The Miners Struggle By Morris Hillquit ^jtk the** hectic days of ours, aaw * M *»* otartlrng atruattoaa arise ooa- stanuy. tho war sad the peat war vol*ssfapa>sal/ bare tfcrowa um world wide...

...Tho usual pica made by the owners Is that fruit and vegetables ripen rapidly and that unless they are allowed to work...
...the* at rastteharo th* subway* te tha people ana their | operation tor their benefit, . j| FARRINGTON HAS RIVAL FOR ILLINOIS PRESIDENCY hbrrxn, til—president frank far* ringten of th* blineu 'tern* wait*)*/, who announced hi*" candidacy tap'xg* . election before leaving for rturop...
...The employment branches function under different names so that the worker who answers the bifad ad in the local paper thinks he is being Jaaea oa by the...
...tho war sad the peat war vol*ssfapa>sal/ bare tfcrowa um world wide open aad hare bared and accentuated its political, social and economic maladjustments^ its sharp aatsjoav 'team and lolonnsss...
...From an address at the Crete Club, N. Y. C. August IS, MM... man was puzzled...
...few organised workers would stand for,, and the sanitary conditions are In...
...Clara Johnson, a young Sagamore school teacher who has been organizing women's auxiliaries among...
...Since the' city has invested many more millions in the undertaking...
...f»n> 10«j strbm^bt^g n^m*ii^gaS^yrar>r" * ef*Ibz^ad'fa lSnwmrhV* tmth^^E 1km dollar ««1na*rlmt staft" haw adopted th* latest frills far oaattfi the attention af employers, has mbj auction swglu soring department aggj| out stacks of basetx**, nrnflflsslbj Sj parts aad tpetlal atadles aa .aaajbs caatsatlon a^taaa...
...a strike of cannery employes or th* cannery being destroyed by fine the operators aro not obligated to take the farmers' crop...* near administration: Is slowly coming to~a realization of its peril and stand are net wanting that a change IS keantaaat...
...The subway* and the 'X" were consolidated into- one system...
...netted the farmer less than 4 cents...
...When finally the city wok* up and began planning an elaborate system of transportation, the city waa saddled with that most grotesque combination of ignorance and demagogy known aa the Hylan regime...
...mouth, england...
...The working conditions are such as...
...A general wag* «A taato wonfg inevitably aa followed by a -sbsattar movement tkoaasbnanV safnda...
...manufacturers reoocd, -beaapa world, while his apat-w*aftt|ejjttgd men spepk at ma*s^tou«t^^aav many sherman executives, aasa'g| a. r. maedoaam aad Tobias p. mm hay have sot, ap lndap*ndsnthjr at sm spy-furnishing auslusgs...
...A. F. L. Heads Visit Coolidge Green Says Federation Opposes U. S. Mediation Plan for Coal Industry PAUL SMITHS, n. Y.—Organised labor 1* not friendly to th* Idea of extending the Rail Mediation Board method of settling disputes to other industries...
...their employes' sixteen hours a day, there will be a heavy loss to themselves and tho farmers, - This plea is about 100 per oent bunk...
...a»5 drastic .raateehtsn- at m^ltm...
...wo know his to be a,falsehood perpetrated to hid tho Iniquitous War of the eeal barons...
...a as a frsteaazt...
...Yet tho mine owners mast have their profits, their luxuries and wealth...
...The corporation claims, clients in tS states with, more than 5* industries, in addition to railroads, represented in the list of users of Its undercover service...
...Within tho tost tow years many grave _ international grievances have boon aired, many good International causes have been pleaded before tho Moral and progressive public of america...
...There Is but one answer which tho workers and sN fair-minded, liberty Joying people of the United States pan make to Mr...
...aad the scheme became a means of a big financing and stock gamble with the result that the/street railway system was wrecked 'and the subway system barely escaped a receivership^ hstarloek^ay Tteseo...
...This tends to make tho operators work two shifts of eight hours' each instead of one shift working fourteen or sixteen houj-s...
...but he sold nothing till he got hig second statement with two dollars more checked off for "protecting the eows.'' i "say, mister, where are those cower" he asked one of the company guards...
...The farmers are told by the operators when to commence harvesting the vegetables- and the weather dictates the time to stop...
...Pray think of the sham* you are handing Down to your dear little ones, j Do you not know, poor minor...
...Th* products of tho New York canneries sr* sold all aver the country, Including tionlsiana aad California...
...wlnsk artsr arms unfair chicaqo^-tbe winchester beadajb lag arm* ce...
...wtth shoes following aad metei txades awWiag...
...So no more love for theav They had a long walk home...
...ft knows f*s j wall th* perils at such a step: se audi ^ we may be prepared far* ghana...
...The capitalists spread chaos In the industrial life of the world...
...their wives aad children, to shield them from starvation...
...there were no eows about aa faf as he could see...
...The Subway Builders' Risk How New York Transit Muddle Was Stared By Leon A. Malkiel THE Municipal Government of New Tork la the most complicated of . , say In the country except, perhaps, that of tho United States...
...But they didn't get very far...
...This ¦did not include tho cost of the tin can...
...In (he rail board, the President ot the Vnltod States appoints th* five members...
...It la this: "You say to us the children of the British miners do not starve...
...They know If you'd betray your brothers / You'd surely do them a great wrong...
...tai—qriovattanjl meat...
...The labor cost of canning peas, including the labeling of the cans, packing the cans in eases/ind loading in box cars, was one-half a cent per can, making a total ot one and one-fourth cents for the peas and labor pf canning for a can of peas that retailed for 15 and 18 cents each...
...One of Sherman's specialties i* the Introduction of-company unions...
...Green and members of the A. F. ot i...
...No objections have been raised to the canneries working two or three shifts a day if the operators so desire... Tho great* area at tho oaaltalut* of aa European isjaslilm ara *» eknv hvod...
...ssWei M%BS' IMgj , sew* ae osatx^tieajr ard tmmi^S v^^^^^ tf^aaL m iaoo-thi a> tgw fairs at tar hi bnarauuf barrios, srbT fwmbls lad) lsw« year r iw* takaa rfh* aufb) ja*«gesn oerpv with mam* steiisl ta w*w tarn <pr*etor stj, fkhiggi Jm * tasamg st^bt xoujs (u4 ;jjf...
...1 and tlnty started on the Job...
...Tho whom national existence of tho country is based on Its rich coal deposits...
...they are operated at capacity, and to maintain output...
...As private proprietors of thhj vital national asset, accountable to nobody, the British mine owners have fen years mismanaged their "properties...
...natl mutual Service of the-Natl...
...The railroad companies are particularly profitable clients, one having been known to use SO Sherman operatives in one year at a cost of 1300,000—a maximum rata of too* per month f*r an 'operative or approximately $30 a day...
...Go, iMMlt «lk Milt^^H •f Philadelphia—ee well at Ami r-mtm 8«iar Refining Co...
...Millions of dollars vanished under the guise of construction exponas and other fictions...
...Th* export is great, tho peas canned in new York being sold la Japan...
...bjesgaas ta btaaasah produetlsn...
...the farmers take the loss, and if the operators give the orders to commence harvesting before the vegetables are ripe, the farmer has a Small yield for his labor...
...Especially is this true of beans and peas...
...we do not believe you, but to the extent that it lies within our power, we shall see to it that they shaujfc...
...the element of government supervision tn the fail plan seemed objectionable...
...Oa the other hand, if th* farmer shows signs of not going through with the contract, which he signed, the operators are empowered by tho contract to cultivate the number of acres, on the farm called for in the contract, take th* crop and gtve the farmer tho difference between the cost of cultivating and harvesting and the price agseed upon in the contract between tho grower and th* canning company...
...Is thus everywhere...
...Investigation* a»*de by £b*^ritsr*1»hbwa« thai' canned peas which retailed for IS and IS cents a can contained peas for which the farmer received threefourths of a cent, and peas that sold for S6 cents a can...
...v* tsictif* workers stwka , rochester, n. b>-wban the U workers of the carding department at 'wyandotte worsted co...
...Toronto (10 adelalda Bt e...
...Another investigation showed a cannery making an estimated profit (based on Income tax returns) of $117,500 In a year, employing an average of S78 adults and children eleven weeks in the year...
...William Green, president American Federation of Xaabor, indicated at a conference with- newspaper men after luncheon with President Coolldgw...
...All that Is asked Is that 4ft hours shall be the maximum time any employe shall be worked in any week and that no employe shall bo compelled to work more than eight hours in any twenty-four hours...
...philadelphia utu CheaUrat St...
...The Controller has sounded aa alarm and the press te full af aaakasa aad interviews shewing that that city cannot operate th* a**/ subway ea 'a S-cent fare...
...He' spoke of their "Invisible and unobtrusive service" which would pay th* client to Install...
...traaaa union nsngris* at r*a*a*a...
...eonolcta... unfair ta tae.htabm polishers oaten...
...f , the guard chuckled...
...M par oent at th* unionists affiliated wiafthe* A. p. of ware- unemployed at piss sub the texts* and soft coal industries are most aaasaaasd...
...j the non-union man at . new town got their first pay statement, he noticed that two dollars had been checked off far "protecting th* cows," ( the...
...wat" have was...
...Immense profits aro made...
...delegate from the * mart ran la**as*jsr of labor...
...The profits did not Include those made 09' the cans...
...Tho British coal minors do not appeal to as at this time tor direct aid to their strike...
...The company will not keep you long...
...The farmers stand'to lose in the event of a strike, therefore uses his influence against cannery employes .organizing...
...chorus why not* why nott why hot turn back today...
...The main reason for opposing the eight-hour-day is because a reduction of the working hours will mean an increase^ la wages and a reduction of profits., California appears to be the only state where,, the canhjerye^rafors have not been able to bluff...
...The cost of their mismanagement must be taken out from the bodies of the exploited mine work-' era, from the bread rations of their wives and children...
...These cans are made by the American Cab Company and a profit Is made by that company In manufacturing the empty cans...
...Wisconsin follows...
...executive board mteabers, aa -a ihet in the referendum election dee...
...cleveiaad (park rttg...
...An investigation showed one, cannery engaged In canning peas and beans which paid an Income tax tn March, 1926, of 115,500...
...Thus th* new administration found itself lit the midst ot eanatfuetiaa of a now subway system which it could not operate without a-serious lees aad aa money to do the same unless a 10-ceat fare was established, which weald mean political suicide...
...the canneries all over the country...
...In getting the raw material, the canneries do not indulge in guesswork...
...Baldwin, England's tory prime minister, has thought it proper to assure the American public that tho families of the .coal miners aro not starving...
...cfirat jfatt sank rutg...
...i "cows," ho said, "why you follows aro the sows and the company is mhking you...
...Butthe temptation to use it for enrichment of the few was too great...
...The contract for placement *f operatives Is cancellable oa SO days' notice...
...These two roads have been leaders in establishing company unions...
...VS^^k iioaaa bag or taam.v.: - ^ AB smile* for...
...The fact that the wrongs of fa* old system could be corrected without conceiving this monstrosity was af no consequence, for tho controlling motive was not the interest or the convenience of the people, but the Interests and desires^mr the** who rated th* city...
...They will curse you for working some day...
...They aro theirs and the people of Great Britain must pay them tribute or go without coal, without work or moans of life...
...Contracts are made with farmers to grow acreage of vegetables, or the output of the orchard's entire crop is contracted for in advance of the growing season...
...The work in the canneries .being seasonal and limited to twelve weeks in the year at most, the workers are, therefore, .unorganised...
...opaa bhep gams, tmn plans, unions ta specific lagaatrgjl 8h«rmaa hfanself writes for •aatsbb Bka printers ink...
...this, however...
...H Js just as Indispensable to tho life of the people... make a "preliminary survey...
...That of transportation 'hi perhaps the* most Important, certainly the most pressing...
...When the first subway was completed it took years totoro even an attempt was msde to expand it...
...This cannery employed less than 400 men, 'women and children an average- ot twelve weeks in the year...
...Ita problems_ox* many and difficult...* soaas lp> ep.taan...
...White ' Dental Co* ftparrj Oyreeeepe Oe^S Illinois Stool Oo, Stool oV Tab* Co, of America, a numbor of Pateresn oilk firmo ana the millo reaee^H aontod In tho Now ¦edfora' MfM^H Aaan, particularly thooo unoer control of Sonoter William ajBH Butler, now running for olooologM and requeating tho votoa of aphjgjB upon ttxtilo workora in that atajflPJ Sherman operative* follow tho aaflgfl trasd "»e held the hlgheet pastnSJ is aab aanaas, ' thar have bag* M «av*reg ta aaab strttes as taa aki ¦tittsdlmj...
...They ask as cb help provide some food for...
...Take 'em oat or w* dull" the saw and hammer men told...
...In spit* of careful guarding" of . clients' names, it is known that during the past few years Sherman users have included Kirsehbaam Clothing Co, Klets Silk Co* Bell Telephone Co, Standard ReHer •oaring Co, Philadelphia tRk Mftg...
...But it is safe to assert that none has made such an overwhelming appeal as tho cause, ot the striking British miners...
...The operatoi dictates the dockage...
...The canning, machines ot a modern cannery are not sold to canning companies, but are leased on a royalty basis, the owner being paid a royalty bn th* output of the machines...
...Another profit that was not considered in the Investigation, is tho one made by the owners of he machines in the cannery...
...No one has tried to limit the time that tho canneries shall >• operated...
...This state employs over 11,000, exclusive of the farm workers who provide th* raw material...
...Uks a glaring torch light hold out to tho whole world tho coal situation in Great Britain Illuminates tho flagrant absnrditie* end erring iniquities of our entire social system...
...ea* *t a...
...Women and children employed**^ canneries from twelve to sixteen Jiotirs a day eannot 'produce sanitary food for the consumers, and It is time that tho organized workers who consume canned fruit and vegetables were taking cognisance of this fast . Now York is not the, only state where tho anions and legislators have been hoaxed by cannery operators Into waiving shorter work day...
...All over the country, as a general rule, the contracts^hotween the farmers and the canneries have a'clause which reads that In the event Of...
...bnaad "to a ssnater at akhj nilnona legislature...
...That state has a minimum wage law for women, and while the Industrial Commission allows tho canneries to work women and children more than eight hours, it fixes tho wages paid for overtime at time, and one-quarter for all time worked over eight hours to the twelfth hour, and double time for all time -worked over twelve hours... repeats a tho paBfir adapted by the 4. P. at i* at th* abut saavaatlsw taat-ersjaaiaad The Spy Industry ^ ean-sa^^i jfe-cj*aa*a* VrVti 1 sai ***** 'j...
...This will give an idea of the low labor coat of canning...
...By the time one line was completed the demand exceeded its facilities...
...Coolldg* chose fear oat of five from, decidedly anti-labor ranks...
...A Sherman salesman calling cm a prospective client in New York told...
...It is surprising that the labor lobby at Albany.should have agreed to such a proposition...
...Baldwin has frankly atom***ah sjl unguarded moment- . v'-'v...
...The administration suggestion that the anthracite coat Industry nave an appointed board similar to the Rail Mediation Board set up by th* Watsen-Parker act is aot looked oa with favor by the A. T. of L_, Green and 'other executive council members said informally... isllaialit that...
...There is always an over-supply of workers seeking employment at tho canneries, during the canning season-^' ' - - 1 Last sunimer the writer had an opportunity to make a thorough investigation -of the conditions, work and wages of cannery employes and found a .state of affairs equal to all the evils of tho sweating system...
...In one instance of where women working in a cannesy made a request for an increase in wages of SO cents a day, which was refused, the iacreae, had it been granted, would have added to the labor cost of canning vegetables only one-twentieth of a cent per can...
...the miners families all summer, wrote the above song and others for use la the strike...
...control was acquired of th* street railway system with universal transfers and a plan of the street railway system becoming a feeder of the rapid transit lines of the subway and "I*" using th* street lines for short .run* while the ethers wore te be fast trunk 41nes...
...t| wuh"the "id *° *" sadk ajsjshmfc system...
...why net* why net...
...of B»—1«„ T' American Woolen Co, ft...
...building trade* nam kept up...
...When th* bill for the shorter work j week for women aad children comes before th* next legislature at Albany, it is to be hoped that the workers wtfi haaa enough representatives there with sufficient stamina to -pot over a bfll that includes the workers in th* ftaanerlM...
...The workers pay the price tor their incompetence...
...why not turn back today...
...What' do you hope, dear miner...
...Hs suggested that a Sherman spy be pat in the plant for a weak as a try-Cut...
...syndicate, which at* th* *aa» pfoymeat departments ot bhermaa service...
...Tho operators see to it that the farmer never brings more raw material to th« canneries than th* plant can eonlurh< before spoiling, and the farmer onlj gets paid' for what ho delivers to the cannery, minus dockage...
...Do you not know, dear brother, Tho shame of this thing you have done...
...1 When the first subway waa built the capitalists, those who claim to bo entitled to great profits by reason of their "risks," refused to take any risk...
...To spite his political enemies, Hylan conceived the idea of building a subway system separate and distinct from the old oa*, also owned by the city, necessitating the payment of double far* by those living on the route of tho new system it they should desire to reach a point on the old.- He was determined that th* city cat Its own hose to spite it* face...
...They are theirs to do with as they please...
...The subway question became a vehicle for manipulating votes and was kept In that position until Hylan and his cronies were driven out...
...The coal In the trowels of the earth Is sa organic and physical part of the country as the earth Itself, as the streams ot water, as tho sir...
...Jim drove them to Shaft No...
...wbt aad eaftajg the ajmda probtem...
...The-New York, New Haven de Hartford and Pennsylvania are two that have made use of Sherman operatives In liquidatatlng labor unions...
...K* t it is not faneeivabio that taauaerrn will fan late tho trap...
...Therefore, the corporation which leased the machines had a profit from the operation of the cannery and from -the labor ot the employes over and above the profits made by the operators ot the canneries investigated...
...The sum total of-It all is the enrichment of real estate speculators and the exhaustion of the city's borrowing capacity: tho congestion is worse than ever...
...tjgj other British fhdnatrfsa WSB aa.te* next object of capitalist attack...
...national and international oppressions are more shameless and undisguised and oa the other hand the struggles tor human liberty and social justice aro more determined than ever...
...Tho industry is conducted without plan or co-ordination, without sense or reason in the moat wasteful and chaotic manner...
...executive council stopped "to pay their respects" to the President la hi* summer camp while on their way to th* quarterly executive meeting la Montreal...
...Th* boss grumbled, but he gave la at test No work tor the scabs, aa more use for them...
...During an that time no serious attempt was made to build subways nor even to finish those already constructed under plans formerly authorised...
...At the gam* addresses are its employment offices for...
...carders gat «? NOBODY LOVES A SCAB Songs and Stories From Struck Coal Fields of Pennsylvania By Art Shields ^?t»bbb wai/'*nr Wi mimt y*Aa»By |»^»a*^J*^b a^d*wa^^^5?i^^ d^ed^la...
...It has been more difficult by th* continual bundling of many administrations...
...Furthermore, hag r taga at the board are secret...
...not starve...
...And .yet a 'smalt group of individuals are permitted to claim and exercise exclusive ownership of tho vital product which tho merciful forces ot nature have created in unceasing work over hundreds a. j. cook loader of british miners of thousands of years...
...many cases abominable...
...On account of your children, you say...
...m. farringtoa win attend the rrhsak...
...In making the contract for operation provision was made for amortising the cost of construction, but the division of' profits was made on a basis of net profits instead of gross receipts...
...hiring of industrial spies or operatives...
...One of tho songs sung by the Sagamore choir of union miners and their families to scabs is as fallows: Tune—"Why Nott" You're going to work,' dear brother...
...Financiers herve given th* hint that they would be on wining te land the city any money unless a sound financier- sehitfcm sa- found...
...New York is the greatest canning state la th* country, employing over ll.OOO people in that industry...
...Tho mine "owners" treat the coal deposits of their country In tho same irresponsible way as they would a pair of shoes or a pocket knife...
...Before the bill was killed, representatives ot organized labor at Att>asa ragreed r.wl th -the com-' mittee ot tho legislature, which bad the bill under consideration, that the bin be amended so aa not to include women and children employed In • tho fruit and vegetable canneries of the state...
...areea indicated to Coohdge and reporter* that mber conditions are fait...
...Just what amount of fruit or vegetables to expect for canning, and it is Very rare that the canneries contract for more than tho capacity of their .plants...
...Canning Men and Women What Goes Into the Canned Food You Eat By James D. Graham ORGANIZED labor of New York had a bill before the last session of the legislature to make .49 hours the legal work week for women aad children...
...In the industrial) kingdom ot Croat Britain coal is tap breath of life to the forty million human beings who inhabit the small Island...
...they can be operated every hour oi the day if desired... dercutting sherman...
...The canneries in this way know before hand, climatic conditions being favorable...
...Tho wages la the canneries of New Tork and roost other states are outrageously low, and tho only way that those employed can make a living wage Is by working twelve and sixteen hours a'day...
...baeed of rerrtn...
...Finally it became the football of politics...
...sawon tn, MHk st...
...V ' a good plan: and perfectly feasible...
...They could not see any profit in it...
...Several carpenters agio had been making repairs la tho shaft saw th* scabs stoning...
...When the Interborough took over operation it* leading spirits conceived a grandiose plan of unified- transportation that showed a vision worthy of better fate...
...the echoes opthe gigantic struggles which shako the distracted om countries ot europe .roach as hero in tho calmer and more fortunate" par of tho world with increasing frequency aad resonance...
...Planless production so characteristic of an capitalist undertakings Of the old order ruled supreme in this matter...
...With the lessees doing the bookkeeping and in full charge of expenditures, naturally there never was and and there never, will be any profit for tho city, altho the original syndicate paid big dividends to its stockholders...
...No comprehensive plan was made...
...aa th* financiers aro interested la the Interborough aad th* r. hf- t. systems, whoa* secnrltio* are rn the vsortte of an the financial institutions of th* *sbr^ the movement has talma an a shastspt a drive towards a 10-cont fare...
...Then the city, at an expense of SA-mlllion dollars, bUUt tho first subway and presented it on a golden platter to the Belmont syndicate for exploitation...
...Th* anion officials said they believed th* idea "Impracticable" for other industries...
...him that the company had done ever $25,000,000 Worth of business tn th* last few years...
...athtota agar Bos£B$sj wsh- s^tegg^sBa they immTS SSSf mm...
...Oh, please turn back, dear miner...
...local « snniwjgoat...
...struck far f* mar* pay par wee*, ah* aitit abut dewa, throwing the ****•# JkVA» works** oat of jabs...
...This syndicate Invested five million dollars, for equipment and proceeded to milk the subway...
...To gain by spoiling oar traddT V*% Oh, after tad strike la settled . j » You will have no work, I'm afraid...
...wrta beg divblewds ta original owners of the 1 "L" and other lines placed an enormous fixed charge on the system which it could not bear...
...Alkd- 1st the workers of tho United bulaa not deceive theaaselves —' u» th* Page -ds cheapened labor aad' uuiufiingliaai throughout the world they would net bo able to maintain their, comparatively favorable standards far,any jgagth of time...

Vol. 3 • August 1926 • No. 33

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