...J*," bu betVBvba* up to »H» prttaat tame, TJU* is the .ajsst suocessfbt of an the' &iUorwaeOB^aM tatitunnsa* ta due to the -tact that aU arrangements wor*f -mad* Br British Mi Argentine fln*n«dore^n**wtiat*d bankrupt countries and by their OSntroi of nnanesis forced the signing nations t6 UvonP' to hb*.-.*affs<tn«nt, 'There is: op parallel to thja in...
...The noa-persistent gas means oao that dissipatesrapidly I* th* air...
...m 11 b Idg t* strengthen" to* newly" organised "Anu-FAscistl League tor th* Freedom ot Italy," with hasdqasrters gt tta People's House, 1 East llth street and of which .Gene Debs la the- honorary chairman...
...Th* total distributed ecoh week tt wt-t*s fsn it paroaat...
...W^ataa »fo, Hbuad truth...
...Shapiro 11—H...
...wOl be tha fire* at aonrtatoaja, tap lacturst gtomtotov . -of the imfi bulletin toSnurei ',• • . ! Ch«n ieal Warfara v. wartaru s^ven bar Captain 4Ma lb Jobs, a W. g^ ours* area ik as leal **Una' aad Ma* atona toe arrenihg at Mmrrii nsuessg- so totaraetto* and taatrucWve that at ggn reqocnt e< toppact the lecteou waareduoed towaafjggt oarafol coMMaimMua at aacat crttBarT officers, wba certainly aa* expect *a ha tb* future.*' ' : aw* gy^jgg>y»g> **» war*art <*w Mm W ar » latwataa allotted *W, tuft I Aaf V«a svun with th« HatM-ttaa^ J*** ***** ^^rt.*^!c*^,|l!H**^i te# (• "slow***, wNM>#vfr ^wAnttlwf Ms aaaltianaJQf aar piW *4Vtenwa, policy ar t«a ^afltft ft fctaraa. ana knows that aa fs* s» esmesr documento go ph am leal iplii r*Wf^ Tnurtn^MaiirT'il^iT^rr^lilr ' Irving *y aoeujwptfona ether tftesi fatal er Hrtama*jena4 taw j-eattes...
...It Ja by aartaaana aatoKaucaily fa* aeU-ayMaa^y trua to jttffarcDt' t»<baa waJieia at any Hpvaa motnant* ~ Ooftattfat?^ fly tnttaooa, Ktta Srltiah poal aWli...
...faJPeta for the opening night of SrtfS^w^^^^^^ bse* IS...
...The Pedes...
...The Socialists explained that bad Stgman...
...primary *ad see that the candidates, selected are nominated .and delegates elected.'* , ELECTRICIANS FIGHT SCAB MATERIAL NV Ya'^Ht C»01ed to AidnijMmiatatton of ITiitfclilciustry By Laborite THB iTlillS&l Industry eg New Torb CtVf^nui startled last week by A.aWOIaratlan otWire»an's Tjatoai afe.^'« the toteraa...
...wa toiiat aoak to adaAita ouraolves aad our children to tha ;§Mc view... earning* oves Communists Squelched At Anti - Fascist Meet Socialist Return Asked Thg Bbttonai Convantton ot tha Anti-Fascisa AlSanoa ended its threeday as salon attar paaatog'b resolution toviting tha Sorlsltols to rejoin the AgJanoe...
...Sapb iftit- -~'J- -FT...
...Cut throat competition prevails gad laada to reductions in wages tg save expense...
...If national sedstenoe requires, th* clauses v#fli b* broke...
...s. Department of Labor...
...j* ^Jgg" ¦*> .»t the better paid own moat at th* ***•*, The average hoidioae ot the employe* owaiag eoacmon steek to aearly 11,4b* cad la praterrod etoek to H40...
...It Is difficult to retain iu .concentration, but the ooneentnatioa, once built up, will kUl quickly...
...These workers ara organised into Local MS oe the I. B. B. W. They ware chartered March IS, ISM...
...Three^tenths ot ansinsrgsgdi of tha preferred stockholders/, are amptoyea aad they own less thai ons-teath at aaa percent of th...
...stock Tha report gtvas anothkr ladbnrian when, tt Bate' tha...
...M*w 'Tko faata of blsaliii and nests Aaiiilit are ot atrpe yienV aa*) Stack fftsMl*fog siakbjlrott Intakes** ft op rat andrmsd ^Tftmb-ea* ism peal ss •hoolg vigerouety totwem and explore tats aeids ta at spat ab^trtaatt ait •my as a source et taeare joapptt- bat lapply asatt bnStret Ot oar owe *te> ******* • '-- «•• v- - s : Thit pert^rapk tt takta fro* th* recent report ot a beard oomprlsbd et the Socrotsrtaf ot War...
...There is a specified quantity tor 100 x 160 yard sreae, and vaen this' quantity b) placed ft Win saturau the air passlag *ver this am tor th* ftffl il or 14-day period...
...compered with Jan*, according to tbe Tj...
...7 The number «c workers as taetary payralU to las* than tt perdent or tbe Svcfag* ot tlM...
...In the leather products industries tha hlglaan record fS mada...
...which they asaatuBg awoktod at ton convaatton...
...Jia-^rk Bogofr'1 * "r ^ * '. ? IS—Algernon Lee ¦ - ' ' 1«—sjanuse...
...During the war the protection against thia vapor was Oil suits which were about as deadly as the gas itself...
...Tbay even applauded Orson at his praising of democracy an-tha same day whan thear ofgclai JEogitok Dally was calUug htm traitor... pi-ngtsaa an organiaation campaign being, conducted with tha aim of Inducing the)' arncranntoad ngper...
...Before that tbay had existed .for about a year audi a half aa an independent group, known as the Inside Wlremen and Lighting Fixtures Union...
...N. Y. SOCIALISTS NAME STRONG TICKETS Congmi, AtasCinbly mad 1laW<>>inil< NiwiiiiMiiii 2^B#0*^f *J on T^r«)oea1fe''^r%rty ef-Naw Tork - Oty hM'^tored a atremg ticket In the Ms^tor-'-thd Weai state ana...
...Wages have depended opact Individual bargaining and have ranged between eighteen and thirty-Ave dollars per week...
...could not get m and the ski* could aot bceath...
...on tha part of tha union to call such r strikes...
...That to aa* of the , reasons why th* mask is 'cleared' attar ;( it is adjusted...
...sH ftva boroughs: : New Yot* County iUdTKM or ^rfltiBourrr or QINassttL MsmgttsffOMesst...
...fcdoaa^atoatmr if lore* taxma*, w« |,atoil Mto1«>ta a. <eaaacioua taoaa at Stothofbdod...
...Methods of covering the affected are* with paraffin, etc., which .were used during the war were found to b* useless... U perofat commission op SO...
...They have bad to face tha competition of Inexperienced boys who have been taken on to work la groups of six er eight uadsr the supervision of a skilled madhanfe... by drafting th* erigmsl clauses will be called la and paid double th* amount to pick ftowa-tobth* **m* otemma when It Is meceCsarr to break them...
...The latest method recommended now le Dakla's Solution, 'which Us I perceat strength Hypo chlorous Acid, or, when the wet dressings are act practicable Chloramlne—Tin sodium' stearate...
...There is no definite known cure to date...
...gtotorday • ¦ftarnoana, Suodsya, aad holidays...
...Israel Cold In sn REGISTER . ' KM* H. Ehret STATE SENATE V I—E MegerHn > r>ist 8—Charles Reee ASSEMBLY pfMstr ^1—IgnaU Schrey '"*!—H- B. Anderson 1*—Mathlas Palm Dirt...
...of tan*, win kin, aVrpertmenu ta dat* bav* aot daftnltaly fixed on tkaaa\e**oentr*tion* or nm* aeeesaaey aBtBttticavSaRajy tmttiit that th* ooantattratton SOS yard* downwind, h* breathed tar *a*>b*rf boor wlU caaee aackh...
...counting Ruaslaa, Italian and ¦lovanian delegates, there,wer* around 2«4 delegates...
...A worker without a union tt like a dog without a home...
...whscevei ambfi anion eleotrieal flaturas mm usobV T**m this action the ah aman Bam* i s th* tauest credit Aire**ty twectr-oae b>dependeat ia.....tol»)asms hav* ootoe to toftaa...
...involvlag wamoas - og^ftjtors, The ORtraaswusjt abd » ajBL Municipal bugflu»g» are aayutgtfuOge hit...
...This tact was known aad mads us* of by th* Germans in many piaoes during the war...
...r The.;K?ns.of <Ueec * "A brief summation of th* tactical as* at lethal chenyeais la war will BOW be given...
...To that wa...
...tha anaployers ara short-^lghtod or obaftonba . . Jtow-a half year tta irmtoa triad...
...Th* men were getting ttt c week bat hav* bean offered,* guarantee ot It a day...
...wall* th* wCg* total to about t percent nhcer the •votes* fat that peer...
...primary he will aire yon a ballot "See that you get a •Sodattsr ballot (color Is canary...
...These ara average figures ever an Industry...
...For tha present you can Wf* your own application of these ae'V " .-»•~un * piaasura to.«ej>^tiilato-th«| jgwsa" Textile Workers 'oa their abcr 3gi*> taking 6var>ha Passaic strike...
...Trad* Commtostnn make* a* such deduction And...
...This regiment however, wfli apt take th* Sold until Mi* enemy has started its use of chemical...
...that all of thesefacta (?) and circumstances, taken together, tend to bring about a disruption and destruction of tha plaintiffs lawful business...
...Hind you, there vte noming ta the least radical about PrbSawor Ripley's suggestion...
...SeeUUsta- r*rp...
...After marking time for...
...The-air mo vine *loag with the Mad currents will carry the gas s|*t»g •?W i;0v0 yards, losing its gas concentration as it proceeds...
...The baste training, however, will b* entirely ta the use of Smokes, Lachrymetoro aad Incendiaries which are the...
...Don't let tha boas frighten.'' . It to fatoeiy alleged that *; statement p> Athe effect that "a strike will soon' tje called" was Issued' by the union...
...which % r Imriir/ recommend te aay ot you who sSttt'ike background at tbe pro tent ^Jtetuaa...
...en Johnoon... rscardad la ton poet-convention aeafjaty St the Alhaaoa...
...Vfttwiidg* as the British cad French war* at tht time of the first gas attack...
...How to mark the primary ballot: "Make an X in the voting...
...It to a concrete application of th* principle of economy offeree, "There are other gases which will act be considered here, and Smoke and Laohrymators wnl not be menwened because we figure that you all cr* fairly familiar with their uses, it might be interesting to oonsidar th* defense methods- and- the first-aid treatment necessary tor vesicant gases such aa Mustard and Lewisite, ft first must Bo understood that it to gas vapors that oaa** th* greatest amount ot dam***, cad that th* vapor from vesicant gases will penetrate clothing or aay building where air penetrates...
...Mtmlilsatlba cad Basic Intensive Train...
...Only seventy-nr* dnt of n thoejaaad of tha - holders of' common stock ara employ to and tbay'own n sttU ssaailer proportion of tha Stock...
...Workers* Cultural Club (People's Bona* -c* Maw Tarfc City...
...Establishment of k etHet as>pf^ntieeahla/eyatem...
...Srawdent Coottdge did not dare ciatm ait Professor Hipleye teaman tor lltUr accounting wis wrong, so a* toll jSok on th* absard State'* rights ergujfj*nt let the States, not the nation, mens te it Aa if 48 states, many of no* competing for corporation toe*, Mbit or would compel nation-wide parporationt to file proper account...
...It was the main consideration that permitted'the Germans- to conserve man-power ht the defensive •oetor* and withdraw them and phtes them In th* area to aid ta th* main attack...
...Thir convention, notwithstanding tha appearance at one ot its sesakms of William...
...buz workers, who are among tha lowest paid and moat overworked wage-earners in Maw Turk, to' Joto tha union to order to oh" tain ta» 44-hour week and a minimum WORKERS HOLD FEW STOCKS Catholic Councfl Finch Employe Ownenbip Is Only a Myth j; ¦STTETaSHINOTOM.— Bba Amertoaa WW workinar people are tar even *.-* ' from owning an...
...Mwnhsrlsn District Cemmunikt Party j"" Antirascistl Section, ftadiak Prngyeenfv* Canter, B Lnverators-" yBalian Oammunlst weekly), Ctob1 B Xnvorator* (same paper), Coanmorllaff- *l*sBea (A telegate...
...ballot I. concealed/ fcesva th* voting booth and -hand the ballot to ffili I—paiiaaa n SuiHliiBst liahl iW win tear- oft the 'stub.aid deposit It far the box foe stubs and the, ballot Jn the box marked 'Socialist Party," "Sea that the ballot is deposited la the box marked 'Socialist Party,' as the clerks In their haste are liable to make a mistake and deposit it m the wrong box...
...If the bufn'is treated Immediately and before th* blister appear*, its action can bs considerably retarded...
...Ia trade theoomsnoa etoek holding is $1,100 ahd^praferrod IMS...
...1 Taxi Strike In Boston RrookUno, Mass.—Drivers ot the Pykd Cab taxi Co...
...Tet so L aakthly is tbe present administration eavehnVto business interests that it alt aft'even, exert itstjf to brttg ¦bbsmis moderate reform...
...Such as ta* vitaUon from such a seuroo implie* government becxtag...
...f'\ ^eta-nouce what the pood Oelvta sM^apvt Professor Rlptey** very jaMTot...
...aahtjha had...
...too much ¦ adtolre the generosity they have - Jftol.lteward the British strikers, ^¦parlhstass, the coal situation ilius,P>H point which Socialists cannot j^j^ra, to* ignore...
...bald, had tore: . ', A lily of a day .*3 - U fairer far in khty...
...A convention ot this nsw Anti-Fascist!.- organisation- -1*>, being planned to take ptecw-hk... devoted te Chemical Training...
...t. r - t —Tha study oX tha OommunlaOB fiafagntom mane up to vary hUataatbsg and fcaggssts scans analogy with what bappeaed tor tha CJatosgb PbiTotar 1 ahto Conxkutpista fhap fsRaal thacnaetves Into a» many delegates to the convention- Take, for instance the small city of Wilmington, Ipplawara, trout where tha Communists send delegates renresentlng the Communist Pasty—Ant}Paacisti section—the Sons «f Labor Society, and again ' another AnttFasclstl section... ft rafter tha Inside men engaged to tha manufacture of chandeliers aad fixtures who are -directly concerned...
...Tha Specialty Paper Box Co...
...This hi ooonomta imperialism at its baldest, tet aU strong nations JOta IS Similar traattd search tor oU on tka heal* ef their supposed national need* dad the interest* ot th*tr oonceselos hunters *at the result will be war...
...Sucker V—Nina Pray »—Nathan nn... with tha question, 'jfbia week he has burst into print to'ji fiara of prfblfcfty to oendumu" th* attifcera at Locals .gvaad JaL But that was aexcause the men stopped aaktog tor alteration...
...Whether or not the laoryer miad will be satisfied...
...It dlaappeara in tares to eu-mile-*»**fl* in about five mlmttei 'ffa the open and "in about 16 minutes la terrain covered with brush _ or wood... in the same pofcttun as retard* enemies...
...Uwyors -That that "at history proves that to * •rials for mctteaal •xTstoncd th* vary lawyers who made their...
...ltanWin County r CONGRESS Srmi*jn Herman ' SHERIFF...
...Tha anistisn to now, how much longer wm tha second apfit...
...Kamaar . 15—«arry SmUk Vt—SatUpaOcft J0—Ca-M...
...At'the lastaac* *f the lajsgg actional, Loeal S has dectored ayml pathetic strike* uSder the eOroottoa af Richard L. O'BAra...
...Ipso*** tax figureo in the Cam* report h*w*v*r, obnilrmthJa ooneiacio'a, , "AU this toes to show how stoap a read Axe*r|oan labor mast travel to reach the god when the, working people will share, proportionally In the ownership of industry... and numbers, but solely Imnausa they lacked orders from their central headquarters...
...w* ' knaw ft aa uaaJaja wfcao a>a arl«la > war M •aria, aa lt^^aMtWM tlatt Ua#' OMra #ara aAfOaMtai which bat tfcae Mite Maw A»aaj| tbft f&fi4BT% toft^OC^ OOF Xa^BB^Vfta^D^ ^4 ^»J^n»ta qaa^aaea^f^ir^ KwaTVtoa^faaa/ laa£ajffiaiMa for eominuawy arbroration, P*f ¦*P» setter torn as tha'migmailaa Tapg...
...hatfmua^slaastoas" to be hold tha coming" Hovemhait...
...lifts «ha* abba from this that aa area properly saturated with Mustard tHM wfB protect or defand aa area Mt yards down-wind...
...To the Injunction papers ts appended, a copy ot one af the union's circulars and as grounds tor obtaining the injunction against, organizing the workers, tha following excerpts, of tha circular apt quoted in tha "legal" docuS*«»t...
...ChsWa g—Max Boaen 7—Al...
...CONQRCtS »-Joe«ph A'"*Air- >> -. .di-Upa2wim...* «(»'Mw the toaalifig > %Mt to the vary om* t*^»k ttas* : Tha sidreea glse gtveo the UttMM statement often ina^ by mlUterieto thai the pwrpees of, tie trslntng (MM la one eg nhiaMraJ t»»|—t sag iwaraetata, rather than tofiitary tratotag...
...tato'tttogt the aatobsr employed down aearly t psreeht aad Ub total wage* dawn I P*r**nt BSm the hi** Point for m...
...Drake 14—Nor...
...v?* must And a bettor-way to get oil...
...A-sunglsmsartsttj a>ato»iaiifsj-gidaaroaed Socialists toba aW-to ytote in tha--pciasaxtos to ^toflg^tbar^oaadidataa ns aAgd bal^2J^ -^^^^Jj^^jjfi^gilet ballot...
...Tor th* purpose of getting a utiiafc conception of their uses, w* may divide lethal gases into two classes, lersMtent and n on •persistent, and tbea eon slier under each of these classes -a* mas r*s of th* crowd...
...was largely attended by Communists delegates, representing paper organisations...
...aa interesting and oehou , ^jjff^oamPhMt entitled "Mexico1* I'tawawM tor Democracy i Th* Revolu> ?^tam» of 185t amp i»ie...
...did nbt Collect it* figures in such a way as te ahotr what were the wage* or salaries of the employe* wh* owned stock...
...Wmir^l Ag:r«em«n4»ff Sit* Locturo DtabMl dg| I * part «f tta ffj^luw as t11M i dag • Preof dlih* MUf kta* fktotoa#top...
...Hamilton MacFadden...
...Jth* barrios ht oharged with preparing: am adequate defense ag**s*t tb> use of chemicals aad ih as preparing defense they are permitted to Investigate offensive War gases and tto*Jr toetlee...
...Tha report gtraa 1821 figures and there has beau since that rime a small change...
...Hal pern , Diat, -« ;- »—iL-Baraaolm - J—WmHalpern I«—Wm...
...corporation* avajtft keep their accounts in better OftPdend publish them ta more aceu'.Sm iad adOQuata fashion...
...tto.Chamioai Wartar* la also eberged with th* training tar th* defense aecln*t chemicals af th* WttebdsWW- Th*y...
...The enrolled vetara of the three effidel parties are required to vote for the selection of candidates tor public office and the election of members to Jb* official commltteaa and delegates teiConrentlons...
...t gaaageTdftoik 5—»?anj...
...about % year, they began making overtures to tha manufacturers in March, IMC...
...In ardor to oolve the defease problems against each aa pffensAve...
...Ju*t how well this clothing will stand up under the weather encountered in field conditions is not known, bat It is as simple sis any laundry process to reimpregnate .the material, and this probably will be done by quartermaster laundries...
...on and c cloth, then throwing this cloth away and repeating the operation...
...The Natreaal Defense- Act of MM organised a* a-separate branch of our army th* Chemleal Warfare Service aad allotted.: it deaait* duties... »*;ao "practical,", soaufc* to appeal rather than, to the ae*ae of Unions thht cannot mtt .en aj*to count ot their own votes will WKF "fonn polities, _and many a leader Who Ulka ahdut 'rdemoc ¦jg^ln bis light against -Communism, cm» own dictatorial methods, 4pe« "gP to help Communism than tha aPaunlsu...
...Thar took action instead...
...the roseatmoat of exploited as wen as th* rivalries ot strong power* will eentribuu its inexhaustible stores of fear and hatred...
...Daring the World War ¦ that...
...vsjue pt tha stock hstd by employee, ft agrearathat not...
...The Socialists declared that, they will have no dealings with an.organisation which comprise* people ao ruthlessly unscrupulous as to pretend that they can tool tha world with their eccentric machinations of |Ak* organssaAtonSr The... do ta* wte* tntag...
...Thar* has never yet been any other weapon that can be deposited by man aad left to continue Its dorenstae action tar two weeks without any regulation or control by man-power...
...for»e< that proteased champloaa Jgrtbe underdogs cannot afford on the jBPs of good tactics-rto put it on np 4HNr ground—to neglect idealism s£tae appeal to Justice and brotharW&z 1 could name ¦ mora than ana ag>a which today would be stronger SP*;*ot weaker If Its...
...Up to this time Smoke and, Laehrrmatora In chemical Weapons may be used In battle by all branches of the army, but this ls*aot definitely dabst ruined...
...4 _ CONffiSE** _ ;j Sm Eleanor Byrns * ¦ *M: . ' STATE SENATE" Myjkw """'nuiism 3£ COUNTY CLERK AtOEMtAN Jjfcfc - ' •'¦ •••••• H Adolphlna Murbelnen '* ASSEMBLY t l—Jt Chrlsteneon DIM...
...agar of the school...
...Very f*V et these salts w*rV lss^-*«S -censwqueatly we received large numbers of casualties from body burn...
...Oeorge Dobsevage 11—Lucille Randolph »—^Alexander Braunstein •TATE SENATI ' Dlst 11—Pat...* state from 11 Boon to 9 p. in...
...Whfle tha wBetoSu ara to benefit ia too long run...
...This includes the O. D. uniform, underclothes, socks and shoes...
...Phosgene oka only be used in la£ge^p*mty***apoa* and of* am"" * f fl^rl* r***4 **U "Pertinent gases mean those gas** that persist in staying where they are put in spits it...
...fhe beeiailat ticket will be'fhVottfy labdr ticket !Ia tha aak...
...Hot an&r faBfetha~ Qarawt miaara lovaa »ora 'Wm\ |" " ' '> °* BrttUh 4amaa>« tor ¦to «oai, -but thay h/tva raeoafat nSmaaatie aaaztal whtab *TftMi ^Kto tha- aatato> atoilwha'kth H^^tkM^ to fejgjjgggfe B3B5^^MSa7^^^lM^9Hmh BXtiem than to ohaHt j^|at>ia« ot Ktttar moral of my remarks la, a tbay Mar* a moral, that wa aaasat oxpoct >ih* aatoatotte oparatton of aaKAteraa^to totaw abaajt as ajCaotira to» "tornat6»*J aolidarl^of thi wtwfcara...
...It*, only require* • - small amount at the gas when this amount is m th* proper concentration to £ause death;, in fact th* quantity i that can b*scooped up in the face-piece of a, mask when putting the mask on to sufficient to kill...
...Not oaly *«" styOntf Mfcder the work of other grafts hugttj, apt to eaU into Pity tha ruia.atbtfg talMtog trades' anions Hot U. -wee^C, with mm-union man should tta-sas|eoyers attempt so to MtortsBM...
...haa sU*cg*d*d Winifred Lenifaan as exacutiv* nma...
...Bsa-Bjorbytti &r*-^.0> McLean f^a^LPhllMp* £*tePbistetn ^Richmond Goonty :SJT...
...Arthur OievanastU, secretary of tha...
...There are a number of independent manufacturers ga wen...
...Communist BrAach (downtown), Communist Bransg (Wast Side...
...Moa could not move In thorn or do any work without becoming exhausted, air...
...AIsL^llsP^ssV htoat: Nat Mfrmi, SamBl scare., tasy and Al Sflefciiuili...
...In hollows where the air ' circulation is bad U^wlU remain about one-half...
...war* it different gases in use...
...maehlnw art striking it this wealthy and fasetoneWs Bo*> ton subarb against aa attempt fa ream** their pay...
...8 ¦ Samuel MaOmaa "¦ «—WUliam W. Passage 7—Mendel Womberg g—William M. Pelgaubanm f—Wimemua B. ttohtoaob le-nikbrabam L Bhipiacoflf Dtot...
...Tha htatery at nationalism 'toaae that an amotion ¦ may ba aa 'Jt»on» aa to conquer immediate aelfaitereat-- witneoa tha enthuaUam wtth nraieh the poor have "died under tha ¦par at nationalism for- tha protection Ml the praflta at the rieb.- We ahaU H|l fat Internationalism pr labor aol3n<ity unUl it has the amottonel »pHtl which will conquer immediate ^¦E-lnteresC It wocjld be far mora |M*richtaoaa than I feel were I to pppiy this sen era 1 moral to criticism miners ot Penney Irani* or Oar* i**OC Too well do I know tha dinJaSta al their position, aad...
...At the efasfsmjMaaiOB tt was upon** declared that should tha Socialiata aeeaa back there wouM ha a taw placed reaarvad for-there tn the Executive BoerdThe Socialists seceded from the ATWanoa as a result ot Communist intrigues aad slanderous attacks against tha Socialist Party...
...kiU. S. Bureau Reports Drops In Jobs and Total Wages try's facte**** t*n it percent ht Jmy...
...N, J, one dekfgat* from the United Textil* Front ot Peterson...
...WlUiama ia-ig...
...Th» Kisg cm in this das* is Mustard- 'Om, ; Bustard Oaa, under w^mthar.aogdlUoag such as we Sad la »• vicinity at New Tork during Octh* ground" f| «Vt* bay...
...that pa par dsetamsnto ara acriy...
...To remedy these evils Local No...
...end aot only that, but it to doubtful A ta*Bf*sjnt system will train all the men ht 'jest putting on and t4*Ms off jocek, touch tots train them m whet to taWet from cbenUeaic When they reach the front they win...
...T>, Dress Makers' Local Mo...
...fakSnwbll* the majority ot tko Pod oral matt Commission Itaelt, .which Proelitant Coolida-e has packed with reaciMemtttss, denied that tt had power to reader this service...
...Th* soldier la the ordinary uniform who to struck by any of this vapor will receive burns over th* body, th* most sevSre barns being- in the mar* tender places and parts of the: skin that ar* moat moist...
...they voted for tha right-wing's, gaattoad... wouit at dangerous tt t pjtatai** wtth tka, ateatoma bishop* Wat a careful stady ot hfaxieaa "** 2kV aad Mexican eoneUtfcm* which S^nseessitat* seme, limitation* oa - & wo ohoatd ordinarily consider J 2}jb*ble occloeieaUcal froodom...
...There is...^Prad Ctoa 14—Geo.MeMunan 0W*l Batoers 1*—Herman Volk 17—la...
...Tbay were totally Ignored...
...The end of I hat war win be desolation too horMPlo to contemplate/ Tot to' this goal the wisdom ot public official* would load us...
...t Two arada-f of wijrk...
...The Voter then retires to one of the voting booths and marks the ballot...
...Sam tit toco, the roooat tWotaoat ot * riMoolftin at*a*a*.ta tka ta tercet ot I Btno liberty la QdwitrOMo sAd* tat I (goost for change* ta tko Heatee* | gThet unreasonable...
...the Navy, Commerce, aad tko Xptavtaf, which, considered 4m matter ot *a supply, tt is e direct iavtt*ctaa tt our own eitixen* to gat all the ott mad ta other tountrio* that they oka...
...The defense euqjpment~wlll remain at the Concentratlon Ar*a and the troops, .when they reach the.froh't will B* supplied with every gas defense'equipment It the occasion demands...
...Bud sgah> they own a atoastor share of tha atafto They own thbfy Rhae shares of posl* raon stock ghd forty-sfx gisgitisd shares out of a tho-osahdIn soma Industries employ unnai ship to practically hJL In tha gas tor dusjtry Jens than ona-tenth of ana peramployeg of tha butoatry and they safn four-tentha at ana gercentof the atatgfe...
...To* cUueas oeeoernlng the use of •Samlccis -la- warfare as...
...The Evil and tha Remedy Tha man, employed to making electrical fixtures have been suffering from deplorable conditions.' There has been no grading of work as bat weed tha mora skilled aad tha leas skilled...
...iJWf-totaraa\ la iMoitty abort-atohtod...
...The workers have not been paid any overtime aad their hears of work have bean unlimited...
...Treating Qa* Burns r'Ond* the burn has been received it is impossible to cure It la aay short space of time...
...We ten Sad it without being willing te die for dear old Standard Dil—wen concealed behind tko PlayV^-t'*--— , tt id not growing like a tree la bulk doth snake Man bettor be ' . Or cunOlng tang an oak\-rhr*ehundred y*or...
...their- allies...
...Amaricag egal pradaettBh ^HMMBwat^U' aatx^ftt lai a^rji ¦ «^ vir1 j«PP>( tfca'*rttJah atrilt...
...Be sure that you...
...f~: "Foteravote in t&», same polling Sdaees as they did at the last election...
...ffke * wis* thing to do, but tt 1* act Sara *M...
...Th* shoo proposition has aol been entirely worked out yet...
...r*r «h> with a large oonobn...
...wWt aaaa» .' natrta wNai ham baa* MaJ aai/ ffatfRa* wanting hi #a aut IMaaav 1 hmmmmf with" BUajaj taaff...
...Thomas 16—Simon Berlin It—Chas, Mats • put...
...TW maintato that fighting for tha aause of liberty of Italy, side by aide with those who approve dictatorship and political' despotism In Russia, to hypocritical...
...Section work has been oammon aad in many cases payment by the piece has even bean attempted...
...A chemical has boon developed which can be put in the ordinary Issue clothes ot the soldier...
...r - » 14—M...
...of tha International Ladies Garment Worker* Upton, and William Green known th* tasks up at tha convention they would have refrained from making their appearance V . < • Vkguesttoanhty th* saajorky of Mai dehurstea wag* Communistic, and' It fkey ahatalnad fresa aaanowvarkag...
...At the outbreak of hostilities one Chemical Regiment, was strength, will be organised and trained ready to take the Sold...
...JggM °dt only with regard to lnterJpsaaUsm that in order to be prac;^Nl wo most be idealists...
...taction at ga*,'tt breathed for a abort laagth...
...Boneat cspttsllsts ought, to require proper •Uhgelty of th* financial status of cerasratieas oa * defease of their own tyebna- Many- of the corporation* jwitth we Socialists regard a* among LJBj*worst now voluntarily give the InfMaptiOn sir...
...J * Qulnlai 8—Morris Kaylck •—Wina Hflkruit 10—Bala, Low 11—Walter Harp . IS—Bar...
...Tt to very essential that every Reserve, officer know something about Chemical Warfare The Reserve officer* in the T. A. Group, will be ordered on i active duty immediately on th* outbreak ot war...
...tM l|bTa Not bin* to 1 ottf • tat - Taor jpialM...
...It Is the duty, ef • the enrolled Socialists to rate in the...
...are to be so orgcnisod^toot...
...Ave delegates from the...
...These duties bav* - been *ttgm*at*d and yjbanged oonaiaertblv since th* aot was ¦pissed, due to ehaagins oirottmstaioes cSa * WOCW 4oNjaBasTaV "ahrienyy the pr*S*Ptv War Depart - meat poUpy la regard to Chemioel 'Warfare -to: tk*w...
...ftnltod TextUa Front of Passaic, N- J- . - , In all...
...Ripley wants...
...if one p^ay Jod«a their words and deads, n^tktnf btlt W*- 1 They trust fib ^trona-arm atttods without even wdWin« to try ¦jjwaalop...
...Thirty-fire out of a thousand stockholders ara empgnyes nnd tony ewh nineteen out of eysry thousnnd sliaiai...
...fcetructlons how to vote at <he pri¦ fjftr election: i »v*3au-olled Socialists who reside In jj0b same plaoe they voted -from last Sptlnii or those who have moved and Sjfo transferred their enrollment with ¦Wk Board of Elections, can vote at t^jJMeai are open from t p. m. to • Jnrns and*cfeea"o...
...Majfsto Chnmber- ot L»bor.~ apeaking at the opening session at Cooper Union, aatd that ererytoing feasible should be dona to bring tha SoeiaUsU bacg totaj the AJfcah^s, rasjto^ to return^ta^trie Alliance, so long ss tha" Cnrtmuntots wm remain lb tt...
...This Impregnated clothing can withstand vesicant gas vapor and wUI protect the body under ail normal condition...
...than the past Kaa-u* conference...
...H is true agtae erxanliaUan of trad* uniona ^aff" ia a school of trade union orgBr**" *-nA leaders who think tn 3jaa of power, and...
...In this line of tha trade there ara two employers' organisations: the "up-town" group, doing a rather good grade of work, known aa the Lighting Fixture Manufacturers* Association, and the "downtown" Retail I touring Fixtures Merchants* Association, who have little stores to the rear at which are small shops aad wba ¦ apeclsllaa in an Interior type of woikuianshlp...
...It ^"***f* * Bos length at time, •01 kill...
...Wh«n the voter enters the polling "ffiaoe he or she shall rive, the name Iffid address to os« of the election inelectors *n<*ask for:* "Socialist bel'fVhea'-Um Inspector Mas eioerMgteed that tk« voter is registered and IssreQed and therefore entitled to vote at the...
...attar, hostilities start, they *>*J4 be able -to as* gases offensively il Bthe '¦ «*§my t should instigate sash as...
...toe-, -coming tea...
...make an X In front of every -name, as ywura "may be the only vote In that election' district and afl bur candidates must be nominated, or elected "After you have marked the ballot, fold it, so that the stub and number will pYotruda, whfl* the printed past, of the...
...Tha h^dguartera of ^^pbrty made putrfio thafun ticket this weak to oonnWctJon with' the approach at Primary ^ty., wfaeb la to ^/tStostaj...
...This develops later into, a water blister, which ii puffed up with water containing some of the gas, cad this continue* to eat on down Into the akin and Into the bones...
...dnar^e«be<fAa^^ ***** *W^L m*UrUL T^ WsBad the e^kWito the word gad ***** eBJ^ajma at tha largest structurea oeasfiag tomplctlon...
...Th* wax** pcld in toast bid fee tori** win mat usually 1st to* average employ* save aad invest so much money...
...Ml made the following demaadst 1. Tha forty>f"©ur hajtr week...
...At present there are no 'strikes belaj^bfanduetsd by the...
...tte ran* and fH...
...Bi a taacnlflcant aloaaa wWbh...
...j.Bltey It—A THaVtr* . H-«ai^lSt BrackenrJ^aarry K%a» : M—Murrls Barton ¦ We£'-'% - - a JMaaiiwdar Brtanatoto ^ l4-^MUrM#:.Murpby ' STATE SEMATE Dist M-A Fassboss Friedman Dist II-Louis Patken ASSEMBLY P...
...tStrsctBt .j...
...COURT FIGHTS UNION DRIVE injunction Aims to Hinder N. Y. Box Makers' Organization Drive THE Paper Box Makers* TTnlon af Greater New Tork has hssa made' defendant in an unusual injunction case...
...ft* stands to reeson that tha eetabUahment of uniform conditions would benefit the trade as ^s whole beaidea the- workars^-but...
...In their d}aalina;s with ItAr own onions and with workers 'iBJUs their ' unioJ too often they SB*«toJha ruthiassneaaof the boasea...
...On August », Ladal M\ atruok...
...Th* ptaspaato asa vary **y...
...They acted Jssnltlaalrr...
...afar¦j p|t tbipmen... the essentials ol thftlr separct* arm* will be paramount Very little time -oca...
...about - tha...
...our last Disarmament Conference...
...It le not weii to rub too long with the same cloth, as thi* many times reinfects the skin...
...TonH»Tt'«T#iK4 toflata...
...B. Baardaley 16—Leonaid K. Kaya .. ' 1 it Baiiha mnailty - }. r." . 17—Jessie Wallace Hughan ¦ 18—Bdajhrd F. Caaaiigy . % ;N I»—Josaph D. Cannon * to—I...
...In preferred stock there "to UttM dlffstsfnca...
...Nevertheless, tt £ garb* reacmfaotta that a* hierarchy & tlb* day* of It* power proteose* et > aptness Bottof ta genuine religion* **vey... J»rlmary Pay...
...lid were openly C«unn*^nlatlc..heelsea th* others from th*apvs*nl^unions who would hare vatad- for-thsm had they decided -to <^ay4unasth* .oonvention...
...It punctures the myth that has been oarefuliy blown up in the united Stats...
...The gas-mask win protect th* respiratory system and face and eyes, bat naturally cannot protect the body...
...ntfateation the... la front of each name on the ballot...
...Th* method of treatment in this case to ¦ simple, as it merely consists ot washing the affected part with lye soap cad water, or in rubbing th* spot with kerosene...
...gW channel ot appeal to, toe rboasea.-' Jpty received no heartsg Charles "EMUts, chairman of the Mlectrlca] Board oft Trada...
...Paper Box Maker*" Union, nor to there any intention...
...ftommnt*ato>w)a*sgato* '*"fB...
...chemicals not prohibited by- any treaty...
...Tt Is...
...There la ta our Disarmament ConSrep^Tttaf makes ft any more Madras...
...September 14... and other eonditloas...
...It ia understood that the former la affiliated with the New York Electrical Board of Trade...
...of 41-St Porter St...
...The king gas in this class is Phosgene, which kills la three sectfnfle- vretea^tbe proper concentration baa boon baittup...
...Toward thi end of the war this number dwindled to approximately 11, aad further research and development ¦ •lnee th* war have permitted us to ¦retain approximately eight good war gas...
...important that the enrolled SeVkHat voters vote at the primary...
...i - *The new year, at tha Theatre Guild school of acting begin* Tuesday with, to seniors and tt Juniors enrolled...
...Out at every thousand shares tha seventy-five employee own tat flttoen sharsn...
...gjjuatlon ot -Wrtsbordr thn^aly^ft WW be less than generous to e^tT...
...Professor Im/kfr* own suggestion was that the ¦frakHtl Trade Commission hid power ^compel publication ot proper ac¦Maats tor the protection ef the tublie...
...upon tha ground that Sy TfaatrtouOag circulars inviting tha workara to attend union organisation meetings the union "might coerce and prevent employees of the plaintiff from coming to work, thereby depleting the number of employees...
...This to shown in toe report.of tha Federal Trade Commission «n Rational Wealth and Income, says the Ketdonsl Catholic Welfara Conferenoe...
...Smoke . and Laohrymators *JjB» Bo used^ta Candles aad Oranadet aa* In oertaln ArtiUery Shells...
...Bmammeaa i - ._.-,.;,«*¦ * : _. TIMELY TOPICS By Norman Thomas K^W«*ara of t^^TaalaV XJntta...
...4. Time a«d a half tor overtime up to midnight gad ¦dduHa time •i after tbak...
...In tte l»rvar viaw.'.a...
...L. L, having »rg*nl*AMrm*%laartog toto sssaa nam* s* Tp -tt* u*ke*r" cltlss...
...With this,It percent equipment they will train all the mobilised units fa defense prior to the time they use the Concentration Area...
...II to, therefore, ***»nti*j" to'*eff-prot*o^ tt*n that each officer knew.whet the aBaat da ant a*W totaJto'oai* si Bbhv salt shotna Bi be aattswaocu agmass to 'bCbnam'-sBasam-*''- - »er 11 ll.l,,B I...
...Donohue II—Theo...
...4~Sadle C.Smith5—Ernest Welach 6—Wnj...
...tha unionisation of tha local industry...
...Join the union, paper box workers, and stic* to It...
...The vapor also contaminates food that to not In air-tight containers;' this also, caused considerable difficulty during th* war...
...r In the event- of war, the Chemical Warfare service win move to supply points sufficient defense equipment to supply 10 percent of th* mobilising units...
...Silverman 14—Hymaa Marcel lf*-Maurlca Caapa 20—laktor pried n—CkJt^Uandort %i—Loufs SahkaT 2Z~vT>avkl MUrol Kinffs County Justioee (Two) Of tha -City Court Herman Klvkln aad Jacob Axelratf...
...17—otto Wast it—Joseph Laas M—Ed...
...1ST 0l*TR«T - Csgjhi Ml BJvkin ASSEMBLY ^A...
...J. Duttoa to—Max ¦herorer Dtot ^ . . 1—*f...
...ggT Wisely thay hat* n*t attempted !Ee>-*Bra tha local orgaaiaatioa and BP1* beyond bringing...
...The burn first appears on the flesh in a red blotch similar to sunburn...
...Other Death Compounds "Mustard OaS hi the greatest defense weapon known m warfare today, bar bobs...
...N«r.arthaiaa* ; 11 iillInaf tha- atriHa taaawi ptl/^tt UBainjiteya* mlnarm and «aa« ^fcapfe- ehfldran to PeAnaylTaota ap8 |^>aj«*ym«ay...
...The g*ateaak and" ISC gta-BtBssr'nttn "at* only a smell pert of the defense mathoda against ekemieale -ThS burk at oar troop* win have ts lsara *v*ry letoas* pToe*dur* ¦ from aetdU sxptHecc* in action should the aaemy uss oberciocto...
...Pan star XMet...
...out of thee* ensr* than...
...One* the enemy initiates th* oawnstve um of g*e then tba balance of th* men, ot course, wjn receive fail training...
...isnsiBag atW rotary... tha fc>as ¦fnn a craa>to» .dataat tor tfca BrtifJah Faai^pilnai<iWfll ba apblow to tha aawa pMfT-HMr jpwaijiiltaa...
...In manufacturing the avatasb oSmmon stock holding is nearly ILMO end preferred stock hoUUag to...
...Green, president of the A. P. of L., who delivered an lmpsgietoned Antl-Paaciati speeeh...
...CT?°or* treat \>ratoa rmr what ba lata *¦ Ke organised ah< condwotag a BJM*abla strike,- Finally he euwped -W*M turned over the organlsaSea WSffi «reoted to, a union wbteh art ' !As*b*pa could net w*l*oat* Mm...
...Of a thousand gagjaasi and arsfaiiwa stockholders threg hundred and atatoan common stockhoiafrs and tab hundred iand torsnty-pna preferred stockholders ara stol'1...
...down m th* Baca* eastereneeC at 1M* (signed lit...
...ot Lee, Massachusetts, K^Mli wrtttea oat publish**) at her N-Sssaoaso...
...differ la only a tarn words from the clauses -on ehenileai Warfare as now incorporated 1c the Limitations of Armaments egieinmite Oaal...
...appreciable share of the concerns they work to...
...nothing to...
...itaUan FoBtteul- Itafugs** ft ielagateS), International Labor D*rense (« delegates...
...Air With concentrations of this gas...
...aa definite and m» mmyaAwtfXf* Shuto ' atflaarfc THara ftava aaaa auk Iwm ' ka^h Uaaa JaaMka^^J !¦ laaaaaa^ tiaaat maatlaMtna wBMa,j>> tafct WerW Caurt and tha lotay '•atJamrt Cfcawaar a* Caiaway, hava abaalatahr MK afart' aa Wm : aaa af ahaaitaala l»aa-..TWrv1 fara «*a ara aanaaroaf...
...Flgurcaare based en a croak section ot American industry, including all the ehtof Hwancbdg and both large and smaa.canceraa...
...To tail a log at loot, dry...
...Biwwi omoeee...
...Note that there are no "more Italian branches bt existence tor tha Workers' Communist Party, having recently reorganised themselves by Moscow iaUm90f^P *B^*j|m^SMJgMii^^ ^^Mr^^^K <tor-ona...
...Burkle *f In connection with the primaries, the l&eiallst Party ImM tb« following Statement: sS.-Next Tuesday...
...Brooklyn, to seeking a permanent injunction, having already been granted n temporary one by Judge James A. Dunne, Justice of tha Supreme Court ot tha State of New Tork, enjoining and restraining the union, among other things, "from endeavoring to persuadU employees ot the plaintiff %to Join tha defendant union...
...4- . The United- PxAwt-M-tt*-T*«n* Workerr Union, ¦alUougtt ttAhr organisation hAd- asms time, ego disappeared to officially beoorae.the„United Textile Workers of America, .were repraoented by one AntirFaectoU gatogat* trom Lodl...
...Ooldowaky S—Isidore Can 1—Eve., Hughan 4—Ab...
...60 far Journeymen..asef fSS -fat helpers...
...sUkmg|er g^.BUato"^.' raieh (rtUgt KatcawT Diat...
...Aa a result ot the Socialist withdrawal from the Alliance some tohar anions, which would have participated, abstained from sending detoaatoa to tha convention and so did some mutual and sick benefit societies and Co-operatives As the convention sisal ana soma «¦toga fas daptoaett ton absence at-toe -SbgtoUato and...
...AS, War Veterans' Section, Women's ^Aatlrasclstl Seetten...
...Americas industry to net on the high- reed toward* democratlsctlon through dittUr sion or atock ownership," the Cathoh* beard,say...
Vol. 3 • September 1926 • No. 35