A. F.I. RENEWS MINERS Executive Council Urges Quick; Assistance for British Strikers WASBTHffiTQN. :-v~ *H - ia*am*r ttbnal and agtioaai. unions, " state and local oenlj-ej labor beetles,...

...Soft Ceal Output Increase* - u Cmicaco.—The National Coal Assoelation, the bituminous group, announces the highest coal output sines February., For the .week ending Aug...
...They are heroically flxhtiag against a lowering of their Hvin* standard...
...We should have several hundred thousand members and we are preparing to enroll them...
...b*|p b* extended that it be extended saw...
...a artestloa to be made te coajunction with Mr, la* from course* Jn sociology, history, ecoaomlcx and related sabjeates'-r > -v..- * •. . - -•»•>-,-• < TEACHERS' UNION HEAD SPEAKS ON RADIO Mrs...
...They arged that...
...September 21...
...New Tork City, has brbusht a large response from members of trad* anions In and near New Tork City...
...cas&faaat atiowb*- f»a* aaaarseati -aSfajM'St r '{Cm w .ii- & Syii.v...
...They pleaded for help...
...Mtea Seader*a first address la English win be given under the aupplcM of the, Bronx Socialist Pgxty CJmm|r Committee la the hail of the Bronx Tree Fellowship, 1M1 Boston Road (near McKJnley Ssnmra...
...It affliated with the American Federation of Labor May >. 1»16...
...Profreiadve Sport Club The soccer division of the Progressiva Sport .Club defeated th* colored American 'soccer team by a. score of 4 to 1 last Sunday...
...pubSc speaking, which w« taclwde tntmiag -In debatiax, trade unionism...
...11 aad win continue -rhYbog* to May >*, lilt...
...speed the weekend at the...
...The next meeting of -oar dujp win be h*ld o» Tuesday evening...
...The action of the . British mine-owners to , attempting to fore* this reduatioa <is • chaUsnxe to the mine werkera of Oreat Britain...
...OoraamnsPy they «maS .]*» •sited war* bsatofc Maao at thee* goBJt brought any punishment farm th* SBV sral anthorttlea...
...Th* XaUad Creak -aaS othdr ooal onmpsffiloh, threaah tbeir asaffiffir asaaotetlaa, supaTisaT Baa with Saad* for aba airto* of '*> prlisbt army «J aopstles, witfc'waiah h* patrolled S*» raad entering the ooaaty from tte) north, asaroteat every psssanssr traC* that arrived, and aragged siisssssa from hotel bads la th* a*Mdte at SB) night t» oxplaaa thotr araaadf a* BBbaUiwiek...
...this section I* probably the most beautiful te Westchester county...
...On Saturday evening...
...The fifty tree eight-mouth courses offered to union members and the fourteen courses offered to ' members of 'the Socialist Party or Young People's Socialist Veague are being much sought for...
...Bat te tab aampaiga at TSM CtebBa triad to carry ha> ooaaty for Bavte against Calvin Q»6tW»a He had aaaa a delegate la the mvttenat ssnv*sasaS ta New Tork City, and talt that it was ap to him to arrest or drive fate hldteoT all voters who would hot aSapart das Domocratio noralowa Bte aUuag-aaaS method* aroused the BepSbSOSria BBS as soon as th* maoh Inert eodM hOset la motion they baa hhn'fadKtdd aad oenvieted oa 'a bodfieg-- cenaptraay ohargw Chain ****** te have otew sidered that (eaarai Uqber hvWs dltffiss apply th his territory...
...Th* coat operator visited his aoaate at «bo Whit* Boaaa teat Kay...
...The mine wsrkfr*, of Oreat Britain have appealed to the working people of Axtctlc* td h«lp «*m in their hear ef need...
...kpoyfn as the Federation of Woman High School Teachers...
...Nonmembers are welcome attests at all times, provided they are nature-loving proletarians...
...I/eon R. Laad'wfll act as chairman...
...BOSTON MUSICIANS WIN BOSTON.—Union musicians of Boston are getting f71 a week for fourteen performances la vaudeville end moving picture theatres...
...When bur organisation is a million strong ami every teacher te the land* Is filled with -a "social consciousness aad I* giving to ear children...
...sttf a*V the caaMbtiitea* to Fraat Mejrrtaan, du r. tel JU ttelatrnf...
...COOLIDGEKIN HAD CHAFIN FREED '* TTssat ifcglsl ^asBaT j • * \ * •"'^^s ^j^^BaiB^^ ^ej*p «Jg-_-s^,^**, - ;-»rtc^ . '-, ^CaB^'sB^stei* s»V*ateaa* tea* JaBt*] •war Max dwa to hma*ttrBBa fan .after asalrtj a •bar* *k immM terrorism Is Lor** BBS Sat abte V Ms lawteas mtiaUdattes of trade aaBste lata who ventured tate that aoomr *4 the aaat SebSr at ^Baft Tsarlala, Bpl BUI Ce©ad»e, Head sf the lataad Cr**B Coal Co-," domlnstins...
...loader, dkffiamana...
...1S1 Clinton St, Manhattan...
...RftenUy a dele**M*n repreaentln* tha BritUb Trad* Union Geafress and the1 Miners' Federation of Great Britain -vietted America- eaStas upon the B**mb*x*hip of . organised labor and their friends ta supply financial b*jp to the strikers...
...Miss Sender win be the xuest of the Togas People's SodaUst Laague and she will speak on "The United State* of Europe" ta the Band School Auditorium...
...The Executive Comnir eeqrs the new circular, "at its meeting held In Montreal, Aug...
...Clinton 8t_ New Tork City...
...The Exacativ* O«noft^h*r«*r...
...Do not' **l*y...
...Radical 9r**nlsations are asked tp keep this date open and co-operate with ua in wishing this affair a success...
...Send te rear money immediately...
...The courses are to start on Sept...
...She aw fo«a president of her local, thro* rear* end has belonged te aente sort Bf'isaehjai orgsnlmfInn lot over a enarter of a ooatary...
...She lings n Saffe saw te it that Boa was sisemd shaaBTtdebet...
...Marios Hspsome win deliver a brief address of welcome and Dr...
...tvaaa^ltOajt th^ ^tpxjaaMajUBy ^ dajeejatten...
...The men high aohool -t»aehers ta Chicago are orr*jrir*4 ah Local J. Local 1 eaoiprteed Ui» orxxntsed •lementary teachers of Ehl*a*s^isi<fl Mb* sohoof beard toraad ^^^^B^^sSsf^^^^^ a^^^^l^B P^rsfc'- 'iS" amJ^'ffi^a^shte > »tx* tocratoe of V ta IT.pas...
...We eameerty aad eiiieei ety arga you to make such vataatery eontnbqttaBs as circumrtxnoas will par' talt, Givti.fb fh* limit..of your ability...
...A new social consciousness fitting th* teachers into the great Industrial workaday world had' to be developed by the federation...
...we hike to Silver Lake and th* ouarrtes near Walt* Plains, It...
...WhahiBltrBlPi-.i'iJei^cV ¦ abet etsekae ktafe te>*tbav eessnlle at thie Oernaaa SacJalaersmd Labor aWraaeamt...
...East 1Mb St Subway Station (downstair...
...Tickets are SO cents te advance, ft cents at th* door...
...aatetan -SaS Iffparted +tCtj» w|«Bh Hoose would bo all right am aaaf matter...
...21, at our cluhrpom...
...and mad* S request that his friend ho tin est loose- Then Kg BtH want hose...
...unions, " state and local oenlj-ej labor beetles, and local trade imioa* are asked by- the' executive oouaall of the American Federation' of Ltber tea second appsal for a}d for the eUrvinx families of the British-mine strikers, to' give generoueis—•¦give to the Umtt of'your abHIty...
...7 Bast Ifth St...
...reviewed the distreasing situation prevailing among the mine workers and their families lh Oreat Britain,' where a. strike ha* existed for the psst 1* weeke...
...Bar flrst^pablls aAdreaa wtO Ta^gfsrga on Pxid-y Mri Septama-c W...
...Watch the ICew Leader for farther announcement...
...on Friday, September 14, and in Borough Park on Saturday...
...ba,,a tester*.by TmW Saadar...
...New Tork City...
...m the Labor TsmpU^S^S But...
...women aad «hfidr*n who are th* sxfferers lh" ta* miner*' atriho raska to u...
...at S:Sp p. m. Bar subject will be "The SoclaUst and Labor Movement of Oermany...
...The subjects include Enxtish, elementary aad advanced...
...T. As-there Is opportunity for bathing m -the clear water of th* quarries bring your bathing suits along...
...Tab American Federation of Teachers,'' its new secretary explained, is both -*- national education organization and a national labor union, it was organised April It, lilt, and'Is BOW lust a little more than ten year* old...
...7>i« del*-' gpthm relaaed atorttsr eit' seotMoe, snffaring and" alptpxag whkh'war* of a most tou*bi*g and psth^lo nature...
...BffiBy SsSBlsr- a^aBlvBl'' ^ ' ff&t ^Tiffia%PaBB^'' s9BBB9atEJF A Isatttrs^af the we»h, end ft.dffi* TCxaejmaa*, fh« Band .StbsaTa aaaaJsW samp te «ha Btaa sfrnffitefsaj at mmaytsaaja...
...Two classes wDl be held- each evening during three evesange^of the weak- Allowing for holidays, there will be 200 class sessions...
...The miners ere resist!** * reduction In tbe meager wage* they heretofore were receiving...
...We have several hundred locals and several thousand members...
...1 at Clinton HaU, Ii...
...Thie president is Mary C. Barker,-'of'the Atlanta local...
...at Cltetra Ban...
...i*t the sympaihetie sad geaerous heart -at.ta* organised labor m*vem*n%of America r*apoad> aatokly to the appeal which the hungry men...
...fThla strike of the miners la Oreat Britain has' reached the point where suffering among* the miners' families is intense...
...Tourist Club HOas Sunday, Sept...
...Mth ffit flhe> wrii spSeak m qerm*n «*4 he* tbmtm m «T^Qerm*» BapabUo.- Moff ris HiIUj»it will render an address oi welcome 'gad Brua* Wagner win aoi as cbairmaa...
...these intellectual aad spiritual values,- It will certainly' bo • * greater world ¦ and - a batter world for all of us...
...w**aaa wjtev«r of tha a*ra*aa Bsdeaatas, Mis* gstiier, wJO d*llv*» her tan».-Sa>rW._.*vw*tegv T*aa aaj lateresthar musical program wfB aloe k* iaawter*A> -.„--.v Bertha Mfttley has extended aa Stvftettea te all friends of the camp aad th* Raad School to...
...Applications are stfll being received at th* office of'the school: Those interested Should.apply to Algernon l*e or David Mikol at any time dxriag the day...
...T E*st 15th street...
...28 the yield was Il.tesVOvO tons, an increase of...
...Wednesday evanlng, September 19...
...Maiison Explains Aim of Organization in Chicago Address . CmCAOO.—-Our union has had t< break down the tradition thai teaching is a profession wnereii the teacher baa nothing in com mot With the . workers, said Mrs...
...Meeting pise...
...The industrial struggle has beep, ^arrjsd on week after week untC Mwpsr and distress are being keenly ^tOt...
...walking tlBae, tare* hoars...
...September It...
...camp: Sh* write*: *T%* moat beautiful days the Blue Mountains knows are now here and tb* camp invites Us many friends to spaad a few days of recreation...
...an^n^e7«" T»aA ailea'neaaf...
...two y*ara...
...AH friends desiring to purchase tickets should communicate with Julius Green, 118 Delanecy St...
...MANY ENROLL AT RAND SCHOOL Offer of Scholarships Attracts Many Members of the Labor Movement , THE seholarshlp offer made by the Rand School of Social Science...
...TOO,ooo over the preceding weekV...
...Its motto is education for democracy and democracy In education...
...to* East Broadway...
...The Progressive Sport Club will celebrate with an allstar show, entertainment and dance on Oot...
...France* Curtis Hanson, newly installed secretary<^Sa*nrer...
...of that enrolls both men and women aad has nevertheless a woman president aad a woman secretarytreasurer...
...t»« in feature picture aad legitimate houses: ftO foy^»^por|ormances te btirleoqus about 41 per*e*nt over previous scales The aar**maat la for...
...American Federation of Teachers, in * talk on labor and education, Which was broadcast by broadeastta* station WCH* owned by the Chicago Federation or Labor...
...M. Secretkry Hassan belongs to Local «, Cbltaxo...
...ooenary of...
...Ass result of this review It was decided te Issue another appeal to the membership of the Federation' and their friends to make voluntary financial contributions for the purpose of supplylag food and clothing to the'striking miners of Oreat Britain and tbeir families dependent upon them...
...less than a month after its organisation...
...eTap VeV .¦¦^pd'ffi"""* "sPfg) sb* - Bat ¦f^BaP ^^^^^fc B«BB>-i .. *.-A...
...The American Foderatloa of Teacher* Is the only teternatiohal la" ttte A."F...
...having taught in th* hlgli sahooi* la history departsient hw twenty-nin* rears...
...wiU also apeak ta Brownsville...
...Bis release after a tfttJs more than a year a, prison Is credited to Big Bflt Coolldgs, cousin of Calvta...
...Workmen's Circle t* Celebrate The Meyer London Branch 4*1, Workmaa's^eircle, will celebrate their first year of existence with a concert aad daac* on Oct...
...time, 7:1* a- sa...

Vol. 3 • September 1926 • No. 35

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