Oklahoma Operators Threaten Mine Strikers With Violence The Potriots Speak Up MM you RttogJew-Itgf^i, ^md>la~KnJrixifi: R<pr«b«t^'Wo^Ba Amerio«ng, Hvam**j*wyt*», Bftstnrdft hrul...
...They are * x 12, printedbig type in red and black Ink...
...The British coal miners can win this, fight, and the nationalisation of coal mining be established in Britain, provided the miners and their dependents be maintained with the necessaries ^t...
...Socialists who desire to help can send their donations to the National Office of the Socialist Party...
...n*» n«w tMdm 7 I. lkh itrnt, mm* cay...
...Joseph Cohen brought suit against toe officials of the union, including Ben Obld of the Joint Board, asking for damages to the amount of tso.oeo for bavins been denied a working card by too officials...
...The farm jgo -ba taken by this toteraational snsai ba deetoed] at Af aebnest: eiadsreara wkato eg d> meat to the Autumns...
...Coal mining in .Britain has reached such a stags that it is no longer possible to pay the miner* a living wage, give profits to the capitalist snd a royalty to the landed aristocracy et old England...
...FUR WORKER A WARDED DAMAGES AGAINST UNION a remarkable suit against...
...The struggle has now developed into a question of whether...
...Workers are organised to tha United Textile Workers...
...Plftjr scholarships are offered to trade unionists and an- additional ten to members of the Socialist Party and toe Toons People's Socialist League...
...DavM Mlkel...
...The pamphlet Is anonymous exoept for tha due provided by "1*0 Per Cent Americans," "which in the McAlester region means* the nrhte operators, the bankers and their- gangs...
...Cohsn waa awarded favosa damages by the sheriff's jurySHIRT FABRIC WORKERS STRIKE AGAINST CUT Pawtucket, B. I.—Three hundred union loom fixers and waa vera of the Solway Dyeing A Bleaching Co...
...m detail toe tasks sad poeaPJe* activities of a teeeharn* trade union...
...It la capitalism on its deaths struggling for a prolonged lease 6* IKe...
...and Other Minted subjects...
...coal mining shall be sbeiallsed or the standard of living'of the workers be lowefed to order that .capitalism be prolonged...
...Miner*' towns in Oklahoma by operators' agents...
...Socialists everywhere are urgeo\to use all their influence amenf thtlr friends In the,unions to the end that liberal donattona be sent to aid the British nilnera In their fight...
...to addition there are toe current periodicals of Amesfda and abroad...
...y% to fans an totoraatioaal eeSaniaattdn...
...It appears that Cohen waa a member tn good standing in the union and, it is said, he was denied a working card, an well as any reasons for the refusal...
...The plant- makes men's shirtings...
...Library and Bookstore Tbe library of the school...
...The eaniersnee...
...Proa Scholarships ' Each, scholarship entitles its holder to an eight-month course, three evenings a week.' with two class sessions each evening...
...adWar - to' toe ^bw «<rtw% far ato^bjeVlto at all workers repardtoaa ad raee, efsad, * solar at* nationalHy...
...Union miners co-operated with the sharid) in removing the posters and showed their ccntompt for ths threats by using the potters in way* familiar to the eoernfuL , Sacco Protest Meeting A Sacco and Vauettl protest meeting be.held prlday, September t, oa thd corner, of'mfc street end Avenue B. Speakers: Norman Thomas, O. Valentl, C. Rutgerl...
...TEACHERS' UNION WIERNAllONAl' FORMING World Secretariat to Be Organized Nor 27th in Brussels ^^^^ij^ dbaj^^^j eaaaeaf^fdmdlSJ^ attempts ft tan Goaamunaat mans* tomal tordemtaate the SgkUasi toj deaire of CP* regular tzssto ss^rgji^ Bdneatlonal Workers, wbons^b^rSsry Is U Varnocnat af Prance, and Watch la net affUtoted with either toe AdOtordate or Moaeaw Intarnatieiia], ai...
...111., and the earns will be promptly forwarded to the strikers...
...th% pioneer of wbrkers' education in the United States, will begin its twenty-first season...
...The reference to "hunk lawyers" Is to the attorneys for District 31 of the United Mine Workers, one of whom is a .German and the other an Italian...
...Mi Washington Blvd., Chicago...
...U., presiding...
...a trade ¦^nlon has just been concluded in the award made by a sheriffs jury tn New York to a member of the Punless* Union...
...Ctliter, The Messenger, - Qen...
...This organisaBng ksat a oongrsss ts Vienna the middle of August...
...The preperateke< work for tkia further conference W entrusted to a cemmittoe, wkedh stum prepare draft rules in accordance with the principles bid down above...
...Application should be made at dace to the school in person or writmg, t Bast »tb street...
...Rand School to Begin 21st Year of Instruction Porters Dan raises NewIattVs Serrico UOTHKRHOOe OF MAtPINQ Au«a«t a, nee...
...Tbe following- decision was unanimously voted: The conference recognises toe need far toe tesnhers' unlbaa belaagtog to trade...
...The bookstore, under tbe able management af Aba Baisky, with thd supervision of Ca-rid Subinew and August Garner for the American Social1st satiety, grill eentiriu*' to have at band prierteany every book at atgatoeaseS to toenefirpf tha seeial amancea...
...Only these organisations ¦kail as melted *» the second conference which, through their trade union national centers, are afdtiated with the L P. T. V...
...Auyuttt Claeesent...
...It la reported that toe ofneiala ei the anion did not appear at tha trial...
...1, with Johann Sanson* bach, another secretary of the i. P, ,T...
...Courses are .planned which, accord!*-^ to Algernon Lee, educational director, will kedp Its classroms In.full use five evenings a week from that date until the third week of May, when the school term dieses, A special feature tola season is the offer of a large number of free scholarships to working men and women...
...Representatives from the new Paaaaie wool strikers' unions are expected to be present...
...Tha Band School library is tbe only labor library open to the public...
...The kinship of the Klan and Italian Pacism Is seen In the castor oil threat in the last line before the signature...
...One million miners add their famlues must be fed and the workers of America are asked to do their bit In this fight...
...Text of a circular posted up in the StrUdng...
...without proper wages there can be no wetl-bcingi but with them also there may banana,— Cariyto, N SEPTEMBER It the Bands i 1 School of SoeUl Science...
...The master das* of Britain are jMldly arrayed against the workers in tills fight, and if the - miner* are starved into submission the ooal misers of all countries will have to take a reduction of Wages In order that the competition of the British miners may He met in th* markets of the world...
...TV* call on all mttpbers of organised labor and Socialists to give financial aid to the British miners until it hurts...
...Art fyt&*!%<&^fr/X^y...
...UitoqidTbcslIy Wsmetl that you KUSt SfOP INftTANTBR ANY AgitatajfiJ that Would Preweat Itnoiediate Rggumptiea «f thd Mines or Suffer the-Cbnae^oenceg...
...Its collections of original labor'documents add historical materials compare favorably with any university or city library: Tare valuable collections were added this year, those of Meyer London and Joseph A. Whltehom, following the regretted death of these two Socialist pioaeera .Plans far the coming year provide for considerable new book purchases and far large extensions for greater aaafnlneto af the library...
...president of the Society which conducts the School, da. elaras that tha number of applications for these free scholarships indicates a healthy Interest en the part of the unions and unionists, but there are stm opportunities for those Interested and auaUned...
...The orsanlxatfsne repressntes were teaehera* unions to Germany, Prance, Holland, Austria and Luxemburg, all affiliated wtth tha I. P. T U. throufcfc their national fat* orations of labor...
...In May, IttS, ton IntsTasjdional ASseciatlon of Clerical Xknpleyea, Patty Ofaajabi sad Teachers la Purcito Serviea was founded In Paris, mainly for toe purpose ej lining the teaehera up with, tbe abvsterdam International, but it does naj se«m to have noade muck heudwexZ - Consequently, steps were taken to organise an International which would make a more direct appeal to edtteatlonal workers and would ant be hivelved in jurlsdletlonal disputes ndto otbe^Jnternationals embaaetos warksrs in public serviceMost At ths preliminary work Wag done by Jan Oudegeest, one of top three secretaries of the International Federation of Trade Unions, but fitness, prevented him from attending tha organisation meeting, which waa held to Paris,on Aug...
...though ite ckOmad membershtp of.fee...
...It is rumored* that Cohen was denied his card because be waa singled out by the Communist administration for punishment...
...mr**mm ce7->i.W> tta hafst «dM far msnamls >^ -^ttoa, Jt ddeerves the aupport of ;tb»- etoigntoaed worVera every.' s^tre...
...life for a few weeks longer...
...Tha bpkatdre bnA pqilaVhid Bertrknd ptoeaatra -Btow to Be PnU and Wtptfrvt wen^aa ton pahttadtieas of toe Leber Bdasarcb Degart1ST tlrn»^r^<,abtotoedrbyJwTS jkTpttns to paraes ai t*4.na*ee.' _ SOCIALISTS URGE AID FOR MINERS National Committee Adopts Resolution at Meeting in Chicago THE fpflsprMg * Hbohition was •*»^ 4r*,t*« National fefccu. «<*• penAlUea ^flw^JS^Ulk Party en om British Miners' strike: ¦ "Th« STfUKgW nu*r, goings on In the near mwigtft -Britain is saare>~4haa a mere wage, dispute between organls«4 l#b©r-and capital...
...are striking against wage reductions...
...ChalrmAn Ida Tatner...
...International and reaohad eampWta agreement...
...PHIUP RAJ|fbBf.f|»f...
...wftl be open fb the student body and the public from early afternoon until fa p. m. during tSe school year...
...Par tha other half tha students1 win have me choice of numerous subcourses tn . American Social History, Modern World History, Sociology, Descriptive and Theoretical Economics, Fundamentals of Socialism, Trade Unionism and Labor Prdblema...
...Orpaniser Brotherhsed af Sleeping Car Porters...
...The posters are generally believed to be tbe work Of the Chamber *f Commerce...
...About half the time Win be devoted to English grammar and Composition, Correction of Accent, and Public Speaking and Debating...
...006 includes f^a,eoo members credited to too Basaiaa, Teeikajs' Vaseratkm...
...We are Fed up <tood %ni plenty en Your Stripe—Our \Jh timatum to You* ta^OO 4CO WORK OR MOVE—OR YOUR BOWELS ^14^.:":-^^ « lOO PER CENT AMERICANS- .s...
...Workers Scornfully Tear Down Provocative Posters Put Up by100 per Centers 1| jt • AUIfn, Okie—fbousandi IWl S* of posters, tacked up in the w ifcAiester district and threatening the U.BflO striking codJ miners with castor bit and other pun1 Uhmedld unlesa they resumed work, have been tern down by sheriffs deputies because of their extreme provocative character...
...The reference to "coons" la to the Negroes in the miners' union, a trampling of to* color bar that Infuriates the Klan arid is'exploited by the business men...
...Wanes are no Index of Well-being to the working man...
...U. T. W. CONVENTION COMING IN SEPTEMER Hew Tsrk.—The twenty- fifth annual convention of toe United Textile Workers of America opens in New Tlrfc September IS to last Ave days...
...Oklahoma Operators Threaten Mine Strikers With Violence The Potriots Speak Up MM you RttogJew-Itgf^i, ^md>la~KnJrixifi: R<pr«b«t^'Wo^Ba Amerio«ng, Hvam**j*wyt*», Bftstnrdft hrul .8«ddlevColdg*d Cooss...
...The text appears in the accompanying box...
...union- gjantera afanatad wBb toe, (. P^T...
Vol. 3 • September 1926 • No. 34