The Stalin Speech; Is It True or False? SJOttcHY reporting of the as**, amounting in many cages to out and out lying, has been an evil widely prevalent in (he American prea*. Whenever...

...Publicly declared that violating prohibition lew* constitute* no moral offense because peoptado not believe to them...
...The** two organisation* have o*m* to th* understanding that th*y must work to- ' gather aad fight together in order to bring about the*unionisation ot the**" toduetrtoa...
...With ito...
...Stain Asked to Affirm Or Deny Zinoviev Attack ' '-Oetarrfilrted to' obtain the feet* eeneernlfig press report* of the retBsrka made by Stalin, Soviet leseVt at tbameetlno of the SuasfaVi 'Cominunlet executive, tfr wMeb: Ifnoviev wae reported -to have been vigorously denounced, TMS NEW LEADER has cent the following coble to Stallm "Stalin, Moaecwt Please affirm or deny authenticity of eevere orlticism.o* Zinoviev attributed a* yeu in American press report* of the proooodinss of the- Rueeiau Communist Party Central Cemmittea, tht NSW LtAOER...
...Those three were among the I ppointee* hacked hy Berry M. fiaughi rty, now on trial for bribe-taking 1 bile In charge of the Department of . ustiee...
...Evidence on file in Department of Justice shows thousands of dollars tribute levied monthly on prostitutes by underlings fop protection...
...As Mlas gender U an ardent advocate of International peace add °a» active worker to the movements to turope towards the abolition of war, her address will be appreciated by au Socialists and ioverS Of international OonOord, August daemons 'will deliver • ebdrt addreee of -i/eleome and Sol fieutscn, a well-known violinist and accomplished artist, has graciauily volunteered to render a few selections...
...Of Mr...
...Will *!Th* Daily Worker" get from Stalin hi* own . statement that the word* eacrtbed to him are not his but the falsification of another...
...t Charges Are Admitted iTne charge* that were admitted or lly proven before the Senate judiciary committee, and which led former Attorney General Stone to order a clean-up and .to declare that these men should never be reappointed were, pays Manly r , "1...
...Ritchie keeps as personal secretary the wife of a convicted dope peddler, herself the object of serious charge* in the hearings, and appointed as District Attorney the men involved With bar in notorious scandal...
...and her topic is "The united States of Europe...
...Tbep h«v« kbSk MS aektay to* eoea hp kaavee and toou...
...vettog against a motion to grant tbem toe • door for dleceoolou, atisk lender answered Questions and aigusseate from thasvudieawe tot about one hour and received an ovation when ahe conclude* Morris Hiiicuit'delivered e>'Met address of welcome to bis characteristic veto, and Bruno Wagnsr, as oaairmaa...
...Mail those question* to the editors of "The Daily Worker...
...Por tod impatient taty we otter the** facte concerning Mr...
...There it t/oed reason tor believing die Stalin story true...
...abiy guided the' meeting through to* tsottbleabttg fbriods...
...Preeidetit Oodfldg* at Been imbUe^' challenged by tne aopm's Legislative Servio...
...Mot ttor became*, "tit* Ptow Leader" •TM ess ot the huattfcd* *t tabor tM nob-labor paper* which published Stautu* namarka, are wAiateresred m Betting the facta about It The worker* aeed to* truth about aVeem...
...Morris Noviek, former secretary ot the Y. P. S. X,., win act a* chairman...
...Recently it announced an end to Its policy ot vile abuse of all and sundry who ventured political vlewb other than those ordarned by the pristine pure revolutionists of the Third International, frankly avowing its mistake, the Dally Worker, in its issue 6t Juns It, said: "The heat of our utterances concerntot the iniquitous practices of the labor officialdom has increased until our general approach and criticism can be described as a sort ot venomous futility...
...t igSMHIestl...
...Th* changes ia Hvtog and working conditions through various period* of history and their *ft*ot on men and women aa worker* and aa huaaea beings...
...Ritchie, convicted of criminal libel to Utah, fled to «ee*p* payment of a fine and prosecution for perjury, lie ie still a fugitive front Justice in the Utah courts...
...btta white and Mel SuMn's addreat was printad to toe stOAtot f*sgf* to Amertob (to which Leas tiMUSj la • »toatt amd vetoed contributer...
...A front pag* headUne announces: "Repotted Speech by Joseph Stalin Repudiating World Revolution^* Branded Mendaaieu* PahMhood...
...Information ffcm Third division shows conditions tier...
...Reed and Shoup use their positions to protect sajmon trust corpora* uona and destroy independent fishermen.'' President Cootidge heard this whole indictment a year ago from outraged citlaen* of Alaska...
...Until then all porton* int*rtated in to* .truth have th* right to take tot* epeech, which ha* gone to* round* of to* world without a word ot protest from it* author, at it* face value...* enforcement broken down...
...Tony sender1 will spOak tkla SAiurday evening, September Hth...
...Mtanet and prMletV* wstatr-gSAct-C»aB> dAOy.BMA Th* court* to -Aocnomica wiq be « practical on*, beginning wt* to* etody of bdw men and women Cam their living, th* pvobMtn* they meet to me daily •trusjgto and aom* pi*P***d aoJutionb tor these problems... 'Alaska Federal Jodaw BJUhie of the Bird and federal Judg* Reed *ad Dm-' rtct, Attorney toiottp of the Ptrst di• tsion of that' territory, who were i nanlmoualy rejected tor reappolntlenf last spring by the Senate JuIclary committee...
...d tew weeks ASA, ovary man working to to*** snaps hat new a union betk, aad prepare, tien* are being mad* by th* newly elected eJhocr* aad toe executive beard ot to* union tp pros tot their demands toyttt rnaniitaoturora...
...t He alto stated thgt toe hat bwek* aad d"u juakaf* bar* already farmed a 100 percent organisation under toe auspice* At to* Italian Chamber of t*W bor...
...uader l^*toto!M*hS,, at jllm* W*dn*»dap^sfa»itog*;^tt^ itoft tottitriiftiiii i PtortPflpciai totport, under SH*n aliaasw...
...Witness the result: John Pepper announces Joseph Stalin's speech is a "falaiflcdticn.'* • ••Who ie John Pepper...
...Me wae replaced by a "Professor Crutev," to' whom w* at* aot at this ume interacted, it ie tola balanced surveyor of world politics and authority an proletarian procedure that "The Dally Worker" trots out to kill toe Stalto atery...
...Morrison eaumatas that about |1M,« Odd ha* bdlh t*nt to to* Srttitt striksr* from ak trade'tmtea tffltt tt Amertaa... might be expected of a paper to whom truth dawned only aa an attar thought, oniy to be discarded again, the Daily Worker M finding its new path beset with targe-sised stumbling blocks...
...Th* Italian Chamber ot Labor wto hold U* annual convention at toe People'e Mouse...
...Ritchie denounced the grand jury for indictment of fish trust corporation* for flagrant violations of fishing laws and Imposed nominal fines when convicted...
...Tet it i* on the right roads an should lend a helping hand tevttto dew-born child ot light U toe Daily,Werker woujd escape toe enormous danger of infant mortality, it should avoid, if possible, sueb palpable hoaxes, aa it attempte to palm Oft on its readers in its issue Ot September 11, now before ns...
...tSw> pro**m*Ad a grsphta ddbuidtlsa of the tribulation* af taeasvaeTmst Republic tad tM atatna ot the Seelaliae and Labor movements under the Saw government Her agarose > was punctured by con...
...People have lest respect for courts...
...ponowtog one ot the lightning changes to policy with which our Commuaiate have startled their follower*, Mr...
...BRITISH RELIEF FUND REACHES OVER $25,000 WASM1M.OTOM.—More QUA HO.ooe ot trad* uaiosMtr coatriButioa* to to* British miner** atria* relief fund bare beta forwarded to London by Sect story Morrison of the America* Pederattea of Labor...
...In a telegram addressed to Coolldge, laetl M. Manly, director of the Serv10, recall* the fact that Coolldge hlmi ilf mi compelled by tne ahewing of let* men's unfltnees to withdraw leir name* more than three months so...
...Such papers have usually drowned to their own sea of lies...
...TM» address, as may* be suspected, tt the ob» ascribed- to toe present Btader of tho...
...We can bear that aucetion on the Hp* at all of our readers...
...Th* Ualtdd Mine Workers and certain other orgeats* finds and toe Women's Committee have sCAt their remittance* direct to ktoglaad...
...Pepper" found himself on hi* way back to Russia...
...T V-' ~¦'•»"-"*'¦ ~ , Th* 0*js**» cti**d thto wtat** ATAc 'SuensmftA nbddr Dr...
...The itAiiaa pastry and lee cream vtork*r* are also trying to bring about untta .oofldttlota to the industry and to establisb toe union label ea all Italian pastry aad toe fddboa* Italian spurn *A1...
...Miss StSasrt Umtm was dsHverwJ in awinsn atol •kd'Apok* eipAuoutfr am at length *A tWOcrmaa *sb***ms and PeHUoU Ntntttra before, durtog sod atfta* to* war...
...It he with Stalin...
...It "John Pepper4 neutral in tola conflict that he can be taken aa an arbiter on toe falsity or truth at what pastes between Sinoviev and Stelto...
...American Communist* anbrtoeir organ neve labored a month to break down the autheaticitjr of the reported Stalin epeech...
...Situation serious... tM Borough Park Labor Lyceum on September seth, and at vaasar Collet*, Poughkeepsie, N. T„ on Seutamber 17th...
...Judge Reed admitted Judicial tyranny in sentencing men to jail tor contempt when there was a* foundation in law or fact for such sentence...
...MORE LECTURES LATER wrttor to the...
...Reed and Shcup participated in unlawful conspisacjsfo defraud United States government by payment ot fraudulent witness*fees...
...sgtthj sen*, to b* givdo at frit ea MAnstay *v«kpmal Itetary...
...i Ritchie's conduct on and oft the bench lends encouragement to lawless and criminal element...
...premment labor leaders win addreat tola gathering...
...usual breath-taking speed the Sally Worker has within a short tour months turned a complete jrevohitlon—to theory...
...In the heat of factional bickertogs it has often been true that seme publications laying claim to to* workers' point of view have travelled far arneld from this principle...
...Whenever advanced groups of workers have banded together to publish their own papers, they have aiWayi made accuracy,a cardinal principle...
...John Pepper" i* an assumed name tor a repreeentative of toe Third International who departed these shores about a year or to ago- Mis function here was to guard toe American Communist movement along the Moscow read...
...Shoup permits red light districts to operate openly in Ketehikan and Juneau in violation of Abatement law and to spile of repeated protests from ministers, women's organisation* and respectable cltltcna generally...
...further meetings to be addressed by Mies sender in New fork City and vicinity are Aockaway Porum, ReCua...
...Theadsliows •-reproduction of the Stalin speech...
...working kmc hours anfl receiving poor wage*.' Tfc* f toltaS Chamber of Leber has taken A keen Mtdreet' to to*** men...
...The past *xp*rt» eaoe ot the** worker* has ooun**ied them to Work together, although ASHU ated under two different international*, because ot to* tact that A piano maker la also a cabinet mAker a* wao...
...Me told newspaper correspondents that it was probably a ease of political Jealousy by men who failed to get jobs, h* ignored the evidence and the recommendations 'of all kfflciais, including the senate judiciary committee, until forced to withdraw the reappointments...
...but th«y failed lia their attempt to dienipt thai meettog.' TbO'aodleao* axpressed ito dtoapfrWl of the tetefrttpttonS by...
...There are between t.oco aad •.tee ot these workera, nearly au Italtan...
...eoant totOirustMCvi by a *m*B group ex tbd dJe«rderir.okun*nt to- the vail* ox* German Communist organuations...
...others have seen the ominous handwriting of past experiences and attempted tO steer a truer course...
...Another word on- "Pepper... the Brownsville Labor Lyceum on Sept Hth...
...There it a better way to ascertain toe truth of the speech ascribed to Stalto...
...eix^.-ss The...
...Jailed Innocent Men "s...
...iHftjgj ii mm **m pathmsrs at the Leber TeabwW m Mew Tork hut radar scrtatag...
...Th* oeurss in social history will include to* study, enalyei* and interpretAUOa ot United statee history, with special smpnaAi* on toe development ot toe Labor movement Registration tor classes should bi mad* at 147 Zatgtogtoa avenue on October «. t. A and t between t:tA aad •:MbsTku...
...WOMENS UNION LEAGUE OFFERS POUR COURSES FOR FEMALE WORKERS ddff fe*asbsbaa*'<*bv*bv*m-dmB*madav tva...
...Under Reed and Shoup administration of narcotic laws have degenerated into farce, minimum fines being assessed in the few cases where convictions are obtained...
...What authority does he have to speak tor StaiinT Why does not Stalin apeak tor himself...
...ITALIANS IN N. Y. UNIONIZING Spaghetti and Pastry Workers Among the Classes to Be Organ ized T^ii*?<a5,fliT>!ir mi Y*" ^ i b arsa* man, i mm i 1 t»,bw isiuan -prgaw**** worwrtv'' aSiilated tbcwugk lAelr fespeetl»s* unions with to* jkmlrin*n reAeratieex^ •E Labor, htsr lathnkM *H twexm"•Aeto^'l^'ajtd werksrs'sg/ <Mn«^C^to^^k*Xuktdo Prisma^ ttatodatdb*-sMasfmbPMH *t toe cha*l b«r thijt beead** 'tod Subway ConX beseTeSax^ed^taA^latcw bt lAber raoeatiy, fjto pease teak*™, to* cabinet maker* of toe furniture bW dkbfry aad to* s^«atAtm*B et th* d*4 partmaAt aad resail stsree art ceeW ducting an extonalv* ergsmmtikal campaign to brtog about a romakWA unionlAAtion ot to*** todustri...
...Th«jMt«itatuej «i toeee papers.ruAS torn,to* mxtUOAs- Mundrede at labor gmjMft bare tad abredsl have prated tkaeMMli Bli wkdr hsA StakA reptatoOd aaeejt...
...Mo Other proof is valid, and if the report 1* * forgery, Stalin certainly will not hesitate to denounce it Should "The Daily Worker" Obtain tuch a denial, we will offer them our thanks and print the denial in At conspicuous a position as we printed to* speech...
...way Park, on Tuesday, September ii*t...
...H«V vWcbie-lalled to iet to*afew* Anspsakeitie conditional Sainton eannertes resulting from importation ot Asiatic labor, denounced by Veldes grand Jury sitting in bis court as follows: Use of diseased and syphilitic labor to salmon packing: open narcotic peddling, unnatural vie* end lack of proper medical and sanitary inspection...
...Thga lead* ss ts ete> presoeal fat ^ ~ ' * ™w...
...Or it he with itoonev...
...Seme months ago Tenieky ww reported to Impreeor, official 4rd International Journai aa «a»Hi*o> a4«m»«> etatotnCAte against too JSinCvldv policy, tt Tomsky, why net Stalto...
...A move to being made to orgeat** th* spaghetti and macaroni worker* to area tar M*w York...
...COOLIDGE KEEPS CORRUPT MEN IN OFFICE Judges in Alaska, Refused Appointment by Senate, Hold Office Still by laurence Todd WASHINGTON.-^**?**** ft* hat retained in oftto... I: to ^TSStod^eTlSttood 4t kaAiar wm He used tola wtater With to* aim of helping toe wameA Who take the eeurts* m.Aad aktwar* td %atttianl •f eeonomios, history...* piano maker* aad the fumiturA work*r*uwAO were oac* orgaaiaed, ar* aiao engaged in a big organisation drive under th* auapi*** ot the Italian Chamber ot-Labor...
...M* will make a detailed report ot to* fund to (A* oenvuetiea, which open* October 4 in Detroit, Meanwhile the turns ptadged rtosatty in various r*gioat vidltsd by meakdf* of tat British miners' delegation eta* tin** to reach hi* ottoe...
...It is tanttmonnt to s , c imfsgalim responaiWorfctog class history, the spUtttog up ot tod world's worSeri at a time' wbbff unity we* a matter ot life...
...A telegram from P. P. OOrflore, R»] ubllean committeeman of the Pirtt i laska diviston, quoted by Manly, Sayas •Renditions growing steadily worse on Jcount Reed, Ritchie, Shoup kept in fie* after their rejection...
...Thit la Only a small industry, probably one of the dmatteet to th* city, comprising only six shops, employing between 111 and 1M mensihee toe flrat toeettog...
...Pepper," Benjamin Stoiberg, a aen-seeiallat writer on the labor movement, said: "Hie capacity tor misinterpretation takes your breath away...
...She wilt epeak to Bnglisb...
...7 Bast'llth street ea Saturday* Sunday and Monday, November •th, 7th and tth, iim...
...In fact it still follows a policy "of venomous futility" and assumes to read lectures on journalistic honesty to papers less favored at the weu ot purity dammed up and ladled out by the Communist protectors ot those bourgeois virtues— democracy and truth...
...Soviet Republican reported, ptooasaiags oi j the...
...Mot even the Communist* have attempted to deny that the Russian Communist Party and the Third International is to the midst «t factional fighting...
...Sinoviev ia lined up against Stalin...
...Tet he baa kept them in office ] i the face of general protest in . jaska...
...Of this there u abundant proof to •very Communist journal, including toe American...
...a current example of such belated love for honest reporting may be .observed in The Daily Worker, *he Chicago Communist dally...
...CanteeU Committee of toe Ruaatoa CbQMnoAtst tarty, tt hag literally eat toe world Communist movement en its ears, deutranclng, as It does, Zlnovtev's poUep Ot alienating the world Socialist and labor movement from Russia as 'Idiotic.'* There fa> no surprise to be OUbaaloned if the Communlgte go 10 any and an lengths to'pasha 0m report ot fhim speech false... the Rand School, 7 East 15th street, to the Debs Auditorium, at s:30 p. m., under the auspices ot the Toung People's ioclaiiet League...
...PfMls|*Jl V saw 'dMeMtMA ¦>«-}-l...

Vol. 3 • September 1926 • No. 36

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