THE SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK National Th* national platform will ba in rlnt In about a week, and th* local* r* urged to order In large quantities, ldcaae tbe National Office. 2(tl Vashlnxton...

...train at ,12 o'clock from Wood nd First avenues...
...the Socialist Party...* league to still alive and ^-vscjiTks branch meets every Friday at sks...
...held .ths...
...416 Swsds street, Nerrieown...
...Circle 1, Jrs, sVeektyn '^ On* *f tks oldest Junior Circkmhb...
...BpstksrSi E. Brawn...
...Chicago, 111...
...n*bsb# wwmn> ThoiBjs tn* OHw nas suisunsss taw Saturday.and dcsdtii, 4aamat 1A mad ¦M» tha bad waatkerdid apt Mauris ths ardor of oar ymtotr Bostoitoto cmd In defmsss tkeF continued, them ss*hmttons ttrosnsjawt tks fsOowtaS weak...
...Btapleton, S. J...
...14, at t.10 p. m., at 7 East ISth street, room At...
...r Friday...
...Ask Wtoristori mmtoum ot^ck* ]cs!ecutiwB oomaalttoa MsrtokL tBtmaaf^ Solverberg...
...IL Water and BeachStreets...
...Every enrolled Socialist in New Tork City will receive i a letter Informing him...
...Arthur Newman win hold two meetings for the purpose of reorganising Mercer county...
...PI cqse work tost...
...Bronx Ths county committee held Its first official meeting...
...the man whb takes cars sf ths building, Is also a valuable aid to the circle...
...We stttl have a few copies of the "Case tor Socialism," that splendid explanation of our ideals and purposes, by Fred Henderson of the Independent Labor Party of England...
...Besides State candidates, they have nominated candidates for Congress and County tickets In several counties...
...Those wishing lnarmation should phone William Adams t headquarters, Atlantic 1684...
...West Virginia -The Socialists of West Virginia have come to the front in great order...
...2(tl Vashlnxton Boulevard...
...niitsjast i tors are a* list Boston Road...
...h/Th« Socialists and all readers of the American Appeal and The S'ew Leader should write their State Secretary, Augustine Garbarlno...
...The Tipselc cold books and papers snd gamboled like kids in a field of daisies...
...Sep*, it...
...Stats Office Note* • Arrangements are being mad* with ntr candidate for Governor, John W. Hayton, of Pittsburgh,' for a tour of the State in October...
...Labor Lyceums, trad* union meeting halls, hanks, offices, etc- During tks several ratoy evenings oar valiant young rebels continued their collections and returned drenched and dripping" with box** filled with coins snd bills Our young Socialists, in this drive, proved themselves capable of fin* achievement and they are heartened to do other big things...
...Sep*, g. ItTth street and ¦tbjisark Asaniin Byithmt...
...Ethclred Brown...
...They have,- for th* fir si time tn many years, been dblo to place a state ticket In the Sold...
...New Jersey • ..NEWARK Open-Air steetlnss* Bread street, end of the Central Market Pknau Sept...
...Readers of this paper wffi do the movement a great service "by securing and sending to such lists ot their candidates...
...State officers of the party wlH also be -nominated...
...He predicts a large vote for th* Socialist ticket...
...Be sura to'toll, pear t&mWjfr Ctotla One, Bronx, has skjotsd tj» foOewing ofnoerc: Organiser...
...4.00 per dosen...
...After Labor Day' th* comas' will again meet on Sundays at r>nv" An are invited te^attend...
...M t . . . w Riwinvra ¦ Saturday...
...Terms will depend .somewhat on the lumber of applications received...
...hoboken Open-air meeting at Fifth and Washington street, Sept...
...Big fatereational meeting this Saturday evening in Brownsville, corner of Stone avenue and Pacific streetSpeak era, Domtntek Buggiert and Olralomo Valqpto...
...1 Pmhmgytvtkmm...
...Tim Murphy snd Walter Dcaring...
...Pittsburgh Picnic The Socialists of Allegheny County nd Westmoreland County will hold a lg picnic on Sunday, September S. in Voodstde Grove on the McKeesporvrwin car line Every Socialist in est era Pennsylvania Is urged to stand...
...With tha-k...
...They have nominated' a State ticket: they are increasing their activity In campaign work and are buying more .dues stamps than ever...
...In order "that the State Office maw function properly it Is dcelrsMs fdr an'to have the name of every registered Socialist and sympathiser in the State...
...The Italians amjuied^ themselves by shooting...
...or her about tbe necessity of voting in the primary elections on Sept.' 3A and asking them to Join our party, read our press and contribute to our campaign fund...
...An excellent program include* a play by th* Dramatic Society...
...disbursements, il.OM.M...
...corner Bristol Street aad Pitkin Arena*, gp sobers, %- Brown aad Joseph Tuvfan...
...circles In New Tork City snd their hundreds of young, energetic and' active Socialist -boys and girls are evidence of th* life, growth and ultimate success of our great movement...
...impression that tbe ^""*e^p^%<w^(--^^a wS^otaQsre^C^ftp^ u^lT^tJ^'J...
...Visitors are welcome...
...Sept... October...
...Cbkaton-sssl •Bast toy and sAcnbssn Prr" • Saturday...
...s^nntos of tks fan season comas tka real educational work of the T. P. 8.X...
...Esther Rubin ot M4 Georgia avenue is tk* organiser, aad tha director is a vary capable one, Maurice MUkm Comrade Sohuchan...
...A Sacco-Vansettl meeting, under the auspices of...
...An excellent, program of act!vile* .is being arranged...
...lL Speaker, William Karlia...
...They expect to pat up a good Bs* ssmpsagw...
...Ths weather waa fine, the program, was excellent and a fine crowd ot Socialists, young and old, made merry...
...Louis labor left the...
...T. Murphy snd E. Btsinbergsr...
...13, Mth Strwtt and .Third Avenue...
...rJ Iffineis ThaBssisnsts of Illinois at a banquet to honor of tk* Kattosal^Bxecutivs Committee on August St, bad s. most enjoyable evening snd listened to members of tbe X. B. Oaad to Paul McKcnns, on* of ths roprssentstlvss of the Brittsh Miners, who has been gathering funds for tks strike...
...Plans were laid for the annual Bronx Socialist Party ball and concert to be held on Jan...
...Missouri A report two weeks ago In St...
...New Haven, Sunday, August 9. for the Hartford ngiriit^^n^ iiS^ to hM^4met^^mm*i^_^^^f^ B^ ¦*,*tfi*ra, 'alters -*^r^°* Tks ftootoltots -s*> B*klgsp*rt- WW nominate a**uB ticket to take part In tks town diction, which will be held th* same day as tks State and Congressional stootkuw iTkey expect to put Up s rousing campaign...
...In organisation and to enthusiasm...
...Speaker, 8. A. Beardsley...
...His speech was wen received...
...Executive Committee - The Executive Committee of Local1 n'tw York...
...Tlpsahi take netic...
...S"^ -»?rswnxSAA.*trs,Mi W"*bhf*rL_ ,„ + WSlsistox...
...In order lhat we may complete trrangementa for the tour, It Is neceslary for us to know how many dates will be required...
...A Speaker... of Varsity Bottlery, Morgantown...
...older comrades were also inspired sad highly pleased to see these youngsters In action... ntiHsrr of our State Committee snB abySgate to many national convention*, ha>sayi^rrp wife* j* b*r-b*d wits neuritis for ssarty three months Pi meat rnpnsm any that she to slowly reeo raring and we knew that her many friends hops "that her health will soon bs restored, th tW meanwhile, sbs will sreariy spprsehMs rcoervtog tot* tars from' her comrade* and friends...
...4. Haindcn> The Local wOl meet Friday evening, ^September i. A' ticket win bV nominated' for tbe town election, which win be...
...Socialists throughout the country will regret ,jto learn that Cora Bixler...
...aad we congratulate them on their atari success...
...Tbe following will each get medals: Miss Lydia Krassnoff, Jeanette Hlrchberg, Irving Schmetterling, Sam Koltos, Harry Keener, Ben Golden, William Brkua.' Alex *aaw<vcwg l a uj ¦ ¦l.-jt,-, '-*Tvt^^Pw*| ¦icksdW^-^sjte kssd s^cksmm to snSV tosu^^wtsk^treto^ + Btkna*s^^ ABcsssradto^ ritod...
...Her address to tr S/Aaa street, Lancaster, pa...
...future ft draft a ambferm and gat fkssr ttokejt iwyrras-tkhkr wm*3£+ crieeted 1 now County OentraL Cnsnonittce ant nominated J, O. hsffes* for Congrissi man In that district...
...Workmen'c Circle Headquarter...
...Italian and Jewish appetites...
...Ohio The Socialist Party ot Ohio Is coming back fast...
...New York City A Good Ptenie The picnic held on Sunday, Aug...
...A Bronx County meeting with Tony Bender as speaker has been arranged for Wednesday, September 15, st the Bronx Pre* Fellowship Halt, ltOl Boston road...
...Tks total collected eo far to tSOS.OS- A check win ksvmaSsd to Sccretsry Prank Morrtooa sf tks AP. af X* ¦ , Armed with bunch** of red roses and collection boxes labeled "Help th* Striking British Miners,** squads of boys snd girls invaded our city parka, beaches an*fl resorts...
...Connecticut The State...
...If all branches and comrades who have not made return* tor their picnic tickets will settle af once, the City Office will truly celebrate the event...
...Monday evening, Aug...
...Executive Committee, in conjunction with the State Campaign Committee, met- at Machinists Hall...
...was a success...
...btrrajfesT of buckshot at a cartoon of MussolInT...
...AB .Ttosetc - fetereseajhj la sltondlng tka school kindly get kt touch with the City office ot thw Lcagu...
...and assist her to carry on an -aggressive campaign...
...erAat Grays Landing, Fayette coun-* y. These comrades are always on the ob...
...All in all/ a good time was had...
...asw^afjbfcly ft Friday, Sept...
...The dues paid to National headquarters from Ohio are increasing Cast...
...Price »0e...
...Make prompt application to the*State Office, giving the Sate of the week preferred and the iumber of meetings you can arrange...
...Models won by the members at ths athletic meet win also be presented...
...Tk* organiser rendered a report of 'the financial status of Local Bronx up to tbe closing of its books on July 1. Income, SI.4I4...
...The Socialists of Cook 'County alao+hajd s good picnic on Sunday, August 2d, at Riverview Park, where members of the National Executive Committee spoke...
...and these plans win bs submitted to the next general ..- » « jfc .•>-'-:,.' *• C^---C af >WT»rk-Ctby.»ask tlssSJmhii east Junker CUotos, just oompJctod mms> ftowar' asto aad' ckdswdbw saWds> far She ReUsT "sf 'tks ErRkdf SBrBttns bltosrs tamSL.^aa^tbw JBsV^ sv— I , ¦ ssbsn ¦ i sidsPS...
...Arthur Newman...
...Lists of regicteced Socialists bsve been received 'from JeWercon...
...Joseph W. Sharta, Socialist candidate tor Governor, hf enthusiastic over the prospects for a good, rousing campaign...
...Lson ksmdsnd C Odapar...
...Nsw Jugoslav Branch The Jugoslav Federation has organsed A new branch with twelve mem...
...B*sscsabsti first soms Brat served...
...After organising under the provisions of ths new by-laws ths committee got down to buaiaeaa by electing Patrick J. Murphp county organiser and delegate to the City Organ nation Committee...
...The Rand School has effaced -th* City Office of tk* Tieaguc skat scholarships, sad msny other otasSBT Tn the school...
...Speaker... on hand...
...Besides, they are gathering subscriptions for thr American Appeal, and all- signs point to a live Socialist Party movement In this Stat...
...The comrades throughout the country win bs plsssed to kpow that at last Ohio is coming back' to tbe .front *s one of the live fighting state organisations Of th* Party...
...Qd Van Stolen svs, ttltn Tks ass- . national activities arc tstriy Btaf* considering the fast that Vs are saw going through tks trying part sf ths year, when it is warm, when so isssj of our comrades are Sway, and wksrn we are apt to be bury...
...Comrade Rosen of th* Brownsville Labor Lyceum will be chairman...
...There will be a General League meeting this Saturday evening st M0 p. m. st ths Rand School Auditorium...
...per copy...
...To carry out this huge Job we are calling upon every party member to give some j ^Tless' ^^rt^^'m" ilt las...
...On tbe whole the Relief Drive was an effective answer to th* cynics in th* Socialist snd radical movement who arc often moaning about th* absence, of youth to our movement- Our i msny . T.P.S.L...
...8 lay ton is a •«ry able speaker, active member of the Carpenters' Union in Fitsbut-gb, ind author of several Socialist-pamphlets...
...This year ws are to s very turtssato position...
...Pittsburgh oclallsts will leave in auto* and by...
...This applies especially to comrades residing to counties where am have- no active organisation at thf present tints, where, in some instances, there are several hundred registered Socialists...
...The Jersey mosquitoes were out to greet ths New York Socialists, and the applause that greeted them, wss continuous snd dssdty...
...Montgomery snd' Westnmrslsnd1'' counties, and lists of sympathisers from Butler and Dauphin counties...
...The Finnish Socialists outdid themselves in hospitality, sthtetie contests snd general management ot thd picnic The Bunsarian^t^toUsta worked heroically cooking their famous gouauth and serving it to'American...
...City will meet Tuesday...
...Psnnsylvenians .desiring ta learn lor* about the Soclatist' Party dan do o by wr'rtino Socialist Party af Psnnylvania...
...New* items concerning laor and radical groups should bs sent e the came address for publication In be New Leader...

Vol. 3 • September 1926 • No. 34

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