Amusements DRAMA Neighborhood Playhouse Plans for Coming Season IN order to work out end develop the' repertoire oyster* Introduced the pest season the personnel ot the Neighborhood Playhouse...

...dfc GAviriA, Int*rrant* and Mengelil...
...Sate ta more then mtisfytag In the loSpSg Abe...
...Potash and Perlmntter are again:in our midst...
...SS with » purpoo* to Amp his* (or En IS «• limelight news** Mr perpffr- to such sh extent th*t tho 25* completely lost shaV his fellow gap) ar* given scant ewpofrunlty to **tojto> aar histrionic ability they jXpostass.: Tpjjraw...
...L.UIU and Mongslii...
...Ltiili Ahd 1 jfedBstgAy- eVAdlgf — "BitelAtto," 'SL *HoU>r> B«hAIk«f And Messrs...
...The same remark appliss to other episodes...
...Bocae he* the' tacidentf are genuinely amnaiiig...
...They force their way in...
...Interviews and tryouts will be held .early in September by appointment only...
...Galsworthy does not solve the problem: he does not even state It except by illustration...
...Belle Green...
...Vivian Hart, Mardory Peterson...
...This will give' Opportunity for -observing the work- of those actors, singers ( and dancers beat .qualified for parts.:-An opportunity also will bo given for pbssrving- certain rehearsals by the...
...The devotee, keying shs will never consent consents, and tells the lie also, lamenting a sin to the peril of her immortal souL Lastly, ore see the Sugittvo taking sanctuary in the vestry of the church Itself... Fred Ballard and Arthur Stern, will be pre* ' sen ted by The Playahop Monday night at the .Greenwich Tillage theatre...
...niece ia Geo-rgedbKelly's Pulltxer prise play, -Crnig's Wlfev" which wilt come to- the Bronx Opera Bouse bexjnmtag Moa«ey...
...Tho aildlbaca enjoyed itself and th* play immensely...
...tot Jeverai otters to bo anhoune*d Tks many regular favorite* of 0am Masins, including Biknca •icy...
...wttli> score by Oscar Straus and Mitzl in the principal role, will ©pen Monday night at the Cosmopolitan theatre, presented by the Messrs...
...prgvekes a,taaafiL * ".-V, \:y< Thretarh abe^shooBns' of tbi epwev fcBnrt%nsaa>^(r«* tmtMtto 9s9*%* ? ^ttm%- -tsIe^*^e)ro^an^U rTrnm ihs saB Mamssm cm sisbssk mm* pretest on their pert, depend the responsibility of operating the agency, Abo's thorough acqaaihtanco with the offerings at the movie palaces pup...
...s2tfe tan fstlst offers, aaB held more ttportaaii Uaw Sramt MitaboB- to >*Gne ot the Famrfy" will bo tlm foUeatas m**n& lien...
...But If he refusesT Well, the pursuers are hot on the trail...
...Crata- tt Is because of Mrs Craig's nse of these offensive eroaBtta) for her selfish ends that she is mwhoJeeomely disliked...
...j Jaipi*y-i"tA" Bohim*," with BAff^-dnofrtt...
...In some respects...
...At the words Ms stooped as though In shame, but called upon any one who had not stoned ta begin the stoning...
...and th this csss in p*r> ljjg>r sqmsmm rrafxietsnt Interest to hike the opua entertaining aaa seed rtfc* Msrsff* tho did seme of hluffl figigf^r** ton aro not and you can Bnil l*» **Q*' Be a "•h*w-ott" aad npn> satshkhts will take you aa tha pntfthhtt!& llmw •**§** tala,.aa revealed at tha Btgifl'l'* wBtoli i, oaacems th* coins* jgsf JinMM^StoHiag (Joe teori...
...The cast Includes Al Roberts, Joan Storm, Earl Mayne, ~*OUve Reeves-Smith...
...Galaworthy, .being a musician, is always good In choosing appropriate-songs, an In the final poignant scene of "The Fugitive*'), and he finds Denant hidden behind the surplices...
...K was announced, early this week following a mass meeting of Theatrical Protective Union, Local 1, at Bryant Han...
...In the two final episodes the fugitive is up against the most difficult obstacle He ia up against tjelixlon, and religion, though it sometimes indicates mercy, is strict about a lie, and in this country usually steads on the side of law and order...
...bat*, th* mgagemsnt wm h* tor three week...
...Many more distinguished men than Captain Den ant have found that such "Arms of the Law" are always lurking In the park, and I suppose most men in his piece woqjd have run away for tear of being Implicated...
...motion aa how topreeoeS'ta this detecting easiness...
...They haveno hesitation as to their duty...
...Ethel Wilson and Loo Perman...
...I should have tried to give him something more substantial, fcjr the poor wretch was almost deed of hunger...
...What would yob do if you teun* Jack the Ripper hiding under your bod and the polios were knocking at the door...
...The eight-hour day .-was granted Walter Hampden Has Four New Plays for Next Season Walter Hampden wUI...
...Other police come up, Denant la tried for manslaughter and sentenced to five years' penal servitude...
...the other a meagre lronbound model of righteousness, devoted to the church...
...September M and come to the Imperial Theatre, October «. THE NEW PLAYS MONDAY "NAUGHTT RIQTJETTE... tmr as dialogue le iM-nsesaeS, fg< thirfp W0»> knewa end'highly obvlaoe...
...TAfUro ahd BiterrAftte, fol2"J*-** "^>agUa,cc^,", with JohnAioh 9H Vtosrs...
...What should pre-do...
...In the fifth episode Denant falls fact with a vulgar picnic party on the moor, gives . them the, trout he had caught (what a pity we no longer eat fish raw...
...Bobert Leonsad eras ali theft seaM -be deabrad as werbtoattar- • FWr 'the others ta the ¦as* there le aot much that can be' "Crmg^WifeT PuiiUt Ptixe Play, at Bronx Opera HouU , ¦ " ¦ 2...
...For those nterested particularly In costume end scenic design arrangements will be made tor contact with such departments...
...Odette Myrtil, Harry K. Morton...
...River," a native opera, by Franks HarUng and Laurence 8tailings...
...Deep River" win open at the Shubert Theatre, Philadelphia...
...if he had killed a German in the war—even loss, I.suppose, for he had some provocation...
...He wards them off for a time, for a few desperate moments, while he hides the fugitive once more...
...And that is the weak point In the pipyMake the fugitive an' underbrtd...
...Every - ease that comes into the office has lta parallel ta some motion picture he's seen- Thus he knows that butlers are si ways susP*eted efTgem thefts, etc,' etc...
...This time he receives no willing assistance The vulgar women are merely frightened, and he gets away only by boiling with the party's Ford...
...Montague' Glass ¦ aaB' Jutap...
...Qlaflys Axman, .Clara Jacobo, Consueio Bsoobar, Bernlce Schalker, 8*ru Ogbki, Japan*** prima dogni...
...more ' '*•'"'_ In the vapdr'tlle...
...Ray Walburn and Ruth Donnelly, as tho two friends, did much to Uvea up th* evening...
...see Denant planning his escape, and effecting It, in spite of the warder's vigilance Be Is next seen ta an inn...
...4^-5 . • ' ' 'f ¦' ' - Beeaeo Ltcreriaht-o >i sSUSrisn of DRAMA "If Was Rich Good Theatre &l*ufic...
...There we are face to face with the real problem in...
...We all stand for law and order (for .without them life would bo too risky.and uncertain), but what should we, do If the fugitive took refuge under .our bed,: or In our sittingroom, or In our Church...
...For a play of thl* sort w* must say thgt Mr...
...hut a abort BBtAg* tried to throw Jimmy sad his icepsr wif* out on the cold, oold chest), "somswhsre in Long Island," sad ws thrilled with A jewel robbery, oetestlv** and other melodramatic...
...They keep knocking at the door...
...It vrtll also bo assured by the debut ot two new for*%h lmportotion*, Gtao LuUi, baritok gad Aadreg, Mongelll...
...PeV -with, BBAta Dwwitasj to km-naw mustaal sap IBP, -^eueymeen leme.'- whioh kes bossj rtayhst to Atiantta City...
...I hope that nothing oa earth or ia heaven wbuM indues me to give htm up.' Broek< Pembertan'e production of "The Ladder- neB open ta 0*ev*»la*d Stage Hands Win Increase of $0 to 40% WAGE Increases of to to 48 per per cent have been granted to stage bands of New Tork theatres and a new two-year agreement has been ratified by them...
...on September- 30, put has net decided which of two plays he la now rehearsing win be preeented first,' He says that ho matter how successful one product I cm may be...
...MUSIC San Carlo Opera Opens Monday With "Carmen" WfKB opera season win be opened 3m Monday night when Fortune Pt Cello's San Carlo Grand Oyer* jmplay...
...Special arrangements «*y saw be seeds for private lessons in diction...
...did than thsr* Is an *xe*pngF^.l&r**' Rica," th* haw eomg**by '•dn*'J*mr Anthony McGulre 2p**e *Sfjs Cylln**r Lev*" man* sueh njttssnajf —son's hack), obviously gJEwd fcf that diminutive personalBJLIAA Laurie, Jr., still has enough gmgty which roes to- mak* up a wall SS pUr...
...Game" and "The Fugitive...
...Make him Jack the Ripper, and what, should we do then...
...Amusements DRAMA Neighborhood Playhouse Plans for Coming Season IN order to work out end develop the' repertoire oyster* Introduced the pest season the personnel ot the Neighborhood Playhouse the coming season wnf be divided Into throe groups: Tbe permanent Company, composed of ten players already selected: the Assoclatedjpiayers, highly Skilled / actors, dancers end stagers, who may bo called upon to ftU parts left vacant by the Permanent Company, and a semi-professional group of players, who are ptannine to make the stscs their career, but who are able to rive' only a portion ot their tune to sfrfdy.* They necessarily can bo need only iVminor parts or ensembles...
...Sylvia Flew, Rober- Thosnas Js iwana^.Cbxre Woodbury and John Galsworthy's New Play Produced in London By Henry W. Nevinson EVERYONE should aOe Gelsworthy's now play, "Escape...
...Thus obc served Dewne Pasdoloan, the- 'tasenae who plays tpe role ot: tbe...
...Agnes" which was produced last season by the Chicago Opera, Company...
...Jocobb and NadwOrney...
...Denant is a pleasing young gentleman who has killed a "man only, by accident- Ho Is no more a murderer than...
...te a fugitive may influence the nobler mind...
...There win be classes in dramatic reading;, stage technic, dancing, singing and pantomime...
...These studios, approached from the dramatic, musical and plastic angles, will be directed by experienced teachers in cooperation with directors of the various productions...
...the new season will Witness a dosen agist performance* Of new artist*, Mto American and foreign star*, annog these will b* Jam** d* Gaviria, yakig Spanish tenor...
...It he has given us a story that is unreal and far-fetched, ho has at tho earn* Urn* furnished good •ntertatnthent And this can be considered as good theatre—and should b* token ad ttieh...
...burlesojue an* picture, bouses the beads ot departments win receive an/ Increase of $7...
...London... asset a**** ^¦r fa* author runs swap w4fa ttd Xgttor «f tB* artist...
...The story' hi laid in the New Orleans of 183« vhen French and Creole - gentlemen •ought their ladles of diversion among the slightly tinged -debutantes who were introduced each year at the Quadroon Bail...
...Shubert Wednesday night at the Shubert...
...of the world, remembers his story, and . Is perhaps moved by his personal attraction and gentlemanly manner...
...Joe Laurie, Jr., with his earlier experience on tho vaudeville stage, play* th* "shew-eft"* Shlpeiag 'clerk In ftn* tempo...
...But Den an t is a decent fellow, and turns back to defend the girl, saying that she had not annoyed him In the least, and 'there had been no "soliciting" at all...
...They converse in friendly manner...
...vulgar, vicious, corn^nonplace murderer, of the worst type...
...Ton) Barr&.-Jeid in .the .time ol Tiberius Caesar.' ' ¦ ' . The a'ctc-r-jnanager-expects to open hie season at Hampden'a Theatre...
...Jr., in IV m. 'Anthony WtCuires Ata*»i Comedy at p i*g MdtufieU Thaaka i«f...
...TUESDAY * *." "JDBT LIFE...
...apprentices |1 and ear loaders' ft...
...or^*£d star tt...
...In spite of het jlrst alarm at .the situation, she lends Sim her husband's razor, gives him her husband's Burberry, hat, and fishing tackle, and a packet of chocolate...
...a week end 25 cents an hou/ eddttien tor overtime...
...Craig ispieeeuti a composite character of so many, re, prehensible traits that she evokes the disfavor of all who eosno in contact with her...
...We all may Hke hunthjg...
...Lorenso Cebati, ssTte baritone;' Rose des Rosin'A...
...His-comedy £# never otapptteTt, baft pat oeep...
...The ftrin'r prise efforts sre tovested tt sitemptlng to prevent the discovery of a thief who if...
...AH et us should go, for at any moment anyone among as may become hunter or hunted, and the question of the play concerns us all...
...AU decent men would have told it without a moment's hesitation...
...W$p and COhatl...
...MeQulre has used every "surefire" situation which has been tried to other plays...
...piles him with a lot'of .Inside tutor...
...What ought we to do...
...In the next episode he lies asleep in a gravel-pit where a farmer aad some laborers discover.hint...
...Mildred McLeod...
...But," it may be said, "that' waa only en-errtaff woman, only guilty of a simple offense that ta our law Is not even considered criminal... will, between Law aad Pity, tt stands in Una with "The Silver Box... opening performanc* am ptBitat's "carmen," with, an Atokrican prima donna, Loma Dean* 'Jgsen, in th* title roio...
...The plot le quit* simple...
...hiding under the bed of >a very charming young lady, who, like the root...
...Perhaps it ia not only pity for a suffering fellow -creature A semiconscious sense that he, too...
...qnd PBBaXetmhim...
...Altogether, if you demand nothing els* but entertainment when you go to th* theatre, then by all means you can consider "If I Whs Rich" will prove Just that...
...8tailings is the co-author with Maxwell Anderson of "bfhat Price Glory...
...There is a problem for e religious but thoughtful and sympathetic person...
...o\jTK-AX" hp Philip Dtfi-ninr and George eptfcjj)I,- win be preeented by Ted Harris at the Tver "-»-<»t theatre ThurStay night- Lee Tracy...
...It it hAAded to vsohslav Swoboda and MatIa uPJjsx attittm ttom the MoAcow Art fad rcg*rt*ift for ttA bglAScA ot m **»k follow*: «fj*to> — "Aids,*' with: Jaooso, di Oavlrla, Msssts...
...Other players include George i Thorpe, Boyd Marshall, Vivian Tobla...
...1)0 a w*nk shipping clerk, aad his gjljty, hut spendthrift, wife Ruth Mli ill MoLeod), and their ettert to jK* hath aaa* moat...
...I rVglVAy a^*nlAf-'"il rrrovAtoie," with Mines...
...If you believe In legal Justice at^all (and most, people have to acquiesce In it at least, for want of something better), it would be Illogical to screen the fugitive from Justice under' your b'ed or among the surplices...
...Other players Include Alexander dray...
...with apprivpitatety sharp . dlsngr.»C.mmita take . epecette -sloes on ! the one...
...every woman...
...its barest, simplest form...
...he gives her a light, but refuses her commercial Invitation and even her card, and hi strolling oft again when e detective rushes upon the girl .and arrests her for "soliciting...
...Audrey Maple, George A. Schiller, Mary Marlowe, Waiter Armln...
...HarUng Is the composer ot the .lass opera version ot "A Light from St... is a revolutionary operatic form, a new fusion of drama and music...
...The former agreement with the managers ends today and conferences over the proposed increases have been held by the union's negotiating committee and the Labor Committee oi the International Theatrical Managers' Association, at which there loomed the possibility of a strike sheuM a settlement not be reachedBy the near terms agreed Upon...
...She dooeivse her .hexdmnd, "dsmlatnts her ays*ants »nd Is nnbsUo»jfbly^heerttass tewareb e sister whe Is tataiiy uu Her purpose lp to eoftata the aecurity gad permsmmco ot her borne...
...Denant gets late the neat and tidy sitting room ot two unmarried sisters—one \a Sne Sporting sort (who in fact comes ta front bunting a fox to death...
...produce fOUl and possibly five -new - plays and revive several Other* at Ms theatre within toe .neet eight -menihe...
...them eU Ike time...
...Toning her not to do it .again...
...Nat Wagner, Florence Ed nay, William O'Neal, Hugh ChUvers...
...It eonelsts of: wretactas -oVerp . lusvjt, Menvjrapa burls a...
...and the etntas company turned lata:' e troupe of detectives aad lawyers...
...On the first night of the play a woman in the gallery protested loudly that It was all a defense of murder and murderers-' It was not...
...There Is e strata of the Mrs/crall character In...
...i 7-:_ '•: >" .'Tt Is because Mrs...
...Is there nothing for which ho too might not hear' the hunt in tall cry behind htm...
...A youngish man...
...Paul Monte, Arthur Rogers aad Louis Miner are Included ta the east...
...saved her from the' pursuit of Law aad Justice He...
...Justice" and perhaps with "Strife," "The Pigeon," "The 8km...
...B-oeh aeeebredrOf an Irish brogue...
...Ruth McMullen, Beatrice Lorlng, John Lewis, Burt Payne and Albert Ward...
...Abe and Mawruss Detectives Amusing Ludkvig Satz Stars in Latest Glass-Goodman Potash and Perlmufter Comedy at the Ritz WITH Abie bS Shrunken...
...with cent nmcunet/ettcriebtaettan...
...Sflfca, with tho a***t.dd.*s* Una...
...with W: dlr.ot e>poaita of a m per la tire nature...
...But Denant eaves the honorable man's conscience by giving himself up to prison again...
...a drama of today by John Bowie, w«l be presented Tuesday night at the Henry Miller theatre by James Oppenbelmer...
...the bedroom scene...
...Durtntr the tight weeks from October 1 to December 1. at least three hours a day for five days a week will be devoted to training the Associate Players and those in the semi-professional group who win do preparatory work on three productions In the season's repertoire...
...Charles t>ow Clark, as th* crusty, grouchy old bom, who later turn* and help* our young erring lovers, did an excellent piece of work...
...Urged partly by the reward, rsrtly by the Instinct of the, they would, of course, give him up—all except the farmer's kind> lltCe daughter, who begs a real criminal's autqeraph for her book, and wildly rejoices when he makes a bolt for freedom...
...Denant struggles with him, gives him the knockout blow on the chin, and fens' htm flat- Unhappily, the detective'falls heavily upon one Of those low Iron railings that keep the grass of the park so fresh, cracks his skull, and dies...
...MOOuire (who is also tho producer) CnSSe a cast ot exceptional ablUty...
...Km two live in a closely cramped jpKmtnt of on* room aad "kitchen* Ba" Here w* m*ot two of tbdir MM* the landlord and Jimmy** hoc* Up hreught teyethar la a cl*ver first jttoto okrry out this American aim* MB*** •**¦ -ill gam* carrie* u* to tho beautiful SMls ot hi* landlord (who...
...with Marjotie Ram beau In the stellar role...
...and in some instances by tbe directors themselves...
...Solved,, talk not tmf-B they both.-hf\e a, %hort aojpnra In a prison celt...
...To beew -tt hi her sols possession...
...The parson, no fool, but a religious and thoughtful human being, enters singing Sponr's "Oh, for the wings, for-the wings of a dove...
...I cannot answer.*" Perhaps as a supporter of law and order I should kill Mm...
...j ¦faTJjftS m «oiMh AhhApgr gg over^ajriung wh*h an author mu oat I|i writ* * pldy *j * stArHng ve* jm* «*r ta* aotoe...
...Ahtflost ateiy ¦ married vassnna has hae) some'ugbailLai 'wees' sne tatt Justlfled to avaaing hsreetr of ther peee, tiers ot ens or mors of these vers traits which ere *eupd so abhorrew In Mrs...
...Jtotitff dnofrsi and Franco Tnfuro, Wsi, Inf diutepp* Inttrrthte, baflta*t wot to aggto hoafd At th* c«ntofy...
...He know that every one among the pursuers bed sinned,"probably in the same fashion...
...Carl Randall, George Rassell...
...Eckert Good man have again put theis heade toa-erher ta provide Abe audt^Mewmjs wltb words to r^txipy the tmm ta between the*>Jewmb-aon-ses^ Inxs, Thelt* comedy raothod... th* young, inexperienced wif*, forces our sympathy' by her win seme perform ana...
...MlAehA LovlUHl, th* ifriAfliat, wilt give a Beethoven program in CArnegia Bab next winter in commemArAtion of the one-hundredth anniversary of the tomfiOAAr's dAAth...
...his charm In* Wife did "no wrong," just a Uttl* '•flirty" add tha boas forgives aim and raise* Jimmy's wages...
...At any moment the problem may face us...
...But, then, logic has very little concern with life, tt is noticeable that in the play Galsworthy makes legal justice or .-the love of pursuit dominate the vulgar, the callous, the Insensitive, while the fine* natures, without exception, give the fugitive shelter and defy the commands af the law...
...atigmented by many haw Mttfrtk, aad presenting for tho first tot* it* own Grand Opera Ballet, betaa tta annual season at the Century *hj*tr'e...
...iJP*ttrday matln*A-i-**MAd*ni* But1jlfc_.With Haru- Chukl, MJAA Oflotfel arid Patten...
...His announced aow plays ere- '«Tne> Light et Asia," a dramhtlxaUon* of .Sir Edwin Arnold's work...
...Johnston, And Messrs...
...A women' taken -In adultery end about to be stoneS to death was brought to Christ—"taken ta the very act...
...She ta selfish, deailnssrlng deceitful and heertieea, . , , . . .¦' "We have all i-aot amasoB who poasess ope or mere of those onerectertstlcs, but because of seme other or many other admirabta' qasflittae they ere nutaberea among our tttamts These qualities oemeUmes ere employed . in JUariftabie snd defensible means to "ah end, especially' whem the comfort, happmeee -and ssrsully eg the family rireta ere a$ stake...
...rr - •'•' . . ¦ • • i .-' i - *¦ A. L Ertariewr wtll open tbe oeaeeai it thb r^kexboeker Tbeetr> Mea^i} ntahts BWptataber...
...Tvenae d'Arle, Metropolitan opera soprano: Walter Wool...
...The agreement affects about 1,200 stage hands, including those of legitimate theatres, vaudeville, burlesque aad motion picture houses and stage construction shopmen-' The stage hands had demanded aa increase of about 46 per- cent,' aad while the vote to accept the now terras was not unanimous, it was by a good majority...
...but what should we do If the fox took refuge in our arms...
...A hew Shakespearean production is also planned by him...
...Deep River' to Be Presented By Arthur Hopkins in October .¦¦tiii ,' , Arthur Hopkins announces 'the proj auction ot "Deep...
...This old irentleraen is a retired magistrate, and having a practiced eye or nose for evidence, he detects tbe fugitive's Identity without much trouble But it spite of his legal knowledge and former position, ho gives him the best advice on the means of escape...
...1 sun not cure at the reason...
...a new musical play...
...Is featured...
...Francis Smith...
...If he tells the lie, bow can he hold up truth-telling to,his people again as a duty...
...ATJ to srre our Jimmy aa opportunity to show off his personality...
...Shop employes and taurnoymos will get an Inct-ease of IS "a day...
...But we next see Denant In his borrowed disguise, fishing- (with considerable success) ta a moorland stream, and conversing with an elderly gentleman of similar charm to'the young lady of...
...MA**tro Carlo Parent win conduct, a • A aerie* of performance* comteenetng on PridAy, Novombor it, will be given at the Mecca Auditorium, ot a new musical extravaganse Utl*d, "Th* Pied Piper," with book and music by J...
...deoavlrui and ConAtl...
...Stanley Luplno, the London comedian...
...It is summer (though a dens* fee* obscures all the* stage,, and foxhunting is ta tail swine...
...7 '-¦'' Aside frobs it* own right of way to its httta beeno Stan* Broadway "Potash and Perlmmnor...
...Ho stands In front of the surplice cupboard ready at the last moment with the lie...
...The first fifty times the jaWs&'.ISw&amt...
...Everything Ottds aa it should, of course The hero Is proven a man of Sterling quality...
...Bstoctlvea," at r^^^db, t ^ReitK^ i>a^a^ft * a^-oS) -^^B^^ks^*^^AdjMfJ^JS^ . ^JsB^ae^fBAr [ turn of BtQv-itlpe ^Ttiutg Seta, nrenjtat com#d,iao of the -Xlddlah- staaa.- with bU first Kbitlsh vehlcsf...
...What if he, too, should be found out...
...JpAA^'TiavAllerid RdfrtlcAli*,•• WRB to* siroyA aad Mis* Schalker, JHff...
...This Is another of his greet plays on the conflict between Law and Man, or, it...
...The first two episodes are sst ta Dartmoor Convict Prison...
...director of the production' in progress...
...Abe end...
...but Is detected through his eagerness In sweeping up the crumbs and.scraps left by the picnickers...
...That is the prologue The rest ot the play is shown ia nine episodes, covering rather loos than thirty-seven hours...
...The' Rescue,'* s dreWtfiatforr>|>f ili« Cohred novel,' and 'The Etferfcajr Thief.** an original play by...
...It will have to make way for other presentations...
...too, like every decent person ta Galsworthy's play, was on the fugitive's side...
...the leads of vereentry, electrical end pfopsrtr ssjiernbraap to -the ' togmmhto th eat roe get s*- MO a. ¦ paefc Increase The "gripe," - eloersrs sad operators engaged in maaipulattng scenery, receive ear increase of ti tor Wen, josr"formanee tn# tor' rehearsals, overtime and broken time, Increases of M to SO cents an hour were framed...
...Sk*VC6nAti And Mohdslli...
...Mmw bAU«t trill AppAar six iiaei dfjaM^toi dpenlnd wee...
...The first'instinct of all fine and lovable minds is to aid in escape, just as it is their Instinct to gjve up the splendid delight of hunting when they realise the hunted animal's appalling torture...
...The "sport" at once tells the necessary lie...
...This was lie number one—the first lie in series to help a fugitive's escape...
...B^mev-of Truth," based, on Ro>ert Brownhufe The, Ring and the Book...
...Edward Basso, Connie Emerald, Sylvan Dee, Jane Moore- and a large specialty dancing chorus...
...The story id based on Bfownlog'S pOeflt...
...Now, ain't tkht grand...
...Deep River" ia a dramatic narva-, live told for the most part In terms if music and for a large part In terms of Jess...
...V WEDNESDAY • . "COUNTESS MARITZA," an operetta, with score by Emmerich Kalman and book and lyrics from tne original of Julius 'Branuner and -Alfred GrunwaM by Harry B. Smith, will be presented by the Messrs...
...kngwn be...
...who has served' weU ta the war and cleverly escaped from a German prison, is strolling through Hyde Park one evening, when he meets e pleasing young harlot waiting upon a bench for any customer...
...and it I* PrASOntAd ia th* mAnnaw ef a light Optra...
...But the detective still insists upon hauling the girl away to the police station, and when Den ant forcibly prevents him, he begins blowing his whistle for help... playing at the Ambassadors...
...How can be over trust himself to presch or teach at all...

Vol. 3 • September 1926 • No. 35

Developed by
Kanda Sofware
  Kanda Software, Inc.