silence...
...Thai year they left the labor organisations and the devoted little groups of radicals la the various counties td carry on the fight against privilege...
...president of the New York State Federation at Labor...
...The cheery Yorkshireman, Ben Turner, a poke of the religion and high morality of the Trade Union Movement, and Mr...
...It Knakea onr Judges oligarchs, and ^oligarchs who...
...It was a genuine tribute to British labor's first Prime yMlnlster...
...the worker*, although tha operators.both Individually sad through tin newly organized Ohio CesuOperator* Association, are constantly attempting non-union operation...
...Preparation* are being made very carefully aad by she time this Issue of the New "Leader haa reached tbe reader a general membership meeting of Local 1 of New Tork City at Stuyveeaat High School an Thursday evening...
...The silvery line of the river, cleaving union Ohio from nonunion West Virginia Is the trench bteween warring forces in the biggest battle being waged on the American continent for industrial freedom...
...was .industrial unions with.a...
...Company, the Laactek Company and* the firm of M. Xeedberg...
...fehlfnr-ot the boycott oa naleei aeat...
...dispute is settled, to consider the Issues raised by the national strike...
...John F. Coughlin, secretary of tho New York Central Trades and Labor Council...
...ttXERAl PAOT KEIfflC CALLED BY SOOAUSIS Of AB marabata of the Socialist Party to Greater New Tork are called to attend a general' party mlithe* hr the Pso*|e*o House AesUtorlum...
...Wages, degree of unionisation, number and size of plants and related topics were studied...
...T. B. Nay I Or, M. P., asked Congress to refer the matter back to allow further and fuller investigation Into the problem...
...Employer* of the shop, the union announced, became so incensed at the work of pickets that they have applied for...
...A resolution, taken aa an amendment, opposed the one Ms union idea, and asked Congress to arrange for- the merging of the separate unions into industrial unions...
...It is labor ij-JPMch turned in the huge majority of SNeand 1925 for Al Smith and Jimmy fJWter, respectively...
...In Poughkeepsie workers downed tools in a shop operating for Wllkine aad Adler of Manhattan, an industrial council manufacturer...
...f West Virginia, J net across" fhe Owlet River, la a powerful object leasea ta> tha miners on tbe dire conaaqiianra* of onion defeat, and they are deter - mined not to aoceumb to' honeys* promises of mora-work at lewer say.' Nevertheless unemployment, poverty aad acute misery may force a bswaskln the Hocking Valley K the aaUeeaaV union does not succeed aoea la leaaaavlaw the pressure on the Oftio aliirt' If non-union Want Virginia aad that ever-growing non-union circle in western Pennsylvania, are allowed to on— arata without effective oppciaMl—, sheer hangar this winter may fcaro* capitulation in the isolated-pool raajftnaw of swath central Ohio...
...awin*wy» Get...
...But some are obstinate...
...In th* meantime the cloak union aw-> nounoea success in closing shop* start* ad out of town to supply non-union elsaks during the course of the strike...
...ur week la It* Industry...
...tial campaign headquartera in (Tharagb in ltU...
...I have a large family, and, anyway, th* State of New Jersey keep* me here under 910.000 bait So I'll Just have to stay and kick...
...Frhis la not an injunction which juereMto forbids acta In themselves illegal...
...The Powhatan mine, employing 500 men, is operatliur*steadily for dhe Canadian - Pacific railway, while several big Maher mines supplying, the Canadian National railway are giving work Ho 1,(00 miners...
...Clynes (General and Municipal Workers) favored a continuation of "the reflective mood the movement is in at present.** C. T. Cramp (N...
...The chairman, hammering hie ben, kept calling for order...
...With ttn organised movement, an attempt to impose unjust conditions on any section or part must be met with combined resistance from the whole movement...
...A Forty-four Hour Week Committee ot twenty-five haa been studying the problem...
...tbe quea- von as to whether the Injunction shall ha made permanent...
...The heart and lire of his address was the declaration that Congress wae hot meeting In a meed of pen la* nee nor with any consciousness of defeat...
...11th street and Third avenue...
...a> m. as 10*20 p. m. .It la important to nam am bar thee* dates...
...Labor, according to the time-honored maxim, rewarded its friends, and its own reward Is this Injunction, broken heads snd Jail sentences...
...The nomenclature of a strike is not the language of the parlor!'* "In the present Instance the police are not only violating the patent rights of the strikers but are deliberately throwing themselves on the side >of capital In the workers' uneven struggle for decent American conditions...
...Now it haa decided to carry out...
...Youghiogheny 4; Ohio, whose president, S. H. Robblns, heads the new Ohio Coal Operators Association, organized to beat down the Ohio Miners union, has tried nonunion'"conditions, but to no avail...
...A resolution, submitted by the National Union of General and Municipal Worker*, and moved by C. Duke*, asked the ' Congress to approve the amalgamation of kindred unions, with the ultimate object of securing one big union...
...Over two thousand...
...Winter eWfferino Threetsaa Misers and then- officials are hrmtean taT the lucky breaks, either in a re-, aaJupQaant of freight rates, a dteste...
...His lieutenants wanted Jobs and power without the responsibility of a clearcttt social program...
...Picketing simply means standing along highways of approach . or near entrances to a plant in time of strike for tbe purpose of observing who is working and attempt to persuade them to quit.' . "In thjh same opinion Judge Howard says: "If then, it la law in this State' (New Tork) 'that strikers on picket duty may use persuasion, what is persuasion...
...Twelve others In the country are In the same category...
...that Melme haa a perfect labor raaaMsi and haa made good in public office, ane^that the prospects are djaat" wehafer win get few votes in November...
...He was Volgat, who had refused to run again but went Into the field for Ekern and Blaine...
...Consequently, about two years ago a defence fund began to be collected in preparation for any emergency that might arise...
...In .New London...
...The right of Judges, ^elected, or appointed -to enforce the |^i)-.<ar, to go outside of this Judicial, task '%and make the rules to.govern aa ln|. Juitriai conflict is a right that no Kiemocratlc people should tolerate...
...The Amalgamated Lithographers of America refuse to be frightened by *heae bugaboos...
...As for me, I like it here pretty well...
...The determined front of the union and the inevitability of the shorter week In line with Industrial treijds may in-, duce the employers to accede to the demand...
...hls muchradvertised liberality, . the supposed friSndUnes* j>t Mr...
...He explained the standing orders and epeke of the dignity of the Congress that hid beau sullied by the incident...
...Labor has played practical politics...
...The new Madison-Square Garden revived the memory of notable Socialist and labor demonstration hefat in the JkbsT'e^auJaoa 'STo^Su^ "now" Tarfe partkUaaasd Tsesday at i:g*i am...
...Mine owners, with heavy interests on both sides of the river, are anxiously awaiting the day when they can bring Ohio men $>wn to the low wag* levels and workrhg conditions suffered by the serfs across the river...
...Even If the ' fvta' wins a judicial victory in the vesse of the present injunction It will : had to divert money and time It a critical period of strike into a that ought never to have been . ?esUnary...
...Under these depressing circumstances...
...The Soviet workers believe that blame must be laid, therefore, on the bending the knee attitude toward the government of trade union leaders like Thomas...
...Just across the Ohio rtver, at Wheeling, Warwood, Wellsborg, Moundsvlll* and Ban wood, a score of big West Virginia mines are oper%ting at wages varying from $4 tb $« a day...
...For the American Committee for Jus. tice to China...
...It Ket bids peaceful picketing and a great Hhaaay other 'things necessary in the Kauthaa conduct of the strike...
...It ,#ejh>r aa that •chafer waited until after tha date far Wing nomination Bpbii i in the Republican primary had passed and then announced hie ¦pateHfen ta the progressive ticket endorsed by leberi that his union aae) hie Own mother repudiated hie action...
...v There waa a pause and then the chairman waa beard to say: "Con-, grass will adjourn until 4 o'clock," The General Council went into session and the miners also held a meeting...
...That is a matter solely for the courts...
...The wage increase of S per sent adds SbMB to the atfiiual income, or * net total ef $42*0 after deducting $22 for th* $10 initiation fee and th* $12 annual dues...
...New York Oty Toters Wagtail allow for...
...It t* opposed by an employer** organisation known as the Lithographers' National Association, Inc., until this summer called the National Association of Mmpioytng Lithographers...
...At the customary mass picketing In the garment sone, strike leaders, In addition to 200 pickets, were arrested for obstruction of traffic this week...
...There's ' another good reason why the miners won't quit their - union...
...He saked when Congress weald have aa oajgriiinltj of discuSsing the telegram, and Mr...
...In distributing its produce ssessnably— Ruskin...
...The amendment wae carried by a majority of a half million votes...
...Many .of the 9,000 union miners who have born unable to get work at the Mts~ ^iavB£ found employment In the steel mills of Bellalre...
...The American committee contain* oa Ms national committee, among other*, Glenn Frank, president of the University of Wisconsin...
...kndQiotorious for nonunion operations in Pomoroy Bend, Ohio, and in West" Virginia, posted notice of reopening) amder the 1917 scale, but not a man responded...
...in 1924 she appeared...
...the best produce* th* worst, and that haWto-vrbhrtV *ub*J*t only in relation to a peculiar stats ef social institution mnmy be estpeeted as eases as mm as that r*»*tUn hi " dlasetveaV Shalley (f7Bl-lSK...
...Thousands are receiving not more than M0 a month, while at least 1,500, in this vicinity have no work of any kind...
...in a rich Lancashire accent, rang through the hall...
...Chicago and Baltimore take second and third position, while other places here aad ta Canada trail far behind...
...Bromley, who waa to second...
...It decided to launch a campaign to establish the shorter working week, but profiting from the difficulties of the International Typographical Union in attempting to carry out this proposal everywhere at the same time, the Council' adopted a different plan of operations...
...Six thousand are working...
...Surely labor can have no oaae against the party to which it haa given its votes so generously...
...It came from McGurk, a mlnera...
...July 1 obtained substantial increases for all classes of workers...
...J. Borden Harriman, Bishop' 8. J. McConneft, William Allen White, Dr...
...He finished and then, to S final burst of ehssss...
...She declared that sho would not, since th* Quakw religion Is opposed tb war...
...W~*f t "Labor," political organ of the rail labor unions,, wlraaaati ¦% deSjilts endorsement of Melme* candidacy against be ha far...
...Not for years has the police department been more openly on the aide of the bosses toval^strike*: tha* it1' to at present: TnV enormous prestige - of ^Governor Smith...
...Lamport disappeared...
...taaShaW asSblbleeeat ot tha spirit of the;a^aiM»'"duWn« the 0*neral S«#e-r>>« fjk opening oj, tho 6ith" tfra-aai Vn^kO Coigresa at a wonderful we^pdma rally here...
...Six plants in New York city already enjoy the shorter week because of the presence of type printing departments...
...If necessary,' to protect a single unit of its membership from injustice—then.it must be equally recognised that...
...One of the veterans did work bard for the progressive program...
...Signed) HARRY P. WARD...
...Caadidate' for Governor, aad Morris HeUquit, Intg/rmtiona] aMcawisU*/ Off tha Party, stoke A note of aha...
...eld 'wheelhoraee - of the L»Follette party—a charge • that, they ¦ virtually boycotted the «ght against Uenroot when they had secured, the *e- ' fe^sTwMVe^BB^ " <A*t ett* aSeaa^r i'»y...
...Stephen S. Wise, James H. Maurer, and a. number of other prominent leaders of the labor movement- and In the churches...
...All fair-minded people, kaow that In moat labor disputea MlBdanDtlon is asked for by a flrnv whoeh jrorkere are oa strike solely to cow thoun wuiketa mto^ returning t* their tasks...
...This mesne that the General Council will continue Its efforts toward* ^securing amalgamation and to secure further mfermatlea on the subject of industrial organisation...
...What language la permissible, what la prohibited...
...Judg* Woivertoa thereupon denied her petition for natutallsation...
...th* latter working for Sprayregen and Marks, also an Industrial Council member...
...They claimed that i their promise had only been contingent upon the securing of the fortyfour hour week by the typographers...
...He wrote: "The newspapers report that hundreds af members of the International Indies' Garment Workera* Union, now on strike, haua'been arrested by members of the police force Tor violating an Injunction fa regard to picketing issued 'by Supreme Court Jostles Charles Guy...
...Chicago will probably fall in line very soon...
...V.lus is an issue upon which workera ¦K the' most diverse political opinion pBsPst present a united front The right I ta organize and to' strike, cannot be ; Jaft to the tender mercies of the law• ytra whom Tammany Hall and the i.'^W'bllcan machine may see fit to »**t to the bench...
...The union would prefer dealing with a completely organised group of "bosses...
...Hough, the Yorkshire Miners' treasurer, shouting to Bromley to sit down, and calling to the...
...dates free* April U,<UtM...
...Browne could not be located any stage of the battle...
...PROGRESSIVE WSWIIGRATION GOING ON Elder Statesmen of £* Follette Machine Fatted to Kgi* Lenroot, ReaaitieosTy (Bp redara tea Press...
...P allowing the mass protest meeting a conference of representative*'of all labor bodies of Greatest New York wad held at Beethoven Hall Friday, which framed ways and means to eombat tha injunction should it be made pSTSHQy nent...
...the p*H* era open all day foam...
...When Ramsay Mac Donald...
...Hallsworth made It clear that he was not against Urn leadership, but that his aim was adequate machinery to exprsss the spirit and desires of the rank and file, who had shown a wonderful display of solidarity during the strike...
...These are men whose political fate • rested In the hand* of the elder laFollette for many elections...
...The one hundred and fifty-four plants' in New York city constitute a little less than one-half ot the number In the entire industry in this country...
...PseaJhlBJb/ that Viator...
...While we have been lighting...
...p|>ara la xeason to believe that Jus; fs0 nuy signed the preliminary ln'. hnbtlon without property famniarig1 anj himself with, its terms or all the ^ sepperting afftdrnvita...
...aa to Ua details...
...NO program and principle appealing to the younger generation survived the old senator...
...Now, tbe lithographers had a similar agreement but- when the fortunate day came, the employers revealed, .a "Joker...
...The losses sustained in the lockout of 1922 arj being recouped...
...Workers fasupport of the fight upon the injunction...
...With the growth Into bigger forms of organisation ha believed the group idea would have to be adopted add greater attention given to the muchabused friendly aide of trade-unionism...
...j 2 Socialist CoiigressmmFrofn Mpconein Made Possible .by Labor End»ernenl WaaMieyton...
...The aisles were blocked with gesticulating, arguing and excited delegates...
...TIMELY "TOPICS By Norman Thomas MNbe more liberal sections of pnbk. 1 lie opinion In New Tork, includ¦P"" ins even some of the labor orHhtnlaatioaa, have failed to recognise Khe aerlouaneaa of Justice Ouy*a Injunction ' m tbe cloakmakera* strike...
...Freer went weat for the summer...
...The subdistrlct is buoyed up by long contracts with the Canadian railroads, but when they run out shtt are shifted to West Virginia—as may happen— Bonaire's plight may become aa bad as Reeking valley's...
...The membership meeting on September 23 will by this time have probably adopted the committee's report...
...Harry F. Ward, chairman of tbe American- Committee for Justice to China, to inquire what American war...
...There wad a lull in the hubbub and Bromley, who had sat down, rose again to speak...
...Thomas Toohey (114 Misc...
...These proceedtttgi aljarayg take time...
...push rapBOB: 1 eaaaot say...
...Tomsky Message lihented BO«t«tl^tr33aC^glanA-Cool...
...Within the term* of the resolution for the one big union, Cook made an eloquent appeal for the support of the miners, and sat down amidst another burst of cheers...
...he miners and others shoUted to Bromley to sit down, and then came the strains of "The...
...be epen every aftoi neon and evening an Tuesday* Dot* »; Wednesday, Oct...
...Richardson asked permission to make the statement that he had already made to tb* Counefl...
...The resolution., which was moved with great force by J. Hallsworth (Distributive Workers), asked tor further rhvestbretion Into the whole question of the Council's powers, and for deftnlt* proposals next year...
...the newly stated wage theory of the American Federation of Labor even further and demand a reduction of the working week to forty-four from forty-eight hours, really forty-seven and a half, because of a half hour concession on Saturday, no doubt, in deference to the half holiday in other trades...
...But let any radical speaker seek an opportunity on tho radio and sea bow quickly he will be told that, of course, the companies must avoid controversial material...
...They will elect Victor Bergar and probably Edward Mehna to Congress from Milwaukee In November, and will resume their agitation tor¦ government ownership of railroads aad super-power and for old age pensions...
...by Sheriff Melme of Milwaukee In Coagreae la eaenly WiOgnaton politicians in view of the nght made by jtfca rail labor 11 |j iWasajSnS en Map, •chafer in the Fourth Wisconsin district...
...Aire a ear the) blight of non-union ism baa as c mad •> Arm feotheM Mr- Paaaarwy Dsn*.1 ha southern Ohio afrosa the river from West Virginia, while tha Went Virginia panhandle, a part of net...
...They are out to win...
...Lithographers is somewhat belated...
...cfaHets are again finding hop* of a revival...
...pfttfMI «f ev «aa|j • The BriOeh opal situation la afa-j aorblng mUHnwa of tone of Was* vm»fftnie product, leaving" a awgbt |M w««Ic* encourages Ohio upar*toap *aW 'open mines here and there la ma...
...Tbe rem* tod or remain independent...
...They have alao realized that the Increasing productivity of the" Industry and the possible resulting displacement of workers Justified lesser, hours ot work...
...This ought to be a year when the policeman's club will teach a host of workers the value of voting the Socialist ticket without, this time, omitting the name of our candidate for Governor...
...can be trusted, with 5 T«r few...
...Wheeling and Benwood and in other industries in this thickly populated section of the fjhlo valley...
...Ben Turner, for the General Council...
...Off Local h of We* Turk hretakhxg the...
...Js going to eeiabDeh f^lXoiOritWU...
...Dukes naked...
...Consequently uutoaiam has lipoma a tradition, a way of life for taw warn aad woman la Sag Ohio andU&ocklQS valley*, the mats} arfladng dsstrlct* On4y^A0OO Oe Non-Union A awing around tha coal fields fan* to reveal jhe alighteat weakening on the part at...
...They assert that a shorter week would put them at a disadvantage in the com- j petition with alternative forms of printing...
...Justice Guy is k Democrat...
...September 22, 1121, will have fired the first ah eta...
...First he struck a note of sadness and regret at the loss to the movement of Fred Bramley...
...One thousand tickets have already been sold for the occasion...
...wafa m* ftwwimm •«*>gtwsaaadb from Wisconsin...
...Bays the report from Wisconsin, It is not surprising that the So...
...Tals injunction against the cloak. •alters makes It not impertinent to *"*Mnd some labor leaders and their (**owers, and especially some of our AJ Smith Socialists, of a little history...
...New York City...
...John ¦uHivan...
...craB ha' ajeeamr...
...haa the Industry aaventyfive per cent organised...
...Even a right-handed man doee not like to have his left arm In a sling...
...and cries of "Traitor- eouM also bo heard...
...a^S^Bh^L^ ' v ^eBB^bw^b^wy^aBBBSajBJBsSJ^BBBBBBBBE NEWS that American marine* on hoard the Pigeon Were wounded while the ship was petrolling the civil war sone near Hankow oa the Tangtse River haa prompted Dr...
...Bevin (Transport Workers) said that it would be fatal to take a rash and hurried decision...
...am r-galalag In West Virgima, to eemmj *b do, but await national Ai i lie ' taca-hag- citlea such as Caiosaw aad St...
...Last September the convention of the A. L. A., meeting in New Tork city, decided to carry out a statistical Inquiry into the state, of the industry to throw light on the advisability of making the forty-four hour week demand...
...ship* were doing In that vicinity...
...In other words, fcejoald appear that In a ¦para-hour > ^» week-rod holiday, adjudge m. But even It Justice Guy acted eater K careful study and due deliberation, Pit is monstrous that any judge anould Shave this power...
...In possible conflicts between China aad other foreign powers...
...After aeven months of struggle the "bosses" gave up the attempt...
...Vice-President Joseph Boruchowlts, Isidor Stensor, S. Weiss and others received workhouse sentences of a day apiece...
...J am not aura It will b* a subject tor ¦loinuunaTfiliisaM's miosis* evened with the hap* that th* British weeBat* would jjia * - . _ smassmasgadl *Mb*Bwb* r4 aVau*) ¦ **aSB_ spite -furious attacks and capitalist betrayal by certain leader* of the general strike and the capitulating mentality of others.** Continuing, Tomsky declared "the conservative government willingly admits representatives of Amsterdam and the American Federation of Labor, Who either blackleg on the miners or shamefully talk .of loans on interest that would speculate like usurers on the unheard-of distress of the miners, on the tears and misery of workers' wives and bairns...
...There are many...
...The Joint Beard has nude wubUS resolutions received from th* Cloth, Hat, Cap aad Millinery...
...In this case a ^•rmai obedience to -an injunction be disobedience to those great MBjelplea of justice which are above Judge-made laws...
...Bed FlAf...
...They want to put up a fight...
...Tat It did not make the fullest d*m*ada upon the employer...
...New members are Joining, old ones are re- i turning...
...John Nelaon or tha aafdMin dtstrtotj WHO managed th» LaFoUetar pve«id*B...
...at Webster Hall...
...It was the rising Socialist vote, the election of Meyer London to Congress, and various of our men to the Legislature which Tammany Hall Into some appearance of liberality...
...Beck spoke for Blaine and for himself, and Rep...
...Henry Cooper, dean of tbe House, was silent...
...i ¦ QUAKERESS TO APPEAL DENIAL OF CmZBttHIP An appeal from the decision of Fidoral District Court Judge Wolverton of Portland...
...It Is • Idle to .talk of freedom when any Judge can 4 put auch barriers in the way of thouJasnda upon thousands of the workera Jn their struggle for better living conceptions for themselves and their chllfSeren...
...Inventions have increased productivity...
...Immediately after the resumption of work wages had to be increased, in the bidding for workera to fill orders that had accumulated during the stoppage...
...The Lookout ef -fJSX V At the war peak in ltt» the Barton with its then seven thousand members wae, like other labor organ tea ¦ tions, at a strategic ad wantage...
...have been dropped...
...A little more of this wisdom and heaven help the labor movement...
...central leadership...
...August Claessans, candidate for Lieutenant Governor, and Miss Tony Sender, youngest 'member .of the German Reichstag, will be the guests of the Toung People's Socialist League, Circle 7, Manhattan, at their annual ball, Saturday eve...
...He reiterated his demands for an apology, apparently la connection with a document on the general strike which had appeared a the Journal of Bromley's union...
...With vegetables and fruits in Ahelr back yarde they do not experience keen privation in summer months, even If unablj to And work in the tseel mills...
...As a tlon of the violation of the criminal laws should be left to the Police Department, knd that It la clear that It is not th« bualnesa of the -police to enforce Injunctions...
...Congress^to have regard for...
...la represented as having gor* on vacation—stayed outside the- •eat* while Totrng Boh, Ekem and Got...
...Well," as a speaker said at Wall Street's Constitution Day Celebration, "If you dent like this country yon can go somewhere else...
...Many miners In the score of camps around Bellalre own their homes...
...New Tork State Supreme Court Justice Howard, la the case of the Wood Mowing and Reaping Machine Company vs...
...Tbe in*delate owner* were overrated and lnJOecemW, 1121, a lockout went low) effect to enforce a .redaOUen of twelve par cent...
...We'll quit mining before we'll throw away the union, and its protection...
...Have you seen Bromley's poster used against u«r shouted another miner, and then Richardson, the Federation treasurer, eould be heard appealing to his miner colleagues...
...In reply, th* General Council circulated- the telegram, at the eame time stating It "feels It necessary to register the strongest possible protest at what can...
...Vetera 4 must raalda at least M) day* la am election dBjtriet before Cleetten Say...
...Schneider, member of the Paper Makers* Union, went to one of the Blaine meetings and shook handa Rep...
...The Besses Break Their Word The demand for a reduction of hours by the Amalgamate...
...A menace to the hard-won liberties of the...
...Mo»kovits and others of hia...
...U. R-) said railwaymen definitely were opposed to giving any extension of powers to the Council...
...Among them were Morris Sigman, president of the International Ladles' Garment Workers' Union, whose case was adjourned until Oct 1. He and Jacob Halperin, vice-president, were held in $100 ball each for a hearing that day...
...Workers who in Egfral voted the Socialist Ucket In HPi yte, and the Communist, cut the W*da of these tickets In order to be MN that Smith might win...
...The Government," he said, "haa thrown off all pretence of sympathy with the policy of shorter hours of labor by ranging itself definitely behind the mine owners la the attempt to enforce by a lockout longer hours of work In tha British mines than are recognised by any other important country...
...A storm of passion burst with lightning suddenness upon the calm of the Congress Thursday afternoon.1 Disorder raged for nearly half ah hour, hut after a forty minutes' adjournment calm was restored...
...faff iuumbsm...
...After declaring that there was nothing secret or sinister In trade union method* or alma, he ridiculed the view that the strike was the outcome of "a sort of evil conspiracy of a few agitators meeting at JSeeleaton square...
...nor could the pride of craft be destroyed...
...He" ejuotad the Ford motor works, where one Arm controlled 42 different-industries) and augbe mora effective in protecting a$d Improving •thet*Andl|lon» of the employee in such a multiple firm...
...28 Weekly for Lucky Ones The lucky miner who happens to be working is knocking out about 1100 a month, of which about 8 percent goes into various union funds for dues and relief...
...Conn, a shop working far a New York Jobber Was *)so shut...
...It begad Shat the reasonable wage increase Which It instituted would gtve the etepViyer* no pretext, to inaugurate drastic wags cuts in the poet-war period.' la tkle it was disappointed...
...he declared, "others were blacueggirfg us because they-were in another section...
...Why the old LaFollette organisation bogged down in that fashion in the first campaign after Its founder** death is pusallng the faithful few who rallied around Ekern and supported the less-trusted Blaine...
...same from other parts of the halt McGurk stood, with an eyes on him...
...When winter comes a different picture will present itself, and should the steel Industry experience a slump destitution aplenty will dog the little homes of thousands of the coal diggers...
...Now that he Is gone the cause of prograaaivlam a* against Coolidge-Lenroot reaction does not arouse their Interest In the home state's struggle...
...Justice Guy granted the injunction...
...Blaine were making the Oght this year against tha Coolidge ticker...
...Some of them confess that Wisconsin progreaslvhrm had become a mere submission to the Judgment of the elder XetFollette by masses of voter* who trusted him, and that there had been too little enlistment of the young people of the state in political dlardaiaion and organization...
...It has become too wise and too astute to bother with these Socialists Idealists who cannot be elected...
...Weat ;VlrgtoJa eoej la aa ssta* Cleveiand and ether Jea* govts aa ay Ohio coal...
...Morris' Hlllquit, counsel for tbe union, has submitted briefs to Supreme Court Justice Ingraham urging the temporary order be vacated...
...p. m...
...This average, however, lumps the men who are working six days a week and those working but one...
...They might defer giving greater powers to the General Council, he argued, but they eouM not defer the attacks being made on the workers...
...to form a Citizens Committee to go out on the picket Una, Tha offer, it was stated, will be accepted...
...the late secretary, and then turned to the reactionary tendencies of the Government's policy' with regard to hours of labor...
...guarantee* of peaceful aaaemMsg*, labor leaders la the city -ar* piirahej themselves far a eaadaat both la tha courts and an the picket line with their traditional enemy—Injunction agaJss) peaceful picketing...
...Of course I shall admit that labor's main strength is In the economic arm, but the political arm is mighty useful...
...Serge*, teeWTek «jP be Jeiaee...
...In other words, if yew ceneempiata moving- hold** election, be safai to be In year new resident BeJere Set-aV *« V • -> . WIS...
...Hails worth's ease was that should similar circumstances to* those in the general strike arise in future he would be prepared to say "To hen with notices/ Strike your blow when you can...
...Ml lockout is eemadufiJfeft TfIT feel pf aaauia *arate|fcdm^f** as*MOj trv* boycott bu tan placed on union eoal In this *tat* by class-eonsMous slinlssiili and retail dealers, to lesson tha domestic demand for local coat —i7.»o « day or nothing" That summarise* the bulldog determination of 17,000 union miners in the Bella Ire sum 1 strict of the anion...
...authorities for all foreign vessel* to move downstream because of the i state of civil war about that city...
...We would respectfully ask < under what clause of what treaty the United States claims the right to patrol Chinese Internal water* with its warships aad what act of Congress authorises action which is •o likely to tnvobre the United State* both in the rJhlaese civil war and...
...The ALA Is an Industrial union aad to tbe extent to which craft unions have permitted it to enroll different strata of workers It...
...It wis tke miners' secretary, A. 'J...
...Ore., denying citizenship to Mary King, a Quakeress, will be made by counsel of tho American Civil Liberties Union...
...The union also mads public an offer ben Louis p. Budens, editor -of fh* Labor Age...
...Other units of the United States Navy seem to be patrolling the same river about Hankow, and United States marines have been wounded on hoard the Pigeon, and other ship*' in the civil war sone have been fired upon...
...The simplest and clearest deflnltlen'ef economy, whether public op private, mean* tha wise mseaaeatsnt of Is bee, aad it means thi* In three smilOt first, in applying your labor rationally) secondly, in praaervinj Its produce carefully) and, lastly...
...exceptions, always to be on j the aide of one class...
...Tut Baldwin up...
...c i'% 2 Only 1SJM lb 1MH miner* working flea day** month or mere e*S| of* a district miilehiiBhlu listed- J two and a half j a*f3T ***ilr eaMWtawiB has been amid la relief aad die winter j union funds, it la adatlrtod...
...Therefore, tbe local campaign will be a determining one...
...Slmlllie, with his carsaying voice, had on behalf of the General Council been making an appeal for .financial assistance for the miner*,, and .Congress was obviously moved by thi appeal...
...The amendment, moved by Tomkins (Furnishing Trades)' would have given forthwith the powers on which the Distributive Worker* desired an inquiry...
...Ernest Bavin argued that the subject was one for careful consideration...
...Because he failed to apeak a word against l«nroot, it la likely that State Senator Sautfaoff wfH be ran against him in 1128 aa a progressive...
...British Union CongreA Cheers General Strike...
...Sjajja labor In New Tork which sup/JJP* Tammany hall...
...before Judge Wolverton for citisensbigt pep*.** Shi waa asked: "If you were a man and th* Japanese invaded America, wouM you bear arms...
...The union only last...
...Se> tar they hare rocccedod In opening no* mora than half a dosen big mfnaaW mostly in Pomeroy Bend, aad do Bias employ mora than 2.006 minora, laj tha past, month six of the TrdggW-aeaOfftj paaiea have made overtures toy 11.*** man to work at tha 1*17 scale pt if ml day...
...OPERATORS AIM BLOW AT ALL SOFT COAL DISTRICTS prosse inffort tolower stadard By Harvey <yCondor , /COLUMBUS, O^AU*du&^ by the <ml dmtga OWo/d 40,096 w« coal mimn arc faoife iMij Sw tfMt foe (be TJi*H*d Ifta*) wSnrstS of Asiatics hi • cmctal"ffuii|&ls which flpy <ict*frHKK *tfN£ iMSe .' <SS the wtiptuT orjpniwfini% cosi Jtnisgty...
...Arguing, in his persuasive way, for a real investigation and no recrimination...
...The "bad feeling engendered by the disappointment of 1931 and the lockout of 1*23 has made the workera very determined...
...Thoughtfully Pugh dealt with the mining dispute, showing the bankruptcy of the owner* and the necessity for the modernisation of the Industry so that It will become a public service in which real Justice will be dene for the worker* and so give a progressive improvement In their standard of life...
...delegate, and he proceeded to ask Sfetetiter the General Council had deliberately gone out of its way to insult the miners by asking Bromley to second the resolution...
...7, anal ¦>iday, Oct-' eV Sarin* the same hours...
...Btgalnat those there la plenty of law...
...I. W. W. members who were arrested at Oracefleld, Minn, on July 11 and Jailed at Ortonvine...
...Jn the eleven months ended In June the Pullman company net Income waa $10,148^00 aa against $$,S47rS3»J wiSg ygdtr before...
...Hugh Frayns, organiser of the A, F. of L...
...Did they, therefore, ask the Vice-President to talk about the weather, the greatness of the founding fathers, or the truth of the multiplication table...
...The Amalgamated lithographer* of America, affiliated with the A F. of L, haa at present six thousand members, somewhat more than a third of Whom are in the lithographic capital- of the country...
...New York lead...
...But th* Brotherhood tells th* workers that muoh more la duo them...
...Ward's telegram to Secretary Kellogg, follows: "Hon...
...Peavey spoke only for himself...
...At present the prospects are bright...
...The upshot of the debate was that the powers of the General Council remain as before, but they will be debated st the special conference of national executives, which Is to meet Pullman Porters Gain Wage Raises Through Efforts of New Union Pullman porters received £00 per cent dividend* on their union due* in th* first year's exletenee ef the Brotherhood ef Sleeping Car Porter*, says a eiroular issued by that organisation...
...Tone of the evils of this injunction Saecedure lies in the fact that there '^aao little protection against the whim '•jjfthe enjoining judge by further hearfwt before another Judge on...
...NebKm had no opposition in his own irhntrt race...
...1 thfatk delegate* will And It vary interesting,- waa tb* only rise irk of the chairman of tb* Standing Orders Committee, when he announced that it would ha circulated...
...Miss King came to America from Ireland and became active in V. M. C. A. and civic tffalrs on th* Pacific Coast...
...The special kind of lithograpl.- Cone tn mis center increases the chances of victory...
...When the report had been carried by l.«89,eoo to l.SM.000, the miners abstaining, the real debate began...
...more Important subjects in American life, but few which are more truly controversial...
...Only on* delegate moattSaed tb* matter...
...All those wishing to attend 'can set tickets at the ball...
...Known as subdlstrlct • of district «. they are by far the strongest unit in the state, sMd comparatively better off .than ttfelr brothers In Hocking valley...
...The wag* increase was granted by the company far the purpose ef allaying discontent th* Brotherhood waa mobilising...
...The argument of .Tompkins in moving the amendment' was -that there was much loose-thinking on thlsp question...
...Now you know how these radio companies object to "controversial" speeches- I have heard it from...
...and a mark of appreciation ifr the great efforts made by MacDonwU to bring;' about negotiations with a vk* to aa honorable settlement of the mining lockout.' An emphatic protest against the continuance of the Emergency Powers Act was registered by the Congress at it's second session...
...I. W. W.'s Released -Charges of assault aeainat James Sullivan, Joe Fisher, Harry Swelter, Joseph Kowals and Fred Bliss...
...Hla drMt has been toward a sort of «faante-faced "progra**Warn" la the hope of getting' support from away "moderates,'* ~ Maui* tm~4^p*Asn ill Ns-^a/Ce .' ^ Tbe llthogtepheral union...
...kitchen cabinet for labor—all these things merely tend to- deafen the public to the cries of labor...
...If, as Seward ^dt, there Is a higher law than the Constitution, emphatically there la a •Miner law than Judge Guy's InjuncWe congratulate the leaders vA* the rank and file of the union c,»»on their recognition of this fact...
...When that day arrived the economic depres-J slon following the war was In full i swing dnd the "bosses" broke their word.- ¦ A long drawn-put fight followed...
...There wdra shouts and cries from the miners delegates la support of McGurk and a clamor tot excited remarks, punctuated by the clans ef the chairman's ben...
...j Tension has also been relieved by the recent opening of several big mines on the Jacksonville scale...
...Th* fallowing labor Wader* of this City participated in the demonstration...
...WASHIKOTON.—One of the aincercst of the younger Progressives who took part In the recent primary campaign In Wisconsin haa explained to Washington friend* the reason tor tbe poor showing' made . by the LaFollette organisation on «*pt- 7. HI* statement -1*«- aa »ir"bw rsdleiaaent of the...
...British people," was the phrase used in the resolution submitted by Mr...
...Pugh appealed for more thought on problems of economic reconstruction, and- for a broader vision In relation to (he International policy...
...The general strike, Its objects and the motives behind ft were then pat by Pugh in a clear, concise picture...
...Under the circumstances ; ma anion had no other course than to | A^gard the injunction it It was to |pny on the strike...
...It was growing stronger ta the face of its trials...
...people are expected to 'hear the opening address la this year's gubernatorial campaign from the Hps of the Socialist judge...
...It will be the rebirth of the Socialist Party or the rise of a strong labor party which will scare Tammany Hall and the Republican machine silks Into granting far more than the crumbs that can be won when labor bargains with the bosses and labor leaders hang around like beggars in the ante rooms of Tammany Hall...
...The forty-four hour week slogan haa invigorated the organization...
...Tb* Wiacooiin Socialists are also pointing out that Toung Bob and his TfbnWenanta have considerably 'toned down" tba alder LaXfoUette** program, limited as It was from a Bodallst point af view...
...These words were the keystone of the arch of the presidential address which Pugh delivered to the Trades Union Congress opening session...
...Pugh, unperturbed, began to read the standing orders relating to the expulsion from the Congress of a delegate who refuses to 'obey the chair, but this warning of disciplinary action did not calm the storm...
...Since that time the industry has prospered and wage ln. creases have followed...
...Schafer fought tbe Ekern candidacy...
...The Rail * River-Cony pany's .mines, whose management has been distinctly antagonistic to the union, are down...
...tb* direction, of capitalist industrial organisation...
...On the contrary, be repeated his usual attack on the rules of the Senate...
...He cited the growing discontent of the workers, and dealt with the whole structure and policy of the industrial system...
...Arthur Pngh...
...Do it now," was the object of an amendment moved by Tomkins...
...p. 1SS) has said:, " They" . (the ' strikers) 'have as much right to picket aa to strike...
...In hi*:' opinion...

Vol. 3 • September 1926 • No. 37

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