Slonim, Dr. Marc
Third International Split Heading Zinoviev For Discard Communist Leader Forms New Group to Safeguard His Future; His Old Post Will Be Filled With Stalin Adherant By Dr. Marc Slonim jJ^gjUJE.—One...
...For the week of July...
...Why not...
...An interesting sidelight is the fact that the" opposition is now obtaining support tn the ranks of the rfarht wing, which, far as it may be from sharing the ideas of tile left, appropriates the criticism of the latter "for' tts*bwn maK1 *o attack tho policy of th« govferntttenC* We thus sea the opposition deriving its support not only among the extreme Communist fanatics, but also among the* other foes of the present Soviet government...
...candidate for United State* Senator, will return to Milwaukee to take,tbe field and will be heard from in the campaign, as he is'known throughout the country as a forceful and fearless champion ot the workers, being an officer of th* Amalgamated detains Workers of America...
...and M Jlrialm to the position of party apjSind theoretician...
...also for a meeting at which .Roberto Haberroan jvill address the Juniors and their friends...
...Circle'1, Brooklyn The Circle has written to the "Workmen's Circle, Branch 295, which meets at 233 East 90th greet, of its appreciation in permitting Circle 1 to meet in its headquarters...
...Tickets can be—had from the Forward Office, also from the County' and National Offices...
...whole tra^ of tba r»mm""l«t l»ternatJonaf during the strife* were th* work of Zinoviev atoa*,.and that it met with the vigorous opposition of the Stallntte wing...
...The Circle also invites the sons and daughters ot members of the Workmen's Circle, from the ages of 14 to It...
...28.and 29...
...ot th* German Commuxdrt Party ta tn* bapianhBg of Anan*A - * That thai wheat oppmriisfiii fat ahuop* ta da* t* tsm'*Iastfsxd*sn...
...Socialists and their friends in Western Pennsylvania are urged to make a note of the date and enoy the excellent program that has been arranged...
...Alderman Herman O. Kent, the Socialist candidate for Governor, is on a tour of the northern counties...
...Circle 7 On Sept...
...Only delegates from trade unions are admitted to full membership, but the executive committee Is entitled to' take the advice of members of political parties...
...The meeting is to be held at the Brownsville Labor Lyceum at 318 Sackman street, Brooklyn, Friday, August 27, 8:30 p. m., under the auspices of Circle 2 Senior...
...Leo ntrakftkl... 82 East 106th street...
...Yipseldom Bre you all ready for the Yipsel and Party picnic this Sunday...
...Zinoviev HfVlth those foreign Communist aL' of the International which Egguseful to him In the opposition...
...The* state office has already mailed thousands ot pieces of literature, while manx of the comrades who have left on vacation tours are calling at the state office for literature whieh they will distribute in the different localities...
...aad organisation ef taneviav himself* there can be no question...
...JOHN G. WiiXERT, StatjLSecy: ! >4«» tlr^-*f^:;**at.*^v»'* ¦ Cleveland, Ohio...
...Statin sta» Sght, as we know, ended with ajreValinatlon of Trotsky from the gep> sat after Trotsky had been sept ECaucasus "for his health" it bekaown that the members of the imm...
...September 17, Northampton...
...Don't forget that every Yipsel is expected to be there...
...Members are asked to read The New Leader for further information regarding the next League meeting...
...The tickets are on sale at various stations...
...Office and Cook ffiaAijy Organization have made extdranVe plans for- a big picnic ami banquet during the meeting of the National Executive Committee for Aug...
...Pat Quintan, despite rainy weather, has been having good crowds...
...And then"Zraovlev, aotIjinja his typical shortsightedness, aflat to 8ee the ri8'DK star of Stalin, m|elKdVa campaign against Trotsky v4 i. Zinoviev vs... the same time that the Russian party is apparently <• turning ita back more and "more* upon that same communism which that party itself had brought into the other countries, and while it is growing cool toward the idea of world revolution, it falls upon the shoulders of the foreign parties to make the preparations for that revolution and to keep the flame of'the Communist movement alive in Europe and America...
...8 p. m. The State Secretary informs us that Emil Herman will be advance man for Socialist candidates speaking in the state up to election day...
...too much ¦yrnpstar eft*1 the bragging and narrows* dsBtrlnaire chief of 'the Third IuCsjjfWnM were by no means anxgsat to stake Zinoviev the arbiter of lastjsles in the Russian Communist Faff, and they even looked askance ahis doings as head of the Inters...
...Ajctiens speak louder than words...
...g*K t can state that they prove BoncUwivaty that the atmoaphare there wait mora than tense...
...This was one of Zinoviev"* constant complaints, and in Ms opposition to Stalin he would often, cite the pronunciamentoa of German, Italian, Bohemian and ofter^omrnWtst* which upheld his own position.' With the knowledge and' connivance of Zinoviev...
...Marc Slonim jJ^gjUJE.—One of the greatest adej>M the opposition to tho Stalin EJtn Russia had until recently was CJtHty to utilise the machinery of Ssrd International, aa well aa Its SEjZpaH because of the fact, that SSfcr/tbe leader of the opposition, JF&jt the bead of the International...
...30—163rd Street and Prospect Avenue...
...First and foremost he may aim at Zinoviev's ousting from the International...
...Speakers, Samuel E. Bear dairy...
...a Socialist exile from Hungary, informs "fhe New Leader that "Az Ember...
...1—Schenectady Avenue and St...
...The prominent German Communist, Neumann, one af Stalin's enthusiastic adherents, who had attended the joint session of the Central Committee and' Control Commission where Psershinskt was fatally stricken, gives the following characterisation ot the present state of affairs in the Communist International: "There Is a now, extremely bitter, well planned attack by nearly every section of the Communist International, particularly in Germany and Italy...
...The debating team for the coming debate between Circle -1, - Intermediates, aad Circle A Juniors, Will be chosen...
...a magazine which he published in Budapest during the war and later in Vienna during the reign of the Horthy Terror, will be revived In New Tork In September...
...Remember, this Sunday, at Orchard Grove, North Bergen, New Jersey...
...Very Important business to be taken up...
...Speakers, Ethelred Brown, Isadore Polstein, Chairman Abe Kaufman...
...The outlook in Milwaukee County is exceedingly'encouraging...
...Complaints Abroad These extreme Communists complain that the Bolsheviks, who now govern Russia, are forced to conclude alliances and treaties with bourgeois governments, while the foreign Communist parties are engaged in a desperate fight against these very governments, who are, in treaty relations with^he Russian Bolsheviks...
...your ¦ action...
...11-20 there waa called'a joint session of the Central Committee ef the party, and the Control Commission pfenning virtually a supremo tribunal, composed of 100 member...
...An Intermediate Circle, known as Circle 1, has been formed in Brooklyn...
...The Central Branch, comprising districts 1, 2, 3, 4, S, will, meet Tuesday, Sept...
...A* lfH**s*ndowt Labor Forty The Massachusetts Independent Labor Party was organised at a-meeting last Sunday...
...There are thus In the field against tho present Russian Soviet dictator and his friends mere than one group: first, these are Zinoviev...
...Sub-committees on Entertainment, Lectures and Membership are advised .that definite reports fr*m\hem are expected at this meeting...
...Just as the Socialist* predicted would happen as soon as they lost their leader—the late Senator Robert M. LaPslIette...
...Speakers, Samuel E. BeaFdsley, C. Gaspar...
...This explains the whole attitude of the Communist International during the British strike...
...tviev hoped to gain his ends by sing his International activities, idsbborn defender of ^revolutionary" jpjes for the Commuplst parties of laafe, Zinoviev became "the main lnssaeer and ' lnsplrer of all the sanIBhacr outbreaks that shook Germany, Bdavta, Esthonla and some other osatries during 1S23-182S...
...Stalin here stressed the point that the actions of -Snoriev and Ms comrades prevented Russia from getting German loans and establishing firm diplomatic and trade relations with the rest of the world...
...A full Bronx delegation is urged to be present at this picnic to be held at Orchard Grove, Fairview, Bergen •county, N. J., Sunday, Aug...
...Wisconsin 'The Socialists of Wisconsin are putting In some very strenuous days fighting to elect their State Ticket, and the future of the movement was never brighter...
...Speakers, Ethelred Brown, Emerich Steinberger .an"fi August Clacssens...
...To suppat the- extreme left tendencies and axtUments in the ranks of the EuroMas Communists was hip obvious fetish, aniSilt is due chiefly to Zinoviev (bat a.*lfs)st interesting schism has keen foingfbn In their ranks...
...I know from aa the aid of aha as Ills* nsiaars and th...
...The latter will be led by Zinoviev, the former by Bukharin, or perhaps' Schmeral...
...It will be held soon...
...From that time onward there apjheeiJ raging the battle of Zinoviev, stand by Kamenev...
...Montana A call has been issued from the State Office for a mass convention of the Socialists of Sanders County to be held at the Court House In Thompson Falls, Saturday, Aug...
...know, [-ie> -ehosen...
...the central and southern counties by State Secretary William Coleman, assisted by other comrades who hgve volunteered their services...
...In addition to the above...
...This is why the negative part of the opposition has enlisted the sympathy of large circle* of the population who view it, first ot all...
...Zinoviev's Defeat Forecast As Bukharla, Stalin's lieutenant, acta as alternate for Zinoviev 'tn the International, the foreign delegates to th* latter will now be subjected to vigorous influence to have Zinoviev ousted and Stalin's man pyt in his place...
...THE SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK Ohio State Secretary of Ohio sends out a call, to action part of which reads: "'Reports received and petitions turned in indicate that the Socialist ticket will be on the ballot, but you must continue to work and get all the signatures possible, and don't fail to certify them...
...Bronx MONDAY, AUG...
...1—Broadway and Monroe Street- Speakers, William Karlin, Samuel H. Friedman...
...In Vienna the magazine especially represented the Socialist a liberal refugee driven out ot Hungary by Horthy and his band, and the New York publication Will^ be edited in the same uncompromising spirit...
...Bring your friends...
...Owing to the bast* with which notices were sent out, only a relatively email attendance -was obtained, so It waa decided net by nominate a ticket In the present State election, but to lay plans for approaching favorable unions and getting them to adhere to the new party...
...80, 8.80 p. m., at Local Headquarters...
...All comrades are invited...
...He is upheld, moreover, by the Soviet bureaucracy and bourgeois "specialists" in the Soviet service who fear renewed terror and reprisals in the event of a victory of the Zinovievltes...
...Cheks Takes a Hand There* have been rumor* In the press thaV this liquidation had something to do with the influence of Dserzhinski, and this has brought forth that crop of stories about a violent death of the former chief of the Red (Inquisition...
...Have you your tickets ready...
...Pittsburgh Socialists will leave in auto* end by the B. and O. trains at 12 o'clock, noon, from Wood and First avenues...
...Aid to the British, strikers was to be one of the trump cards played by the ehlof of the International, bat It was duo precisely to the failure of this card that the 8taHnltes were encouraged to charge'the strongholds ef the opposition with such vigor...
...The big picnic...
...Speakers, Ethelred Brown, Walter Dearing...
...most extreme methods of disorganisation, factional strife, violation of discipline, sabotage, undermining solidarity, etc...
...Keep your eye on Wisconsin...
...5f base rcsulU were cited by the oppo- , •ition in...
...Notices wfll be sent out, but don't forget The New Leader, At this meeting* the Dramatic socMy wlil*«es*^'t,p1fey'''ind medals will be awarded...
...The banquet will be held at Douglas Park auditorium, Kedzle and Ogden Avenues, Saturday, Aug...
...7. 8-JO p. m., at its club rooms, 4215 Thirg Avenue...
...X George Dobserage, Abraham Scall...
...Readers are urged to attend this picnic...
...September 14 and 15, Springfield, at Post Office Square...
...Members ef the National Executive Committee will also speak at this place...
...September IS, Worcester, at Front and Church streets, 8 o'clock...
...Krzycki has been in Montreal, Canada, for a number ef weeks in the battle for better conditions for the workers in that vicinity...
...The activity of the opposition took on particular seal after the plenary meeting of the International In March...
...28, 8 p. m. Members of the National Committee will speak...
...Where Zinoviev met with a setback by Stalin...
...28, 2:30 p. m., for the purpose of nominating a candidate fox State Senator, for representative, and a full county ticket Socialists in all counties in which the Socialist ballot did not appear at the primary election have the privilege of holding a Socialist Convention and nominating candidates to appear_on the ballot in the Socialist column at the general election Nov...
...Speaker, Ethelred Brown...
...Bun day, Aug...
...of Czechoslovakia, one ot the moat likely candidates for president' of the International...
...2—Water and Beach Streets, Stapleton, Staten Island...
...All Juniors are invited...
...Speakers, Joseph Tuvim, Anna Piatoft...
...September 10, North Adams...
...1 — 137th Street and 8eventh Avenue...
...There is not a word of truth in an this...
...September 19, Worcester, behind City HalL The Mothers' League of Brocton has asked jfor a meeting for her and the Mothers' League of Lynn is likewise planning,* meeting...
...The County Committee will meet Monday, Aug...
...Richmond THURSDAY, SEPT...
...The .president of this body, as we...
...This win signify the end ef uncompromising tactic* by th* Communist International, and^he nnal break between moderates "and extremists In the, Russian as weh as other Communist fields...
...In addition to ail this, the Zlnoviev faction had presented to these organs a' number of "theses" that had not yet been published anywhere and which caused violent clashes, I had t^^^^^^^^Jf^' ographic sB^oaSt of ,aaa*n daMsttinga, which lasted seven dafs...
...Admission is 50 cents in advance and 75 cents at the door...
...Backed by this sentiment Stalin has a tree hand to deal even worse with the opposition...
...High sang w*ta Berdiggi...
...Plenty of refreshments will be provided...
...Thus we shall witness at The next plenary meeting of the International, possibly even beTore^that, a sjipwdewn between the Third and Fourth International...
...This is shown by a large number of arrests and demolitions of printing shops going on in Moscow and Petrograd...
...Zino}£3jjmp regarded as his unquestlonE£L He had been his pupil and Eawr, he knew by heart every Hejt th« master had written...
...Circle 6 Circle (, Juniors, will hold its regular meeting this Friday evening, at 7:45 p. tn...
...W* aaayart.^ therefore, speak merely et the troubles within the Russian party, alenat'for the first time la eight, years are-are now witnessing an officially admitted schism throughout the Communist International, affecting the Communist movement In .Russia as welt as throughout the world...
...Every trade union official in the State has been sent a copy of our State Platform and our Unemployment Insurance leaflet, with a letter requesting them to bring it to the attention of their fellow members...
...Tho Policy ef Stalin and- of the Central Committee of the Russian Communist Party, asserted Zinoviev, had compromised the Russian party in the- eyes of the European proletariat, and of the European Communists...
...Remember that" Webster Haft- holds 2,000 people, and it- myst be filled...
...While these three comrades are busy in the northern and western counties, the work of the campaign is being carried on in...
...but they are opposed to Stalin and h(a poller,.,.,.^ It is natural, under these aonditlons, that the Soviet press should how again be campaigning against Trotsky...
...New England Esther Friedman's tour will begin Wednesday and Thursday, September 8 and 9, at Pittafleld...
...Those who did not receive tickets through the mail are advised that tickets are on sale at Local Headquarters...
...state with a clear conscience >fc&t the hour is close at hand when the Third International will break tn two...
...3—Clinton and East Broadway...
...T, at its club rooms, 1187 Boston Road...
...September 11, Greenfield...
...Lashevich's preparations for a mobilisation of the opposition elements, his work in the Red of Italy, and' ending with Mansion*, Korach and Ruth Fischer, of Germany...
...Send them in not later than Aug... the representatives - of the Communist parties forming the International...
...aa an instrument of warfare against the existing order...
...And- since ere may confidently -expect in future a still further aggravation, of the quarrel, we have the right to...
...who had none...
...The so-called Progressive movement In Wisconsin is rent with dissension...
...Circle 2, Brooklyn Chares E. Smith of the American Association for the advnoement ot atheism will lecture on "Why We Should Oppose Religion...
...Brooklyn MONDAY, AUG 80—Saratoga Avenue and Dumont Street...
...JJ—Seventh Street and Avenue B. Speakers, Ethelred Brown, Mrs...
...It is urgent that the Lecture Committee acquaint the Branch with an outline of the work contemplated for the coming season...
...Cooperating with him are two live comrades, Alderman Paul Gauer and Supervisor Frank B. Metcalfe, who are touring the western and northern counties, arranging and addressing meetings of farmers and industrial workers...
...aupport, of their contention that the policy of compromise ia fatal, and tbey asserted that the time was near when Communist influence in Russia will amount to virtually nothing...
...Called Russia Comprised Pen...
...Those who may wish further information should telephone William Adams at headquarters, Atlantic 3634...
...Let's all help and make this affair a real success..., we have Trotsky, Still wielding powerful Influence In.the Red Army, and R*dekv These have not yet come out actively, but* "their attitude is thresTteritng.'" ~ * The struggle has not only not ended, but, on the contrary, at the moment of writing it has broken out again With unprecedented" stubbornness...
...i But there is another cause for complaint...
...As for Massloff, he was thrown out that a swap d'etat was i aaaasa*at*di •wjtftutdja aid jft army trig* B»<a**d tn Inshevieb, ZteoVlev and ^Trotsky), and ihejtrip* of .*fitaoviev*s right-hand man...
...Bronx All members holding plcnie tickets are earnestly requested to make returns immediately...
...He Is available for dates in the eastern part of the State from now until the middle of September...
...Come and bring your friends...
...Her* Has the profound significance of what is happening today is Moscow...
...An executive committee was chosen on which several Socialists representing the clothing trades were elected...
...Speakers, Hyman Nemser, Joseph Tuvim...
...Readers of the American Appeal and JPfinv I^eader should get -their tickets right away and attend this great banquet... interesting to not* that, even though Trotsky did "not bark aphis old enemy Zinovierv, he us i si fh si sea sharply attacked Statin and nsarihlaskl...
...Other committees are requested to submit their respective reports...* asm** of natay Jaaaxeg Fiuiuussii CkoBsaunJets... join Circle 1. We have Piano, recitals, singing debates, recitations and Socialist propaganda work...
...There was jJ^gSebstacle in his path, and that eatiS*tsky...
...The Socialists are confident of electing their entire county ticket, and two Congressmen, the re-election ot Victor I* Berger in the Fifth and Edmund T. Malms in the Fourth...
...Herman has made such a good record as an organizer, they feel sure he will be just the man to do that work...
...2. The call for the convention must be issued from the State OSlce of the Socialist Party of Montana...
...Tuesday, Sept...
...John's Place...
...So far a* may be seen at this time, Zinoviev will fall to muster a majority, and Bukharin or Schmeral will take his place...
...Violent Clashes It was at these sessions that violent clashes occurred between the opposition, which had just been subjected to a series of penalties, and the Staliniles...
...Task of Fourth International After the plenary meeting of the new International in March, definite steps' were taken, with a view to gathering the tore** of the extreme left Communists, aad under the laaaenea of Bbtevle* one af the tasks of th* *uurth International nras proclaimed to he the *tna*t against the reactionary policy of the Russian Communist Party...
...Besides, the quarrel over a "national** versus "international" policy became moat bitter during the discussion of the International's tactics in British affairs...
...In brief, it is contended that the Russian apostles themselves are" beginning to deny their own symbol of the faith, so that it falls to the lot of the disciples in other lands to preserve it in l$e pjpstlne g^oraianrf lmmaeulateness...
...S^ete^indictment drawn up agajast M.W*]""" •"en,*Dt" b'y the PolitS^polnta out that the ^opposition Sptten fu" advantage of the Inter-8a*L In return for the Interna-EwTltelp in his own fight...
...Price 1L50 per plate...
...Shllapnikov, Shkolnikov, Lashevlch and others who compose what is commonly known a* the left opposition...
...faasrVt**" the death of Lenlne...
...It will signify, moreover, the beginning of' normal conditions In the tense atmosphere of Europe and the removal of the everpresent menace of bloody Communist adventures by order from Moscow...
...those European Communist elements which objected to the policy of their Russian comrades made a secret compact Among themselves shortly after the meeting of the four teenth congress in Moscow...
...25 Circle T, Manhattan, will hold a dance at Webster Han, Third avenue and 11th street- All Yipsels are klndjy asked to co-operate with the circle in, the sale of tickets...
...It meets every Tuesday evening, at 8 p. m., at 1336 Lincoln place...
...New York City A Hungarian Magazine Ferenc Gondor...
...Only a short time is left, but you can make certain of the filing of the ticket by...
...They formed' an association ..which they christened the Fourth international, with headquarters at Vienna...
...This will throw the fight into the ranks of every European Cotnmunjst Party...
...27—Clinton and East Broadway...
...Chairman, Lester Shulmnn...
...If not...
...Pennsylvania Pittsburgh A joint picnio of Allegheny and Westmoreland Cbunty Socialists will be held Sunday, September 5, in Woodside Grove, on the McKeesport-Irwin road on car line...
...Hungarian Socialists and their friends who wish to help in establishing this publication may address"Comrade Gondor at 2867' West SSrd St., Coney Island...
...In comparison with the 1924 resftlts the number ot Communists in . the urban Soviets had been reduced by 24 per cent and in the rural districts by 35 to 40 per cent, and this when It is admitted that the peasants are showIns now an nnpf^reedeoted Interest in political matter...
...Nearly a thousand packages of party platforms and other educational literature have been mailed to the co-operative cheese factories, creameries and receiving stations in the state...
...September 18, Greenfield...
...Illinois The...
...September 12, Worcester, behind City Hall, from 5 to 8 o'clock...
...28—85th Street and Third Avenue...
...His meetings in Springfield and Hoiyoke were particularly successful...
...Tro*iky, Radekrand Kamenev do not form part of the "Sinew loais* opposition, it is true...
...Not only in buyfhg your own ticket, but seU as many as you can...
...against their erst•Jjp triumvirate colleague, Stalin...
...Majority Support * aaawn Stalin undoubtedly9' commands th* support of the majority in.the party...
...BtchmU, to South Russia had been brought to the attention of the Cheka at the end of June, with the result Mutt the Control Commissi** immediately handed down a number of verdicts...
...There must be organisation to carry on this work of education...
...Thi'd is the first and worst self-contradiction comnlainsd of...
...if, will be held at Riverview Park during the entire afternoon...
...Readers of the Socialist papers who are trade unionists are asked to see that the matter is brought up ft their local union meeting...
...It Was at Its height during the period from April to June...
...Branch 7 will aloe meet...
...the further the Rnssian Comanssjis retreated from their original, mere they progressed toward oomprouncampromislag positions, and the raise and economic "wealpolHIk,** the more did they displease their foreign simon-pure brethren...
...Now, altogether, Octnradea, show the world that the Socialist Party is still fighting the battle of the working class for their emancipation...
...The occasion for the determined attack by the opposition was furnished by the results of the elections to the Soviets...
...Of late, Zinoviev has been, leaving no stone unturned to strengthen the elements in Europe Vho are with him...
...September 18, Hoiyoke...
...Vlpsel Juniors All Junior Circles and C. C. delegates, kindly take notice that the Junior Central Committee will meet Saturday, Aug...
...Lasbevich and his aids were- thus condemned already prior to the July meetings of the party...
...Plans are being formed for a regular Junior Rally, to be held tn the early part ef September...
...Executive Secretary Claessens has Issued the call for this meeting- A full attendance ot all delegates is desired...
...It is the first serious attempt to combine on an international scale all opposition tendencies of the several sections, and all the left groups in the various countries, into one common, well planned, separately organised international opposition to the Third International."There i* the- use of the...
...After petitions are filed prepare to carry on an active campaign that will reach all the workers by contributing your mite, by joining the Party and organising your locality...
...Any who desire to aid the fight financially may communicate with State Secretary William Coleman, 528 Chestnut Street, Milwaukee, Wise, and donations will be gratefully acknowledged...
...28, at 7:30 p. m., at Rand School...
...All members are urged to be present as certain mattert of vital interest will be token up- Th* Auditing Cosnmittae is requested tc have a semi-yearly report ready...
Vol. 3 • August 1926 • No. 33