A. C.W. TIES UP FINKELSTEIN FIRM Clothing Union Continues Offensive Against N. Y. OpenShooppers By Gertrude W. Klein ¦Why *ita their program of attack Ftsa-the Important clothing...
...Ctibor Bezdek, CrechOiSlovakla...
...New Judge Gary boldly proclaims that he hss hopes of hesrren...
...AUguat Torel...
...French anti-war and revolutionary mnvemeata during .the last ton years...
...Hours are long* and Sharkers are fired at the whim or H'a the foremen and supertntend¦sf The cost of producing a coat is BHt'n dollar cheaper than tha coat Bjfroduclng d similar garment in a ¦Mb shop...
...Major :PrssS\Cari Endrea, Germany...
...P. 8. tt...
...which were served by the todies sf' ths Auxiliary, followed by during...
...Robert Smlllie...
...ttjjyidtsa in...
...George Lansbury, M.P., England...
...The admission fee la 25 cents...
...For a'that and a'that: \e ' If a essoins yet for ¦•flail...
...The most effective measure toward this would be the universal abolition of conscription...
...Rabindrnsath Tagore, India...
...U Established -strx Msmhsi ifilp d4SMhf Mais offlea for Mew York and stataitJB mtmEastsstk-St- T^taemZMSsTiiesV Offka House.» s.m.-«snw f-tf fiss-f I H in n 11id is SiiiiiaTiTitmirWiJMsjS-"j...
...Norman Thcmas...
...Isnas Setoel...
...BeHswsrs to 'toe old gospel who are also soBcitons tar tbe Immortal weObates of the Judge, however, suggest that bo have a new needle, huso —""gtt: to permit a camel passing through its eye, manufactured at ens af his stoel plants...
...Afntk '¦' Einstein, Germany...
...Well, someSsMS tCm msrVily and aometlmes it's fiat so merrily...
...K. H. Baesstogh...
...11, Abbey Bead...
...Being neither pretty nor a maid, the strange looking creature In this picture is under no obligation to tell where he Is going or why...
...Straight from the Boulder unionism, intelligent and i*ab>, and it struck home...
...Arthur Ponsonby...
...In the first draft of tha Covenant of the League of Nations, President Wilson proposed to make conscription megal in all afsHatod oouna-ief, « j> our duty to restore the eitgiaal spnW which created tha League, a spirit shared by many of those who fought to the> war/And professed by many of th* etafesnton of tha country concerned^ -vBy...
...Miss Sander baa been a member of tike Csmtnfttse en Serelgn .Affairs and ifrtbsr lmpettan*, . committees of the German Reichstag...
...The foHowina atoned: C. F. Andrews, India...
...0 a» as...
...Slfclikctory la a big one, about seven hm men and women being emEneV with a tremendous output of Sssp slothing...
...She will...
...By training for war .men come to consider war ss unavoidable and even desirable...
...Henry Barbusse, France...
...Judge m up snd,«t it ds: moltshlng the outworn doctrines of his predeasasen, A partlcularty vutaerable spot in toe eld morality's armor was aimed sf hp Gary in.'Ma stotomant to about n risk saaa flndmc It hsrdar Is Sat Into Ssasea than- a camel weald to-gatttog throngh the aye of a needle...
...blind obedience to commands, however unjust and foolish they may be, and deliberate training for slaughter, undermine {respect for the.'individual, for demfbracy and human life...
...who boasts pf being a first BMi of the famous Congressman, Is MPett hhfp to mr.' FinklesWIn, and Be ears mr...
...Nathanael Beskow, D.DSweden...
...Felix Ivereen.'Finland...
...Bertbold von Delmling...
...alBsms out of that machine, Tony, drag you out," biased Mrs...
...sssdr lawadaysbstsiiss ¦ a. sa...
...Comrade Sender's lecture topics are "The Socialist and Labor Movements of* Germany," 'The German Republic...
...M.P^ England...
...General a.D...
...Flnklesteln Is going to ¦panbsr htm- in his will...
...Tony Sender will spealc on Friday evening...
...Under exlsttog arrangement* the operators have only every third dbanday oft, and they must work long shirts every second day...
...Pater Frahstslcus...
...Leonhard Ragas, Switserland...
...G. Maranon, Spain...
...It is debesttffc . human dignity to force men -to gWe up their lives, or to inflict death again»t their will, or without conviction as to, tbegustice of their action...
...Ellse MeDongsl...
...ssstotsnt principal...
...eyohiko Kagaws...
...Conscription involves ths degradation of human personality, and the destruction of liberty...
...Even the meeting hall of the strikers is out of the ordinary...
...Frans Daele, Belgium...
...director, League for Industrial Democracy t William KaBy...
...Six hundred men and kens* ant on strike can't be -merry m the tons...
...behalf et their husbands snd their race In genera 1." Ths bog was a gift from ths Ladies' Auxiliary, which Is made up sf the wives of Pullman porters...
...Victor Mergueritte...
...Csecho-Slovakia;,Lady Marian E. Parmoor, England: Lord Parmoor, England;' George Ploch...
...Norman.Angell, England;' Selrna^ Antllla, .Finland...
...Miguel Do Unamano, Spain...
...Ellen Key, 'Sweden: Count' Harry Keasler, Germany...
...N.Y.WILL HEAR TONY SENDER First Meeting Will Be September 22 at N. Y. Labor Temple MISS TONY SENDER, youngest member of the German Reichstag, the-brilliant orator of the Germaa Socialist and Labor movemoat, and the leader of the Soldiers, Sailors and Workers' Council during I the German Revolution of 1*18, wBl ' speak at a number of m»«ttaga in and | afound New York City during September...
...art hast sstb sisass...
...September 10...
...Pierre Kamp...
...also speak in English at ths Rand School on September 11...
...rfA few words about the girls In this ¦fee...
...Jos.' Macek, Csecho-Slovakia...
...Bmfl Svoboda, Csecho-Slovakia: Helena M. Swanwlck...
...Labor conditions, £sMadrto repeat, are bad...
...Osksrvbn Schoults...
...H. G. Weils...
...Comrade Sander is 'one of the most popular speakers in Germany, and this is her first visit to ths United States...
...Whatever .you may think about Plhakm of women Into Industry, they B|h**Uy do lend color and flra to a strike...
...Hilda Seppeia, ItP, England...
...TIES UP FINKELSTEIN FIRM Clothing Union Continues Offensive Against N. Y. OpenShooppers By Gertrude W. Klein ¦Why *ita their program of attack Ftsa-the Important clothing manuPk dhapjrins firms that escaped from ifSsnm fold during- the ltlt-ZO lock...
...Miss Sender will speak in German and her subject Is "The German Republic...
...The saving IS effected by gating the workers...
...Workman's Furniture Fir* Insurance Society INCORPORATED bTaw York snd Tlclntsy ssnl eYBssasBBSdti to the United States...
...Barrack life, military drtn...
...Phone Stuyvesant *»20...
...he loves Rjeb and his boss, and besides, he Bjetty Informs anyone who will listen ¦mfost cousin to Congressman La Bhsdsk Well, bora's one connection, Iffo willing to bet...
...Pfgf, Sit ward Geismar...
...Morris HiUqult wiS also speak and Bruno Waguer will act as chairman...
...Philip Snewden, M. P- England...
...now, Bp, Tony, though she no longer works Brlhs trade, la w good union lady, fit there sat Tony, bloody and-torn...
...MOVIE OPERATORS DELAY STRIKE ORDER Washington.—Delay of the strike which ths Motion Picture Operators' local is Washington bad planned for September 1 has been decided upon, pending further negotiations with the managers' association...
...Tbe men prase iasMke factory without .daring ¦ eskwthefr eyes...
...Prom "beautiful Marie" Campeso, slim and dark and radiant, to the lovely Scotch-Jewish girl with ths delicious burr- in her voice, they're - a gallant crowd...
...Eauallty of opportunities ssBI sngsfr, abolish : poverty, tend to esnaltoe larvsridge?^ - Offices to Let ddtos of she wiikmss*s smrissfi ytre to> esiaais gsdilj...
...Kv5o Amalsamated Clothing WorkEjstre opened their second offenstva Putajuf out the S. Flnkl ostein Co...
...Advertisements for strike breakers were published in ths local papers an August M, and ths managers ssssrtod that they seem sd enough responses to make eertaia of uninterrupted operation fs ease sf a strike...
...Instead of Ml a week, as at present Tbe managers made a last-minute compromise offer of ttce a week increase...
...Holland.' • • • ' Remain Rolland, Prance...
...Martinique Mansion, where the pickets gather and have their meetings, is a most attractive place, where you can meet any day such veterans as Phil Orlofsky, Joe Vaiecenti...
...We therefore as* the League of Nattons to propose the abolition of compulsory .military servsse in all countries as a first step toward, sans disarmament "It is our belief that conscript armies, with their large corps of professional offloera, are a grave menace to peace...
...Then Mrs...
...L. Lange, Norway...
...This -would require the employmest of four men per booth...
...And strikes SM-lSnsr known to last for months IWesasdai But tdtm.-one.-is .only- two Phatfe old, and a two•»week-old strike ffjpf no whiskers yet and laugha rather Pt laughed early this week at the Bjbny ending of what started out to ft"' another • ugly incident, of which Hbnt have been a few already...
...Socialist Party, 7 East Ftttpenth street...
...U. Wegellus, Finland...
...Karet vetea»tnaky, Csaeho-StovakBi...
...Oaf tha platform were ofHcsrs sf tks wndsa and tbe following persons who sands shirt addremea of congratatottont' Prat t* Roy Bowman, of Coktmbto Ualverslty...
...Otto Jespersen, Ph.O^ Litt-D« Denmark...
...Carl Ltndhagen, M.P., Sweden...
...By the universal abolition of conscription, war will be made less easy...
...Prof.' G. T. Hearing...
...fite ths Xeagsby at Natleas to eHminak* that posajbttayaf cotstcriptton to nktt-U^(h*^war '.people In all the rsuslijanjlaliimlail If threw -eat foe ever toe yoke, of militarism, and,'when panes cams, the fcaaajus si Narfoas was welcomed as the ssTfspriagVaC tois l<ope...
...When governments have to depend for support upon the voluntary consent of their peoples, they must necessarily exercise caution In their foreign policies...
...perish byenyankad for saying It...
...eesasg spproxte-ststy MM pdapw, was aaekaS to ospaaitr wttk pmtors and maids...
...And strikes have .hssn tost upon occasions, even <AnulasanStdt strikes, though- Z may...
...Wages spyTjffiew as 110 or 111 n week in finaineei...
...When man to roan the world e'er A Shall brothers be tor a* rant PORTER UNIONS CELEBRATES FIRST YEAR Enthusiastic Birthday Party Is Held in Harlem—Thomas, Coleman Speak...
...sad dm as, aatonlay...
...We can for asms, denntu atop toward oosnpfotsv- dim rm smsnti and the, demiHtsristafVf ths mind of dvUised nations...
...M. Strattmann...
...Many were naable fo.gmta aAV mlflsursi 'Tntosssnss sssS Isatoss sd) tatieitetten ware rsuslrsd frena kusas organisations and promts sat tosOvhfuals sil over fas country snd frsm Pultasan portere on rwuto to sdsaost every point tn ths fsntlon...
...Tony ¦Bad to the-men to the machine and St them have it...
...Address New Leader, 7 Baat Fifteenth Street, New York CityWORLD LEADERS FIGHT WAR DRAFT League of Nations Urged to Prevent Conscription in Future Wars LOkftlpfU*9%ir renewing ntasd«esto ban bees iasned oaittog...
...yp^^A*****^ to- toe rota odW bisfcs^eVlst"la rather hard to vteaniib^^Tdf thto ts what he sssayed to pMJbmmtmt to^the Inqulrteg fjatparsar-a* the New Tartc D*Uy News...
...tbe universal abolition of conscription' we 'can Take a decisive •tap toward.peace and liberty.' We, therefore, call upon all men and women of goodwill .to help create la all countries a public opinion which will inOuoe governments and the League of Nations, to-take this definite step to rid the .world of the spirit of militarism, sjtd-ta open the way to a nsw era »f freedatn, within nations and of fratemUy between them...
...Ws can say that lu latest profit and rent being nothing tart ta*>*apodkt which private monopoly of Sfo'nrgflrs* meats of production at prssenfwnaktea Individuals to exact wSJ become totosn of ths peat as soon as tbe ihsisiibs wealth takes possession of the wnoto Industrial^ and agileultmai ^.ptosS ' Laurence Orontond...
...Persuaded by a at too gently massaged ear and a Mbtly bifurcated nose, Tony went tofiff"' with the ''regular" to the faeWhen his wife got back with ¦f groceries and found Tony gone she ¦toe hot-foot for the factory, and' got ¦fee Just as the machine with Tony Eg a lot of scabs drew up...
...General Varraux, Prance: El In - Wagner, Sweden...
...the picket line, fftoyhs, it all workers had wives like ^kety there wouldn't be any Mr...
...John Sale, Emanuel Strauss, S. Deleo and other leaders of Oils second big strike in the Amalgamated...
...Lajpat Bali India...
...All Socialist, trade union...
...It is' hundreds of years now since any •asnsiddraM* portion of the white re/ss hasj ohaileoged the doctrines sad teachings of Jesus Christ...
...Mathilda Wrede, Finland, and Jlndriska Win mora.' Csecho- Slovakia...
...to to easy...
...Tony Merer mind his last name) waa visited 9*0*0 of the Ftoklesteto's "resulars" atrhr one *)nornlng...
...Germany;' Prof...
...G. J. W. Koolemans Beynen, Holland...
...Still, ws'd like to know...
...Mtddlcoetc, saslaaA...
...Philip Randolph, general orgsntosr sf ths union, with a beautifulfy moss gramed traveling bag as ."a token af high appreciation, esteem sad deep gratitude tor his efforts to...
...Note.—The Committee responsible for publication wffi be glad to receive further signatures which may be addressed to It Run ham Brown...
...Tony's proudly and went home, to wash fesn...
...One of the most promising future speakers and organisers works or worked side by side with her father, Jacob Lewis, tn the shop, and is now walking with him on the picket line...
...McAllister Coleman, labor Joursalteft Frsd R. Moors, editor Now York Age, and Mrs...
...After the program the large audience was treated to toe cream, punch and asks...
...and "The United States of Europe...
...However, they refused to accept the'second demand of the union, which was for a six-hour day tn the projecting booth...
...Uni first, and the speedy and sucSBWcome of that strike-^Uraady gmft at Amalgamated history—has Btt'tas membership encouraa-emeat ¦peps for early success in Its presMSgst And courage and hope are &tf*ineeded, as everyone knows who ¦Pear connection wttta the strike afiket' the 8. Ftoklestetn co...
...at t.JO...
...Toward tha' dose of the prosram Frank B. Crosswalth' prsssntsd -A...
...France: Pavia Moudra...
...M. K. Gabdbi.-India...
...A. Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Germany...
...Letters should be not mora than too words and written on one side of the paper, preferably on the typewriter...
...Oeneral-Major a-D F. von'schonalch...
...Tha government of a country which maintains conscription has little difficulty, in declaring war, tor it can silence the whole population by s mo-bilisatlon order...
...Vtaftlesteln's thugs around all the nans, far ana thing...
...editor Amsterdam News: Congressman P. H. La Gusrdia, Benjamin Stolbsrg, labor Journalist...
...Tbe State which thinks itself entitled to fores its mUsens to go Jto war will never pay proper regard to tha value and happiness of* their lives is peace...
...in the Bronx, at 1301 Boston Road, on September U; at the Brownsville Labor Lyceum, en September IS...
...Moreover, by conscription tbe militarist spirit of aggressiveness is implanted in the whole male population of tbe most impressionable age...
...Only by this act, it is argued, can we prevent'a catastrophic war at the gates of heaven between the forces of Gary and Jesus...
...Edward Carpenter, England...
...Margaret Bondfleld, England...
...The pickets cheered *M laughed: Tony took Mrs...
...She is also a membar of toe National Central Committee of the Social Democratic, Party of Oermany and editor of the Metal Workers' - Union Magaaine...
...St-enough, Tony disentangled himflHEhad got1...
...Bui table prises will be awarded for -tha beat letters from readers descriptive of this picture...
...S lut weak the pfeketa were rejJBsed from walking around the fac¦gVbut this question was fought out gj the courts, and now the steady ] JfhUnu, tsamp, tramp, of the pickets jfom nmrrOy an sunder the factory windows.:¦' an-say merrily...
...Louis Jimenes do Asua, Spain...
...gfce Flnklesteln plant Is almost HtHiy a fortress...
...Dr.' Frledrick 'Herts, Austria...
...Csecho-Slovakia:' Prof...
...MaikU PHber^.-Pinktnd...
...Georges Dttbnntai/ France...
...M.P., England...
...Workmen Circle or Other organisations desiring the services' of Tony Sender should write at dnee' to August ClaessCns, Secretary...
...Gustavo Dupln, Fraycs;'£mile Ehlers, Belgium...
...Martin Ruber, Germany...
...recent prog-ram...
...V. tarktoinen, Finland: Brtts van Unrub, Oermany: Prof- Dr...
...The editors of The New Leader appeal to their readers for aid in solving this pussle...
...Or have our old New England cows loot their American dignity and pride...
...Is Cal on hif way to milk an elephant...
...There are too many of Sir...
...steep hill that must be ¦febed before reaching the factory jps, it la almost Impossible to...
...What's Wrong with This Picture...
...It Is ear djety da ase that the tarrlUe suffering af the erar doss not recur...
...Congressman, La BP*** does not brag about or would B** he knew of the strike-breaking PRfca at his cousin* or aliased cousin...
...Annie Besant...
...Retchstags-President Paul Lobe,' Germany: Prof...
...Bertrand Russell, England...
...a strike- This mr...
...Situated way out Kjtba awampa of the Bronx, away Kb all clothing manufacturing Kbres, with a bridge at one point of Breach, railroad tracks at another, ¦f a long...
...New the...
...Tbe union demands s tlO wage Increase, making the maximum rate tit...
...at the New York Labor Temple, 41 East Eighty-fourth street...
...Miss •Sender is a remarkable UnguisC Furthermore, she has a message to deliver that Is enriched with thrUUnxv experiences in the German and...
...This meeting Is held under the auspices of the German, Hungarian and Torkville branches of the Socialist Party...
...Henry Tnrnnnff de Bros...
Vol. 3 • September 1926 • No. 34