Gomez Robs Venezuela For Own Enrichment, Labor Union Reveals |m unbridled manner in which V Oom«, virtually dictator of Mfc;Tsoaauels, » plundering- the |apIth,of the country for the...
...He contrived to plunder Venezuela with his customary procedure, and suggested the scheme to his henchmen in Congress...
...In spite of all of thelr fprts not a single one of those nomiW** °a their slate was elected...
...Then rising, he-called upon the court attendants to brine...
...6) The abolition of unfair taxes and the introduction: of a progressive property tsx...
...distinguished for their intelligence, their social and economic tenure, tells Himself Big Estate "By consent of the National Congress it had been resolved that Juan Vicente Gomes might purchase for the sum of seventeen million bolivars the estates known as 'HStoa de El Caura,' consisting of more then one hundred square leagues along the Orinoco...
...J "For the present, we shall call to your attention only one matter of recent occurrence, which pictures is masterly style the ambition of the tyrant and the malleable and elastic fashion in which he has struck terror Into the hearts of men...
...L International Jew1 . eiry Workers' Union, of this city...
...Another unlaw man who stood nearby told of sarins' a knits in "Doggie's" hand and that in the general melee Thippla" stmbur at Gordon, struck his pad...
...3) Ths popular control.of diplomacy, " "Economies "(1) The establishment of freedom of association, the right to strike and collective bargaining...
...This tjftnlzation dalve has in view the wnination' of aS of these evils and the Jfcrhig of working conditions throughout the trade back where they were In llU...
...Leon PJMams...
...7) The abolition of the .consumption tax and the tariff on articles, of dally -necessity...
...in order that in the near future OP banner of protest may fly under a pferable American sky...
...1, S. «Baardsley, Albert Doebrlch...
...that magnanimous souls Kr.be moved to come to the help of See who have the duty and the most ¦elded purpose to cut a path' toward m light through the Jungle of social vjTWe wish to count upon the material get moraf support of those for whom jib-lot Ism is a noble and vibrant matis...
...the clvlIfsm worst...
...5) National guarantees against false charges and unjustified detention...
...It' was accepted without objection, with the enthusiastic approbation of persons who, through fear or effrontery, sanctioned and continue to sanction the monstrosities of this man who haa given a free hand, without precautions snd to their huge advantage, to the dangerous magnates of Imperialistic countries...
...Judge Nova, commended the Jurors, telling them they had-dons the only thing...
...The measures which he puts into practice have a generous range—from Impudent offers for valuable property all the way to arrant bullying...
...With, a large number of Japanese tenant farmers, driven 'to riot by high conditions, as reported in recent Tokyo dispatches, the above program is likely to have strong appeal to the suffering masses and may prove to be quite "dangerous" to ths Japanese ruling class...
...VMVsneiuela has no lack of lofty, erejp0*l* among the peoples of Amer&s£.ahe has a .right to a patent of Zar, and it Is with reason that she dSmds to all republics for moral and ¦jattrll aid...
...Cohen, The Jurors remained to u>ii|ieliiaa|sj the defendant and to show their complete sympathy...
...executive board, JRfcBk Bremer, Albert Doebrlch, Joseph W^ttls...
...into the court ream William Borfmen, one of the owners of the laundry, which is Involved in a sixteen weeks' struggle with its former drivers for recognition of the Union, the com plaining watness, Cohen, and two of his pals...
...The •"•wing is a list of the officers -fjftmldent, Leon Williams...
...A big mass meeting for alt, Jew shy 'workers is planned during- the month of September...
...And 'yet, when he first came into power he was a man of very mod•st fortune...
...The story of the defense was that tJerdenT whis jili UllsbV waa attacked by Cohen and about 1* other gangsters under the Iss sarshhj of a guerrilla known aa Little Dopgie Ginsberg, and that be and Glaser, who was on the picket 'line with him, defended themselves alone and nnaiuisd against the attack...
...Raps Strike Gunmen day tathl to which David Wirgbk., a member of the Laundry Drivers' Union, wa* the defendant under the e*enssfton of having stabbed Irving Cohen, while en the picket line ontslds of the Erasmus Laundry...
...possible under ths circumstances...
...There is now in South .jjaarioa a people in grief under the St, .of governmental...
...5) The provision of public assistance for persons (and families) who are destitute by reason of disability, conscription or the death of the wageearner of, the family...
...These Gomel acquired for the ridiculous sum of three hundred thousand boilvars...
...The Political Division of the General Federation of Japanese Labor took a prominent part in forming the new party and insisted that nobody known to belong to Communist,or near-Communist, bodies should be admitted...
...ePJ** will begin an Intensive campaign If organization among the workers in be trade in this city during...
...Jeuates to District Council No...
...5) The' establishment of the eighthour day...
...Hunan dignity, a well-conceived Americanism, and the most elemental Jjrtschjfis of solidarity constrain every msntry not to regard with continued iaaUBneuoe the brutal capers of Juan Vicente Gmass...
...imprlsonement or death Is current coin...
...viceJesJdent, Joseph Smith...
...Ton can't break strikes with such disreputable- persons...
...I knew who these men are...
...short-lived labor party...
...This group held a number ijj erparate meetings, as is their yemiary method, Issued literature in 8* ¦nape of throwaway cards and •*I«U attacking the officials of the ••1, and carried on a campaign of mm and lies...
...S. B. Beardsley...
...Ths jgtou, founded in December of 1928, is iBMted with ths Federation or Pnnpbavican Workers...
...v*lt is a disgrace to America that there can be found anywhere such acta st the isagnltude of those which successively occur In Venezuela with the knowledge and sanction of...
...Pointing hia finger directly at Dorfman, Judge Nova said: . "I know these men supposed to be working tor you...
...The program of the Rodo-Nomin-To, as given out by the International Labor Office ¦ of the League of Nations in Geneva, is as follows: "(1) Taking into consideration the special national characteristics of our country, we are determined completely to emancipate, politically, economically and socially, our proletarian classes...
...Politics "(1) The securing' of unrestricted universal suffrage (the right of men and women over twenty years of age to be elected...
...Elections for officers, members of fas Executive Board and delegates to B» (various central bodies, held on dejuet 12, resulted in a complete tjnery over the opposition candidates fjoitnated by the caucuses of the enununist group within the organlWon...
...delegates to United Hebrew W*m, Ruben Schwartz and Joseph :9* the future the meetings of the g*l wiB be held as follows: Second ¦jteiday of each month in Room 611, #»*I Building, 63 Park Row, New W City, at 6 p. m~ and on the fourth W^bday of each month in Hotel Hall, 131 West Flfty-flrst gmt, between Sixth and Seventh aveWm New Tork City, at 6 p. m. All ggffjbats of the local are urged to atB** *hese meetings and to urge all gh-ttnlon workers In the trade to pet ¦e the union and there prepare to nnlaate the Intolerable working conVoas that ezlst throughout the Jewfly trade in this city...
...This move apparently suited the government police officials, as no attempt was made to interfere with the organization, or functioning, of the party...
...3) The abolition of restrictions on the education of women and their admissions to professions...
...Judge Nova concluded his 1 ¦mains with the consent of the district atter...
...6) The amendment of the Factory Act "Social Conditions • I "(1) The abolition of discrimination as regards women In public and private law...
...2) The amendment or repeal of all repressive laws which obstruct proletarian movements...
...2) We are determined to reform by legitimate means the present unfair conditions with regard to land, production and the distribution of wealth...
...The grand Jurors had Just filed into their seats to present ths newly found indictments...
...2) The prohibition of the traffic in Women...
...ConSflons in the trade .are at the present ttn* very bad, piece work, home work eat various other evils having develeJH during the.'past few years...
...I •(«) The prohibition of night work, underground work and other dangerous work for women snd young persons...
...All are-urged thatch out for the date and place of PB mass meeting in the month of japan workers build labor party New Election jLaw, Enfranchising Workers May Bring Radicals Into Diet ONE of the results of the next general elections in Japan under the new law extending the suffrage to many millions of small'farmers and industrial workers Is likely to be the winning of a good-sized' block of seats in the Chamber of Deputies by the Rodo-Nomin-To (Labor Farmer Party), formally launched In Osaka on March E. The labor and peasant delegates at the founding convention represented organizations with about 125,000 members, and since the forming of local party units was begun on April 10 many thousands of workers and farmers are reported to have Joined up...
...The chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the RodoNomin-To is Motojlro Sugiyana, president of the Japanese Farmers' Union and one of the twenty-six members of that committee is Professor I boo Abe of Waseda University, who was president of the...
...Franklin avenue, Brooklyn...
...The Jury retired after an extraordinary charge by Judge Nova fa> the course of which he emphasised the right of working men to organise and iri 4 few m»*tes/ the Jury returned with a verdict- of not guilty...
...that all humankind may ¦sir our cry...
...They are gangsters...
...of December last...
...Bearing in mind the attitude'of the Japanese Government, which' is dreadfully fearful of "dangerous thoughts,'' and which seised upon the - Communist bogey as' a pretext immediately to dissolve the labor party organised ' la Tokyo, Dec 1, 1925, the organisers of the Rodo-Nomin-To took pains to declare that no "Left Wing" union elements or Communists would be allowed in the new organization...
...The worker was ispsmsutsd by Charles Solomon...
...their iCsesre raised for help, but for every rjmfliat ventures to speak against the J£ppy, there is sudden seizure, the §Mio{ chains and seclusion in some ' {bbbsP...
...jSppr letter follows: Epddng tor .granted your passion C*fHi liberty of all peoples, we of _E.Venezuelan Labor Union have reaanse to your periodical in behalf of BEsB cruelly oppressed, in which, to monstrous and swaggering eaapny, no proper use of the press jgHM made...
...Thus he has seized' upon whatever the country produces, monopolizing the cattle Industry and its derivatives, the mills, navigation, the manufacture of Roman cement, the exploitation of minerals,' woods, pearls, cigarettes, transport, etc.—all this to such a degree that a newspaper in San Jose, Costa Rica, edited by Venezuelan exiles, enumerating the number, extent and other particulars of the properties acquired by Gomes during hia dismal-dictatorship, establishes a total of much more than a thousand million bolivars...
...S. Roshinsky, D. Rauchbacb, gj*t Silver and Joseph Bottelbergh...
...the months a| September, (October and November, ¦gsiilinlliiil committees will - take ¦surge of this work in the various dlstHsts and, through the medium of shop jjst building meetings, distribution of ghrature and other methods, urge ¦bee not in the union to enroll...
...Headquarters is in Tokyo...
...4) The reduction" of armaments and the reorganisation on democratic lines of military and naval systems...
...Support is Asked : -iSk 0,6 name 01 tne martyred and '¦paced people of Venezuela, our orjfijhution begs you to give space in Mer periodical for their complaints, Sat we may thus secure the sympathy S^america...
...applauded as they are by a cohort of hired Journalists wheT >n b*> way reflect popular sentiment, because they confound, the issues and renounce aH dignity for the sake of the despot's favor...
...3) We are determined to overthrow the established political parties, which represent only the interests of the privileged classes and thoroughly to reform the Imperial Diet...
...Judge Orders Boss From Court-room...
...2) The establishment of the right of cultivating'land...
...4) The enactment of a system of insurance against unemployment, sickness, old sge and accident...
...jjdlng secretary, Herman Rosenjgffi trustees, Abraham Jacobson and «0T' Schachter...
...where often enough' he is Isppi to death...
...Administration Wins In Jewelry Union Communists Fail to Elect £ Single Candidate Definite Bitter Effort* J" OCAL NO...
...If you think you can go on doing such things I want to tell yon right now you had better go back and settle this strike...
...Jt>s< J^^^J^earTJ^ ^^Jg^^JJgJw^^^*^^^^^^ He's wcs»mp*ttaw*^ts — Toev'hsav leave this court room and boat ewer Judge Nova then went en to toft at* an attempt at the lass is to stamp the character after the-trial- had ¦one « whale day in an effort tegs&a, id litjfc Be bitterly characterized this move spd declared that "even the districts*, torney was disgusted with it...
...3) The removal of discrimination in the colonies on grounds of, racial difference...
...C) The payment by the National Treasury of all expenses In connection with compulsory and professional education...
...the two remaining1 Indhibneaf against Gordon, and Michael Glaner, p fellow union man...
...The court room was Jammed...
...Nothing but strike breaking guerrillas...
...The enactment of a minimum wage act...
...Gomez Robs Venezuela For Own Enrichment, Labor Union Reveals |m unbridled manner in which V Oom«, virtually dictator of Mfc;Tsoaauels, » plundering- the |apIth,of the country for the a|rgrandEjeat of himself and his cohorts, Is LSLaJsf i° ths following communica4-4 received by The New Leader from IST Venezuelan Labor Union...
...In Venezuela, domes disposes of the property of the natives quite aa he pleases...
Vol. 3 • August 1926 • No. 33