Dulles, Sophia N.
Britain's Million Miners In Peaceful Rebellion An American Quaker Leader'. Experience, in the Cardiff Coal Fields By Sophia N. Dulles ONE thins that mad* aaflaHto to go to Dublin to tttttd...
...terarydp* not striking waa out of work no WAhmt af th* strike—yet i waa tsad with pride and aatbuslaam that tb* dtotrtet had Jaat turned down the -mahsp's Prepeeoi...
...As usual, tod onto smear I saw all day waa the rather axaejy looking tradtto polioemaa wh* h*pt the** Mg bosses from ooUidtog at an awkward totoraecUon u tb* Barrow atreets...'s aooaomto troublsa war* aaasat entirely by bar betog too g*n*rous aai good to bar worker...
...Th* kitchen waa spotless...
...I wag asked te second the vote of : thanks to th* band and to *ay a few word... c*ur** I am apeak, ;**S te 1*.^*** thMtdas...
...The tr* hi nvade under them ta tha potato e* told m ta* bat sraov* of th* ratto...
...A long taht with tb* miners' agent there showed me the anxiety and deep sense of responsibility which these men have...
...Th* Bamaaatas Prev** Fate* v tt that reeaonins prevailed yt did not work out very w*B...
...Back nttte gray street has its entertelnment uOmmlttd...
...the next sheeso and so otL in this ptece they were given two aommuaal meals a day...
...stirred my faith to th*-workers' world at has my first-hand sxpericoo* with this, ttrtke of nxplpited .textile .worker...
...war* abte to toe* each atom* wftoout fatr ansraiit ar gasrdsd aa a qatte arStnary o**urr*nc** Whoa 'w* bad crawled dew* ta toa ptec* whor* toe oraok bagaa aai ptoddod baak to th* toot ot to* abaft w* vaited th* atobtea...
...In the gray streets the man who were willing ft •tood and strolled about—pale and rtiaatiy and hwwgir looking enough...
...The childr*n were drooood to sacking, paper, cardboard, or anything with cater... police, no guards anywhere...
...Thar* wa* a roar «f dpraghlng- bate the abaft as we aank aad to* thud *t faJBat water on th* into ronf of to* cage mstn on*'s earn teWma deaf to *v*rythtog from the ««lek daaaunt tate tha pitch bttakness...
...tcy poster* asmoutteed at ma-1 si cat competition to be held that Saturday, all proeeeda to So for feed tag th* trades people axtesdscme of these 'eilatrs, though they are mostly quite natarally unsympathetic... l soon dtocovcred, a pranotxacad *aapl*F*rs* vtewpotot, received u* mast poUtdy...
...The mother may be dead, or to* fathar tody h* dead...
...yaa wSJ n**d te r*vte* your ayotate aateutettepa to ptwvid* for Paaaate...
...a New Tork millionaire...
...These, aa I aeon realised, were acarcely ntcsimry...
...Tha next day t was asked It 1 would 10t* tea*** mind...
...Our f**bto Ught* just tenshad tha grimy earnest faces and a few' gtiataae tog points of coal te front of as...
...They worm, I think, what old books must have meant by "bravely decked out...
...toaat go tate th* mm* aa •drip a* paaatote...
...Th*a harsse...
...I did not at that period see to* inside ot a textiles mill, or meet any man or' wantea wno worked to oa*i bat I *b« served with interested ey*s to* Psrkf avenue mansion...
...for four days their dinner consisted of bread and butter with, one day, an apple, the next cheese, tha next jam...
...They had explained that I waa "on a string" far th* first tha* te my Ufa...
...Then w* caa ntototata * dan ant tevel Of profit...
...On the other hand...
...WfQ PO*t Md**a*taBTa%Bqf efeawBstBasBitawp abjpdjk* ductton...
...all th* work of the feeding* is dan* by volunteers and seemed wall orgautr.**.—gee* record* being kept, menus planned ahead, etc...
...Tb* maaaurar...
...but tha greater part' ef that Workers braved tha snow of th* wiater and dtejoa*^acab...
...The history of my work ad a "tutor" does not concern us her*, but it did give me ap Insight into th* lite of th* family ot a baron of tha textile industry, Mr...
...As fuel was giving out, tola was a beef sandwich...
...Ueve* that to7emd«v*d >a thla ateu*Bm thing of tha ends tar Which tb* vjesrae' arra arw athar diuajaa are worbtag teds... MaerdJ two af to* four pita hav* been rate tor it months...
...solidarity displayed in this struggle tor unionism will certainly hav...
...Tha muste was whtetlaa, pipe*, tin cans anything J* atoned with * climax greatly appreciated, » group af ajrte btowtof whisUea, Whan tt waa JaVsar I Vi nsjd sayaslt trying te *omtert * middle agad...
...Tw* tet boreal mtt mmsahtog ta* abrkaaas (taew *a*aBy ar...* fmjtsst by Bto btoal pali^ wb^sWay aato at unprUvoksd stolen** are too wok salbsattoated far ritttntkli ddnbt Tka esrasrs have rsssrtsd tt every deeett, frame-ap and derioe...
...More than 4*1 ttrtksrs havs bean arrested to data to the polio* campaign to harass tko striking Worker* and break their stmt...
...Thar* tt a figure to conjure with...
...There are, 1 know, certain model village* about'' flaw mines in other places...
...Sixteen toouWbicb sometimes occur among unortmatted Wisrkbt* when tbste are Stedsg to revolt...
...A normal child, when the age of possible income-producing comes, will not pursue hi* education white hi* mother or tether, ar little brothers and sisters, are suffering tor took ef proper financial provietoa...
...Th*y played Tchalkowsky...
...Tb* prise* it gives are vouchers tor food, boots and clothing...
...having ttv* small nam te as and toaabited by l* paraona..." veil as the Guardians ABowaaee...
...Fifty par oaat ot -tod...
...Thar* te a stack to too industry, aad a tew weak** disappearance at th* worhtta tram th* *pC*|Ta...
...e Another FHotur* -h , Tempted tbougbil am to a* tetafurthar dotaito, I mast not drift tea dar tote thte dasmipUua- Baaaarktod only that th* auaMroag aervante af tha hsuMheld war* staok up *a to* fourto Dears that X vtertod a furtbar B- ¦ a*a**h*id by toe N*w J*r**y smshers aai imraed at *tiU another -up to, Mas...
...If there should be a strike, tt weald ***** at aa huoptotous time...
...They told zae disconsolately that there waa not much picking toft over from th* teat atrflte ton...
...Haunted by Baldwin Part Talbot is haunted by th* flan** of teaidwin...
...A tew bldoka east of to* P^—-mansion on Park avwra* there ***>.ajsBji...
...but It was only later( that I gata*d something of a knowledge ot to* live* of men and women wa* w*rk*d to to* mills which suppbed th* toheata tar th* doing* on of tb* B-family lite...
...That, even a miners' band' from a neighboring town played to a drizzling rain...
...Miiai Jtatol Atom mtnea to striae baadaaertara amads open and unjtsirr-1...
...But, miracle though it may appear, they bars net been able to break this strike...* effect on the unorganised workers everywhere in the ether textile Industrie* and in all American industry...
...aad that oa* of th* nam asrvaato conflded to ato...
...but the roxources were pitiful...
...I waa not present when to* mm owners conferred, but Itl feat tha nexthat I nop* to buy that tote dart Ot argument prevailed upon them: "If wa cut th* wages, my 1* period*, we can probably persuade tew aaapioyeea that it to noraatnry becauee ot hard tima...
...What mar* natural than that they Should eat down est that all, they weren't in kwatoms far tbeJr bcalth...
...The rich mill aarbto* war* ai farat ledlflte •nt...
...and probably tbay whs accept tt without msklag trodbto...
...Sixtaaa thouaand workers ba** da**d te queetloa the right at nua-ownara to btoakltot them aad app on tha* aad...
...I asked many striker* why thay did aot emigrat...
...woman who mad* the cloth war* considerably tote tertoaate...
...Th* bin khan was not aa ordinary ¦ark neat which stfll Have* a seam of 9*0* and motion, but was heavy, hmnovabte, tarrifytog, gad suddenly 1 i*sB**d toad bar*, in toe very heart of toah* field ot battle, thos* two man, embody tog to* too*btttorty oppoatog aMaa te to* issu...
...That first glimpee was attained at Patorson, N. jr...
...respcnsfkle for Its sMrate...
...aha lajaatlaa a* atroa aad vteteaa* aa *> mtoirr at aattJin* disputes...
...I said I should ha moat dahghtad and totarastod, Th* miners' agent telephoned at once to tha manager ot a satoe near Pontypridd who agreed te th* visit and wa started aft to aa* of th* •Wquitdu* busses...
...I had never performed Such, work before, aad I did not realise whan I obained toe position that I was to ba little more than a glorified nursemaid to Mr...* mo*ag*r, to* atrikar aad X ap inquiring Aamrlcaa...' taken cat of local tax** and is only a lean, te ba paid back by tha parents 4t to any way pekafbra...
...A gee sly proportion *t to* city of Paaaalc i* isat...
...On my way up tb* Mg Rbondda Valley te Pontypridd I/met a man wham X shall never target a checkwMgner...
...yovasteb man... war* already ejnang th* unemployed when toe strike began...
...At Mat *sg dkjosvsrad on* af to* gadate aMarraxtteg baakte a ahstf aad ware directed to the otttoa...
...Thte oa* atens of th—> I met had tha oeura...
...He had *rg*d hi* people to accept the "Bishop's Proposals," not because they were wholly desirable, but because he realized the suffering of men, women and children in the Strike...
...Thar* tkoy wlh go on tb* land...
...B—- is very rich...
...Bag thay dht not reckon wtto tha aptrtt af th* atrtoteJS textile worker* or with th* Amerteab labor movmmmt...
...Stray Coal Uaad They cook here, aa ebxswner...
...hi* property la mine*, factories, and "Company houses" must be causing him some not wholly disiataraatad qualms about th* strike...
...Her* I saw oa* ot the famous carnival* th*y ar* now holding constantly...
...Finally, I cannot see how any worker or labor sympathiser can fail to did dOwn deep into his pocket for strike relief tor these heroic young strikersfathers- and mothers, grandmother*, gTandtothers,' young workers, all of them Of herdljj...
...which ha* sappteisi them toraagthout to* abrtke...
...i saw none...
...All receipts west for too feeding...
...Th# vVtfsvepl'sg III A#Jwr*Mt I havs seen tks Passaic workers la action, attended their me*tings, observed their efficient and excellent relief system, talked with the young workers tn whom I am especially interested... one visage if cftptod th* week's menu for the children...
...Oatatd* to* kitoben dabr they showed me whet* th*y ecakat aetettas... wbteh they msant that th*s* c*g*s haag en on* cable, without any check or aatety d*vte* la caa* of accident...
...J No Patio* In oVght TkVe next day 1 spent at Part Tal1^_ a hidceas tittle industrial town, bat rs I stepped from fh* tenia and l*ok*6MBto tha wild erne* of mills and factories, cranes aad great chimneys, nil dead and deserted...
...on tote Soar...
...However •urtosity and perhaps a little shame at shrinking from a thing that we require of millions every day won but...
...with bits of poor rejected coal, which they gather from the "tip*-" Many accidents are happening rn doing tola...
...W* walked to the end ot the street and watched the proesaslon forming among fh* neap* at ash** and traah...
...But they had all aajoyad rn* oarnjval and war* prepared to attest' At Tonpentr* I saw eauai dwvhtogg and an about tote crowding and misery Ilea open unoceupted tend, .but not tar sal* or use by these p...
...Violence and tea Xaaor Movement," Try HUHiar;' *Tdfd of oaokg* Borrow...
...W« walked ov*r t* to* hand of the abaft and stepped into to* "cage.'* The mine to tte yards, ahmtot half * attta, deep and tha d**e*at hi mad* ta \% minute*, it waa toe ion gem 1H minutes i ever spent...
...Thte vtett to trash in asy mind as I write, it having oocurrsd oalv* tew days sgo...
...They were tookiag forward te a ton* -whan their profits would ¦lsikaa...
...History of Economta Doctrines" aad -"Principles of Palitiaal Economy" by1 aide...
...I know of thos* Mght year* ago, and that tt why to* toad did not always course down my throat so pleasantly, and why my private bath' did not give me an unstinted feeling of luxury...
...At Maerdi, or "Ldtoe Moscow," the I "reddest" spot to this region...
...Paaaaia a ftemfmter I hav* been reaatoded at all tbl* to...
...viol as to ta fed Attest at crash tb* spirit of...
...Ta right aai toft apdaai tga...
...White bis aaaghter called bba I had tlm* to write down th* name* of a tew «C tha book* etaadtng on some shelve...
...ate Wortf EIGHT year* ago I epent several weeks as a tutor in th* family of Arthur B... another chapel I saw a dinner of watery *tew i being given to 380 men aad boy* who ?oceJro no other relief of any kind.' this was financed by the toed unions,1 wlifch worked hard to raise and collect .TioBey...
...Tb* strlksr, a eurvivor *t th* whole GaUipotl rampatea aaa beea gaesed in Fraaoe aad was tubercalar...
...ft was all vary earaeet and ¦noenecious— very Important...
...It wa* haadteas te explain the statu* of my •acert .toe striker...
...At teat to*r* waa a feeling at support aad to* sag* settled top to* bottom of to* shaft...
...te slash th*tr waamt at wSL Thasa Mrikers ar* probably * iittte aaer* than bait at tha working population of Paaaalc...
...aboat Bas> tend, tebor and eaal eoriditictis te thta...
...w* Mtttei oatoS>iaa far * rest...
...Here fh*y axe having concerts gad moving pictures-four tomes a week...
...tees* 11 wmk* wKheut a break...
...Baidwtn's Mas toward the employers' point of view la quit* understandable after Just a day or two in south Wale...
...that f did not **uat to* family aattmobllaa or tod asrvaato...
...a city oAtetias about Ttdod pereona wiihte Ka bmita...
...H* sapteiaad that at waa p bad iavmtment aad talked moat tatatogaatfy •heat tha tadattry at a anoia, but hi* eyes abaae with a Ugbt t had net seen to South Watot aa ha tote tw that B*g« F*bnmry ho and ate "old woman" and to* children ar* saittag t* Australia...
...No, ha will go out to the mm aad strive to get a Job to eke out th* family income and make it adequate to living needs...
...and Indeed R ie not aufttotont to maintain even a vary miaatahte tteaaard at living for a temfiy of ttva paraona Hens* it follows fh* yoaag Bashter ar aaa...
...aoto thraa or tear that klgh, than Wbtej [and at too head ot our atate gafbap waa ihhdOBlas sett black ooaL abkag nrattblH to th* touch...
...aBsB paas on to another side at th* BteJ^r...
...Th* skdthsr w*rks... «M railway f%U» aa tbaar aldaa iisatod on htteet Won...
...ended For M> *r *t that w* wabJX ** fitly oa baas* aad kaaaa Aai *gaj had arrtvad at tb* head at the wgrb> tog...
...Any wound or scratch to permanently dyed by to* da* coal Auat filling to* air under* ground* Wa talked a little, to* manager ask' teg what mine h* worked ta...
...Here we waited for Sr* minutes, aa th* eastern is, te allow our aye* te *dju*t ibemaatvee to tha darkness, and started an • journey, such as I bettev* every **al consumer should b* required to tan* anos at toaat in hto or bar litotim*, torougb deep Mack mud, stum Ming *v*r atonaa aad rough ttos, w* followed th* narrow track, atoisg which -:- Some Contrasts in Textile -:Park Avenue and Passaic By One Who Has Seen Both By Ramon Coffman Author 'CMW, Hutory of...
...mines of wbteh thay hav* tteaSd f...
...whoa th*y start at 14, f raar* in too atoms ha* hr*k*n Umpr at tl add termed a habit, a lack ft vitality aad eowras*) to throw *T*BThay tear thay at* aot S*od tor *Bt other Job...
...i felt for the erst tima the rather awful dignity ot •this great peaceful struggle...
...They bar* - pmstHUted th* cssrts ta their parptt st...
...Th* rooms of th* hays, with further private hatha, war*, at orurs...
...The streets to these open hills are as narrow and bare and, unkent aa to a big industrial city...
...Th* local committee is particularly resourceful in planning competitive sports and entertainments...
...elderty, stoops A Ha waa at tha local ****** feeding when I ranched fate bouse...
...To rise to th* second floor an automatic electric elevator waa provided...
...This floor was given up to * megnlflocQt drawing room and th* bedrooms of toe master aad to* mistroa...
...Experience, in the Cardiff Coal Fields By Sophia N. Dulles ONE thins that mad* aaflaHto to go to Dublin to tttttd *Or» Ftfto tote*-nati*«i*l Congress ot tha pane* assl-aYaaaaaa aa a TJnlted States jaian" i was tha bapa that I might, be abte te see >om*fhing at tha treat eaal *trta»fr ft atJOwbt aaOl atojaatol to awe «t waa) tsaat...
...v In that asm*) *tr**t I wmrt tote a beuas, on* af lhany te ahcaking r*palr...
...Th* Mii»*r*' Sand Pteys Bat It waa at Pontypridd and to the Bhoadda Valleys that t Began to realise the significance of what I saw...
...P-'S two eons, Arthur, It, aad George, It...
...Ilk* tattoo...
...W* began to go upttBl, toe tagm...
...Welsh air* and a potpourri of Americantunes, all with equal good will and...
...this fund...
...1 can say without kesitdtlos that nothing in years has...
...Whan thay saw how w*S to* striker* were attoktog th* mill owner* roused tkemaeivee and resorted to...
...The human brotherhood and...
...What I daa arranT*" dad want far beyond «v*a what X had hoped te aae...
...Thar* waa a strike in progress I did not make a ecieatinc study *t wag**, hours and working condition*: but I did learn a singl* tact—that white Mr...
...Knowing toe- opst of rents, the coat of food, th* oast of clothing, may w* conclude that tola is a handaom* sum for a family of five ta grow up oaf I svtmod* that you wifl reply that It is Inadequate...
...Everyone war* whatever extraordinary bite of rags they had...
...One glance discovered Ma catling, for lib* all soft Opal colliers hi* akin was spotted with black marks...
...Thar* waa no particular scheme" followed...
...All Figured Out , Twenty-two dollar* and some add cents...
...Above them, here and there, ate* piled tha black "tips* sad at the heart stands always tha great spidery, hteck, wted-1 ins wheal aad a towering chimney, marking a abaft...
...Bbi htafkar w»rh* Bis sbttar-wark...
...It waa desirable that viaftors ahottld a** that tha tutor, th* chosen guardian of fh* acton* at tha family, waa adequately provided far...
...Croochtog ther...
...I am speaking of a normal- child, ta a normal min-worker's family...
...Th* straet miebrAting today was at to* bottom of to* vaitejv bordered by ash heaps, it waa dnssHng, but there waa bright-colored paper hung across tram hcuee to house and a graat acurrylng and tense excitement...
...twelve dan*us a week* added te th* tamoy toe****, amy drag toe family eat at debt, ar mostly out Of d*bM . ; .» ; V >_ . Back to January ot thi* year soma at toq mid-«wn*rs pat thab* beads topethar...* master, worked (or at least put la tlm*) two hours a' day, and obtained a family expenditure privUeg* of tlM.OOO ar mar* * year, tha maw and...
...and it toons to me ss though they will never accomplish this purpose...
...Thla gentleman contended that th* average wag* for to* whole textile industry has been tit par weak...
...being sscpsnatv* *s reasaaa, a*j ate aftowad to basoma tabeiablmt /I ta a aaaa tavern near to* aktoa ml drank tea while waiting tor our baa Tha owmw waa aa *a>*ainar, aa atort...
...Upstairs, daylight ehon* ehreugb th* Stote roof, only OM-half af one ef th* room* could be used when H ratoad...
...B>-— was to* owner of five miiis tn which cloths w*r* mad...
...Besides, thar* hi a iJWkato, loyalty which makes thate atiek • .fhfi...
...Thay will be Itokad...
...tog* which do not provide fotw-fljdors u a family...
...Oa to* day I visited Perns is a eta lament by to* head *f to* largest mm to to* city appeared m tb* dairy newspapers...
...Th* volunteer* were busy preparing the men's dinner...
...mould—*H of them sternly d*terffitjjj>d in their fight tor a decent living wage...
...Bvteutta* of Modern Caaiteltonx" iy Hflbaan;, "Case for Land Nationalisation," by Hider...
...H yaa aaa te toe habit ot countte* on*,w«rktog par*** te each family of dv...
...Maardl to osmptetoty tmianiaed, Only thr** man, they gate, map* not member...
...They wiB have to recognise the workers' union...
...I must admit that I didn't Uka to...
...1 arrived ha Cardiff on August • wffh lillsss at lbsiudattlea from the ILP aad T air sr Party...
...Each waa given a heavy electric ton* tern, with what looked like leas toaS on* eandto-power ligbt...
...sad stiB jsu santsntst Snd sststoW kas bonds hav* been tks ruts tkreusjh ths strike...
...that I ate at tha master** tab!* and partook • ot rich toad (though A bit ot H stock bt my threat...
...toMtottag^ "hTeteMdV m*\£ttti ! dtdat hold < amajStet ~i tatelaal ¦ aNasofkBBh- " ?-*' " Tabu nt ssaii a ql*_jj...
...oapable tooatog ex-mtoer, with how*v*r...
...We teSmi l*ag and aariouaty...
...SamsthtoS aram ha dee*, and don* quickly...
...ftoRdran Decked Out Then they started, headed hp an Impromptu band...
...It seemed So much healthier and mora desirable to sympathise with th*m and admire toeir aalf-contnol and courage above around...
...thinking that toa worker* canto be forced to com* eraWtte* bad* to Work at whatever tolsirsbl* wag to wte mills chose tp pay...
...tuberouter lo*ktof ama who waa to tearful ajstrooa be***** his band had ate\btem tate to tima that tb«y might nsarhb...
...W* didn't *sr*a> bat war* all toterutod... to thte mto...
...Long, straight tins* of amgy houses, slats gray, two storied, plumb straight, that leek at a distance like great steal beams left lying abaat at random te the tree lees valteya and along the, should era of th* barren bill...
...tearing the piuasiMsl wdtt dad saztona to hang on to what crusts they bad...
...It must ba exhausting to be an Enrjlsk stetostoan and have to keep a lap ahead ot some of those stout...
...The Passaic striker* are fighting the battle* at Overy working man snd woman id this Country and should b* backed to the Bruit, ot labes't puree...
...he InbjHbd his five mills from hla father...
...themsajam At Cardiff I learned that tenma courts, bowttag green*, etc which t bad noticed In soma of tb* wfetdhetf Mod* tn,*u**r .towns through which the train had prurard were the result of the Walter* Fund CI penny a ton charred to the Industry...
...xj[ *jtbto ^haoJd urn thdj to* earraat af ate ttnstoafTr t*r**| teto th* mtea by abas aad- totaat"a tate th* ateb-wwktog... a vtett te an«to*r hem* of to* teatlte todaatry—Pasmic...
...Whan wa arrtvad ad tod nxtes tear*-waa a* an* in abtot...
...What I am driving at to that the paaaalc child cannot lock forward to a university education no matter how much he might desire one, or how wen he could ^utills* on...
...I wa* betog a*o*rt*d, by a toaat L L. P. nmmber add one *f the atrSter...
...Thie temp will net burn v mar* than aevaa hours...
...Some, indeed, who were less bold, teas far-seeing, l amain >¦ at to*k* fteeea...
...This fund Is administered by a Joiat Committee of Employers and Miners and new tennis coasts had bean opened Ifcat weak in a mlshbortns town, tb* Joint connnrtteo ofllciatlrur peacefully...
...I saw a big labor Institute, a clubhouse built by th* union.- with offices, game rooms, i reading, class rooms, and, ominously enough, a large hall with a kitchen built for feeding in times Of strike...
...a kaan...
...Then 1 Waa fitted oat with tha aasnsgsrs everalle aad the striker'* boots of which he had brought- aa extra pair...
...On* email hay walked aa a miner and carried a temp with a card eaying...
...Their tea ar...
...AS Walsh mining village* te thla are* and in the two Bhoadda valleys are alike...
...all of to* offspring may b* below th* legal age for child labor...
...ogering a welcome to anyone eariag to aaa toiags for...
...Kb a obapai i saw a crowd of ragged tssns and Ctria ostiag tha meal supplied dolly with education and health authorities funds tt&S children arc fed .at two sittings...
...And at th* top of th* building was a theatre seating 1,060 persona...
...Everyone, however, seemed ih«*rf ui and decided iy Fraud at us sir accomplishment...
...Tha mansion waa at four Marie...
...Th* fathar watte...
...H* «oM a* to* history ot to* mtea to wbteh Mr...
...Hew* from Nowhere,'* Morris...
...Thar* may be no Mg brother ar big sister in a family...
...Ha tookad Uba a gboat by our dim potato *t light...
...Baktwia aa* sa toterect...
...Z slept on t»* third floor, to a-room equipped with a private hath aad a fireplace...
...Tb* men dig into tb* soft, ahaley sides, wbteh often cave in...
...On to* first floor there waa naught hut a reception hall, a dining room, and tb* quarters In which to* servants prepared food tor to* tour master mortals of toe household...
...Maaar SUrted work at U ytote old aai at « thayhad beea for 1* rasa* uadargrouad Bveaaow...
...and wait tb* *U agitator* aad drtv* th*» aaa, at town...
Vol. 3 • September 1926 • No. 34