Brophy, John

Labor Party, Solidarity And Public Ownership Are Stressed By Brophy By John Brbphy" Pttaia*. DuinciZ. Umied Mime rKdrtfsr. THS situation facia* th* moot movement at this Labor Day season Is...

...It does not select its membership... sffftotiag, sad to tan adamUton «f their ntombarship to tk* nan da aad requk*mento sf tks attondton...
...through ths writ of Injunction, they have sought to...
...Writers.with no union background, who lapture the movement from time to" tha...
...aad h&vS tnansmrstsd industrial warfare for tk* puyptse of brlnginfe about the absstnts db%lnation of thete interests Over the Uvea of the minarc and their famill...
...If dictators are called Bolshevists and Communists in Russia snd elsewhere, then in ths same breath dictators in this country who dominate through the abuse of the writ ot injunction can be called super-Bolshevists...
...Company unionism, free Insurance, welfare movements, etc, are but...
...MOVE OPIRATORS GAIN 10% IN WAGES Motion picture xshchin* operators of New Tork gained 10 per cent, wage in?reass* from the vAudeviDe Mansgers Association...
...unionism, and today the United Mine Worker*' organisation in that' fieM is more' pswerfnl numerically aad otherwiss than aver before is its bistsry...
...Fair Wige, Better life Labor's Ideals, Lewis Says en Laber Day By John L. Lewis Pnkultnt UnUci Mine Warkers ONCE mora, on thi» Labor Hay...
...Politically, ths labor movement must revive the promising efforts for independent labor political action.' As tbe Britirrr^^labor Party saved the unions from the destructive Taff Vila decision So a similarly political movement ot American labor can meet the' injunction menses that la thwarting our industrial struggles...
...Mr.* dotes we win insptreVh-ur own reoJr* and grrs saw Pis to our what* movement...
...prevent tk* normal extreist dt tie umneaahi* rights whisk are tks hkMtag* sf every Amarican and the nop* of those from ether land* who have,made America their now heme, . Isjufletlon MfleuaoeS "S«vci*m»at by iniuaeuen...
...And ail ths while the labor movement must strive towards a larger social pro*Vam thsn that Involved in remaining servants of ths private saner* Of tks industriessuch a program has already been vtsioned by tks United Mine W**k*r* is the resolutions for Nationalisation, with dsuiociatio control, that hAv* munJmettsiy passed ftf emtyaajtion*, and by the railroad wariest*, as **e Plumb Plan, whisk later rsfdlyed ths endorsement of the Anuria** Peesration of Labor...
...organisation easkpalgns—we must realize that employers organised on a national scale cannot bis defeated by sectional strikes...
...However, tbe labor movement, militant in resisting efforts *o lowsr its standards, is not steadier still...
...The labor movement, however, cannot-remain passive or indifferent— they must either tuove forward Or backward...
...respluricmvint* ssjtlest bp S wctfri* campaign fbr public o«m*khip...
...Utmrnf Mine Work*, • w. kmk awar y|* y*sr iswt A nuwi snw buW {b« eaj iJ*>*> jhs tkst *M*jBsipykspsd] bsSSsd sskS^rSkSs^ Dnttsd Mass wsrjtaaw^ft Anmrioa m tka anthracita districts...
...LYNN SHOE WORKERS ASK WAGE INCREASE Lvaa, MASS.—Lynn shoe Outcasts of tk* Boot A Skos Workers' U»i*a hard filed a request...
...To meet this new situation we must broaden our policies on the Industrial snd the political fields or ohm we shall remain on the defensive snd continue to bs pushed backwards...
...And from its force iio bolts or locks Can shield you—'tis the Ballot Box...
...Unorganised Need Unions Labor has great problems to meet snd solve in its march of human prsgress...
...These predatory interests sought to srnab or render impotent the power aad usefnines* of the United Mine Workers' organisation In that greet _ industrial sectton...
...Where th* trades union movement te strong snd powerful injunctions in labor disputes art almost unknown sad swvSrasssnt eOteials ar* not found misusing tn* power of government against tabor...
...and bitterness...
...Ths managers Ire offering a compromise because tlcy f*ar the walkout sf the - mksieiaas and stage employes dstts as much as tha strifes of th* atotioa picture operator...
...Mors Important than el of this, ksfrever, was the font that they returned to the mines its par sent strong In...
...hams ill fax ICi^s^tars" deal dsjvriop...
...Should remember this ons truth which li deeply carved in the rook si world* wide experience— that the trade* Onles movement is ths foundation upon which will be erected th* puper-structure of Industrial and political freedom...
...These problems can be solved only through organisation, agitation, and education...
...Through cant Joint aftorto totoBtoomtty directed and kdsptogc to mtod th* a*nst prtasbjhto ptsaalon...
...Upon the outcome of this great struggle depends the realisation of human rights and labor's...
...InvitSp th* en* operation snd support sf ail wks sr| willing to serv* to ths common to'-^»- - tcrcov, TkO harping-critic, the SO-cailSd advancsd thinker, .ths idealist, ths dreamer, sad all of u« pot together...
...najda'i' sad tJh*wrowbsg ana of...
...It is bunding for the future by protecting the standards of th* present... substitutes for that Justice Which is denied unorganised labor, experience has taught and is teaching America that there is only one moans of securing Justice for labor and that Is through thd legitimate trades union movement snd the activities connected therewith...
...The mlk* workers, "however, AS a result of -tb*ir soUdsrity and unity of purpose, suwiipsd from' th* tight victorious, with their wag* and condition standards maintained and with the right of contractual rsj^ttoaskip unimpaired...
...add these responsible for this condition in a socalled republic can be more truthfully charged with being Bolshevists add Communists than can thbse of similar standing in other countries...
...Local •. 16* threaten* strikes against the smaller Rouses if* they do not sign the same agreement ' Business Agent Orfaes, for the Motion Picture Operators, stated that thd Musicians...
...It seeks to benefit by those mistakes, end to mOke them stepping stones to greater success...
...THS situation facia* th* moot movement at this Labor Day season Is so serious that the day should be n day of taking stack and prcpaiation, rather than of complacent celebration... ear fore** tit"ton* vxcor* powerful aad tomttmr fluents to their solution...
...Reductions in wsgsa and th* throttling of the aspirations sf tk* misers was tks goal sought by tbe** forces of reaction...
...The labor movement sy a human Institution...
...Organised labor never did and it never will shrink from th* struggle for these ideals...
...Soma of the movip Operators ears a| tow as lit a week.-thd s*srAg* is hetwtan tie snd »io a week...
...Industrially—In our...
...Notwithstanding the obstacles a their path, the bituminous mine workers have resisted and are still fighting for the preservation of their organisation and for the upholding of the right to bargain collectively, to make contracts, and to have those contracts remain In fun force snd effect during the contract period...
...We sAv* a wesson tmirbt And better than ths beyeakt: a wipisn that asms* down at stiii AS aaowdakee fall upon tkO Sod: Tit apbtubk) a tree***-* win AO lightning desk ths win of Qed...
...Tk* members sf tka American tskor movsiispst should, therefor*, rosolvs to boeco** more active than ever before to organism*- the umrrganlasd...
...It is subject to, human- frailties and 'mistakes...
...Into their fields of labor our forces bar* likewise continued to make progress aad the history of the past year Is replete with achievements made possible by the forces of organised labor...
...Labor's battles of th( past are gOpc into history...
...The battle has been fierce and th* sacrifice great, but labor's ranks are still holding tight against every attack...
...m4pt and yrogrecs Is undiminished in the hearts of American workingmen -and women...
...LAborn battles At U* future remauVtb-b* fought...
...Tbe time hsjT^Oi** tfcliaigjSli these...
...Union and .the Stags Em ployea' local woujd pull out their members from -all struck houses, since .all...
...labor wiy pledge Its allegiance to tho fundamental principle* of tho trade union movement In America...
...Bituminous Pacts Broken In the bituminous regions, where great captains of industry dominate over large property Interests, they have endeesarad to day trey tk* mcrednssf of contract by rspudtattog these instruments of fair doaTtng-hftwcen mad asd nian...
...oar snscnaaest to' tm£& tag ssi»ids to fnrtberane* af sfaatar us continue In that ssrvtos, and wa win ever writ* prsgiess Into the history of th* trades union ntovdmeat...
...Let us- aS bbpe^ttuU tk* coming labor year win aarse snd develop good will Ik industry and that A Spirit *t real feilowship may take tks pbtc* of distrust mlaundsrsbusdkbf...
...The heroic msmbcra^of the United Mine Workers is the bituminous fields And their dependents have not given an Inch to their battle for the preservation and advancement of tks fundsl^ultoav great tattles of ftp wesfrae tor human freedom we nnd that ths courts in msny sections have sins*themselves with the interests, snd...
...Organize the Unskilled, Secreinry Kennedy Urges In Labor Day Message By Thomas Kennedy Sccrelarm-TTcauwtr...
...the lniunetlon ha«* put msny of the .onions sn< the defensive...
...three belong to the International Alliance of Theatrical Stag* Employs...
...means •WvernntOnt by S dlotatbr...
...Bvcry power,:^h*t Weatth "could command or lnduenoe wjas <used sfenWt -the mine worksrs...
...should remember that they are "Jsat writers...
...Howeve^ ' despite these weapons used against the miners, they are standing aa firm as the Rock of Gibraltar, and they win continue to fight for the principles Of trSdes unionism until success crowns their efforts...
...The open shop movement has Inflicted serious looses- Tha mot gats at ;klg aaU-ktbor corporations and Ike can tinned evecdevek^iaent of tadut^.•klsnfc^dkiclt^^.ki th* oca...
...with th* Lynn Shoe Manufacturers' Bureau for a ZS per cent, increase ta wage...
...translated into everyday ltntstge...
...Throughout tk* past year all of these ideals hav* been assailed by those who WouM, If they could, destroy the workers' rights...

Vol. 3 • September 1926 • No. 34

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