Miners Cable Desperate Call For Aid; Socialist Party Record Steady Gains YOUNG STARVING REPORT SAYS Ellen Wilkineen Finds Food Kitchens Cloping Down HaW daspsraf tho MW •# tho ¦....
...Another matter otT importance ctmt before the committee by request of the ¦tote Coumrittae af Kanr Jeratsv Tha, party -in that state had seme a»phma« ant and naaatisfaetory enparhmese with the "kmtted fronf astAbaahad...
...aite~Sae as> farmt tetfeaaJ aMtetttfet tuba*'at tte BMtlah Trad** Unfc« btePVa Omaral Council far wtet tear all tefa tea»'«o*o Sir*tte otfaata...
...Labor Day in America mesne nothing more than an extra holiday...
...Allianc* is planning a so-called national convention for...
...They have been sett ins MEMBERSHIP UP...
...Passaic strike...
...la tha past ten years, j "Radio broadcasting haa-J»ecome almost an exclusive monopoly of the reactionary .claaaea . The air is etosfed not only to fair, .and reasonable presentation of Socialist Mass but of any progressive Ideas of » political and economic .character...
...the headquarters of -toe...
...W. and the Passaic strikers...
...Eugene V, Debs la heading It aa Honorary Chairman...
...e tea BrttteB...
...Th* great surgeon, ¦P J* Lewis, president ot the Unlt*4 Pje Workers, if we are correetly lnM>*d, has soma e^plaiPuing to do op Kown account of Wa relation with B^^mbody mine and his friendship P* Mr...
...A record should be kept of...
...ebargse RelUy make* that, two company teen ogered htm mtmey to leav-e town or...
...They and their wives and little one* are facing starvation, but tkey refuse to quit...
...Forty-four Peinsyiyaaia Miners Perish in Blast efcrjna rV-rFra-ty tear ,-to . believed the Ebtet number of mteere whe perished" to th* exptoafcwi -at to* Cflravrsmtat tteClaartala^sWitelgote Coal Obrperatlon...
...Tou and I'know it...
...BJ79 J»a cood OBtert ate' StisitE>i!*Q ^-te...
...M* two eminent raacttenarlaa in of* rakan aaaily frustrate tte prosreaM tatentlom of the ion* ComgpaaaJMma the 20th District...
...Hla statement follow*: "Finder's attacks, which fie make* against the union just prior to going Into conference called by Raymond V. lndWsoll at the request of Governor Smith,, serves to indicate that "Industrial Council leader* will participate Without the object of reaching kn understanding with the union, stubbornly insisting upon, accepting not on* of the union's demand...
...Whvntjm^mi to take the mattes an JmmMlataiy...
...tota*e lust now aaateaarhiC ^f*y trted Mtg years ago te Oermany...
...Tteayarateteetetarahlr teeth* first aeven months' of this rata, as compared wfth MM, shows an toeretee te-'aasaly1...
...The strike must and can be aettled between leaders of tho union* and employers...
...add} ifteA tte...
...gb* went «ac to say that democracy when taOr developed must 4**d inevitably to Socialism...
...at the request of tha New Jersey Socialists, ths committee adopted' a set of rule* far tha guidance of Racialists wherever a similar situation shall arise...
...Passaic strike...
...J^^f 4P^^*^ dte0^a«a*j raa^rmartsgfr tkeT^*rw abto to •• "tka snm* yto^ is 's^jtnrjtzffi^bsts"aad Ss Ind^r«toI^o«ell wlsss tka ttaton dmsuums that Jobbers »iljbill worker...
...Dougherty's Defective .Bureau, 1 Park place...
...mxpisas A Station WgiiMkiyaa...
...Freight Bah Mara...
...After a careful consideration of the new problems ..involved'- In -effectlve_ propaganda the eptomfdtee adopted a": general statement to he .sent to toe .lecej or>f itlaaWnna and Which la eonaidered -merely ^ an approach to ' the I problem, net a,.dual solution...
...Tte wob*erlptlote to show ^ ratumails^ ooaatant growth of the...
...T-bpmaa Rellly...
...Barn* runs aa "cmptoyea' reference aerrias** which "ka* proved saefui to aansAvsr an amploycr to reject an applicant who csensed acceptable but who would, have proved himself to'b* a man of the •wmnr.kmd.'» Labor .spies looting for work these days are'most likely to get' 4'chance at a Job With ths following eaSpfiylfV' "aervic* corporations": International I Auxiliary Co...
...Moreevrjr^ the machine ¦ Itself . has become so cheap that workers are accustomed to taking their families out of evenings .when a Social 1st speaker desires to reach them, When weather is bad the worker stays home and when It is inviting he, toe, often prefers a ride with his family than to attend" a street meeting ersri If It can be-held...
...Influential men and women of fifteen countries have united in a petition to tbe League of Nations to propose the abolition of compulsory military service In all countries "as a first step toward true disarmament...
...It would, however, destroy a singularly effective tool ¦• for militarising ths minds of the people...
...Ha wfl] likely wis, but to* Socialist Party to Wisconsin presents the only program thai squarely faces issues that are of vital Interest to rural and urban workers...
...Their fellow worker* to Britain have given to tte limit of Abate resources, bat as a result of the recent general strike tteb ananclal condition la preoartea...
...America must asms forward wita substantial sums Therefore, -"as executives - at isssinlslsrl Railroad Labor Orgsnhtsttona...
...If the masses cannot coma to us because of the auto and- the radio we must, go, to...
...Austria, so as to co-ordinate their efforts with tte campaign which 1 tte European Labor movement is conducting against not only the Italian dictatorship but also against all reactionary Fascist movements all over to* world...
...In other states...
...to accept arbitratlon...
...Employers, on the payment of * fee, will be permitted to send is their payroil lists to be checked off against this card catalogue of "agitators'- which will be, according to Noeovltaky, the most complete list of Its kind complied sine* Burns left tte Bureau of Investigation .of 'the Department of Justice...
...Dateeeracy to a **> khtete-tkafsAoat effeettv* iasurano* tor pesos...
...hour day*, except for tte...
...snd the- Public...
...Tha agreement expired June' JO.' tmteraaMoejal President James U. L^neh, who ha* handled negotiatfena tor tea, teat two weeks, says that tte unhm laffl not strike, but bb .dote nof taft^ rat* what tte taAty»to»',»»ja*Ver'T...
...It weakens the position of his fellow workers of the V. T. W. The alleged reasons for it, which seem to boil down to Borah's advocacy, of recognizing Soviet Russia, are quite beside the mark in the present case...
...Finder's accusation that tha union tea...
...Others who tor* not contributed nhoukt do setae tbe incernefrom dues kvaot^ yet sufficient to en* able the National ontoe to finance its week from that souro* alone...
...The) Anmstohn .Appeal, aab-hat will mtresas ateta-'rapidlyi yaw vota and miinhamhlp nrlti incraaae...
...A holiday in itself is good, but Its nettling to write a speech about...
...But that such extensive rioting should bs provoked is proof of the wretched state of the textile industry and the restlessness of the exploited workers...
...for ^Senate and Lonyworth tor Speaker...
...And William Green, not Matthew WoH, is president of the A. P. of L. If the newspaper reports are to be believed—always a large "if in this connection—the wild and futile rioting of the textile strikers in ManvWe, R. L. will hurt both them and the cause of labor...
...organisation from which they seceded lately because of Communist ."boring...
...Th* Burns agency la not* «o subtle in its advertising appeals as the various barmonhmtipn bureaus ap far discussed...
...ths Sanlndfer^snsncy...
...The V. T. W.*m Passaic needs all the help Borah can bring, in the Senate and out- Every labor leader known that...
...demand an lncre^e In wage* Itua W to Ti cents anbotar, an et^hi-hour day and recognition,e» toe unkte...
...What 'is surprising is Ihat Matthew Woll, vice-president' of the A. F. of L, should take this occasion for an attaek on Senator Borah and his motives .for intervention in the...
...A United State* of Emwte mas* adt-te-thsnght of a* invorring .sxty...
...their own state of mind...
...By becoming, client* of tola service, .open shop employers will be able, tha founders believe, to kaap all labor union inciters out of their plants...
...their credit exhausted...
...We therefore earnestly believe tbii no Local henceforth -eed bK,consi4ared as meeting the new problems that face us unless it considers ^literature distribution its most important work...
...Val OTarroITa Agency, 100 Fifth avenue...
...fetajter trick" (mfej1 night shift) of six hour...
...The intention, is to isolate Communist organisations in every wsy possible and'^o help Socialist organisations to avoid being deceived by tbe various disguised organisations that are formed by Communists to .obtain -toads or prestige for thefr movement...
...It'a ytt a* tereliabla now a* a bo*tjff** aad more Important In the lony jK,"tea° LaOuardia's detection la th* JMjj teat Frank Farrlnaton tea, been ¦Mtet aa president of the Illinois Vjt workers for elanrna* a contract jig** * Job at tte end of hla preawith Feabpdy...
...Aspect Impro^sd , Another phase of the statu* of toe party la to* fact thai Secretary Henry was able to report that the National Office tea practically wiped out the •id debm that'came down -*T*m *ke |mr 1Mb -e*'erto nmaaheto wake tribute to the various pasty «»*» the cwKOlfcUon of kaan|*g *a* toey Win be need to sustain too American Appearand tne work et weaniaetioa MA mMMA...
...After oar workers have been on strike two months and are ftnhtin* for just demands in order to enable them to earn a livelihood wo would betray our workers If we ooat them to work and referred their future to an arbitrator, no matter who he may be...
...to* amaaea-.of rack that fitted'tte toaaola and ¦ s-irhrsamal Fourteen mea escaped.- tra pra**teatty untoJured...
...the territory covered and the literature die* trlbuted...
...Ot course, It haa.impiakii a burden oA to* working p*jk^awM*tetN aoaaa* ^^ja^^E^^^^^^^^^^^^tedLaaafr' ftegf -**•**'Aeaaaatkaauaalj ~>***B*BbS' and a tetet atekaaa te gaaW^jSte tea piled T-fcv*rr *9ctetafdlth> te Burope naatolw* dT threat...
...what aanaa la thara acceptin*- new arbitrators who shall aantp cBOwi#sr osjT demands...
...The Railway Audit A Inspection Co...
...If tte Socialist Party bad ample resource* this year in that section It would poll a handsome vote, but it is unable te take full advantage of 'its opportunity...
...Tte leader* of the new antl-Mussolini organisation are very emphatic in declaring that, they cannot and will not be confused with an Antl-Fascist outfit that embraces Communists, the advocates ot another form of dictatorship...
...When ws adopted' the first Monday to September as an official Labor Day Instead of tha May Day which the rest.of the world celebrates, we destroyed half the meaning of Labor Day...
...WoIVa Attack oil Borah, in so far as it may have any weight at all, la an uncalled for division of labor's- forces in the face of the enemy...
...The boys who are soon to go back to compulsory training in our schools and colleges, however, will...
...E^' A-ofhff 1a dtenlte'a maxim Bte fl»:'"Ta,u can can use anyto^ns XjMB'^a r»« . in* Conareaeairfjiw lice of thee ateipt* l^fc f^f . T"—"' Who, two pn^Sa,'«pa .anpouncira...
...A news item should be/ promptly sent to the daily press before and after every meeting...
...John Vaccaro, of tte Cigar laaJtetgYVnlon, baa teen appototM temporary secretary...
...Where It can be carried on it should not .ot...
...pjtrt ot September...
...Tbe newspaper dispatches seem to Indicate that President Green does not share Mr...
...T*day it is as dead as it aaasfety ead>fd> It h* fharougbfy atectedlted...
...New Tork, Baltimore, Atlanta, New Orleans, Pittsburgh, Chicago, St...
...compromise offer by publishers on to* workers' wage demands...
...Thisi document tollowa: s"To oar Socialist Comrades: "In conslderlnx th* problems of Socialist propaganda and education the...
...la-r*aly to'Wf»Sa^ that uafcra leadara are exfkreaatos their own opinion and net the opinion of our members to refoatoo...
...Th* trades-union 1st* ot Continental Enrope hav* contributed generously of thWr meeg*r earning*, every Sonny reprceenttog * ganuin* aaeridaa...
...Every labor leader knows, moreover, that in order to work with a man on a .particular issue you do not have to •agree with him on all issues...
...tte miner** savings wined out...
...As was' to be expected, the bosses promptly repudiated their Implied agreement to negotiate with a non-Communist A. P. of I...
...Immadiato and dooporato iaaua faeoa us...
...210 Broadway...
...Ths intention of the committee Into have the Socialist Party gtre the fullest measure af ao-operation to every struggle of tha working class and at the same time ao arrange this co-operation that no funds or relief shall pass through ths hands of any Communis...
...Th* U- S. Buraaa eCMteea luvtatlaatora said tbey had not found the causa of to*/., sxpteatea tat tha fStery that 'R waa dim to^a aoal dust la voiced...
...Such hypocrisy is not...
...The Passaic strikers have signed cards by the thousands...
...The Clesrfl*ld-BUumtoons< Oqal Corporation is a auasidlary of tb* Hear Terfc Oentsal Bailroad and baa haw observing tte jexateoavlte .w*g}at*gyyment wh»<* ite aglghbertog, employ sr...
...Nsgoiiailone: tevataen golpg on for.three-moatha...
...members have diecuaeed this question both at a shop chairmen'e meetrns...
...The text of the reaotetten of sOpport ate the appeal far funds that tte American railroad union*, signed together was mad* pwbHe by TUtett...
...Sta spake earnestly «te Jopetully of tte BkMop*aaVte|to*k«lp Rhtetee...
...she said...
...military training...
...The ' Antl-Fasclst League for toe Freedom of Italy has nothing whatsoever to do with the Antl-Fasclst Alliance of North America, an...
...Brotherhood of T paoaaatl re -East* near...
...the American Jippeaj...
...ths Sherman Corporation, engineers, and th*» Railway Audit A Inspection co., Inc., which advertise* In Industrial Management magazine under the heading "Human engineering...
...For labor at Its best is international...
...These name* will be In one great file in to* central buraau...
...Louis' Baowdsn Investigation Bureau,' 1M West Fiftieth street...
...ANTI-FASCIST GROUP FORMED New Oraganization to Rer Follows of Communist Dictatorship Idea f ¦ a/UaANTI-FAaVnirt VB&V*te I ' the Freedom jot IteW baa tarn Beflnitaly formed...
...Woodrow Wilson at one time suggested this plan...
...Rsiily *ay* that he and- .Secretary Burns of too new local unten war* first offered MM, but bad -tte sum increased to IUM each...
...tte areat coal Scarosly anythtey can be demoralising to Tatar' than to JKr tea coatom arow ap of Its ofllSPaeeaatter job* tram employers ^yto own trade, i am told that to Spat: of ]ivine ex-officials at the VPai coal unions have now sot aom* 9& te a job with employera FaxWtoTa action la only a peculiarly VNtaKua and ftacrant illustration practice which la all too common, ¦j****** has other etna to account fiffcot baa done % lot for hla union f^m of flghtlnt- Now he' baa ¦fc orer to the bosses...
...The cdtomlttoe toeed « new situation which has Mena* more apparent each year state -the end at the World...
...President Qreen...
...Brra te teate tte mteora' aro r*i' portal to" tar* atroa - op ate rajfla Matt tor iin' 111¦ i ii nf iiaaatajijfc a nyrapaitetic rtrflw to tete tte «V*i lah adnata wte...
...This proposal, there-fore, should ba emphatically backed in America,- where, fortunately, the custom of eompulsary military service is not yet established...
...They bare unanimously rejected the sua-aestlon to refer our dispute to arbitration...
...From this viewpoint the Governor's letter a a' htadrmnee instead of a help in reaching some sort of an understanding In our first letter...
...aa they wax...
...get the strtkaH back to work...
...INTERNATIONAL APPEALS FOR BRITISH MINE STRIKE Al*ho«gk tt»'iM»»ll 1 skated U «t the totaraatiooal "rsrttrwlisa *f Trade Ttoktoe tea *** state hpon tatlteTM fa and bu tara tter-te to* WMtW tte British, mtaer* tear, dteee tte bag fight «u btos IAt t tt'tM ado** vigor te Its sdkirta to lmlpmiwini 'fa tk* NrtlMW as the result af fh* "receipt en A or- • of a formal m>W 'from tte General CttmU 'of Mi* Brfttoh tnlt UbUb Ohwnm 'to bogta reltaf action in *erw*?**noa wkfh tie ruto* covering rack bitora*Ated*l snrtemT^aaatatad usi>»*sT luasiitoi UmW-HiM Out date tk* «Mi have told pf tk* ******* « raBkf aettoa on, a bug* rati* by •** andkte* of Austria...
...It would make it harder to declare war on tha spar of tkja moment befora\ the foveas at, conciliation were put to work...
...Workers members by a general executive beard appeal...
...and JatetjMst -eandteatea have bate died to tfstetaa...
...Service Corp...
...Thay work h*»d-to-hand sad ar* ftokttoerJto defeat th* union as* thereby reader th* work«ni defen**lees to the frtttre...
...ijn abort, tte removal of H^agtpg la, not the sort of surgical KteUon which will leave the patient B^>M'ly cared...
...trades unionists...
...under .Comnmnist inspiration in tha...
...It is to spread the gospel of militarism, to create a state' of mind In America which will support pot only our imperialism abroad but the rule of big business at home...
...we ax* tesuteg tola appeal...
...are *trilUx>a...
...sad foor aueTerlaat from g*a and shock...
...It is to be observed that there Is no charge that the workers, who, according to report, tried to burn the mill, were radicals et any sort...
...hte fver|te£15tet)»l*i|ii -o> the JtepuMlaaa flfc«JK7*fc«»*»* » BepuMicaa iP^'inu roar, apparently, tt prajMyjj^^^ a»'Praa>aaalra, (tH^ thla taiereatlnr »aw» JteXgakiJ.,^*cat,vw a copy o«.a taSteiari^te...
...many under-oover men to Patar*on sine mill...
...KM te Coraanratlva, Pa> ay Tory...
...rate w£* teraa froa> *Ora 1T»te* H. aA| Bra...
...la to be found In the faet.that fgadminiatraxion temporarily lii efSLMn probably be teas courageous japrosTossive than Farrington hhp*g Almost certainly H wUl not ^jat #p Coaldlggey continue to write MP**4 ^hor editorials in Amaricaa B*V«co of tte mteote Miner.' A«d It watt be * losa^to the whole latter |R**eot...
...Other labor spy agencies around New' Tork- tncluoe: Aetna' Detective Agency, tfr Nassau street...
...Socaillst Party...
...The A. F. of L: has taken an admirable stand against this compulsory training in schools and colleges...
...Not the least part V 'the fgNy...
...wtto ¦ three ***** afc» te be estburted froia...
...Eves to* -Sacteiiau were «urprised at toa'suecea* of th* referendum, i dou.'t think th* Republic is in day **J6g*r~;fram now an—eKhotnrh the, workers may have to fight ocoa•kmally to defend K." Frau Sender expjatoed that te...
...and have la each case produced a sausSs, and scathing condemnation of the mips owners' methods to production, setting sad distribution of tmmv t...
...A laro* nib saMrlkuaas' by . .AimtImii trad* union* tol'aiia*f tho off orta of th is dologstion will Mini II a Godsond to oaa* th* privation montlonod fc sissy...
...Chicken Handlera Strike JERSEY CITY, N. J.—A hundred and fifty chicken handlers struck for $10 par man for each car unloaded...
...JOaRad Btatoartead af Maintenance of Way Employes and Railway Shop Laborers...
...McAHeter P*« elsewhere gives a human ^Ttrwuod of this sorry picture which t have called Aa' Ameriean jg**y...
...War in the matter of popular props* | ganda: New conditions make nasaeaary toe aerapptac of some aid methods of propaganda and : ooucentretion an other mathoda that promlaa mora resnlts in as increased Socialist rata and j party meaaherehlp...
...The United States cannot at one and the same time, .promote military training and true democracy...
...toward to* "Patted' Stete* of: Amartea...
...However, it will poll a respectable vote, a vote that will be encouraging to Socialists and materially assist to th* work of recruiting member* for the...
...self-styled international spy recently employed by Botany kiilhi of Passaic...
...Brotherhood of Veomotjve Fkjamen and Eagtoemen, order of Railway...
...The available spaces for street speaking are now generally occupied by autoirfobilea^Eyen when a apace is found toe parked machines 'often leave no W"*nf...
...ollowina it tho oatrlo from Mias Wilkinaon: London, SasiL 1, >Ua« W> t*o^»toyr OHy...
...The plan la to maintain an extensive check-up ob ail reds, pinks, radicals...
...president of the N*w XaTk- Isartee Co., io^cau*e hla krreet far...
...Wool Council, spies have also v worked for-' ptokertsn...
...andl b...
...Sheet Metal Workars' Intsmstomal jisaocteOsst, tetaraartenal Dtotk'artesd at Etebtetoal Wortera, Bsvtoerteted of Rafiway Carman at Axearlca...
...c '. " * r . Ttej new Antl-Fascist, ergantsajlmt, with- headquarters at • the People** Houss, ? East 15th Street, will soon start a national propaganda drive to array American public opinion against the oppressors of the Italian people...
...BlG SIX WANTS BIGGER PAY AND SHORTER DAY " *g Six Typographical Union of New Tork has rejected tte...
...I don't beliara*toat,mbwsrchist sentiment w'Ul tocreaae'l* qermany...
...In the past are have given some attention to .leaflet <U«trtbutlon, but it has not 'been, developed, a* a regular and systematic phase 'of bur educational work except in Milwaukee...
...It has - handled' big spy Jobs for th* United States Steel Corporation, the Pennsylvania Railroad and some of the full fashioned, hosiery manufacturers ot Philadelphia...
...Sa junto dad Statloa Bteptey**, Order of Bstoaad Telegraphers...
...Jingoistic nationalism always plays into the hands of the bosses...
...In this city the comrades have specialised ¦ in distribution of literature for many years wltK splendid results...
...dhd .pa^er will coma to.tha Sou label Fattyin good time...
...however, and some of the other: leaders have endorsed, the cltl...
...Rocteatsr A.|SH*te»f* BaUroad group of eabSteUcte* hhd repudiated to aa .sasai USMua a*«aB> Waten...
...Brotherhood of Railroad Stgnalman, Brotherhood of Stationary Firemen and Oilers,' Railway Employes Department A. F. of L, Order of Sleeping...
...The independent commissions appointed by the government here In b»rery- report ccoflrmed ths evidsnoe et the miners* ispiussnto ttves...
...Eagle Detectiv*' ASency, I'll Broadway: Farreii's Detective Agency...
...aad at meetinsa in halls...
...Forty-one bedim tete" teste recovered tte seaete day of tte expteaton...
...ahe egPteteea...
...9: T. V- MM te IlllHilia, -Aaar % and a. tte natter «C reBef wtefc wad Mir atecanjeed ate rmlliMTai* thanked tte...
...Thee* marvellous coal diggers know bow te die, but they do not know bow to surrender...
...Bat wUl...
...of Bow' Jersey...
...National Kkecotive Cbauntttee, . ¦ Socialist Party...
...Every labor union dealing with th* Eubllc Service Corp.* baa the nrm'r tajder-cover stream in ft- end' some, of the* apt** are reoorasd t* bold office in local unions...
...We hope you wot glv* a* generously as your ctematetencra'*r8| permit...
...BostoB Labor Day Pande Boston.—Striking rallk wagon drivers and striking electric llnernen wflriead Boston's Labor Day parade sf...
...we inform him that our...
...ft hi urgent, tt to illimil, and H moat he dene...
...tent know, • ." , M«te Parfiaanant you ahall aa...
...Th* My Important thto* te - that La HWa wttl aupeort Wadawortb...
...filajatftaj to Aatartoa ate tote of aafedtttate tet tea Brtaak atte* flaMa...
...Franc* and tlii'iisfa^' are makteg great strides to vratettolng their old antagonism," aha di olid jit, *'^tegman hatred of rspm^^fl^tek o^th* ^^^^^^^ atetotef wadrgtiu far W tte teaapg it w*a inevitable and bound t* be eatebUahed ultimately...
...Tte aotenis treasury Is empty...
...Noeovltaky told ma Chat the . founders are two "labor experts," one a former radical arid th* other an enterprising newspaper mag...
...advocate* among th* rank and die of...
...publicity in the dally papers and leaflet distribution...
...Hs pointed to tha fas*.that "rjnkmtue owners looked out tbe men without consultation or agreement or conciliation with the miners' organisations...
...agitators and active labor union...
...American employe...
...Women's Clething Workers •OUR PAKX...
...eablo rocoivod by Tho Now Loador from' Ellon Wilkinson of tho minors' roliof dolo««tlon to tho , Unitod States...
...so far aa the miners li conWte...
...For thear reaaona it to evident that the opportunities for open air'propaganda are becoming mare limited each year...
...which tea dteoorteV, to^^^tel k -OerAntsrican te^g^snSsaSaiy^*'^ *** . "Compaay saa^Mhtev- which' your AmertcaA aes^teykkaaem...
...5*4 trtend, rioreUo La Guard te K'aiiiUji /roni the 10th .Kew Tork mint *l>lnk be**' 8trephon...
...uliaaai eraatec...
...as Communists do, the Bolshevist' dictatorship In Russia, la their position...
...Farmers have often resorted to physical force to prevent sheriffs taking what la left them after many years ot sacrifice, a large section of the city and rural workers Is Tanged against the party of Coolidge...
...could foreteH whan « >ut*sk," or a Natfimaliaf seam: might o* aXtcmpted...
...Other unions wU) draw for positions in th* Una Boston bill posters are warning sU polities...
...This year - the signatures have been obtained and...
...Hyman charged Finder with interpret tog Smith's calling of these conferences aa a foredoomed failure, which would be welcome to the tedastrial Council aa paving tte way to enforced arbitration...
...jtjQuaait ot ^tte Falrlea addreaaaa KatM|otvBtrepKon...
...eveo-year- history...
...Admiral Rodgers, in a debate with me in New Haven," expressly declared' that one purpose of our present preparedness policy was defense against labor troubles...
...roster's Industrial and Detective Bureau, St* Fifth' avenue, and F. .X OfBrien Agancy in Newark, whjch - has...
...IX, win include all labor, radical apd Jlbers.1 groups, that stand against the.' Fascist, dictatorship as win'as against sJty and eVer^dlctetecGerman Experiment Witti Company Unions Failed, Socialist Says QMPANT^iitrk1||»i...
...Tb*i convention -of the ,Antl-F**clet LeagU* -for the .Freedom of Italy is to take- awe*.to1 t^jt latter...
...Our good editor Invites me- to send a Labor Day message, ril do nothing of the sort...
...This la' tte worst expiqsaaa tote part of Peansyfvaala baa aaw for 'a teas white...
...Hi* Industrial eervice, te claims, discovers, "which emgtogaa are disloyal or undesirable tormentors of unjustified dtetatisteattea...
...A finer exhibition of pluck ate bulldog determination to resist injustice to not recorded in the hletery at to* labor 'movement...
...Frau Beggar did not appear te te older than M, altboagb ate is te bar tot* thlrtie...
...ChiWrm anaikto «* *t< ttn4 siiuil far — ta'i tsisim havo wi orotnoo or kooto...
...This street car and bus-concernoperates en* of the moat extenstv* private tpy corps In tbe^JSatt, Itt men being- chiefly employed on th* street car and other power aad electric projects run by ths company...
...teeteUst, Party...
...T. tr...
...jpfff' te ConxreasmanT) Old party ' KbP' ** * hypocritical fame...
...There Up to ha a par* food and druc act ^yaarantee that the.label, RepttbU* •tor Democrat, on the Oonareaaioaal Pttta abaaM mean aometblnv...
...Hyman again reiterated the union's position that it wlH not refer its demands in tte present controversy to arbitration...
...taming fande are aga* ihiiiiiii earni member* are urd^'ta enottaoo then* contributions...
...to attacks by Henry Finder, chairman of the Manufacturers' Industrial Council, on the eve of a series of conference* called by' Governor Smtth to end the- two months' tie-up...
...to* *h*"rmoue *voU"*t .the referendum last May to favor of conflscattog toe royal holding...
...National Executive Oommittce desire* to jcail...
...Jr . TOIett to leaving, 'expressed pleasare st the reception accorded bun to this country, and} "in ths cordial Interest takes by American wage workera in she struggle of their brothers across ths sea...
...create their own caste lines and...
...As the organisation of this work proceeds and the party grows we and growing nidvnmaaC ' dtoaay mtukUtti Up -AH thto » thftraly an >|a»l»ih to' toe problsm which wa w|B »av« to work an* mora to detail -to the aomlas monUta and yftatp...
...Socialist Party Record Steady Gains YOUNG STARVING REPORT SAYS Ellen Wilkineen Finds Food Kitchens Cloping Down HaW daspsraf tho MW •# tho ¦. aˆrlkjns} •^rJUapi wilnsrs Km >»Mi»t is opporont from...
...Victor L. Berger will te returned to Congress, and a strong fight is being made to send Edmund T. Helms to that body to help Berger...
...a strike leader, challengee Hteon drlmes...
...tko parent company chartered ta Onto as ths Corporations ¦Auxiliary Co...
...tera ateute eabet side ^ste...
...to ate .strikes, worked -hand-tohand with Jobber* against (aside manufacturers is absolutely fates and without toiuatofkto, W* tera> on several occasion*, and w* want to repeat.tots here, stated that tte majerH...
...In tbe first two artlcleeof this series we have Indiesjm the wide ramifications of the first two,spy services...
...Undeniably these camps bays their good side, and the army officers were clever'enough to put their best foot foremost* Nevertheless, the purpose' of these camps la not primarily to give young men's healthy vacation or to promote-democracy...
...Th* anion's hoard sent $10,000 tn a Jump sum earlier in the strike and la now seeking further contributions from II* TIMELY TOPICS By Norman Thomas Ste.faftiaNtanUnr Mva...
...Another place-where the professlonaj labor union wrecker may land a Job is with the Industrial Council of Wool Manufacturers, of Passaic, N. j. Everylist of,spy oppottunltl** Includes the nams of this local consolidated, employment blacklist < and spy bureau...
...MMr »teajpi aarat^ooatrUtetad HMJt tegtejWg Irrak radTTBAtetela'tf 'mOaSali Jaf tte laterratfaaal iadtes YW—wa| ¦Worttara Wkm «ar U» laaaJte* to ate Jorm raataad Vaaa^am.-Jteaate Batea •ate...
...Meetings at Disadvantage "Then .there are disadvantages that have developed in street speaking that are difficult to overcome...
...President Green speaks of the "democracy'', of the camp, arid doubtless some of Its activities cut across some of our civilian casta line, Nevertheless militarism and...
...The leaders of tola new Anti-Fascist group contend that American sympathy can help enslaved Italy to so farVs it can' compel the .money lenders of tola country to cease dealing with the Black Shirt government...
...Internatteael tootketlieed of Uachintets, IataraattteoaT Bradtertead of BcCainiabera, fnm ShtplglM •rs asd'Helpar* of Anmriea...
...l«M9teot that ffter I#JCkta(«te ,wtn kaap hla o»tnkattn...
...TO THE RAILROAD WORKERS OF AMERICA: "A million British coal miners, wtto their backs to the wall, are heroically fighting for a living wage and deoeat working conditions...
...These experiences were ¦m repetition-of what has...
...AID PLEDGED Roll Unions Members to Goverment to British Mine Strikers JK^auspgrt^rw^t^ Amerioaa raltepa^ a^'nterfiM tiran*temtomiasiembBra Ttov^Brh> toh transport leader aad htesahar'aC Parliament, sailed for tame on tte B*rengaria after a arontli*s torn- df American labor center* as uaabnte of tte Vlsittng BrltHh ^Mmar** TteBaf Osmmlotee...
...Boras simply tell* to* proelective client that Ate "personnel" I* carefully selected ana properly schooled to handle.the many Industrial problems...
...They have teen locked'out teg U weeks...
...The -union seeks Ms w**k more pay...
...Although we have net bean at all times and under all circumstances opposed In principle to arbitration, in this case, however, after a commission has studied the* various needs ot the todoatry far...
...Oar proWem* ar* so varlod and tho evfla from which .ile*eTa*k.r, suffer characterietic af tBo industry, tt Is difficult and eloaoot Impooatbl* for aa arbitrator to analyse and roolls* those different problems...
...Julius Krone, 803 Broadway...
...The union Will not refer our demands to arbitration...
...Many of the cities and towns no longer present this opportunity for educational, work...
...Radio broad- | casting has become a meant far the propaganda of the ruling clans and ait bona of enlightenment toreush that agency la .closed...
...As a general rule, newspapers will take newa stories of what w*-a»e doing If they pre pro pertly written as newa and not $S-propaganda., in every city we should have either a competent publicity agent ^er a publicity ...committee that should 'bar responsible for reporting news "Items Jfi the press...
...which fifeiC aayate wlU atee to CooOd*e Kt teip tte^.^raaeaaaii toof th* B Wajiatter.****^'".: t Wfji* earn*'time, that Koenia- would ¦teaoeif at teteaia -at aH atewa-tew Mpratteaty V htatentflcant ara' tte' HmMm ouranrate of a sinai* Can* Willi IIII who ia, navartbeleaa, conII to wear the party label...
...National Marine Engineers* Benaftcjal Association, totsrnatksnal Longshoremen's Assocition...
...They,have rejected McMahoa almost aai <atjemptor1*y...
...They strongly believe that bad it not been for Wall Street loans to Mussolini's dictatorship'tha Italian people would long ago have freed themselves and Mussolini would have sunk into oblivion...
...Car Conductors, American Train Dispatchers: Association...
...t« to* Federal Rail lf*|ykUte^ « hearing...
...know that we have taken a long step toward the thing against which these leaders of tha best thought of the world now protest...
...Conductors, Brotherhood of BaWroad Trainmen,' toterjaattedal Rrotoertrood of' Blacksmith* aad Halpsrs of Am eric...
...ft aw Bandar Went on...
...as Weisbord...
...All the preliminaries leading to the formation of a. strong United Textile Workers' Union in Passaic have gone welL The charter has been issued...
...However, there should bo »o mleiinttsrojanfling Wt«*> toe Party fhksneen, lit* various mm...
...re in ember, ti...
...BLACKLIST being TABULATED Information on Labor Organizers "Will Be Supplied Bosses — Spy Agencies Listed By Robert Dunn ANEW nation-wide investigation bureau win be opened this fault* central office probably te N*w Tork City-—declares Jacob Nosoriteky...
...every city ¦ the ievorkble work* tog dads districts must be mapped out and be assigned to literature squads...
...mteteejfcted/hy ;th* work***' aad fouad twilias.^y flte employer*.* aha said...
...to >e*jr metobtea to the United States add...
...Tte Ohio organUaUoB, was probably more affected by the party disruption in .1919 than any otter of tha striang Socialist state*., It was so badly, hurt .that It had been impossible to gather tha 25.000 signatures required of unofflctar parties to place their candidates on the ballot...
...And why did Peabody give him those letters...
...bean anabU tb twaefc » *au«fa«J tory sWlutien...
...occurred in ! other parte of the country and...
...Many of them ware members of the Protective Association which, since reorganised, is new tte Industrial Council, ft waa then that toe Protective dskssi haliiii aa now tte Industrial j^^^p-^lr...
...Louis It claims to be engaged "ta the conduct of a detective business and secret service agency as wall as In industrial education, conciliation, harmonization and Industrial efficiency...
...i Picketa remain near tte piers where they left Krie Railroad freight can loaded - v^ith fruit...
...These manufacturers take this position because they infer from Governor Srrflth'a letter that,' when they disagree with us on every paint and the conference's break up, the Governor will compel us to refer.toe entire dispute to arbitration...
...Vf, Instance, Why W* 3|r> Lewis keep oh .'good., terms ¦T aB!0P*rato/who, to" throe out of states, runs nM-traioa mines, to some csss, after having broken agreements with the union...
...attention, to new .conditions that ' have faced us...
...AntiFaSriat League for toe Freedom of Italy it was learned that, the communist Antl-Fasclst...
...We would like the leaders of toe Industrial Council to know tola before tte coatferenca begin...
...This convention, it wag said, will be packed with 'Communist delegates representing .paper organisations, and the bona Ada Tabor unions that may participate in it wW be forced te alUier, submit, to Communist dietetics* or,break a way from them aad tete tbs-new group...
...It is believed that by observing these rules Socialists -will avoid - quarrels with Communists, insure that 1M per cent, af any relief they may obtain to* workers will actually reach them,, and also, contribute to the decline of a diaturbing factor that ha* Injured organisations of the working claw...
...Their grievances were local...
...orgaalaed by Union R*pes**a>auy* .'Hrarr 3. Chap* tea* tote tte.Brotkerhood of Railway A StenraaWp Clerks, Tr*tejrt Handle...
...Freight Handlers Ask Mediation Beard Hearing j Striking fr*ignXtaA*V»<< tteN*w Tork ktettoa Oo...
...wiritmy tegftker for the peace at to* . V fW woman Spcteliat declared em*katioaUy\toat toe Oarmaa Republic wte" stednfear today than at any time In Its...
...Tte Oermap Socialists are 'pteaaad with the s«cce** of the Dawes Plan...
...In the Rocky Mountain state* the Democratic Party la also- very weak and that region is still suffering from tte most prolonged depression it baa faced in decade...
...the Socialist Party candidates will appear on the ballot.' and the prospects -are excellent for a vary encouraging vote...
...Wtfll's position...
...It ia clear, however, that tf tte miner* are to win...
...Sorlous Woor to *ro» wHoro guardians hav* atoapad all Itof...
...bli+Hy Urge* "We therefor* believe that Socialist organisation's in every city will have to specialise on two things...
...William - J.- Burns, pal of - Ralph Easier, of the National Civic Federation, still plays a leading- role in the Industrial spy field...
...At a. am*an% of th* abmcutlve Comiaaftrao* tte JL...
...His operations against the International 'M older*' Union, the Machinists' Union and toe workers In tte Western copper miaes are recorded in recent industrial history...
...te "IoUnthr...
...ate JMaaJteaj...
...A amaU womah wtth Ik tense, dark gray eye* aad black tehted hair...
...wbJeh wo...
...sens' training camps...
...Mooney- Boland-Butberlsnd Corp, BOS West l«*th street...
...jZta «•* pttto...
...rand ids tot hyman accuses cloak ASS"N HYMAN ACCUSES CLOAK ASS'N Bosses Endanger Strike Peace Negotiations in Cloak Industry ABITTER reply waa made by Louis Hyman, chairman of toe general committee of 40.000 striking N. T. cloaJcatekers...
...At any rate,'his lnnuence has been on the side of agreement between the' TJ...
...One sign wfcleh convinced me waa...
...Mosntims Mr roadoea ai>a aajahv appoalsd to for thok eontHpMtions...
...Calk) war* traced as these offers to the offices or - hamee of Erie Railway officials and the contracting company, the workers assert at strike meetings...
...Switchmen's Unten of/North America, Brotherhood -of Ballwky aad 'Steam krp Clark...
...d eevaral otter countries...
...It reads as follows...
...Berger fttnsWs Fight In Wisconsin, the Democratic Party has practically disappeared and the socalled /'progressives" are split into three warring factions with young La[_ Follette^ claiming to -be the legitimate ! heir of toe XaFollette dynasty...
...He has considerably "toned down" tha elder LaFoilette's program, moderate as it waa in many respects, and is contesting with two other factious the control ,of tte O. O. P. machinery...
...The Anti-Fascist League for the Freedom of Italy has already applied ; for affiliation with the Antl-Fasclst International, with headquarters in Vienna...
...Tha radio also has a tendency to keep, the masses away, from .edusa* tteaat meetings..- Enough good music and entertainment are provided to carry the reactionary economies of Babbit try and the dtlvel'of-professional politicians to these who possess a radio...
...OHlO TICKET NAMED National Executive Committer Receives Encouraging Report at Chicago Session By James Oneal CTtlCAOOt — Tte i Boctellafc Party ;aho*ra -a steady recovery from the disasters that overwhelmed to for Ibe period: of the Wbrtd War and tte pett>ww* amste ttet teMowed it There is •> Stow but steady increase to membei alilp, an excellent incream each montlr to-readers of the national organ, of th* aarty...
...Amalgamated Asks More Help to British Miners ROCHE8TEH, N. T.—8upport for the British misters who he** hean striking 17 weeks Is asked of Amalgamated ClotMne...
...T»*ae te* tid mate Items of progress Wported te' the National executive Commltts* by National Executive 8*cretsry 'William it Henry si the meetteg'in Chicago°on teturday and Bon<tar...
...Of course, the abolition of compulsory military training would not - of itself ^guarantee peace...
...neglected, but the problem has become so acute lit some section* of the-«dustry that dew methods must be devised to reaeh the masses...
...tks . Thtol Detective Service Co...
...One cannot be against tha Black Shirt dictatorship and at tha same - time approve...
...of the praaent Jbbbera w«r« teaaatactarer...
...During all that tans they have withstood the assaults of to* mine owners, backed by a reactionary government which seams determined to strap many of to* rights and privilege* eaJoyed by Englishmen stoca Msgaa Charts...
...has a main office ta the Franklin Trust Brag, in Philadelphia, and has branches in' Boston...
...R secure* Information "Whiek Itartl's tetaasslb)* for an executive to weed oat tte dlaaatteded," tote snakteir".tor teneral Improvement in morale...
...to th...
...from within" tactic* that resulted in the Commanitete getting complete control...
Vol. 3 • September 1926 • No. 34