-:- The News of the Week -:bear* tat have astwg%a b AlLaifclT¦y>^ -eoaaa*16r^^ tsr**to «i a s*tory~et tA*.s«* e>ear tor thru* year*. Ahkjad to'eimm***^ mg. as answer th*. oaarg** aapn*...

...And bade them lash the mutineer v To break hla rebel pride...
...oaarg** aapn* oy trderaallmtol ft^*nf JebV'tfr talkm...
...what magic is there in this cry of "unionism" if there is ho unity where legislation has its...
...haa ahattored rim m^aimBtem..: j . \i ; co...
...With the consuming heat of this i . Turbulent life...
...Aad hanging thereto agony...
...adjusting the...
...In Italy the Vatican haa called off the Internattonak Catholic Sport Meat bsoaaea, of cist: attacks open a parade of Catholic youths...
...Ca4s herfaaa, ^ I ¦ . Endlessly , . ; | " 3^"\ Tb* sttm gray goo** to on tb* .Whfe " >";'',- I hear hie wild, deriaive cry ,K : "t...
...rJ j*^nb'sa^^Tb**^ky^ m|**g 1 ; eautifal w* have ever ^evedj db> -« **Ttg^' JPZ...
...Moreover, it would provoke wide resentment among mUlton* ai»* n ^^.aasrsw*^-^ *i>^^&"eaj»<* ^ |w*aj>S^to^vJ^^ ^? t!^ ^^^^^^^^^^JiJSufi TamSkl^^ Na^mr-"ou*a*-a*7^/#^ truat*d.-> tbe- Srtttoh and Ft adsh *ayvernmenu-oimly kaVlt...
...although this latest experiment "in "lettism" has been going through a steady decline for seven years and try recent admissions of high officials is still declining, the...
...For'several days A Tratjady of • the unknown town Labor in CJhsnu * uf^m*- ^ ba* been eon*pfe>, luoua in -tb* headlines...
...There ia no magic save your ton Tour hammers are the 'wands of an aecromancy, ,Ypur trowels.- your neOtUes, your...
...PW 1 matmsr...
...its records were rifled, many of its patrons were terrorized, and jt was the-victim of malignant newspaper publicity for a' number of years, yet it survives as* a monument of resistance to persecution...
...wbleh to n^ssajgnafk but wh^vanesltlun.\- Te» liutortoaa* the gftotrfBsaa of toa.arttot is 9*fjf •totey ]*** but^ptty snore.-- to redblr ••S^^^^S^pSS aear^fk aa^Havalaek aVhrj^htabam ia itossnlng of as sj|nmilhAtto mmaB> srktton as tha...
...In thi* industrial region will be found great ¦ nrr- of textile worker* who vote tho Coetfd** ticket...
...THERAND SCHOOL It is twenty-^me years since the rand school of social science had its modest beginnings in a small building in east i 19th street...
...It would certainly bring Into tbe unions a religion* Issue that organised workers have no desire* to toait* and ie would alao fly in the face at our own history...
...aj^ asktog, bjew...
...we are sure that socialists and pacifists of all persuasions will support this program with enthusiasm and everybody will be satisfied...
...manufacturing poison gas, the chemical crowd, is now in business to supply us with all that is needed...
...t$f*'BT' ¥rtj*Cai teww ^BBto^M*jhto^hpdy# to not axfaamSSm It hi mutton*7 with ecmgVtortegl tft» eaaas el a tmr sanluaaa, aad thd/am her, aAtteade a* place* border* ont the sentimental, ber lodgment to sekkhB ftuUed by biaAMtea ar paaaian, \jm ffptt -w?l*A*»wwbai wlllg ••mavul wlllbb ebveal^l him work tow*' ot <uakrtam.*« lanudtsttwtt^ayafc*^ ' 0t' "bftdumtcsp f iP^I dipaeenaaiaoal e*htopsto* of Swtobarate Bto* >igb4'*fhommad dsoasT a da# df BasBabmar^and even *wbfl* storm *t Mtos Mark's md^H amuas cballtot w**ft w*i ^bta\inbb)0« • pftwaf^^h hkto toifhd^nwdfa«a«r- '"yjs§|| amy afet iaaplr* great art or «v*afS 'at aa^w ;ttton ¦ that produced dlsAttve of some phase ot mental unrest...
...Haaville is a typical textile oligarchy te the heart of the moat industrial region in th* United States...
...ujJaejfr^to^a^xcM af ta* Miners', Untop...
...What a tragedy in the twentieth 'century...
...The *k:k tact**, piUed ¦aooored...
...Who swore to seize from Destiny The priceless boon he spurned to crave— ', imperial liberty...
...The walling 9* tempeat-tortured terest* Against th* wall* ot autumn, Out of these wUl I forge your snthaeagi...
...their sympathtoar* bare been involved in pitched batUes with police and state troops, and if *reas Account* are -reliable, attempt* have been mad* to burn the ManyllleJenckea Company's plant...
...Wa have n*v*r-b**n envtou* of him la life, eo we hav* no amck•ry or d»:ttsry' tor hha now...
...labor must, therefore, have one day as-" signed to it...
...And when the editorial writor* add thi -tabloid turnoaats blather and froth all ever'tbeir page* with photos and Ufa stories and dumb-waiter aaeedete* about th* man so pamlonately beloved by'the femlnfne half ot a aftton, we arise in blistering rag...
...XAwto obtoln*d, tt*>p*>ers.-.lOn;lhto, tha rfederated Proa* aeye: ¦. ../ ' ¦*^heorie* **• to-bo»r-ri*wtoi ajkiu to under criticism for bto conduct oi, the union In...
...iimvii kfto 'pauamdv Utojsardtoe tamaBd,^:^ ¦ . b^makas his...
...Nothtosj h**jje shocked u* out of our coipplac*ny> a* " * the recent rieaing" over, hla coffin and th* fully sens* i sorrow that, to.atlU shrouding ovary l*4r In America...
...The giant put* on chains sad refuse* to ¦hake them off...
...BimmftJ tat...
...That Invention which was to "make the world -safe .for democracy," the tear- bomb, haa beea called into play, and the ''rough house" continues aa this ]* written...
...from the/ ^Fsrt-American- Federation as a rebuke to toe pbUcy ot President Cal-toa...
...gThat tha matter wa* ' dousidmud at thnAfontreal maetlng ef thVjatracattv* CowanU appear* certain...
...Where It 1* expected come dStogatea will demand a withdrawal- ofatfa*'A...
...Twang like a taut, thin, high harp-strtag, >; * . And see hto shadow supping by...
...Fan me when I lie burning...
...We^mrer, saw^bat one of his ptotnraA and jc*irno^taa»mber trufy What Impression a* ba) artist *hb toft with us «^_pea*kjutor evening...
...war* demanded...
...what they want...
...the-year is setVsideto celebrate as labor day indicates that rnwern society is not the happy family united in a. cohesion', of...
...v*a,as he aba* the Inevitable'way-m* mortal beauty...
...every j4ay belongs to the masters of capital, finance and commerce...
...archives of certain* government departments,^ whether irhe truth will ever be known is a matter of conjecture...
...union haaf tnabv' touted comparatively high atasAarda...
...ot wabto land And gltoteirtog1g'or4e* out of formless ddepelr...
...the day* of eisennel messnthclla win apMha'aa av . Vacafton time to waaitog, and ^aoby wtft^raby b**dj into ks ghjttonlikgwkrl an tlm aatety young thtosi...
...WAR FOR EVERYBODY We offer a suggestion regarding,war which seems to us must meet the approval of the militarist and .pacifist,' the nationalist and the internatiotaahst, the capitalist and the socialist...
...sT... to braa, we do not tab*' the rustles b>t'ubb cmtsy-beuae *a did the laaastobas df UU'mtb centary, fit order to *4v*uaam the-thrill of mad entortohitoabf, "bkv ther* atSj lingers that liieiepayabml' notion of th* mind aa a free ahd'deciding eatity, discreet from the phmB-: cat organs, which make* as bsbpat critical' of menial aberration jhadf phyatosl...
...Punuts th* last few...
...but here is james f. norris, president of the american chemical society, turning up at the williamstown institute of politics and attacking the proposal to outlaw the- use of poison gas in war...-having annexed the german methods of...
...He murmW*0 f»tTy-a* he *SJB: --a*^l^.^f...
...Tou must hav* a marching sang Aa luting 'and clamorous As.all%your atodg**- poundtog . On an anvil Such as Thor might use To forge the gate* tor-V JhaUa, " That is why I call on *he thunder And tempests and mountain forest...
...the Ttotrott oonVenjO/m"to... had the honor to be singled out for raids- by the notorious • lusk committee .of infamous memory...
...a repetition of this is found in the communist movement...
...why hot the extension of unionism to the ballot box...
...wiadl be friendly...
...national legislative bodies, yet, from Maine to Connecticut there la not one man in the State Les'islatures nor one man sent to Congress by them...
...When eke writes that "Poo's greatest crime was his poverty" and that "it la net ths crime si the individual, never bag been'and never will be," but "bs the crime of a crudely orgsntesd society whose stsAddrd te moncy-vntes,'' sbs... is also essential to organize the voting power of the millions and cast it "in unity* so" that public powers may be used by those who...
...Thi* lull in your portion of pain . Will aot endure...
...professor hoxie, a sympathetic student, at this period -likened 'the i. w. w. to morgan's raiders...
...The workers have been mercilessly sweated while the textile firms have been enjoying handsome dividAids...
...TpodeatA" system of having the heads, of 'communal administrations appointed by th* central government to every village and Italy... will' casually look over the casualty list eachymorning and do our stint without anxiety./ the militarist and imperialist will also get what they want...
...once the masses awaken, once -they "move, nothing can stand in their way...
...A kanilAr resrkm in axjr part of Kurope wo old send many man from the ranks ot the worker* to the state and...
...not at all...
...the rnmat a£^m% aoui... the ballot box government may be taken by...
...we so longer live in an age where belief in miracles is comrnon, but the history of the rand school is one of survival of an institution despite the.efforts of the most powerful classes to-kill...
...1 *V, ,-v . Tou Jealpua cat...
...there ahoald be aa international agreement that whea -two or more nations are unable tor settle issues bf peaceful^meaus an equal number'of officer* ofeach nation shall be ordered to go to the front...
...its numbers and power were exaggerated because of the spectacular struggles it staged* yet by the period mentioned it was weaker than when it was organized and had been reduced to impotence by decentralization which made it a rope of sand...
...w. w. a few years before the outbreak of the world war was advancing rapidly...
...but in...
...They,fog*edte bipod and pulp his back'.' They tore hla muscle** oath* rack...
...It laavda but on* r*gr*t: ' I know't shall remember" All that I should forget...
...In Poland, Marshal PilsudakVe plan to simplify marriage aad divorce haa drawn a sharp protest from, the powerful CathpUo authorities...
...It "to eanertod that • **au>romto* was reached vtt'~ this meeting by which action win, be left to...
...Aad onay her suae thay bar* cjoisatuteb- tb* unnardoaahia ATteuv*t being ham aadersaaayprekaat Critical Cruising By V.F Calverton ^ast§ap?tobb^^ to -ktodri^ satotoa* tha^ipti c.aiurriar c&bto trm^nm'mxmm ami Wltrsheald bw.wp^a^^c^ua^ mma^nm prcteob^^pixi^ wca*^: i*totarbad.r AAdfttom am^ramsb SWfc deetod A* eb#-tova*l*a -o* tbe.mBrA.' turb^^eSpnTito aacleaTdakavS...
...pity %utm*tmT aat^ tUr**Utor*ry mflsT^^f\__forget ten- rbat tb* bamaa bam *V U* » every jtorarr of ah theMSk 1-1 id^ *veiw-bamaavtaa*it**toa*raM| • : \^rm^J^^pa^at...
...Modern dptormtptom...
...Th* challenge reached hi* master's ear... rapidity of movement, and sheer audacity they have created the impression of a great organized force," he wrote...
...technical shrill, by experimenting with our necks.' .these pompous upstarts would/be hooted into oblivion in any civilized nation that knew .its business... whtoh radical rerorms...
...Of your omnipotence...
...but more important is the mass who live under the spell of "^habits, traditions^ and indifference...
...elsewhere in this issue readers will find astory of the prospects and plans of the school for'the coming year...
...f%$-X.F:aTjU *r*Maj»* caa b* ^AMlklVltin^---P^soed...
...beginning with some 35,000 members in 1919, it is doubtful whether it now has 8,000 members...
...Wal>Si iStos* *t icbwav atoi bad" reeBeet aeSbsf tor tha* idbpe...
...obr5 attitud*- toward'-diap*nb cbanded...
...Wbtt* thm, iebarMigbWto >e substantiated .by J4*wnMifW*r:' ovldenc*—the contrkct, andalJittjr.uo-ttten by rarrlaetnn... this way we have war without.its enormous .cost in blood and treasured a war that is won by a dozen 'men* is just as good and just as effective as one that is won by a'mil-' lion...
...finally tb*r-crucified...
...It-- to impossible to-believe that the convention can take ouch- aatton...
...Wilde far jSgE* hb*»*fi»11sm-a*" tf these m*a>w*bh maranmpeusne*] 'fto- their prnniaBas Arbb*^^^b«tob^ an Pea censktor* his anther, from ^ba hitter, point af vtow...
...on pre**accounts which atato^tbat^bera la a dtototon te the AVf\ of f^paaardtag the atruggto of OburCh aad Btaaj In Mexico which may l m*lt to severtag "relation* with the Fan-Aiper lean Federation of Labor wa Ao Teht know...
...It Ungers...
...The worker who,sends Butler to the Senate and who helps to place Coolldce in the White House 1* the same~maa...
...Tour music, is fan of pitoou*.weeping When hunger follows upon th* lean month* Of strikes and ldtoaeea...
...j -l|> tbto toopaatotaacar of attttadb JsK ¦arvsa coasidaratioh...
...THE CHATTER BOX -:- -:Labor Day FASHION toe a song out of ihunder, . % Qiv* pw th»- crashin* l«fa*au, * Qf the storm, ~'r . The heaving, outfiung w**M Of ocesd, ' The spattmteg of angered Spray - Against the todomitobl*'.eras...
...Or give peace from the bate-laden arsenal* '' Of war...
...where.the workers gather on this day is found another nation..from shop,* mill, mine, field and factory come millions on whose backs are carried what we call "civilisation...
...The Slave In olden tlmea there lived a slave, Whoa* heart waa stent and leal and brave...
...these milons...
...i of course, norris became indignant...
...there is ho capital bay,- rib -finance bay, no cojnwerce bay...
...what the...
...The death of Xudblph Vklcatlno to af peculiar moment...
...Whoa* breast war Oiled with angry fear...
...t'-' .. " .So sUp the ye&rs an indlsaay...
...shall we have this international agreement...
...And all the sonorous* sound* of tb* storm-batoned ocean*, Td etv* form and .fury And a'pounding power To your song on this day...
...the.complaints of...
...Farrttgtou ha* sooepfu^rX**d to d» ao...
...Several hundred atrttcers and... "fad" in this line will be no one can conjecture, but we"**may be sure that another one -will succeed the present "lefts" when they pas* into obscurity...
...and the brawnisb totta 'wa^^r*' -daay had a w*a> gllmpa...
...these millions after election confirm this...
...Stories jcavrtod . ov*r th* border* indicate that there to real .trdnbto" to Spain' aad the Spaniafi embassy' to Londeji has bad to admit thte need «f re-lmpoalng th*_o*aaorsktp...
...C*altook thla method of insuring a nfm...
...Xing Alfonso-is "up a tree" In the present row, doedh't car*" to ' offend th* artillery, officers or to take aide* openly against Rivers...
...these millions, yet after meeting in the polling booth laws, courts, and Eublic officials do not belong to...
...the, very fact that one day in...
...aad aetontma asnroach to tbe.thmn* of the arba«dst bto afSJcttonAr She "to...
...There 1* no piper's fluting So magical ^ As will make ord«r_out of disordered doom...
...Jjov* U) g'aambd Withe cow with us...
...LEFT" NOISE If noise and dramatic "stunts'" make.a powerful labor movement the -united states, would today have the greatest labor movement in the world...
...but there is a lot of noise, plenty of "theses," a variety of proclamations, and enough publicity in the.headlines occasionally to give star reporters and special .writers a few shivers...
...what stands ia the a/ay...
...Or smugged your blistering souls With soft and pathatic melodies...
...It is r**«tly possible thai tsassstimulsnte may provoke finer tniagoft ths basis of art-sad that HaVelock mils' oontentun that ail art' is a neurosis, is fundamentally oorreet in her appreciation of the effect ot social conditions In influencing snd cncouraging alcoholism And narosinanla, Miss Marks has sons beyond many keener critics of her period... what magic they got their hooks on this valuable property is a matter that is still buried in the...
...But, surety...
...Ton still-have your masters, Tou sUlI ar* their slaves...
...trbato for the mentaBp-BL . - Notwtthstomting thto marked Stop-.: ration fn attitude, fa ourtou* SadSfnv tb* dtottectiott between amatob-aad physical ilto star remama...*A*r connivance, th* r#t -^asmmar- dope being that Feabafy...
...miadA.your eweatdecked sinews j Are all' of incantation, sorcery and pow*r To make cHies cut... awaken them is the "first essential of unity at the ballot box and the conquest of public power...*ver...
...worry will be confined'to these few and their families while the rest of...
...priisldant for the miners to'th*j|H^nato"duArtoV Farriagton'* derarttsa 'of Sh* mihe union is doubly regrettable ' because of the fact hia district • was "obe of the | few to the matt ¦ coal mines df the country where' the...
...The man who Oras their power...
...MtoipA;, bvm...
...This ia your tost and crowning task...
...All things you hav* fashioned wen I Save your own freedom...
...It doeenot matter now " - tt you retura to'duty And I discard my.vow...
...Into "\t eaasamto rWrVrgr msali...
...m^fr^^^r*.yimiM ^ the fareays 'of tbejr -haaaty akjajj flekfy he ato^cksst and sold bambr tin bmgbt fpfitamt, u»: saw'^at aa touebbd wttfa/aadntoe ^eey^i^rn ' an oar . ydl^S' -baa iabtasai-, agAto' tb* "j^jaiii of drudsery...
...of It...
...J Scar rve had a day of beauty...
...gathered together one day and thinking more or less in unison, tomorrow they are dispersed ahd in november they are ranged against each other at the polls helpless, divided and ineffective...
...Now that Mexico to following our example, in dtoeatabltobing the official church, for the A. F. of ik convention to take any action that could be construed as condemning President CaUee would be to make the official labor movement an accomplto* ta a policy that belong* to past age...
...The uprising is the result ot smothered discontent which haa bean accumulating for several years... superficial observers the-i...
...v t; -• Tb*ir muate winArS«ndlesaly - * jf Braa* the 'famines- p«jJ1 neah...
...the protests against congress,' the legislature, the judge and the executive if the tnywerof the millions has not passed into the hands-of the minority...
...O! IAbor...
...we should kindjy let the highjackers cash in on their loot by tiurribly agreeing to be kicked into war and then permit the noble highjackers to blind gjis and eat the tissue: of our lungs with their tsfcison gas...
...yes, some...
...LABOR DAY Why labor'day...
...K a nam jhsi an inumtteal aaamsr, w* feci sorry fjsr hha aad eadeamr ta f*rglv*.hto w**A* K a aaa ta.grvea to drtoseg wSMk he as* es^-w» donmv dprgto* a* toaddr •acton...
...With the approach of day m t • Tou hid...
...WtodJ be-.bry frtoadV . A Lover's Francy Moon, you are like a eat at night . With her gleaming eye Stealthily you glide among ' . " The mounting clouds...
...O! Labor...
...Bven th* rSfbtoou* eaTtoSAto prefer man fat) their dantar^tostsad ef ood...
...secret aad delicious roinance, to.being desecrated by the Huns of typePrayer ch...
...It Is not the radical and the Socialist who endeavor to win concessions by a. snow of force...
...days there hav* been reports of several clashes between, Catholics aad Fascist...
...tkhe^mnstte Mara* ma^e^l m*r* ayatpatbetto...
...Their very helpless - neee as a result of their own political folly goad* them to desperate measures when a strike becomes acute...
...Nine of tb* thirteen original colonies had a unton -of Church and State In one form or another .and Catholics suffered more front .this arrangement than any other creed...
...t0.0 long hav* you hummed lullabies Or trugged on weary feet to pretty tithes...
...4t thi* ahould occur" the delegate* who^tavm- thla acttoh arST ba ranged hr favor of tha H«Xiox«l'Cfa*rch however" much thay may deny -It...
...bat 'the dtoanmartiac aad'-thw haabiah-hocmd *r* aa pathakarbBlr ha Utohr antocadente aad1 bfjfrshjssta thei*t*Ar^Foa?t«^axam ta*k*d fm lil* di nijunistos...
...these millions possess enormous-power, yet are weak as babes...
...the militarist aad ^mperalist insist that in the present state' of the world war irjikely and it is necessary to aria sufficiently^ insure "national safety ". > • veiy»^u^bk all will agre<that:il^ stupid to spena a bilfion dollars on war when a few hundred win fSy:m iransrftl agree that It nV folly to destroy mihiohs of tfveto ,whpa;aBtw hawrlpd limn will asffiac...
...Continuing his , policy *f depriving .the p*optox of .a voice hi tb* conduct of their, affairs, Mussolini haa extended the...
...knowledge is power and to the extent that we fail to understand the complex civilization in which we live are we ineffective in helping to change tt...
...impression of increasing influence is made on superficial observers...
...since then it has expanded into a big institution occupying its own building, with a large book store and an invaluable library for students of history, the labor movement and the social...
...this is a "technical question".all right, but so is the matter of...
...when a quota of officers is killed filr the vacancy with those held in reserve.- cootinse 'until the supply of officers 'is exhausted aad "the nation that has •the largest number-of !s«r?wing officers shall be declared the .victor...
...division in november cannot;do it..., finance and commerce" require no special day to celer brate...
...noose by a hangman/and we are not anxious for him to demonstrate his...
...besides, those who insist on war get... on* dare caat slur or aaarilap* in It* direction lest be earn our deveatkting wrath...
...who indulges in the folly at Manvllie..' Political impotence has brought economic ' distress...
...ha inbai 9%%*% totornattoaal cohtrbl ef-thA fc»*ortosK strategic AfHcaa psir :¦.wftl ->ia«b% abaad^.ajw^tha^tj^]*^ quit the League b*n*a*s aba canrrmaV a permabeht Council atot nobody willstop 'bar: , At hobje Kiv»ss?;i* kept busy denying reports ot plots'and impending..revolts by* army oaTto*ra> and* other opponents of hie dictatorship...
...A great **cb4p*rtta*nc* to s»sealed...
...the recent reorganization on a "nuclei" basis has also brought expressions of apprehension because of the loss of members... has trained many men and women for efficient service in -the labor and socialist movement and has become the educational center for workers in greater new york...
...Or when, tbe weeks coma of incessant' moil *~ Aai dreams or rest'diapers* the fears ot famine,"' You sing the pleasant hymns of dull content.' As even serfs were wont te dance and play j Around th* swollen harvest of tha Muscovite...
...He called his minions to bis aide... is well to organize the workers in industry...
...unity can...
...We never knew btm per¦onaJrgv^a...
...Lift me, carry me with you, . Whan I grow weary with tb* carer *' - Of th* day...
...They know, that this 1* folly...
...Dlwaaa* waa dtowoad' JeBPto lwu*Oa *^*^0ur^g*^tt*%wB* 1 b*14^ewa<)a^bt - - ^hpbasejfl^ aj|gw^ pbystoal unfortunates aad...
...eeylam* n...
...rve bad A day ot beauty...
...we dare not detract from the tntrteate |ohsrm fate a*udy feaad sponsors and friends baapeak ,f*f bna...
...he went on to say that we "should not tjry to influence bodies concerning highly technical questions of warfare about which the public knows-nothing...
...But could .not bend bto iron win...
...They chained bim in a'-duoceoh black ant he was steadfast still...
...hi* *easu*uty...
...3* really did allow a labor mas* meeting in Atban...
...But then yon come again, To leer at us, tough, and call a* tools...
...what is to become of the expected profits of the high'jackers if the use of poison gas, is outlawed in war...
...the West "Vtoatnto dtotrtoto, got hold of, the inhttoiuattps^ paper* rang* from that of jMa^.nnatoed .^eb» sti action' to' aoan* ..**»*/ of...
...But you hav* no *olg syantoSe...
...we commend the rand school of social science tb all our readers, especially to the trade unions and their membersttthe young man or woman who is anxious to receive a training that will fit them -for efficient,service to the only movement that is worth living for will find in this institution an opportunity to realize their ambition...
...reality they are incapable of anything but spasmodic and disconnected action... the extent that labor day is devoted to this purpose is its celebration worth while...
...1 ninristjsi with ceilpabflrry...
...A GAS ATTACK WW\he highjackers who obtained possession j I oj german chemical properties seized by the government during the* war have been the envy'of every second-story artist...
...r*ctioa-!to**' nw 'tar...
...General Condylia, tab to tost Greek dictator, haa surprised the country by announcing that be baa no Fascist tendencies and that ha proposes to apply ''Socialist" principle* to his administration... and commerce, although representing a minority, are supreme in the nation...
...atrangely liinii|M|" daapfto our d«tormlaJsm...
...interestsjthat some would have us believe...
...the force anarchists of the late seventies and early eighties were more conspicuous in the newspaper headlines than any other group, yet they accomplished nothing...
...that a retijj^ 'ffiaaye^ common soldvera^to^dhe front let tm agfjeev that .all the army officers above tne grade^oi colonel shall do the fighting...

Vol. 3 • September 1926 • No. 34

Developed by
Kanda Sofware
  Kanda Software, Inc.