THE SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK National Lhrtoi'dtat** h*¥* tofuU. sdrtlnattflnd tor ti* toll *ato|AMgjB, Xsksneto aid batag ordsttod-ntor*. togldly gad sa-**y> thtog agtoto tg * oosttSnAl...

...dFood* ef a Stay entitled ~Oad IncartAto," frgtothe Sertosh At MlTlhtg BsgoTto...
...Oct 1, Lyan, WAtoaa'A Prefjresslv* Le*gu...
...The Wisconsin nrgsnirs... attend And...
...Sept II..., th* Boston Ctammon...
...Idaho Doris Morris...
...Jooeph BeerfaAlter...
...The sttte tedreUf] eahnet mak* up the tour Until lie A*an h-dm your loeAl or branch...
...Berlin,' T. P. 8. Tu...
...Writ* DAfllfilrtOb Hoop**, IS flwAde etreet Norrlstown...
...spssxers, BthAbwd Brown, Julius Green..., thus insuring th* nomination of ail candidate* designated hy petition and for*' ¦tailing schemes of old-party politician* tn hav* Republic*** or Democrat* sneaked in on tb* socialist ticket Socialist Party members must vote at the primary, contest or no contest or elee submit to having their nominations stolen...
...Meat week** American Appeal will give An account of data* for Miss Tony Sender of Germany...
...of ?otAt*^.WAiterDAvl...
...The meeting* wffl mart At t p. m. sharp...
...Tim Murphy, S. St*tnborgez...
...NAtSAnal OrtuhMuvl* new working to lonho...
...Ths Wrimatiaa -v-, - StAt* Secretary Merrill has Mat out A general tetter to locals and county chairmen urging party member* to vote in the primary, Sept...
...and *. Pittefleld...
...James Morgan for Literature Agent...
...II, Hattferdi AMpt 14 ana 15, SpringsAId...
...Two-page i«gaet* 1* cents par hundred...
...Speaker*,- -Sr.- Leon JA, Land, L Corn...
...IT and it, 'Nerthampten...
...bean working in -ths Capitol dtttrtct sine* Aug...
...He held meeting* in South Boston, CAmnrtAge, Chelsea...
...SAptrrr, Broo> tea, Mothers* Laafue...
...Write John G. Willert, J14 Bast Superior aveaue, Cleveland.^ Wisconsin Wisconsin Socialists are making thing* hum ah over the etate, and when'the vote* are counted in November there will be A big surprise for tome people The party nomine** tor Governor and United State* Senate ar* •peaking every day in Cities to large and appreciative crowds...
...Watch Ths New Leader for further announcement...
...He wih conclude dt Plttsnetd on th* 14th...
...Pt- J...
...He urged Socialist Party members And all reAder* of th* American Appeal and Th* New Ladder to write him it they will take part in th* sttt* convention ahd also Assist in th* campaign after the convention ta held...
...Bsthsr FriedmAir* Meeting* Bather Friedman'* date* are: dept...
...Ad pert at this general campaign h* North Philadelphia Branch wm icJd open house at Uedertafel BAH, fi*7 North,Slith street, op Thursday, lege It...
...Baturdny, Sept...
...pleas* do s* .imaudlAtelv to that Bio books May be cloned on that account Don't forget Circle 7's affair at Webater Malt on Aug...
...It, Hetrok...
...On Saturday...
...Martin Plunkett wga nominated for State Secretary...
...Leon R. Land will be chairman...
...They arewotting much publicity in the newspapers and,Sinclair is providing matter tor publication...
...Stat* Executive , committeemen . At Large: Walter E. Devi*, Jceeph L. DA Schooa and Joggph.Psd...
...Kit Washington Blvd...
...whtoh wiU tokA pJ*e* th* firnt Monday to October...
...What is Soctollsmr* four peg...
...Mendny, Sept l»,iMrd St aad Prospect Ave...
...Connect with th* •tote office at once if you" have not already done aa...
...Th* local made plana, ta raise funds tor the coming Stat* and Congr**st*nal *l*etton...
...Th* J*wt*h VerbAnd hitd a successful convention At Worcester An XAbOr bay...
...7th St and Ave...
...Town School Committee, Florence Davis, Th* local atoo mad* nominations for Stat* oddosr* of the Party...
...Crowd* are large and tner* to much prsiss of nor gpsAking sbilttyi' Wherever th* speaker is listed to *p**Jt.w* urge the Appeal and New Leader readtrs to hear her...
...On* n*w member was aoc*pt*d at the meeting, and two members of the New London Local are expected to transfer into Local Hamden...
...Sept,, it Worcester... be charged...
...chairman, a, SoaU...
...Comrade Coleman, State Secretary, fa up to hi* eyes in work, but never loses that grin...
...Sept 18...
...Oot 4, -Chelsea, where Miss Priedmaa'A tfto ends...
...mtolffl» Aimrsdtoto and trHstut* ot tn* tots tsssgtad sad kefeved "ComrAds Joaepk a. Wbllsbsrm Are htosby lnfarm*d that oa aumt U. At a'plm* a* to* Workmen's Carol* Ptot,-Mo*tot CartoAl <*n*aatory...
...coming campaign...
...New England Pat Qulnlan'a Meetings During the past two weeks Pit Oulnlan has been holding meetings in ahd around Boston which have been very successful And have Aad an AttefldAnee encouragingly large...
...Why Don't Ton Organiser* two pagsai "A Big Undertaking," two pages...
...Take notice, . comrades, and writs BurdtodtL 1 *f » 4. -- - sr...
...Broadway and Monroe St Spagkara, Ethelred Brown, Samuel H. Friedman...
...Tennessee State Secretary Braun drops into National Headquarters, buys a bunch of sub card* to the American Appeal and Informs us that they are planning to rebuild the party for the coming big campaigns...
...Philadelphia PhJIgddlfhi* Socialists are conducing an intensive organisation campaign building Up the party memberihip and securing readers for the Sonsllst Stags...
...sept, it, ittth in...
...chairman, 1. ostrowsky...
...New York City Centr*) Committee The Central Comrhlttee of Local New Ysrk City held a tolriy wen-Attended meeting on Wednesday, sept l. The Executive Committee report* were read shewing that •ignteen now member* were admitted into the party during August...
...Utorstaf* t - AB tsdisrg of tha pgper stoerrged to let eeptto ot the Atat* *iAtrerm and »tt*riqsaAg fyamjhe Stote Gqanpoign tt*to^*AVnpMv.*tt nsTstoAt gtoggA, SbBttS...
...Town.Plan' Commltolou, Krnsat CastigUonl...
...Pennaylvania John w. mgyton, on* ot'tn* bes •Ampgighef* in th* Socialist Party sm the nominee for Governor, Will t6ur thl state...
...New York State M*rm*n'» Werk Organiser Emfl Harman has...
...A feature of Albany meeting* has been th* disposition to buy Socialist books, Herman "selling out" at the meetings held there...
...SIAyton need* no introduetlot to Socialists...
...Secretary I. M. Chatcuff ot Local Kings is taking hi* "vacAtiofi" by Speaking tor the party along the Hndton and in the Capitol district Hie schedule Includes Poughkeepsie... the circle succeed...
...Jama* P. a>*fdbU'Baoaad tTM)l**tnton, 8W«n <3t-j tosog;''i^Aprtor, oJohn, Undquist...
...The flnst dance and entertainment of th* sSAAon will be held by the CentralBranch on Saturday evening, Sept M, at th* Headquarters, 11«7 Boston Road...
...Dorehester sad Tfemont street, near the Common...
...JAoard of Belief, Cornelius M*bon*y...
...Indiana The Indiana State Office writes that they have sent out petitions with names of state candidates of the Party asking that Socialists get signatures right away so the ticket can be filed in good time...
...sept AO, Tremont and tatopto Atreeto, Boston...
...Bveryone should support this work and get the T. P. 8. fl «r•anixed all over the state, for w* need reutlg life Mood in the work...
...Ptvd.aMgg mirltbgs WKa coauadA (Any *M«M*r df i0OMaaVtjm^^»M ^*Ma>-*3f*x^Bm^^ AAA, P^oVto* Mtom...
...haa very iiUeregttag: progtamA Ait Tipseia And Pleads are w*ioom*.i " -u.—' Voha Van Drutcn, author of **Toung WocdMy," hAs mad* an adaptation for A. to...
...SociAltttA Who hAve net Mnt llAti st registered Soeiaiisu in their counties should do AO at once...
...Colorado C. A. BushneU, stats secretary...
...Oct *, BoAten Cosamon...
...The four pUjuriphlets on Waterpowar, Prohibition, Housing and the general political situation, authorised by ths State Executive Commute*, Are in proc*** of preparation, and the State Office will Accept Advanc* orders from local* tor copies of ta* aam...
...Herman** report for the month ot August •how* total collection* ot fMi.Tt, and expense* and eaiary ot Itl7.ll...
...Don't wall mother day...
...A Forum is being orgAnbied by thl* branch and an Interesting list of l*oturer* and' *ubject* ta promiaed for the toll and winter season...
...Speakers, Bttolrod Brown, Isidore Polsteln...
...19, Front and Church eta****, Word** tar...
...William Coleman, State Secretary of Wisconsin, writes that their state nominees are holding fine meetings Aver the state and are confident ot electing two Congressmen and Increasing their representation in the Stats, L*x>l*t,ur...
...Com* one And ah...
...Louis Q. Kraal...
...yerk*Auditotogto starting tatgste'Bt the Ath *r*d (th Oongraastonal dkdrlctA, atoo tog to* to *ng lAth SwttotarlM dtottdata...
...tie* to on Abe upward grade and they ar* aura when the veto* are counted the result* will enthuse the Socialists in other states...
...Tuoul* Tavner...
...Bpeekera, Ethelred Brown, v.C Casnar...
...Watkln* St and New Lets Ave, Speakers, Hyman Nemssr, Joe Tuvhn...
...E. Brown, V. C. Gaapar...
...oot I, rtojrehestsr...
...Tuesday, Sept 14, Grand and Norfolk Sto...
...Why a^ocialists Pay Dues," four pag«*;: "A...
...Ueafteta Pgr Dhrtrihwtlerv •tat* sdjtoto and laeal nrseAieattona should get then- order* in tor the feil*wtng leafleu right away: "Th* Meet rrogueat Objssttoa* to Snoisllsm Aa•wared...
...Posters are up all over the state, which give the essence of the Party platform...
...It, Worcester City Hani Sept...
...Sept...* party and subscribe, to the campaign fund...
...tour pages...
...ert mialdVtoe'St A spmgfT steneAUsl 4MB breug^*y*r *n tM t*r*h...
...August Cls****** was elected as executive secretory, ¦ New Branches A letter will be aent to every one ot the 11,00* enrolled socialist votor* la New Tork City, calling their attention so the necessity of voting tn the primaries eft Sept let And .urging them to read) The1 N*w Astoasr, joto...
...marnu 10»-Cltot*n sad Snst BroaOway...
...South Boston, at Broadway and F, street...
...Mia* Sander will •peak on "Th* Socialist snd Labor Movements of Germany...
...ootoplote tJoist- od Socialist Party candidates waa filed with the Board of Election...
...There will be a. special prorfax* gt vOCAi and inetrumehtal piuAlA .fitohtosgU and dancing- aT4Mtr*t ha .en»«n*> the IaUI iiaaSAsil WiB Illinois ls#gilge.san *SsH *x^sna«M> ~>*lBfigkV^ taal I llfi n WHUbsVsw «wp> nmmnp^PB- amWCKWB^tT, sAtdtosnTl^ ward stride a«A nrdstoMu .sh* gtottog toto sction Jh«gjTM- *fdA^>Stoto taeto has b**h iittto sjpar^^^^gxttoto...
...The lecturers so far engaged ar* McAllAter Coleman, Darwin 1. Meserolo, Jmab Wallace Hughan...
...Reader* of the American Appeal and Th* New Leader In that etate should de everything within their power to make California voters sit up and take notice...
...Organisation work should b* pushed by every Socialist in Ohio... I:Id p. m. in the hall Of the...
...Terms' di* »lS flat Branches desiring more thin one fneetihd should Apply for special rAtei whieh wilt depend upon the number o AppiiCAtlont toeeived...
...Harry W. LAIdler and S. J. Schneider...
...Att hreadway and Essex street...* hegdgtong oenr'the grsjv* win be tat** vaUeg...
...JCan Juraeck for Stat* Organiser...
...September 11, QuinUn will sneak la HAverhitl...
...and St...
...PHkto Ave and Bristol St 'Speakers, Efhelred Brown, Joe Twin...
...St la order to cover expanses the email sum of SAc...
...Texas Texas will hav* a full State ticket in the field for tt* fall election, and •toe* there is .such a dissatisfaction with the old parties, if look* a* though we will have a bid vet* for our pArty...^ie urfll h* changed to •^vfBto^yr/ pamto th*>tonch ryrM tr*ge*h**ae, arMred Tussday night on tt* Pari* td^lUl ad eruragement nadir tan djfcfc...
...Ohio John G. wniert ia working ilk* a Trojan to get ail the signed petitions la so they can b* filed...
...Otter interesting reports showed that th* T. P. S. U fi*W*r sale tor the relief at the British, - miner* netted aver tfOd and that two new branch** to ths Negro And Italian •ectioo* of alarlem w*re *rg*ala*d, R waa reported that About l,*t* *nyetidd Soetol1st voters were being put on The New Leader Its* tor a thro* menik'* subscription *e thg sigligilng ot A edatseigu to make all tt* ty*** enrolled rtootsltot votor* to uWedter New- Tork City ssssWrtttrs- and r**d*r* At the toper...
...Chicago, Illinois...
...togldly gad sa-**y> thtog agtoto tg * oosttSnAl toif**** ¦U /done the line...
...Many ot these Are places Where the SeclAiiAts h*ve been unable to hold meetings for several teats...
...He haa spoken at open-air meeting* at Albany And Schenectady With good suoces...
...ti.ti per thousand, and .in toto ot nv* ttousaad Or more, $1 pgr thouaaad...
...Sept It, Dorchester, at Woodrow *bd BlueBtn avenues...
...Sleepy LooelJ that haven't arranged to hoar hsr will be sorry when it's all over, for this speaker Is On* of the real big women ot the world, she starts bar national tour at Buffalo on tho first of October...
...It is recalled that one of the Arsemblymen who was most bitter against Socialist* under the sweet regime, And who introduced several duster resolutions, was not beyond stealing the socialist nomination In Columbia County...
...r. .All sty...
...u. ttth St and tod...
...Cohoe*, Glen* Pall*, Albany And Schenectady..., North Adam...
...on the lith At •ftringdeld...
...L Polsteln, David Kaaeon, Charles Bergen and Fred Citron wer* chosen to aupervia* th* work of prspasnxtds^hsB snd street .sssstinga, eta, Taay Sender M**tlng Mis* Tony Bandar, member of the German .Reichstag aad prominent Socialist trade union leader and crater, will speak under the auspices of the Bronx County Committee on Wednesday evening...
...California The Socialist Party, with Upton Sinclair as the candidate for Governor, Is getting its campaign under way...
...M, lffrd and- Lenox Ave...
...State Auditors: Morris Bice, Joseph Pr**dmgn aad Charles O'Ccnn...
...sub-committees on Organisation, Literature, Propaganda and CanipAlgh...
...are *gh*g te astti* up...
...Circle 2, hunter* Daring the summer Cliele I aVat jointly with circle A st 1AM Ltoesto plsceV Beginning With ATtourgey, gesrt li, W* Wfll ntodt at th* BrownsvlU* Lgbor-Lyceum... WaAhtogton gad MArk**PStr**t...
...Stats Bxeoutlve Committee, Third District...
...Within the next week or wo a catopeign ot street mattings sOl be Munched in every section At AA city, aad a campaign committee • how being elected by th* VArMuf -ranches of the party to conduct thl* Mgk...
...John'* Place, Speaker*, Wm...
...T. P. S. L...
...U, Greenfield...
...MAthUfla TuhnAa, : ? BROOKLYN .Prvid*y...
...Sept tt, Cesnbrktget at Bread way sad Bsaax stoeeri Sept tf, xkrighton...
...Yipseldom T*n*y Sender Meeting' Mis* Toney Sender, OermAny*i youngest member of th* German Reichstag, will be the guest of th* cltj office ot th* Toung People'* Soc 1*11*1 LegguA SaturdAy evening...
...on th* nth the Boston Common by the Mall...
...Sept ll, Albany Ave...
...Marl us Ransoms will deliver a brief Address ot welcome...
...and reports comtog from the Otosi'Ade* all shew that sh* to dofng- fine work...
...Voluntary assessment itamp* hAVO been sent to tie local* Branches should order as . many at they need...
...Bronx Free Fellowship, lioi Beaton Road, near McTSinley Square...
...Ail member* of the Junior and Senioi League* are asked to com* add bring As many'friends'ai pbastbt... ens* of ram, th* tw—sai wAS, be pa*tossjsd natU th* teBewsdg t leAnhgxtonu',.',.* PridAy...
...Victor L. Berger is practically sure of re-election...
...Colleetioaa for the week ending Sept 4 were $J.T*.*a...
...B. C of Socialism," two pages...
...The convention diiptAyAd a most commandABle spirit It showed A better spirit on Socialist Party matters, on the Jewish Trade Unions and the Workmen'* Circl* than has prevailed since the split...
...Member* who still have money at tlekAU for tho Tinsel and party picnic that ws* b*M on Aug...
...Sept St aad 84, Tremont "• and Temple streets...
...B. SpAAkera, Samuel, S^vB*urds!*y, Nathan Fine- '. ThurrtdajE...
...Every brand In the stkt* should make their wiehei known At one...
...Poux'pag* idsaeto are M oont* per hundred, tt par thousand and in lot* ot five thousand or mora, $L7f per thousand, order of the National Office...
...Bronx The Central Branch has organised its committees for the...
...4v*i Connecticut MAMOSN - - '.- 5 -I LAoal- MAmden ha* nogttoatodr thgi tolVswliig tiolc** tog--th* *mnsAl-town alactioa...
...Jlrst Sejgctmgn...
...The time tor gathering natoes 1* ekort And fh*r* must be quick Action...
...Ah Tipeeis are expected...
...S*pt 1...
...Circle % ta at present studying- torn "Communist Manifesto" gad...
...The State Office will have its petitions in tho hands of the party members by the time this .is printed and w* urge those who are real SoOlailato to write Socialist State Headquarter*, I0S Holliday Building, Indianapolis, for petitions and help to file the ticket...
...iltongg^.atou ahouto henr An nrdad.thsst ^30aalSjB4SjBSja9Rf^fc^j^^l&^^llril^-aa^& JusaaaVasUsanB sssCSjft^ hpostdAjwABt...
...Sept IA Mito Bender win addrss* Alt Tl***ls on to* subject The United States « Europe" This meeting will be held tn the Rand School Auditorium, 7 Beat ICth...
...informs ta% National HeadquArters that Colorado ha* arranged to hold a state convention tor' the purpose ot naming a full state ticket...
...sad rth Ave...
...Herman will Cover Glens PAlls, Johnstown and .other nearby town* before proceeding across the But a A part of hi* work will be to arrange for meeting* for State candidate...
...Finance, Law, Public Affairs, Organisation end Propaganda among Women, Foreign Language PtopAganda, Leber untc-ng Young People* Socialist League and Office Committee-, w er* nominated and the oha(rm*a of • the** committees were selected...
...CellActor,, Ntol* Hanaen: R*gUt*r...
...Readers of the American Appeal and Tha New Leader who have not received the petitions should Immediately Writ* to Effle M. Mueller, 101 Holliday Blag., Indianapolis, and ask for ons or mora of the petitions...

Vol. 3 • September 1926 • No. 35

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