Silverstein, Louis
The Story of The Typographical Union "Big Six" of New York(1850-1926) By Louis Silverstein -v^gfcmf»*s of mg Sfc'a caflmt yam* W9*m /V tkejlrM torus toetoBssonts the .htotorp of thg...
...Furthermore, the mndldatoe ot the Socialist Party sr* genuine representatives of the working class aad appeal powerfully to the...* hsv* been able to force ¦**> oespfve governments to Ecuador to, an...
...On Sept...
...It aoon found the occasion, however, to show where its sympathies really lay...
...from the Union Printers' Home, unemployment relief, g defense fugft UmHed to between two hundred thousand to a bglf million dollar*, an' additional 'pension of four dollars' per week to those who already receive eight dollars from th...
...A^'decMton af* rrrpd at by to* densrel ptogmdl at dm International Transportwtakatot P*e> •ration at a meetmgheld tost AprB, an Intetxtatlonal Trammaj m ¦*'* Secretariat, under tha atmaia** at the IT- P. and in charge of O. ttordaut a member of the X. T. P. d*n*rkl C*usfell, has been opened nt Tta OUanensk AS, Heme, ' _' •>" . . Thl* Secretariat had it...
...strategic icenter.- " ' " !" .Ah obstacle that had to be overcome was the tactic of the' Industrial Association in prohibiting its member* to sell lumber or other building material to contractors...
...Mat, The demwad tor a iddaoMan to hour* was aseyadened on toe gtound "that no torwnrd atop can* be taken to thto fobwfltton anaspt by mass action throughout th* entire international Jurisdiction...
...1* and were than summarily dismissed i without pay...
...July 91 and Aug...
...Not to enforce thl* rule of resetting would be to Invite the advertisers and publishers to set up all mattar In a central office and then distribute it to the various newspaper plants, causing toe elimination of th* superfluous worker* that would result...
...The oM two-year agreement expired on July 1, 192...
...Sictcj disabled, pensioned and...
...The Brotherhood coped with the problem bygpiag Into theytrusine** of establishing 'rnaterial yards Itself, Where friendly contractors could purchase their supplies...
...This waa the outgrowth of the discontent created by tha referendum and tha mistrust of the financial integrity of the officers by the rank and file...
...They insisted that they were bound by their affiliation with the National Publishers' Association not to permit any further reduction of hour...
...attend all meeting* and eventually capture the BrotherheW sjOta**- .Whs* is anlgwettion...
...Ordinarily 1 per cent ot the union scale ot wages must be paid by each inemhsr to th* pension sad mortuary fund...
...Big Six decided by « vote of it* .member* to go into the court* to obtain an injunction restraining President Lynch and Secretary John W. Hays from collecting the increased assessment Papers ware aerved on'the** officials oa Maach M of thl* year...
...The employer...
...equivalent to its membership strength, 'in addition...
...The Teachers' Union thus Include* the majority ot th* elementary teachers In Pieno...
...Now, these figure* may seenj Irrelevant at first- gla^tae* ,but to the union or the lndMduadtrn distress they make for security, courage and devotion...
...i — - ' - t i. - 1 The upshot of all this careful financing ia the maintenance of an employment bureau, the payment of transportation of member* to gad...
...about Abe whole sttoatkm ia the hesitancy of Jamas Coleman, organfiter jbL .the Amshramated and rem as*atfttlv* of the totter to the in-fated gegortottons-'.witb the Consobdated leaders dttrtng the reoerrt subway strike, to confirm the already ppbIlshed statement that parlay* are bein* carried on now...
...Th* plan of campaign is to work within the company union for th* present...
...Jurisdiction falls tha enforcement of nag* agreeroenta...
...In the Cats*HI Mountains ar* th* numerous boarding house*, restaurants, hotels and road houses which awakened Rip Van Winkle after': his slumber of twenty year...
...They gradually filtered Into their reorganised locals...
...which wan p«A into newer tost winter by tog Madnrs of the mhttary coup that efrtriht+a- the former govern* meet h MTf...
...At a conference- -of textile workers from all parte, of the country held te Barcelona...
...Perhapa ¦axt summer the vaaatdon help will _el more at 'gags...
...thrown tho gauntlet down to 'the company...
...Ship* were being held in port because of a walkout of-the stevedoues In Buenaventura...
...It centered aregmfi n gtaestioa of Snano* IA accordance with.the action ef toe Toronto convention of the f. T. u. to August, 1924...
...a -large .territory and legal recourse is difficult to discover and quite expensive...
...r. .. -.v Jfc S. TRANSPORT MEN WIN STRIKE IN COLOMBIA Shortly after the crews of fifteen vessels engaged h) tr*JBejon the Magdalena Ittvar to Oetombla went- on strike an M*mMt Itoiagv' aB around wage' increase ef II per" cent., hatter quarters and the-introduction of accident and life insurance, the longshoremen Joined-them, and it was re port edthat tha strike might go farther \[ not speedily' settled...
...i The three-year agreement in th* book and Job trade does not expire un,til September SO next year...
...i Tha sStaatien sailed far..two remedies: one, Immediate, "'• to secure swindled employees their wages', the other, urtlniate...
...They were confidant, they said, that the good sense of th* printer* would see the Justice of the publishers' demands...
...State Plans Assistance The Field of Labor THOSE of na who have spent any tin* st tumuiw resort* ar have had contact with those who bay* been to such places are familiar with the rumors that emanate from these localities ^ with segard to .'improper treatment...
...City, she betook herself -so—M—•t'rrlln in Sullivan County, sjc^tQpanled...
...Within baa day after their arrival ege-hpnqred other Cases were called to their attention...
...the Socialist Party of Argentina now controls th* administrations of five good-alaad towns, th* best known being Mar del Plata, the famous seaside rseort -that might be dubbed th* Atlantic City ot the big South' American republic The other three town* are Realstencla and Sean* Pen* (a the Chaco territory aad Santo Rosa in La Pam pelt seesns that the residents of the little cities that have sprung up to the great epen spaces of the pampas are not alow to recognise the advantages of h onset Socialist administration...
...A large number of prominent pessons have premised their cell*boraTEACHERS' UNION MAKES GOOD GAIN IN FRANCE The reselotions adopted at the national convention of th* French Teachers' Union last year urging the various branches te see to tt that every one ot their member* be the p»sse**or ot n card showing membership In the Oeneral Confederation of Leber (the regular national federation) have 'resulted tn gsiOto sach cards being leaned this year, against<abont Sgegg fat 1915...
...The . carpenters* union will once more be a motor to San Francisco...
...Although representation at this year's Congress was made strictly dependent osx membership of the C. O. T, only nineteen sections recorded ' s. decrease in* membership, aad that slight thirty-six sections had kept, their membership totAet, and thirty-one recorded mere...
...PC the...
...It appears, ¦however, to at such n public notification could serve a double purpose—it would serve as an earnest of the intentions of .the Amalgamated-and it would give the i. -P.- T. employe* assurance thai' they are 'receiving- the backing :pf ;.a bonafWe 'trade union...
...La addition* aU> applicants pay an examination fee ot two dollars...
...Th* torse at stake waa not f4n>o*ogttal...
...At- tha same time it waa noted that th* transportation companies luuf asked the government for troop* to hantfile cargo*, but had been refused on the ground that "the army was not fontsd to' break strikes by fore...
...Reeentment waa felt against International President Lynch tor permitting th* matter tojcom* to** vote...
...That referred to the practice ot exchanging mate, plates or type and then resetting them -within tour, days' time in order not to deprive the printers of work...
...Moreover, toe membership waa assessed one dollar a .day to supply the sinew* of war... employed there...
...Jam** A. Hamilton, Stat* Comtrilasi'Jner of Labor, has endorsed- the program, and will' address a meeting of the Rotary Club on September M Ho popular lye the proposal ytth the business interests... arbitrate...
...It is turthte- stated In the manifesto that thg Socialist represenUtives ia the OuayaQull Town Council have demanded, the Appointment of a subcommittee to keep watch ever price, fluctuation...
...The remainder is tha L T. U. registration fee...
...The publishers mad* counter proposals, asking' for 'decreases amounting to about 12.44 a day and a return to the eight-hour shift...
...S) n fiv* dollar Increase, not retroactfv*,' and <W totoaadtoto *a%ttr*Aton...
...v Confer en oes were reopened on...
...In general, ft, has /ought oft the fights of the^ International described in the first three installments of this series* tn October, lsls...
...cept lArget Aad larger credit* and they hsv* been able to obtain tor thamselvee th* most value his nniirmtlim*' Th* latest government haa-bowever, adopted faOtrtcUve meaauree, whtoh have resulted in the stopping of payment by various banks and therewith th* failure ot a considerable nntsbsc ot bu*In Asses...
...The present wages of day men Are' ago a week, of night men SO, and of the "third shift" working between 2 a. m. to 10 a. m, tt...
...turbanoo to oommsrclal fit* Is at present very great, and bankruptcies occur daily., The LAbor Union potato out tost this disturbance Is a. passing phase of rebablUtaUon and eaUlag upon tt* workers to ton* earning •venta with firmness and coaBdsaoh...
...That waa .the "ultimata" proposal of the employers...
...A, of New Tork, led by Leon H. Rouse...
...President Rouse1 of Btg Six had the hardest time convincing - tha members that: they ought to veto on the publishers' proposition at ail...
...When, the** terms ware submitted to ft general membarehrp meeting en August 20, with the blessings of the Conference Committee, they w*r* rejected by a vote of 119 to 54...
...County in charge of tiro special agent...
...The Sselsfl'sf* have utoetaeu Papa ties anal rWeVmgAora to th* MaTransport Men Beard Mussolini in His Den...
...All' but one thousand out of the thirteen thousand carpenters have returned to work under union conditions...
...A 44-50 .club served aa 'a strike committee...
...Job and any open arum laef loir, wjorfc can only result In the peremptory dismissal of an active men...
...Only once did' the New g>rfc Typographical Union have to contend with a rival organisation... a Wge number jet departmentt th* teachers' OSloaa cO-operate with' the Trades Ceaneiuv...
...In its big special edition et June 22, got out to connection wit* the' Imposing celebration of th* thirtieth birthday of the Moctkaat Party...
...The Rapprochement In the Subway Situation On* was pusslad at first to under-, stand why the former leaders of the leterbcrongh.subway 'strikf shqujd at this early moment havp chosen to announce, that they are continuing their organisation work, among the men and are expecting to- have their own organixationi-fl}*-'Consolidated Bell way Workers-of...
...Big Six stuck to Its gun...
...On April 1 last they launched a campaign to re-' cover their grOtinH.: The national organisation, the Brotherhood ot Carpenters and Joiners, threw ail its resources toto the sir uggie to thl...
...The conference addressed to the minister * detailed memorandum, to Which nil the arguments brought forward by the employer* were answered... cUrhtnete the evil permanently...
...1) an eight dollar raise...
...The'employee* and themssl van isolated from home and friendsr they ' are unorganised and...
...Industry and' that each-aide recommend tho adoption of this reeolutlon to their constituent bodies and report t* the'next meeting at the International Joint.- Canftoemi* Council...
...gmpa**m...*.*am« time been instructed to represent tbs interests of th* raUwgymen'S, tramways-ten's, taranspos t irorbdj *', docker* and seamen's union* slWHdtod with th« L T. F. In Italy...
...It* first president tost Bonee Oreetev, ¦editor and .pubttoher of the "Tribune...
...Their "holiday" lasted eight weeks, from October 1 to November 24' 1919...
...It is svidpnt that in all lass wefi organised leeaUtto* the eight-hour day is ATSAtly axossflsi...
...Big Six has risen, and fatten with the busings* cycle...
...Aa a result Charier, P. Howard ot Chisago, the Progreesive Party candidate, and meat of hi* ticket wer* elected...
...This union was already taxing Ha member* an additional portion of their earning* to give them larger pension benefits...
...On September d another Associated- Press dispatch said the strikers had returned to work, their demands having.been granted...
...International and of two- dollar* to those- who receive ten from the latter source, a pension in case of disability amounting to ten dollars per week, and a death benefit of ode hundred, dollars in addition to eum* the International...
...A report was made by delegate* a* to the observance, of the eight-hour day M the asperate provinces and* districts...
...Summer Hotel Workers Swindled Out of Pay...
...The "unemployed", were "supported...
...The workera failed to see It by a vote of l.rto to T. • What complicated matter* was the provision in the General Lstws of th* International* ' Typographical Union that the Inter*k*n|*ng of type or matrices is;Illegal...
...totdra Ayor...
...Formerly they had an Iron, almost a dictatorial,' control of the trade, but the,employers, organised Into the Industrial Association ef San Francisco, took advantage' of the economic* depression following the war boom to drive them into a position of complete subjugation...
...breataf New Tork, affiliate with ,.t^*v A..-F...
...The active spirits will be found - out anyway...
...The locals of the other crafts accepted the 'proposal...
...hard-working folk making up the population of tbesg frontier town...
...It cut the ground from under the New Yorkers...
...Typographical Union No... nabt Pebrunry and that the country would than be brought beak toregular constitutional gavarangmt, Last April ft report from Bueyaqufi told Ot th**organiaatlon of • Socialist Party, to Xcuador...
...Tha Nawapapat Mam 1 Ramek "at DmaaUaek . Mtore/rebentry th* newspaper compositors have occupied the center ot attention...
...Th* moral retrogression that It ba* produced to Europe* n politic* ha* vary, devastating eimssquannaa...
...By'an almost unanimous] vote the union refopAd...
...For instance...
...The publisher* countered, with three propoeala, any eh* at whtoh would be satisfactory to them...
...As' that day approached moat of the locale of the five crafts affiliated with tha Allied Printing Trades Council (described in the third installment) made n concerted demand for a flat increase of fourteen dollars'per -week and the forty-four hour week by October 1, ltlt...
...Tha six hundred thousand dollars controlled by Big Six, of which a third alone ia to the defense fund, go a long way to explain the tenacity, and mare than that, tha^ accomplishment of purpose of the New Tork Typographical Union...
...The wording of this resolipfiun hi important...
...It waa evident that these were men who had been active in the fortyfour hour week movement...
...In Oeneral Pftso, where the Socialist vote averaged about Alt, against about 475 tor tha Radicals, three -of the elected Socialists are railroad, engineer*, on* f* a printer, one a photographer and one a bookkeeper...
...Negotiations must now be postponed until after the adjournment of the convention ot the International Typographical Union ' at Colorado Springs, Colo, which convene* on Sept...
...One of them, which Is typical, involved five waiters ia a pshemst, whcrhad.hcjon, Induced to, come to_ MCPJJs*lio_ from Philadelphia under the promise gf receiving...
...They decided among themselves to go on "vacations" instead...
...A candidate for ..'membership must dbposlt an initiation fee varying front ten dollars In^ the case of those under twenty-five ta .thirty-five . dollars for those forty-five and over...
...Bank capital to Bcuador la, in the hands ef Wall street...
...Peeling tnjustto* had been don*' by this maohine-centrolled convention...
...up with American finance and planning for another big loan la probably accounted for jby the...
...two dollar* next year, and on* detow the...
...Big Six could do nothing officially...
...Some of the delegates war* women and in opening the meeting a member of the provisional committee made reference to the difficulties of .trade union organisation in the textile industry caused by the very large proportion (about 25 percent) ot woman- and Juvenile* employed...
...The workers bided their time...
...Nevertheless, Big Six vbted overwhelmingly in the negative...
...n vote of }T9 to 102...
...Under th* tern** of .rh* wsoawnct the statu* quo has been mAtotaned wbU* negor tlaUon* .have .been carried on... r Maxim J. Levey, atjd»part*i*ntal special investigator...
...Compared with the cosrt of entering other unions, these'amounts are reasonable...
...The second lt«m on tha ajmida was tha attempt by tha testa* Manufacturer*' Society of Catalonia gg abolish the eight-hour day In the tdxtfto industry...
...Th* consequent dkv...
...a proportion 'was submitted to a referendum vote of the membership to r*qutr* every member to pay a minimum of ft per month to the pension sad mortuary *>¦—monts> In addition to th* nor capita tax of •A oerfts...
...Tbe prtoterg asked for an of wages of t* * week, a six and a half hour day to ptoee of the present **ven and a half, wtth seven in th* case of the "third shift...
...tberbTop*, gdd th* pilfered wags* af their worker* to their profit...
...The dispatch concluded by saying that there had been no disturbances so far and that the authorities Were impotent against the strike movement, which had strong public sympathy...
...French Teachers Gain Labor Doings Abroad TRANSPORT MEN BEARD MUSSOLINI IN HIS DEN to accordance with...
...La Vanguard!* of Buenos Aire* reetosd th* history of th* up* and down* ot the party ta Argentina In' detail and cam* to the conclusion that the good work of th* pioneer* was Ukety to bear fruit still more ahcbdaatly ta .the sear fatare...
...Now the,fight Is almost over...
...s . ' Aa given by Bl Pare at Ouayaqu|L a Socialist weekly, It describee ia] striking...
...Asked by tha union representatives what they meant, they said "elimination of resetting bogus...
...The Story of The Typographical Union "Big Six" of New York(1850-1926) By Louis Silverstein -v^gfcmf»*s of mg Sfc'a caflmt yam* W9*m /V tkejlrM torus toetoBssonts the .htotorp of thg insaruetftondl TysepyeyhicaJ Union.wa* token mp from fhg hcyfanfng ttf prfmtttf orfsrnnmffoiw to the glghteesfh cswrury to toe present time...
...They wanted, in accordance with the International Union's own* law, to submit their offer to -the membership for a secret vote...
...of jj^ union, the Amalgamated Association ot Street aitd Electric Railway Employee of America...
...This condition has just been brought to the attention of Mrs...
...1, It was decided, .by an almost unanintou* vote, to ' form a Spanish Union, of Textile Workers to be affiliated with the Union General de Trabajadoree (th* regular national federation ot labor which forma part of tha International Federation of Trade Union...
...That toot st the beginning of ite career in the fifties...
...The employers -had offered Big Six sin- immediate Iqprease of six dollars per week and the abhration of all other points...
...tact that public sympathy was With the strikers and that other-branches of labor were eager to do their share toward beating the companies,'which had refused to deal .with tha striker a On-September 4 an Associated' Frees 41spatdh' from Bogota said- that more- than 5,90* employes of the government's Pacific Coast railway lines had gone on strike, that all rail transportation had stopped and that industry in general was tied Up...
...Th* constitution provided that taxation could, only be Increased by referendum vote...
...0 cents more than toe amount voted down la the referendum... was a losing, though a magnificent fight, . The vacation' movement came to an and through, the intervention of the international officers of the £ T. 17...
...To cop* with the- first aspect of-' thee proMam seventy subpoenas were* served and a hearing was held on September ti Justice of the Peace -Clinton Xt;Ov»rtoa has formed g committee tef%saist the State represeatativesr-°¦¦-Af^the name ' tube • this group baa launched a movement to establish each tytsatlon season a ,***station dP tap labor Department in Sullivan...
...Beginning, thl* October 1 the day shift receives fifty-seven dollars per> week, the night, fifty-eight and the third or lobster (1 to lb a. mj sixty-one...
...At the last convention, 'held at Kslamaaoo, Mich., the detogatsa refused to raver** the council'* action by...
...As for wages, they would consider an increase ot six dollars per week spread over n three-year period, provided there were "compensating concessions...
...An agreement waa made to submit * the following proposition' to the constituent groups to a referendum: - Received, That both parties are to submit to 'their respective , bodice: that, beginning May 1, .1921, the 44-heur week will prevail nationally in th* print la...
...Ip will be remembered that the national' arbitration agreement with the publishers was not renewed .In 19?*} because the L T. U. had refused to arbitrate any of tta general laws,' th* ana te-d*e*tton being that referring to the bogus...
...TAGORE DENIES REPORT HE FAVORED FASCISM Following th* pubUeatloa af reports fat several European papers to the ef- . feet that Rablndranath Tagore had became an Admirer of Fascism a* the result et hid recent visit to Italy, where he was feted, and welcomed by Dictator MU**olial, the Hindu poet and philosopher gave out a statement, reading in part aa follow*: , "Th* methods and baste principles ef Fascism concern all humanity,-and tt .fa absurd to imagine that I could ever Support a movement that rutSlesaly suppresses free, speech, that 'compel* obedience to Its commands that ar* against the convictions at individuals, aad that follows the blood bespattered path of violence and ot, secret crime...
...anoT the-TtopeiesBnanr of -the pressmen's cause...
...Big Six participated in this move...
...Th* elections took place two mouth* Inter...
...ped*Py tor th* peopto* ot the Best who sr* at the mercy ef Western method* at* exploitation...
...revision of Aliens, New Tork Stat* Department of Labor, under whose...
...Bo even tt H were not almost crtadnak it Weald at kmc bo vary foolish far m* to admire a poUtluft iAeal that eomee out openly tor brntof vtotgttc* ba th* moving fore* of efcrtV Bngtton ¦¦' And tt one ootsrddscs taw bsrharlsnb which la not at all tavpo*Sfbi* gf eombmatmtn with materbd pre*p*rtt>vt aa desk-able, tta coat 'dp toarfaltohtob...
...Tho present New Torki organisation dote* it* existence from January 1, 1850...
...language the evil Influence esV ertod to socio-political aaTaira by th* big bank...
...tecirmg* dating Spam July X MM, thru* doflerg laistisbitary...
...Indued, scattered ever...
...August it under the auspices of 'the International... members not working'st the printing' trade come under . slightly different provisions...
...Th* society had told proposals before the minister ot labor, ta connection with which a public Inquiry had been instituted by hbn...
...The men could not strike without going through the slow routine procedure...
...are still to come from eleven sections...
...The' proposal w*a defeated by a majority ot T.600...
...Nevertheless, tn...
...Committees of three and four went from shop to shop spreading the pews...
...It* president, took up the gauntlet...
...R Sire, -director of the...
...New locale were organised and the employer* co-operated by locking out the members of the "outlaw" unions...
...In the meantime th* Joint' International Conference Council (consisting of employers and employee*, aa explained previously, waa In session...
...When the conferences were resumed, if appeared that the publishers had shifted ground somewhat...
...argentine socialists CAPTURE ANOTHER TOWN With the capture of tha town ot Oeneral Pico, way off to the territory of Lev Pampe, in the municipal election of July 11...
...Tha cmtipafgf has, too penetrating a apy system to make absolute secrecy successful...
...Only aythorflon- of^Shese sums ranging from/ss^wfn^to^fifteoa dollars is retained by Blx Six...
...Que point on which particular Amphasts wae laid was the antiquated equipment et the factories,.tt which mast ba nttributed the higtweeet *t -urn* duettou* •>.,,* !«*.' - WORKERS OF ECUADOR DENOUNCE BANK RULE WbtWts^prd^to^ xfctsadto., beaded by Dr...
...ratnaed to toB toto la* to***k*^fn>^: Tbp BObttohers finally agreed' to n Sv**ipa*r...
...stturtiii ¦ a^^WO^Z^ t o< The MwarXnsdar at IpalAltft of* the1 New ^rlrk^a^^^tog1 Isy'''** praaddant otVAnou* tknn a to*****> Twaan H. Bouaa, Jm^totwmagi nimpsskf* to unseat Jam** at Igpneb: ma kaaAet the IntarnaUonal .Typographical tTnton...
...anh is hj^a poeitlen to repreaent them In negotiations with th« educational auAbort tt...
...SManse and additional local and totorna^topsj old age pension...
...The "wato*!**** cam* to an end an NbaWer •4 M^TL kK§f Sit ami ' *""-'-" ¦ " • 'r*-" Thmttm t.T.U...
...The hook and fob printers, claiming that their interests vera being neglected, formed, a. separate union and demanded admission into the I. T. U. They later consolidated iMth Big BUt, which since then has paid cartful attention to the interests of tho workers in this field-of work...
...They banted th* forty-four hour week by October 1, 1919, but the*proposition as submitted to them begged the tosue...
...Unofficially they were urged ta| stay eut...
...They have not hesitated to bolster up their union with liberal financial sup sort and the organisation has rallied to them in time of need...
...Some one hundred and fifty compositors-were laid off on the day that the lock-out began, ostensibly for lack of work...
...This somewhat surprising answer from a government rather closely linked...
...Uat, baa been ctouv satortoAd by tt* Labor Cenfederaflosi ot Bkntoddg as a big Improvement our it* pr*dec«oaOr, conditions in thnf South' AmerioAn country are yet taf from ideal tor the working peopbJudging from A'manifesto issued by thg Labor rSnnfbddrattoa of the Ouay«| region...
...Thar* th* withholding of wages and the defrauding of workers hare become n chronic evil...
...Nbne oT -the leaders has been given back .his...
...They could attain their desires in 1921 or not At all...
...not xausttlvs to Jtfiy ~X+ lit*, with th* elimination ot the bogus...
...The assessment has been halved and will soon he removed...
...In a* far a* Itarlai) legiskitlon permit...
...Later e* Big dfe spHt urtth Greeley over an -increase, to •eager...
...A deadlock in the negotiation* having been reached, the July membership meeting of Big Six decided to appeal to...
...Officially the members of Big Six were all ordered back to work by their officers...
...By means ef a policy of systematic inflation th...
...a die patch from Qatta said that President Ayor* was gatag to hare a constitutional tuaiaiilhm...
...As * consequence of all these developments Big Six by a close vote at an exerting meeting dertded to accent the order* of the" international . officers...
...Ia .addition to* Secretariat 1* to publish a monthly Journal...
...Out of tha ninety, Japertmehtal Motion* (Including seven colonial sections), there U only oaA which does not report a total number of membership cards of the C. 61...
...I hare declared over and over sgato" that the aggressive spirit ot nationalism and Imperialism, observed by most Western nations like a religion, oeestitut* a menace to the whole wodd...
...Uut gffsstUm »b*« devoted to ate Hew Pork pHntevu,-n*Wiculoriy the Ifeio York TypoyraphicaJ Union, *oooOed Big Sto, whicA Acipcd, femn* the I. T. V. to IMfi...
...424 cards wer* bought by to* sections to Morocco, 20* by th* branches In Martinique gad twenty In Indo-China...
...the International officers to Intervene...* ^ War* Labor Board had mad* a decision for th* New Tork book ah* Job market which provided far tha reopening jot the case on May 1, l»i...
...also,, the publication'of a "Bulletin" has...
...1925, to* BgecuUve Council ruled that member*, had to pay net less than f 1.60 per month...
...Baying received fifty-four complaints at her New Tork...
...U B. The Frisco Carpenters Beat the Open-Sheppers Ever since tn* open so op anve or 19*0-21 the .union carpenters of San Francisco have fared in...
...When n person becomes-a member ho taunt nay to addition to his par capita tax of seventy cents to tha L T. u. also titty, cants monthly duo* to Big Stav Then, besides contributing one percent weekly of hi* total earnings to the International old age pension and mortuary benefit funds, he must also pay a one-half ft on* percent weekly for each of the following local fund*:, old age pension *n« relief...
...tan dollars 'tg yti'lla -/*»«p- worked from June M untQ August...
...TEXTILE WORKERS GET TOGETHER IN SPAIN While the dictatorship of Prlmo de Rivera I* rapidly going to, places, the organisation or the Spanish workera ta steadily making headway...
...Big Six \ ;';¦;-* takes a Vacation Meanwhile, the situation became complicated by the expulsion' of the three New Tork locals of the Pressmen's Union from -the parent body, for not paying their per capita tax...
...Lots of Monmy, Lata ot Daootion Fund*m*nrtaUy Big Six has been so successful because ot the loyalty of tta member...
...who . employed union men...
...In the machine-made Idea factories, to particular, up to fourteen hour*, par day are worked...
...During this time no strike benefits ¦ were paid aa such...
...This gave, the International officer* the righ^ to .Intervene since tha nebeptonee of -fair, arbitration In disputes arising under- a contract- waa obligatory upon - a local, The' intervention did take place and Big Six was ordered back to work and accept arbitration' or b» suspended,' In the meantime,, the "outlaw*' pressmen found that, except tor th* compositors, no other craftsmen in the Allied Printing . Trades Council would work wtth them to accord*ace .with th* constitution of that.body...
Vol. 3 • September 1926 • No. 35