A Program For American Labor The Cloak Strikers' President Points Out the Tasks Ahead jp/By Morris 8igm$jti- j HfcllKint, IstsrndttonsJ LsdlsV Osrv PHsnpjLV stsbaasasdh <4VIshaBaes***** 1 ¦—...

...The lack ot understanding snd tks need tor a defense fund Became apparent to the officials ot ths two main bodies, snd ths Knights sf Labor organised an educational system...
...Many ot them tnecumbsd, owing to overenthOAiasm of th* members, who believed that tks union need but send a representative to the employer sad succeed la gaining its demands...
...gwV^fki gB^- ABOB DAT...
...ofjBjgo maintained...
...The condition el forking men sad women in such comiuaitiss Is s rOprdaeh to civilisatiep nd ta this, the wealthiest nation Of ft* world...
...tks m«na*s st ttnorgtrtlted...
...underpaid labor kspt tn tn faery by dut*cratki smpfbysrs wkb wfH an* any means t* Sgkt unlosbrstloa and the continual onstaugkta sf smaloysrs, svan^te...
...Interest of all...
...ttt meeting* wort held on Sunday sfternooat st t p. m...
...it was uphill wot* and needed a great deal of patient* and psrsistsncy...
...There is" a hurt* Bp et unorrAnifod worksrs who are Hb tame market or la the tame WHunlty with wen-organised trade! Saiets- in order to combat tk* po*~ , jittp of union organisation, tka emI UtU «ro«pe tn snob marktt* et « Jtaunltle* are continually making < jjaatiiir- to tk* unorganised werk4 B WbH...
...a forty /hour week, which is neceeaary not only from a humanitarian point of view, hut in order to lengthen sre^Bs"prS« witttkdb?ke*W Ths dldsktnpbdta arm nan tksg strike...
...Xvery member and those newly organised word invited to a weekly opes meeting Held on Friday evenings...
...Eaeh section reported its activities to tk* central body on Sunday...
...r« it, first and fer*m*st, tbe treat Ifiof organising tbe unorganised...
...Th* labor movement- needs education...
...But thjty akd oQstr nraasisbt of org*Uia^l*s^ hp Over on tie alert ajjsJkst tksSA'rws groat dsA»sfd...
...Kaighta et Labor...
...a system of unemployment insurance, to which the employers are two-third contributors, which has paid out over two million dollars In tho last year and a half, has boon instituted, the introduction of tho sanitary label has led to a check oa tho growth Of the sweatshop system and an enforcement of union conditions—these and many other Important reform* and tain* hare been won...
...valiantly fought...
...The Central Labor union of NOW Tork, an open body composed of various trades, also saw the light of dsy lb IMO...
...i 11 n pJMjfM, It, Labor th* wortd eve* affi «a**| $gjtl in* dirs n*e***ny •Tf0fte«yf *} TSLi»r•''**" t0 e*priva Labs/af th* VOL tt has au«» im th* list Itsjlt K|ut «itn una defensive ash*Ljrksr 5LY wurrinjt oa lu gr**t struggis tar "^u2uei ie-provr*as*t tar too great ¦Sat «t worksrs tka world trir...
...wktek*tw»suited In general co-operation and the gradual upbuilding ot the varkjmii unions...
...its*, finds the worker* in Bf industry, like these in msny others, ¦kt te fee* with a bitter paradox, in th* p*«t eighteen month* which war* marked for tha country aa a whole by unprecedented economic prosperity, our people havo been Buffering from unemployment and its accompanying evil of miserably low annual earnings...
...Tne Wags of Open khep <; 'Jh** unspeakably lew wages, long sBWt nlgh,t work, barbaric living, and sWian* eondithint persist...
...Bat tho main problem* of th* lndu»try—nn«mploym*nt...
...Along in iMO cam* the...
...Through various committee* tt pertermed great o^fanlsins work, snd st on* time had over tot orsaalsatiena amlitted...
...ikiore and more, in the ranks of these ejssTganisad workers, women are playBff a larger dad larger rola American lbs...
...It it a remarkable condition when One realise* that tk* brain workers are the Matt approachable to unionism, although they must, by force of tk* position they Occupy,' have undergone a good education either is a high school or a college...
...mieerr and oppression ahaU no loader be the lot Of Workias men and woman...
...Its auecsas in this direction was nil...
...It was eem posed ot building trades unions, misotllsnsout trades union* add issal atsembue* of the s&ights of Labor...
...low yearly earnings, Insecurity—ere *tlll before ua...
...The demands of-the Union form s program which will Inevitably redound to the welfare not only of tho workers and the industry, hat of the public SO a whole...
...Thus tht foundation wat laid toy tome ot tn* most pawctful present-dsy trade* union...
...and today to.ooo cioakmaker* ar* on strike ainee July 1 to bring about condition* which will remedy these svll...
...In our own industry, ubMhtfc certain branch** is thoroughly •Vtmttssd, a new: oiemodt of young lawrlein girls hat entered those bknWBs which are net be thoroughly tfWSsiaVi The international tAdiet' 0*j*»»»t Workort' TJhien ss well ss stbw anient mutt evolve new methods fspsBjthlting tkote young women, difBMb> sAoesssriiy from th* method* ekjp brought the Urge messes sf our lAenfrtnt worker* into tk* ranks of Ski'tkuort, if tka standards and csndiIjfeptii by these old-time member* bHKakr ttruggles...
...gJF* The Cloak Industry Sab** Day...
...stronger snd mors powerful than it was in the k>hg ago...
...tBtiOT . A. p. of...
...eo-operition intSnstnOd Snd to* orgAnitlng campaign, at dseidsd upon by ths American Federation ot Labor, enthhtiaatiealiy embraced by tn Organised laker...
...Thsy beast of tome t«rehty-flvt federal Unions, organised in various cities, under the Jurisdiction of the American Federation of Labor, aggregating s membership of perhaps 7,000...
...The central Labor Union organised section* et the different lnduttrie* to carry on propaganda...
...HAf wt in tat* country have no open Xftet eattparaWa witk tka- brav* Kgfie no*- kiln* *am*a oa kr tka 3St or Greet Britain, Labor 1* toes* gjwiir teriona problem...
...The Central Leber Union was sa independent body working out its salvation.' It sated .politically by organising th* United Labor Party aad nominating Henry Oeorgd for ktaydr sf Nsw Tork in lltt...
...There are ever thsst million omee werkart in the United States...
...Thar* is a field to bs cultivated, Workers to be brought into unions and educated stony th* tines of trade* unionism, a tremendous powss, added te the general nmsamtnL which conjd accomplish immense benefits for itself and SS helpful to msny ways by*advance th...
...theretere, theae worker* K" t from tk* efforts of unionised the half-way measure* off area hp the tmpioyert impede the prosres* at JtmhttTliiin ' An entirely different goadttJoapr svails in tuck communities f» *Bl9nlsm does not exist in a Bade or .industry...
...6oo*>**p«r*, Sumgraphtrt mi ActtunttsAu Uritn nytlK history-of the American laker I movement -is rsplSt* with setfsscrifloo, cheerfully mad* by the men and w*m«n Who tbut early reoOgaised the need of a concrete form of organisation to help sad protect the wsgs workers...
...about improved condition...
...A Glance Into History-:Bookkeepers' Secretary Tells of Early Days of the Union Movement By Emest Bohm Sscrrioyp...
...aecrstary steokksspsrs, dfeimgraphert and Accountants' unl<* Hs...
...Its secrecy seemed to appeal, sad it raised in themberehip rapidly...
...The nlsmberO of- Ita <Jrg*iMt*t«da «Ommit(*i BAuM mingle with tk* wofkersi fspjentkjsd In groups during the lunch htur or after the conclusion of thd work day sad talk nnlsnlsm...
...snd each affiliated union was entitled to five delegate...
...Th* meeting would begin with a lecture upon tbe need of organisation, followed by a general ditcuttien...
...When gem s group of> workers rise* up in fittest, as in thd Paeaaio strike, they Be met with brutality and forss Snd Jsbbkorn opposition...
...which I can remember at a boy, tried fh ttt way to- arouse the workers te organ...
...To Labor is Amorto*, an these dlmeultiee wtik act a* * spur and a challenge for the work*** to unit* their force* and con tin u« la taatr brave and uninterrupted etruasie for a b*tt*r aortal order la which pororty...
...Sr industry, at in others, thlt work Ktwo aspects...
...The meeting* In the mala diecuts wage ana working condition*, little if spy tan* Is given to a discussion of economics, th* continual evolution of World happening's, all affecting, directly or indirectly, the future welfare of organised labor...
...JjcTL ^ ntfj-r* "*w*sPfJsbj"*r wTffVJO...
...ths one in Now Tsrk- City being th*'largest, followed by that of Chicago, 111...
...Thus the clothing section met on Monday evening, ths miscellaneous taction on Tuesdays, food section on Wednesdays, furniture Station '» on Thurtmtys add the buiklla*- section on Pridaya, . w —, -.- ..I...
...future should took bright for ItressOd...
...Thus ths movement has grown In this environment aad is numerically far...
...Those demands ar*: A limitation of *ub-manufacturer* in order to bring about order Into a chaotic aystern of production which hss meant, is the past, inefficiency, waste and disaster...
...Our Union has won a 4*4-hour, and in tome eases a 40-hour week...
...Tks laternttlenaf WOfkinsmsn't isseOidtlen...
...union recognition and collective bargaining are unquestioned principles in ths industry...
...After a while the agitation took root In certain Industrie*, snd unions in the trada resulted...
...indkatriss wh*r* ort^nisatien prevails, te prevent lsbsr front carrying sa its fforts to brins...
...A Program For American Labor The Cloak Strikers' President Points Out the Tasks Ahead jp/By Morris 8igm$jti- j HfcllKint, IstsrndttonsJ LsdlsV Osrv PHsnpjLV stsbaasasdh <4VIshaBaes***** 1 ¦— ¦—¦- JsasAsBsV...
...it faced with ths problem of ormriyg tk* targe masses of women ¦IS entered industry during ths warW period...
...When a nucleus was fairly interested they were invited to a meeting...

Vol. 3 • September 1926 • No. 34

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