A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES A Song Of Hate Pjr> tlr*l and weary. |^me»totstott*tcef*t^ )*>hsMhal*S fcjf-eenefl I have sharpened all nternlns. „ f ¦ ¦ft reedy far tbe ftnt *>ent—the strbtelim...

...sM tt was blue is tks fas* ss yon were, and J wsuisS't move aneyelcsV:ttl»lgsys tea tkraat d wwnld Bk* te fist • Xu sthoc Mates in tbe man every day...
...elBoieney Idiot* and mscnlne PJjekes to make the outlook in this direction unduly jSr*kils an praise to the humble trhion man and who...
...Who* Agatha west te the plans aad •sag ta hsr eoatraitc -ducat Night Ksly Night" ft teamed to Dan that hie contentment had reached completion...
...Now Agatha directed all her energies to the open-house festivities for which ths Oaylardr were famous...
...review of ft teAt sssstt testesteatasc, I «n*w snap test the review SfBs tete Ow hands sf fkss* srks *sw aa posr at tkjp sbspt ss nrysstf and teat Pte Be* skswk up too Tisslf t •• ' ' '-,Jsb' w .w • tersg>f to tka-hook oaHsd Tks TTtroat ef 1 Itenif * however^ t feel tfsspstiat to make rsnsyrks B* tko first plass, ths snrJter bop svtesntlr stt kjs teBs-sB twisted...
...written a ptess ssond ~t»» Dilemma ef TMt»M...
...snd Wagners, your Battel sad Buddha* aad Eorasters...
...Dsirtask us how thte^hsajPant-^ As* psvr saarctary Taosaa* stts doers vary i stpcaitelly s*4 ears s to u*;.1Qood moraiag...
...R.jberi of aa idea la eiemertns tor sisrMthm Kit to as empty as a beer bat et yesteryear from fcpamcbody has snaked tbe vacuum...
...They kissed, and laughed, and whispered forbidden pleasantries 'la aash ether'* cars...
...Instead at eliminating lint, you are Increasing both .want and wanting— Wwant of tbe worker displsoed by the machine and BA Wanting of tha...
...Suppose we work Only sight or t*jjtow* s day when ths farmer or artisan of yore «spaf twelve and fourteen...
...B .the mouBssot fad es time, X lass toy meal ticket.' Aad Bfjauiabie that brute is...
...You are pauperising labor...
...Marsh quotes Pederti Trad* Cbmmiettea dgurce tbowist ttrs-fifth* only of mtsrsmts corporate bumecc to be under public tuacrvitien...
...Agatha often stopped bar work ta some and sit beside bar husband.' She talked vivaciously about "next year," "our own house," "color schemes," "the heusewarmlng...
...ThS author ot this book...
...l- ' a • "• P^rre got you wrong, have X? Tou are neither isA jonphet, poet, sculptor, painter, nor composer...
...ths found that ens did ant regret beiar!« the old Oaylard bsnse for another year...
...a mad race sett iPPa'keping up with the Joneses'' it has been called...
...and burn rk* darn thlnga up.- ^• X wake ss m * oeM sweat fuTJy'** ''csjbs^»ytefi s* though I kad Just sassJadsd rcsiltes tk asSkSs bp John Maynard Keynes in -The New f %*>¦*¦ ssB»hl teg ail about tk* funding af tea Preite dent, I realise that: X am sxcepttoaany ajtead) Bsbte matters...
...And this in turn explains our PPt* In everything save the production and selling pfcek it comes tb SUlag poorbonses, bughouses...
...it si true that the group rsbeivtag "middle class lneaaaes" was mtreesint tk medern society, but a, '^middle cBAl m tome"' aid net make a middle dMss person, within tha amenms sf Marx...
...Anything tesp write sees'with m...
...where it our leisure* Bow many more holidays...
...We mrtr wwfi 0ae4 a4 ssumaetat* qpeeejavsswa* etej^eeiw Ws have often had tha dream thd* wa sjsre skksted Prssident df the United gmtea fWp snankte* thai « ws wen* aad tolf this dream «e a payskssskjkiW ska would tstt us that It she wad that ws Bed s stiiss tmste eempteswteieh seuid only bs raaatrsd by stWBkT sbosm st s rsal nasi* sf sum named t$m*&f ** •veatc tears we ere, elected, walking orouaA tkwffktea House and nukteg as asp friends Oi|l*iiVi«sam sadv postmsstcrs Snd mintstsrs to Ussrte yskt ksstef oar plstsr* taken shaktsy hands rtth tsaBUteBy td Ik* vte> tuag Ytpcels and patung tsabsd, the BThUollls^i 0*1...
...supreme court Judges, banker* and senators sat at table with the 'term boy of Chieago...
...Hs had no special function to parform, savs to earns at the bejak aad sail of Agatha...
...gsd-*in eomea the Btsrtterp sf-tea Tressurp...
...Tbu are stuffing IjCeiajmost corners of the world with: things that ¦bur goods, cheap goods and more'good*, are eon¦mnp...
...And you dtarujryajj goods, I must confess...
...What tha hen have.yaw set te*p* tete ejtest" Thsn nonretary Thomas says: "Assistant SOmotsjy of th* Treasury Harris Hmst has drawn «f k ltttte fsVeda)s of ths wool tariff for ysuf H/pt&nA...
...Ted sf* a labor-saving device—an eld to hand and (***}* th Jbe making of things and goods...
...m slag a song of hate ||ge machine, the slayer of souls, song, beauty, and the great temple* and monuments mankind dedlmft *\ their teds were reared before the coming of Brntohlne...
...Purparts to treat at bate progress and reaction in the South...
...They admitted ths mistakes at the fathers sf Seiesttne SncUUtm as far as th* time element was concerned, though matnfsttifng that ths Marxian analyHs « social tendencies was correct They admitted that concentration did take place more rapidly In some Industries than in ettsra, ha* »**tea and ^isdsm.ai The important this* wad naft «** s^O*-> Bar of sBktS taSustrkki nkat tspitesd...
...in spite of aU preaching, tsiebtns snd HPthks on the part at the meshlne lords and their Sgdthai hod carriers, are holding fast to the' funda¦JLcAncept that labor-saving devisee, te ba spyfffKa^an...
...the gaudy pageantry ot tbe Yule...
...and the nonsensical Ransom and...
...i know that there are sstUsIh/ bttpjt whs' can sit dowp snd ton yon ail abest'swei «)& sksSk: Sxohsnge fusmttens...
...e* H wssjM be de^vwapn*| %9 a wtohwlwa1^ §¦> ?wwtsf^ at tks powers of s^wament tad ever fisre aonssisus o{ jt* gsdj-' fs that task they ssnafcA te avoid lojpssriam...
...You ¦Seed the creation ot things to so many Jerks and Sans- You divided aad sub-divided snd specialised ¦KT trade and art until there is nothing left to ths S|ter but soul and body-killing drudgery...
...I pondir tssm woqkiy for a while, «ad than, s*f raotfl it the dream ends with my sending th* Bllrihlfj t tfcw Tressary sat far s walk with AnrnsdesSsV BsaJsmln Steckoss sf tko Court of St mm**, wks> has Just dropped te from London by ths Air-Lsn* esjsrsss to Sad his bat wktsh he bad left bsblnd by tstettki on his last call- White ths two are iteitflgf latest thht and teat, I saS te WB1M Stcvenc, tk* >*mtt*iy of tko Bir* Dcpsrtmsnt give htm the pc^snASd tstl ktert* rids off ssniswkora with tea Pk> Wontes...
...batt wtts ^^stntete...
...I mlcht have bean a bearded bard fit**** with rhymes aad harp the deeds of heroes ELjjkee...
...Tbe ward leaders of the cities...
...net as s (tatie, otmpM Sfgesism.' but si ss orfaniem of talikit* ssssptsSitp and variety, sdj«dtta« Hsetf from year *» year te its everesansms envirojtmeni, «e thd end that 'PtradnaBty might he aoaetOysd and expleitdtioa and oppression be a thins af the past . 'i (Ta hs mail as sd went week...
...i JjBjtatar forests, temples in themselves, are daily cut afctbr wood pulp to make people want something flKieVer wanted before, because the product ofr the M)pa« (rows faster than wan ting...
...fm cursed mankind with more intense, more irkaad more soul-killing labor...
...hst fba sieisiBiB dt'tam ffdlSbf 'sj essak and Jsjji iisstiSH Tbay I abjll I sbtwat amui eswises «s bnssms assb swsjsrs- kt tedastry, k jbpjj spsdtodus sowar in ths hsndo ec sama-¦mbjbj Is the laeide...
...The author omltt any ttudy of the breed aspect* of industruutm te the death.' Tbe book, barring perhaps or* chapter concerned with tee fight sf Trinity College sgsintt Southern rase hatred, is a wa*t« «f aaper sal ink...
...The osrsarsildi, fsrtbermore, mtsrtared with the free play at competition, and lnasmnsk dS Mart's prad let tons wen based en ths arbtlsuaaas at tree eeehpsenuon the srawth af the esrpsvaitss ssessaitaSsd the ye* viatas ad the httwnkhb farmaiss sd asav rsaiir alien...
...X* and Agatha yielded thentsetvet to ths spirit ot ths season...
...The Advancing South," by Xdwin Mtans, N. Y, DoubJeday...
...Pen<5 en the attar eollapea of the aapitaiiat ajratem ad a result of tnU erUea, aat aaiaht be brought about through the mar* "f*tt*rlng'• of the ayataa...
...a stage had been set for the coming at Christmas...
...He liked folk...
...One night sne heard the wind Wall over house-tops...
...good, and showered the fruits ot the earth upon Ms hearth.' Agatha, radiant and lovely/moved among ths gnetts1 a gracious hosts...
...i xcs*m te oep...
...tsd to dag the new sssku order, andsr tgher asgdssl...
...J I toosc^kgj) %J*ea*Sra sf,s*c*ks cases ft** threatened Isjtapa stesecc en thsn...
...Does anybody -think that MJjbbraiit put as musk nerve-racking haste in his Wn'ktart a* the modern machine slave puts into gjteuc...
...tons m* taespssms ntpg asm rms ana sms wdum-s BS •*• aw bask s*d peat at my ttsmttti skd stpB* tar...
...She hummed an old tune—e...
...ISa7 machine* yon are not saving labor, for at no ¦Br period m. history have men worked as hard and ¦bjvcrishly es they do now...
...Hit high shrill voice carried notes of hospitality every »beio, and no guest however ob*cure, missed a welooming pat on tbe shoulder, or some passing inquiry from hit hart The great boss unlocked ths secret of his influence...
...It spread its beauty ever dirt and autumn desolation...
...Ones during/ th* evening she went to the plane, played her Own aecsfspanlmente end stag old Sag-Urn and Preach carols.' - 2. ¦ San sometime* fait himself a supernumerary amidst so this stir aad sayety...
...AdM sfe.igtJ'i "It is a relief to' simps tor a Bttls from •»* sn|*s at ofBoa...
...Or I mi«bt have been a dreaming poet BMshabby garret with .mighty painting's of Interne nsj BS** now, m thhTglorlous age of steam and gjsBMBt autos, automata, radio aad wireless, I am SjSpMe penell-pusher pushed to distraction by a SStfeal monstrosity...
...wBjgs flaQsr Jast sppotetod Btkd^f the Bureau of 'VoBtei fa ladustry...
...They mess no mors teste tk my dreams thsn sueb papers do te sty wsAins hours...
...Artisans working tar others etui re» tnsinsd members of ths proletariat though their wages were raised...
...The temperature arose, snd by morning the miracle ot the snow...
...He merely I piked t* be...
...X aavWo it eeepaBs *f Wm <• has to te* ate** JtS...
...wifj» s seed hst sap of sate .and a erasksrja^tomtt a* tee estoe niteis racsfc ejsdist...
...The display of talnas—the osier, the Unset the animation—etimu - lated their sense* until they were ilka habitual drunkards keyed up to awltow intoxication by contact With each ether...
...sattva ksjkfk/ Thsy wars sAsk^rJ!testt:'s»d forth, hca-fts-.testhsr as\op...
...aftatises and graves, the macnln* is a howling Mk in ail other respects.it ia.n.rank knd unjBPed faiiurs...
...i Wktr* are year Pericles, your Michael Angeles and bs YtobhV your Dante*,* Staakespeares, Miltons and htetes*, yaur B«cb...
...Lakes snd lagoons wars locked in icebound isolation...
...Where are your aaksoatt aad singing peasants...
...Dan saw Matt Oaylard tn his elsmeat His shrivelled, sagacious taoe, surmounting the lU-propertioned body, took On s constant benign smile t^at never lost Its genuineness...
...f ¦ ¦ft reedy far tbe ftnt *>ent—the strbtelim hs¦Mat a thousand word* to <ID tab) Spans, v ¦Wain la rdy beanery ttacv* » *oboe*itt h**te...
...They split over ths validity ot tha Martian theory ot vahis and its msportanas in* the Manrtsn system...
...She hustled about the house opening drawers and bones...
...I Tkcsauttrtne Increased the productive power sf man - ajurstred sad, in some instances, a thousand told...
...Y - *i' 11 i ' i---riiajtsj if lSrtir when ws kavs • five dsfiter Ml ts^dd)* c^lhl -'• tavtess bank bopkte th* ether, Otet l*l»d|M^ Owl Is hardly wsrki reeding shout fibaibssa saja*> *s|| sssl stew tan «rs sr pat it in ths liitIT »^ ^J(g h» ths Olty Cslteds sheer) X- , ^ l-jste •9*snb*4 teetkao, swimming m m^mk.^^W Ws get ths mousy, bat w* kesp » tetlteskbsfsrl Or sksll ws, raeksr, am*p sat *agm$ ** Um mm* ¦ and lead a donbte ttfe on em- a totte» fttadt Urs s dilcmmA hay* sad skis, but tt J* osnVtfft WladstTJy duiskly etttted...
...ike new raiddi* cats* «4 not promt the earn* okaucie* ta Botuitom a. did the ©id email eio>k>yia« tlttt...
...he did not forget to fnqure about the expected third in Ceewen's family...
...without pointing out that TJnderweod'e signncsnos is that So represented, net she ante-bellum Southern «fp ester*, but A bsk}t tub•srrieaee t* ospttal, skiefiy northern, htvsdted srp**t*ity ^in the steal and Irak autidstdtd X?nderw*ed was a "safe and tan*" reactionary, about as smisent far social advene* ae Senator Du Past Bidhos Manning, or the Auttrtliaa dudkbtn...
...MttOb at tha proof advanced by BamstaU is support «f hU irtumwt that the amladie else* was i»iru*Jnt «u no praof at am...
...Oeyiard declared...
...There were bowls of punch everywhere about the room* patiently bar tag emptied and mysteriously being filled again...
...All Vgreaf...
...f yet t bare to write eomethlsd...
...The milkman stamped snd bast Ala arms ha ha made his rounds of mornings...
...Page, It...
...It's a Wise Mosquito That Knows His Own President 9&m %e | dmats% eve 9&^Bmf6yapsw^t^ifc^ ^^fce fle vws4^ ^^^^ ^^^wp ^ee^ w^b^spfefP^^^ ^pf^^pspmew^ ; and woakt sAt't^sasm aspjtafa, ajsjUl Ull Hii> t tadrsd psrasn s< tee-fsnmiset flMabJBjs^MM^pbsvh>' m dceos patssnxtav...
...ak says sad tools' days nave we now as compared ta'tm "dark age...
...Us shaggy spaciousness —it was such an old bear et a bouse, eke said—lent itself to...
...All tbe great religions were bora Sir* the machine saw the light af day...
...Par a week before Christmas eve Matt Oaylard was at horns to* his host of political friends and members of their families...
...All the great paintings and statues were ¦ted or chiseled before the age of machinery...
...and to dispraise only two Negro writer*, DuBoJt and Walter White, both of Whom are Northerner* by birth and residence...
...PXv!lry fEr^Tt&mpT* tksm fen ducted always thsre ws* eapfeJfcV ri^nss teat tkc a^hjte.m'os) s^sftt kr*ai| testr gyMfsssBissB Umter cask \sjfcctus^aa^ la^nre s»ig*4 wwibs tetesre, l4*s>x...
...Svea Oaylard and hi* guest* took as span sagflissfie* Of then* beads sf master snd anan wklek held them, Te bs sura, there scare whispered councils la oorasrai but "this it * serial function, I'll have yea know, sad pat a eausus...
...And yet tilt revolution th*y...
...Oaylard might wan bars been paternalistic Squire Oaylard, and this horns the aid manor heuss, and Agatha, lady Agatha...
...Mfct mg sjasre 'dro people .whs know about the werkisss«r> BB>akal i switchboard or wk*t stakes ths funny scjsis .ssfss ont of a radkv . They rsrnajn to me tk jwatetet ttmk...
...They sang...
...It sees, day' aad - night' without apjrawn...
...Does anyone imagihatbat ths stone carver jfluHseled out the" myriads of sainu on the oatheBJpet Bkekaa or Cologne toilsd as hard in a month pk> speechless brutes attending a modern stamping gam we love to do is not-work, bat shear play, ¦gftrk without lever-work without creative sttmuBBfcsTddgary, no tasttej how short the workday...
...Davidson the most prominent or them), snd to omit all of th* half dosen distinguished living southern poets of the white race...
...By tacit agreement Dan and Agatha avoided ail topic* of cenvsrtatiot round whisk btturaass and oonfiiot bad raged...
...He loved to mix, and ta play the dent ex msehtns to those in trouble...
...In the.kitchen, caterer* prepared mounds of food gees* snd turkeys, heme, whole *ypung pigs, cakes, plum puddings, pumpkin snd mine* pies, cranberry sauce, salads, fish entree, oyster cocktails, soups, not muffin*, brown breads aad sit th* other appurtenance* of the Christmas feastBoxes sf candy wars plied high beneath th* Christmas tree, later ta be presented to each lady guest...
...must savs labor, and that in coneednehe* BWE every increase te ihe...
...To Agatha, It sesmed...
...It le a email error for aim to speak of Du Boa* Heyward, s> South Carolina versifier, as a woman...
...Of nights, the charmed circle ot mallow light •sat ten about the Oaylard house and mad* the tree shad* w* seem only patches sf mystery upon Iks anew, kcsmU to<asait th* world Without «Ad mirth within...
...productivity of thd aba* ¦ ¦tfbMld be followed by a Correspond tog decrease HP Mrs fir intensity of labor...
...and enslaving all humanity...
...There should be at least a preliminary mental test for authors Of bosk* based an facta—a teat to .ascertain if they are st all qualified to handle ths theme...
...I Ikfat tec . your inspection as wen a resume sf th* plaSf SfP tea smortlsation st th* Series B de ta* turns *xd) sBs ont- ' Una of next years budget...
...Iwe bwchine, instead of teVihg labor/, has multiplied Wk...
...Stese wB*» ism femurs bens * wkmett TOW could threaten te* WMk kaanre...
...but the gain in productivity is |*3 ttah offset by the increase in our wants, so that •b ail is said the fact remains that the most backiMmvage has more leisure to think, dream apd f*S-lus than have the machine marionettes of our clWUsatl^n...
...masses, symphonies and operas were writWhy candle light...
...v:'««'»'ti j •: ,.i Two od*> Wkm-wnrk* ite ss •» A beak ShDsd) tU Threat af T.lltsPf* *VaBI has* revMwod bath teas ttene, bat w* *jo|adt 'M fast f the titles...
...Well, maybe not aJXkntdt ssy rats, enough to make it seam hard...
...A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES A Song Of Hate Pjr> tlr*l and weary...
...All the great dramas, poems, and epics Wk penned before (he machine started its trlum¦JK march...
...They learned ta play tag ether...
...Northern gales drove hear frost through the glinting air...
...0w time may coma, parhape-^or, si least, so 1st us BpMrhan the human intellect win rise to a .height ¦N it can press jthe machine into tha aervtee of . Pgjhut so far I have seen Utile mdiesttohs among pdbbsey-monemaniacs...
...You took love put of labor...
...millions who cannot afford the sSplswelllns Hood of new tricks aft*'trinkets ahOutlng l^^m from every show window snd newspaper page...
...Ttewnstelrs a Kwoss press is grumbling for food...
...He Stayed UtUe a* the afftae, contenting himsatf with morning sppssrandes, and with bringy Uut bis work hash*, wkera ka seem ineptly pour over it is his otudy...
...You have ¦ka the skill of the artist, for every honest fcraftagto was an artist...
...GOVERNOR MINTURN A Lmhor Novel of the Northwest Br M. H. HEDGES Chapter XIV One Night in December WINTER came.' A sudden freese, and after thai tha msreury went flying down to sub-sere depths...
...Neither mads retereaos to hit own parents or rootliod other Ckristms* *sssjos» spent under different surrounding Polltio* was taboo...
...SshtSd# that a ossjfls ot ikim tssvs...
...Ths author's sketchy treatment af Southern pell tics emits tea tew Significant names (like Huddles ton) and contents itself with dumbly Hudmt Underwood...
...He recalled the christening ot Mike's fifth stand: he remembered the death of Peterson's mother-in-law...
...visualised was not a violent revolution rasultusf trow a cottar d'etat, predicted by th« early Marxian*, but, a chance in ooatrel at eoveraroant from tM capitalist to tad worKlnx clatt brought abeut by^ the baQot and by economic action- They a«T*«d With the Revl«k>nl*U that social reform* war* desirable where ta**e >sssny^^w map ties sristj'^Muiil J smfctbli ¦set ss'.k>as>ii*ud kv 0* psyghtaaiiail gsss* sad, is snss a dosse.* that H was YlnsBp.'they besaa' s> '^gsBBJi tha rkys sdstai atsta...
...4 w|U hasp tm~ sgi down and tefetet essaa ktefi st a...
...pPtt* income keep up with ever'Sxpanding wants !*aW be a better term...
...Where are the love Sad* at your Byrona aad your Heines...
...None was neglected...
...ml autorraphlns...
...c. Marsh, df ths' PeotACs Bsosaetruetlon League, urges federal euaervisioa ot business oorporafies* eawring into interstate commerce, in A public stttsmsnt an the Btpiey dcmaad tor more light on big business transaetlsna...
...He wanted nothing He tufted netting...
...wars thus seen to make sartata admissions rsgsrdins the tnjr perf eetioas of the Marxian thsortas ana* . te pat P4rth eertain dieaasM They akte soagkt te carry torwnrd tbe kbusian theories mm saw nobis of"-thought OS various fassttans they ward esstsg themselves divided in thsts iirtirpss Dalversatty they sedes aaSYhd essnomJs tnterp rata ties of hknory, admitting, however, th* eeatesiUs of BarasteU that the complexity at human rtlttlsnaMH made eTIi imelj dif* flsult the task sf exact prophecy...
...It has crofted a rdoa of mechanical drudges...
...Weihaaah'tailed, learned at college—as the save orders tot the purchase ot hotly, snd an the glinting array af baubles, ths viands and confections chat make up the Yule season...
...They found themselves entering a, 'new sphere Of their relationship—a sphere mltaod in the other years of first excitement snd subsequent adjustment...
...and presstee* a batten' tha* blsws ap te e«ntfAH *wssp th* entire ptest of ths Nsw York spspsfsf PwM...
...When h* was away from Agatha he drifted mm eessueus lassitude- Before th* open fire, with briar pip* and bosk, h* task dawn within himself, down until kt seemed only a sentient animal teak tag up warmth snd dream, ted primordial stuff...
...Come on, jOasksp, you brainless worshipper of the Iron Slavs...
...tktek df te| sssnkgj sf itmtsttte* ¦ i Htegi X aks* sak, Sstesmfnmdsslfc«bm Sat- tic nnSitB) sf ¦words amciabAOSsc pte^ssnkoar' swtat bspaavshtrtpc % ^e^emiee^ ~tsnvawB s^ofiibe^^ees^i X ^ae^ ttcp^e...
...It is a silly error for him to picture Jsmot Branch Cabell, ot ail people, snd Mary Johnstori, of an Second raters, at Southern realistic novelists, and te omit T. S, StribUng, fihands and ths on* or two" other sidniflcent Writers in Action em the modern South...
...It is a ssriout error for him to omit every Southern Negro writer (including on* or more posts in every Southern State barring none...
...Matt Oaylard wag blest et men...
...Marxists' Replies to the Revisionists THE HISORY OF SOCIALIST THOUGHT By HARRY W. LAIDLER n^Bsrbsteia'e attsdfcsen tba bfsofas system, and prior to the dkmat War...
...it is s serious error tor the author te Act com* seven of ths moot miner sf modern Southern versifiers <Allen, Heyward...
...Sttd yon ess guess hpw aikaa, wq Mt yeu get one gssd look at our bank bsjjb> -t- -'1 - - But ws suspset test there it » mtsk ''as^cme^^ ha tela pamphlet and by te* tim* w* mki-W'jfff **" caued mind te read « wa wtU disenvsp t|st «te dbere we savs ten gsss* wit spend, or seen* snste Ssx^nskU rigs ms re la...
...wen I am, the imag* of Ood/e slave te a soulless Mi livtns a hundred or a thousand years ego I ¦Wheys been a minstrel siugsr, waaderint from Eato castle, singing the praise of beautiful ladles ¦Ejtsste knights...
...They romped...
...Keutsky and other Marxian aajtborlHat taw elaaa antagonism* InsrsnWf rather than «©ft*nlng...
...Si"* is an idea at last...
...tea briosMkat an uoawayksy BM Wsrms Hoover with...
...t%m»» pstk BfU* Janst os th* Msyfiswsr did yon seed...
...congressmen and member* ot the Legislature...
...An as pervasive previdense bad looked dews, found that his work was...
...Doubleday, Page era guilty sf foisting a very unworthy book upon the American public and Professor Sims Is quite unfit to treat of bio theme...
...suppose, foxtcteAWsf sny sssB...
...inv«a*^-d»asms ka te *|x«ky« Nittpsn Ttsmt...
...White many of the prt.war «C*r»*<« •UU maintained that arises «*«ld net a* alimisatad nnder eas'tatt***, tMr Nrart aat «ui u m sura at ««r era«M ** <rwa their arelicaatrr*, aed liidtsuir that the aaatai resolution aid net a...
...the district leaders from the various congressional district...
...Tk* whole luxuriant lap ot autumn, it seemed, had bee* spitted inside the Oaylard house...
...But you are not ¦ ¦kg labor...
...They found that much of ths exoitement and ths Jay ot their honeymoon had returned to them...
...ths rest of the country, whoa newspaper headlines' leak • little oj( ths hideoutnett of Southern race, riots, oonvlot dogging*, antl-Byelution bllls snd trials, snd Xu htlux Xlan aerobatios...
...had erased all vestige of the tattered year...
...Thanks to the ma¦Jdjr» ereate more...
...It would bear alt the red and gold snd saver Agatna could lavish upon it And as the directed her dfsidt and extra help, old memories trooped from dark corner* to make more -merry the romentie mood, and to illuminate again tha old rooms...
...It swallow* tt.000 payers Bps every bear...
...T* St OcarJawed Next Week} A Weak Plea for the South By Clement Wood THS South te not infrequently a stench in ths nostrils of...
...oyer tbe names of the truly great et those who ffljeootributed most to what we call culture, these IptUU speak to us though dead, aad you will find ¦y au lived before tbe machine same to harass ths •mtsetrasn...
...i groan aland te my dream* and teb* Vkt ksvrkl papers in my band...

Vol. 3 • September 1926 • No. 34

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Kanda Sofware
  Kanda Software, Inc.