LENROOT DEFEAT WORRIES CAL Coolidge Pears Chances of His Renomination Are Becoming Slim .iwtashington.-^ Defeat of Sn' .^v ator Lenroot In the Republican _y •"''. primary In Wisconsin .'at....
...Hayden, a democrat, will probably repWce Camfwn, a Coolidge man, from Arizona, "to Berkley, a Progressive Democrat, 3^ replace Ernst, reactionary Repubfean, from Kentucky...
...for worker*' children-of New Tork City, Philadelphia and vicinity have closed after an unusually good season...
...Blaine and the LaFolJette organization is recognized : in Washington as a serious injury to President Coolidge...
...Tha funds-have been forwarded _to-th%^t^Miiwnt.- ¦ .ateeliqk^ianp cjf the severe regime tf «At<s>:^\e(r« adjected.v .' ( , Tfio...
...Five are member* of the...
...Neither was the cultural side neglected...
...Leader acknowledges the...
...may hold a mandate 4n the League at Nations, dose...
...The «hetoies of the administration will confetti the Senate after-next March...
...located one block wont $f the_ headquarters burning of the AMMricafi-Fdqatratlan at Labor, wyi cost m*,0*t> and wJH .bo completed naxt syriaa)- » . •ym^'L...
...The British Tories were especially scored for their attempt to' extend the miner's' working day from seven to eight hours and'Mussolini's decree adding an hour to the* 'workday In Italy, bringing it up te nine, was denounced- A resolution adopted unanimously urged, the Socialist parties to keep u*> the fight for the eictftheur.dgy and to try to have It apT plied -to colonial and ma ad* tad territories...
...Hgtry I'BWr, BelfevUla, N. H ?»•"*>-" * • - , - - Horace J<'WU|lams,' Niagara F«jte, N. f .m»»:oo...
...Pepper in Fonnsylvsnl...
...In this year's- Republican primaries the Coolidge Senators who have been retired by the voter* are: McXlnley in Illinois...
...contact alw»^a ifgfo he maintained between the drftfeate and" hie party...
...Accountant*' Union, the United Mine Workers of America and the International Ladies' Garment Workers...
...partlas wUl approve the Executive;* action is taken ana matter of course...
...The greatest captain la he w%s , aeaauaejLWffh ,ttu>, (gnh^iaj, and thf flfesfeet erato...
...the Coolidge organisation before the LaHollette progressives put an end to Iks tortuous political career of Len.j^pt...
...fctecUtlye Committee .'decided to eaU a, meeting...
...sion 1* also to be uaed to nfltate f or the eigbt-hour day...
...the staff In both camps were trained physicians, dieticians, camp mothers and • counsellors, expert in their various fields, all chosen Because of their acttve interest in the Labor Movement...
...In treating the- question of" the eight-hour working day, the Executive Committee praised the Belgian Socialists for h%vlng forced complete ratification of the Wafh^naton COUvehtiW through their Parliament in July and condemned the governments of Great Britain, France end Germany tor hanging back with their ratifications...
...As a result of expert guidance, life in the open with healthful and' interesting Play activities, good food and care, many children who came to the camps under weight and with - physical defects, returned stronger in body, freer in mind and more ready to understand the social life about them.' T&e gain in health was especially apparent among 'some of the children of the Passaic strikers...
...Nefctaaka leads with the two foremost froaiMslve Senators — Norris and and BowelL North Dakota will have *ra»ier,and Nye...
...They are en.•waged this' belief by hte 'rnap> 2*«tn»ent of aUapte to' the ^Tariff -eSmnussion...
...in 1M> begin to wither...
...Is awlwhe eonylneas .with the fewest «tossJs> . —Walter" gevufe Wander...
...The Sooiallat and Labor Tnternatlonal is...
...New Tork...
...B. W. Barkas, of the Philadelphia Labor College, was the director of the Philadelphia' Camp, and Joshua Lleberman of Pioneer Youth of America, was in charge of the camp at Pawtyng...
...bringing:, everyone- together In sons and story.hrar a fitting close for each day...
...Instead of taking up some concrete propositions tor reductions, of armaments by the different nation*, the League al Nations,', -body insists jipon discussing the whole range of world-wide dlsarmastent, .and' consequently gets nowhere- ¦ The accuracy of the Socialist diagnosis was confirmed, on Sept 9 by a Geneva -dispatch saying thai the various preparatory sub-commit, tees of the League would not be abie to report to the present session - of the Assembly and would 'only be'ready to report to- the full cotnmiasien next spring...
...The Senate, at least, will *e In the hands of the combination of democrats and Progressives...
...bth* camp...
...Upeoa^ran(don by Arthm*' Criapten of Crermany, the ExecWv«:CsMtetta»e mat s> message «f ohosr -to'•,4»%wsr» Khtool^ tha Rmsr yoar-isnuno, a^ eotttory ooftjfdesnent faJiarMejfc" It was direotod m,(rar* of tfce'feiamta...
...Of course, It is evident that the Zurich Secretariat will keep in close touch with the national 'organisations ^ on the ' League question and win do its .Mat to promote harmony without sacttilcing- Socialist principles...
...The Socialists ware asked to Join with the International Federation of Trad* Unions in celebrating the tw«nt?-«tftb birthday of the labor intematldual on .Sept...
...This occe...
...Henry R. Linvtlle of the American Federation of Teachers, Norman Thomas of the League for Industrial Democracy . and LeRoysS Bowman, professor to Columbia University, and an acttae member' of the New York Teachers' Union...
...From any viewpoint the situation ! was difficult enough . for...
...and Steck, a corporation DemoCwho will follow the Democratic ers...
...Iteltt>cnl Pwiiaa J»nr*ait...
...j^ntt-admlnlstration politicians ;'tn *¦ Democratic and Progressive groups' :««iak that when Coolidge has lost the of handing out federal' jobe to *t»ndpatters—through the veto the ¦mete majority holds on appointment* T**a ambition to run 'again...
...BELSKY NEW SECRETARY OF BUTCHERS' UNION Joseph Balaky, for a number of years actively associated with the Nsturallsation Aid League, has become the secretary-treasurer of th* Hebrew Sutcher*' Union, Local 284, Ansalfamatod M«*t _ Cutters and Butcher Workerf of North 'America...
...v «. T * 300 Children Troop Home From Labor Union Camps THE two' children's camps conducted by Pioneer Youth of Xmarica...
...If the majority of the French Socialists think Paul-Boncow's ^procedure at O*nova is in violation of the party's principles, they may vote to make him quit his League post" or leave the party without any interference by the Executive Committee of the International...
...t . •'• coBdWons under which any of its member...
...Minnesota will have Ship¦ jfsirt, a Farmer-Labor man...
...most practical way to bring about disarmament, to b# submitted to the' next meeting of the Executive, it vb pointed out that the methods being followed hj> the League of Nations' Preparatory Commission for the' Disarmament Conference were calculated-to delay'snther than to advance pyogreas toward world peace...
...t R49orts from Italy ;an4...
...Music, dramaties, arts and crafts, folk-dancing, nature-study, discussions and -literary readings formed a vital part of the program- The reality of -farm work fascinated a good many of the children, and the evening cam pfire...
...Hardened by life in the woods —tramping, hiking, sleeping in tents— they were ready to enjoy health-giving activities-, and athletic games of all kinds...
...Commit,tM, but the details of these oosninuhicatlons were 'not given out foti reasons apparent' to everyone iktntllar with conditions , in th^ra/ eBctaforrul*d entries...
...Republican invention in 1928 because they involve *h* loss of control of Congress in "larch, 1(27...
...Three hundred children of trade Unionists w^ro accomm«*dated...
...8. Jacoby, who has occupied the office far eleven years, restgned several week*' ago, due to tailing health.' NEW BUILDING FOR CARPENTERS IN CAPITAL ^A«HInI«TON.--Loeal 113...
...The children were encouraged to develop their creative capacities, to grow In health and- to learn to work and live together in a community...
...Pennsylvania, "were Situated on wooded hillsides...
...American Federation of 'Teachers...
...receipt o{ the following contributions for the Relief Fund of the «riti«h Miners: officers of the Workmen's Furniture Fire Insurance Society of New York...
...to* investigate regularly' the problems occupying the League of Nations and suppljtths Individual parties with' the necessary fundamental facts., A. commission is to be nkmed tor study'the question of the denrocratization ,of the League of Natfonsk and report' to the next Congxea^^gf the luternaitienat" * ¦Cynssquently...
...South Saketa will keep Norbeck and McMas#r, who waver between the Norris pd the Coolidge camps...
...shorter hours and' bettor treatment...
...Continued 'from page 1) Ohio Socialist Platform Favors Public Ownership 'DAYTON, O.—Public ownership of all natural resources in Ohio, particularly coal, is a leading plank in the platform of Joseph Sharta, Socialist candidate far governor...
...Corporation candidates named in Pennsylvania,-and Illinois will be chaltengad - as .to their right to seats in.the Senate if they are declared elected.' Coolidge Senators renominated bat' likely .to be beaten, in November are: Williams in Missouri, Harreld In Oklahoma, Ernst in Kentucky, Oddie in Nevada, Cameron in Arizona and Butler in Massachusetts...
...Drew of the International Printing Pressmen's Union, George Creeoh of the United Textile Workers of America,' A. J. Muste of Brookwood Labor College, Dr...
...tits ¦audi ot"G«v...
...Other unions represented on the staff •ire the Actors' Equity Association, the Bookkeeper?, Stenographers and...
...e^*son.' «*mrnt praridsjnt of;th* earpentoi-a, and yreatdrwt Green 4a* Bec*wy' Merrison ef the ."^¦rw^ayey wssawe>> *w*ovwe>ve^BsS~ waaa^ev^sw* * PORTERS' REFERENDUM IS NEAR COMPLETION A. Philip Randolph, general organiser of the Brotherhood of v Bleeping Car Porters, baa Issued the fallowing .statement: ' V ' ' ' "One month after, the Institution of a nation-wide referendum among PnUman -porters and .maids, by the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, we are In a position' definitely » state that most of the 'I2,«dv porters and maid* have stgnffitd" their dwlre to have the Brotherboed rspresent them dn thHx'jMmA*'tng-m...
...Lsok at the Senatorial map...
...and he will begin to dls?nrage the hopes of mep like Lenjot to secure lame-duck appointments * the federal bench,' for it had been •naamed since <*bls Wisconsin battle ]j*rted that Coolidge would give Len"*ot the chance to take a lifelong rejj"*1 from the federal bench on the Boor organizations that have helped ** defeat him on his record...
...We expect that within the next throe weeks every man and woman Jn the service win haver voted, after wfaieb the Brothertiood will institute: action calculated to' bring to a- head the now year-old fight of jho porters' and maid* for relief from the deplprable condlUone under which they bar* boon working...
...Norris will be chalr. 4*n of the powerful Judiciary Com^tee of the Senate, beginning this %v*mber...
...These inroads upon, the regular Q. w. P. organization headed by Senator tatler of Massachusetts will, have a ?•finite effect upon the...
...StanHeld in Oregon, Cummins hi Iowa, and Lenrpot In Wisconsin...
...The brooks, ¦ the woods, the farm, offered-'the children'innumerable opportunities- for clod*'contact with nature...
...The Zurich meeting was . attended by, members of the Executive Committee from twenty parties in nearly every European country...
...ohe ^rpawuj* NW Tork, and the other .at Media...
...Among' too ¦ thsuesnae who- have already ballotted are some who, while not yet members of th* Brotherhood.are, nevertheless, in OSmphtte ssjreemeat with Its abas and dessaada, an shown by the replies thjey make to thai questions asked In U»e ref erendnnv Be* turns ace stiff coming h) from all section* at the country...
...Huingary were'mady to the Executive...
...The chairman of the National Camp Committee was Fannla M. Cohn of the International Ladles' Garment Workers' Union, and among the other members are Frank Burch, secretary of the Central Labor Union of Philadelphia...
...United Brotharhood of <Strnqntars and, Jelnees, laid.the cornerstone of its now" eightstory bunding in the capital on Sept 1L The strnetajre...
...Eighteen were: children of textile and garpent strikers', who were taken care of without charge...
...Wisconsin will have two—LaFollette, Jr., and Blaine, •saw will have Brookhart,'a Progres•h...
...if elected governor," *jw «*y*, n woujd urga in- the a^psence of such action.by the federal-severmment that the statai take over our eesj-s^ossas uader l»m jtght oL aartb«t MmrnhLPJe^sejw^, ^'<p • ¦* 'all* * 7^* ^^^*"^^g^^ INTERNATIONAL ACTS ON LEAGUE (Continued^ from page 1) It draws attentten to its former resolutions »rid acltnowledged the service that the Sectaliats representing their countries in .Geneva enrfe h#»n'ablf to do for -the - drawing together of' \Hi nations according to the prihclpl**£of the Internatlonal...
...Now it is hopeless...
...In '% jreiMutibn adopted by thW'suboommlttee of the' Executive Coirorjittop workinff on a report on the...
...The next Congress "of thh Socialist and Labor International win be held In London in 1928, instead of 1927, a* the ExeeUttve Committee accepted a suggestion to that effect by the British Labor Party, which feared that the effects of the miners* strike would be still so much in evidence next year as to make It difficult for the British Socialists to welcome the Congress in the way they wish to.;, That the affiliated national SoclaUst...
...representatives of th* ^orrtnlaed" movement of ' proietarlaji'women in Brussels in December to coaaWcr a draft' for the permanent organix^tlan of an International ^Sn> clalift' jypmen's Committee...
...They not only block the plans of Cool*»* as to legislation, but they win Invent his misuse of the power of apWntlng federal officials—unless the **acUonary Democrats - make a deal Wh Coolidge as to a division of the of...
...B)ptaehP4^w-a,' reeemtly rypentaf to bw New Leader Forwards $51 Sent In to Assist British Mine Strikers *Che New...
Vol. 3 • September 1926 • No. 36