A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES Our Compliments To the Passaic Police ttBS^ai.nOt'a p«rUooMtr#- ortSUa*.«»»St*# ||^ worfd 6 taB «c oeaJjr oog*a*tod things ut KTi have etonr waters and hte*-tldtag...

...t*3 The latest' invention dispenses with sgp wapnp*% shuttle, The thread needed tor a stasia dnT^wsdm*' tog U bald by tear spcels...
...One art win support and raise the other sad artistic labor will have a definite social aim so that its products, its surroundings and Its public will not be dependent en chance...
...Tt is by no means fantastic to conclude that a doubling of the wages and a reduction of labor time to half of the present one Is possible at once' and technical science is already sufficiently advanced to expect rapid progress to that SehV Pros Unions and Organs of Opinion At present a third group of Intellectual workers, writers tor newspapers and msgasines...
...If* fanpulse dominate, then science must be employed, argues Mr...
...The shorter taa hours of labor to material prodoetton and toe higher, this wages the more will these free unions be favored...
...The community would also assist the farmers la obtaining machines, fertilisers, etc...
...S * . .^tallwrtngy'.i*ejWl5ii*^^*bm nbnetob as a result of the increased leisure on the part of the worktop class...
...At which time it win be well to o step on It good and hard...
...to study i our impulses, their origins, extension...
...Gibson, the Mp.reported pig fancier of New Jersey, and whether fithf followed Gertrude Bderte or Gertrude the tug...
...We*n have acne of tr* Is his cry.' "All that le noooooary to knew is whether the eensijal strike sentains everything which the eoelal...
...The decentralising tendency of Syndicalism, too, reflects the same Bergsontan attitude in its revulsion against the logical doctrine of centralisation that dominates Socialist thought...
...The general educational system add the system of ecisnttitc research, requiring, si they do, aa tat* mease volume of capital, wm be largsJ ty social in then* nature...
...As greater truth has ever been uttered...
...The 'meat manifold forms of property in the means of production—national, municipal, cooperatives of consumption .and production, and private can exist beside each other in a social1st society^-the most diverse forms of industrial organisation, bureaucratic, trade union, "cooperative and individual...
...With Meinong and Bertrand Russell, Mr...
...Russell's avowed sympathy with Syndicalism (Principles of Social Reconstruction) Is traced to this fundamental source...
...example ot Sfcpaud brutal disregard Of-taw and order en the 5g*f those who make pious profession of "uphold* m^m Constitution** and such drivel it has 'been tjpk^j'T^" textile overlords of those God-forsaken jffjjgpir mill towns...
...The farmer haa nothing to fear from, a socialist regime.'* Indeed, continues Ksutsky, it lit probable that these agricultural industries pmnhs he considerably ' strengthened through the new regime...
...aed the lulrn we think we have ate e earn* gsrwssl tor She munuss...
...they are SF*w there was ever an outstanding...
...In lamenting and attacking Mr...
...This latter is *Sg *>oens light reading, but on almost every see "jWMhtny, many pages there is some provoking W&:' '* l 1 '. .'tl'.'u ' . . ' i.' I rh-Wre than two yftbrs^Sttiae Doheny...
...He» ¦gsbVto be one college economist who knows his faff...
...S •naeppl pmsJaPpTsa^ «amssritytogtehasms...
...of Harper's MiihMtx Be oalls the article "How Bid We Get «^B^pnd says in part...
...particlpetton la the results of intensive labor...
...It has been argued that" the substitution of state ownership of organs of opinion would mean Intellectual stagnation...
...Zt is, however, not to be expected that all small private industries would disappear...
...Cheer Up Hem is good news tor tost portion at top' svatokp* riat which is tooatop: tor a njiwsapil apppjssib : According to fspoyte from Munich, - wernaaap*, am automatic loom Is soon to be throws o« to* asMIM and promises to span the end ef ton^pnusbaantol weaving apparatus and ImildeataBy top few baadp which as* still attending aforesaid -aandpupjebp...
...JBaap the . ruling classes bad oome to reattos that bbe^spowS* of unions, co-operatives sad the polUcel neTrnr of mm* would ultimately result to tbs final 3tjotojRr.,gt mbor and their only efforts were directed towasd peetpnetlng the Inevitable end aa long aa possible , With the stsping of the armistice bstomsa tap werring capitalists came the declaration of war aggtast labor and tote war pas lasted with ppsbatod asry ever Since...
...The considerable reduotton at She ' coal stocks (prbparfly of bard steam ooaU toewadpslvely toe result et greater oxportoi in Map^tMr snowed« teareasa ef TM.OW tops...
...The problematical small Industry, however, win stSl remain "as islands 'la the ocean of great social business.'* "In this as In every other relation, the greatest diversity and possibility of change wtn rule...
...I wish there were seme way jfrntSjur the true story of the Passaie strike borne Epbld who talk about the sanctity of property and gWBgaa of strikers...
...Their have made contributions *HJ*B* blstory, but have so far failed to give it 9tW& precious significance...
...To be sure the "targe agricultural plants would tan with the wage system and be transformed into national, municipal or cooperative businesses...
...displacement of the capitalist industry la the intellectual production ef society by the free unions along this road proceeds the tendency of the proletarian regime ta toe sphere of intellectual production...
...During to* American Civn War, ssgnppps lelniil too phrase: "A rich man's war and % poor map's fight," which, by too- way...
...Many of the small farmers would undoubtedly go Into industry or into large agricultural enterprises In order to secure a, respectable existence...
...As another substitute tor capitalist Industry there wm also be found "free unions" which will serve art and science and the public life and advance production to these spheres in the most diverse waya or undertake them directly'as even today we have countless unions which bring out Plays, publish newspapers, par obese...
...The German miners, who, to the days betes* tongreat slaughter, seat minions of marks to tbetr SbpJF lish brothers to support of strikes like to* gswnapU are now virtually engaged in breaking taa opal SCrtTs...
...Jute, lmen...
...The realism of both Meinong and Russell, in fact, argues Mr...
...Scott, 'is by its nature a breaker-up of the constructive rational order...
...which iss%|niir^^Sjj ravel into to* warp and went of the aba JpPp/*bs9b" The entire mecbaalsan, made ef blm psgjbs ftsbt xm penadpnnd hi eonaUy sustahls far wparinp ostosn, wool...
...The answer is...
...are mercilessly explain ted by his capitalistic concerns...
...But' Tm afraid that if it did Ksehrt^ would Just lie there as the...
...UNDER a labor government, many of the functions now undertaken by middle men would largely be assumed by cooperatives or municipalities...
...The number and artistic quality of public buildings wm greatly increase instead of accumulating statuettes end pictures that wOl be thrown into n great Impersonal market whence they finally find * piece utterly unknown to the artist and she used for wholly unthought of purposes, the artist win work together with the architect as was the case In the Golden Age of art in Athens under Pericles and in the Italian Renaissance...
...gives to eneh one of them its max_ Jlbum Jntfnsityl s|^llasdaAheia , painful memories sf startieular : conflicts, H colors with an intense life all the details of ths composition presented to consciousness...
...f>*IB*atttm have usually confined themselves to renb^g events or describing institutions of a- parnWbfperi Of the world during a particular period...
...Bakeries, milk and vegetable production and the erection of buildings would also fall to cooperatives and municipalities...
...Intuition Agaimt Logic Sn other words, Sorel, in line with Bergson, adopts intuition instead of logic, impulse instead, of reason, as his weapon in the social struggle...
...On the other hand the necessity of producing artistic works tor sale as commodities wm cisss...
...actors, etc...
...i ^^ge^j^^^^j^^^gausanwawawam...
...Yet the attempt is important because singular...
...We have no doubt that I proletarian party does get on top in thin niello will be around trying to get bis foot » door...
...Certainly when he-attacks the corporations for se why feT"Which they hide up their affairs from us iftfWk be Is doing a he-man's Job...
...the most diverse forms et remuneration of labor, fixed wages, tune wages, piece wages,, participation is the economies in raw material, machinery, eta...
...The Small Industry and Socialism Nor will the small industry in business ' completely disappear...
...artistic works, publish writings, fit out setontlnfl expeditions, etc...
...Bergson's delflenflon oi intuition is used as aa annihilation oi [science;, Russell's defease, of impulse h [used sis a method of science...
...Much of the agricultural industry, for instance, .would probably remain private for a lenp time to come...
...Now Jersey...
...Scott is guilty of sn atrocious m islnterpretation of toot...
...Ad the same time tbs monthly output ws* increased to Jwa* by SM,0»e tons...
...Bourbon soil is 1 ¦: • • • ^. : i ¦ OSSateeiman Florello LeGuardia, from New Tork Pupjy sums to aspire to the rather unevlable posltlen t <b» Boadlni of American politics...
...Only the bunting and the hunting, the etroggttnc sad restoring, the sirathHatsd and bates annihilated of the present compsmrve Strsppto are' excluded end ^^^^^^^^ "~ ; 1 tton of intaUectual production ander sylaMsm...
...Tiesdum of education and of sclentUe investigation front the fetters of capitalist dominion...
...The New Leader pregpwhcn the indictments were made that "*eTal wizardry would be invoked P»*»* boys had the'money to pay ftjr te m».* 'Pider'a web to c»tth the P?»aX Marxists' Replies to the Revisionists THE HISTORY OF SOCIALIST THOUGHT By harry w. laidler <Continues* from Last Week) ; Ksutsky en Asrisulturs Under Seoiallsm...
...t and Sinclair were indicted tor some Syjfl deals and some pubficattMis are now.' ggg as to why these sentlemen are not ^HB^frto court...
...angSfeSe etffl nursing bruises And Justifiable ladigSjfi being man-bandied an ever the, lot...
...JiT^j . .>' Omamp todpptrtei - ~ W,W*~™, btkmb topi Waa*.* Stortons...
...1st doctrine expects of the revels* tlenary proletariat.*' Further, in "Reflections on Violence," he adds: - Thanks to these* men, we knew that the general Strike Is indeed what I have saidt ths myth In whleh social lam is wholly comprised, I. a, a body of images cap-SbIs of Invoking instinctively «ft * . ths sentiments 'which' correspond to the different manifestations of the war undertaken by socialism ssslnst modern society...
...It is much more probable that each little farmer would be permitted to work on as he has previously dene...
...American old-line Hp...
...The intellectual worker will breathe more easily...
...Ob fwhw the speeches that bloom In the Spring and PJCh tetnmre real tacts about the inside workings of...
...It the small industry is still able to assert itself in agriculture, this is doe not a little to the fact that it can pump more labor out of its laborers than the great industry...
...Bergsqn will" allow no sacreSgious science to modify his sacrosanct tntuKlonlsm...
...Fraud and Jones today are as sweeping aa Russell in elevating impulse over reason, in truth,- the whole Marxian theory, which endeavors to explain ths ideas of classes ss due to social situations, attests ths superiority of desin oe*sr logic...
...sspti vb4^to» a», whan as the-work ta dene bp ¦¦btewSpT untm ijTsma sJl «b» sutsmsHs merbtnm are mad* ap |»tabpiWi maniilsss sabl sap vietortoaa enptottiatp hasp SsSatoS w^beaa ss*nbsssja T*^^l^sW^lssi^'' ¦ % e**snpnp a^^snpsj aSsv' --v • at ^u^ihi^v^'^i?^ sspsj') itBLn^i Ttniy*' »T * l ^l4nat>| ss>.isb-t» «r^?> ' ssAisis lap .,*«yvl»f»^'-* ^ ssSieji'im ii' " in i '**".'' ii...
...TJp to 1M« Labor was ea the offensive, hare and over there...
...Scott contends Is expressive of the same attitude as is embodied In Bergson's theory of intuition...
...Which puts us right in the class with Hssxican correspondents for the...
...which saved the miners, the strongest and most militant fflilstea of American labor, tote struggle might wen bans become a debacle of the first magnitude, f-v . . j r- RefeentTy the British parliamedn psefsf alUSf fJj>> creasing too hours of to* English miners from seven to eight Mussolini also presented the Italbva workers with an additional hour per...
...mByfe our way to get seme'enlQAment about IQP^ajX j^tuatiog et a meeting at the Civic Club, ¦fipitrss that we understand hardly anything about jjtttuatiop...
...Strikes have engendered In the preletsrist ths noblest, deepest, and meet 1 moving sentiments ' that they possess| the general strike gresps s them all In % coordinated picture, and, by bringing them together...
...the meat diverse forms of the circulation of products, like contracts by purchase from tat warehouses of the stats, from amnlclpantioa, from /Cooperatives ofs production, from producers llisilisstoes etel The same manifold charaebM el sjonponhte mechanism that sxhrtn fsdsp Is possible in a socialistic society...
...When ton lion top sen A with the lamb it is usually wRb The Iamb oaf Oe bi-> side of the Boa aad this Is apactly what bapMed to labor when » went- tote |isiteiisblg wJWr top capitalists "to make to* wprM St far bean is to atos,1p*The capitalists get toe" bar* mlsls and to* fpssn trie*—and we got the flta...
...Such exploitation will cease under n proletarian regime...
...SSfcdnitflt *f second-story men ta unlforhv *** BR s~* small-Umo oonatahnlarj baa spnin dteEgtosd itself by a. gallant ^attack upon a> number Epjmea who were parading ia sympathy wink tbs ¦SfcbsxtOe workers, To show their innate eaftvalKET^-** these women with data until one of them vTRmi to a hospital in a serious condition...
...Ws thus, obtain that intuition of socialism* which language cannot . give us with perfect clearness ¦ : and we obtain it as s whole, per* solved instantaneously...
...I am confident that the-ansgsf eecond question must be the aim of H™*** if they are to exercise their full effect In "ejb«slcpment of human enlightment" Robinson quotes Oswald Spongier** criticism *FMr,Bistorloal approach In that momentuous work, gPDiehne of Western Clvflixation...
...There win be much municipal control...
...fWwmd question is: Bow is it that we now do BWSa...
...m BpBm who are constantly sitting on our necks...
...fseedom of the individual from the jpprssaioa ef exclusive, exhaustive physical labor...
...In tlfls way Mr...
...Nothing Is more false than to represent the socialist society as a simple, rigid mechanism whose wheels, when once set in motion, run on continuously in the same manner...
...not be executed before toe middle ef Angus** . So hero we stand The British cspitelaws asp ¦aping-Hun" eeal to break the strike of their awt* ashlers...
...Callea and jKfjstholica have fallen out, whereas, all of them Mr an about, ths midnight rides of Mrs...
...fetT |av» told how thingf have been rather than "wPJsjr came about...
...Scott Into an entire fear and repudiation of the new psychology...
...There will always be branches in which ths machine cannot compete successfully with hand labor or cannot accomplish what the totter can...
...5 - Among" toe advantapas wf^ ttto iltofl map...
...Scott has totted ta make out of hia thesis the convincing document that his preface premised...
...and, verily,'' * asp tori...
...Spates the .indignation* of an sf ml nhentd |wfpn»t sgainst these dumb oops, but against theiF mnsrs, the mill-own era, whose bidding...
...Bps* ever, was a sloppy piece of reporting it has ¦ft done on this Mexican mess...
...But Freud and the Marxians use this knowledge to aid their science and not deny it...
...Who Lost The War...
...As William McFee, the novelist, pointed out...
...est he is-willing to sit down and find out the'.tender |s»t« hi the corporate body and po after them with his sjtlpd, rather than make speeches and faces, ITJap* what I mean when X say when I 'sing...
...As yet no socialist who Is to be taken seriously has ever demanded that the farmers should be expropriated, or that -their goods should be confiscated...
...come worse, as M etoaftr she a a by fhp,shpg«gajs> at...
...Well more power to hia pen...
...jhr^ldi Professor William Z. Ripley of Harvard jgMetty writes a, piece about our modern, financial Sfigre Wall Street has a fit...
...A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES Our Compliments To the Passaic Police ttBS^ai.nOt'a p«rUooMtr#- ortSUa*.«»»St*# ||^ worfd 6 taB «c oeaJjr oog*a*tod things ut KTi have etonr waters and hte*-tldtag eJoW* - Edppiftr'" and tenement bcsnms add d*e*at acting B5ftos police of ~T*s*min...
...to'painting sad sculpture., requiring Individual production, there will be much private effort...
...In ths stand of Meinong and Russell toward the problem of GegenstondllchkeH—the question of the outness of things—the .author sees the basis of the same destructive philosophy that is embodied in the theory of Borers Syndicalism, in BasselTs realism, for example, we discover an absence of construction and n denial of ardor...
...nax and atlk...
...Hardly one newsMr reader out of ten knows Just why...
...In their advocacy of an illogical and irrational "out-there," the realism of both leads to a social philosophy of a disintegrative character that quickly tarns with favor to syndicalism...
...walkthen tsftabpR*sM«^-v!!^t^*mxsbsfeost itfppv ssap ^¦topm^pbgfj'*1'™* ^sfce) e^^boeb^>¦ •ab»*lr' **""* Ooxmom Mbor ip bsptodt #hp war b«.'4|rpspp.isikpn»r: docrpmodwspmeo* jgg^f^llfti^ BPdJMt toben to rmrtop far Sab any fa ,'iae*sV Italian atosr Is paytep fsp«7iir£r tajr <9UttSt harder, longer and tar torn than it «Bjf fM ltljitV . '., Xaok whore yen wm and to seeny jSWf^|sa|fe| ¦ has beesfatofted aa the^sbsnldate^ Bven to the United Stotas, the ngstry toast'eifectsd by the werU war, the ¦sjgeBas «C labsr has) be...
...The provocative nature oi the contents should certainly inspire response and controversy...
...day and it was only by the" most heroic effort of the organised nsibms of Germany that a legal lengthening of the wusbdaj on railroads was frustrated...
...And the strange dBpbout it is that the professor's articles appear nsp Atlantic Monthly, which ia generally regarded pfpHrt of Potters' Field for the decaying New Kng{gf^bsBec&uals...
...Scott is less astute to his interpretation...
...Since mi It has bean en toe defensive' everywhere...
...and demands, so that a rational1 order can be constructed for their expression...
...Russell's recognition of Impulse as more Important than desire, and conjoining It with the intuitioniam of Bergson, Mr...
...Just as little as the needle and thimble, wm brush and paOetto, or ink and pen belong to these means of production which must under all conditions be socialised...
...Socialists, however, do not propose* centralisation of these organs of opinion in ths hands of the State...
...Br all, there must be lots of human Interest and ¦S,th such momentuous events as are taking place Hfexico...
...teal as we feel, and know what we nnowr M« novel inquiry which fills,the orthodox with "Mnnstion...
...Just handing: out official statements, hi jjEh one aide denounces the other, Is not our idea of Ms reporting...
...Russell's exaltation of impulse ever desire: "lateen* Is at the beew sf ear aettv My amah stare thee dean* . . . "sweet tsspmlse is wan* ¦nits as...
...But we may be sure that some fanners would always remain with their own family, or at the most with one assistant or maid that win be reckoned as part of the family, and would continue their little industry.' . . The ^proletarian governmental power would have absolutely no Inclination to take over such little businesses...
...When we remember that up to ltM Tegtahtften tor' the protection ef labor was an ta the dtrsetlaa et* ¦ shorter win alas says to these countries these rseent A.*- sei iosfii1-fmmy nkeetratsiir '*f-tisa*>dsss*e^dsn> bosses love their native lobar and bow as sin lis absy are to make their respective) gam* ¦reparses St far heroes to ttvp in, hi costs tried to ton foUowtep tahan from the Utarary TMgost ef August 14: "The coal atoeks at the pH~heeds- hi Germany sSJeM ¦nod to stow "larger from month to month bar* dtVmlniahed since the beplnnmg of the JgapSSh *npJ • strike by about «»OO.o*e tons, or M^pereapt...
...jM#wo gave mversAJoud cheers when wo read the MM by James Harvey Robinson, who is himself no #sm as a historian, in the August issue...
...As a result of the abolition of militarism, the reduction of taxation, the growth of selfgovernment, the Improvement ' of schools and roads, the lowering of mortgage burdens, etc the'demand for agricultural products on the pari of the workers would furthermore be increased...
...We can ask two quite ••¦St questions in regard to the past: 'What haa *tM»el here and there from time to timer To an^Mttah was the aim of former historians...
...To Bs Continued Next Week) Critical Cruisings (Continued from page It) ef toe proletariat only, hind em and retards...
...W¥ top Sot Tune, son unpublished, wm probably gspppps to* May exports by another ttopoo tons...
...The struggle against the open' Shop drive waa a defensive war pure and simple, and bad St not been tor toe lucky shopmen's strtoe...
...Is bat a variation: of The eld world saying: "When nobles war toe layiwiilis take the beating...
...the membership at bmdes aatona . i, - . ; # '. Tor a century preceding the cntbreab ef Jaa wpeS tlen of tebor'te every inidern eountrn sujss/j^bat surely labor was com lag into its own...
...The Mast that a proletarian regime can do Is so to adjust the educational system that "each genius win have within his reach aS the knowledge that.the serial educational system has at its dlsposaL" It wm free scientists and educators from the present class domination bp the capitalist class which so Ae^tsmtgwl* toss science...
...So, if you fellows listen to Adam yea sthetb* pssaw ver of the patriots not only with a grata of send, bat with a whole sand bank...
...Aatotpatto bad gas-coal are a* scarce at present that the new orders .nan...
...f. ,.v ^ The eagerness for violence on the part of Sorel unfortunately frightens Mr...
...It is the superiority of impulse over desire, of emotion over intellect, that the author notes as the underlying similarity not only in the philosophy of Bergson, Russell and Meinong, but also In the doctrines of Sorel and the tenets of Syndicalism...
...It would at the same time encourage the formation of farmers* cooperatives and societies., "Bo here the private industry would eon' ttnually recede before the social, and the latter would finally transform the agricultural industry itself and permit the development of such industries through the cooperative or municipal cooperative into one great social industry...
...By a wave of K baud be magically transforms himself from a ad Farmer-Laborite into a stand-pat Refao Is going to endorse Calvin Ixaak Walro and Senator Jimmy Wad •worth, those h proletarians...
...The farmers will combine their possessions and operate them In com-1 mbn, especially when they see how the social operation of the expropriated great -industry proves that with tbs same expenditure of labor perceptibly more can be produced or that with the same number of products the laborers can be granted more leisure than la possible in the small industry...
...Jto other dap we gave vent to some profound AjSmtts about history as she is wrote and ventured SjfcAWtion that we could stand a lot more of the jBSP m>otai and economic history that comes from IJBf of such scholars as Oneal, Beard'and Simons...
...Through these alone, all uniformity and every domination of the intellectual life by central power is excluded...
...The attitudes of ths two are antithetical and not similar...

Vol. 3 • August 1926 • No. 33

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