A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES Another Letter From the General te WCXT •» euv Ik* of hank* te hp reviewed is, J\| "Listen Moon,- by LmhhJ BNa*, Mbit**** »B by th* Viking Preee. If thi* *> *e peed...

...co* The long and ohort of thla woeful tela Is that unlace labor, and by labor I mean anyone who dee* net » make hla living by lirinp of of ethane, canned e» wif net guppert * political party af its own...
...sal PMPhisprf gg • t# *»W ehaagp, and Mather prpft*h of tha communist-anarchists, who rejected thp Ida* of the state and fait that the first act tp tha *p*Jgl rovolpttenabouit ba th* q**tyu*tios> pf thia teatrumasit of working class oppression...
...The thought of hi* mother .pad aha had apiy been q tbaughtrHted made a wqrm...
...If those votes had boon concentrated la #e*«W clx atotec, they would hove elected • gopdty number of lopieistors, cqngroeemon, eenpter* and governor** Ths m lets he wo made wa* te apropd opvaplypp pPPP te* much territory...
...JJven her bad clothes war* W*rg...
...H* wou}t fa back now...
...AU the CJffetaisg cvpp *f th* past same bask to haunt him...
...Hew I fully real ire it I* not easy to found pp fad*.' pendent labor party In thi* eeuutry, and yet K aa* b* done pa a*p*rienaa la th* La Ppltette —mgslgn hs* amply chewm Of oeurpe, we did n*t ateet *«r tloltot 0*4 a* sensible person expected that we umuld...
...Behold tho city held in bond' And no redeemer comes to sail That city from it* leaden ehping wuieh hold it* tout in worldly thrgll...
...thg igtarpatiaanj an* *f hiss*, .op bis rsturq tp Praas* ha became the chief exponent of Marxian Socialism...
...If so, hove * hs4* in your needle and lot the water o*4> * * e * dtevarnmente, said Kslr Hardic once, pre Ilk* deuIWpa;^ W*fht'P>np*y WongoTlryhu, you ban^«gae~t by tho oars and mqk* him pull your tead, but If tha* den hoy belonpe to tho ether fellow oil y»«J **a a* te to pat behind it and pot kicked...
...Or looking, how endup* tp* right...
...It wap only, however, from 1877, when thay peTUsed a dynamic loader in th* person of Jules Bueegp, thftt tea* began...
...dtp chained, lift-gp thy head...
...and ** Jailmate, eeheolo gng cpllefep worth PgapMnf of te spread s«r dap*, go we teke tiw dap* thp ****¦ tehot done dteponaarioo and vote accordingly...
...Nay rather snatch thqt pall away...
...Th* yaa> followlag the tetebllahmpnt of thi* papap...
...fchtiy ye ge by the way wa founds ^JJUit **ama **r grandest d**d«nr limbs ar* free that our head* unbound 4M th* ward i* plain te read•at we, without puMa or eontpaaa...
...dawmaapte ppf) ipduptriai pptapraey g* tegothor lib* vtetete aani tjm, hvrftr *"*•**, Or if the American people think thg** oa* ruth or regulate th* meatere *f th** hP*siLg*dl •papt bgpkete, th*y *r* •hsntl' Wddtef tN*teptepp, Ohj yea, I know •*> •»"*»» tePJortey ralp pad fajhliS •pinion and that set mt thins, I step knew thgt ther* wot* * hundred ffudsj sect* tg pvpry fgSsW Ufd Iff tha day* whoa knighthood amp ipftepnw P*d ten atev**" te every slave-owaor wha«» ateyasy ame in P*W*r In Sunny Blxio...
...Move hut thy Hp* te psk rrieape...
...It also constituted Itself a distinct no* litieal party under th* aama *f th* Tpdaration of BoaUlhrt WarfctefPlPg Thug the laMetahte gf tha swpdisg} movement passed, te th* apliafUriatf...
...During the following years pusaareoa tynqlcata ware organized- Thia renewed activity culminated In the organisation of the first Frerjefc Labor Poppy*** in Paris in 1878...
...But the mem *had nt fash s to h* ***** bfteV* big hear, past fsPgr iappf fate, lag th* man fjaajw hip mm eahin^ MmJ* thg ne^a shaf ¦ th* '«•*> wpejM eatisfy the hear...
...puyr abase raw material* gpg instruments af labor and finally, "to crown these various preparatory steps," develop *o> operative werkskep* "wktah aloa* would gte* group* ef workingteaq tha norasal ascsss te Industry and to commerce," qnd which would In time equalize wealth...
...Qap pot out ef the bona* At tha dpar...
...in tha aydnay •*Werker," rt*U you tha yaat ia useless and empty th* o*upd ¦t hi* lyre...
...Draw back the cur tela, lock without See children hurry heme from work-"That thine may liv* la Idleness...
...Tba resolutions sf this s*p, press was* of a mild order...
...Despair net saw, ; some 8*v|or yet may hear thy me**— iP**l^v^*w^ O...
...light, warmth, laughtar...
...How much hqvp ypa osdteihr uted te » P*liti*Pl party of your own...
...Now he ssy% "The Lsqgu* ia cembatina th* activities *f th* radtatia who aoam to be well supported at sll time...
...I have just read tha hhjtery that • pshtp' besstsd by the American Legion and the Aaspwan Pederation of Labor and th* American NPate geeiety and tha Allied Marching Cluba af ^*"J*sy'a Lane and I hav* no great fear that •WaTan who are fed on such q diet will avar fa **jT;Wild...
...Tho detqila of tha funsrai hgg ta be talked over, and »g» had t**ha ten haw mother Mintura had diag...
...p, teB ma, thate-ft tg nat «cqdl *¦ r '' . y;7 eiib fmimii iTigpni W...
...Well, we pot behind the other fcHowte deniesy all right, and whpt that donkoy*e hoafe did te aa* oOU»' tenenee ie phweet too pitiful ta rotate...
...Thcoc thing* wera hemttoj tej them hy Junhare and Tpriee Hi th* fpaBph tMhafff stemming tj>* sv*r-H*inp fteed mt tsfa*r vappa...
...mo childish hqnd* have helped to forgo Tho chain* thqt bind that body down...
...Aek thyself w Hath ho hie ehare of bread Pp« rest...
...Tho all Irapsrtow* thinp ie that ouch p mcucmcnt ehculd paces ¦ thp* it should impress tho oppoaHiep With th* ktoa Phot H b) a oemor and will keep on coming IrroaaeocJv* of **m« Vprpiy eatbasha now and then...
...Th* govornMim ipauad an *rdsr grohibrUpg suoh b fgtbiring...
...And porhape y*u yourself have **rned * tew honest collars bringing out tha veto by v*ting dead men and do*d-bo*ta without poking yourself where th* mon*y cam* from...
...Wham do you ^at that "w*it-*upparl*d" idaa, ' QsrisfsIT W* hav* mat a great number gf •'radisa'f" ' ia our time but we have Vet to meet one who would ataui that ha: ar the waa "wall aupBartad,'' Yaw aupjt ba thinking ahaut that aeld that wa all pat fpqra atam avary rainy Tuassey, WdM It you will hoop tiffc s;Jfopet batwaon mamNra af th* Natipnal «*• Mp Caaaue and tha rest of us oy-aorvioq man, wa Ir'tt you \m an thi...
...wn anaaiatiana and asking psopi* I Jain tha aama aa yog da...
...Th* work «f ra*u*ettetl"s the trade ugte* paay*sa*ptw*a, ouriously enough...
...whs *maftaate*d, the ppim...
...Ouopdp was opq ef thp moat romarkaM* dsusas te tha Pr*a*h Ba» claiiat mpveataqt M« more r*auoasi*lt than any other oa* Individual for the Mtua) PPfppuMttop af th...
...Why are they there...
...U faiiar* ».i,.d„ d.m-8-, m.j...
...The 1871 Congress urged tho creation of Journals that wppld PVoport working alas* sandldatea ppiy...
...Tho Trade Unlona Turn geei*ll*t The seoond congresa was * repetition of the first...
...Of pcurpo thay fsilsd...
...They should ospsnl— employment bursa us, grant* board* of eeaelllatlan, establish libraries and •auras* in technical pducatlan...
...Thay skirted s free** pool of water...
...These eyelids heavy ap* with teerei An anguished voice is mutterlpgrPor ears are hearing ribald leer* ' Of meckary pt chains thst bind...
...That paid ha*nt b**n aomm aa raauiarly as it uaad ta> At recant moetlnyf f radicals hardly a ruble haa peen in ayidans...
...Thy soul t* fhtetteg, hqte-O, Ood...
...As a result of his editorship of "Lea Droits de l'Homme," in 1870-1871, *9^flftvR argw*)a o^wJ ^vaptf ps^*vr*^*a^v^oa^wsa^ w*9 a^ Pw^F^ year term 1» priM* in th* aarly aaveqti...
...Thst tbrea*, where wait thy bteh tdvale: Hps'*btet-hto jngria* tela* thp head...
...HEDGES 4Pantinuad Fr*m La*t Waak) Slowlt tpa past iwpipgad again upon the prosapt...
...Jraily Selkirk...
...P» daya at tha hearths and homaa mad* free ¦Ana the ipoller...
...paan* bpog aa part of his immediate ppperiopge...
...then destroy tp* ptqte, expreprlate tha capitalist elass pad reorganise society op communist sag federalist principles...
...it had better ptey eilt of politiee oltopetnar...
...pfac* the *ja«ttea*( yra*i**irt *W **jd thp rsaigaatteB af Ma*r Mahaa...
...Uaaua, Vsq w»ito that tha tsagus is doing a pia jab tMohing schsol eh I Id ran dj abaut tha Oapatitirtion, l hap* t* M*av*n that fa** af yaur aa"yhpe man *v*r tall tha Mds th* truth (put haw that h'*torlo daaamant same to b* written r t*a typ* af piwtaarata who aaw te it that property tjsjjta fat all tha break* It wevldn't ha nlee at all Pbavs tha da§r Mttla anaa find aut that the whole l|r* wa» dan* in tha doaaaat a**ro*y and that It #1 until 18*7 whan Mqdiaen'a n*te* w*r* pub«N that any of us avar did laarn what want *n In ¦at Constitutional Q*nvanti*n...
...Tpl* congress Included over 460 delegate* from syndicate, co-operative and mutual aid societies...
...Who ware the «*!• kirks* If he had a child would it look like her* His mothers pea* wa* top largo, she wa* never pretty...
...Suddenly out af Ms laaaalapeneaa...
...That flrat positive physical pain—as if some part of his own body had beep lopped off—had passed...
...Thay teupd the ahivering city streete again- Thay war* going ham...
...That was It...
...Or dwell* ho ip a tenement ^ Whore vermin ot the darkaeas past...
...Qu—dp was arrest** qnd sent, with Khors, t* fpih Wh«a in fall tha a*, ajajiatp |gaaad ap aapeal for th* ar***' laatloa af * labor party which aaeurad WiiP SvTOutewPP *** helped «p aafy alariso the labor party idea...
...AnaTfh* fccW Jlilisi - up «h* MP pete* WIM bad *"*^**&*^^*& tl*Jjf ^fc^^BsggfJ^ ***rtfcwW* ar^'o^^a^weppTaBrV iwsl 9ftM*t9^ m^mV^m)Ut^'*0tm%^ tha ptpav TherpMpen the msw dlmjndad asbpfpp daw '¦ ate vast, abb*, panto, B. *f\ a*s*'gssPav *Phf ejtees until he wa* nrasdns aterk ng d thpffh «h* wfaalb Bat no swteSPi of aadar mt*'Mag snsfl niHantiiilisfv amaW step th* Inpsr ten* onosnjh te tet Bte ar*m ca**wa tor It wa* the papa he wanted, and bate* p teig^Hltrg Mh5tf*s*l tate_____t iflu eiwi* ' > i Bayw SP hte cap te end tho fwr««f^"p**t.teteaa*^^ ? ^^^m^!^^^j^^mamm^^^mtmg*l fsassnW...
...Ubor ballet* hacked by labor brains, and a teber pgrty fed by labor **in might get us eomcwhare...
...Of laughter at the bonds that held...
...Then when wa failed in carrying tag piuteorptie eteenpheld at vth% ffrct anal aught* we - crawled iq pur hclpe and ppllad th* hplep H» aftey SsV * • • And ri*ht hero lot me pay that it ta awt Impart ant that « political labor movement should be victorious la the fret election that some* along...
...Thay had found these d*puti*a sppoaod t* th* Umttatlop af haurp of wort is th* nam* *< liberty and t* Ubarty pf association fa tha ***** of thg auporiar rightp pf th* state...
...Whan an wsrsn't in tho' kitehsa cleaning MP about half a pillion plates ar killing fliee for tho ***k, ar* wsrs fr4l""'na around doing *rraod» far a half-baked -pcond Li*uten»nt who oauls uayor aa* oyo* us :hout hollarina, "9aap out af yaur d**a.»» Non* this war partjculqr/y aa/prfuJ ar horoio and wo sn wished that wa oauld get-oyorF just t* t*k* '.**« shot qt *em*hady h**id*s flip*- i>lt after suing ftTh* Qio Parade," wa qra 4"«t M gUr) that th* Kaiter li^inf haaFd that we wsrf an our ¥v,v' call*dthq %hai* *chmi*» J^da wo writa thi»» wa are ramiqdad of qur martial m^f by tha focaint af an«th*r l*tt*r frpm PI...
...Ia there * fjedt te there q heaven T Deo* life en this berth so on, and enT Would ho go oa I They passed an empty street ear...
...vss> pgala and far so** tlm* thsra*ftoy th* wpyhsra qvqidad f?pt*TI gf qyndlcai aattvlty far «*pr at grroat...
...merpua syndicate...
...Th«so, however, wera largsly swept away by th* Fraa^-r>ussia*, Way, th* Pre******, tien of the ItegvhU...
...Hatienal fttturity...
...Me hag only *xperi*n*ed her...
...But thoea educated 11) mpnkpye ggpt fell the?' vW* end they don't know hpw te frees* ite erppr** *"« hostess, th* frssser heieng* te the ether pwogor, end...
...world into which he could escape fr*m etrife and tear, fh* world wa* gold, now, end...
...Barharot, In this wqrlt pf reorganisation, specified a number ft thing* which, he felt, tha trad* unions should Strive te do...
...t* dpvolp* strength...
...Hi* w*a the death aa...
...Cvan aethaawtena pphleB -have cccured the hiph—t wapee, ahsrteet hessp amf baa* worktop conditions so* aha moot mMlte*n\ame*> It aamcc te domandiqp etill mar*, sa th* pelltieal sppa trie of labor liter***** wHh «upsp fjjtep Jf tejagri thrown te It by the ppgpettlctb • • a Net ahssfiwf th* euwtest, but iter* ia * fad Bess ogpry that may If ustrate my aeintt «¦ A htf hear *m* phaaing a man...
...Jea> te**Ja...
...And strain thin* eye* te aa* th* o*B*a, ,.J J*f*r pvft lurk* w**r* darknass Bss - . 9* spteid result ot teak** tear...
...n |pt it lash* «» thaHfh tha Mu***vit*s that Uaa yaw fpfka at qipht had farpottan aur> addraaa**, of nun* lam ana ath*» aawraaa far thia auhvaraiya jaah Ptiiia* Pnasia...
...Th* third, ap tha ether hand, held*In Marseilles la UT*, shewed a distinctly more militant spirit, ft ragadteiad tha li a I ***»!* mt Baramtet, accepted tha tjtte ad ^ariallriLahor •ypaypbip *c th* paaawa *« lyaa^tJo* •^^^ ^*r^ sWsrp^lw**^^*!^ ^^9^^^SMl^fKf% saajal poUtteal party...
...v*ry duty chirk...
...advaaps* ysaittoq on ecewonste gUasUaPa...
...Stretch out thy ha***, though bound aad waah...
...Moth" tag...
...has never deamtishod a dungeon ar d*a •* the fee l^.gama af tea soul a| -a boat pulaated In ^•¦ary How...
...Me had nsvsr known hla siethsr...
...But with a wretched organisation, Insufficient f nance*, n* prat* te appoh ef, mlamappgemont and Imatpcrssjicc, we raHed ss nearly flv* mi|lien vote*, coming within throe ssJMicnm mt th* vote cast for the pemec ratio candid ate...
...piew tender...
...w* auspsct thst hs doesn't get mwk ahtnaa to rfad, hfing ss busy defending our institutions from th* attacks of IHitsrsts foreigner...
...He had sucked at her breasts...
...e$he clinging dark on the broken way £fa have shewn where the pathway failed...
...And childish vole** piping ring A mammon's paepp of renown...
...ff whatead rtemprteate ¦erporptW, fhap havp pp fctah **teteg whgp their geypt pmpnt PP*s*q gat af th* *duwp jafspg** . ooo Tn* eehf, hard troth la that eaffttea...
...II* had died, apd, imprisoned is the Wash depth* pf the sombar equip***, he wa* riding daw* the, • treats at hi* town—ana then by tevarsiap^dawa Pillebury avenue te th* grave af left youth apd buried hone...
...Saayitp tho gensraj ***4*fVbtia*b...
...Wa balleve," declared the paper, "with th* «oll*ctivi*t school to whiah almost a|i aarioaa mipd* af the working *la*a of both h**at*phasas sipw bateng, that tha paturql and aalanUAa •v*iuti*a at ssaphind teqga it i*ra» sistlhly te tp* sollsatlv* appvopviattea af th* sell and af th* Inatrurasuts pt lake...
...Th* rasn*dy4a this stpag af ajrab/a," aa*r cted* thp committea, -te tp afaggj *» fppaaq a waspteppigp^ f*r...
...In 1877 ho founded a weekly, "X/EfaWte," thq Hsyt number of which outiiaad tha palisy tha papeg proposed...
...But we wore hell.bound te carry the country...
...And chimneys vomit Are and ampkg, And little eblldren'a bodied gq That furnace's glowing flame te itek...
...Who was his mother* Wera the •etktrke af goad blood...
...They crossed q mope of rajhraad track*, Thay catered • strip gf ategd...
...That naked form ahripkg from tha gala Of wipds that blow aaragg the wold...
...The streets ware eoid, pad gray and empty, "M*mm* ia dead...
...apd that 1U qanaa wouM sat H ImW** hf arsrkers who tash pp...
...hs,v* |*d te the revolutionary sssaiutlens at th* 0*ngr*as which show that th* Pmnsh* proleUrhtt Is se}f**a*st*u* pad |a worthy of emanaipattep...
...w5J^ ^d**s^earJda5*P|i ds^we^^ *^**aP^*i te^'***^ *^**^r^w*a Te Pit esplteat OS thy thro...
...hut out that vision of tha chUd, Who works and hurries homo at night, •for la that little peul la bred ' The btttorppaa that ahajl qwqka Tp lethargy pf sin qnd woe...
...Unfortunately, thte aquspd eswatdsrabla discussion in the ppakp pf th* tF*4* unionists and at th* past Cspjrspf Pt Havre In 1880, teg "ptedaratep'' gad >q.opeeqtavs" sapayated • frosa tha rsyslutloaary **ll»ctivl«t...
...it toplf th* pefutfsa that CO-operqUve aaclgtfgg eoqld W*t bp r*r pqptad pa aaamriaa fufrleiontiy spwwfg} tp bring about fh* frsafem mf thp workers...
...Ther* ia not work enough for pill,, . O. take a cloth of gold and hide . . „ - Tha sham* beneath with shining psi...
...Th* fif gtepp wanted te apt Ph* man...
...9* went to Switeerlqnd for Ave years qnd there came lntp contact with tha id...
...Ip *rd*r te a*hi*v* thla *M It (a pscspsary far th* pralatarfat to •aaatltute iteaif into » diatipat political party which will aim te appquar th* paiitteai pawar *f tha atete...
...To bo euro, aeWp pad oteyop dJdnt vote gag there were no pari **d gteyp Jeurngls, ashaahh anj sotlepec to cnaaufaotwre pupite CPi"1*" for the poor devil...
...h* found the ear waiting far him...
...The thing is a masterpiece of fiction...
...How canst than look...
...But h* could not cry again...
...Aptmg thin* Pgr to diaUnt pound...
...In };ri tha w*fk of organisation had ta bente...
...Wo wanted tp put the roof oa tho building before owoa the found*' tie* waa laid...
...Bast thou, of plenty, helped th* blind, Or stand th*y op th* street te pleaow With outstretched hand and timid vote*— Hu«el*nt for their pgily peeflT Whop winter come* and heart* pre warm...
...tkaT* wandered ip daaartp far and far J*« dared tha vaster of a*q;' jjjyf m we hag a dream af a lopaiy »t*Mf^^ a wonder yet to bo...
...ft wo fallowed th* «ieam of q lonely stay **Q3 we made the darkness light...
...ut ef course, I'm nat really wsrrisd that you fsitews will go around blabbing out tha truth about Americas, history...
...He aaw q waning meoo in tp* sky...
...Pater te tha 0*a*roaa, furthsraters, p copMaittea apppintad *t th* Lyppa bad sailed •* a*v*rai of tha mpra Mh» •rsi deputies lq hahalf of labor iagtalatiop...
...It wasn't right to make a human body into s mom demaetl* machine-.., Hew there was Agatha— beautiful and clever Agatha...
...But he did not know her...
...wa knew that the lope star flowed IhMaya that wa riuUi not live to aae, Braa day* of th* wrong* redreasad...
...There was much te ramemhcy *Pd p* order to his rememberingTh* seas* aha had aqng ta him-tha time h* had struck her in tho fane with a whip—-her patience—the sight he and Hugh had fought—-her consul, story smile—her pathetic regard far pnery—her pathetic dowdinsss...
...Or every law of man to break tpJuaUe* breed* the two extremes...
...And thine—in CPPJlert sit ground...
...Or rebels thqt revolt—qnf rs*e Thy atruatura...
...Who make* hip bed upon the ground...
...It was what Ph* had mlaaif, She h*B*Jg H*arat u°vw^fcg^*^jf Thay returned...
...draw thsm close...
...fMp ahPWga te attltadg wpp gttrtb* utahl* te aavaral things: th* ftattag that tho rapuhllc wag no longer hi ggagar...
...sT«p flr** ascend from fcrgea red...
...It frr*trt -tha oollecUvtty of soil p**d pf agb-*pt|, of instruments of labor, of raw materials—to b* gtvpa tp pl| pqd to bo rendered inalienable by society to whom tpey must be returned...
...There wasn't « phppt Of • ghew . te esrry s clnplo on* of the eactern etateo, the strong, holds of plutocracy, pr mafcp • dont |p pay pf thp southern stats*, tha hem* of dqm.meslcraey, . Our strength laid In the iwrth gag middle w**B> ft is hero end hero alone where our riasiimo...
...wi rrnowdV ;." - Marxists' Replies to the Revisionist THE HISTORY OF SOCIALIST THOUGHT By <Ontinus«j fpgp Last Week) ********* 0rgaahjaa ggaaaruath/a l^»n>** LOCAL trad* uniopa wars orgas}ty*d by tho dopep amrfatg tba neat year, fopeqrad bp tha esa, ptloa ef a f*dsra(tea ha Paste ad an...
...I And later...
...Oonoeceion* from the eth*r ate* came w<Ch prewlnf ptrcmjth, Qrow an* all ether thing* will bs added unte ye...
...The chauffeur tot* him that Mr* Minturo had aant it Me was indifferent t* tha fait Put tho oa* w«m* tp fare* him te a deoiaio* as tq whether he ahauid re b**k t* th* party.' Ha cauldn't go ha*h-Wintem,* he said, "driv* qbept p hit...
...To b* aura th* central -.ftT*'- w** tea Uvely, ha encoding meet *f ETtesk in seducing th* wife, *f th* ni*» urh* eeved SW...
...and thy mandatea readi J JO...
...ttrode a»a van af tha wprld'a daair...
...Oh, aya you ee nrivo to think that all theqe m||li*ne pad tens of millicne whieh are opent at every major elect tea tell from heaven aq manna te you...
...Dap's hand, wanderigf gvar the coverlet, found a rent through Whiah the thin cotton stuffing protruded...
...w.,«r a. Rtd, ^rysja'eqt of th* piatipnal Soeurity W»«Ou* asking us la JaJn up with h>a 8i"l- Thia If tha second time Ihl ?l|B«f"l ^»» Writtfn us...
...fteed the land of th* free around ewetlep tin**, Vo* knew eemeene ie rteyinp for th* brae* bander orator*, and w*»k»r* *t the nolle...
...it wag rruitlooo to driv* Ilk* thi* an stent...
...Dost thou forget thy fellow man...
...Yau know rice*ion* coat money—y*« know th** aemabedy is paying for the delwgs pf posters, bgwdbille, circular letters, and pplitiowl *dverii**m*nt* thqt...
...Op cover q'ar tha life that* dead...
...if Labor Novel of th* Northwest Br mPH...
...BsnsBwaBV^^snBtesfl astsW...
...That head ne'er lifts, those Up* ne'er smile...
...Look you and sap whore light* ar* red, Tha painted face, th* haggard eye* Of daughters of » race that bled...
...aeUaee has made him a phantom, gag thjaaad • b shadow his fire...
...leaqasWV f *J-Bt ***m**L** W IMste aahjf pari pa te way lw*at...
...And now WO pat thp ballot **•* W* *** spsgf and same ef in cap *lm**t wit* •ng" th*r* pr* * f*W who oan even think, and eappd manner* are learning to asask* *hjaiwttee and •** te* areqm Ilk* near fete...
...All tha brilliant window* mocked him...
...Let not thy prayer* te Heaven...
...Jr*t dpnt yau finp;, Oanaral, that Joining i«u't as MMl at it waaaj ta bp*- Thar* era aa many assseialaa* far aayinp tha warld fram this and that, that ah> pot alf confuted and finally decide to let tho H>|d tofta' along without aandipg in ft** dellare to Id...
...Parliamentary action they later depeuueed •a » ''pail m*» of cosoyrosalse, of corruption, ef charlatanism, qag pf phsurdlties, which does as eon*trq«tlve work, while it destroyp efaarqeter png ktllf tee revolutionary aplrlt by hp|dlag tha masses under a fatal Uiuaian," "Tha anarehlate,'' writap Levin*, "aaw *a|y one way qf bringing about tha amapeipatlep pf the working class, nams}y, ta orgaplsg group*, and at an PPBortupq n»e»ent to raise the people |p revolt against tho state and tha proper tied elsssof...
...wh*a he know* thepr gee aping af aavarte aad *qw*ler withla a huwdsad yard* pf thp sjtsrf Mow aaa a acatlassan sit dew* wHhout rwmorae la the aplaadsr •f hla homo ami plaaaura gi amide white th*** who m*h* Ms waJjfch tead aheartam •a»wr#THE OTY IN BOND \T9 al*v* upon them«rka| pteee IXI with drooping head, and heavy heart, ^ with weariad limb* and aching feet Could atend more desolate—apart Prom ail that lift* the >oul to life...
...h* aatssatij of havfng g. warhtep etesa isprssentatlon in ParUasnent was doOattsly admitted by tha moderate coaparatera aad §arbaxeturts pt th* trade PJthm ooaayspg gf l|T|, a* tha gsauag thgt th* ehasm that separated tha bpgrgaaal* and tha workipg atej* ***** ft (aaappalMg far th* rapra«rqtet|ve ot the formes- te understand tha needs gp4 aaplrgUoaa of th* workers...
...th* tr—t dlmirfsg* ***** apttegsd te tPk* tterfr aaa, *«, eaafc |i ********* rioetrte teieer nwa...
...To build *new « Paradise...
...Whoa the International Congas**,"* avritea tha eppupittee op orgWlratitn, "wag hrut*|}y gispersad py the aavemmeat, *** thing wa* proved —the working class had no longer to expect, its aalvqtlon from anybody but Itaatf- , -t Th* aHapiciops at the pqvemsseat ta regard ta tha ospaalaara of th* Congress, thp Iniquitous proceedings which it Instituted against th...
...mt*T|»j"rPsg| afjpfpsasy fl^ aM^Pfs^tp} S^sa^a^T^T^sar •wrt**1* Th* Marseilles nssprrcsq mM *** With groctelon thg dostraa *f g» Boelallata...
...They passed bar* spaces pf land without a llyht or tree...
...Ap soon *s they wera rid »f th* |*ara ¦ipggastg atePtontf tha eaiipct4vl«tj ajg* began to disputq gmqsf themselvesOne branch conaiated of parHamaptary Iteateliate...
...Tha appotlto ceawe wHh tPWfBt' fnp...
...worth th* mentioning, but th* bray that tha fab and •prawlinsj squalor of war ie put fa careen jetes ytu by the three* ^ec'ei* part, our private war r***rd ia net vary . iHjrleirr Afiar wa got q notice from th* lata Prsair ; b/|l|pn telling us that th* government would , iils) si |»v* our emergency services, w* found our- ' asfy* ft Camp Humphrcye* Virfinla, a* a private {* fp) sppin**r*i qnd what a bum priyst* w* war* to Iff Whh Tho unifprrp that fh*y hurled at qa waa tjfsm from q deed Italian with th* pre-war figure jf wniitm Howard Taft and you *»»i|y put d> piek mi ihevti between our putt*** and ourselves...
...Tea Pr* frsa...
...arsprgy and tslcntc ahauid have baa* aappepgratad...
...T»ma .POfore thla we ;ur-atf hifn an una" latta» i» thi* *#iurnn...
...qnaUp iipd*ri»h*n by fterbaaot, a raputitean JaurnaiUrt, wha igaksd uppg th* syndics ta as saraarte* for th* etisaipatloq of strikes, whirh ho ragarded as fatal t* tha workerff gad dangerous ta the rqpubUe...
...He had seme out ef bar body...
...Ask those wha role...
...fsesaa ad th* mod era tea boated te tba- apwAinsssatej dsarg* 0^*j\tP»J% ^faHQ&i aw^Wwiw^sJ^ f*) waM **^*»^r*tegt erger sag wagd ahead wfth WlbPgPMiabi Th* miitlpg wag hptd hat dlepersed at It* teat ssssloa...
...Per*ettiu*wict them h* fargeVw And in th* maelstrom let them whirl Blaassed, decaytngy-let them rot...
...To •* Pentinued Has* Wteh) How oan tha priest In pjp tempt* gte* Bed he**** shanks -far all Ma masslea te tha children af sjica...
...Bw* prsy, how many of u* pre wHIinp te ro*d a eerie** pqek an «ny subject...
...Pion«»er8 fcthave borne tha burden and he*t of th* day Jku tho baldest flinched and quailed...
...Thp vivid ***** at tpa ff ayiwd'p^tha muale...
...1-rbr *"* r*e**n 9f f"*th*» wa got te pc* **Fj» ftp Parade.'* until laet W«*k apatfy Marly ' iffy*"* In •»P q*quaint*n*a had ba*sj to a** Stallat/t pkd-iir* «sd come away raving over it...
...toms of qa *van aarn moqay py Pttiaa vp eua...
...te aa**P , iteaaT1 l**iw*av*ryvten^^ *aa*pg mJrmS^t^ Bcridee, h»mmf% I tela) pas t!>!**> PPff ^f*BP spate that thsss who **x* tha pridaiHiM m**m a* * nation own and always hens *ur*s*J th* f»P*hn*BBsSt gf thgt...
...the Voice: T*U murdered Sep...
...Let aot thy dormant term sink gown...
...i^^^^^tgP^^^^^ .Bet jopeja .tmhtjl^mm^mm^^^^l...
...Thsr* is praetiopllv s* «tsf...
...pjaah had te raiate her v*rai*h dwelling with « kind pf atarbld emphagia upon each detail, wh,U* each now proof *f her maternal h)v* prpnght trash pup, burst* af t**rg> j "Just think Dan, she VP* *J*fchWh*n aha took rick—she bag hp*edjfl;day— I guaag eh* wag fPing put, t*f ifee had put an the new dres* you gava her— I den't aag how *h* avar did it, but aha gtaapgad tp got to tho phony, and take down the receiver—that waa about ,io o'clock—how aha must have suffered, knowing <th*t ah* wa* going...
...The "ringing slave* that bow and bead...
...H«p* yet awhile...
...Well, it is a stirring affair...
...WMr* 1* thy brother...
...9* guch fragmsnta thay taid hte, ^ At last...
...Bpd tha fj*mmyne...
...If thi* *> *e peed eq ssod M" CllnCo fir** bock, It wiM ba * W* SL did undoi-eton* why »f*od H*ad" did net f* Ely It bad f«od review* pad wpe^vglrly W*|l *dL-Sfa), Jh*f w*rq spots in It that w*v* mem»r*b|e S sneer beeuty of writing...
...H* regretted not that aha had died but what aha bad mimed Married when a child, bearing numerous children, she had had nothing—nothing but rising of merp* Inge, sacking af days, sleeping...
...It jrajherittsn by a Professor of English and I suspect •# When hs jan't writing hi»to>y h* gives peureal ¦Ap* art of tha ah*rt *tqry4 Jfc run along, Qan*ral> and aril your membership jffp Pnly you'll have ta get along somehow w(th> tJL » Sympathotioally yours, McAliat*r Coleriiait...
...From all thqt atir* the blood t* flow, • Prom alt that call* the Area ef lov* To fan the amber* to * glowThan each poor city held in bend With manaciep Itself hap made...
...th* failure ef Utejoa^aagp, aUv* movement to bring about spy considerable improvement hs' werkiag class conditions and the activities af th* Socialists- Tha next tegtesj fjap was ta tsbs tha Msslsllst aasittea, —- — w r- WV WfV B^imow f If 1 VwiN •u*ad* Tgbpo fptteiifi Laad A group ef celteetivtste, lasafrsd hp tha Ideals af thg ipterpgtignaL h#4 -*> Is ted in Paris since 1ST...
...ft mads th* gray objeata *T tha r***V and tha occupant of the bed seem altegathay strange...
...Writ, brothers, five million vote* lo nothing te ****** at...
...It wpp not neeeeeary far the ttormaa fe*lpt> Democrats or the Britteh Lsborites to have inaJqrB*** In their respective ppidipmcwtp te ppppyp tha IPfaf * roeegnitien ef union*, old ape ponetesa> Invalidity aad] out-of-work insurance...
...Was there anything to know...
...empty- Kls mind waa * eold pi*** Ailed with ruthless osseins...
...Thay farmed a aaparate arganlgption, which, b*W' •v*r, aeon passed apt of spiatapsp...
...Leap age...
...Thla that was left was something else, poignant qnd abidingWhen ho cam* out of tea bad room, the plrls were ther* ta grant blip, in whisper*, broken by aaha, and with p new, unobtrusive tenderness...
...and pans of us with heiwQh, PU paver forgive myself—WalJ, luckily C*4 earn* In, aad faund bar, feist and buffering by th* telephone—h* palled Hush nr*t an* then the doetorr-qh* paver knew *ny *t us—»h*r paint wag terribly wrought up—aha aeamed, part pf thg tint*, te think thgt ah* wag vein* with yau PP that tifg «* C»ilf*ml*-»epd th*a ah* wpuu tete pboqt some b*bs*4 wpa pled whop it was avaa...
...Tk* triumph of tha pgclamts q( fh* tJTI CPPareas pt Marseilles was thus pot entirely out af harps*** with the psavteus pathertngft Th* advocacy by th* Marseilles Congress of independent political action w*p undoubtedly Isramly brought shout bp tha patten gf tha pavarpsaapt (p breaking up tha ggthoripg af the international...
...shames confessed—|tb«a wa aaw throush th* dark afar 3ma tha dawn had touotted tha h*lght...
...They favored th* peaceful snluttep of ta» dustrlal qusstlons, prsneun as* th* strifes a* unsatisfactory weapon, afgscned their emciency ef se-opavatisn ap a path leading te working elaas smsaelpatlen, and repudiated the ideals ef Socialism...
...And staunch th* blood that* trickling saws ¦ Thy dying body—from thy wound...
...T*u willed hex death...
...And welded on it* shrinking form To held—'til duet te duet la iaid...
...She didn't know very much- But hew good ah* was...
...Thia wa* th* aoeiai revolution tpey preached.'* (Tq a)* ftentinimd Nam Waak...
...prpppaal was pad* te b*U ap international aapgraaa ¦f Wfrwiagssis fa Parte...
...oa tn* Frenchman says...
...wo free awn have pp party that poiopga te u...
...But nowaday*, has*** who liv* lib* Balehad saVfut Of fashion and wa dent euagest' the peek Sfcf bit* comparative and hat deserved ebeeurity Sihat reason- '* remain* our bumble opinio* that ' grfwork of art, "Bod Hud* waa an outstanding pef' teBanc* and w* hop* that crm* has fan* ggf fqpg f stein in "Listen Moon...

Vol. 3 • September 1926 • No. 36

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